Heat T: Eurotherm and Nadcap
Heat T: Eurotherm and Nadcap
Heat T: Eurotherm and Nadcap
Secure recording
The notes must be read in conjunction with the specification document
● Tamper proof data AMS2750D a copy of which can be obtained from SAE International at:
storage http://www.sae.org
● Complete audit trails
The reference to Eurotherm products in this document refers to:
● Unlimited unique user
4000, 5000, and 6000 series data recorders
2000 and 3000 series control products
● Batch software
● Ethernet connectivity
● Easy read access of
secure data
● Create report from
secure data using
Review and Report
3.2 Instrumentation Clause and sub clauses define general requirements of instrumentation referenced in
3.2.1 AMS2750D
3.2.2 Eurotherm manufacture Heat Treatment instrumentation suitable for use in Nadcap approved aerospace accredited control systems Equipment can be supplied with Factory or On-Site calibration traceable to national
standards, ensuring that products meet the requirements of Field Test Instruments
and Controlling, Monitoring or Recording Instruments as defined in Table 3,
Eurotherm provide on-site control system audit services to determine the suitability
of a clients instrumentation to meet demands of AMS2750D
Temperature uniformity and resolution of Eurotherm chart recorders meets the
requirements of Table 4.
Print and Chart Speeds of Eurotherm recorders conform to Table 5, AMS2750D
Eurotherm manufacture digital Test Instruments which have a readability of
1 degree F or 1 degree C
3.2.4 Controlling, Monitoring or Recording Clause and sub clauses define use and requirements of Control Monitoring and Instruments Recording Instruments Eurotherm manufacture Digital Controlling, Monitoring or Recording Instruments
that have a readability of 1 degree F or 1 degree C
Full Installation instructions are provided for all equipment
Simple single offset adjustments and multipoint calibration adjustments are available
in Eurotherm products
Procedures for entering offsets and adjustments are fully documented.
Eurotherm products interface directly with sensors and receive unmodified signals
Digitally process or communicated values are error checked before representation as
direct measured values
Eurotherm digital instruments meet the calibration accuracy demanded for Field Test
Instruments and Controlling, Monitoring or Recording instruments as defined in
Table 3
3.2.5 Instrument Calibration Clause and sub clauses defines requirements for instrumentation calibration AeroDAQ contains alarm routines to alert user when calibration is due in accordance with Table 3 Eurotherm chart recorders conform with Eurotherm supply manufacturer’s instructions for instrument calibration procedures. Operator notes can be appended to the recorder secure data file to record in process calibration
Each measuring circuit on Controlling, Monitoring or Recording Instruments and
Field Test Instruments is independent and can be calibrated and adjusted independently
Instruments meet sensitivity requirements of Table 3 note 4
+/- 1 degree F or C for instruments in class 1 & 2
+/- 3 degrees F or 2 degrees C for instruments in class 3-6
3.2.6 Instrumentation Records Clause and sub clauses define records, documentation and labelling associated with
Instrumentation calibration
See separate AMS750D “Onsite Services Response” For Regions where accredited
services are provided by Eurotherm
3.2.7 Electronic Records – Instrumentation Clause and sub clauses define the method, format and procedure for recording, saving and supporting electronic records Eurotherm manufacture data management products which generate, store, archive and replay electronic records Records are stored as compressed, binary, check-summed throughout (for each record) Data files are generated in write_once read_only format which cannot be altered
without detection
Review Lite and Review Full software applications are available to playback archived
data. It is not possible to alter the records of source data in these applications.
Data can be exported from Review so that complete copies can be generated in
human readable and electronic format. Audited data trail and a lockable media flap
is available for data management security
File archiving is provided by secure automatic or manual backup and transfer
Multiple archiving strategies are available. Archive on demand, archive automatically
and Archive using ‘Review’
Multiple Archiving Destinations can be defined, archive to Compact Flash(CF) Secure
Digital(SD), archive to USB memory stick, archive to FTP Server
Primary and Secondary FTP Server Function
Password protection is available with multiple user accounts and custom access
Section Topic Comment
3.3 Thermal Processing Equipment Clause heading for All Thermal Processing clauses
3.3.1 Furnace Classes Clause defines the range of designated Furnace classes 1 -6
Definition of the instrument types Eurotherm manufacture Controlling, Monitoring or Recording instrumentation
can be obtained from the Aerospace suitable for all Furnace classes 1 through 6 and for all Instrumentation types A
Material Specification AMS2750D through E
Eurotherm provide application support to advise on Instrumentation class
requirements Instrumentation Type A Clause and sub clauses define the scope of requirement for Instrumentation type A
Eurotherm manufacture independent or multi-loop digital control products and
digital recording products, which when subject to systems accuracy tests meet the
requirements of class A instrumentation. Digital recorders support error checked
master communications for recording process values from other instrumentation
such as independent zone controllers
Control systems support tracking over-temperature devices which provide work
piece protection and furnace protection through independent Hi-Hi alarms Instrumentation Type B Clause and sub clauses define the scope of requirement for Instrumentation type B
Eurotherm manufacture independent or multi-loop digital control products and
digital recording products, which when subject to systems accuracy tests meet the
requirements of class B instrumentation. Digital recorders support error checked
master communications for recording process values from other instrumentation
such as independent zone controllers
Control systems support tracking over-temperature devices which provide work
piece protection and furnace over protection through independent Hi-Hi alarms Instrumentation Type C Clause and sub clauses define the scope of requirement for Instrumentation type C
Eurotherm manufacture independent or multi-loop digital control products and
digital recording products, which when subject to systems accuracy tests meet the
requirements of class C instrumentation. Digital recorders support error checked
master communications for recording process values from other instrumentation
such as independent zone controllers
Control systems support tracking over-temperature devices which provide work
piece protection and furnace over protection through independent Hi-Hi alarms Instrumentation Type D Clause and sub clauses define the scope of requirement for Instrumentation type D
Eurotherm manufacture independent or multi-loop digital control products and
digital or paper recording products, which meet the requirements of class D
instrumentation. Digital recorders support error checked master communications for
recording process values from other instrumentation such as independent zone
Control systems support tracking over-temperature devices which provide work
piece protection and furnace over protection through independent Hi-Hi alarms Instrumentation Type E Clause and sub clauses define the scope of requirement for Instrumentation type E
Eurotherm manufacture independent or multi-loop digital control products, which
meet the requirements of class E instrumentation Instrumentation – Refrigeration Equipment Clause defines the scope of requirement for Instrumentation suitable for use on
Refrigeration equipment Instrumentation – Quench Systems Clause defines the scope of recording equipment for use on quench systems.
Eurotherm manufacture recorders suitable for use on quench systems. Recorders
can be used to monitor process parameters and record the transfer to quench time
for quench hardening processes
3.4 System Accuracy Tests (SAT’s) Clause and sub clauses define the general requirements for System Accuracy Tests
and refers to AMS2750D Table 3
Eurotherm manufacture Field test instrumentation and control monitoring and
recording equipment as defined in Table 3. Routines are included which aid accurate
calibration to meet the requirements of (SATs) for all classes of instrumentation
Eurotherm manufacture Field test instrumentation suitable for testing calibration
performance of systems accuracy tests
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of (SATs)
See separate System Accuracy Test guidance document available from Eurotherm
3.4.2 System Accuracy Test Frequency Clause and sub clauses define frequency and requirements for System Accuracy
AeroDAQ includes routines to calculate the SAT frequency period for specific
furnace and instrumentation class as defined in Tables 6 and 7 and notifies the user
of the furnace’s TUS status
Section Topic Comment
3.4.3 System Accuracy Test Waiver Clause and sub clauses define the conditions under which SATs may be waived
Eurotherm provide routines to enable load sensors to be used for control within the
constraints identified in clause 6100 AeroDAQ has routines to calculate the due dates for SATs when a waiver is
3.4.4 System Accuracy Test Procedure Clause and sub clauses define the procedure for SATs
See separate System Accuracy Test guidance document available from Eurotherm Resident Test Sensors Clauses and sub clauses defines process for use of resident SATs thermocouple and the mechanism for measuring and dealing with system accuracy differences and
correction factors Alternative System Accuracy Test Procedure Clause defines an objective set of requirements for an alternative to System
Accuracy Tests
3.4.5 System Accuracy Test Instrumentation Clause and sub clause defines that Instrumentation used in System Accuracy Tests
must comply to Table 3
Eurotherm manufacture Field Test Instruments and Controlling, Monitoring or
Recording Instruments which meet requirements as defined in Table 3
3.4.6 Records – System Accuracy Test Clause and sub clause defines the scope of recorded information which must be
included in SATs reports
3.5 Furnace Temperature Uniformity Clause and sub clause defines the general requirement for Temperature Uniformity
Surveys (TUS) Surveys and refers to AMS2750D Table 8 and 9
Eurotherm manufacture Field test instrumentation suitable for use in Temperature
Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
Eurotherm manufacture Field test instrumentation suitable for testing calibration
performance of systems accuracy tests
Eurotherm provide control algorithms which improve furnace performance and aid
the ability to achieve TUS conformance
Routines are included to eliminate setpoint overshoot for step changes and ramp-
dwell transitions
Eurotherm provide world renowned steady state control algorithms.
On-site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.2 Multiple Qualified Operating Clause and sub clauses define the conditions for a furnace to operate across
Temperature Ranges multiple operating temperature ranges
Eurotherm include automatic furnace optimisation routines in control equipment to
aid the approved use of thermal processing equipment across the widest range of
setpoints with a wide range of furnace load sizes
Password protected setpoint limits are available to inhibit the use of equipment
outside its approved range
3.5.3 Furnace Modifications Clause defines furnace modification conditions which result in the requirement for a
Temperature Uniformity Survey
Eurotherm provide control systems which include automatic optimisation routines
such as Multiple gain scheduling. Such routines employed to achieve TUS results
across wide setpoint ranges are automatically applied during production heat
3.5.4 Furnace Repairs Clause defines furnace repair conditions which do not require a Temperature
Uniformity Surveys. Engineer electronic signature can be recorded on the AeroDAQ
and archived
3.5.5 Initial TUS Temperatures Clause defines conditions for the initial Temperature Uniformity Survey qualified
operating range and the interval between uniformity survey temperatures
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.6 Periodic TUS Temperatures Clause defines conditions for the periodic interval between Temperature Uniformity
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
AeroDAQ has features to calculate TUS dates as defined in Tables 8 + 9
3.5.7 TUS Frequency Clause and sub clause defines that the frequency of TUS must be in accordance with
Table 8 & 9 and the conditions for extending TUS frequency
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
AeroDAQ has features to calculate dates of extended TUS frequency as defined in
Table 10
3.5.8 Furnace Parameters During TUS Clause defines that conditions pertaining during Temperature Uniformity Surveys,
must be maintained during production cycles
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
Section Topic Comment
3.5.9 Furnace Temperature at Insertion of Clause defines conditions under, which load sensors may be inserted into the
TUS Sensors furnace for Temperature Uniformity Surveys
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.10 Load Condition Clause and sub clause defines the use of production or simulated loads for carrying
out Temperature Uniformity Surveys
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.11 Furnace Atmosphere during TUS Clause defines conditions for atmospherically controlled furnace during Temperature
Uniformity Surveys
Eurotherm provide application specific input linearisations on Field Test
Instrumentation and Control Monitoring and Recording instruments to monitor and
record furnace atmosphere in engineering units during TUS
3.5.12 Furnace Vacuum Level during TUS Clause defines conditions for vacuum levels during Temperature Uniformity Surveys
on vacuum furnaces
Eurotherm provide application specific input linearisations on Field Test
Instrumentation and Control Monitoring and Recording instruments to monitor and
record furnace vacuum levels in engineering units during (TUS)
3.5.13 Batch Furnaces, Salt Baths, Controlled Clause defines general conditions for Temperature Uniformity Surveys on this type of
Temperature Liquid Baths and Furnace
Fluidised Bed Furnaces On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Number of TUS Sensors Clause defines the number of Temperature Uniformity Surveys sensors for furnaces
types covered in 3.5.13 should be in accordance with Table 11
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Location of TUS Sensors Clause and sub clauses define the general arrangement for location of Temperature
Uniformity Surveys sensors associated with furnaces types covered in 3.5.13 and
defines that number of sensors against work zone volume should be in accordance
with Table 11
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
5000 and 6000 Series recorders can take up to 48 thermocouples directly connected
or upto 176 over Modbus communications TUS Data Collection Clause and sub clauses define the requirement for monitoring and recording
Temperature Uniformity Survey data Field Test Instrumentation supplied by Eurotherm, provides secure write once read
only files which records information about the TUS
Recorders can be scaled and configured to show accurately the following That the Recording starts before lowest sensor achieves lower tolerance limit or for
prestabilised process when the load is placed in the furnace
Records show accurately any sensor exceeding the upper tolerance limit
Record frequency can be selected to a maximum frequency of all channel records 9
times per second Digital communication or manually entered operator notes which provide detail of
other control and recording equipment, as defined in the instrumentation class can
be embedded in the secure data files
The record shows a time stamped signature of the TUS period and any excursions or
trends outside the tolerance limits
Manually entered operator notes can be added to the secure data files to show TUS
actions Eurotherm provide special algorithms to aid the control and uniformity performance
of retort furnaces Alternative Probing Method for Salts Baths, Clause and sub clauses define the alternative probe method for temperature
Controlled Temperature Liquid Baths and conformity of equipment defined in these furnace classes
Fluidised Bed Furnaces On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
Section Topic Comment
3.5.14 Continuous and Semi-continuous Furnaces Clause and sub clauses define the general arrangement for carrying out Temperature
Uniformity Surveys on continuous furnaces
Eurotherm supply Field Test Instrument which can be configured for use in
Temperature Uniformity Surveys on continuous furnaces to record data from either
the volumetric or plane method
Record frequency can be selected to accurately reflect temperature uniformity over
the traverse speed of the furnace
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Number and Location of TUS Sensors – Clause and sub clauses define the number and location of sensors for volumetric
Volumetric Method method tests to be in accordance with Table 11and sub clauses of clauses
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Number of TUS Sensors – Plane Method Clause and sub clauses define the number of sensors required for Temperature
Uniformity Surveys carried out using the plane method
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) TUS Data Collection Clause and sub clauses define the requirement for Temperature Uniformity Survey
data collection on Continuous and semi-continuous furnaces
Field Test Instrumentation supplied by Eurotherm provides secure write once read
only files which records information about the TUS
Recorders can be scaled and configured to show accurately the following
That records are produced for each sensor
Records are produced for each zone or furnace region
Records show accurately any sensor exceeding the upper tolerance limit
Record frequency can be selected to a maximum frequency of all channel records 8
times per second
Digital communication or manually entered operator notes which provide detail of
other control and recording equipment as defined in the instrumentation class can
be embedded in the secure data files.
Furnace traverse speed can be incorporated in the data record
The record shows a time stamped signature of the TUS period and any excursions or
trend outside the tolerance limits
Manually entered operator notes to show TUS actions can be added to the secure
data files
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.15 Alternative TUS Methods for Continuous Clause and sub clauses define alternative test methods for continuous or semi-
or Semi-continuous Furnaces or Furnaces continuous furnaces or furnaces with retorts or muffles
with Retorts Manually entered operator notes can be embedded into the secure TUS record files
to show the result for alternative probe method on continuous furnaces
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Probing Method Clause and sub clauses define alternative probe test method retort or muffle
Eurotherm supply recorders which can accept operator notes which are embedded
in the secure parameter data file associated with retort of muffle furnace survey
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Property Surveys Clause and sub clauses define an alternative method for verifying thermal
characteristics of continuous or semi-continuous and retort or muffle furnaces
through material analysis and property surveys
Not applicable to Eurotherm
Section Topic Comment
3.5.16 TUS Sensor/Failures Clause and sub clause defines the requirements for dealing with sensor failures
during Temperature Uniformity Survey tests
Eurotherm supply Field Test Instrumentation that clearly identifies TUS Sensor
failures within the TUS records, and via the reporting package, temporary conditions
can be identified
Operator notes can be embedded into the secure record file to show cause and
corrective action associated with any sensor failure
3.5.17 TUS Pass/Fail Requirements Clause and sub clause defines the pass/fail requirements of Temperature Uniformity
Eurotherm supply Field Test Instrumentation which can be configured to
automatically define pass/fail criteria for particular tests
The archived file can be used in report software to present TUS data for evaluation
Eurotherm supply a TUS reporting package which clearly identifies whether the
survey has passed or failed
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.18 Relocation of Hot or Cold Recording Sensors Clause defines the requirements for relocating hot and cold recording sensor in
for Class A or C Instrumentation class A & C furnaces. Following successful TUS.
Eurotherm report software advises hottest and coldest sensor location
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.19 TUS Failures Clause and sub clause defines the requirements for dealing with TUS failures outside
the limits in tables 8 & 9
Effects of failures must be evaluated against possible effects as in clause 4.2
AeroDAQ will calculate revised frequency of TUS in case of a failure (Table 6 or 7)
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.20 TUS Instrumentation Clause and sub clause defines that Temperature Uniformity Surveys must only be
carried out using equipment which meets the requirement for Field Test Instruments
of Table 3 and that TUS sensors must meet the requirement of Table 1
Eurotherm manufacture Field test instrumentation suitable for use in temperature
uniformity surveys (TUS
Temperature Uniformity Survey instrumentation meets the accuracy calibration
requirement of Table 3
(+/-) 1 degree F or 0.6 degrees C or (+/-) 0.1% of reading in degrees F which ever is
the greater
Compensation for known deviations can be electronically or mathematically
appended to the records for correction of results
3.5.21 TUS Report Clause and sub clauses defines the requirement of mandatory data and alternative
data to be included in the TUS report
Eurotherm Field Test Instrumentation used for Temperature Uniformity Surveys
produces a secure data file of results including all parameter data from the survey
sensors and the furnace control and monitoring equipment as well as manually
entered actions, sensor failures or special furnace conditions.
Eurotherm provide a TUS reporting package to which can provide a printed report
from the recorded TUS data conforming to 3.5.21
Control instrument tuning parameters can be stored on AeroDAQ
3.5.22 Prepublication TUS’s Clause defines conditions for accepting Temperature Uniformity Surveys carried out
prior to release of AMS2750D
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.5.23 Radiation Surveys Clause defines the requirement for carrying out and appending data to TUS results
for radiation tests on aluminium alloy solution heat treating air furnaces
Eurotherm provide Field Test instruments which can collect radiation data
automatically or via operator notes The results of the radiation test can be
embedded into the TUS data
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
3.6 Laboratory Furnaces Clause and sub clauses define the requirements for carrying out SATs and TUS on
laboratory furnaces
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis for the provision of Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS)
Section Topic Comment
3.7 Records Clause and sub clauses define the requirements for saving and storing data
associated with SATs and TUS
Eurotherm Field Test Instrumentation used for the TUS produces a secure data file of
results including all parameter data from the survey sensors and the furnace control
and monitoring equipment as well as manually entered actions, sensor failures or
special furnace conditions
Results can be replayed in Eurotherm Review or exported in an human readable
format to other common electronic applications
Regional and on-site calibration services provided by Eurotherm are traceable back to
National Standards
4.0 Quality Assurance Provisions To aid end user quality responsibility
Eurotherm operate an exacting quality programme supported by the following
Eurotherm Ltd aims to establish, document, review and continually improve an
effective and economical Management System in accordance with ISO 9001 and the
Tick IT Guide to ensure and demonstrate that the design, development and
manufacture of the products and services conform to their specified requirements
The achievement of quality shall be the prime responsibility of all personnel and
compliance with the organisation's Management System (Quality) is mandatory. Line
Management where necessary, shall delegate authority for personnel to identify and
investigate quality problems
Quality Department will monitor customer satisfaction, the performance, and the
agreed quality objectives and ensure adherence to the quality procedures within
Eurotherm Ltd
The objective of Eurotherm Ltd is continued profitable growth in its role of supplier
of quality instrumentation, control equipment and principal systems integrator of
group products. This will be achieved through open communication, teamwork and
by the implementation of a continuous improvement programme aimed at providing
customer satisfaction by increasing efficiency and reducing costs. In addition, the
development of application expertise and the total life cycle cost management
programmes will enable the organisation to maintain its competitive edge and ensure
its international expansion
The organisation intends to maintain its reputation as a supplier of high quality
equipment and software and a provider of efficient engineering services through out
the lifetime of its products
Table 1 Sensors and Sensor Calibration Table 1 Defines types, usage, calibration period and reference with permitted
maximum error associated with multiple sensor categories
Where Eurotherm provide On-site services for the provision of AMS2750D System
Accuracy Tests (SATs) or Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS), Sensors Usage and
Sensor calibration is undertaken in accordance with Table 1
Table 2 Thermocouples and Extension Wire Table 2 Defines standards associated with thermocouples and extension wire
Colour codes are in accordance with ASTM E 230 + other relevant National
Where Eurotherm provide On-site services for the provision of AMS2750D System
Accuracy Tests (SATs) or Temperature Uniformity Surveys (TUS) Thermocouple and
extension wire usage and identification is in accordance with Table 2
Table 3 Instruments and Instrument Calibration Table 3 defines aspects of instrumentation types, calibration periods and calibration
accuracy and instrument use associated with multiple categories of instrumentation
Eurotherm manufacture Heat Treatment instrumentation suitable for use in
aerospace and automotive accredited control systems
Equipment can be supplied with fully documented SATS calibration to national
standards, ensuring that products meet the requirements of the following
instrumentation groups from Table 3
Field Test Instruments
Digital instruments, Electronic data recorders and data acquisition systems
Controlling, Monitoring or Recording Instruments
Digital instruments
Electro Mechanical Chart Recorders
Instruments meet the sensitivity requirements of note 4 Table 3
Table 4 Resolution Requirements for Furnace Chart Table 4 defines the resolution requirements for chart recorders
Recorders Eurotherm manufacture chart recorders, which meet the resolution requirement
Table 4 and associated notes
Digital instruments have a readability of 1 degree F or 1 degree C
Table 5 Process Recorder Print and Chart Speeds Table 5 defines the requirements for chart recorder print speeds
Eurotherm digital and paper chart recorders meet the requirements of Table 5 and
associated notes for print and chart speeds
Section Topic Comment
Table 6 Parts Furnace Class, Instrument Type, and Table 6 defines for classes of Parts Furnaces the instrumentation type, SATs interval
SAT Interval and performance with associated levels of temperature uniformity, accuracy and
permitted offset
Eurotherm manufacture Field Test Instruments and Controlling, Monitoring or
Recording Instruments which meet the requirement of Table 6 and associated notes
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis to achieve SATs and TUS performance on thermal processing
equipment to meet the requirement of Table 6
Table 7 Raw Material Furnace Class, Instrument Type, Table 7 defines for classes of Raw Material Furnaces the instrumentation type, SATs
and SAT Interval interval and performance with associated levels of temperature uniformity, accuracy
and permitted offset
Eurotherm manufacture Field Test Instruments and Controlling, Monitoring or
Recording Instruments which meet the requirement of Table 7 and associated notes
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis to achieve SATs and TUS performance on thermal processing
equipment to meet the requirement of Table 7
Table 8 Parts Furnace Class, Instrument Type, Table 8 defines for classes of Parts Furnaces the instrumentation type, TUS interval
and TUS Interval and performance with associated levels of temperature uniformity, accuracy and
permitted offset
Eurotherm manufacture Field Test Instruments and Controlling, Monitoring or
Recording Instruments, which meet the requirement of Table 8 and associated notes
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis to achieve SATs and TUS performance on thermal processing
equipment to meet the requirement of Table 8
Table 9 Raw Material Furnace Class, Instrument Type, Table 9 defines for classes of Raw Material Furnaces the instrumentation type, TUS
and TUS Interval interval and performance with associated levels of temperature uniformity, accuracy
and permitted offset
Eurotherm manufacture Field Test Instruments and Controlling, Monitoring or
Recording Instruments, which meet the requirement of Table 9 and associated notes
On site services by Eurotherm and its service channel partners are available on a
regional basis to achieve SATs and TUS performance on thermal processing
equipment to meet the requirement of Table 9
Table 10 Permitted Calibration/Test Interval Extension Table 10 defines the allowable days extension allowed for any Calibration test
Table 11 Number of TUS sensors required Table 11 and associated notes defines the number of TUS sensors required for batch
furnaces, salt baths, controlled temperature liquid baths, Fluidised bed furnaces, or
continuous furnaces tested by the volumetric method
Eurotherm manufacture Field Test Instruments with up to 48 channels of recording
Sample rates can be selected with a maximum speed of all channels sampled at 8
times per second ensuring that complete data files are maintained for even the
highest level of TUS sensor densities
8.1 Notes Notes contain a publishers note for locating specific sections of the specification
8.2 Definitions Definitions includes a useful glossary of words and phrases as defined in ARP1917
and used in AMS2750D
Eurotherm: International sales and service
Understanding and providing local support is a key part of Eurotherm's business. Complementing worldwide Eurotherm offices are a whole
range of partners and a comprehensive technical support team… to ensure you get a service you will want to go back to.
Eurotherm Pty. Ltd. Eurotherm Automation SA Eurotherm Ireland Limited Eurotherm España SA
T (+61 2) 9838 0099 T (+33 478) 664500 T (+353 1) 4691800 T (+34 91) 6616001
F (+61 2) 9838 9288 F (+33 478) 352490 F (+353 1) 4691300 F (+34 91) 6619093
E info.au@eurotherm.com E info.fr@eurotherm.com E info.ie@eurotherm.com E info.es@eurotherm.com
Eurotherm GmbH Eurotherm Deutschland GmbH Eurotherm S.r.l Eurotherm AB
T (+43 1) 7987601 T (+49 6431) 2980 T (+39 31) 975111 T (+46 40) 384500
F (+43 1) 7987605 F (+49 6431) 298119 F (+39 31) 977512 F (+46 40) 384545
E info.at@eurotherm.com E info.de@eurotherm.com E info.it@eurotherm.com E info.se@eurotherm.com
Eurotherm S.A/N.V. Eurotherm Limited North Point Eurotherm Korea Limited Eurotherm Produkte (Schweiz) AG
T (+32) 85 274080 T (+85 2) 28733826 T (+82 31) 2738507 T (+41 44) 7871040
F (+32) 85 274081 F (+85 2) 28700148 F (+82 31) 2738508 F (+41 44) 7871044
E info.be@eurotherm.com E info.hk@eurotherm.com E info.kr@eurotherm.com E info.ch@eurotherm.com
BRAZIL Campinas-SP Guangzhou Office NETHERLANDS Alphen a/d Rijn UNITED KINGDOM Worthing
Eurotherm Ltda. T (+86 20) 8755 5099 Eurotherm B.V. Eurotherm Limited
T (+5519) 3707 5333 F (+86 20) 8755 5831 T (+31 172) 411752 T (+44 1903) 268500
F (+5519) 3707 5345 E info.cn@eurotherm.com F (+31 172) 417260 F (+44 1903) 265982
E info.br@eurotherm.com Beijing Office E info.nl@eurotherm.com E info.uk@eurotherm.com
T (+86 10) 6567 8506 www.eurotherm.co.uk
DENMARK Copenhagen F (+86 10) 6567 8509 NORWAY Oslo
Eurotherm Danmark AS E info.cn@eurotherm.com Eurotherm A/S U.S.A. Leesburg VA
T (+45 70) 234670 T (+47 67) 592170 Eurotherm Inc.
F (+45 70) 234660 Shanghai Office F (+47 67) 118301 T (+1 703) 443 0000
E info.dk@eurotherm.com T (+86 21) 6145 1188 E info.no@eurotherm.com F (+1 703) 669 1300
F (+86 21) 6145 1187 E info.us@eurotherm.com
FINLAND Abo E info.cn@eurotherm.com POLAND Katowice
Eurotherm Finland Invensys Eurotherm Sp z o.o.
INDIA Chennai ED53
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