Triaxial Test Objectives: s=σ tanφ+c

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Triaxial Test


 To conduct an unconsolidated undrained triaxial test on a soil sample

 To obtain the shear strength parameters of the soil


Triaxial test is a popular laboratory test used to determine the shear strength parameters of a soil. These
parameters are important in geotechnical engineering. The soil sample to be used can be either
disturbed or undisturbed. Stress is applied to the soil in perpendicular directions. The test is classified
according to the drainage conditions during the consolidation and shearing stages.

 Consolidated-drained
 Consolidated-undrained
 Unconsolidated-undrained

The unconsolidated-undrained test does not allow drainage to occur. It is used for clayey or silty soils
which have cohesive forces acting in them.


s=σ n tanφ+ c

 s – shear strength of a soil

 σn – normal stress on the shearing plane
 c – cohesion
 φ – angle of friction

The above equation represents the Mohr- Coulomb Failure criteria of a soil. It gives the equation for the
line of the failure envelope to the Mohr’s circle at shear failure of the soil. Cohesion and angle of friction
are the shear strength parameters of a soil.


 Soil
 Mould
 Rammer
 Rubber membrane
 O-rings
 Triaxial apparatus
 Air/water constant pressure apparatus
 Porous stone
 Filter paper

 Sample preparation
o First the clay-silt soil to be tested was crushed.
o Then the mould was assembled, inside was covered with oil, and soil was compacted in
three layers using a rammer, with 25 blows for each layer.
o Next, the diameter of the mould was measured, and the mould was opened.
o After that the soil sample was pushed out of the mould until only a length that was
twice the diameter was left inside.
o Then the extra length was cut, and the soil sample was removed.
o Next the sample was encased in a rubber membrane.
 Testing procedure
o First the sample was placed on the bottom cap and sealed with O-rings and rubber
o Then filter paper and top cap was placed on top and also sealed.
o After that the loading piston was lifted and the cell was mounted and fixed by screws.
o Next the loading piston was placed on the top cap carefully, without applying a high
deviator stress.
o Then the cell was completely filled with water using a funnel until water exited from the
top, after which the cell was sealed.
o Next cell pressure was applied using the air/water constant pressure machine.
o After that the deviator stress was increased until the gauge reading stopped changing,
which indicated failure.
o Readings were taken from the strain dial reading and the deviator load.
o Finally, after the test the water was drained from the cell and the moisture content of
the specimen was determined.

Initial diameter (mm) 50

Initial height(mm) 100
Initial area (mm2) 1963.495
Initial volume (mm3) 196349.5
Applied lateral pressure (KPa) 50

Wet weight of specimen (g) 40.2

Dry weight of specimen (g) 34.4
Moisture content of specimen (%) 16.86
Wet density of specimen (gcm-3) -
Dry density of specimen (gcm-3) -

Strain dial Deviator Strain (%) Corrected Deviator Minor Major

reading load (kN) area (mm2) stress (kPa) principal principal
(mm) effective effective
stress (kPa) stress (kPa)
0.0 0.00 0.0% 1963.50 0.00 50 50
0.5 0.07 0.5% 1973.36 35.47 50 85.47
1.0 0.08 1.0% 1983.33 40.34 50 90.34
1.5 0.08 1.5% 1993.40 40.13 50 90.13
2.0 0.09 2.0% 2003.57 44.92 50 94.92
2.5 0.10 2.5% 2013.84 49.66 50 99.66
3.0 0.11 3.0% 2024.22 54.34 50 104.34
3.5 0.12 3.5% 2034.71 58.98 50 108.98
4.0 0.12 4.0% 2045.31 58.67 50 108.67
4.5 0.13 4.5% 2056.02 63.23 50 113.23
5.0 0.15 5.0% 2066.84 72.57 50 122.57
5.5 0.15 5.5% 2077.77 72.19 50 122.19
6.0 0.16 6.0% 2088.82 76.60 50 126.60
6.5 0.16 6.5% 2100.00 76.19 50 126.19
7.0 0.17 7.0% 2111.29 80.52 50 130.52
7.5 0.17 7.5% 2122.70 80.09 50 130.09
8.0 0.18 8.0% 2134.23 84.34 50 134.34
8.5 0.18 8.5% 2145.90 83.88 50 133.88
9.0 0.19 9.0% 2157.69 88.06 50 138.06
9.5 0.20 9.5% 2169.61 92.18 50 142.18
10.0 0.20 10.0% 2181.66 91.67 50 141.67
10.5 0.20 10.5% 2193.85 91.16 50 141.16
Initial diameter (mm) 50
Initial height(mm) 100
Initial area (mm2) 1963.495
Initial volume (mm3) 196349.5
Applied lateral pressure (KPa) 100

Wet weight of specimen (g) -

Dry weight of specimen (g) -
Moisture content of specimen (%) -
Wet density of specimen (gcm-3) -
Dry density of specimen (gcm-3) -

Strain dial Deviator Strain (%) Corrected Deviator Minor Major

reading load (kN) area (mm2) stress (kPa) principal principal
(mm) effective effective
stress (kPa) stress (kPa)
0.0 0.00 0.00% 1963.50 0.00 100 100.00
0.5 0.04 0.50% 1973.36 20.27 100 120.27
1.0 0.05 1.00% 1983.33 25.21 100 125.21
1.5 0.05 1.50% 1993.40 25.08 100 125.08
2.0 0.05 2.00% 2003.57 24.96 100 124.96
2.5 0.05 2.50% 2013.84 24.83 100 124.83
3.0 0.07 3.00% 2024.22 34.58 100 134.58
3.5 0.07 3.50% 2034.71 34.40 100 134.40
4.0 0.08 4.00% 2045.31 39.11 100 139.11
4.5 0.09 4.50% 2056.02 43.77 100 143.77
5.0 0.10 5.00% 2066.84 48.38 100 148.38
5.5 0.11 5.50% 2077.77 52.94 100 152.94
6.0 0.11 6.00% 2088.82 52.66 100 152.66
6.5 0.11 6.50% 2100.00 52.38 100 152.38
7.0 0.11 7.00% 2111.29 52.10 100 152.10
7.5 0.11 7.50% 2122.70 51.82 100 151.82
8.0 0.11 8.00% 2134.23 51.54 100 151.54
8.5 0.11 8.50% 2145.90 51.26 100 151.26
9.0 0.11 9.00% 2157.69 50.98 100 150.98
9.5 0.11 9.50% 2169.61 50.70 100 150.70
10.0 0.11 10.00% 2181.66 50.42 100 150.42
initial diameter
 Initial area=π ( 2 )
 Initial area=π ( )
 Initial area=1963.49mm 2

 Initial Volume=intial area× initial height

 Initial Volume=1963.49× 100
 Initial Volume=196349.5 mm3

For third measurement,

strain dial reading

 Strain= × 100 %
initial height
 Strain= ×100 %
 Strain=1 %

initial area
 Corrected Area=
( 1−strain )
 Corrected Area=
( 1−0.01 )
 Corrected Area=1983.33 mm

deviator load
 Deviator stress=
corrected area
 Deviator stress=
1983.33× 10−6
 Deviator stress=40.34 kPa

 Minor principle effective stress=applied lateral pressure

 minor principle effective stress=50 kPa

 Major principle effective stress=minor principle effective stress+ deviator stress

 Major principle effective stress=50+ 40.34
 Major principle effective stress=90.34 kPa
 Moisture content =( wet weight−dry
dry weight
) ×100 %
 Moisture content =( )×100 %
 Moisture content =16.86 %

 The sample was remoulded after extracting soil from the field.
 The test was strain controlled by increasing the force applied by the loading piston so that the
strain increase rate was constant.
 The soil specimen consisted of clayey sand.

Deviator stress at failure Minor principal stress Major principal stress

50kPa 91.68 50 141.68
100kPa 51.54 100 151.54

 Axial strain at maximum deviator stress,

o 50kPa – 9.5% (92.18kPa)
o 100kPa – 5.5% (52.94kPa)
50kPa 100kPa
Cu (kPa) 45.84 25.77
φu 0 0

There are two main stages in a triaxial test: consolidation and drainage. Consolidation is the gradual
reduction of volume in a soil due to drainage of pore water before vertical loading. Drainage occurs due
to slow rate of loading. Depending on these conditions there are three types of triaxial tests,
 Consolidated-drained (CD)
 Consolidated-undrained (CU)
 Unconsolidated-undrained (UU)

The CD test is done to simulate long term loading of sandy soils. Drain valves are opened during both
consolidation and shearing stages. Loading rate quite is slow, in order to replicate long term loading
conditions. The test is very time consuming.

The CU test allows the sample to consolidate after applying lateral pressure. The test is used to simulate
long term loading of cohesive soils. Conversely the UU test simulates short term loading on cohesive
soils. Drain valves are shut and the loading is done quickly to prevent drainage. This test is quite fast.

There are several other tests that are used to determine the shear strength parameters of soil.
 Direct shear test – the equipment consists of box that can be split into two halves, horizontally.
After soil is filled in the box, shear force is applied by the relative movement of the two halves.
 Field vane shear test – the vane shear apparatus consists of a rod that is inserted in the soil. The
rod is then rotated at a measured rate until failure occurs.
 Consolidation test – the soil sample is placed in a metal ring with porous stones and loading is
applied for 24 hours.

There are several advantages in the triaxial test compared to the above methods.
 Drainage can be well controlled, which can be used to accurately simulate the field situation.
 Shearing can occur along any plane (weakest plane) unlike the direct shear test.
 Can be used for most types of soil.
 Uniform stress distribution on the failure plane
 Area and volume changes can be measured
 Stresses before failure is known

But it also has disadvantages such as expensive equipment and complex process. The direct shear test is
much faster than the triaxial test. The triaxial test cannot be used soft clays, unlike the vane shear test.
Also, it does not give as much information on consolidation compared to the consolidation test.

An unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test was successfully conducted on a clayey soil specimen.

Through the test deviator stress and corresponding strain was measured. Those values were used to
construct a Mohr’s circle to determine the shear strength parameters of the soil. The practical
experience gave essential knowledge on an important testing process in geotechnical engineering.

Civil Engineers Forum, 20118. Triaxial Test – Merits and Demerits of Triaxial Test. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 3 March 2018].

NPTEL, 2015. Triaxial Test. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 March 2018].


Available at:
[Accessed 2 March 2018].

University of Connecticut, 2017. Shear Strength of Soil. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2 March 2018].

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