Pick Pack and Ship Using Shipping Public API
Pick Pack and Ship Using Shipping Public API
Pick Pack and Ship Using Shipping Public API
The shipping Public API’s (Application Program Interface) are pl/sql packages which when called
using wrapper files will perform the same actions possible from the Shipping applications UI.
The real time nature of the shipping API’s in Release 11i and R12 has provided options for the
customers to customize their shipping flows as per the business needs.
In order to call these API’s we only need to pass the required parameters. It is mandatory that
all the required parameters need to be initialized before they are passed to the called shipping
API. The optional parameters are optional and can be passed as additional information if
The parameters can also be classified as standard parameters and specific parameters.
Standard parameters are almost common to all the shipping API’s and the Specific Parameters
are specific to a particular shipping API and are discussed seperately for each of the API called in
the flow. These standard and specific parameters can be one of the madatory or option
We have created the following business flow to demonstrate the usage of various shipping
public API’s during Pick, Pack and Ship activities.
The diagram also shows the relevant shipping API’s used during each of these specific steps.
Standard Parameters:
3. p_commit: Will commit the changes to the database. The Default Value is
4. x_return_status: Requests that the API return the status of the data after it completes
its function.
6. x_msg_data: Returns error message text. If the x_msg_count is equal to 1, then this
contains the actual message.
Its necessary that the application context need to be set before making a call to the shipping
API’s from sql*plus.
This is done by calling FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE() procedure in the beginning of the
wrapper file.
The procedure APPS_INITIALIZE takes the following parameters
resp_id IN number,
resp_appl_id IN number,
security_group_id IN number);
You can obtain the valid values for each of these parameters from the application forms session.
1. Arguments (input)
Each of the steps created in the flow are discussed in detail under the following headings.
Book order:
Create an Order from order management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility
with the following details
As a next step to booking, a new delivery needs to be created. In order to create a new delivery
we need to call the shipping API “WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Create_update_delivery” by passing
the required and optional parameter values.
Specific parameters:
The sample script attached here can be used to create a new delivery.
(Please note it is necessary to make the changes suggested in these scripts for them to work
correctly in your application environment)
Assign delivery detail to delivery:
The delivery detail can be assigned to the newly created delivery by using the public API
“WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_PUB. Detail_to_Delivery”.
Specific Parameters:
The sample script attached here can be used to assign the delivery detail to the newly created
Pick Release:
Refer to the attached PICK_RELEASE.sql sample script which will pick releases lines for a given
Select move_order_line_id,organization_id,delivery_detail_id
From wsh_delivery_details
Where delivery_detail_id=p_delivery_detail_id
Manual Pack:
1. Creation of LPN’s:
LPN creation is done using the public API “WSH_CONTAINER_PUB. Create_Container”
Specific Parameters:
p_container_item_id => Key flexfield Id for the container
p_organization_id => Organization ID for the container.
p_quantity => Number of containers created
p_container_name => Container name if creating just one container
x_container_ids => Table of the newly created container IDs of type
WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE, which is a table of
type number indexed by binary integers
Refer to the attached CREATE_CONTAINER.sql sample script, which will enable the creation of
LPN Created
2. Perform Manual Pack operation using the LPN created previously
In order to pack the delivery detail line item using the LPN created previously, we can use
the public API “WSH_CONTAINER_PUB.Container_Actions”.
Specific Parameters:
p_container_name => Name of the container
p_action_code => Action code ‘PACK’
p_detail_tab => Delivery detail to be packed. Input table of delivery detail ids of
type WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE, which is a table of
type Number indexed by binary integers.
Refer to the attached MANUAL_PACK.sql sample script, which will enable the packing action on
the created LPN’s.
Packing completed. LPN (CT-13) is displayed in the Parent LPN field of the delivery detail
We can unpack the packed delivery line by making call to the container public API
Specific Parameters:
p_container_name=> Name of the container
p_action_code => Action code ‘UNPACK’
p_detail_tab => Delivery detail to be unpacked. Input table of delivery detail ids of type
WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE which is a table of type Number
indexed by binary integers.
The delivery detail for the LPN line, which was unpacked, previously needs to be unassigned
from the delivery.
The Auto-Pack Master behaves very much similar to Auto-Pack except that it goes one step
further and packs the created “detail” containers into one or more “parent (master)”
The parameter “p_pack_cont_flag” set to ‘Y’ or ‘N’ will decide whether to autopack the detail
containers that are created into parent containers.
For Autopack master option, set this parameter to ‘Y’
Specific Parameters:
P_entity_tab => Table of ids of either lines or containers or deliveries that need to
be autopacked of type WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE
which is a table of type Number indexed by binary integers.
P_entity_type => Type of entity id contained in the entity_tab that needs to be
autopacked ('L' - lines, 'C' -containers or 'D' - deliveries).
P_group_id_tab => Table of ids (numbers that determine the grouping of lines for
packing into containers) of type
WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE which is a table of type
Number indexed by binary integers.
P_pack_cont_flag=> A 'Y' or 'N' value to determine whether to autopack the detail
containers that are created into parent containers.
X_cont_inst_tab => Table of container IDs created during the autopacking process of
Autopack completed. The item being shipped is packed in LPN – 251 and the LPN – 251 is further
packed on to Master LPN – 252 (shown under Parent LPN field)
Specific Parameters:
p_changed_attributes=>Attributes of ChangedAttributesTabType that are to be updated.
p_source_code => Code for source system which updates wsh_delivery_details table(always
set to OE)
In order to specify in your logic about backorder or staged quantities you can use the
following logic
• Ship Confirm can only be performed on Deliveries with Delivery Lines that have been Pick
• Ship confirming a delivery records the results of the picking process. These results could be
shipped, backordered, staged or cycle count or a combination of all 4.
• The workflow activity will be completed when the quantity picked is recorded as “Shipped”.
• If the ordered item is set up with the item attribute “Shippable” checked, Ship Confirming is a
prerequisite for Invoicing.
Shipped Quantities:
• Once the delivery is closed the Order Line is updated with the shipped quantities and the
status of the line is changed to “Shipped”. This enables the order line to proceed to its next
workflow activity.
• The Ship Confirm transaction initiates the Inventory Interface to generate the “Issue of Stores”
transactions which will decrement inventory and remove the material reservation. Then the OM
interfaces is initiated to update the Sales Order Line with Shipped quantities, freight charges,
• The Cost of goods sold account number that is passed to inventory is workflow generated. In
Inventory it creates a Material Distribution record that is ultimately passed to the General
• If Ship confirm is partial the remaining quantity can be either staged or backordered.
Backordered Quantities:
• Backordered quantities are left in the Staging Subinventory. They are not automatically
returned to their source location.
• A new pick release will be required before they can be ship confirmed.
• The backordered quantity is removed from the delivery being Ship Confirmed.and the
reservation is removed making the quantity available to ATP.
• The Sales Order line splits into shipment schedules. One schedule will have the quantity that
was shipped and a status of “Shipped”. The other schedule will have the quantity that was
backordered and a status of “Awaiting Shipment”.
Staged Quantities:
• Staged quantities are left in the Staging subinventory and can be Ship Confirmed at a later
time. The staged quantity is removed from the delivery being confirmed and optionally linked to
a new delivery number.
• The Sales Order line splits into shipment schedules. One schedule will have the quantity that
was shipped and a status of “Shipped”. The other schedule will have the quantity that remained
Staged with a status of “Picked”.
Different Delivery Line Statuses:
select * from wsh_lookups
where lookup_type = 'PICK_STATUS'
- Staged (Code Y)
The delivery line is pick confirmed; inventory is transferred from storage subinventory to staging
subinventory. It remains staged until ship confirm.
- Backordered (Code B)
Any of the following circumstances occurs: Pick release has processed the delivery line and
cannot find the entire quantity. This typically occurs when the Oracle Inventory inventory
balance indicates that there is not enough material (either because there is not enough material
or because the inventory balance is incorrect).
At ship confirm, you: Enter Shipped Quantity that is less than Original Requested Quantity
Backorder the entire delivery quantity Transfer a reservation to cycle count. This typically occurs
when the material that you want to ship: Has become unavailable, for example, damaged,
between picking and shipping. Is available and you backorder material for specific business
reasons. For example, all available material has been allocated to a specific customer when you
find out additional supply for other orders will be delayed. For information on the backorder
processing in pick release and ship confirm,
- Shipped (Code C)
The delivery line’s delivery is ship confirmed and posted as intransit, OM Interface and Inventory
Interface have processed, and the trip is closed.
- Cancelled (Code D)
The order line that the delivery line supports is cancelled.
We can call “WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB.Delivery_Action” API in order to ship confirm the delivery
Specific Parameters:
p_action_code(Required) => action to be performed on Delivery
p_delivery_id (Required) => delivery id on which the action is performed
p_trip_name => Trip identifier for assignment of trip to delivery
p_asg_pickup_loc_code => Stop location code for pickup assignment
p_asg_pickup_dep_date => Stop location departure date for pickup assignment
p_asg_dropoff_loc_code=> Stop location code for dropoff assignment
p_asg_dropoff_dep_date=> Stop location departure date for dropoff assignment
p_sc_action_flag => Ship Confirm option - S, B, T, A, C. Used p_sc_intransit_flag =>
Ship Confirm set in-transit flag.
p_sc_close_trip_flag => Ship Confirm close trip flag.
p_sc_create_bol_flag => Ship Confirm create Bill of Lading flag
p_sc_stage_del_flag => Ship Confirm create delivery for stage quantity flag
p_sc_trip_ship_method => Ship Confirm trip ship method.
p_wv_override_flag => Override flag for weight volume calculations.
x_trip_name => Name of autocreated trip.
In some cases , calls to these API’s may not be successful. In such cases calling the shipping
debugger package(WHS_DEBUG_SV) in the wrapper file will result in the creation of a detailed
debug log file based on the various debug profiles setup for shipping module .
The steps given below will show the step by step approach to generate debug log file during the
call to Shipping Public API’s.
1. Add the following lines into the Wrapper file before making a call to the shipping
We are trying to create a delivery and have ensured that the organization passed is not valid.
The wrapper file has been embedded with lines calling the Shipping Debugger. The Debug file
generated in this case has the relevant debug messages.
Refer to the sample wrapper file with enabled debugging and the debug log file
generated as a result of passing invalid organization id.
CREATE_DELIVERY_ R3_10370163.dbg
Metalink References:
Note 124593.1 Containerization in Shipping Execution.
Note 290432.1 How to Create a Debug File in Shipping Execution
oe_order_headers_all 1 record created in header table
oe_order_lines_all Lines for particular records
oe_price_adjustments When discount gets applied
oe_order_price_attribs If line has price attributes then populated
oe_order_holds_all If any hold applied for order like credit check etc.
oe_order_headers_all Booked_flag=Y Order booked.
wsh_delivery_details Released_status Ready to release
Pick Released
wsh_delivery_details Released_status=Y Released to Warehouse (Line has been released to
Inventory for processing)
wsh_picking_batches After batch is created for pick release.
mtl_reservations This is only soft reservations. No physical movement of stock
Full Transaction
mtl_material_transactions No records in mtl_material_transactions
wsh_delivery_details Released to warehouse.
wsh_new_deliveries if Auto-Create is Yes then data populated.
wsh_delivery_assignments deliveries get assigned
Pick Confirmed
wsh_delivery_details Released_status=Y Hard Reservations. Picked the stock. Physical
movement of stock
Ship Confirmed