Network Topology Unit III
Network Topology Unit III
Network Topology Unit III
1. Graph:
Network graph is simply called as graph. It consists of a set of
nodes connected by branches. In graphs, a node is a common point
of two or more branches. Sometimes, only a single branch may
connect to the node. A branch is a line segment that connects two
Any electric circuit or network can be converted into its
equivalent graph by replacing the passive elements and voltage
sources with short circuits and the current sources with open
circuits. That means, the line segments in the graph represent the
branches corresponding to either passive elements or voltage
sources of electric circuit.
2. Types of Graphs
Following are the types of graphs:
Connected Graph
Unconnected Graph
Directed Graph
Undirected Graph
Connected Graph:
If there exists at least one branch between any of the two nodes of
a graph, then it is called as a connected graph. That means each
node in the connected graph will be having one or more branches
that are connected to it. So, no node will present as isolated or
The graph shown in the previous Example is a connected graph.
Here, all the nodes are connected by three branches.
Unconnected Graph:
If there exists at least one node in the graph that remains
unconnected by even single branch, then it is called as
an unconnected graph. So, there will be one or more isolated
nodes in an unconnected graph.
Consider the graph shown in the following figure.
Tree is a connected subgraph of a given graph, which contains all
the nodes of a graph. But, there should not be any loop in that
subgraph. The branches of a tree are called as twigs.
Consider the following connected subgraph of the graph, which is
shown in the Example of the beginning of this chapter.
This connected subgraph contains all the four nodes of the given
graph and there is no loop. Hence, it is a Tree.
This Tree has only three branches out of six branches of given
graph. If we consider even single branch except tree there will be a
loop in the above connected subgraph. Then, the resultant
connected subgraph will not be a Tree.
From the above Tree, we can conclude that the number of
branches that are present in a Tree should be equal to n - 1 where
‘n’ is the number of nodes of the given graph.
Co-Tree is a subgraph, which is formed with the branches that are
removed while forming a Tree. Hence, it is called
as Complement of a Tree. For every Tree, there will be a
corresponding Co-Tree and its branches are called as links or
chords. In general, the links are represented with dotted lines.
The Co-Tree corresponding to the above Tree is shown in the
following figure.
This Co-Tree has only three nodes instead of four nodes of the
given graph, because Node 4 is isolated from the above Co-Tree.
Therefore, the Co-Tree need not be a connected subgraph. This Co-
Tree has three branches and they form a loop.
The number of branches that are present in a co-tree will be equal
to the difference between the number of branches of a given graph
and the number of twigs. Mathematically, it can be written as
Where, 𝑙 = 𝑏 − (𝑛 − 1)
𝑙 =𝑏−𝑛+1
(a) An oriented Graph (b) One of it’s Tree (c) The Loops (tie
sets) of the Tree
There are only two fundamental loops as there are only two links as
explained below:
1. Loop-1: Has current I1 and is formed with Twigs-1&5 and Link-4
2. Loop-2: Has current I2 and is formed with Twigs-1,2&5 and
Tie set analysis:
Graph Tree
Number of branches, b = 8
Number of nodes, n= 5
or matrix. i. e.
e1 - e5 + e8 = 0
e2 + e5 – e6 = 0
e3 + e6 – e7 = 0
e4 + e7 – e8 = 0
where, Eb = is a column matrix of branch voltages of the order (bx1)
6. Cut-set:
It is that set of elements or branches of a graph that separates two
main parts of a network. If any branch of the cut-set is not removed
the network remains connected. The term cut-set is derived from
the property by which the network can be divided into two parts. A
cut-set is shown on a graph by a dashed line which passes through
the branches defining the cutest. A graph should have at least one
cutest though there can be more than one cut-set in any graph.
Fundamental cut-set:
A fundamental cut set of a graph with respect to a tree is a cut set
formed by one and only one twig and a set of links. Thus in a graph
,for each twig of a chosen tree ,there would be a fundamental cut-
set. For a graph having N nodes there will be (n-1) fundamental cut-
sets ( i.e. equal to the number of twigs). As a convention, the
orientation of cutest is so chosen that it coincides with the
orientation of it’s twig.
(a) An oriented Graph (b) One of it’s Tree (c) The cut-sets
of the Tree
Cutset Analysis:
Principle of Duality:
Duality: is the mutual relationship.
Consider a network containing R, L & C elements connected in series and
excited by a voltage source as shown.
If we observe both the equations, the solutions of these equations are the same.
Therefore, these two networks are called duals.
Procedure to draw a Dual Network:
Step 1: In each Loop of a given network place a node and place an extra node called
reference node outside the network
Step 2: Draw the lines connecting adjacent nodes passing through each element and
also to the reference node by placing the dual of each element in the line
passing through original elements.
Example: 1) Draw the dual of a network for given network shown in figure.