Ford Taurus SE Failed Smog Check Monitors Not Ready
Ford Taurus SE Failed Smog Check Monitors Not Ready
Ford Taurus SE Failed Smog Check Monitors Not Ready
The following procedure is directly from Ford and designed to complete the OBDII monitors required
to get your Ford Taurus to pass the OBDII Monitors portion of the smog check, also known of the I/M
readiness test. You may use a scan tool in order to monitor the status of the emission monitors as
your Ford Taurus is being driven.
1.Your Ford Taurus's emission monitors (readiness flags) will complete quicker when using a "steady
foot" driving style during cruise or acceleration modes. Operating the gas pedal in a "smooth" manner
will minimize the time required for monitor completion.
2. Your Taurus' fuel tank level should be between 1/2 and 3/4 fill during the drive cycle in order to allow
the EVAP monitor to run.
3. The Evaporative Monitor can only operate during the first 30 minutes of engine operation. During
the EVAP portion of the drive cycle, drive in a smooth fashion to minimize "fuel slosh".
1. If using a scan tool, go ahead and connect it now. Turn key on with the engine off. Cycle key off,
then on. Select the appropriate vehicle make and model on your scan tool. Start your Ford Taurus
WITHOUT returning to Key Off. Idle the vehicle for 15 seconds, and then drive at 40 MPH until engine
coolant temperature is at least 170°F, which is normal engine operating temperature. 10 to 15 minutes
of drive will achieve this.
3. EVAP Monitor - Cruise at 45 to 65 MPH for 10 minutes (avoid sharp turns and hills).
4. Catalyst Monitor - Next, drive your Ford Taurus in stop and go traffic conditions. Include five
different constant cruise speeds, ranging from 25 to 45 MPH over a 10 minute period.
5. EGR Monitor - From a stop, accelerate to 45 MPH at 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. Repeat this pattern 3 times.
6. SEC AIR/CCM (Engine) - Bring your Ford Taurus to a stop. Idle with transmission in drive (neutral
for M/T) for 2 minutes.
7. CCM (Trans) - If your Ford has a manual transmission, go ahead and accelerate from 0 to 50 MPH,
continue to step 8. For Automatic Transmissions, start from a stop and in overdrive, then moderately
accelerate to 50 MPH and cruise for at least 15 seconds. Stop the vehicle and repeat without
overdrive to 40 MPH cruising for at least 30 seconds. While at 40 MPH, activate overdrive and
accelerate to 50 MPH and cruise for at least 15 seconds. Stop for at least 20 seconds and repeat step
7 five times.
8. Misfire & Fuel Monitors - From a stop, accelerate to 65 MPH. Decelerate at closed throttle until 40
MPH (do not apply brakes). Repeat this 3 times.
9. Readiness Check - If using a scan tool, go ahead and access the ON-Board System Readiness
(OBDII monitor status) function on the scan tool. Determine whether all emission monitors have
10. EVAP Monitor "Bypass" - Park vehicle for a minimum of 8 hours. Repeat steps 1 through 9.