D. Fractions and Mixed Numbers On The Number Line
D. Fractions and Mixed Numbers On The Number Line
D. Fractions and Mixed Numbers On The Number Line
That's how we find the point corresponding to
≥ :
a. We divide the unit segment between 0 and 1 into 4 equal part.
The number of equal parts between 0 and 1 is the denominator.
0 1
b. Now we start at 0 and count 3 steps (equal parts).
We mark the point we have reached.
The number of equal parts between 0 and this point is the numerator.
c. The point we marked is the point corresponding to ≥ .
0 1
Use an appropriate partitioning card and mark the point corresponding to the
fraction. Write the fraction beside it as in the above example.
a. ±
µ 0 1
b. ≥
±∞ 0 1
Mark on the same line the number 2 as well.