Neuropsychologia: Kristina Dahlgren, Charles Ferris, Stephan Hamann
Neuropsychologia: Kristina Dahlgren, Charles Ferris, Stephan Hamann
Neuropsychologia: Kristina Dahlgren, Charles Ferris, Stephan Hamann
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Keywords: Episodic memory for emotional events is typically enhanced and engages additional brain mechanisms relative to
Neuroimaging episodic memory for neutral events. Many functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have probed
Episodic memory the neural basis of this emotional enhancement effect on encoding processes, while relatively fewer studies have
examined retrieval. Neuroimaging meta-analysis methods can summarize the brain regions associated with
emotional episodic memory that are consistently activated across multiple studies. A previous ALE (Activation
Amygdala Likelihood Estimation) meta-analysis identified consistent activations associated with successful encoding of
episodic emotional memory in the amygdala, hippocampus, and in multiple neocortical regions (Murty et al.,
2010). However, since that study, meta-analysis methods have improved, and many new relevant neuroimaging
studies have been published. Moreover, although qualitative reviews have summarized brain activations related
to the successful retrieval of emotional episodic memory, no corresponding quantitative meta-analyses have yet
been reported. Here we conducted neuroimaging meta-analyses of successful emotional memory encoding and
rretrieval using Seed-based d Mapping (SDM). Relevant neuroimaging studies reporting whole-brain fMRI cor
relates of successful encoding and retrieval of emotional episodic memory were selected for analysis. For suc
cessful emotional memory encoding, SDM activations were found bilaterally in the medial temporal lobe
(amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex, and parahippocampal cortex), bilaterally in visual
processing regions (middle temporal, gyrus, fusiform gyrus and occipital cortex) and bilaterally in the temporal
pole, orbitofrontal cortex, insula, putamen, and the inferior and middle temporal gyri. In contrast to the prior
meta-analysis, SDM activations were not observed in the inferior frontal gyrus or in parietal regions. For suc
cessful emotional episodic memory retrieval, SDM activations were observed in the medial temporal lobe
(bilateral amygdala, left hippocampus, and left entorhinal cortex and perirhinal cortex), visual processing re
gions (bilateral occipital cortex and right middle temporal gyrus), prefrontal cortex (bilateral orbitofrontal
cortex, bilateral inferior frontal gyrus, bilateral precentral gyrus, left middle frontal gyrus, right frontal pole) and
other regions in the left hemisphere including the temporal pole, insula, putamen, angular gyrus, and parietal
opercular cortex. Considerable overlap was observed between the encoding and retrieval meta-analysis maps in
the medial temporal lobe (bilateral amygdala, left hippocampus, entorhinal, and perirhinal cortex), visual pro
cessing regions (bilateral occipital cortex, right middle temporal gyrus), and other regions including the left
orbitofrontal cortex, left insula, left putamen, left pallidum, and left temporal pole. The current findings add to
current understanding of the role of the amygdala, hippocampus, and neocortical regions in the successful
encoding and retrieval of emotional episodic memory, clarify and provide an important summary of the current
literature in this area, and have implications for current theories of emotional episodic memory encoding and
1. Introduction of past events that are associated with a specific time and place, as
distinct from semantic memory (memory for factual knowledge)
Episodic memory, as defined by Tulving (1983, 2002) refers to a (Tulving, 1985). The definition of episodic memory has subsequently
neurocognitive memory system that enables the conscious remembering been elaborated and expanded to include key psychological components
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Hamann).
Received 24 October 2019; Received in revised form 7 May 2020; Accepted 8 May 2020
Available online 13 May 2020
0028-3932/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
such as autonoetic awareness (i.e., awareness during memory retrieval influence of emotion also can continue after encoding to affect consol
that the memory is from a time in one’s own past) and characterization idation processes (Cahill and McGaugh, 1998; Hamann, 2001;
of the brain regions and processes associated with episodic memory McGaugh, 2004 Tambini et al., 2010). By contrast, the indirect, pre
encoding and retrieval (Tulving, 2002). The critical importance of frontally mediated route involves top-down interactions that modulate
episodic memory is vividly illustrated by the severe deficits exhibited by activity in regions mediating attention, semantic elaboration, and other
patients with amnesia (Eichenbaum et al., 2007; Hamann and Squire, cognitive processes known to enhance episodic memory (Dolcos, Kat
1995; Squire, 2004; Squire et al., 2007). sumi, Denkova, Weymar and Dolcos, 2017a; Dolcos et al., 2017b; Ken
The brain basis for episodic memory has been investigated using a singer and Corkin, 2004). The relative contribution of each route to
wide range of neuroscience methods including neuropsychological le memory enhancement appears to depend on many factors including the
sions, electrophysiological methods such as event related potentials intensity of emotional arousal at encoding, the emotional valence of the
(ERP) and magnetoencephalography (MEG), and structural and func stimuli, and whether attention is divided at encoding (Bowen et al.,
tional neuroimaging methods such as positron emission tomography 2018; Dolcos et al., 2017a,b; Talmi, 2013).
(PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Addis et al., A large number of neuroimaging studies have investigated emotional
2015; Moscovitch et al., 2016; Tulving and Craik, 2005). Much of cur episodic memory encoding and retrieval in recent years, providing
rent knowledge of the brain basis of episodic memory in humans is based important insights into the brain basis of emotional episodic memory
on the findings of event-related fMRI studies that investigated the neural (Dolcos et al., 2017a,b; Hamann, 2001; Kensinger and Schacter, 2008a;
correlates of successful encoding and retrieval. For example, to identify LaBar and Cabeza, 2006). Synthesizing and integrating the findings of
activity at encoding related to successful subsequent memory, the sub these studies has been challenging for many reasons, however. Differ
sequent memory paradigm (Paller and Wagner, 2002) assesses ences across studies in tasks, stimuli, and generally low statistical power
event-related activity that is related to successful retrieval on a subse for individual studies all complicate efforts to summarize findings.
quent test (encoding success activity; ESA) by back-sorting items pre While qualitative, narrative reviews can be informative, quantitative
sented at encoding into those that are subsequently remembered (hits) meta-analyses allow the results of multiple studies to be pooled and
vs. those that are forgotten (misses) and taking the difference (activity analyzed using a rigorous statistical framework that can identify regions
for subsequently remembered minus forgotten items). This procedure of consistent activations associated with a construct such as emotional
yields a statistical map reflecting brain areas where event-related episodic memory (Albajes-Eizagirre and Radua, 2018; Eickhoff et al.,
(transient) activity predicts successful encoding. A similar procedure 2012; Müller et al., 2018; Radua and Mataix-Cols, 2012; Wager et al.,
can be used to identify retrieval success activity (RSA) by contrasting 2007).
item-specific fMRI activity for successful vs. unsuccessful memory Coordinate based meta-analysis (CBMA) methods such as Activation
retrieval trials (e.g., recognition hits minus misses). These contrasts are Likelihood Estimation (ALE) and Seed-based d Mapping (SDM), among
commonly referred to as difference in memory contrasts or DM con others, are widely used quantitative neuroimaging meta-analytic
trasts. Qualitative reviews and quantitative meta-analyses have sum methods (Albajes-Eizagirre and Radua, 2018; Costafreda et al., 2009;
marized the brain regions that are most commonly recruited during Eickhoff et al., 2009; Eickhoff et al., 2012; 2016; Kang et al., 2011; Kang
successful encoding and retrieval of episodic memory. In addition to the et al., 2014; Laird et al., 2005;Montagna et al., 2018; Radua et al., 2012,
hippocampus and other medial temporal lobe regions, successful 2014; Radua and Mataix-Cols, 2009, 2012; Tench et al., 2017; Turkel
encoding and retrieval recruit multiple prefrontal, parietal, and occipital taub et al., 2012; Wager et al., 2007; Yue et al., 2012). These CBMA
regions (Benoit and Schacter, 2015; Habib et al., 2003; McDermott et al., methods perform statistical tests on activation foci coordinates reported
2009; Spaniol et al., 2009). in individual neuroimaging studies, thereby identifying brain regions
Emotion can strongly influence multiple aspects of cognition, that are consistently activated across studies and producing a
including episodic memory encoding and retrieval. One of the most whole-brain summary of activations associated with a construct of in
salient and extensively studied effects of emotion is the emotional terest. These quantitative meta-analytic approaches have many advan
enhancement of memory effect: episodic memory for emotionally arousing tages over qualitative reviews and provide a relatively unbiased method
stimuli and events is typically stronger, more resistant to forgetting, and of synthesizing results that retains much of the spatial information of the
more vivid relative to memory for comparable neutral stimuli and events original neuroimaging studies.
(Hamann, 2001; Kensinger, 2004; Kensinger and Schacter, 2008a; LaBar Murty et al. (2010) conducted the first ALE meta-analysis identifying
and Cabeza, 2006; Phelps and Sharot, 2008). The memory-enhancing the brain regions that are consistently activated across studies of suc
effects of emotional arousal can also carry over to enhance memory cessful emotional episodic memory encoding. Their results were
for neutral stimuli experienced either a short time before or after generally in agreement with predictions based on the two main routes
emotionally arousing events (Dunsmoor et al., 2015; Tambini et al., for emotional memory enhancement, the direct amygdala-mediated
2010). Although episodic memory associated with emotion shares many route and the indirect, prefrontally mediated route. Consistent with
broad similarities with ordinary, non-emotional episodic memory, the amygdala-mediated modulation route, they reported ALE clusters in
considerable evidence from lesion studies and neuroimaging studies the bilateral amygdala, anterior hippocampus, the parahippocampal
supports the view that emotional episodic memory involves special gyrus, and parts of the ventral visual stream. In line with the prefrontally
brain mechanisms that can enhance memory (Hamann, 2001; LaBar and mediated route, they also reported ALE clusters in several prefrontal and
Cabeza, 2006; Phelps, 2004). This emotional enhancement occurs for parietal regions. This influential meta-analysis helped to summarize and
both positive (pleasant) and negative (unpleasant) episodic memory clarify the empirical support for theoretical accounts of emotional
(Bowen et al., 2018; Dolcos et al., 2004; Hamann, 2009). episodic memory and has been widely cited. However, since this pre
Although there are many theoretical accounts of emotional episodic vious meta-analysis of successful emotional memory encoding (Murty
memory effects, most theoretical accounts distinguish between two et al., 2010) was published, nearly ten years of new neuroimaging
main mechanisms of emotional enhancement of memory: an amygdala- studies examining emotional memory have been published and limita
mediated direct route in which the amygdala has a direct enhancing role tions of the ALE methodology used by Murty et al. (2010) have subse
and an indirect route that involves top-down enhancement of memory via quently been identified and resolved in newer meta-analytic methods.
primarily prefrontally mediated mechanisms. In the amygdala-mediated Two critical problems have been identified in the ALE methodology
route, the amygdala modulates and enhances activity related to memory used by Murty et al. (2010). One important problem is that it tested for
encoding in the medial temporal lobe and in perceptual regions such as convergence of findings (i.e., the probability that reported findings in
visual cortex (Bowen et al., 2018; Kark and Kensinger, 2019; LaBar and surrounding voxels are greater than chance compared to permutations
Cabeza, 2006; Todd et al., 2012). This amygdala-mediated enhancing of random distributions of peaks) rather than testing against the null at
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
the voxel level (Albajes-Eizagirre and Radua, 2018; Laird et al., 2005). episodic memory. In line with past empirical studies and qualitative
This method of testing for convergence has been criticized as problem reviews (Dolcos et al., 2017a,b; Hamann, 2001; Kensinger and Corkin,
atic because it relies on assumptions of spatial independence of activa 2004; LaBar and Cabeza, 2006), for emotional memory encoding we
tion that are often violated in spatially correlated fMRI neuroimaging expected to find SDM activation associated with the direct
data (e.g., local peaks within the same cluster or region are not randomly amygdala-mediated route, which has been proposed to include the
distributed in the brain and peaks are more likely to be located in grey amygdala, the hippocampus and its closely interconnected neocortical
matter rather than white matter or CSF) (Albajes-Eizagirre and Radua, regions in the parahippocampal gyrus, and the ventral visual stream
2018; Albajes-Eizagirre et al., 2019). Another important issue with the (Eichenbaum et al., 2007; Moscovitch et al., 2016; Squire et al., 2007).
previous ALE methodology is the use of the false discovery rate (FDR) Given the importance of the prefrontal cortex in the prefrontally medi
method to correct for multiple comparisons. Recent theoretical work has ated indirect route, we expected to observe clusters of consistent acti
established that FDR correction for multiple comparisons in ALE vations in this region, as well as in other neocortical regions that have
meta-analyses relies on assumptions of spatial independence that are been associated with this indirect route, such as the parietal cortex
violated in spatially correlated neuroimaging data containing clusters of (Dolcos et al., 2017a,b).
activation, with the net effect of not adequately controlling the false Because our inclusion criteria were broadly similar to that used by
positive rate and increasing the chance of spurious findings (Chumbley Murty et al. (2010) (with a few important differences, discussed below)
and Friston, 2009; Eickhoff et al., 2012, 2016). and included some overlapping studies, we expected that some of the
Seed-based d Mapping Permutation of Subject Images (SDM-PSI) major results of this previous study would likely also be found in the
(, the method used in the current study, current study. However, we also expected that the inclusion of addi
has resolved these issues and added additional important features not tional studies and use of the SDM meta-analysis method would poten
currently implemented in ALE (Albajes-Eizagirre et al., 2019; Eickhoff tially reveal additional, novel regions of consistent activation not
et al., 2012, 2016). First, to address issues of spatial non-independence, previously reported. Alternately, previously reported regions may not be
SDM incorporates information about differences in effect size and the robust to these changes and may disappear, particularly those that were
spatial correlations of different brain tissue types. Second, SDM conducts smaller and based on fewer studies.
permutation testing at the subject level that allows for voxel-wise tests of The second goal was to determine what brain regions are consis
statistical significance (Albajes-Eizagirre et al., 2019). These features tently associated with the successful retrieval of emotional episodic
result in improved control of false positives and increased reliability memory. Individual neuroimaging studies and qualitative reviews have
compared to ALE, especially when the number of studies included in the suggested that several brain regions have a greater role in memory
meta-analysis is less than 35, as is the case for the current meta-analysis retrieval for emotional episodic memory, including the amygdala, pre
(Bossier et al., 2018). Third, SDM uses voxel-wise significance testing frontal cortex, and visual processing regions (Bowen et al., 2018;
combined with threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE, a method Buchanan, 2007; Dolcos, 2005; Dolcos et al., 2017a,b; Kensinger, 2004;
which simulates cluster-wise effects by enhancing voxel-wise statistical Kensinger and Ford, 2020). In addition, in line with the principle of
values for voxels which are close together) to adequately control for transfer-appropriate processing, the recapitulation hypothesis stipulates
multiple comparisons while avoiding the use of arbitrary cluster size that memory retrieval engages cognitive processes similar to those that
thresholds (Albajes-Eizagirre et al., 2019; Smith and Nichols, 2009). A are present during encoding, and that the extent of reinstatement of
major consequence of this statistical method is that it can detect sub these processes determines the likelihood of retrieval success (Bowen
stantially smaller regions of activation (as small as single activated et al., 2018; Buchanan, 2007; Damasio, 1989; Rugg et al., 2008; Wheeler
voxels), relative to cluster-based thresholding methods. et al., 2000). Thus, to the extent that emotional memory encoding
In light of these issues, there is a compelling rationale for updating processes are recapitulated during emotional memory retrieval, then
current meta-analytic knowledge regarding the brain correlates of consistent activations in regions involved in emotion processing, mem
emotional episodic memory. Specifically, to address this key gap in the ory formation, attention, perception, and semantic processing during
literature, we conducted an SDM meta-analysis examining a signifi successful encoding would also be expected to be observed during
cantly larger set of fMRI studies of emotional memory encoding, using retrieval. That is, we expected to observe significant overlap between
the most recent SDM-PSI algorithm combined with the currently rec the brain correlates of successful encoding and retrieval. On the other
ommended method of correcting for multiple comparisons, family wise hand, we also expected retrieval-specific activations, since memory
error (FWE) corrections and threshold-free cluster enhancement (Alba retrieval also engages several unique processes such as memory access,
jes-Eizagirre et al., 2019; Smith and Nichols, 2009). retrieval monitoring, selection, and subjective aspects such as recollec
Neuroimaging studies have also examined the neural correlates of tion, familiarity, and confidence (Buchanan, 2007; Henson, 2005;
successful emotional episodic memory retrieval, for example, by con Skinner and Fernandes, 2007). To address these two goals, we used the
trasting event-related activity during recognition hits (successful SDM meta-analysis approach to identify consistent activations across
retrieval) with recognition misses (unsuccessful retrieval) for emotional neuroimaging studies of emotional episodic memory encoding and
stimuli. The neural correlates related to successful retrieval have retrieval.
received significantly less attention than corresponding processes asso
ciated with encoding, however, and until recently this has precluded the 2. Methods
application of neuroimaging meta-analysis techniques such as SDM to
summarize findings across studies. Accordingly, retrieval studies have so Before augmenting the set of neuroimaging papers with papers that
far only been reviewed in a qualitative manner (Bowen et al., 2018; were published after the period included in the previous meta-analysis
Buchanan, 2007; Dolcos et al., 2017a,b; Kensinger and Ford, 2020). (Murty et al., 2010), we first re-evaluated the papers included in that
Because a sufficient number of retrieval studies of successful emotional study to verify that they met our inclusion criteria. Of the 15 papers
episodic memory retrieval now exist to apply the SDM analysis method, identified by Murty et al. (2010), we excluded four as a result of stricter
in addition to our meta-analysis of successful encoding, we conducted a application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria (see Supplementary
related meta-analysis for emotional episodic memory retrieval. To our Note for details). In addition to these four papers, one paper that had
knowledge this is the first such coordinate based meta-analysis of brain been referenced incorrectly in the previous meta-analysis, (Kensinger
activation related to successful emotional episodic memory retrieval. and Schacter, 2005b), was included in the current study with the correct
In summary, the current meta-analysis had two main goals. The first reference (Kensinger and Schacter, 2005a). Additionally, one paper that
goal was to update current understanding of what brain regions are was listed by Murty et al. (2010) as only reporting activations in the
consistently activated during the successful encoding of emotional medial temporal lobe was included because this study did in fact report
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
whole brain coordinates (Kensinger and Schacter, 2006a). sample, all appropriate contrasts from all relevant papers were com
Next, to identify additional papers examining the successful encod bined into a single contrast. If a study reported more than one emotional
ing of emotional episodic memories, we conducted a literature search memory-related contrast from the same sample population, contrasts
using PubMed in December 2018. The PubMed search for emotional were combined into a single pooled study/contrast. If a more general
memory encoding used the following search term: (emotion OR combined contrast was also available, then the more general contrast
emotional OR affective OR arousal OR valence) AND (memory OR was included instead.
recognition) AND (encoding OR encode OR encoded) AND fMRI. This
search of emotional memory encoding papers yielded 526 results. 2.1.3. Stimuli
To identify papers for the meta-analysis of successful episodic Studies were included if they presented emotional stimuli (positive
memory retrieval, we used the following search term in PubMed: and/or negative) either alone or paired with another stimulus of either
(emotion OR emotional OR affective OR arousal OR valence) AND emotional or neutral valence. Individual stimuli were either words,
(memory OR recognition) AND (retrieve OR retrieval OR retrieved) AND objects, faces, scenes, scrambled scenes, or line drawings of scenes.
fMRI. This search of emotional memory retrieval papers yielded 419 Alternately, studies were also included if they included neutral stimuli
results. For completeness, we also conducted reverse citation searches (objects, words, or scenes) that were paired with (or placed on) a neutral
using Google Scholar on review articles that focused on emotional or emotional background or context (objects, faces, scenes, sentences,
memory encoding and/or retrieval. These review papers included the sounds). Because we were interested in the enhancing effect, rather than
following: Bennion et al. (2013); Bowen et al. (2018); Buchanan (2007); the impairing effects of emotion on memory, one study that presented
Dolcos et al. (2017a),b; Hamann (2001). Finally, we also received the emotional or neutral objects on neutral backgrounds and only tested
coordinates of the activation maxima from two additional papers memory for the neutral background was excluded (Bennion et al., 2017),
directly from the first authors via email (Bowen and Kensinger, 2017; because memory for neutral backgrounds is typically impaired when
Kark and Kensinger, 2019), as the published papers did not report the emotional stimuli are presented concurrently at study (Buchanan and
contrasts and associated activation maxima coordinates required to Adolphs, 2002; Reisberg and Heuer, 2004).
assess the neural correlates of successful emotional episodic memory
encoding and retrieval separately (i.e., these two papers reported reca 2.1.4. Memory tasks
pitulation contrasts that combined both encoding and retrieval). Encoding Tasks: Studies that used incidental or intentional encoding
tasks were included. The encoding tasks for included studies involved
2.1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria either the presentation of single stimuli, or alternately, the presentation
of two stimuli (either simultaneously or successively). Retrieval tasks:
Papers identified in the database searches were next examined to Studies that used item or associative recognition tasks, recall tasks, or
determine whether they met criteria for inclusion in our meta-analysis. source memory tasks were included. Excluded tasks: Data from
Our criteria were specified with respect to the neuroimaging method emotional memory encoding and retrieval tasks were excluded if the
used, the sample population included, the types of stimuli presented, the contrasts involved any of the following additional components: auto
types of memory tasks used, the contrasts of interest assessed, whether biographical memory, emotion regulation, fear conditioning, reward
whole brain coordinates for activation maxima were reported, and and appetitive learning, self-referential processing, or personality trait
whether behavioral results were reported. Detailed descriptions of these associations.
criteria are described below.
2.1.5. Contrasts of interest
2.1.1. Neuroimaging method Encoding studies: To be included, studies were required to include
To be included, a study was required to be an event-related fMRI activation contrasts comparing successful episodic encoding of
study using the subsequent memory paradigm (Paller and Wagner, emotional stimuli to successful encoding of neutral stimuli, or successful
2002). Positron emission tomography (PET) neuroimaging studies were encoding of emotional stimuli to unsuccessful encoding of emotional
excluded because these studies use block designs that do not allow for stimuli. This included studies with any of the following possible con
the examination of neural activity related to successful encoding or trasts: (emotional subsequent hits – emotional subsequent misses) >
retrieval for individual trials (Dolcos et al., 2017a,b; Henson, 2005; (neutral subsequent hits –neutral subsequent misses) also referred to as
Murty et al., 2010). In addition, included studies needed to report the (emotional DM > neutral DM) (DM; difference in memory), emotional
results of voxel-wise univariate neuroimaging activation analyses. subsequent hits > neutral subsequent hits, or emotional subsequent hits
Functional connectivity and multivariate results (e.g., partial > emotional subsequent misses (also referred to as emotional DM).
least-squares analyses) were excluded because their results are qualita Additionally, we included studies that first contrasted responses to
tively different from univariate activation analyses as they assess con emotional vs. neutral stimuli and then assessed differences in subse
nectivity and spatially distributed patterns rather than the voxel-wise quent memory using a parametric regressor (Pais-Vieira et al., 2016) or
activation data required for SDM analyses. studies that first contrasted differences in memory (i.e., the DM effect)
and then assessed the effect of emotion using a parametric regressor
2.1.2. Sample population (Cahill, 2004). In cases where results for more than one contrast
Only studies that reported data from healthy young adult pop assessing emotional DM effects were available, the (emotional DM >
ulations were included. Studies that compared healthy young adult neutral DM) was selected for inclusion.
populations to other populations were included only if data from the Retrieval studies: To be included, studies were required to include
healthy young adult population was reported separately. Studies that activation contrasts comparing successful retrieval of emotional items to
manipulated factors related to memory strength (i.e., sleep, hormonal, successful retrieval of neutral items, successful retrieval of neutral items
or pharmacological manipulations) were included if the control condi paired with an emotional context to successful retrieval of neutral items
tion or placebo group results were reported separately. paired with a neutral context, successful retrieval of emotional items to
To minimize the potential that within-group effects (non-indepen unsuccessful retrieval of emotional items, or successful retrieval of
dent sampling from the same group of subjects) could influence the re neutral items paired with an emotional context to unsuccessful retrieval
sults of the meta-analyses, we followed current meta-analysis guidelines of neutral items paired with an emotional context. This included studies
regarding the inclusion of multiple contrasts or studies originating from with the following possible contrasts: (emotional hits – emotional mis
the same sample (Alegria et al., 2016; Müller et al., 2018; Norman et al., ses) > (neutral hits – neutral misses) also referred to as (emotional DM >
2016). When one or more fMRI studies were conducted using the same neutral DM), emotional hits > neutral hits, and emotional hits >
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
emotional misses (also referred to as emotional DM). In cases where excluded. Studies that used masking procedures that had the effect of
more than one contrast was available, the (emotional DM > neutral DM) restricting the whole brain results to less than the whole brain, for
was the preferred contrast. example, by masking the results to include only the ventral affective
Valence-specific contrasts: The main goal of this meta-analysis was to network and dorsal executive networks (Dolcos et al., 2013), were
identify brain regions that are consistently activated across studies. excluded. All included studies reported activation coordinates in stan
Because there were not enough studies to conduct a sufficiently powered dard stereotactic space (either Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI)
meta-analysis comparing studies of negative and positive emotional (Evans et al., 1993) or Talairach (Talairach and Tournoux, 1988).
memory, for our main analysis, we combined results across studies of
positive and negative emotional episodic memory. To minimize non- 2.1.7. Behavioral testing
independent sampling related to inclusion of multiple contrasts from Studies were included only if they also reported the results from
the same sample, we followed best practice guidelines (Alegria et al., behavioral tests assessing episodic memory performance.
2016; Müller et al., 2018; Norman et al., 2016). If a study reported
encoding or retrieval success-related contrasts separately for both pos 2.1.8. Description of included papers
itive and negative stimuli, then both the positive and negative successful Following application of these selection criteria, the final set of pa
memory contrasts were included and pooled into a combined memory pers was as follows. For studies of successful encoding of emotional
contrast. If a study also reported a combined contrast that included both episodic memory, 25 papers consisting of 32 contrasts (7 pooled con
positive and negative stimuli, this combined contrast was used instead of trasts), 516 subjects (between 310 and 313 or approximately 60% of
any comparable valence-specific contrasts. subjects were female but the exact number is unknown as one study did
Although there were insufficient studies to conduct valence specific not provide updated gender distributions after exclusion of participants
analyses as a primary analysis due to low statistical power, because there from further analyses), and 285 foci were included. A complete list of
is substantial current interest in determining the valence-specific effects these studies and their design characteristics are included in Table 1 (see
of emotion on episodic memory, we conducted an exploratory, supple Supplemental Table 1 for additional information about the included
mental analysis of studies that directly compared positive encoding encoding studies). For studies of successful retrieval of emotional
success activity to negative encoding success activity. episodic memory, 17 papers consisting of 25 contrasts (8 pooled con
Source memory and paired associate recognition contrasts: Papers that trasts), 310 subjects (between 149 and 152 or approximately 48–49% of
involved a retrieval task requiring a source judgment or paired associate subjects were female but the exact number is unknown as one study did
recognition were included. If a study reported source hit and source miss not provide updated gender distributions after exclusion of participants
contrasts separately, then both contrasts were included and pooled into from further analyses), and 210 foci were included. A complete list of
a combined memory contrast. these studies and their design characteristics are included in Table 2 (see
Confidence or recollection/familiarity judgments: Papers that used a Supplemental Table 2 for additional information about the included
retrieval task requiring a confidence or remember/know judgment retrieval studies).
during recognition of a target memory item were included. If a study
reported encoding or retrieval success related contrasts separately for 2.2. Meta-analysis method
high and low confidence hits, or for remember and know hits, then both
contrasts were included and pooled into a combined contrast. Any 2.2.1. Seed-based d mapping
studies that only reported the results of contrasts between recollection Seed-based d mapping (SDM) SDM-PSI provides a method of con
and familiarity (e.g., [emotional remember – neutral remember] > ducting statistical inferences on results from multiple studies, with
[emotional know – neutral know]) were excluded. These contrasts were varying tasks and sample sizes, to find agreement across subject groups
excluded because contrasts that subtract out familiarity from recollec (Albajes-Eizagirre et al., 2019; for information regarding previous ver
tion would likely produce a biased and incomplete representation of the sions of SDM see Radua and Mataix-Cols, 2009; Radua et al., 2012;
brain regions contributing to encoding and retrieval success effects Radua et al., 2014). During preprocessing, SDM converts reported
because they filter out non-recollection related processes. This criterion t-values for each peak activation for each contrast into Hedge’s g effect
resulted in the exclusion of the data from one study from the encoding sizes and their associated variance. Then, for each study, SDM uses
analysis (Ritchey et al., 2019) and the equivalent of one study’s data multiple imputation to progressively estimate the upper and lower
from the retrieval analysis. The excluded data from the retrieval analysis bound of probable effect sizes for all voxels using an anisotropic
came from two studies that used the same sample population tested at Gaussian kernel. Voxels close to more than one peak are assigned a
two different delays, and the data from these two studies would have weighted value based on the distance to each peak. Next, SDM uses
been pooled into one data set to avoid non-independence (Sterpenich multiple imputations of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to esti
et al., 2007, 2009). Thus, effectively, one study for the encoding analysis mate the most likely effect size and its standard error. To prevent a single
and one for the retrieval analysis were excluded. study (or few studies) from driving the results, SDM uses a leave one out
Canonical hemodynamic response function (HRF): Only contrasts based (also known as jackknife) procedure. To address issues of spatial un
on a canonical HRF were included. One included study reported con certainty and biases associated with single imputation, each study image
trasts based on a canonical HRF and also provided additional results generated during preprocessing undergoes multiple imputations (Rubin,
from the same study based on a delayed HRF response regressor; 1987). Then, to allow voxel-wise family wise error rate correction for
therefore, for this study, only the contrast data corresponding to the multiple comparisons, SDM generates multiple imputations of subject
canonical HRF was included (Maratos et al., 2001). images and performs subject-based permutation testing. Next, Hedge’s
g-corrected effect sizes are calculated at the group level. Finally, a
2.1.6. Whole-brain coordinates random mixed effects model is run with each study weighted by its
Studies that reported activations for the whole brain were included. variance and between-study heterogeneity.
Studies that reported regional activations only within the medial tem
poral lobe, or other specific regions of interest (ROIs), were not included 2.2.2. Meta-analyses
unless whole brain activation results were available from the author. To identify brain regions that were consistently activated during
Based on recommendations by Müller et al. (2018), when studies re successful encoding and retrieval of emotional episodic memory, we
ported both whole brain activations and small volume correction (SVC) used Seed-based d mapping (SDM) SDM-PSI version 6.21 (www.sdmpr
analyses for a-priori ROIs, activations from the SVC analyses that did not; Albajes-Eizagirre et al., 2019). For each study, activation
also meet the thresholds used for the whole brain analyses were foci, t-statistics, whole-brain thresholds, and sample sizes were entered
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
Table 1
Studies included in the encoding meta-analysis.
Article N(f) Stimuli Retrieval Task Threshold/ Contrast
Barnacle et al. (2016) 22 scenes (-/n) free recall p < .005/k ¼ 20 Negative DM > Neutral DM (in mixed emotional and neutral
(22) encoding lists)a
Bisby et al. (2016) 17(?) scenes (-/n) old/new/source p < .001/k ¼ 0 Negative DM > Neutral DM
Bowen and Kensinger 18 words (n)/faces remember/know/ p < .005/k ¼ 10 Emotional Hits > Neutral Hitsa,b
(2017) (12) (þ/ /n)/scenes (þ/ /n) new
Cahill (2004) 15 scenes (-/n) remember/know/ p < .001/k ¼ 4 (HCHs > LCH > Misses) parametrically modulated by arousal
(7) new (reported separately for men and women)
Erk et al. (2003) 10 words (n)/scenes free recall p < .005/k ¼ 0 Negative DM and Positive DM (combined into a single contrast)b
(3) (þ/ /n)
Erk et al. (2005) 10 words (n)/scenes (�) old/new p < .005/cluster Negative DM and Positive DM (combined into a single contrast)b
(3) p < .05
Harvey et al. (2007) 17 scenes (þ/ /n) old/new p < .005/k ¼ 0 Emotional DM > Neutral DM
Kark and Kensinger 17 line drawings (þ/ /n)/ old/new/ p < .005/k ¼ 17 Negative Hits > Neutral Hits and Positive Hits > Neutral Hits
(2015) (7) scenes (þ/ /n) confidence (combined into a single contrast)
Kark and Kensinger 22 line drawings (þ/ /n)/ old/new/ p < .005/k ¼ 10 Emotional DM > Neutral DMa
(2019) (11) scenes (þ/ /n) vividness
Kensinger and Schacter 16 words (þ/ /n)/objects old/new/source p < .002/k ¼ 6 (Emotional S Hit Emotional S Miss) > (Neutral S Hit Neutral S
(2005a) (9) (þ/ /n) Miss)
Kensinger and Schacter 21 words (þ/ /n)/scenes old/new/source p < .001/k ¼ 5 (Emotional S Hit > Emotional S Miss) and (Emotional S
(2006a) (10) (þ/ /n) Miss > Emotional Miss) combined into a single contrast
Kensinger et al. (2007a) 20 objects (-/n) same/similar/new p < .001/k ¼ 5 Negative DM > Neutral DM
Kensinger and Schacter 17 objects (þ/ /n) same/similar/new p < .001/k ¼ 5 Emotional DM > Neutral DM
(2008b) (12)
Mickley and Kensinger 20 words (þ/ /n)/scenes old/new/ p < .001/k ¼ 5 Emotional DM > Neutral DM
(2008) (10) (þ/ /n) remember/know
Mickley Steinmetz and 19 scenes (þ/ /n) old/new p < .001/k ¼ 5 Emotional DM > Neutral DM
Kensinger (2009) (11)
Mickley Steinmetz et al. 21 scenes (þ/ /n) old/new p < .001/k ¼ 5 Emotional DM > Neutral DM
(2012) (9)
Pais-Vieira et l. (2016) 17 scenes (þ/ /n) old/new/ p < .005/k ¼ 19 Emotional > Neutral with linear SME regressor
(9) confidence (HCHs > LCHs > Misses)
Parent et al. (2011) 14 scenes (-/n) free recall p < .001/k ¼ 2 Negative DM > Neutral DM (5 min delay and 10 min delay
(0) combined into a single contrast)
Rasch et al. (2009) 57 scenes (þ/ /n) free recall p < .001/k ¼ 3 Negative DM and Positive DM (combined into a single contrast)
Ritchey et al. (2008) 13 scenes (-/n) old/new/ p < .0025/k ¼ 5 Negative DM > Neutral DM
(7) confidence
Ritchey et al. (2011) 20 scenes (þ/ /n) old/new/ p < .0025/k ¼ 5 Emotional DM > Neutral DM (both deep and shallow encoding)
(10) confidence
Schümann and Sommer 69 scenes (-/n) old/new/ p < .001/k ¼ 10 Negative DM > Neutral DM (short delay and long delay combined
(2018) (69) confidence into a single contrast)
Sergerie et al. (2006) 18 faces (þ/ /n) old/new p < .001/k ¼ 0 Negative DM > Neutral DM (positive stimuli not analyzed)
Smith et al. (2004) 15 objects (n)/scenes old/new p < .001/k ¼ 5 Emotional Hits > Neutral Hitsb
(8) (þ/ /n)
Talmi et al. (2008) 11 scenes (-/n) old/new/ p < .005/90 mm3 Negative DM > Neutral DM
(5) confidence
Note. Table shows the encoding studies that met inclusion criteria. (N) ¼ total number of subjects, (f) ¼ number of female subjects, (?) indicates that the number of
female participants is unknown because participants were dropped from subsequent analyses without mention of gender of dropped participants, ( ) ¼ negative, (þ)
¼ positive (n) ¼ neutral, DM ¼ Difference in Memory, HCH ¼ high confidence hits, LCH ¼ low confidence hits, R ¼ Remember, K ¼ Know, S¼Source.
Indicates that coordinates for this contrast were obtained from the authors and were not reported in the published paper.
Indicates that encoded stimuli were neutral items that were paired with an emotional or neutral context.
from contrasts relating to successful emotional memory (encoding or supplemental material for Alegria et al., 2016; Norman et al., 2016).
retrieval). The types of acceptable contrasts that were included are During the main analysis, the number of imputations was set to 50 and
described in Section 2.1.5, above, and descriptions of the contrasts permutations was set to 1000. Voxel-wise results are reported using
included for each study are listed in the corresponding tables for threshold-free cluster enhancement family wise error rate (TCFE FWER)
encoding and retrieval. Prior to statistical analysis, all statistical values p < .05. The regions listed in the Tables of results for the meta-analyses
were converted to t-values using SDM’s “convert peaks” utility. If an were labeled using a combination of the Harvard-Oxford atlas
included study did not report statistical values for the foci, then the ( and additional neuroanatomical
t-value corresponding to the threshold used to generate the contrast was references for more precise identification of areas such as the medial
entered. Preprocessing was performed according to standard SDM temporal lobe subregions (Bouyeure et al., 2018).
guidelines, using a 20 mm full width half maximum (FWHM) anisotropic
Gaussian kernel and 2 mm voxel size. After preprocessing, for studies 2.2.3. Supplemental analyses
that reported more than one contrast of interest, the maps that were In addition to the main meta-analyses, we conducted additional,
generated during preprocessing were combined using SDM’s “combine supplementary analyses to explore additional questions. To investigate
image” function. This function creates a map that is the mean of the whether the results of the encoding meta-analysis were similar when
effect sizes and variance of the different contrasts (for details, see only studies that reported significant emotional memory enhancement
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
Table 2
Studies included in the retrieval meta-analysis.
Article N(f) Stimuli Recognition Task Threshold/Extent Contrast
Bisby et al. (2016) 17(?) scenes (-/n) old/new/source p < .001/k ¼ 0 Negative DM > Neutral DM
Bowen and Kensinger 18 words (n)/faces (þ/ /n)/ remember/ p < .005/k ¼ 10 Emotional Hits > Neutral Hitsa,b
(2017) (12) scenes (þ/ /n) know/new
Erk et al. (2005) 10(3) words (n)/scenes (�) old/new p < .005/cluster Negative DM and Positive DM (combined into a single contrast)b
p < .05
Fenker et al. (2005) 20 words (n)/faces (-/n) remember/ p < .005/k ¼ 0 (Negative R Hits > Neutral R Hits) and (Negative K Hits > Neutral K
(14) know/new Hits) (combined into a single contrast)b
Ford et al. (2014) 27 words (n)/scenes (þ/ /n) old/new p < .005/k ¼ 10 Emotional Hits > Neutral Hitsb
Kalpouzos et al. (2012) 19(9) scenes (-/n) old/new p < .001/k ¼ 20 Negative DM > Neutral DM
Kark and Kensinger 17(7) line drawings (þ/ /n)/ old/new/ p < .005/k ¼ 10 Negative Hits > Neutral Hits and Positive Hits > Neutral Hits
(2015) scenes (þ/ /n) confidence (combined into a single contrast)
Kark and Kensinger 29 line drawings (þ/ /n)/ old/new/ p < .005/k ¼ 10 Emotional Hits > Neutral Hitsa
(2019) (14) scenes (þ/ /n) vividness
Kensinger and 19 objects (-/n) same/similar/ p < .005/k ¼ 5 Negative DM > Neutral DM {DM defined as (same and
Schacter (2007b) (10) new similar) > miss}
Lewis et al. (2011) 22 objects (n)/scenes (-/n) old/new/source p < .001/k ¼ 10 Negative S Hit > Neutral S Hitb
Maratos et al. (2001) 12(7) words (n)/sentences old/new p < .001/k ¼ 4 Negative Hits > Neutral Hits and Positive Hits > Neutral Hits
(þ/ /n) (combined into a single contrast)b
Sergerie et al. (2006) 18(9) faces (þ/ /n) old/new p < .001/k ¼ 0 Negative DM > Neutral DM (positive stimuli not analyzed)
Sharot et al. (2004) 13(8) scenes (-/n) remember/ p < .002/k ¼ 19 (Negative R Hits > Neutral R Hits) and (Negative K Hits > Neutral K
know/new Hits) (combined into a single contrast)
Smith et al. (2004) 15(8) objects (n)/scenes (þ/ /n) old/new p < .001/k ¼ 5 Emotional Hits > Neutral Hitsb
Smith et al. (2005) 18(8) objects (n)/scenes (þ/ /n) old/new/source p < .001/k ¼ 5 (Emotional S Hit > Neutral S hit) and (Emotional S Miss > Neutral S
Miss) (combined into a single contrast)b
Smith et al. (2006) 16(8) objects (n)/scenes (-/n) old/new/source p < .001/k ¼ 0 (Negative S Hit > Neutral S Hit) and (Negative S Miss > Neutral S
Miss) (combined into a single contrast)b
Takashima et al. 20(0) scenes (n)/sounds (-/n) old/new/ p < .001/FWE VS Negative Hits > VS Neutral hits (recent and remote combined
(2016) confidence p < .05 into a single contrast)b
Note. Table shows the studies that met inclusion criteria. (N) ¼ total number of subjects, (f) ¼ number of female subjects, (?) indicates that the number of female
participants is unknown because participants were dropped from subsequent analyses without mention of gender of dropped participants, ( ) ¼ negative, (þ) ¼
positive, (n) ¼ neutral, DM ¼ Difference in Memory, R ¼ Remember, K ¼ Know, S¼Source, VS ¼ very sure.
Indicates that coordinates for this contrast were obtained from the authors and were not reported in the published paper.
Indicates that stimuli presented during the retrieval task were neutral items that were paired with an emotional or neutral context during encoding.
effects were considered, we ran a supplementary analysis excluding When these behavioral results for encoding studies were subdivided
studies that did not show a behavioral enhancement effect for emotional based on the valence of the stimuli presented at test, 86% (18/21) of
relative to neutral stimuli (21 out of 25 papers). The specific details for studies that presented emotional stimuli at test had an emotional
the excluded papers are listed in Table 1 (Harvey et al., 2007; Kark and enhancement effect compared to 75% (3/4) of studies that presented
Kensinger, 2015, 2019; Erk et al., 2005). neutral stimuli at test. Of the papers that examined successful retrieval
To identify possible valence-specific effects at encoding, we ran a of emotional episodic memory, 41% (7/17 papers) showed an emotional
supplemental meta-analysis with 6 papers that contrasted successful enhancement effect. When these behavioral results for retrieval studies
positive memory to successful negative memory (as well as the reverse were subdivided based on the valence of the stimuli presented at test,
contrast). This supplemental analysis was exploratory, as 6 studies is 57% (4/7) of studies that presented emotional stimuli at test had an
below the recommended guidelines for the minimum number of studies emotional enhancement effect compared to 30% (3/10) of studies that
to have sufficient statistical power (Radua, 2014, 2016, 2018). presented neutral stimuli at test.
Finally, to clarify the interpretation of amygdala activation observed
in the retrieval meta-analysis, we conducted a supplemental meta-
analysis that separately examined SDM activations in the retrieval 3.2. Encoding meta-analysis results
meta-analysis according to whether the stimuli presented at retrieval
were emotional items that were also presented at encoding, or neutral SDM meta-analysis revealed four clusters of significant activation
items that were previously paired or associated with a negative item or associated with successful emotional episodic memory encoding
context during encoding. Seven studies presented previously encoded (Table 3, Fig. 1, SDM output images are available as Supplementary
emotional stimuli at test and ten studies presented neutral stimuli at test Materials and can also be downloaded from
that had previously been paired with an emotional item or context (the urovault.collection:6627). Cluster one included 6916 voxels in the
latter ten studies are identified in Table 2 by a y following the name of right medial temporal lobe (amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex,
the contrast). perirhinal cortex, and parahippocampal cortex), ventral visual stream
(lateral occipital cortex, inferior temporal gyrus, temporal occipital
3. Results fusiform cortex, temporal fusiform cortex, and occipital fusiform gyrus),
basal ganglia (putamen and pallidum) and other regions including the
3.1. Behavioral results orbitofrontal cortex, temporal pole, and insula. Cluster two included
4150 voxels in the left medial temporal lobe (amygdala, hippocampus,
All included neuroimaging studies reported the results of behavioral entorhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex, and parahippocampal cortex),
memory testing that assessed the emotional enhancement effect. Of the ventral visual stream (temporal occipital fusiform cortex and temporal
papers that examined successful encoding of emotional episodic mem fusiform cortex), basal ganglia (putamen and pallidum) and other re
ory, 84% (21/25 papers) showed an emotional enhancement effect. gions including orbitofrontal cortex, temporal pole, and insula. Cluster
three included 542 voxels in the left ventral visual stream (inferior
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
Fig. 1. Regions showing significant SDM activations associated with the successful encoding of emotional episodic memory (voxel-wise threshold free cluster
enhancement family wise error corrected, p < .05) are overlaid on a standard single-subject anatomical MRI image from SPM12 (Holmes et al., 1998) (A: axial slices;
B: coronal slices). Intensity color scale indicates Z score values. Coordinates are in MNI space. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
3.4. Supplemental analysis results significant, with the exception of part of cluster one (specifically, the
right occipital fusiform gyrus and cerebellum). The main findings of the
We conducted a supplementary analysis to examine the extent to supplementary analysis were the following: cluster one in the right
which the main encoding analysis results were also observed when only medial temporal lobe, and surrounding regions extending to the right
studies reporting a significant behavioral emotional memory enhance ventral visual stream decreased in size from 6916 voxels to 5142 voxels,
ment effect were examined (21 out of 25 encoding studies showed a cluster two in the left medial temporal lobe and surrounding regions
behavioral enhancement effect). This analysis revealed broadly similar increased from 4150 voxels to 4609 voxels. This increase is mostly
activations as the main analysis. Whereas the extent of activations attributable to what was previously cluster three in the left ventral visual
decreased slightly, nearly all of the original regions remained stream merging with cluster two; however, the total volume of the
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
Table 4
Regions showing significant activations during retrieval of emotional items, or neutral items encoded in emotional contexts.
3 Lateral Occipital Cortex (superior), Middle Occipital Cortex, Angular Gyrusa L 805 ¡42 ¡74 30 4.713
Lateral Occipital Cortex (superior), Angular Gyrusa 44 62 36 4.206
Lateral Occipital Cortex (superior) 48 72 38 4.020
Lateral Occipital Cortex (inferior) 46 72 14 3.219
Note. Seed-based d mapping threshold free cluster enhancement family-wise error rate correction threshold p < .05. Table shows all local maxima separated by more
than 10 mm. The maximal peak for each cluster is in bold font. Coordinates are reported in Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) with x, y, and z in the left-right,
anterior-posterior, and inferior-superior dimensions, respectively. Coordinates are labeled using the Harvard-Oxford atlas.
indicates coordinates that are labeled as lateral occipital cortex by the Harvard-Oxford atlas but are labeled as angular gyrus by the Automated Anatomical Labeling
(AAL) atlas.
merged clusters is still smaller than the original separate clusters com ult.collection:6627). These results should be interpreted with caution
bined. Cluster four in the left thalamus decreased from 29 voxels to 16 because the small number of studies resulted in low statistical power.
voxels. See Supplemental Fig. 1 for a visual representation of these
differences (SDM output images for the analysis of only studies reporting
3.5. Overlap between encoding and retrieval meta-analysis results
a significant behavioral emotional enhancement effect are available as
Supplementary Material and can also be downloaded from https://ide
The SDM maps for successful encoding and retrieval had five clusters
of overlapping activation (Table 5, Fig. 3, SDM output images are
We also conducted a supplementary analysis to examine valence
available as Supplementary Materials and can also be downloaded from
specific effects (regions that were more active for positive compared to Cluster one had
negative emotional memory and vice versa) on successful emotional
2272 overlapping voxels in the left medial temporal lobe (amygdala,
episodic memory encoding. This analysis included 6 papers that con
hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and perirhinal cortex), basal ganglia
trasted successful positive memory to successful negative memory and
(putamen, pallidum), orbitofrontal cortex, insula, and temporal pole.
the reverse contrast. The SDM analysis revealed no valence-specific ef
Cluster two had 160 overlapping voxels in the right amygdala. Cluster
fects for successful encoding, even at a lenient threshold of p < .001
three had 97 overlapping voxels in the right lateral occipital cortex.
uncorrected. The null results of this supplementary analysis should be
Cluster four had 21 overlapping voxels in the left lateral occipital cortex.
interpreted cautiously, given that the number of studies was substan
Cluster five had 5 overlapping voxels in the right middle temporal gyrus.
tially below the recommended number of studies for use of SDM.
The Dice similarity score between the SDM maps for successful
The analysis that compared retrieval studies that presented neutral
emotional memory encoding and retrieval was 0.279.
stimuli at test (which had been paired at encoding with an emotional
item or context, 10 studies) to those that presented emotional stimuli
4. Discussion
again during retrieval (7 studies) found that amygdala activation was
observed for the former but not the latter type of study (see Supple
4.1. Encoding and retrieval SDM results
mental Table 2 for additional brain regions observed for each type of
retrieval task, SDM output images are available as Supplementary Ma
This study had two primary goals: To update current understanding
terials and can also be downloaded from
of what brain regions are consistently activated during the successful
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
Fig. 2. Regions showing significant SDM activations associated with the successful retrieval of emotional episodic memory (voxel-wise threshold free cluster
enhancement family wise error corrected, p < .05) are overlaid on a standard single-subject anatomical MRI image from SPM12 (Holmes et al., 1998) (A: axial slices;
B: coronal slices). Intensity color scale indicates Z score values. Coordinates are in MNI space. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
Fig. 3. Regional SDM activations associated with the successful encoding of emotional episodic memory (red regions), the successful retrieval of emotional episodic
memory (green regions), and the overlap between encoding and retrieval SDM activations (blue regions) are overlaid on a standard single-subject anatomical MRI
image from SPM12 (Holmes et al., 1998). (A: axial slices; B: coronal slices). Coordinates are in MNI space. The Dice similarity score between the SDM maps for
successful emotional memory encoding and retrieval was 0.279. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
observed activation clusters associated with successful encoding and and Schacter, 2007b). We also observed SDM activations in the bilateral
successful retrieval of emotional episodic memory, and connect these temporal pole for successful emotional episodic memory encoding. The
findings to broader theoretical issues related to the neural correlates of temporal pole’s role in emotional memory encoding may reflect its
episodic emotional memory. well-documented role in social and emotional processing as well as se
mantic memory access (Olson et al., 2007).
4.2. Amygdala and medial temporal lobe involvement in emotional Based on previous qualitative reviews and the hypothesized pre
memory encoding frontally mediated route to emotional episodic memory enhancement,
we expected to find SDM activation in the prefrontal cortex. However,
Given the well-established roles of the amygdala and other medial although some individual encoding studies contributing to our analysis
temporal lobe structures (including the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, did report activation coordinates in the prefrontal cortex, we only
perirhinal cortex, and parahippocampal cortex) in the amygdala- observed significant SDM activation in the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex.
mediated route to the enhancement of emotional episodic memory Because the observed orbitofrontal cortex activations were close to
(Bowen et al., 2018; Cahill and McGaugh, 1998; Hamann, 2009; LaBar medial temporal lobe activations, we examined whether this activation
and Cabeza, 2006; McGaugh, 2000, 2004), we expected to find consis originated from the orbitofrontal cortex or alternately, might be an
tent emotional encoding related activations in these regions. Consistent artifact of spatial smoothing of nearby activations in the medial tem
with these predictions, we observed bilateral SDM activations in the poral lobe. Inspection of the locations of peak activations reported in the
amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex and para individual studies contributing to the meta-analysis indicated that the
hippocampal cortex. Similar ALE results in the amygdala, hippocampus, activations originated in the orbitofrontal cortex.
and anterior and posterior parahippocampal gyrus were also reported in In comparison to the current results, Murty et al. (2010) reported two
the previous meta-analysis (Murty et al., 2010). The bilateral amygdala small ALE clusters in the prefrontal cortex (inferior frontal gyrus and the
findings further highlight the importance of the amygdala as a key anterior middle frontal gyrus). Apart from these bilateral orbitofrontal
structure involved in the successful encoding of emotional episodic cortex activations, we observed fewer SDM clusters in regions than
memory. Similarly, the increased activity in the hippocampus, entorhi predicted on the basis of the prefrontally mediated indirect route. One
nal cortex, perirhinal cortex and parahippocampal cortex associated explanation for why we observed only limited activations corresponding
with successful emotional episodic memory encoding is consistent with to the prefrontally mediated, indirect route may be that this route has
the findings of previous qualitative reviews and the amygdala-mediated been characterized as being less consistently involved in emotional
route for the emotional enhancement of memory, which posits that the memory enhancement than the amygdala-mediated route (Bowen et al.,
amygdala enhances episodic memory through modulation of 2018; Dolcos et al., 2017a, 2017b). The role of the prefrontally mediated
memory-encoding related activity in the hippocampus and its associated route has been reported to depend on both emotional valence and the
neocortical regions. level of emotional arousal, with greater prefrontal involvement for
When assessing differences between the current results and the low-arousal, positively valenced stimuli (Bowen et al., 2018; Kensinger
previous meta-analysis (Murty et al., 2010), in addition to the effects and Corkin, 2004). The majority of the studies analyzed in the current
attributable to different datasets (i.e., our larger set of studies), it is meta-analysis included either negatively valenced stimuli or a combi
important to consider the fact that because of the major methodological nation of negative and positive stimuli (see Table 1), and several studies
issues discussed above, the methodology used in this previous study is examined memory for relatively high-arousal stimuli. Both of these
no longer recommended for use in meta-analyses. In addition, because study attributes would tend to reduce the contribution of the indirect
our SDM meta-analysis method used a voxel-wise statistical approach, it route. Although we attempted to determine if there were
was able to detect small areas of activation, as opposed to the approach valence-specific effects for emotional episodic memory encoding, our
used by Murty et al., which was not able to detect activations smaller supplemental analysis revealed no significant findings, likely due to the
than their arbitrarily chosen minimum cluster size of 100 mm3. Taking small number of relevant studies and consequently low statistical power.
these substantial differences into account, while we identify and discuss The orbitofrontal cortex has been consistently shown to be involved
major points of similarity and difference with the previous meta-analysis in emotion processing, social cognition, and in the emotional enhance
(Murty et al., 2010), we primarily focus on the interpretation and im ment of memory (for reviews see Adolphs, 2001, 2002; Beer et al., 2006;
plications of the current analyses. Dolcos et al., 2017a,b). The orbitofrontal cortex has been proposed to
encode a variety of social and emotional information, ranging from the
4.3. Other regions associated with successful emotional memory encoding subjective value of stimuli, social relevance, and social reward (Dolcos
et al., 2017a,b). Increased orbitofrontal activity, and increased con
Considerable evidence indicates that the enhancing effects of nectivity between the orbitofrontal cortex and the hippocampus, has
amygdala modulation extend beyond the medial temporal lobe to been observed for successful encoding and retrieval of names paired
modulate both other memory systems, and also sensory systems with smiling faces compared to neutral faces (Tsukiura and Cabeza,
including visual cortex (Bowen et al., 2018; LaBar and Cabeza, 2006; 2008). Additional evidence for the role of the orbitofrontal cortex in
Vuilleumier et al., 2004; Vuilleumier and Driver, 2007). Consistent with emotional memory enhancement comes from patients with memory
this predicted modulation of sensory cortex, we found SDM activations disorders such as frontotemporal dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease,
in ventral visual stream regions including bilateral lateral occipital which showed correlations between grey matter volume in the right
cortex (associated primarily with object perception) and bilateral fusi orbitofrontal cortex and emotional enhancement of memory (Kumfor
form cortex (associated with face perception) (see Fig. 1, Table 3) et al., 2013). Thus, our findings of significant activations in the orbito
(Grill-Spector et al., 2001; Kanwisher and Yovel, 2006). By comparison, frontal cortex during encoding likely reflect a variety of emotional and
Murty et al. (2010) also reported ALE clusters in the ventral visual social processes related to the subsequent enhancement of memory for
stream, but the clusters we observed using the SDM method were much emotional stimuli.
more extensive. As discussed in other reviews, the amygdala has mul We also observed SDM activations in the left and right anterior
tiple feedback pathways to multiple parts of the ventral visual stream insula, the right posterior insula, and part of the left and right putamen.
(Kark and Kensinger, 2015; LaBar and Cabeza, 2006). The modulation of The insula has been strongly linked with multiple aspects of affective
visual processing by the amygdala is associated with enhanced percep and social processing, including disgust, empathy, pain, gustation, and
tual processing that ultimately results in enhanced memory for detail interoceptive awareness of body state (Craig, 2003; Dolan, 2002;
and increased perceived vividness of subsequent episodic memory Dupont et al., 2003; Ostrowsky et al., 2002; Shelley and Trimble, 2004;
retrieval (Kark and Kensinger, 2015; Kensinger et al., 2007a; Kensinger Singer et al., 2004; Wager and Feldman Barrett, 2004; Wicker et al.,
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
2003). The recruitment of the insula during successful encoding of retrieval involves a recapitulation of a subset of the cognitive and brain
emotional episodic memory thus may reflect the encoding of a range of processes active during encoding (Bowen et al., 2018; Rugg et al., 2015;
affective and social attributes including empathy, emotions, and the Staudigl and Hanslmayr, 2019).
somatic states associated with these emotions. Alternately, because some retrieval studies (41%) involved the pre
The putamen, part of the basal ganglia, has multiple functions sentation of previously encoded emotional stimuli again as recognition
including aspects of emotion processing. Patients with Huntington’s targets, to the extent that more emotionally arousing stimuli are more
disease, which preferentially impacts the basal ganglia (including the likely to be subsequently successfully retrieved, successfully retrieved
putamen), often have impaired emotion recognition (Calder et al. 2001; items may be more emotionally arousing on average. Given the strong
Sprengelmeyer et al., 1996; Sprengelmeyer, 2007). In addition to association between emotional arousal and amygdala activation, these
impaired emotion recognition, patients with Huntington’s disease also higher-arousal stimuli would be expected to elicit greater amygdala
have decreased grey matter volume and decreased activation in the activation, an effect that may have contributed to the amygdala acti
putamen (Dogan et al., 2014). Thus, our findings of increased activity in vation we observed. Because only some studies (7/17) presented enco
the putamen for emotional enhancement of memory are consistent with ded emotional stimuli again as targets during retrieval (the other studies
the established role of the putamen in emotion processing, which may be presented neutral stimuli at retrieval), we examined the prediction that
integrated with emotion processing occurring in other regions contrib studies that presented emotional target items at retrieval would show
uting to successful encoding. amygdala activation whereas those that presented neutral stimuli at
retrieval would not. As the number of studies were lower than the rec
4.4. Retrieval ommended lower limits of 10 studies, the results are consequently un
derpowered and should be interpreted cautiously. Contrary to the
Previous qualitative reviews of the neuroimaging literature exam prediction that amygdala activation would be observed only for studies
ining the retrieval of emotional episodic memory have suggested that that presented emotional stimuli again as retrieval cues, amygdala
several brain regions are activated during retrieval of emotional stimuli, activation was observed for retrieval studies that presented neutral
including the amygdala, other medial temporal lobe structures including stimuli as retrieval cues, but not for retrieval studies that presented
the hippocampus and the entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal emotional stimuli as retrieval cues. Given the preliminary nature of
cortices, prefrontal cortex, and the ventral visual stream (Buchanan, these findings, further studies will be required to identify the factors that
2007; Dolcos et al., 2017a,b; Bowen et al., 2018; Kensinger and Ford, determine the engagement of the amygdala during episodic emotional
2020). However, to our knowledge, no previous quantitative memory retrieval.
meta-analysis has been conducted on this literature to identify signifi
cant areas of retrieval-related activation for emotional episodic memory. 4.6. Other regions associated with successful emotional memory retrieval
Here we discuss findings from our meta-analysis of emotional episodic
memory retrieval in relation to the emotional memory retrieval litera Similar to the results of our encoding meta-analysis, the retrieval
ture and the broader theoretical context of recapitulation of encoding meta-analysis revealed activation in the ventral visual stream bilaterally
processes during retrieval. in the lateral occipital cortex and in the right middle temporal gyrus.
These findings are consistent with the idea that the amygdala modulates
4.5. Amygdala and medial temporal lobe involvement in emotional processing in sensory regions during both encoding and retrieval
memory retrieval (Bowen et al., 2018; Vuilleumier et al., 2004; Vuilleumier and Driver,
2007). During emotional memory retrieval, the prefrontal cortex may
Similar to the results of our encoding meta-analysis, which found also exert top-down influences on sensory processing regions (Barcelo
activation clusters in both the left and right medial temporal lobe, the et al., 2000; Vuilleumier and Driver, 2007). Recapitulation of sensory
results of the retrieval meta-analysis revealed activation bilaterally in processing regions that were active at encoding has been suggested to be
the amygdala and in memory-related medial temporal lobe regions in more prominent for negative emotional stimuli than for positive stimuli
the left hemisphere (hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal (Bowen et al., 2018).
cortex). These findings are in line with those of studies of retrieval of We observed SDM activations in the left temporal pole for successful
both laboratory events and studies of autobiographical memory emotional episodic memory retrieval. These activations may reflect the
retrieval, which have consistently implicated the amygdala, hippo retrieval of previously encoded social, emotional, and other semantic
campus, and other medial temporal lobe regions in successful emotional information (Olson et al., 2007). In addition, activation of the anterior
episodic memory retrieval (Cabeza and St Jacques, 2007; Dolcos et al., temporal pole has been linked with activation of the retrieval mode
2017b; LaBar and Cabeza, 2006). During successful emotional memory associated with emotional episodic memory (Dolan et al., 2000).
retrieval, increased activity in these regions (Dolcos et al., 2017a,b) as Individual neuroimaging studies and qualitative reviews have also
well as increased functional connectivity specifically between the implicated the prefrontal cortex in modulating medial temporal lobe
amygdala and hippocampus (Smith et al., 2006) have been reported. activity during emotional memory retrieval, and in mediating processes
These findings suggest that increased regional activation and connec such as the retrieval of self-relevant emotional experience (Dolcos et al.,
tivity in the amygdala and medial temporal lobe play an important role 2017a,b; Kensinger et al., 2007; Ochsner et al., 2005), Consistent with
in successful retrieval of emotional episodic memories, paralleling the these qualitative reviews, SDM clusters were observed during retrieval
well-established importance of these same regions during successful in bilateral orbitofrontal cortex and the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal
emotional memory encoding. cortex. Activation of orbitofrontal cortex associated with successful
The amygdala activation observed for emotional memory retrieval emotional memory retrieval may reflect the recapitulation of the social
may be attributable to multiple potential sources. Because amygdala and emotional processing that occurred originally during encoding
activation was prominently observed during encoding, consistent with (Dolcos et al., 2017a,b). The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is strongly
the principles of transfer-appropriate processing and recapitulation, the implicated in a variety of episodic memory retrieval processes such as
amygdala activation during retrieval may reflect partial re-activation of selection and monitoring (Moscovitch et al., 2016; Wheeler et al., 1997).
prior encoding processes and affective states. Retrieval activations The role of the prefrontal cortex in successful encoding and retrieval of
reflecting the recapitulation (i.e., “echo”) of both perceptual (Bowen and emotional episodic memories has also been suggested to depend on
Kensinger, 2017; Kark and Kensinger, 2019; Wheeler et al., 2000) and factors such as emotional valence (Bowen et al., 2018; Dolcos, Katsumi,
emotional processing (Todorov et al., 2007) are consistent with the Weymar, et al., 2017; Kensinger and Corkin, 2004; Maratos et al., 2001).
principle of transfer-appropriate processing, in which successful Activation of the insula during successful emotional memory
K. Dahlgren et al. Neuropsychologia 143 (2020) 107495
retrieval may reflect recapitulation of the emotional, somatic, and Vuilleumier and Driver, 2007). The observed overlap in the orbito
cognitive processing that previously occurred during encoding frontal cortex and temporal pole, regions that are strongly implicated in
(Buchanan, 2007; Engen and Singer, 2013; Menon and Uddin, 2010; emotional and social processing, is consistent with previous literature
Kurth et al., 2010; Uddin et al., 2017). In addition to emotional and implicating both regions in emotional episodic memory (Adolphs, 2001,
somatic processing, the insula has also been linked to aspects of episodic 2002; Beer et al., 2006; Olson et al., 2007). Finally, these overlap results
memory retrieval (Kurth et al., 2010; Spaniol et al., 2009, Kim, 2013). are broadly consistent with the principle that successful retrieval in
Lateral parietal cortex (including the angular gyrus) has been shown volves the recapitulation of a subset of processes present during
to have a consistent role in neuroimaging studies of episodic memory encoding (Bowen et al., 2018; Rugg et al., 2015; Staudigl and Hansl
retrieval (Vilberg and Rugg, 2008; Wagner et al., 2005). Though some mayr, 2019).
aspects of its role in memory retrieval remain unclear, there is
compelling evidence that the left angular gyrus supports subjective as 5. Limitations and future directions
pects of episodic memory retrieval such as confidence, subjective
re-experiencing of a memory, and the recollection component of A number of limitations of this study stem from limitations of the
recognition memory. Neuropsychological studies have reported that CBMA meta-analytic methods. The encoding and retrieval meta-
lateral parietal lesions are associated with a selective reduction in the analyses should be interpreted as providing a summary of memory-
recollection component of recognition memory (Davidson et al., 2008), related activations that are robust across studies and experimental var
and reduced ability to retrieve episodic details during free recall (Ber iables, rather than as identifying all regions that are involved in these
ryhill et al., 2007). TMS studies that have disrupted left angular gyrus memory processes. This is because the SDM method can only identify
function have reported a selective reduction in the number of internal activations that are relatively invariant across studies despite variations
memory details retrieved during free recall of autobiographical mem in stimulus, task, and other variables. Although the SDM method can be
ories (Thakral et al., 2017) and also a reduction in the number of used to assess the role of different variables on activation, there are
memories retrieved from a first person perspective (compared to a third frequently not enough relevant studies to assess the role of such vari
person perspective) (Bonnici et al., 2018). TMS to the left angular gyrus ables, as was the case in the current study. In this respect, qualitative
has also been shown to reduce memory confidence (i.e., a subjective reviews can complement the findings of current study by identifying
aspect of memory) but not memory accuracy (Yazar et al., 2014). These regions whose role in successful emotional encoding and retrieval is
findings suggest that the left angular gyrus supports subjective aspects of more variable across studies.
episodic memory retrieval. Because the retrieval of emotional episodic Although several studies have reported key differences between the
memories would be expected to involve greater subjective brain correlates of emotional episodic memory for negative vs. positive
re-experiencing of subjective emotional content, this is consistent with emotional stimuli (Dolcos et al., 2004; Kensinger and Schacter, 2006b;
our observation of an SDM activation cluster for retrieval that included LaBar and Cabeza, 2006; Mickley and Kensinger, 2008), there were not
the left angular gyrus during emotional episodic memory retrieval. enough relevant papers available to conduct sufficiently powered
meta-analyses comparing memory for negative and positive emotional
4.7. Behavioral emotional memory effects stimuli. Our exploratory analysis of this issue for encoding success
yielded null results. More definitive conclusions regarding
Consistent with the typical enhancing effect of emotion on memory, valence-specific effects will be possible in the future as more relevant
the majority (84%) of studies included in the meta-analysis of successful studies are reported. Similarly, although there has been considerable
emotional episodic memory encoding reported significantly better interest in potential sex differences in the brain regions involved in
subsequent memory for emotional items than neutral items. On the successful emotional episodic memory encoding, there were not enough
other hand, fewer retrieval studies reported a significant emotional studies that reported separate results for men and women to address this
enhancement of memory (41%). One reason for this lower frequency of issue in the current study (Cahill, 2004, 2006; 2012; Canli et al., 2002).
emotional memory enhancement in the retrieval studies may be related Our encoding meta-analysis averaged results across studies that varied
to the relationship between encoding and retrieval conditions in each considerably in the proportions of male and female subjects and found
type of study. Substantially more encoding studies presented emotional robust bilateral amygdala SDM clusters. This finding suggests that,
stimuli at both encoding and retrieval (84%) compared to 41% of despite several prior findings of sex differences in the lateralization of
retrieval studies. In cases where emotional stimuli were not re-presented amygdala activity associated with successful encoding of emotional
at retrieval, neutral stimuli were presented during retrieval, thus testing episodic memory (i.e., the left but not the right amygdala associated
for the indirect effects of emotion on memory for neutral stimuli. As with successful encoding for emotional memory in women and the
noted above in section 3.1, behavioral enhancement effects were more opposite pattern in men (Cahill, 2004; Canli et al., 2002), activation in
prominent for those encoding and retrieval studies where emotional both the left and right amygdalae is consistently associated with
stimuli were presented again at test (relative to cases where neutral encoding success for emotional episodic memory even when results are
stimuli were presented at test.) combined across females and males.
A question for further investigation is whether successful encoding or
4.8. Overlap between successful emotional memory encoding and retrieval retrieval of emotional episodic memory may be associated with
decreased activation in some regions involved more generally in episodic
The SDM activations for encoding and retrieval overlapped in the left memory processing. Given the findings from other cognitive domains
medial temporal lobe (amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal and peri that show reciprocal inhibition of brain processes associated with
rhinal cortices), right amygdala, left orbitofrontal cortex, left insula, left emotion and cognition, it would be prudent to explore the possibility
basal ganglia, left temporal pole, and bilateral ventral visual stream that successful emotional episodic memory encoding and retrieval may
(bilateral lateral occipital cortex and right middle temporal gyrus). This be associated with decreased activation in some brain regions (Bush
overlap in the medial temporal lobe highlights the key importance of the et al., 2000; Jack et al., 2013; Northoff et al., 2004). Because few studies
amygdala and hippocampus in both encoding and retrieval of emotional report the results of reverse activation contrasts (e.g., neutral greater
episodic memory. Additionally, the overlapping bilateral activation in than emotional memory), it was not possible to address this issue in the
the ventral visual stream is consistent with proposals that the amygdala current study. Future neuroimaging studies comparing emotional
plays a role in the emotional modulation of activity in visual processing episodic memory encoding and retrieval success should also report these
regions not only during encoding but also during retrieval of emotional reverse contrasts, to allow for further investigation of this question.
episodic memory (Bowen et al., 2018; Vuilleumier et al., 2004; Our inclusion criteria excluded studies of autobiographical memory
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