Eforensics Magazine 2019 02 OSINT in Forensics PREVIEW
Eforensics Magazine 2019 02 OSINT in Forensics PREVIEW
Eforensics Magazine 2019 02 OSINT in Forensics PREVIEW
Joanna Kretowicz
Managing Editor:
Dominika Zdrodowska
Marta Sienicka
Marta Strzelec
Bartek Adach
Senior Consultant/Publisher:
Paweł Marciniak
Joanna Kretowicz
Marketing Director:
Joanna Kretowicz
Dominika Zdrodowska
Cover Design
Hiep Nguyen Duc
Hakin9 Media Sp. z o.o.
02-676 Warszawa
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The techniques described in our articles may only be used in private, local networks. The editors hold no responsibility for misuse of the
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word from the team
Dear Readers,
Dominika Zdrodowska
by Brett Shavers
Everything in this article addresses methods and techniques to place a person
(or a device) at an exact physical location, anywhere on the planet. Varying
methods have varying degrees of accuracy and varying degrees of reliability.
When there is only one source of geolocation data, the reliability may not be as
accurate or reliable when there are several sources of corroborating data
sources. With that, how close can we get in narrowing down a person or device
to a specific physical location?
One of the most important aspects of placing a suspect at the scene of a crime is that of geolocation
forensics. This is a major point of any investigation. Electronic crimes, that is, crimes facilitated by
technology, are no different than other crimes in that a successful case requires placing a person at a
Geolocation forensics involves using the data that places a person or object at a physical location,
coupled with that information to be used in a legal matter, either civil or criminal (“forensics” being the
legal aspect). The principles are the same in geolocating a civil defendant as they are in geolocating a
kidnapping suspect.
With today’s Internet connectivity with various consumer devices, geolocation has been turning out to
be the most effective method of tracking not only the historical locations of a suspect, but even the
Geolocation as defined in this article relies on more than electronic data and forensic artifacts as it
includes the non-technical aspects and non-Internet connected artifacts of a suspect’s historical
locations. For example, a witness can testify to observing a person at a specific date at a specific time,
which goes toward geolocation. Although witness testimony can be flawed, a witness can still provide
Everything in this article addresses methods and techniques to place a person (or a device) at an exact
physical location, anywhere on the planet. Varying methods have varying degrees of accuracy and
varying degrees of reliability. When there is only one source of geolocation data, the reliability may not
be as accurate or reliable when there are several sources of corroborating data sources. With that, how
close can we get in narrowing down a person or device to a specific physical location? The listed
distances are estimates that can range in varying degrees depending on the situation. Table 1 lists
Source Notes
(best possible)
Fingerprints 1 meter Lifting a fingerprint from a crime scene or from an electronic device ties that item and location directly to the suspect.
RFID (radio frequency identification) transmits a low frequency RF signal to a reader, such as the RFID tags in retails
RFID 1 meter stores to reduce shoplifting. Products can be tagged with RFID chips and tracked via readers along a predetermined
Eyewitness 1 meter Witnesses who can affirmatively identify a suspect can give reliable testimony to the location, date, and time.
Security cameras can place a person at a specific place at an exact date/time, and if the video quality can identify the
Video 1 meter suspect, is one of the better means of geolocation of suspects.
Internet browsers that allow the HTML 5 Geolocation API access draws upon GPS, the mobile network location, the
Browser 3-10 meters Wi-Fi positioning system, and/or the IP address location to deliver the geolocation, depending upon which of these
services are available at the time to the device.
GPS (Global Positioning System) uses a constellation of satellites that transmit one-way signals to receivers to
GPS 5 meters determine the position on Earth. Accuracy of the GPS location depends upon several factors such as weather
conditions and environmental obstacles.
Assisted GPS (Hybrid) supplements GPS by using cellular network data (cell towers). Assisted GPS is faster than GPS
Assisted GPS 5-50 meters and can obtain location information when there is not a GPS signal.
Wi-Fi Positioning System (WPS) works through the aggregation of wireless access point information (BSSID, MAC
address) that is publicly accessible by scanning networks. Once the networks are discovered, they are recorded along
Wi-Fi 5-15 meters
with the location into public Wi-Fi location databases that are used for subsequent geolocation uses and as a
supplement to GPS geolocation.
The IP address, if accurate, can tie a device to a physical location. “Accurate” in that the IP address has not been
IP address
Physical address spoofed or obfuscated through virtual private networks, or accessed via long distance means such as targeted
antennas or war-driving.
Cellular positioning systems work off of cell towers as the mobile device connects to (typically) the closest cell tower.
With triangulation of cell towers, the coordinates of the device can be found. The accuracy depends upon many
Mobile (cellular) 500-1500 meters
factors such as urban areas compared to rural areas, the number and distance of each cell tower, and environmental
extremely inaccurate depending upon the source and external factors. For example, an IP address can
be very accurate to a physical address, but can be spoofed or hidden via a VPN or Tor (The Onion
Browser) and there is no accuracy at all. GPS, which is also very accurate, may not be available due to
environment conditions. Cell towers are affected by environment obstacles such as buildings and land
features, and so forth. But in combination, using as many of the sources possible, geolocation is highly
Given an incident, whether it be a crime scene or a computer-facilitated crime, one of the first questions
asked is “who did it?” You may have geolocation evidence of an unknown suspect, or you may have a
suspect in which you need to find geolocation. As an example, if an e-mail was sent to a victim, tracking
the e-mail to obtain a physical address is important. Or, if a person is of interest, determining historical
geolocation of that person will be important. Both examples require acquiring the physical locations.
Let’s start with the desktop computer.
Most personal desktop computers are fixed in one location. They are placed on a desk, plugged in, and
may not move for years, if ever until the end-of-life of the machine. It is easy to overlook the desktop
computer as a source for multiple geolocation points since it simply stays in one spot. But it is also ripe
for pulling geolocation data of the user, even when the user is no where near the computer. Also, user
activity tied to a desktop computer, coupled with geolocation data from that computer, can prove or
disprove an alibi. Table 2 shows an overview of the geolocation data that can be obtained from a
desktop computer (a laptop will typically have more due to being “mobile”).
Local Non-local
Type Details
geolocation geolocation
Internet activity: downloads, uploads, URLs
visited, URLs typed, cached files
Computer activity User activity: user documents created or X
otherwise accessed, e-mails sent or opened,
other applications accessed (games, etc.)
Network connections
Operating System
Logins X
(registry, logs)
Event logs
Cloud storage, mobile device syncing, file
Sync applications X X
The computer activity geolocation data is generally going to be the local geolocation of the computer,
in that all the data should point to same location (in the home, as an example). Do not discount the
importance of this. If activity on the suspect’s computer is at the same time that the crime occurred in a
different location, the suspect may have a potential alibi of using the computer. More investigation is
needed to corroborate the computer activity with the suspect’s possibility of being the user as
Even though a desktop computer is not typically used as a mobile computing device, the system still
needs to be placed at a location using stored geolocation data. For example, on a Windows operating
system, the registry maintains the network connections, which should be compared to the locally
available networks. The registry key is shown below that provides a list of past or recent network
connections. Most forensic software suites can easily pull network information from the Windows
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList
If it appears that the desktop has remained connected to only local connections, then the activity on
the desktop shows that someone was at that location during the times of activity. However, this does
not prove that a specific person was at the computer! Any activity could have been made by anyone
with access to the computer. Event logs may also detail wireless connectivity diagnosis information that
includes the MAC address of Wi-Fi connections, which further investigation may lead to an IP address
and location.
Much of the geolocation data from a desktop is generally going to come back to the physical location
of the desktop, which is good if the computer was used to facilitate a crime. However, there is the
potential goldmine of geolocation data on a desktop that points to other locations (non-local
geolocation). As seen in Figure 2, syncing applications can have both local and non-local geolocation
data. Connected devices, such as mobile devices, and applications that use cloud storage syncing
provide for a wealth of geolocation data on a desktop computer simply because the non-local
geolocation data is placed onto the desktop computer, many times without the knowledge of the user.
Other geolocation data on a desktop/laptop is that of user-created, geolocation content. This exists in
the form of chats or e-mails, in which suspects will communicate past, current, or future geolocation
information in the form of planning crimes or talking about past crimes. When a live (running) computer
is approached, consider acquiring RAM (memory), as many chats will not create a log of the
communications, but will be temporarily stored in RAM. On missing persons cases, RAM can hold
important chats such as detailing where a person intended to meet another, such as “I will meet you at
7pm at the corner store” in a RAM stored chat that is not stored in any chat program log files.
Dropbox as one example of cloud storage
Dropbox is a cloud storage service in which all your files saved in Dropbox are automatically synced
with all the devices that you choose to sync with Dropbox. This can include personal computers and
mobile devices. Dropbox (as practically any cloud storage service) provides several methods of
One login/connection geolocation on the desktop is tracked and recorded by Dropbox. A Dropbox
user has access to this information via their account login, and more detailed information is available
from Dropbox via a court order. Figure 1 is an example the information accessible to the Dropbox
account owner.
An important aspect is that of VPN (virtual private network) usage. Figure 3 shows the same account
information as in Figure 1, however, a VPN was subsequently connected, thereby changing the IP
address of the connection to appear as if it were in Oakland, California. Any forensic analysis of
practically any workstation or laptop should include looking for VPN applications, and any anonymous
Internet connection software to prevent false conclusions, such as assuming that a computer was in
Both Figure 2 and Figure 3 give local geolocation data (considering the VPN IP address as local at this
point). However, as an investigative goldmine of geolocation data, other connected devices to the
Dropbox account will be available in the Dropbox connection history! Figure 4 shows a mobile device,
connected to the same Dropbox account with an IP address in Japan. This gives us multiple
investigative pieces. We now know of a mobile device with more potential evidence and a treasure
trove of more geolocation data. We also have another non-local geolocation data from a desktop
Figure 4: Dropbox mobile device connection with location, time of connection, and IP address
Even just as important with Dropbox geolocation data is that of the files placed in Dropbox folders.
Digital cameras and mobile devices can be configured by the user to automatically upload videos and
photos to their Dropbox account, which will automatically sync to all devices including a home
computer. This is an important aspect since a mobile device might not be recovered and the uploaded
photos may be the only evidence that can be seized from the unavailable mobile devices. Even if the
mobile device is destroyed, the photos that have been uploaded to cloud storage may contain all the
geolocation data needed. Figure 5 shows an example of photos that have been uploaded to a
The evidence potential with photos that have been uploaded to cloud storage extend to the metadata
of the photos, which not only gives you geolocation data from embedded exchangeable image file
format (EXIF) metadata, but also the content of the photo which can be geolocation specific. The
Figure 5 photos were taken in Singapore (landmarks in the content of photos are great for identification
of geolocations!). Plus, the EXIF data seen in Figure 6 show not only the date and time of the photo,
To reiterate an important point about EXIF metadata in a photo, a person took the photo, and was
standing in exact spot identified in the geolocation metadata field at the time noted in the metadata
field. You just need to identify that person if it is your suspect. An added bonus is when your suspect is
With non-digital photos, which are increasing becoming rarer, the content may provide geolocation
information. Landmarks are one example, but also smaller features such as furniture in a room or
business storefronts.
Mobile Devices
The mobile device is king among geolocation sources. There is quite literally nothing that matches a
mobile device in tracking its user. In effect, a mobile device that has location services turned on is
equivalent to having a GPS tracker attached to a person, without the requirement of a search warrant.
For the vast majority of mobile device users, this is a non-issue as the average user isn’t committing
crimes. However, for criminals, carrying a mobile device may eventually be in the hands of law
Much of the geolocation data stored on mobile devices are due to the many applications used by
mobile device users, such as mapping applications, search applications, and social media applications.
The mobile device itself may also keep a record of geolocations based on Wi-Fi and GPS locations.
The location (path, database, etc.) of mobile device geolocation storage depends on the operating
system and version of the operating system. For example, iOS 4 stores cell tower and Wi-Fi geolocation
data in Consolidated.db and applications that use this data are stored in Clients.plist (which includes
The Facebook application on Android devices store data in threads_db2. So, depending upon the
operating system, the version of the operating system, and the applications used, there are many
sources of geolocation data stored on mobile devices. Although some databases are encrypted, and
some may require “jailbreaking” to access, the amount of easily available geolocation data on a mobile
Other aspects of mobile devices mirror that of a personal computer. Search terms, specifically searches
using a mapping application are saved on mobile devices. Text messages and chat services may also
contain geolocation content (as opposed to coordinates) by way of the words typed by the suspects,
As an investigative matter, mobile devices are more easily tied to a person than any other electronic
device for the simple reason that mobile devices are not typically, if ever, shared with other persons.
Most everyone, including criminals, have their own mobile device or several devices. To share a mobile
device such as a cell phone would mean that someone other than the owner will have access to phone
calls, emails, texts, and chats meant for the owner of the device. This is an unreasonable alibi that a
mobile device was loaned to another person during the commission of a crime.
Consider all types of mobile devices when looking for geolocation sources. Not only are cell phones
common, but also tablets, fitness watches, vehicle GPS devices, and practically any device that has
Social media
As previously mentioned, the apps associated with social media accounts track geolocation data. The
more apps, the more data tracked, and the more likely multiple apps will corroborate each other in
Outside the device (mobile or desktop), the service providers can provide even more geolocation data.
If a device has five or ten social media apps, then the investigator has five or ten providers from which
to seek the information. Not only can the geolocation of everyday usage be obtained, but also the IP
address of logins across any device. To clarify this point, if a suspect logs into his social media account
at a library, the social media service should (up to a certain point in time) be able to provide the IP
address of that login. This can be important when suspects intentionally or unintentionally leave their
mobile device elsewhere, but need to communicate via social media or e-mail.
Given the life of any social media account, the originating IP address (and e-mail address!) to create the
account, and subsequent logins with the related IP addresses can give a thorough historical record of a
person. Although not every location is pertinent to a crime, it is possible that a suspect has visited a
crime scene before it was a crime scene in the past, which would tie the suspect to the scene for some
Google/Other services
Google is well-known to track its users. Unless specifically turned off, tracking services are enabled and
recorded perpetually. Given access to a suspect’s account (via court order), Google tracking by itself is
impressive. Additionally, Google records search history, which means addresses, businesses, or persons
that are typed as searches by a suspect also indicate geolocation information. The searches may be for
Internet comments/forums/posts/e-mail
The IP address is one of the most commonly obtained geolocation sources, because it is one of the
most common required point of accessing computers. If a suspect is posting comments to a blog, or
posting a blog itself, or e-mailing any other person, the IP address is typically logged at the 3rd party
service. The 3rd party service may be a blog hosting company, a webmail provider, or a webhosting
Identifying the username of a suspect, and identifying the websites where the suspect has been posting
comments online, gives investigators the avenue of obtaining the IP address used for each post via a
court order. Potentially, one suspect may post comments and blogs online using various locations via
mobile device, personal computer, or public computer. Each of these IP addresses add to the historical
Security cameras
Today’s public spaces are virtually covered with security cameras, traffic cameras, red-light cameras,
surveillance cameras, and mobile devices recording life’s every moment in public. These types of videos
are fantastic geolocation sources as they contain the very likeness of the suspect, typically date and
time stamped, and show every moment made. Sometimes, the suspect’s vehicle is captured as is any
Some cities possess so many security cameras, that a suspect’s entire driven route through a city can be
mapped out camera to camera, down to the stop sign and use of turn signals.
Historical spending activity of a suspect’s use of credit cards (again, via court orders) can place the
suspect at a location, to include the amount of money spent. This type of historical geolocation is
similar to a mobile device in that a suspect will have a difficult time of claiming to not have been at that
location as the credit card was loaned to another. Additionally, many businesses maintain security
It is worthwhile to obtain the driving record of suspects in any investigation when historical location is
important. Although not always likely, it is possible for any suspect to be given a traffic citation or
parking ticket. In the case of a traffic citation, the identity is usually going to be confirmed with the use
of a government issued identification, in a vehicle they own or lease, and issued a citation with direction
of travel, make and model of vehicle, address, phone number, and other relevant information.
Some investigations are easy in that you only need to place the suspect at one location at one point in
time. For these types of investigations, there may be no need for anything other than the geolocation
Other investigations benefit from more historical geolocation data. Even when only one incident at one
location constitutes the crime scene, it is possible, if not highly likely, that the suspect visited the crime
scene many times before to plan the crime, and even visited after the fact for a number of reasons. The
fact of planning a crime may not only be important in charging decisions and sentencing, but could
lead to other victims that are not yet identified, or persons that were being stalked as future victims.
The ease to put together a timeline of historical geolocation data depends on the type of investigation
and how much geolocation data is needed for the investigation. As mentioned, it may be a simple task
of one location and one date/time. One example can be an employee accused of printing confidential
material at a workplace on one day. Placing the employee at work, on that day, using geolocation from
a mobile device, desktop computer activity, proxy card access logs, and witness statements can solidify
the suspect at the scene. A simple visualization media, such as a poster showing the geolocation data,
Conversely, another example could be a long-term investigation where multiple suspects traveling to
multiple locations committing multiple crimes requires an immense amount of geolocation data
collection and multiple visualization media. This type of investigation usually involves multiple mobile
devices, computer systems, and communication methods, which is not to say that the external
geolocation sources (security cameras, witnesses, tickets, etc..) won’t be needed, but that the
Much of the geolocation information discussed can be forged, modified, deleted, erased, or wiped. IP
addresses can be hidden or spoofed with VPNs or anonymous browsers like Tor (The Onion Browser).
Automated programs can simulate computer user activity in an attempt to ‘fake being home’. Devices
can be loaned to others in an attempt to thwart surveillance efforts. Even the EXIF data of a photo can
be manipulated!
However, one of the major points of this article is that it is the accumulation of all geolocation data that
makes the case. If one part of the data does not fit, then you must prove or disprove its validity. Has it
been modified? Is it a malicious fake or planted data? Does any other data corroborate it? If not, there
is usually sufficiently enough geolocation data from multiple other sources to rely upon.
The other point to make is that little of this is easy or quick. Mobile device forensics is difficult.
Encrypted databases might not be accessible. Mobile devices might not have any applications that
track location (if all turned off). Some crimes may have no electronic devices involved at all, and the
reliance of traditional geolocation sources have to be relied upon, such as security cameras and
But as time goes on, and technology continues to make our lives easier by tracking every location, we
can be assured that few persons will be able to commit a crime without creating some geolocation
data. So, the next case you get, ask yourself, “what are the geolocation data sources that I can find?”
Brett is a digital forensics consultant and trainer with 15 years experience in the digital forensics industry as
a law enforcement officer and private consultant. Brett's cases have ranged from homicide, kidnapping,
human trafficking, and narcotics to class action litigation. He is the author of several digital forensic books
including Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard, Hiding Behind the Keyboard, and the X-Ways
Forensics Practitioner's Guide. Brett also provides a curation of 'all things DFIR' to everyone in the field and
those wanting to enter the field of Digital Forensics and Incident Response at http://www.dfir.training.