Sampling in Qualitative Research: Improving The Quality of Research Outcomes in Higher Education

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Makerere Journal of Higher Education

ISSN: 1816-6822; 4(2) (2013) 169 – 185

© The Author(s) 2013
East African School of Reprints & permission: EASHESD
Higher Education Studies & Development

Sampling in Qualitative Research: Improving the Quality

of Research Outcomes in Higher Education
Julius Omona1
Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University [E-mail:]

Abstract. Sampling consideration in qualitative research is very important, yet in

practice this appears not to be given the prominence and the rigour it deserves
among Higher Education researchers. Accordingly, the quality of research
outcomes in Higher Education has suffered from low utilisation. This has
motivated the production of this paper with a view to advocating for sampling so
that sample size selection and sampling designs are made very crucial
considerations in research designs. The paper is a desk review and predominantly
used the materials from credible and authoritative sources on qualitative research.
The key issues that emerged are that sample size selection and sampling designs
are very important considerations for Higher Education researcher if they are
interested in improving the quality of research outcomes. Importantly, there are
many designs at the disposal of qualitative researchers, which are hitherto not
applied. Both practitioners and those in the academia should continue
emphasising the use of sampling in qualitative as in mixed and quantitative

Keywords: Qualitative research; Sampling; Research methodology.

1 Introduction

Sampling, which basically consist of sample size and sampling designs

considerations, is very important in all qualitative research. Such considerations
would help qualitative researchers to select sample sizes and sample designs
that are most compatible with their research purposes (Onwuegbuzie & Leech,
2007). Sampling itself is a term that transcends research in general and research
paradigms in particular. Unfortunately, sampling has not been given
prominence in qualitative research. Yet, as noted by Onwuegbuzie (2003),
qualitative researchers make inferences from the sample of words to each
J. Omona: Sampling in Qualitative Research

respondent’s truth space when conducting thematic analyses on data from

interviews and focus group discussions. Onwuegbuzie & Leech (2007) contend
that, in the first place, if the sample of words collected is not representative of
each respondent’s total truth space, then the sampling error associated with the
researcher generalising the sample of words will be large. Second, in situations
where the purpose of the qualitative study is to generalise the findings, both the
size of the sample and the sampling design used clearly are crucial.
Accordingly, sampling should be a consideration in all qualitative inquiries,
regardless of purpose of research. Interestingly, this is not often the case;
sample sizes are often selected in a seemingly arbitrary manner in many
research studies and little or no rationale is provided for the sampling design
used (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, Ibid.).
The purpose of the present paper is firstly to advocate the use of rigour in
sample size selection and designs in qualitative research in higher education to
improve on the quality of research outcomes. Rigour is emphasised in research
because it generally determines the validity of the research done, reliability of
data generated, the extent to which results are representative, and the
subjectivity of research (Namanji and Ssekyewa, 2012). According to the
researcher’s experience in the academia, sampling consideration in qualitative
research is not given the prominence it deserves, compared to the other
methods, thus leading to poor quality research outcomes and low utility. When
research outcomes are of high quality, this will impact on all the stakeholders
and the attendant activities and increase on the utility of the inquiry. Secondly,
to emphasise the fact that sample size and designs in qualitative research are as
important as they are in quantitative and mixed methods. This is a desk review
and predominantly used the materials and knowledge obtained during the
Workshop on research methods organised by OSSREA in Dar es Salaam from
17-22 September, 2012, which the author attended. Qualitative method is an
area of special emphasis because it brings in qualities such as warmth,
involvement, compassion humanism and commitment (Rubin & Babbie, 2001)
that may be lacking in the other methods.

2 Qualitative Research and its Importance

Before we turn to look into sample size and sampling designs, we need to
explore what qualitative research is and its importance.

2.1 What is Qualitative Research?

Qualitative researchers believe that humans are complex, somewhat
unpredictable beings and those individual differences and idiosyncratic needs

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override any notion of universal laws of human behaviours. The role of

research is seen to be the deep understanding of human behaviour. Qualitative
research reveals people’s values, interpretative schemes, mind maps, belief
systems and rules of living so that respondent’s reality can be understood
(Cavana, et al., 2001). Rather than concerning itself with representative sample,
qualitative research emphasises careful and detailed descriptions of social
practices in an attempt to understand how participants experience and explain
their own world (Jackson, 1995). It is a constructivism type of research which
emphasises that knowledge is active and creative (Namanji and Ssekyewa,
2012). While quantitative research is predominantly based on deductive
reasoning, qualitative research involves inductive reasoning (Cavana, et al.,
Some common terminologies of qualitative inquiry are phenomenology,
interpretivism, hermeneutics, ethnography and grounded theory (Rubin &
Babbie, 2001). Phenomenology is a philosophical term that refers to
consideration of all perceived phenomenon, both the objective and subjective.
Literally, it is the study of “phenomena”: appearance of things, or things as they
appear in our experience, or the ways we experience things, thus the meanings
things have in our experience. Qualitative researchers often attempt to make
comprehensive observations at the onset and then attempt to winnow out any
elements that originated in their own world view rather than in the world view
of people being observed or interviewed. The aim, for instance, is to discover
the subject’s experiences and how they make sense of those experiences. Akin
to phenomenology, interpretivism (also known as antipositism) aims at
discovering how the subject of study understands his or her life. Questions such
as “have you experienced discrimination by being a homosexual? Can you say
something about that experience?” are all interpretivist approaches.
Interpretivism holds that researchers should focus on understanding the
interpretations that social actions have for the people being studied.
Hermeneutics on the other hand is the study of the theory and practice of
interpretations-process of understanding of social life. It aims at understanding
the process of understanding. Whereas the intrepretivist seek to discover how
the subject interprets his or her experience of life, the hermeneuticist is more
interested in the interpretivist’s process of discovery. Ethnography typically
refers to naturalistic observations and holistic understanding of cultures or
subcultures. For example, you may learn to see the culture of street people or
the homeless poor from the perspective of the people who inhabit that culture.
Grounded theory is a methodological approach that begins with observations
and looks for patterns, themes, or common categories. Although it is mostly
concerned with a more inductive approach to understanding, it can also
incorporate deductive processes. It does this through the process of constant

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comparisons. The analysis in a grounded theory is not set up to confirm or

disconfirm specific hypotheses (Rubin & Babbie, 2001).
There are many assumptions about qualitative research and Maykut and
Morehouse (1994) and Cavana, et al., 2001), identify several important
parameters on which qualitative research differs from the traditional positivist
assumptions thus;
a) Qualitative research places emphasis on understanding through closely
examining people’s words, actions and records rather than assigning
mathematical symbols to these words, actions and records.
b) Rather than an objective stance, qualitative research takes a perpectival
view. Qualitative research believes that meaning is co-constituted i.e.
reality is socially and subjectively constructed than objectively
determined (Ticehurst &Veal, 1999). Therefore, qualitative research is
interested in the subjective and perception of the respondent-that is, in
examining the perspective in the respondent’s beliefs and interpretation
of the phenomenon being research.
c) The goal of qualitative research is to discover the patterns that emerge
after close observation, careful documentation and thoughtful analysis.
Until these patterns are identified, the quantitative proof of the casual
nature of the variables cannot be investigated.
d) Qualitative research assumes the posture of indwelling by being at one
with the person under investigation and by understanding the
respondent’s point of view from an emphatic rather than sympathetic
position. Indwelling also involves reflection i.e., pausing to think and
process what has gone before.
e) Polanyi (1997) has differentiated between tacit knowledge and explicit
knowledge. Tacit knowledge is defined by saying “We know more than
we can tell” (p.136), while explicit knowledge is that knowledge an
individual can readily articulate. While quantitative research can access
explicit knowledge, the qualitative researcher, by her or his unique
combination of position and human ability, is the best instrument to
surface the hidden tacit knowledge of the respondent.
f) Qualitative research looks to the human-as-an instrument for the
collection and analysis of data. Only a human can be responsive,
adaptable and holistic so as to explore the atypical or idiosyncratic
responses that surface during an interaction with a respondent. As a
human-as-an-instrument, the researcher intervenes through speech and
actions to understand the “web of meaning” the respondent attributes to
the phenomenon under investigation.

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It can be concluded that qualitative research tends to concentrate on collecting

of great deal of rich information from relatively few people, and recognises a
more fluid and recursive relationship of the various elements of the research.

2.2 Critique and Importance of Sampling in Qualitative Research

Many qualitative researchers contend that sample size and sample designs are
not relevant in qualitative research. In quantitative research, sample size and
sampling design considerations usually are made with the goal of making
statistical generalisations, which involve generalising findings and inferences
from representative statistical sample to the population from which the sample
was drawn (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005). Conversely, because most
qualitative research does not involve making statistical generalisations, many
qualitative researchers state that sample size and sampling designs are not
issues in qualitative research (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, ibid.). Accordingly, very
few information is available on sample size and sampling designs in qualitative
research except for the work of Crowley (1995); Jones (2002); Merriam (1995),
Sandelowski (1995), and lately Onwuegbuzie & Leech, (2004, 2005 & 2007),
Collins, Onwuegbuzie, and Jiao (2006, 2007) and Teddlie and Yu (2007).
Therefore, it is evident that the concepts of sample size and sampling designs
have not gained much recognition among qualitative researchers. Several
reasons have been advanced by these proponents that sampling designs and
sample size considerations are not relevant in qualitative research.
Most importantly, some researchers associate sampling designs and/sample
size considerations with an obsession with positivism, which virtually all
qualitative researchers reject (Lincoln & Guba, 2000; Schwandt, 2000). Yet
rejecting positivism should not lead qualitative researchers automatically to
reject considerations, such as sampling, that are made by quantitative
researchers. Another reason advanced for downplaying the importance of
making sample size and sampling considerations is that they represent
“methodolatry”, which refers to having “a preoccupation with selecting and
defending methods to the exclusion of the actual story being told (Janesick,
2000, p.390). However, it can be argued that providing information to readers
about sample size and sampling designs adds more richness to the story telling.
Moreover, because qualitative researchers typically are not interested in making
generalisations to underlying populations, it is not unusual for qualitative
researchers to conclude that sampling is not an issue. Yet sampling also is
important in interpretative research because many qualitative studies, if not
most, involve making generalisations. Specifically, qualitative researchers tend
to make analytic generalisations (Miles &Huberman, 1994) which are “applied
to wider theory on the basis of how selected cases fit with general constructs”
(Curtis et al., 2000, p.1002). In order for analytical generalisations to be richer,

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the qualitative researcher should collect data that reaches data saturation (Flick,
1998; Morse, 1995), theoretical saturation (Strauss &Cobin, 1990), or
informational redundancy (Lincoln & Guba, 1995). In support of the above,
Stake (2000) noted that in “intrinsic case study, researchers do not avoid
generalisations. They generalise to happenings of their cases at times yet to
come and in other situations” (p.439). All these suggest that sampling
considerations always are pertinent in qualitative research.
Another importance of sampling designs and sample size and usually ignored
is that these are multidimensional (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005). Not only do
they pertain to cases, but they also pertain to units of data (e.g. interview data,
observational data). Thus for instance, a one hour interview will yield different
amounts of quality of data, and, in turn, should extract more meaning than will
a one-minute interview. Therefore one would expect that a longer interview
would be more appropriate if a researcher was interested in a person’s life
history, than if the researcher was interested in the person’s account of specific
event. Therefore, qualitative researchers should make sampling decisions such
as how many interviews or focus groups to conduct, how many sets of
observations to conduct, and how long each observation period should be.
These decisions should be made with the goal of attaining prolonged
engagement and persistent observations (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Prolonged
engagement and persistent observations represent sampling concepts. If not
enough observational units or textual units are sampled, the quality of data will
be affected and data will not be sufficiently rich and thick, making it more
difficult to find meaning (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005).
While quantitative researchers use complex mathematical formulae to make
sample size considerations, and they promote the use of random sampling, the
sample size considerations in qualitative studies are neither mathematical nor
systematic. Rather, they involve making series of decisions not only about how
many individuals to include in a study and how to select these individuals, but
also about the conditions under which this selection will take place. These
decisions are extremely important (Curtis et al., 2000). Sampling is also
important to confront the crisis of representation (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005).
The crisis of representation refers to the difficulty for qualitative researchers in
adequately capturing lived experiences. Poor representation means that the
researcher has not adequately captured the data (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2004;
Onwuegbuzie & Frels, 2012). A good sample size and design must mitigate this
It can be concluded that within a particular qualitative study, sampling often
may represent an iterative process, as is particularly the case in grounded and
ethnographic studies. Choosing a sample size and sampling design should
represent an active process of reflection that is based on many factors, including
the context, method of collecting data, and type of generalisation needed. Thus

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sampling is a concept that transcends research studies in general and research

paradigms in particular (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005). Sample size and
sampling design considerations should therefore be an integral part of the
qualitative research process among Higher Education researchers.

3 Sample Size Selection Guidelines

Although there is little consensus about what qualitative research is and how it
should be undertaken (Schwandt, 2000; Sandelowski & Barroso, 2003), there is
general agreement that the goal of qualitative research is not to generalise
beyond a sample to the population. Yet some qualitative researchers find it
difficult to resist the temptation to generalise findings to some population
(Onwuegbuzie & Leech 2005). Such practices are flawed unless a
representative sample has been selected.
The lack of sample size consideration in qualitative research likely stems
from the scant discussion in this area (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007). In general
the sample sizes in qualitative research should not be too small that it is
difficult to achieve saturation. At the same time, the sample should not be too
large that it is difficult to make deep, case-oriented analysis (Sandelowski,
1995). Qualitative research can however utilize large sample, as in case of
program evaluation research. Moreover, to associate qualitative data analyses
with small sample is to ignore the growing body of literature in the area of text
mining-the process of analyzing naturally occurring text in order to discover
and capture semantic information (cf: Del Rio et al., 2002; Liddy, 2000; Powis
&Cairns, 2003; Srinivasan, 2004; Onwuegbuzie, & Frels, 2012).
More specifically, Creswell (2002) has recommended that qualitative
researchers should, (a) study one cultural-sharing group in ethnography, (b)
examine three to five cases in a case study, (c) Interview 15-20 people during a
grounded theory study (d) explore the narrative stories of one individual in
narrative research. In addition, Creswell (1998) recommended interviews with
up to 10 people in phenomenological research and interviews with 20-30
people in grounded theory. Johnson & Christensen (2004) surmise that focus
groups usually contain 6-12 persons, whereas Langford et al., (2002) and
Morgan (1997) recommends 6-10 individuals. Krueger (2000) recommends 6-9
focus group members and groups with more than 12 participants tend to “limit
each person’s opportunity to share insights and observations” (p.78).
Furthermore, Morgan contends that focus groups with less than 6 participants
make it difficult to sustain a discussion, whereas groups containing more than
12 members make it difficult for a moderator to manage the discussion.
According to Kruger, focus groups must be small enough for everyone to have

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their voices represented but yet large enough to capture a range of voices.
Morgan also states that 3-5 focus groups typically are sufficient to reach
saturation. Kuzel (1992) recommends that 6-8 data sources or sampling units
often will be sufficient when homogeneous samples are selected in qualitative
research and that 12-20 data sources generally are necessary. Morse (1994)
suggests that qualitative researchers use at least six participants in
investigations where the goal is to understand the essence of experience. Morse
also recommends 30-50 interviews and/or observations for ethnographies and
grounded theory research, and approximately 100-200 units of observation in
qualitative ethnographical studies. Although these guidelines are helpful, the
authors did not state how they arrived at these estimates. Thus the
metasummaries and metasyntheses are needed to gather evident-based data
regarding suitable sample sizes. Such data should help guide qualitative
researchers to establish minimum sample sizes based on the number of
participants needed (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005). Furthermore, sample size
selection involves more than the number of participants included in the study; it
is a process that incorporates the number of participants, the number of contacts
with each person, and the length of the contact. Thus, it is important when
considering sampling in Higher Educational research that these issues are

4 Qualitative Sampling Designs

Before delving into the specifics of the sampling designs (other authors
variously call them techniques, approaches, strategies, schemes- cf: Rubin &
Babbie, 2001; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2005; Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003); it is
important to provide the typology of sampling designs for qualitative
researchers. The typology is based on their used in comparing data and these
(a) Parallel sampling designs, which represent a body of sampling designs
that facilitate credible comparisons of two or more different subgroups that are
extracted from the same level of study. These designs can involve comparing
each case to all others in the sample (i.e., pair wise sampling designs) or it can
involve comparing subgroups of case (i.e. sub-group sampling designs).
Pairwise sampling designs traditionally have been the most common types of
qualitative sampling designs. They are called ‘pairwise” because all the selected
case are treated as a set and their voice is compared to all other cases one at a
time in order to understand better the underlying phenomenon, assuming that
the collective voices generated by the set of cases lead to data saturation
(Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007). In contrast to pair wise sampling designs,

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subgroup designs involve the comparisons of different subgroups (e.g. girls vs.
boys) that are extracted from the same level of study (e.g. third year University
students) and their voices are compared. The table below shows the example of
a research on third year students on the same course involving different
nationalities (Sub-groups).

Table 1: Example of Gender x Nationality subgroup sampling design a

Gender Ugandan Kenyan Tanzanian Rwandese Total
Female n4 n4 n4 n4 n16
Male n4 n4 n4 n4 n16
Total n8 n8 n8 n8 N32
This is a 2 x 4 subgroup sampling design.
Source: Author

(b) Nested sampling designs, are sampling designs that facilitate credible
comparisons of two or more members of the same subgroup, wherein one or
more members of the sub-group represent a sub-sample of the full sample. The
goal of this sub-sampling is to obtain a sub-sample of cases from which further
data can be extracted. This sub-sampling often takes the form of theoretical
sampling, which involves the sampling of additional people, incidents, events,
activities, documents and the like in order to develop emergent themes; to
assess the adequacy, relevance, and meaningfulness of themes; to refine ideas;
and to identify conceptual boundaries (Charmaz, 2000). According to Charmaz,
(Ibid.), the aim of theoretical sampling is to refine ideas, not to increase the size
of the original sample. Because theoretical sampling is the hallmark of
grounded theory designs (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), nested sampling designs are
particularly pertinent for grounded theories. Nested sampling designs are most
commonly used to select key informants as well as conducting member checks
on a sub-sample of the study participants. Findings from key informants are
generalised to the other non-informant sample members. Random sampling
might be appropriate for nested sampling designs. In addition, the following
purposive sampling designs are applicable in nested sampling: maximum
variation, critical case sampling, theory-based sampling, typical case sampling,
random purposeful sampling, multi-stage purposeful random sampling and
multi-stage purposeful sampling (Onwuegbuzie & Collins, 2007).
c) Multilevel sampling designs represent sampling designs that facilitate
credible comparisons of two or more sub-groups that are extracted from
different levels of study (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007). For example, a
qualitative researcher might be interested in comparing the perceptions of
students regarding standardised tests to those of their lecturers. The student and
lecturer samples represent some form of hierarchy. Because of this hierarchy,
the sampling designs and sample sizes used for the lower- level and upper-level

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samples/sub-samples typically are not uniform. For example, because students

represent the lower–level sample/sub-sample and their lecturer(s) represents the
upper-level, the voices of several students can be compared with the voice of
one lecturer. Further, whereas the student participants (lower-level sample)
might be selected using any of the available sampling designs, the lecturer
likely would be selected either via convenient sampling, critical case sampling,
politically important case sampling, or criterion sampling, or by using one of
the four random sampling designs, in situations where the researcher has a pool
of teacher from which to select the upper- level sample/sub-sample
(Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007).
In selecting a sample size, there are many sample designs at the disposal of
the researcher-both during qualitative, mixed or quantitative sample selection.
Onwuegbuzie & Leech (2005) posit that there are 24 sample designs, which fall
either under the random or non-random and are the same designs that can be
used for comparative purposes mentioned above, depending on the purpose of
the research.

4.1 Random (Probability Sampling)

Before deciding on whom to select for the inquiry and how to select the sample,
qualitative researchers must decide what the objective of the study is
(Onwuegbuzie, et al., 2004). If the objective of the study is to generalise the
interpretations to a population, then the researcher should attempt to select a
sample that is both random and large (Creswell, 2002; Johnson & Christensen,
2004). In this situation, the qualitative researcher can select one of the five
random sampling designs at a particular stage of the sampling process
discussed below.
a) Simple Random Sampling. Here, respondents are selected in such a way
that every person in the population has the same probability of being selected
for the study, and the selection of the individual does not affect selection of any
other individual (i.e. independence).
b) Stratified Random Sampling. Stratified Random sampling represents a
sampling design in which a population is divided into sub-populations such that
members of each sub-population are relatively homogeneous with respect to
one or more characteristics and relatively heterogeneous from members of all
other sub-groups with respect to this/these characteristics. In order to obtain a
stratified random sampling, the sampling frame is first divided into sub-
populations, or strata. Next, a random sample is selected from each stratum.
The goal of stratified random sampling is to select a sample in such a way that
the target sub-groups are represented in the sample in the same proportion that
they exist in the population.

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c) Cluster Random Sampling. This is a method of randomly selecting clusters

of individuals instead of randomly selecting individuals one at a time.
d) Systematic Random Sampling. This is a sampling method in which
individual are selected from a list by choosing every kth sampling frame
member, were k represents the population size divided by the desired sample
e) Multi-stage Random Sampling. This involves selecting a sample in two or
more stages because either the population is relatively large or its members
cannot easily be identified. In multi-stage random sampling, the first stage often
involves cluster sampling, whereas subsequent stages involve simple random
sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster random sampling and/or
systematic random sampling.

4.2 Non-Random Sampling

This is known by other researchers as biased sampling (Mugenda & Mugenda,
2003) or non-probability sampling (Minichiello, et al., 1990). If the goal is not
to generalise to a population but obtain insights into a phenomenon,
individuals, or events, as will typically be the case in qualitative research, and
then the researcher purposefully selects individuals, groups, and settings that
maximise understanding of the phenomenon. As such, the most common
method of sampling in qualitative research is purposeful sampling. Here,
individuals, groups, and settings are considered for selection if they are
“Information rich” (Patton, 1990, p.169). The following are the common
designs for non-random sampling (Miles & Huberman, 1994; Creswell, 2002).
These designs differ with respect to whether they are implemented before data
collection has started or after data collection has began. Also the
appropriateness of each design is dependent on the research objective, purpose
and question.
a) Maximum variation sampling. According to Sandelowski (1995),
maximum variation sampling is one of the most frequently used purposeful
sampling designs. In this method, a wide range of individuals, groups, or
settings is purposively selected such that all or most types of individuals;
groups or settings are selected for the inquiry. This allows for multiple
perspectives of individuals to be presented that exemplify the complexity of the
world (Creswell, 2002).
b) Homogenous sampling. In contrast to maximum variation sampling,
homogenous sampling involves individuals, groups, or settings because they all
possess similar characteristics or attributes. Participants are selected for the
study based on membership in a sub-group or unit that has specific
characteristics. This sampling approach often is used to select focus groups
(Onwuegbuzie et al., 2004).

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c)Critical case sampling. Here, individuals, groups, or settings are selected

that bring to the fore the phenomenon of interest such that the researcher can
learn more about the phenomenon than would have been learned without
including these critical cases.
d) Theory–based sampling. In theory based sampling, individuals, groups, or
settings are selected because they help the qualitative researcher to develop a
theory. This sampling scheme is also used to expand a theory.
e) Confirming and disconfirming cases sampling. This method of sampling
often is used after data collection has commenced. The former (i.e.,
exploratory) tends to improve interpretation of the findings, whereas the latter
(i.e. confirmation) tends to assist in data validation (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
f) Snow ball sampling. This is also known as network sampling and usually
come to the fore after data collection has begun. Snowball sampling involves
asking participants who have already been selected for the study to recruit other
g) Extreme case sampling. In extreme case sampling, an outlying case or one
that possess one or more extreme characteristics is studied. The method is to
select extreme cases and then to compare them. For example, in a study of
performance of graduate students, a researcher can select the best and the worse
students in class and compare the causes of their performances.
h) Typical case sampling. Here, the researcher studies an individual, group,
or setting that is typical. The researcher should consult several experts in the
field of study in order to obtain a consensus as to what example(s) is typical of
the phenomenon and should, therefore, be studied (Johnson & Christensen,
i) Intensity sampling. In intensity sampling, the researcher studies
individuals, groups, or settings that experience the phenomenon intensely but
not extremely.
j)Politically important sampling. Here, the researcher selects pertinent
informants who may need to be included/ excluded because they connect with
politically sensitive issues expected in the analysis (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
k) Stratified purposeful sampling. This is similar to stratified random
sampling. In order to obtain a stratified purposeful sample, the sampling frame
is first divided into strata; then a purposeful sample is selected from each
stratum. Such a sampling design can facilitate group comparisons (Miles &
Huberman, 1994).
l) Criterion Sampling. In criterion sampling, individuals, groups, or settings
are selected that meet criteria. According to Miles & Huberman (1994), this
sampling technique typically is utilised for the purpose of quality assurance.
m) Opportunistic sampling. In opportunistic sampling, the researcher
capitalises on opportunities during data collection stage to select cases. These
cases could represent typical, negative, critical, or extreme cases (Johnson &

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Christensen, 2004). Opportunistic sampling takes place after the study begins in
order to take advantage of developing events. This form of sampling is
particularly useful when the researcher is unable or unwilling to declare in
advance of the inquiry every case that will be included in the investigation.
n) Mixed purposeful sampling. This method of sampling involves the mixing
of more than one sampling design. For example, the researcher might begin by
selecting two samples: one via extreme case sampling and the other via critical
case sampling. The researcher could then compare the results emerging from
both samples. Consequently, mixed purposeful sampling can help to triangulate
data (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
o) Convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is used by researchers
involves in selecting individuals or groups that happen to be available and are
willing to participate in the research at the time. It is also referred to as
“volunteer sampling” or ‘accidental sampling” (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003).
Selecting a roommate or a neighbour is an example (Mugenda & Mugenda,
p) Quota sampling. In quota sampling, the researcher decides on the specific
characteristics and quotas of sample members to be selected. For example, a
researcher may want to include a certain religion or social class in the sample
and therefore picks quotas of each (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003). The
researcher then purposively picks subjects to fit the quotas identified. A main
limitation of this method of sampling is that only those who are accessible at
that time of selection have a chance of being selected.
q) Random purposive sampling. In random purposive sampling, the
researcher chooses cases at random from the sampling frame consisting of a
purposefully selected sample. That is, the researcher first obtains a list of
individuals of interests for the study using one of the other methods of
purposive sampling, and then randomly selects a desired number of individuals
from the list. According to Miles & Huberman (1994, p. 28), random
purposeful sampling “adds credibility to sample when potential purposeful
sample is too large”.
r) Multi-stage purposeful random sampling. This involves selecting a
sample in two or more stages, in which the first stage is random, and
subsequent stages are purposive. In multi-stage random purposeful sampling
the first stage often involves cluster sampling, whereas subsequent stages
involve one of the above purposive sampling schemes outlined (Onwuegbuzie
& Leech, 2007).
s) Multi-stage purposeful sampling. Multi-stage purposeful sampling also
involves selecting a sample in two or more stages. However, all stages
incorporate purposive sampling, unlike the multi-stage purposeful random
sampling. Multi-stage purposeful sampling is different from mixed purposeful
sampling in that the former is always sequential; whereas the latter typically

J. Omona: Sampling in Qualitative Research

involves concurrent sampling in which one sample is not a subset of other

samples (Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2007).
From the above, Higher Education qualitative researchers, as do quantitative
researchers, have many sampling options from which to choose. As Kemper et
al. (2003, p. 292) concluded, “the understanding of a wide range of sampling
designs in one’s methodological repertoire greatly increases the likelihood of
one’s generating findings that are both rich in content and inclusive in scope”.
Researchers in higher education will improve the quality of their finding by
being knowledgeable and applying these rich options.

5 Conclusion and Lessons for Researchers

It can be concluded that qualitative research method, and in particular sampling
is an important and key aspect of research methodology that researchers in
Higher Education should embrace. Issues on sample size selection and
sampling designs in Higher Education, just as in other disciplines, should be
key considerations as in mixed or quantitative methods. What can be learned is
that there are guidelines on sample size selection and varieties of sampling
designs some of which are hardly applied by qualitative researchers.
Knowledge and expertise in their application by researchers can enhance the
quality and utility of Higher Educational Research outcomes. In the academia,
qualitative research in general and sampling in particular should receive the
emphasis it deserves in the lecture rooms.

The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the following two
individuals in particular for helping write this paper: Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie,
Professor at Sam Houston State University and Rebecca K. Frels, Assistant
Professor at Lamar University. Both were resource persons during the 17-22
September OSSREA Workshop on Research Methodology in Dar es Salaam,
which the author attended. They did not only provide the insights and
inspiration but the relevant and authoritative reading materials on qualitative
research method most of which helped in compiling this paper. The author also
thanks the Editor and Reviewers of this Journal for their help in improving the
quality of this paper.


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