01 D28 DIG5 Exercises
01 D28 DIG5 Exercises
01 D28 DIG5 Exercises
Exercises i3D
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Exercises –SIPROTEC 5 / DIGSI 5
1. Design the scope of Binary inputs and outputs, the number of VTs and CTs and the number of
protection functions. How many interfaces do you need for the Siprotec 5 devices stipulated
for of the 220 kV SLD Feeder =D01 and =D02 ?
2. Which type of communication interfaces do you need, which type of Display and control keys
and how many LED are necessary? Use the Customer Specification.
SIP 5 Device 32 l i f
SIP 5 Device 32 l i f
w - without display
s / l - small / large
IEC 61 850 Interface display
serial Control Center y / n - yes / no
Interface key swich
Open the Operational log list and get the last information:
Get the Serial Number and the Order Number of SIP5 device
(=>Menu=>Test & Diagnostics=>Device Information)
and write down the Order code and save it in a Word-file under C:Temp
Open the Operational log list and get the last information:
Get the Serial Number and the Order Number of SIP5 device
(=>Menu=>Test & Diagnostics=>Device Information)
and write down the Order code and save it in a Word-file under C:Temp
Order Code:
7SL86 – DAAA -AA0 - 0AAAA0 - AZ1212 - 23111A - EBA000 - 000AA0 - CB1BA2 - CB1
(Menu=> Communication=> J: On broad Ethernet=> Cannel 1=> IP setting=> Change=Enter confirm ID: 222 222
=> press Enter => press OK for Confirm Forces device restart=> Enter IP address=> press Enter => press right
Arrow bottom for Escape four times => select Confirm => press OK => SIP 5 restarted )
Ex 3b)
• Create the Order Number for Spare part only for the Basic-Device =D01 like Specification but with
the minimum of function points. => Result?
Function Points:……
Short Code:……
Long Code:………………………………………………………………………………..
Ex 3c)
• Create the Order Number for Spare part only for the Expansion-Module =D01 like Specification
Short Code:……
Long Code:………………………………………………………………………………..
Ex 3e)
• Create the Order Number of DIGSI 5 Premium with SIGRA for 5 licenses
Short Code:……
Long Code:………………………………………………………………………………..
Ex 3f)
• Create the Order Number of CT-Terminal for Protection with sensitive Ground current
3. Design a single bus bar line feeder by using a template (e.g. Double busbar line feeder),
change it like SLD feeder “=D01”. The max. of size should be 13x7 quadrates.
a) Open the “Single-line configuration” , b) Move the template
“Double-BB-Line Feeder”
from the Libraries “Protection Template" into the
3. Design a single bus bar line feeder by using a template (e.g. Double busbar line feeder),
change it like SLD feeder “=D01”. The max. of size should be 13x7 quadrates
c) Delete BB2, QB2 and BE2 , d) Connect QB9 with BE1 (by holding the left
mouse key)
3. Design a single bus bar line feeder by using a template (e.g. Double busbar line feeder),
change it like SLD feeder “=D01” The max. of size should be 13x7 quadrates.
e) Insert “Disconnector”, Grounding and 3-Phase-VT YY from the Libraries,
rotate and connect them , f) Set the data of
current transformers
BC1 (800/1A) and
voltage transformers BA1
4) Add a device using “Add new device”. Enter the MLFB-long code:
(7SL86-DAAA-AA0-0AAAA0-AZ1212-23111A-EBA000-000AA0-CB1BA2-CB1) from the
Configuration tool with copy and paste, (or the short code: P1C3001) and verify it.
4) If You have a online Internet access you can use a better Option:
Add a device using “Add new device”. Enter the Short code:(P1C3001) and verify it.
6) Rename the device in the properties of 7SL86 in “=D01 Line 1” and delete or add the necessary
numbers of protection functions in the Function Group FG ”Line 1” according specification.
Delete or add the necessary numbers of circuit breaker functions in the Function Group
FG ” Circuit Breaker 1 ” like specified.
7) Add new Function Group (FG) for Disconnector- and Ground- Switches from the libraries in
the device Line 1 and rename it.
9b) Route the new Voltage-Measuring Point to the Expansion module 1 and link this VT
to FG Circuit Breaker 1
9c) Enter the Rating of Current Transformer, the site of neutral point and the error factors
of CT diagram.
9e) Enter the Rated Value for 100%, of CT and VTs the kind of Primary Starpoint and the length of the
OH-Line for the FG Line 1.
9f) Enter the Rated Value for 100%, of CT and VTs for the FG Circuit breaker 1.
12) Set the IP address of “Line 1“ =D01 like your device on the table
Port J to 192.168.001.x (x=111/ 121/ 131/ 151/ 161/ 171) and the subnet mask
Circuit breaker (CB) QA1 to BO 1.1(U) for open CB ;BO2 1.2 and BO 1.3 for close CB (X)
BB disconnector QB1 to BO 1.4 (X) and BO 1.5(X) for op/cl
Ground switch QC1 to BO 2.1 (X) and BO 2.2(X) for op/cl
Ground switch QC2 to BO 3.1 (X) and BO 3.2(X) for op/cl
Line disconnector QB9 to BO 3.3 (X) and BO 3.4(X) for op/cl
Ground switch QC9 to BO 3.5 (X) and BO 3.6(X) for op/cl
3a) Enter in the properties of “Control” of Circuit Breaker 1 the SBO* Time Out of 0,5s, the Feedback
Monitor Time of 5s and the release conditions of Control.
3b) Enter in the properties of Circuit Breaker 1 the Output Time of command = 0,5 s.
4a) Enter in the properties of Disconnectors the Output Time of commands = 10 s and
the Types of Switch (disconnector or grounding switch – IEC 61 850).
4b) Enter the Control Mode of Disconnector for the SBO Time Out of 30s, the Feedback Monitor Time of
25s and the release conditions of Control in the Properties of ”Control” of Disconnectors and Ground
* SBO – Select before operate
QA1 to BO 1.1(U) for open CB ;BO2 1.2 and BO 1.3 for close CB (X)
QB1 to BO 1.4 (X) and BO1.5(X) for op/cl
QC1 to BO2.1 (X) and BO2.2(X) for op/cl
QC2 to BO3.1 (X) and BO3.2(X) for op/cl
QB9 to BO3.3 (X) and BO3.4(X) for op/cl
QC9 to BO3.5 (X) and BO3.6(X) for op/cl
3a) Enter in the properties of Circuit Breaker the Output Time of command = 0,5 s.
4a) Enter in the properties of Disconnectors the Output Time of commands = 10 s and
the Types of Switch (disconnector or grounding switch – IEC 61 850).
1. Go to the single-line configuration (SLC) and create a display page of the bay. Select
the complete bay and use the “Create Display” button
2. Delete the default display page “Bay 1“ and design the Page D01 with moving of
3. Link the Switching Devices with “Command with feedback” with drag @ drop
1) Go to the single-line configuration (SLC) and create a display page of the bay. Select the complete
SIP5 device and use the “Create Display” button.
2) Delete the “Operation Values” page and design the Page =D01 220kV Line 1 with moving of symbols.
3) Link the Switching Devices with “Command with feedback” with drag and drop
4) Create a new Measurement page. Add a new display page, rename it to “=D01 Values” and add
all the measurement values required for this bay. They are available in the signal catalogue in
the group “Line 1 –> “Operational Values”
3. By mistake you entered 1450 Ohm instead of 14,5 Ohm for Zone 1B.
See how this invalid value is displayed.
4. Check the list of inconsistencies in the Info area and click on a setting inconsistency
to directly jump there
5. Add a setting group and copy the settings from group 1 to group 2
6. Change the Zone 1 setting in setting group 2 from 6.2 Ohm to 62 Ohm and see how
the difference is displayed
7. Switch on Zone 4 directly from the information routing
8. Save the project and download the parameters into the device
9. Save the project and download the parameters into the device via USB Front-
5) Add a setting group and copy the settings from group 1 to group 2
5) Add a setting group and copy the settings from group 1 to group 2
6) Change the Zone 1 setting in setting group 2 from 6.2 Ohm to 62 Ohm and see how
the difference is displayed
9) Save the project and download the parameters into the device via USB Front-Interface.
⇒Power flow
Substation 1 Substation 2
Line 1 Bus Coupler Line 2 Incoming
0,3 s
3. Parameterize the pickup threshold and grading time (operate delay) of Line 1
4. Display the Setting Diagram
1.1 Add the new stage of “50/51 O/C 3-Ph A1“ function to Line 1
BI 1.1 Block (T3) I>>> (T3) t I>>> 0,05s 0,3 s
(T1)t I> 1,2s t I> 0,9,s t I> 0,6,s
pick up pick up
1.2 The Settings of stage T3 should be 1.2 A for Threshold and 0.05s for Operate delay
1.3 Go to the information routing of device Line 1 and parameterize the blocking of stage 3
(Definite T3) of 50/51 O/C function. The stage shall be blocked, when binary input 1.1 goes “high”.
Use filtering to reduce the number of displayed information (>Block stage)
Route the “>Block stage” information to the user-defined Lock List 1.
In the folder “Online access” your Online device =D01 will be displayed.
2. Retrieve the process information of the selected the device by double-click on Get all data
from device:
Back up transparency:
To connect to another device in online mode do disconnect the already connected device by the
context menu.
3. To change the time double-click on Device information and select the Time information tab.
d) The change of time is activated by clicking on Set time button. e) Enter 222222 as confirmation ID.
SIPROTEC 5/ DIGSI 5 Basic Course
Version: D28_Page 89 Siemens Power Academy TD
Exercise 8
DIGSI 5 Online Operation with SIPROTEC 5
5. Check & read fault records. Trigger a test fault record. Show in SIGRA via the context menu.
8. To change settings in the online device open the nodes Expert configuration > Settings > Line 1
and double-click
the function
50/51 OC-3ph 1
8. Now it is possible to change the settings. Change the parameter Threshold to 1.500 A
and double-click on Load changes
to device. Confirm with 222222.
8. Then compare the settings with offline device by clicking on Compare devices in the context menu.
8. Click on Update offline configuration in the context menu of the online device.
1) Add a new function chart called “Local” and select the task “event-triggered”
3) Change the time settings of the “high“ (TH) and “low“ (TL) inputs according to the exercise
4) Open the signal catalog and connect the signal “Switching Authority -> Local“
to the input “Start“. This signal can be found in the folder “General“.
5) Connect all the odd LEDs of the expansion module to the output Q of the
block. The LED signals can be found in the group “Binary IO“
6) Save the project, download the parameters into the device and test the CFC logic
1. Click on “Device Settings“ and select 4 groups. Select “binary input” for Active settings group parameter:
2. Open the matrix, right-click on group “General“
2. Assign for >SG choice bit 1 and bit 2 the Binary Input 1.2 and 1.3 as “H”
4. Insert a Integer status (INS) Information in the Information Group “General” and rename it in “No of Setting Group”
6. Add a new chart (CFC), rename it in “Setting Group” and select “Event-triggered”
for the task of function chart.
7. Insert a Logic “BOOL_Int” Module in the new chart rename it in “BOOL to Integer” and switch off
the 3’th and 4’th Input of this module in the properties.
8. Select the MOD-Input and enter “3” for the Mode in the properties of this module.
9. Add a “ADD_D”-Module, rename it in “Setting Group” and enter “1” in the properties of 2’th Input.
Link the modules and connect the IN1 and IN2 to the “SG choice bit 1 and 2” and connect the
Output of User defined Information “No of Setting Group” and compile the new Chart.
10. Save the project, download the parameters into the device and test this Exercise.
1. Add a new User-defined function block and rename it Process Signal. Add two user defined
signals: Double-point signal for Power Flow Direction and Single-point signal for SF6 Loss.
Assign binary input 4 as Low Active to the SF6 Loss signal.
2. Create a new CFC chart P-Direction for the power flow direction as follows.
3. Create a new dynamic symbol with 4 states in the display and connect it with the P-Direction
1. Add a new User-defined function block and rename it Process Signal. Add two user defined signals:
Double-point signal for Power Flow Direction and Single-point signal for SF6 Loss. Assign binary
input 4 as Low Active to the SF6 Loss signal.
2. Create a new CFC chart P-Direction for the power flow direction as follows:
- 0.001
2. Get the Serial number (BM) of the Line 1 feeder from the menu of your SIP 5 device.
1. Expand the Single Line Diagram for the Bus Coupler by using of a template (“Busbar Coupler Bay”) and change it like
specified SLD feeder “=D02”
a) Open the “Single-line configuration”
b) Move the template “Busbar Coupler Bay” from the Libraries in the SLD-drawing
c) Delete BB1 and change the link of Voltage Transformer QE5 to the BB2
d) Rename the components of SLD like specified in QC11, QC21, QA1, BA21 and BC1.
2. Add a device using “Add new device”. Enter the MLFB-long code: (7SL86 – DAAA -AA0 - 0AAAA0 - AZ1212 - 23111A
- EBA000 - 000AA0 - CB1BA2 - CB1) from the Configuration-tool with copy and paste, (or the short code: P1C3001)
and verify it.
3. Select the Application Template (DIFF/DIS Basic).
4. Rename the device in the properties of 7SJ86 in “=D02 Bus Coupler” and delete or add the necessary numbers of
protection functions in the Function Group “Circuit Breaker 1” and “ FG* ”Line 1” according specification.
5. Rename FG “Line 1” into “Bus Coupler”
6. Add new Function Groups (FG) for Disconnector- and Ground- Switches from the libraries in the device D02 and
rename them.
7. Clarify the Attention-Sign.
8. Connect primary equipment to the device (CT-BC1 to FG CB and to FG Bus Coupler, VT-BA21 to FG Bus Coupler and
FG CB, the VT-BA11 (Bay-D01) only to FG CB (V sync 2) and synchronize the settings.
9. Link the commands and status from the FGs to the CB QA1, Disconnectors-QB11/QB21 and Ground Switches QC11,
QC1, QC2 and QC21
3) Enter the Control Model and the SBO* Time Out, the Feedback Monitor Time (15s) and the interlocking conditions in the settings of Properties of
”Control” for Disconnectors and Ground Switches.
Circuit breaker (CB) QA1 to BO1.1 (X) and BO 1.2(X) for op/cl
BB1 Ground switch QC11 to BO 1.3(X) and BO 1.4(X) for op/cl
BB1 disconnector QB11 to BO 1.5 (X) and BO 1.6(X) for op/cl
Ground switch 1 QC1 to BO 2.1 (X) and BO 2.2(X) for op/cl
Ground switch 2 QC2 to BO 3.1 (X) and BO 3.2(X) for op/cl
BB2 disconnector QB21 to BO 3.3 (X) and BO 3.4(X) for op/cl
BB2 ground switch QC21 to BO 3.5(X) and BO 3.6(X) for op/cl
5) Enter in the properties of Circuit Breaker the Output Time of command = 0,5 s.
6) Enter in the properties of Disconnectors the Output Time of commands = 10 s and the Type of Switch (grounding switch or disconnector).
7) Save and download =D02 in your divice (over write =D01) and test it.
4) Save the project and download the parameters of “Line 1” and “Bus Coupler” into the devices.
If the F4 key in device 1 is pressed in both devices =D01 and =D02 LED 4 should change the status.
If the F6 key in device 2 is pressed in both devices LED 6 should change the status.
The GOOSE messages should be logged in a User Log.
1. Establish a network for two devices. GOOSE’ing works only with Ethernet communication modules.
2. In device D01 Line add two User-defined function blocks and rename them to Goose send and Goose
1. Establish a network with for the two devices. GOOSE’ing works only with Ethernet communication
2. In device D01 Line add two User-defined function blocks and rename them to Goose send and
Goose receive. Add a user defined signal -> Goose send: Single-point signal F4 LED4. Assign
function key 4 as Toggle and LED 4 for indication.
3. In device D02 BC add two User-defined function blocks and rename them to Goose send and
Goose receive. Add a user defined signal -> Goose send: Single-point signal F6 LED6. Assign
function key 6 as Toggle and LED 6 for indication.
4. Create a GOOSE application and drag&drop F4LED4 for the source signals in the D01 device and
F6 LED6 in the D02 device. For the destination column only Logical Nodes Goose Receive from both
devices are enough to establish a GOOSE connection. The destination signals will be created
F4 F6
Create a new SIP4 Project : “SIP4_SIP5” and rename the folder in “GOOSE Edition 1”
Insert a 7SA631 Protection device (MLFB: 7SA63112BB017PR7, FW: 4.68)
Select the SIP 5 Project and import the “IEC61850 station.scd” (SIP 4 project) from
In the importing windows open “Import contents” “select all” devices and “Create as new
Route the IED 03 Goose Information in the Folder “IEC 61850 Communication” to the
Source of “Goose Application” of “Goose connections”
Save the project and export it as a SCD – file to C: Temp.
Import the System SIP4-SIP5.SCD file in the IEC61850 substation from C:Temp
• Allocate the external single points of the IED 03 to suitable source information of IED
Select the SIP 5 Project and import the “IEC61850 substation_2.scd” (SIP 4 project)
from C:Temp.
Create a new SIP4 Project : “SIP4_SIP5” and rename the folder in “GOOSE Edition 1”
Create in the I/O masking a new Information group : ”GOOSE” and insert 3 internal
single points for switching of LED 1 and routing to the Goose-bus and insert 2
external single points for the Goose signals from IED 01 and IED 02 and route this
Import the System SIP4-SIP5.SCD file in the IEC61850 substation from C:Temp
Select the SIP 5 Project and import the “IEC61850 substation_2.scd” (SIP 4 project) from C:Temp.
Open in the importing windows “Import contents” “select all” devices and “Update matching devices”.
System SIP4-SIP 5
b) Commissioning Mode
Make the Online test of all Binary Inputs and Outputs as well as of all LEDs independent
of the wiring to the Switchgear with DIGSI 5.
c) Simulation Mode
Test Protection Setting of Overcurrent with DIGSI 5 without Omicron test unit.
b) Commissioning Mode
1) Go to the Assigned Online folder of Line 1, start the “test suite” and open the “Wiring”
folder and “Activate Commissioning Mode”
b) Commissioning Mode
Go online und start commissioning mode at wiring
b) Commissioning Mode
2) Test the Binary Inputs and monitor the position of switching devices of Siprotec 5
b) Commissioning Mode
3) Test the Binary Outupts and monitor the commands of switching devices of Siprotec 5
b) Commissioning Mode
4) Test the LEDs and monitor the LEDs of Siprotec 5
c) Simulation Mode
1) Prepare test sequence offline first, step 1 nominal values, set time for step
c) Simulation Mode
2) Add test steps (step1 may have nominal values)
c) Simulation Mode
3) Edit next step with
fault situation (e.g.
current 2A, voltage
10V, BI 3 and active for
Commissioning mode)
c) Simulation Mode
4) Open the folder “analog inputs” and change to simulation mode.
c) Simulation Mode
5) Select simulation sequence 1 and start the simulation mode and monitor the measurements.
c) Simulation Mode
6) Watch reaction in several protection function (start test sequence always new)