Analog To Digital Converter ADC: Lecturer Mohand Lokman
Analog To Digital Converter ADC: Lecturer Mohand Lokman
Analog To Digital Converter ADC: Lecturer Mohand Lokman
Mohand Lokman
Most signals are
Need to Sample an analog
analog signal
Then convert to digital
by A/D converter
Figure 9.36 The process of periodically sampling an analog signal. (a) Sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit.
The switch closes for a small part (t seconds) of every clock period (T). (b) Input signal waveform. (c)
Sampling signal (control signal for the switch). (d)2Output signal (to be fed to A/D converter).
A/D converter
Converts analog signals into binary words
Analog Digital Conversion
2-Step Process:
Quantization Interval:
Vru Vrl
Time V
Quantization Error:
A/D Conversion Basics: Quantization
saturation error
Quantization error
A/D Conversion Basics: Resolution
• Related to input range, typically
• Lowest bit determines resolution
• Resolution: smallest analog change resulting from changing one
• Since the output of an A/D converter changes in discrete steps,
there is a resolution error (uncertainty), known as a
quantization error.
• The quantization error is ±0.5 LSB. In input units, this is
expressed as
Vru -Vrl
input resolution error 0.5 N volts
• For an 8-bit converter 2
Vru -Vrl
input resolutionerror 0.5 8
0.002(Vru -Vrl ) volts
• For a 12-bit converter
Vru -Vrl
input resolutionerror 0.5 12
0.0001(Vru -Vrl ) volts
Estimating digital output of DAC
• Example : a 4-bit ADC has input range of 0-10 volt. Calculate the digital
output for the input voltage of 6.115?
• Sol:
6.115 − 0 4
𝐷0 = 𝑖𝑛𝑡 2 = 𝑖𝑛𝑡 9.78 = 10
10 − 0
2’s complement ADC
• Example: a 12-bit ADC with 2’s complement output has an input range -
10 to +10. calculate the digital output when the input voltage is -11, -5,
0, 6.115 and 12 volt?
A/D Converter Types
• Flash ADC
• Digital ramp ADC
• Successive Approximation ADC
Flash Analog to Digital Converter
Fast – but more expensive :
Single cycle - Uses many Comparators in parallel with
different reference voltages
• 2N-1 comparators for N-bits
• Each reference voltage
equivalent to a quantization
level Digital
• Encoding logic produces
AD/DA (v.5b) 14
How Flash Works
• As the analog input voltage exceeds the reference voltage at each
comparator, the comparator outputs will sequentially saturate to a
high state.
• The priority encoder generates a binary number based on the
highest-order active input, ignoring all other active inputs.
Type 4 ADC : Flash ADC (cont’d)
AD/DA (v.5b) 16
Digital ramp ADC
• One of the simplest solution to solve the problem of flash ADC (the number of the comparators)
is to use digital-ramp ADC and this consist of DAC, binary counter and one comparator, see fig
Digital ramp ADC
• the clock to increment the counter one step at a time until VAX >=VA. It is called a digital-
ramp ADC because the wave form at VAX is a step-by-step ramp. The comparator output
serves as the active-LOW end-of conversion signal. the operation of ramp ADC proceeds
as follows
• 1. A START pulse is applied to reset the counter. The HIGH at START also inhibits clock
pulse form passing through the AND gate into the counter.
• 2. With all 0’s at its input, the DAC’s output will be VAX = 0V.
• 3. Since VA > VAX, the comparator output, EOC, will be HIGH.
• 4. When START returns LOW, the AND gate let the clock pulses get through to the
• 5. As the counter advances, VAX increases one step at a time.
• 6. This continues until VAX > VA. Then EOC will go LOW so that the counter will stop
• 7. The conversion process is now complete as signaled by the HIGH-to- LOW transition at
EOC, and the contents of the counter are the digital representation of VA.
Digital ramp ADC
Problem: Assume the 10-bit ramp ADC has the following values, clock
frequency = 1 MHz and with F.S. (full scale) output = 10.23 V.
a. The digital equivalent obtained for VA = 3.728 V.
b. The conversion time.
c. The resolution error of this converter.
a. D0=int(3.728/10.23)*2^10=373
d. Tc= 373*1/1M=373usec
c. Re=±.5*10.23/2^10=4.9mv
Digital ramp ADC
1. from this problem we realized that the conversion time depend on the steps that the counter should
count to reach the input voltage (the worst case, Va=Full scale).
2. Even that, it still the cheapest ADC
Successive-Approximation ADC
Successive-Approximation ADC
Successive-Approximation ADC (conversion