Unemployment Problem of The Graduate Students of The Social Science Faculty of The University of Dhaka: Reality and Perception. Abstract
Unemployment Problem of The Graduate Students of The Social Science Faculty of The University of Dhaka: Reality and Perception. Abstract
Unemployment Problem of The Graduate Students of The Social Science Faculty of The University of Dhaka: Reality and Perception. Abstract
The students of the university are bright future of the country. but after completing graduation
they fall in trouble to find job. For some students it takes many years to find a suitable and other
do not have expected job. In this research we will try to find what are the reasons behind the
unemployment problem of the social students. There are some rumor that social science faculty
are less prioritized faculty to get job. In this research I will try to find the by taking opinion from
both students, expertise and employer. The research will be conducted by using integrated
approach. Qualitative research will be used to show what are the experts and employer thinks
about the unemployment problem of the graduate students of the social science faculty of the
University of Dhaka. Quantitative research will be used to know the student’s perception
regarding unemployment problem of the graduate students of the social science faculty of the
University of Dhaka. Cluster random sampling and simple random sampling will be used in
collection of respondents. 100 respondents will be gathered in the sample will be gathered to
conduct the research. This finding of research will help to make a strategy to eliminate
unemployment from the social science faculty.
Unemployment is not a new phenomenon in the world. But our unemployment rate is three or
four times more than the other most of the countries in the world. and a worrying factor is that a
graduate unemployment figure nearly 10 times our overall unemployment rate (Asadullah M. N.
2019). So the unemployment of graduates is becoming a serious problem in Bangladesh. We
should not consider this only a job search phenomenon there are many things related to that
(Islam R, 1980). The people who graduate from social science and arts have to suffer
unemployment problem more than who graduates from science, commerce or technology (Lew
S.C. 2012).
Our country is experiencing a situation is that unemployed people always accuse the government
and employer of their unemployment situation and government and employer refused this and
say that they cannot find qualified people to offer a job. There are clear different perceptions
between job givers and job hunters. I want to conduct my research on both sides, job providers
and job seekers, to bring real scenarios in this concern.
Research Question:
This paper have tried to logically answer questions that are important and related to the topic.
Each of these questions have helped to gather more specific data to guide data collection and
analysis. These research questions have been used to find out the interrelation between causes
and results of stress based on the opinion of the students of University of Dhaka. The following
questions are asked throughout the research and will be tried to answer as best as possible:
1. What are the perceptions of the graduate students of the social science faculty of the
university of Dhaka regarding the unemployment of the students of social science
2. What are the employer perception about the unemployment the graduate students of the
social science faculty of the university of Dhaka?
3. What are the differences between the perception of the perception of employer and
graduate students about the unemployment of the students of social science faculty?
4. What are the expertise’s opinion about the unemployment of the students of social
science faculty?
Literature review:
On the basis of information, collected from the existing articles, an attempt has been made to
make an overview of the existing literature.
Sardar A.H. and Khan R.K (2010) studied the employment and unemployment situation in
Bangladesh. He focused on the incensement of the labor force in Bangladesh, he showed that the
female workforce becomes double from 1974 to 2010 and the male workforce is increasing
simultaneously but the employment sector is increasing in this period to tackle unemployment
Ashiqur Rahman. (2010) studied that Bangladesh cannot make industrialized the country as like
Japan, Korea, Malaysia for that reason Bangladesh cannot handle the unemployment problem.
Mohammad R.S and Mohammad H.T. (2012) studied that the main reason of the unemployment
problem in Bangladesh is the worst economic situation because according to the theory there is a
connection between economic situation and unemployment in a country.
Raisul Islam. (2012) studied the different sectors of unemployment and brought findings of the
rate of unemployment between educated and uneducated people.
Lew S.C. (2012) studied on the employment and unemployment issues and he found out that
the students graduated from arts and commerce faculty they have to suffer more from the
unemployment problem.
Chisty S.K.K and Moin Uddin (2013) studied on the business graduated students and their
unemployment reason. What kind of skills they got from their educational institution and what
kind of skills the corporate and employee wants.
Ashik Islam (2007) studied on the unemployment problem in Bangladesh from the British period
to for different reasons the government was less concern about the solution of unemployment.
specially after the birth of Bangladesh after 2971 for lack of political stability unemployment
worsen many folds. Other countries like Malaysia Korea Philippine were the same categorist
countries in 1971 but after our independence, we cannot become developed as the other countries
like Korea, etc. almost every sector of Bangladesh from manufacturing to agriculture faces
unemployment problems.
Narsin Akter. (2016) studied on the employment problem in Bangladesh and the impact of the on
the economy. She focused on the factor that there is a relationship between the economy and
unemployment if the economic condition is positive employment problem may be solved but in
our country economy is developing but the unemployment problem is not reducing
By the staff correspondence of the daily star in 2014 wrote about the unemployment problem,
this report described some statistics of unemployment and provide some recommendations to
solve this problem.
Mujeri M.k. (2018) studies on the growth of unemployment in Bangladesh. Tells as the
dependency rate of Bangladesh is declining, Bangladesh has come out from a poor country and
economic condition is getting better. But Bangladesh is still fighting with the unemployment
problem. the population is increasing in every year in this proportion jobs are not being created
so the country cannot come out the curse of unemployment.
Anam Mahmud. (2019, in an editorial) wrote the most important two reasons for the
unemployment. He stated that as Bangladesh is becoming a middle economic country so the
country needs highly skilled people and the other reasons are that the employer needs highly
educated and skilled people to offer a job.
Tuhin Akter. (2019) studied on frustration in unemployed graduate students and how they react
in this regard.
In this field, this categorist research is not the first research. Many researches have been
conducted in this regard. But most of them were statistical other were conducted on the basis of
job seekers side. But no research yet has not been done combined from job givers and job
In this research from job giver, I interview will be taken from the experienced teachers who sit in
the viva board for BCS and other companies as well as the HR manager from one bank and one
NGO. And I took the respondent from the job seeker side who have graduated from the faculty
of social science of the University of Dhaka.
This research will be a mixed research. Three types of method will be used for this research.
Personal interview will be conducted to take the job providers opinion and focused group
discussion will be held to take job seekers opinion.
And the last method is simple random sampling from every department of the social science
Research method:
Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process,
and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section allows the
reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability. The methodology section
answers two main questions: How was the data collected or generated? How was it analyzed?
The researcher has been designed this research project in logical way. Research methods are
conventionally divided into three ways quantitative, qualitative and integrated. Quantitative
methods aim to classify features, count them, and create statistical models to test hypotheses and
explain observations. Qualitative methods aim for a complete, detailed description of
observations, including the context of events and circumstances. The main focus of this research
is to find out the causes and consequences of stress on students based on the opinion of the
students of University of Dhaka, so the research will follow the method it suits the best.
Source of data: in this research data was collected from both primary and secondary sources.
Primary source: For conducting the research as the primary sources, I have used the students and some
experts, and the employers, So the data collected from them is the primary source of data through
questionnaire and interviews.
Secondary Sources: For conducting this research as secondary sources I have read and used necessary
data from Articles, Journals, Books both electronic and hardcopies, Websites etc. were the secondary
sources of data.
Sampling Method:
Due to lack of time and resource, it is not possible to collect first hand data from all the students of
University of Dhaka of the graduate students of social science faculty of the university of Dhaka.
Therefore, here I have used cluster random sampling and Simple Random Sampling Method for selecting
the respondents for the collection of data
Study Area: The area of the graduate students of the social science faculty of the University of Dhaka.
Sampling Criteria: The criteria for selecting the samples are stated below:
a) A graduate who passed from the social science faculty of the university of Dhaka.
Sample Size: A total number of 100 respondents have been surveyed for this study. The 100
respondents have been taken randomly applying the cluster random sampling. Cluster random sampling
to choose the faculties from I will collect respondents. After choosing faculties I will used simple random
sampling. Beside the students, I will interview 5 experts on unemployment of Bangladesh to validate the
statements that will be generated by the data collected from the students through questionnaire.
Unit of Analysis and Variables: Each student of the social science faculty of University of Dhaka will be
the unit of analysis in the research. The independent variables will be the causes and reasons of the
unemployment and the dependent variables will be the unemployment situation of the graduate
students of the social science of the university of Dhaka.
Questionnaire: The data will be collected using survey questionnaires from the graduate students of
University of Dhaka. The survey questionnaire contained around 15 questions; there were open ended,
closed ended and mixed ended questions to have the maximum efficiency in data analysis. The
questionnaire will begin with warm up questions such as the respondent ‘s Name, Age, Department,
Year, and Sex which will be followed by the detailed and specific questions concerning their perception
about the unemployment of the graduate students of social science faculty.
Interview: Personal interviews have also been conducted of experts and employers to get an insight of
what they think about the unemployment of the graduate students of social science faculty. We will try
to see what are differences between the opinion of the students and experts. And if there any difference
what are responsible for the differences.
After completing this research we estimate that these outcome will be brought.
In every research there are some limitation and weakness. “unemployment problem of the
graduate students of the social science faculty of the University of Dhaka: reality and perception
“in this research there can be also some limitations and weakness. The limitation and weakness
of this research can be following:-
1. This research will be conducted on the social science graduated students only.
2. all public and private companies will not be cover some of them will be coved to take all
employers opinion.
3. Simple random sampling will be conducted in this research which may not cover all the
4. respondent’s opinions.
5. As this is only the proposal stage, so the estimated outcome can vary.