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Ying PDF
Zhang, Ying
March, 2011
1st supervisor: Ir. M.J.G. Brussel
2nd supervisor: Prof. Dr. Huang Zhengdong
Evaluating performance of
bicycle sharing system in Wuhan,
Zhang, Ying
Enshcede, The Netherlands, March, 2011
1st Supervisor: Ir. M.J.G. Brussel
2nd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Huang Zhengdong
This document describes work undertaken as part of a programme of study at the Faculty of Geo-information
Science and Earth Observation of University of Twente. All views and opinions expressed therein remain the sole
responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Faculty.
With the economic development all over the world, there is an increasing usage of automobiles,
which has resulted in a series of urban and transport problems, such as global warming, air
pollution and traffic congestion. Therefore, many countries have taken actions to improve these
problems by encouraging the use of public transportation and green transport. In recent years,
bike sharing system has become a mode of green transport, which has been adopting all over the
world, to be used as a single transport or integrated with other public transport system.
This paper seeks to evaluate performance of bike sharing system in Wuchang district of Wuhan,
in China, based on the existing problems of this bike sharing system. And method on the
combination of GIS and multi criteria evaluation (MCE) was adopted to evaluate this system, by
building a series of indicators which was assumed that would influence the performance of bike
sharing system.
In this study, the research on bike sharing system mainly focused on bike users, bike stations, and
bike lanes. Furthermore, the efficient “performance” of bike sharing system was defined as
operation efficiency and spatial effectiveness of bike sharing system in this research.
The operation efficiency of bike sharing system aimed at understanding the characteristics of
bike users, and evaluating the conditions of bike lanes from the perspective of bike users.
Through the survey on bike users and investigation of bike lanes, a series of the characteristics
of bike users and conditions of bike lanes were understood. While the spatial effectiveness of
bike sharing system aimed at analyzing the characteristics of bike stations, and accessibility
between bike stations and other facilities (e.g. bus stops/subway stations, residential communities,
colleges..). According to the analysis on these two aspects, to find out whether the performance
of bike sharing system is efficient, and to further improve the performance of bike stations in
optimization model.
According to the results of performance evaluation of bike sharing system, a straightforward
method on spatial analysis, which is based on the distribution of bus stops and population, was
adopted to optimize the spatial location of bike stations, this aimed at improving the
interconnection between bike stations and bus stops or residential community.
Bike sharing system, Performance, Evaluation, GIS, Bike stations, Bike users
I would like to give my gratitude to ITC (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth
Observation, University of Twente) and Wuhan University for providing me this precious
opportunity to study in Netherlands. It broadened my horizon and enriched my knowledge.
Special thanks go to both my supervisors. Firstly, to my first supervisor Ir. M.J.G. Brussel
(University of Twente), for his dedication to always assist me in my thesis and his critical
comments aiming to enhance and improve the present research. Secondly, to my second
supervisor Pro.Dr.Huang Zhengdong (Wuhan University) in China, for his earnest and patient
help and encouragement during the whole study period. His hardworking spirit, intelligent ideas,
critical comments and patience are admirable and have a significant impact on the success of this
I would like to acknowledge Dr. Richard Sliuzas (University of Twente), Dr. Mark Zuidgeest
(University of Twente) and Ing.F.H.M. van den Bosch (University of Twente), for their unlimited
and continuous support and critical comments to my research proposal, and offering advices in
each stage of my research.
I also would like to thank the staff of ITC, for making me have a comfortable and
memorable experience in Enschede.
My sincere appreciation also goes to the ITC friends, Zeng Zheng, Cheng Fangfang, Hao
Pu. The valuable with you all is memorable forever in my life. And to all my course mates: Jowan,
Jiwan, Frinaldi, Mathenge, Parveen, Alex…I say thank you for your support and concern.
To the colleague in Wuhan University, Zhou Jun, Zhang Ning, Meng Xin, Duan Yapeng,
thank you for assisting me in solving the problem encountered in research, and encouraging me
during the difficult period in my study.
Finally, sincere and special appreciation goes to my family, especially my mother, her
warmest love and supports are the most precious wealth I have. Last but not least, I give my
special thanks to beloved boyfriend, for his encouragement, assistance, supporting, and
understanding during the time when I studied in Netherlands and did my thesis.
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ...................................................................................................... vii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background and Justification .............................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Current status of transport development in China ............................................ 1
1.1.2 Bicycle sharing system in China ............................................................................. 1
1.1.3 Importance of developing a bicycle system integrated with public bus ......... 2
1.2 Research Problems ............................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Unbalanced supply and demand of bicycle sharing station .............................. 3
1.2.2 Irrational distribution of bicycle stations ............................................................. 3
1.2.3 Insufficient method for performance evaluation ................................................ 4
1.3 Research Objectives and Questions ................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Research Objectives ................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Research questions................................................................................................................ 4
1.4.1 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................... 5
1.5 Research Design and Methods ........................................................................................... 5
2. Literature review ........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 The development of bicycle sharing system .................................................................... 9
2.1.1 The development of bicycle sharing system in European Countries .............. 9
2.1.2 The development of bicycle sharing system in China......................................11
2.2 Advantage and challenge of developing bicycle sharing system .................................14
2.2.1 Advantages of bike sharing system .....................................................................14
2.2.2 Challenges of bike sharing system.......................................................................15
2.3 Benefits of GIS ...................................................................................................................15
2.4 Service Location Model .....................................................................................................16
2.4.1 Location set covering model & Maximal coverage location model ...............16
2.4.2 Maximal service area model..................................................................................16
2.5 Previous Research on optimizing service location ........................................................17
2.6 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................17
3. Background of study area ......................................................................................................................18
3.1 General description of Wuhan city..................................................................................18
3.1.1 An profile of study area ........................................................................................18
3.1.2 Description of transportation in Wuhan............................................................18
3.2 Characteristic of bike sharing system in Wuhan ...........................................................20
3.2.1 Introduction of Wuhan’s bike sharing system ...................................................20
3.2.2 Implementation of Wuhan’s bike sharing system .............................................21
3.2.3 Pricing of Wuhan’s bike sharing system .............................................................21
3.2.4 Operations of Wuhan’s bike sharing system ......................................................21
3.2.5 Feedback since operations began .........................................................................22
3.2.6 Future development ...............................................................................................22
4. Data collection and Methodology ........................................................................................................23
4.1 Data collection ....................................................................................................................23
4.2 Methodology .......................................................................................................................27
4.2.1 The concept of “performance” on evaluating bike sharing system...............27
4.2.2 Methodology for evaluating “performance” of bike sharing system ............27
4.2.3 Optimization model ...............................................................................................29
5. Analysis and Results ................................................................................................................................31
5.1 Characteristics of bike users .............................................................................................31
5.1.1 Profile of bike users ...............................................................................................31
5.1.2 Bike users’ views to bike sharing system ............................................................32
5.1.3 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................33
5.2 Analysis of bicycle lane......................................................................................................33
5.2.1 Performance evaluation of bicycle lane ..............................................................33
5.2.2 Suggestions for improving the performance of bicycle lane ..........................35
5.3 Spatial analysis on bike stations ........................................................................................35
5.3.1 Characteristics of bike stations ............................................................................35
5.3.2 Accessibility analysis ..............................................................................................39
5.3.3 Discussion ...............................................................................................................46
5.4 Spatial location optimization for bike stations ...............................................................47
6. Conclusions ..............................................................................................................................................52
6.1 Achievement of this research ...........................................................................................52
6.2 Limitation of this research ................................................................................................53
6.3 Recommendations for further research ..........................................................................54
List of Reference .........................................................................................................................................55
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
With strong economic development all over the world, there is an increasing use of
automobiles, which has resulted in global warming, air pollution, and traffic congestion.
Consequently, many countries are trying to take action to attract more and more people to use
public transport in order to improve these problems, but the accessibility has been a key
determinant that hampers people to choose public transportation as their traffic mode. However,
bicycle was designed with the goal of achieving more efficient transportation, and it is also a
cheaper and green transport mode compared with other modes in developed countries and
developing countries. So there is a trend to combine bicycle with public transportation to attract
more customers, to relieve the traffic pressure and to promote green transport and sustainable
development of transport.
transportation system in our future cities. In 1980s, China was named “the kingdom of bicycles”,
though the number of bicycle users has decreased, cycling was and still is one of commuting
modes in most Chinese cities (ITDP-China 2010; Tang et al. 2010).
Because of the increase in traffic and urban problems which have been mentioned earlier,
bicycle sharing systems have been introduced to some Chinese cities to encourage the use of
bicycles which are used as a separate transport or integrated with other public transports, and to
facilitate green transportation. For example, in 2005, China’s first bike sharing system began
operating in Beijing. Within the concern to encourage green transportation, more and more
Chinese cities show their interest to build their own bike sharing systems (Figure 1-1). So far,
there are more than ten cities and city areas that have established bike sharing system
(ITDP-China 2010; Tang et al. 2010) (Figure 1-2).
Over the past decades, in many industrialized countries, the combination of public transport
and bicycle has been a method to solve a key shortcoming of public transport (Martens 2007),
namely the accessibility of public transport. As a feeder mode, the bicycle is considerably faster
than walking, and more flexible than public bus or other public transports due to its “continuous
character” (that is no travel time gap) which can eliminate the waiting time and scheduling cost
(Keijer et al. 2000). And it offers a number of environmental and social benefits, including
reduction in energy use, air and noise pollution, as well as lower congestion levels and access
routes to bus stops. Last but not least, the combined use of bus and bike may promote the car
free lifestyle, which can improve the development of the green mode of transport.
efficient distribution of bike rental stations should be well integrated with bus stops and residents,
that is to say, it has a suitable travel distance and travel time that contribute to a trip.
Thus, this study mainly focuses on evaluating the performance of bike sharing system,
based on a series of qualitative and quantitative methods and indicators, for example, the
characteristics of bike stations, and the accessibility of bike stations. In addition, GIS techniques
will be applied in the evaluation and optimization process.
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
characteristic of bike stations (stage2), accessibility analysis of bike stations (stage3), evaluation
of bike lane (stage4), station optimization (stage5).
x Station optimization
Indicators and constraints for optimizing spatial locations of bike stations can be obtained
from literature review. Data that used for station optimization can be prepared in the previous
work. Selected station with poor performance will be upgraded related to characteristics and
accessibility analysis of bike stations. A useful method for spatial location optimization will be
selected and implemented.
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
*Note: FD: Field work and Data analysis; CB: Characteristic of bike stations; AA: Accessibility Analysis; BL: Evaluation of bike lane;
SO: Station Optimization.
Figure 1-4 Research Method
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Users’ profile
Understand characteristics of
potential bike users Travel purpose
Road network
Analyze station spacing between
bike stations
Bike station
Calculate the potential population of
bike stations Population
Bus stop
Accessibility analysis of bike stations
to bus stop and residential Community
Stage 3
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
2.1 The development of bicycle sharing system
Bike sharing systems have been appearing in more and more cities around the world in the
last few years, which have received increasing attention in recent years with initiatives to increase
bike usage and improve the last mile connection to other modes of transit and lessen the
environmental impacts of our transport activities(DeMaio 2009). According to The Bike-sharing
Blog(2009), based on an unscientific count of the bike sharing services listed on the bike-sharing
world map, there was approximately 160 bike sharing systems globally at the end of 2009, which
is up nearly 74% from 92 bike sharing systems at the end of 2008. Bike renting systems contain a
large fleet distributed at high and medium density areas, and usually allow for one way trips and
sometimes provide short-term access(PBOT 2010).Bicycles from a bike renting station are
typically available in cities with other forms of public transportation to provide for intermodal
transportation options for the public(UtilityCycling 2008). Users check out a bike by using credit
card, membership card, or cell phone at a docking station.
As the development of better methods of tracking bikes with improved technology, this
give birth to the rapid expansion of bicycle renting systems throughout the Europe and most
other continents during the recent decades(DeMaio 2009).
According to Bührmann(2008), public bicycle systems are not only for free, but have a high
added value in the long run if properly implemented. They can help to come to a real “bicycle
culture” and to change people’s travel behavior.
bikes to public for free(UtilityCycling 2008). But things didn’t go as planned, due to the bikes
were thrown into canals or appropriate for private use, so this system collapsed within
days(DeMaio 2008).while a strong memory or urban legend still lingers around the idea of the
white bicycle in Amsterdam(UtilityCycling 2008).
Nearly 30 years later, in 1995, the 2nd generation was operated in Copenhagen called
Bycyklen, with many improvements over the previous generation. That bike sharing system were
specially designed, users could pick up and return bikes at specific locations throughout the
central city areas with a coin deposit. While more formalized than the previous generation-with
stations and organization to operate the program – these bikes still experienced theft due to the
anonymity of the customer(DeMaio 2008).
The 3rd generation system is smartened with a variety of technological improvements
including electronically locking rack or bike locks, telecommunication systems, smartcards,
mobile phone access and on-board computers. Bike sharing system grew slowly in the following
years until the launch of Velo’v in Lyon, France(DeMaio 2008).
In the past years, many cities in European countries have been successful in the project of
bicycle renting system. According to PBOT(2010), the Velib system in Paris is generally
considered successful. In two years, Velib’s 20,000 bicycles generated over 54 million trips. On
average, Parisians and its visitors generate 74,000 bike sharing trips a day. The Velo’v program in
Lyon is arguably more successful with an average of 22,000 trips on a 3,000 bike fleet – or
roughly seven trips per bike per day. And Barcelona’s Bicing project planners projected to gain
2,000 bikes sharing member per month. After just four months, 82,000 people had joined (source:
Clear Channel Outdoor). Barcelona has doubled the size of its program to 6000 bikes(PBOT
In recent years, Europe has been a real boom of public bicycle schemes, which make the
bicycle accessible as part of the public transport system. The number of cities that already
implemented or plan to do so, increased strongly. And the scale of the systems has also reached
new heights. Beyond Europe, the interest in the concept of public bicycles is also rising, e.g. in
the US, in Canada, Australia, Argentina, or Israel.(Bührmann 2008)
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
digital information technology used in this system(ITDP-China 2010; Tang et al. 2010). In
addition, there are other cities also show there interest in building bike sharing system, such as
Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and so on; moreover, the bike sharing system in some
of these cities are working well(Figure 2-4).
Bike sharing system was started in Hangzhou in May 2008, which is operated by Hangzhou
Public Transport Bicycle Service Development Co; and 2,204 bike rental stations with 50,000
bikes are built. Moreover, some bike stations are open for 24 hours, and citizens can use bikes in
one hour without charge. Hangzhou bike sharing system has been the most successful scheme in
China, where the bike rental stations can be found every 100 meters, compared to the 300 meters
in Paris. And during the first year operation, no bikes were stolen and few bikes were broken or
vandalized compared to the half of that were stolen or broken in Paris(ITDP-China 2010;
In order to cater for the 2010 WorldExpo, Shanghai has also launched a bike sharing
program in March 2009, which is operated by Shanghai Forever Bicycle Company. And bike
rental stations are open for 24 hours. This bike sharing system can be accessible by RFID cards.
Users can purchase 100 ride credits for about 30 dollars. Short rides are rewarded credits and
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
longer rides subtract credits once the bike has been re-docked. Shanghai plans to expand to 3,500
bicycle hot spots throughout the entire city by 2010(ITDP-China 2010; WIKIPEDIA 2010).
Guangzhou launched the bike sharing system in June 22nd 2010, which is initiated by
Guangzhou government and operated by Guangzhou Public Bicycle Operation and Co., and
ITDP (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy) was asked to provide assistance
with issues such as station distribution, hardware technical support and operational
recommendations. This bike sharing project contains 3 phases, providing 15,000 bicycles, to
along BRT corridor and nearby living and business area, and to set stations around bus stops and
in Jinshazhou and Daxuecheng. The bike sharing project adapt automatic charging system by
using Yangchengtong IC card (can also be used on metro and bus) or a Public Bicycle Service
card to activate either manual or self service, and citizens can use public bike free of charge
within one hour. Since the first day of starting, the public bike project has been welcome by the
citizens and media. In only 2 months, the number of rental per day has reached 5000 and keeps
growing(Warrier 2010).
In addition, Wuhan is the first city that launches a free public bike sharing system in China
since 2009. Till now, more and more Chinese cities start to build a public bike sharing system,
such as Shenzhen, Suzhou, Chengdu, and so on. The bike sharing system has been widely
spreading to more and more Chinese cities.
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
(Source: http://www.slideshare.net/rgadgi/guangzhou-bike-share-nitin-warrier)
Figure 2-6 Financing - Capital Cost
z Operation
In China’s bike sharing system, a public bicycle card is provided to citizens, which also can
be used on metro and bus in some Chinese cities, to rent bikes. And bike users need to put a
deposit into public bicycle card to activate it which is used for renting and returning bikes in
either manual or self service. In some Chinese cities, the temporary card is provided to people
who want to use public bike temporarily.
In most of the Chinese cities, bikes can be borrowed and returned at any bike station in
opening time, and 24 hours are available in some cities or stations(ITDP-China 2010).
z Pricing
Apart from the free bike sharing system in Wuhan and credits system in the bike sharing
system of Shanghai and Beijing, most of the Chinese cities adopts a same pricing model for
using bikes in bike sharing system. That is to say, users can rent bikes without charge in the first
one hour, but need to pay for renting bikes in additional hours with certain money. The goal of
the pricing model is to encourage short trips and promote the recycle use of bikes, instead of
maximizing revenue. For example, in Hangzhou, 95% of the trips are less than 1 hour, so they
are free(Schroeder 2010).
of bicycle use. It also makes sense in cities that have a good level of cycling as it increases
sustainable mobility choices at low cost when compared to other public transport measures.
Furthermore, it encourages intermodal travelling(Bührmann et al. 2008).
According to PBOT(2010), the bike sharing system has the potential to introduce new
people to urban cycling, reduce peak-hour pressure on transit, reduce automobile trips, and
improve livability. And achieve a change towards a more sustainable multimodal travel behavior
(“the right mode for the right trip”). If the systems are properly implemented, they can be part
of the “bigger puzzle” of an integrated urban transport strategy, which enables cities to reduce
motorized traffic and its environmental impact(Bührmann 2008).
input data to such a tool; and the aim of this perspective is to simply transform data from
planning tools to a GIS, and vice versa(Hall 2006).
With respect to the non-motorized travel, GIS can be used to enhance bicycle demand
forecasting and facility analysis by permitting spatially-based analysis, otherwise, which might be
difficult or impossible. Moreover, GIS can also be used to display and communicate information
relevant to bicycle planning(U.S.DTFHA 1999). In this study, GIS based spatial analytical method
would be used to evaluate the performance of bike sharing system.
2.4.1 Location set covering model & Maximal coverage location model
Coverage of location has been an aspect of influencing service location. Many methods
have been developed to solve coverage problems. Location set covering problem (LSCP)
proposed in Toregas et al. cited by (Murray 2001), and Maximal coverage location problem
(MCLP) propose in Church and ReVelle (1974) cited by (Murray 2003) are two common models
used for analyzing stop placement efficiency.
z Location set covering problem
The LSCP was originally utilized for locating a minimum number of emergency service
facilities and has also been suggested for identifying a minimum number of express bus stop
locations. The use of the LSCP for assessing redundancy in service coverage for an existing
public transportation system does not appear to be a previous application area(Murray 2001). In
the LSCP, the optimum number of facilities is one aspect of the solution to the problem, and the
constraint requires for all demands must be covered by at least one facility(cited by MAHMUD et
z Maximal coverage location problem
The MCLP was proposed to seek the maximum population that can be served by a limited
number of facilities within a stated service distance or time(MAHMUD et al. 2009). In the MCLP,
the number of facilities is known a priori and the objective becomes to maximize services for
demands (cited by MAHMUD et al.(2009)).
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
of potential sites. The actual area of coverage can be calculated in the GIS once the set of facility
sites has been selected.
2.6 Conclusion
Because of the increasing environmental issues and transport problems, bike sharing system
has become a reigning project in all over the word. And the overall bike sharing systems in
Chinese cities are in building and improving phrase.
In this research, GIS technique is applied in analysis. And service location model –
especially the maximal service area model- is used for analyzing and optimizing bike stations.
Moreover, optimization of bicycle station mainly focuses on the efficiency of service coverage
and station spacing of bike stations.
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
are 48 intersections where the traffic volume is more than 5,000 vehicles per hour. But in 2009,
the numbers of intersections have been up to 74, in which the traffic volume of 18 intersections
is between 10,000 and 15,000 vehicles per hour. Now, the Hangkong road in Hankou district has
become the most serious traffic congested area, the traffic volume in peak hours has broken
through 20,000 vehicles per hour. In 2009, the new increased length of urban roads is 198
kilometers, which is equal to a big “parking lot”(WHTPI 2010).
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Bikes can be borrowed and returned at any stations between 7:00 – 21:00. The workers of bicycle
stations in kiosks have to report to the bicycle company that the number of bikes in their stations
every night at the close time of bike stations.
Figure 3-6 Manual & Self-service system of Wuhan’s bike sharing system
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
4.2 Methodology
This paper focuses on evaluating the performance of bicycle sharing system in Wuchang
district, based on the existing problems of bike sharing system in Wuhan. And method on
combination of GIS and multi criteria evaluation (MCE) is adopted to comprehensively evaluate
the overall performance of bike sharing system, by building a series of indicators which would
influence the “performance” of bike sharing system. Moreover, the bike stations with poor
performance will be optimized.
After data collection, research process were performed in according with conceptual
framework (Figure 1-3) and research design (Figure 1-5)
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
aspects: construction of bicycle lane, and operation of bicycle lane. The former focuses on
evaluating whether the network of bicycle lane is mature. And the later focuses on evaluating the
right-of-way. The more detail of analysis will be performed in section 5.2. Methodology for evaluating accessibility between bike stations and other facilities
Another aspect of spatial effectiveness that influences the performance of bike sharing
system is accessibility between bike stations and other facilities. Accessibility evaluation aims at
evaluating whether the spatial interaction of bike stations and other facilities (i.e. bus stops,
communities…) is effectiveness. And the accessibility is evaluated in terms of travel time.
Because the major feature of bike stations is to be integrated with bus stops, in order to
deeply detect the spatial interaction between bike station and bus stops, a method similar with
2SFCA method (Radke and Mu (2000)) is applied in this research.
x ĀBike station availabilityāüü calculating the catchment area of bike station in
maximal travel time, and searching how many bus stops around each bike station in
certain catchment area.
x ĀBus stops availabilityāüü calculating the catchment area of bus stop in maximal
travel time, and summing up the bike stations around facility’s location in certain
catchment area.
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Before these two steps, the suitable travel time between bike station and bus stops should be
identified. Moreover, the theory on MSAP (maximal service area problem) will be considered to
deal with service area of facilities. The analysis can be operated by using Network Analyst in
ArcGIS, and the results would be performed in ArcGIS.
According to the principle of planning and building bike stationsü bike stations are built
around specific facilities, and 57.3% of respondents in investigation who use bikes for
commuting trips (see section 5.1.3), it is necessary to analyze the accessibility between bike
station and specific facilities (i.e. business, college, entertainment) or residential communities.
Due to there is no detailed data on the location of specific facilities, the data on land use pattern
is used to deal with this problem. The following flowchart explains the operational process of
accessibility analysis on bike stations and specific facilities.
Selection of attribution
On specified land use pattern
Zonal Statistics
Distance of allocating
specified facility to bike
stations within 10
Figure 4-8 flowchart of analyzing accessibility between bike stations and specified facilities
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
z Coverage model
In this study, during the investigation of bike users, there are 57.3% of respondents that use
bike for commuting trips, and 55.1% and 35% of respondents using bikes integrated with public
bus and walking respectively (see section 5.1.3). Therefore, the optimization and allocation of
bike stations are completely based on the population distribution, selected bus stops which are
not covered by bike stations in certain time, and maximal service area; and make sure that every
selected bus stop and distributed population are served by bike stations, and station spacing is
lower than 30 minutes. The coverage model will be performed compliance with the following
flowchart (Figure 4-9). The more detail of coverage model will be described in section5.4.
Selecting bus stops that out
of bike stations’ coverage
Optimal bike
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Figure 5-1 Bike Users’ age Figure 5-2 Bike Users' job
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Figure 5-8 Problems of Bike Sharing System Figure 5-9 Attitudes of users to bike sharing system
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
5.1.3 Conclusion
Given that questionnaire and interview with respondents and bike stations’ managers, some
basic information on bike users and bike sharing system of Wuhan is concluded:
x Major age group is between 20 and 39 years old (61%);
x Major users’ job is white-collar worker (35%);
x The income of main users is lower than 3,000RMB (73.5%);
x Major travel purpose is commuting trips (57.3%);
x Rental time is between 10 and 30 minutes (42%);
x Bike users often using bikes integrated with bus (55.1%) or walking (35.0%);
x Saving time, environmental friendly, and convenience of bikes are the major reason that
users renting bikes (67%);
x 91.5% of respondents say the bike sharing system with the problems on bikes’ quality,
and bike stations’ quantity, distribution and capacity;
x 70.5% of respondents do not satisfy the bike sharing system, and say there is a lot of
space to improve the bike sharing system of Wuhan;
x Most of the bike users responded that they wanted to find a bike station not further
than 10 minutes by walking from their home, or work place, and in 5 minutes is better.
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
¾ Bike lanes are occupied by motor vehicle parking. Many motor vehicles park on bike
lanes; this result in people has to travel on vehicle roads and brings about the unsafe of
bicycle travel.
Bike lane
Bike lane
public transport deteriorates with increase in access/egress time. In the case of Wuhan, with
regards to walk to bike stations, it is assumed that people who want to walk there within 5
minutes instead of further than 10 minutes (this is derived from communicating with bike users
in my survey). In terms of the travel speed is 4km/h for walking; the threshold of travel distance
is 333m and 666m for 5minutes and 10minutes respectively.
By executing service area analysis in Network Analyst in ArcGIS, the catchment area of bike
stations within 5 minutes and 10 minutes can be obtained, see Figure 5-11. This result will be used
to calculate the potential population served by each bike station.
Figure 5-12 Bike stations find other stations in certain time stage
Figure 5-13 Number of bike stations without finding other stations in certain time
Based on the combination of above two pictures, 160 bike stations can find other bike
stations in 5 minutes (see Figure 5-12). Although there is a bike station without reaching other
bike stations from 5 to 10 minutes (see Figure 5-13), this bike station has already reached another
bike station within 5 minutes. So, it is obvious that all of the bike stations can reach each other
within 10 minutes (see Figure 5-13).
With respect to the bike stations (see “ID” in Figure 5-13 and Figure 5-14) which cannot
reach other bike station within 5 minutes, they can reach one or more other stations within 10
minutes (see “No. of reached bike stations” in Figure 5-14). And minimal travel time is just
around 6 minutes (see “Travel Time” in Figure 5-14).
Therefore, 95% of bike stations can reach the nearest bike stations in 5 minutes; only 4.7%
of bike stations can reach the nearest bike stations around 6minutes. To sum up, the travel time
between bike stations is in accordance with the code for transport planning (which was
mentioned earlier in this section) in study area.
aggregate the data to get the catchment population. First, the raster data of population should be
converted to feature data—polygon, which makes the fowling activities more simple; Then,
intersection of population and catchment area, and intersected population can be obtained. After
that, summarizing the intersected population per catchment and calculating population density
per catchment. With regard to calculation of population density, first to calculate the intersected
area of intersected population per catchment, but the intersected area is just the aggregated area
of total polygon of population with intersected size instead of full size, due to intersection of
catchment area and polygon of population; then, to calculate the aggregated total area of
complete polygon of population with full size in each catchment; after these two steps, the
population density per catchment can be obtained by dividing aggregated total area by intersected
area of population. Finally, catchment population can be got by multiplying sum of intersected
population and population density per catchment (Figure 5-15). Figure 5-16 shows a general result
of potential catchment population of bike stations, it is easier to find that the number of
population served by each bike station is great different; therefore, it is necessary to distribute
bikes in according with the catchment population of bike station in reality.
Conversion Raster to
Feature (polygon)
Summarizing intersected
Calculating population
population per
density per Catchment area
Catchment area
Sum of Population
intersected density per
population catchment
Figure 5-15 flowchart of calculating catchment population
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
~ 39 ~
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
maximal walking time is 10 minutes, the search tolerance is set up as 670 meters which is equal to
multiply walking speed by 10 minutes; and settings of default breaks in “Layer Properties” is 5
and 10 minutes (see Figure 5-18). After setting up of parameters, the results of maximal service
area of bike stations can be derived (see Figure 5-19).
Figure 5-18 Settings of Layer Properties in service area analysis on bus stops
In the results, the number of bus stops covered by each bike station is lower than 7 (Figure
5-20 and Figure 5-21). Moreover, during 10 minutes, there are still 174 bus stops within service
area, and 141 bus stops out of the service area of bike stations (Table 5-1), so more bike stations
are necessary to be built. Furthermore, some of the bike stations cover 1 bus stop, while some
cover 2 to 6 bus stops, therefore, the distribution of bike stations seems sort of irrational.
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Figure 5-20 Number of bus stops covered by per bike station in 10 minutes
Figure 5-21 Relationship between bike stations and bus stops (bike station avaliabity)
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
~ 42 ~
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Figure 5-23 Number of bike station covered by per bus stop in 10mins
Figure 5-24 Relationship between bike stations and bus stops (bus stop availability)
Figure 5-25 Distance of allocating residential communities to bike stations within 10 minutes (in
Figure 5-26 Distance of allocating business to bike stations in 10mins (in Wuchang)
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
~ 45 ~
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Figure 5-29 Distance of allocating specific facilities to bike stations in 10 minutes (in Wuchang)
z Conclusion
According to the results of accessibility analysis between bike stations and business, college
and entertainment, in general, the areas that no adequate bike stations are almost the same part in
Wuchang district (see Figure 5-29). And there are existing problems on the locations of some
bike stations, due to the spacing of two stations is too close, so it is necessary to optimize the
location of these bike stations. The more detail optimization will be shown in chapter 5.4.
5.3.3 Discussion
Based on the accessibility analysis, to some extent, it is easier to find that the
interconnection between bike stations and bus stops, residential communities, colleges is poor.
Almost half of the bus stops are not served by bike stations in 10mins (see section And
there are deficient bike stations in some areas with high population density (see section5.3.2.2).
Moreover, by analyzing the accessibility between bike stations and specific facilities, it is easier to
find that the areas with insufficient bike stations are nearly the same part in Wuchang district (see
section5.3.2.3 ). Consequently, it is necessary to implement a optimization model to improve the
performance of this bike sharing system.
Furthermore, in this research, the data of bike stations in Wuchang district only
incorporates the bike stations which are within third ring, and which are operated by Xinfeida
Bicycle Company (main operator of Wuhan’s bike sharing system). Because the bike stations in
Qingshan zone of Wuchang district are operated by another company which only builds the bike
sharing system of Qingshan zone, then these bike stations are not included in this research.
Because the two bike sharing systems are two separate bike sharing systems, bike users cannot
rent bikes mixed. Moreover, the bike sharing system which is operated by Xinfeida Bicycle
Company is the main bike sharing system in Wuhan. Therefore, this research only focuses on the
bike sharing system operated by Xinfeida Bicycle Company.
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Figure 5-30 Bus stops which do cover and not cover bike stations in 10mins
Bus stops which do not cover bike stations will be selected to be used for optimizing bike
x Step 2: Building of network dataset based on road network.
Because bike sharing system integrated with public transport system, people walk between
bus stops and bike stations. Because the walking speed is determined by physique, it is hard to
identify an accurate value of walking speed. In this study, the walking speed is defined as 4km/h
(Zuidgeest et al. 2009).
Therefore, in order to build network dataset in ArcCatalog, in the attribute table of road
network, the travel time is calculated by dividing shape length by walking speed.
x Step 3: Estimation of access time to bus stops and subway stations.
In this study, during the investigation on bike users, they said that the suitable walking time
between bike stations and bus stops is within 10 minutes. Therefore, the maximal access time is
defined as 10 minutes.
x Step 4: Network Analysis üü to calculate maximal service area of bus stops and
subway stations.
Service area analysis of Network Analyst in ArcGIS is used to calculate service area of bus
stops. Road network dataset has been created in step 2. In the service area analysis, bus stops are
defined as facilities to create service area. Because maximal access time is defined as 10 minutes,
in “Layer Properties”, the search tolerance is set as 670 meters which is equal to multiply maximal
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Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
access time by walking speed. In the previous accessibility analysis on the bus stops and existing
bike stations, 80% of bike stations were covered by bus stops within 5 minutes. Moreover, a
standard distance threshold of 0.4km was used for walking to bus stops (Zuidgeest et al. 2009).
With respect to the optimization, in order to balance the walking time between bike station and
bus stop, the “Settings of Default Breaks” in “Layer Properties” is defined as 6 and 10 minutes.
x Step 5: Optimizing location of some existing bike stations, and locating new bike
stations within service area of bus stops along road network, based on station spacing,
and population distribution in the study area.
In the perspective of bike stations which is divided into existing bike stations and new bike
stations, the operation of step5 will be implemented in accordance with the following parts.
x Existing bike stations —— because the locations of some bike stations are too close
which results in a bus stop is served by two or more bike stations, and some bus stops
are not served by a bike station (see red circle in Figure 5-33), this will result in irrational
utilization of bike stations for bike users. It is necessary to adjust the locations of these
bike stations slightly based on population distribution.
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~ 49 ~
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
Third Ring
~ 50 ~
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
~ 51 ~
Evaluating performance of bike sharing system in Wuhan , China
The objective of this research is to evaluate the performance of bike sharing system in
Wuhan in order to detect whether the bike sharing system is efficient. And based on the results
of evaluation (see section5.3.2), a method is implemented for spatial location optimization of
bike stations (see section5.4). A series of research questions have been addressed accordingly,
following the research method (see section4.2) has been proposed.
The results of performance evaluation of bike sharing system and optimized bike stations
are finally achieved following the proposed research methodology, the research questions (see
section 1.4) are answered consequently.
z Q2: How to define and perform “characteristics” of bike stations for analysis?
The objective of analyzing the characteristics of bike station is to analyze the spatial
characteristics and non-spatial characteristic of bike stations, both of which have an effect on the
spatial effectiveness of bike sharing system. With respect to spatial characteristic, it includes
catchment of bike stations and station spacing between bike stations; and the station spacing is
performed in terms of travel time. And non-spatial characteristic of bike station is concerned
about potential catchment population of bike stations.
Furthermore, the analysis of catchment and station spacing of bike stations are operated in
ArcGIS, by using network analyst. And a computation method is implemented for calculating
catchment population of bike stations. The procedure and results are performed in section 5.3.1.
method on accessibility analysis was operated in ArcGIS. In light of accessibility analysis (see
section 5.3.2), it is easy to find that the accessibility between bike stations and other facilities
needs to be improved, because some of the other facilities are not covered by bike stations in
certain time.
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Furthermore, in this research, the data of bike stations in Wuchang district only
incorporates the bike stations which are within third ring, and which are operated by Xinfeida
Bicycle Company. Because the bike stations in Qingshan zone of Wuchang district are operated
by another bicycle company which only builds the bike system of Qingshan zone, then these bike
stations are not included in this research.
To some extent, with respect to the accessibility analysis between bike stations and other
facilities, this could impair the accuracy of analysis results.
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