All About Saints

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 Accountants: Matthew

 Actors: Genesius
 Advertisers: Bernardino if Sena
 Altar boys: John Berchmans (August 13)
 Anesthetists: Rene Goupil
 Animals: Francis, October 4
 Animals, domestic: Ambrose, December 7; Cornelius, September 16
 Archers: Sebastian
 Architects/builders: Barbara (December 4 ); Thomas, ap, July 3
 Armorers: Sebastian, January 20
 Armories: Lawrence, August 10
 Art: Catherine Bologna (March 9)
 Artillerymen: Barbara (December 4 )
 Artists: Luke, October 18; Michael, aa, September 29
 Astronomers: Dominic, August 8
 Athletes: Sebastian, January 20
 Authors: Francis de Sales, January 29; Lucy, December 13
 Aviators: Joseph of Cupertino (September 18); Therese of Lisieux,
October 1; Our Lady of Loreto (December 10)
 Bakers: Elizabeth of Hungary, November 17; Nicholas of Myra,
December 6; Peter, ap, June 29
 Bald people: Hedwig
 Bankers: Matthew, September 21
 Barbers: Cosmas and Damian, September 26; Louis of France, August
 Barren women: Anthony of Padua, June 13; Felicity, March 7
 Basket-makers: Anthony, ab, January 17
 Beekeepers: Ambrose, December 7; Bernard of Clairvaux, August 20
 Beggars: Elizabeth of Hungary, November 17; Giles (September 1);
Alexis (July 17); Martin of Tours, November 11
 Blacksmiths: Dunstan (May 19)
 Blind: Dunstan (May 19); Odilia (December 13); Raphael, aa,
September 29; Lucy, December13
 Blood banks: Januarius
 Bodily ills: Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11
 Bookbinders: Peter Celestine (May 19)
 Bookkeepers: Matthew
 Booksellers: John, e, December 27
 Boy Scouts: George, April 23
 Brewers: Boniface, June 5; Augustine, August 28; Luke, October 18;
Nicholas of Myra, Dec 6
 Bricklayers: Stephen, December 26
 Brides: Dorothy (February 6); Nicholas of Myra, December 6
 Builders: Vincent Ferrer, April 5
 Butchers: Anthony, ab, January 17; Adrian (September 8); Luke, e,
October 18; Peter, ap, June 29
 Cab drivers: Fiacre (September 1 in Ireland)
 Cabinet makers: Anne, July 26
 Cancer patients: Peregrine (May 1)
 Canonists: Raymond of Penafort
 Captives: Nicholas of Myra, December 6
 Carpenters: Joseph, March 19; Thomas, July 3
 Catechists: Viator, Charles Borromeo, Robert Bellarmine
 Catholic action: Francis of Assisi, October 4
 Catholic writers/press: Francis de Sales, January 24
 Cattle: Cornelius, September 16
 Cavalrymen: George, April 23
 Charitable societies: Vincent de Paul, September 27
 Children: Nicholas of Myra, December 6; Pancras, May 12
 Children’s choir: Holy Innocents, December 28 (:,I,
 Chivalry: George, April 23 ;i:
 Church universal: Joseph, March 19 ~’
 Clerics: Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother (February 27) (,;0;;;;
 Clock-makers: Peter, June 29 ;
 Cloth workers (fullers): Severus (October 22? , November 8?)
 Comedians: Vitus (June 15)
 Communication workers: Gabriel, September 29 r
 Confessors: Alphonsus Liguori, August 1; John Nepomucene (May 16)
 Convulsion in children: Scholastica, February 10
 Cooks: Lawrence, August 10; Martha, July 29
 Coppersmiths: Benedict, July 11
 Crops, protector of: Ansovinus
 Dairy workers: Bridget of Sweden, July 23
 Deaf: Francis de Sales, January 24
 Dentists: Apollonia (February 9)
 Desperate situations: Jude Thaddacus, October 28; Gregory of
Neocaesarea (“the Wonderworker”) (November 17)
 Dietitians, hospital: Martha
 Disabled: Giles (September 1)
 Dog bites: Vitus
 Drapers: Ursula (October 21)
 Druggists: Cosmas and Damian, September 26; James the Less, ap,
May 3
 Dying: Joseph, March 19; Barbara (December 4)
 Ecology: Francis of Assisi, October 4
 Elderly: Anthony of Padua, June 13
 Emigrants: Frances Xavier Cabrini, November 13
 Engaged couples: Agnes, January 21
 Engineers: Joseph, March 19; Ferdinand III (May 30)
 Epilepsy: Vitus, Willibrord
 Expectant mothers: Raymond Nonnatus (August 31 ); Gerard Majella
(October 16)
 Eye trouble: Lucy, December 13
 Falsely accused: Raymond Nonnatus (August 31 )
 Family: Joseph, March 19
 Farmers: George, April 23; Isidore, May 15
 Fire prevention: Catherine of Siena, April 29; Barbara (December 4)
 Firefighters: Florian
 First Communicants: Tarcisius (August 15)
 Fishermen: Andrew, November 30
 Florists: Dorothy (February 6); Therese of Lisieux, October 1
 Forest workers: John Gualbert (July 12)
 Founders: Barbara (December 4)
 Foundlings: Holy Innocents, December 28
 Funeral directors: Joseph of Arimathea (March 17); Dismas (March 25)
 Gardeners: Agnes, January 21; Dorothy (February 6); Trypho
(November 10); Fiacre (September 1 in Ireland)
 Geometricians: Thomas, ap, July 3
 Glass workers: Luke, October 18
 Glaziers (people who fit glass in windows): Mark, April 25
 Goldsmiths: Dunstan (May 19)
 Grave diggers and graveyards: Anthony, ab, January 17
 Grace, those in need: Teresa of Avila, October 15
 Greetings: Valentine (February 14)
 Grocers: Michael, aa, September 29
 Guardian angels: Raphael, aa, September 29
 Gunners: Barbara (December 4)
 Hairdressers: Martin de Porres, November 3
 Happy death: Joseph, March 19
 Hatters: James the Less, ap, May 3
 Haymakers: Gervase and Protase (June 19)
 Headaches: Teresa of Avila, October 15
 Heart ailments: John of God, March 8
 Homemakers: Anne
 Hospitality: Julian the Hospitaller (February 12)
 Hospital Administrators: Basil the Great, Frances Xavier Cabrini
 Hospitals: Camillus de Lellis, July 14; John of God, March 8; Jude
Thaddaeus, ap, October 28
 Housewives: Anne, July 26; Martha, July 29
 Hunters: Hubert (November 3)
 Immigrants: Frances Xavier Cabrini
 Innkeepers: Martin of Tours, November 11
 Interior souls: Joseph, March 19
 Invalids: Roch (August 16)
 Ironmongers: Sebastian, January 20
 Jewelers: Eligius (December 1)
 Journalists: Francis de Sales, January 24
 Jurists: Catherine of Alexandria (November 25); John of Capistrano,
October 23
 Laborers: Isidore, May 15; James, July 25
 Lawyers: Ivo of Chartres (June 17); Genesius (August 25)
 Learning: Ambrose, December 7; Acca (November 27)
 Librarians: Jerome, September 30
 Locksmiths: Dunstan (May 19)
 Lost things: Anthony, ab, January 17
 Lovers: Raphael, aa, September 29
 Maidens: Agnes, January 21; Margaret (July 20); Ursula (October 21 )
 Mail carriers: Gabriel, September 29
 Marble workers: Clement I (November 23)
 Mariners: Michael, aa, September 29; Nicholas of Tolentino (September
 Medical technicians: Albertus Magnus
 Mentally ill: Dymphna (May 15)
 Merchants: Francis of Assisi, October 4; Nicholas of Myra, December 6
 Messengers: Gabriel, aa
 Metalworkers: Eligius (December 1 )
 Military chaplains: John Capistrano
 Millers: Victor (July 21 )
 Miners: Barbara (December 4)
 Missions: Francis Xavier, December 3; Therese of Lisieux, October 1
 Missions, Black: Peter Claver, September 9; Benedict the Moor (April 4)
 Missions, home: Leonard of Port Maurice (November 26)
 Moral theologians: Alphonsus Liguori, August 1
 Mothers: Monica, August 27; Anne, July 26
 Motorcyclists: Our Lady of Grace (May 31 )
 Motorists: Christopher (July 25)
 Mountaineers: Bernard of Menthon (May 28)
 Musicians: Cecilia, November 22; Gregory the Great, September 3;
Paul, June 29
 Notaries: Mark, April 25; Luke, October 18
 Nurses: Agatha, February 5; Alexis (July 17); Camillus de Lellis, July 14;
Raphael, September 29; John of God, March 8; Margaret of Scotland
(November 16)
 Nursing and Nursing Services: Elizabeth of Hungary, Catherine of Siena
 Orators: John Chrysostom
 Orphans: Jerome Emiliani (July 20)
 Painters: John the Evangelist, December 27; Luke, October 18
 Paratroopers: Michael
 Pawnbrokers: Nicholas of Myra, December 6
 Peasants: Margaret (July 20)
 Penitents: Mary Magdalene, July 22
 Pharmacists: Cosmas and Damian, September 26
 Philosophers: Catherine of Alexandria (November 25); Justin, June 1
 Physicians: Cosmas and Damian, September 26; Luke, October 18;
Raphael, September 29
 Pilgrims: Alexis (July 17); James, July 25
 Plague-stricken: Roch (August 16)
 Plasterers: Bartholomew, August 24
 Poets: Cecilia, November 22
 Poisoning: Benedict, July 11
 Policemen: Michael, September 29
 Poor: Lawrence, August 10; Anthony of Padua, June 13
 Porters: Christopher (July 25)
 Possessed: Bruno, October 6; Denis, October 9
 Postal workers: Gabriel, September 29
 Potters: Sebastian, January 20
 Preachers: John Chrysostom, September 13
 Priests: John Vianney, August 4; Paul, June 29
 Printers: Augustine, August 28; John the Evangelist, December 27;
Genesius of Aries
(August 25); John of God, March 8
 Prisoners: Dismas (March 26); Barbara (December 4)
 Prisons: Joseph Cafasso (June 23)
 Public relations: Bernardino of Siena
 Publishers: John the Evangelist, December 27; Francis de Sales,
January 24
 Radiologists: Michael, aa, September 29
 Radio workers: Gabriel
 Retreats: Ignatius of Loyola, July 31
 Rheumatism: James the Greater, July 25
 Saddlers: Crispin and Crispinian (October 25)
 Sailors: Cuthbert (March 20); Erasmus (June 2); Nicholas of Tolentino,
(September 10); Brendan (May 16); Eulalia (December 10); Christopher
(July 25); Peter Gonzales (April 15)
 Scholars: Bridget of Sweden, July 23
 Schools: Thomas Aquinas, January 28
 School children: Benedict, July 11; Lawrence, August 10
 Scientists: Albert the Great, November 15
 Sculptors: Luke, October 18; Claude (November 8)
 Secretaries: Genesius of Aries (August 25)
 Seminarians: Charles Borromeo, November 4
 Servants, domestic: Zita (April 27); Martha, July 29 it
 Shepherds: Cuthbert (March 20)
 Shoemakers: Crispin and Crispinian (October 25) n:
 Sick: Michael, September 29; John of God, March 8; Philomena (August
11 )
 Silversmiths: Andronicus (October 11 )
 Singers: Gregory, September 3; Cecilia, November 22
 Singles: Andrew, November 30
 Skaters: Ledwina (April 14)
 Skiers: Bernard of Menthon (May 28)
 Social workers: Louise de Marillac
 Smiths: Eliguis (December 1 )
 Snake bites: Vitus
 Soldiers: George, April 23; Adrian (September 8); Michael, aa,
September 29; Ignatius of Loyola, July 31; Sebastian, January 20; Martin
of Tours, November 11; Joan of Arc (May 30)
 Sore throat: Blaise, February 3
 Speleologists: Benedict
 Spinsters: Catherine of Alexandria (November 25)
 Stenographers: Genesius (August 25); Cassian (December 3)
 Stonecutters: Clement, November 23
 Stonemasons: Stephen, December 26; Barbara (December 4)
 Students: Catherine of Alexandria (November 25); Jerome, September
30; Thomas
Aquinas, January 28
 Surgeons: Cosmas and Damian, September 26
 Swineherds: Anthony, June 13
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 Tailors: Boniface, June 5; Martin of Tours, November 11; Homobonus
(November 13)
 Tanners: Crispin and Crispinian (October 25); Lawrence, August 10
 Tax collectors: Matthew, September 21
 Teachers: Catherine of Alexandria (November 25); Gregory the Great,
September 3; Ursula
(October 21 ); John Baptist de La Salle, April 7
 Telegraph/Telephone/Television workers: Gabriel, aa, September 29;
Clare, August 11
 Television: St. Clare, August 11
 Tentmakers: Paul, June 29
 Tertiaries: Louis of France, August 25; Elizabeth of Hungary, November
 Theologians: Augustine, August 28
 Travelers: Christopher (July 25); Julian the Hospitaller (February 12);
Gertrude, November 16; Raphael, aa, September 29
 Universities: Blessed Contardo Ferrini
 Vocations: Alphonsus, August 1
 Watchmen: Peter of Alcantara (October 19)
 Weavers: Paul the Hermit (January 15); Anastasia (December 25)
 Wheelwrights: Catherine of Alexandria (November 25)
 Widows: Paula
 Wine growers: Vincent, January 22
 Wine merchants: Amand (February 6)
 Women in labor: Anne, July 26
 Womeds Army Corps: Genevieve (January 3)
 Workers: Joseph, May 1
 Writers: Francis de Sales
 Yachtsmen: Adjutor
 Young boys: Dominic Savio
 Young girls: Agnes, January 21
 Youth: Aloysius Gonzaga, June 21; John Berchmans (August 13);
Gabriel Possenti (February 27)
Patron Saints of Countries
 Americas: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Rose of Lima
 Angola: Immaculate Heart of Mary
 Argentina: Our Lady of Lujan
 Armenia: Gregory Illuminator (October 1 )
 Australia: Francis Xavier, December 3
 Belgium: Joseph, March 19
 Bohemia: Wenceslaus, September 28; Ludmilla, grandmother of
Wenceslaus (September 16); John Nepomucene (May 16)
 Bolivia: Our Lady of Copacabana (“Virgen de la Candelaria”)
 Borneo: Francis Xavier, December 3
 Brazil: Immaculate Conception, December 8
 Canada: Joseph, March 19; Anne, July 26
 Chile: James the Greater, July 25; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, July 16
 China: Joseph, March 19
 Colombia: Peter Claver, September 9; Louis Bertrand (October 9)
 Cuba: Our Lady of Charity
 Cyprus: Barnabas
 Czech Republic: Wenceslaus, September 28; John Nepomucene (May
16); Procopius (July 8)
 Denmark: Anskar, February 3; Canute IV (January 19)
 Dominican Republic: Our Lady of High Grace (April 4); Dominic, August
 East Indies: Thomas, ap, July 3
 Ecuador: Sacred Heart
 El Salvador: Our Lady of Peace
 England: George, April 23
 Ethiopia: Frumentius
 Europe (co-patrons): Benedict, July 11; Cyril and Methodius, February
 Finland: Henry I July 13
 France: Joan of Arc (May 30); Denis, October 9
 Germany: Boniface, June 5
 Greece: Nicholas of Myra, December 6
 Holland: Willibrord (November 7)
 Hungary: Stephen of Hungary (king), August 16
 Iceland: Thorlac
 India: Our Lady of Assumption, August 15
 Ireland: Patrick, March 17; Brigid of Kildare (February 1); Columba
{June 9)
 Italy: Francis of Assisi, October 4; Catherine of Siena, April 29
 Japan: Peter Baptist (February 5)
 Korea: Joseph and Mary; Mother of the Church
 Lithuania: Casimir, March 4; Cunegunda (March 3)
 Luxembourg: Willibrord
 Malta: Paul, Our Lady of the Assumption
 Mexico: Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12
 Monaco: Devota
 Netherlands: Willibrord
 New Zealand: Our Lady Help of Christians
 Norway: Olaf (July 29)
 Paraguay: Our Lady of Assumption, August 15
 Papua New Guinea: Michael the Archangel
 Peru: Joseph
 Philippines: Sacred Heart of Mary (August 22)
 Poland: Casimir, March 4
 Portugal: Immaculate Conception, December 8; Francis Borgia (October
10); Anthony of Padua, June 13
 Russia: Andrew, November 30; Nicholas, December 6
 Scandinavia: Ansgar .,
 Scotland: Andrew, November 30
 Slovakia: Our Lady of Sorrows, September 15
 South America: Rose of Lima
 Solomon Islands: Most Holy Name of Mary
 Spain: James the Greater (July 25); Teresa, October 15
 Sri Lanka: Lawrence
 Sweden: Bridget, July 23; Eric (May 18)
 Switzerland: Gall
 Tanzania: Immaculate Conception
 Union of South Africa: Our Lady of Assumption, August 15
 United States of America: Immaculate Conception, December 8
 Uruguay: Our Lady of Lujan
 Venezuela: Our Lady of Coromoto
 Wales: David (March 1 )
 West Indies: Gertrude

This page is a list of Filipino saints, blesseds, venerables, and Servants of God recognized by

the Catholic Church. Majority of these men and women of religious life were born, died, or lived
within the Philippines.
Ferdinand Magellan's expedition of 1521 to the islands included Catholic priests and
missionaries among the crew. Some Catholic missionaries became the explorers of the native
lands while converting and coercing the Indios towards Christianism. Because of the Spanish
colonization which had been started by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, Christianity was introduced as
settling within Cebu. Cebu is a well known bastion of the Roman Catholic faith.
Catholics continue to contribute to Filipino religious life to the present day. Subsequently,
several Filipino Catholics have been considered for sainthood over the past centuries. Most of
these saints-to-be are from the 20th Century and moving forward. Very few from the Spanish
era within the Philippines found their way to the various levels of Church "sanctity."
The first Filipino saint canonized was Lorenzo Ruiz, a married lay Dominican and member of
the Rosarian Confraternity in dedication to Our Lady. Ruiz died as a martyr of faith, during the
persecutions in Nagasaki, Japan, where the Japanese rulers organized an anti-clerical campaign.
Lorenzo Ruiz was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Manila in 1981 and was later canonized
at St. Peter's Square, Vatican City in 1987. Twenty-five years later, the title of "saint" was
bestowed upon another martyr, Pedro Calungsod. Calungsod was then-canonized on October
2012 by Pope Benedict XVI.

 Saint Lorenzo Ruiz (ca. 1600–1637), Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Manila;
Member of the Confraternity of the Rosary; Martyr (Manila, Philippines - Nagasaki, Japan)
 Declared Venerable: October 11, 1980
 Beatified: February 18, 1981, by Pope John Paul II
 Canonized: October 18, 1987, by Pope John Paul II
 Saint Pedro Calungsod (1654–1672), Young Layperson of the Archdiocese of Cebu;
Martyr (Cebu, Philippines - Tumon, Guam)
 Declared Venerable: January 27, 2000
 Beatified: March 5, 2000, by Pope John Paul II
 Canonized: October 21, 2012, by Pope Benedict XVI

 Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores (Diego Jerónimo de San Vitores y Alonso de
Maluendo) (1627-1672), Professed Priest of the Jesuits; Martyr (Burgos, Spain - Cebu,
Philippines - Tumon, Guam)
 Declared Venerable: November 09, 1984
 Beatified: October 6, 1985, by Pope John Paul II
 Blessed José María de Manila (Eugenio Sanz-Orozco Mortera) (1880-1936), Professed
Priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin; Martyr (Manila, Philippines - Madrid, Spain)
 Declared Venerable: March 27, 2013
 Beatified: October 13, 2013, by Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B.
 Blessed Iustus Takayama Ukon (Hikogorō Shigetomo) (ca. 1552-1615), Layperson of
the Archdiocese of Tokyo (Nara, Japan - Manila, Philippines)
 Declared Venerable: January 21, 2016
 Beatified: February 7, 2017, by Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B.

 Venerable Isabel Larrañaga Ramírez (Isabel of the Heart of Jesus) (1836–1899), Founder
of the Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Manila, Philippines - Havana, Cuba)
 Declared Venerable: March 26, 1999
 Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo de Juco (1663–1748), Founder of the Religious of
the Virgin Mary (Manila, Philippines)
 Declared Venerable: July 6, 2007
 Venerable Joaquina Maria Mercedes Barcelo Pages (Consuelo Barcelo y Pages) (1857–
1940), Cofounder of the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation (Barcelona, Spain -
Manila, Philippines)
 Declared Venerable: December 20, 2012
 Venerable Aloysius Schwartz (1930–1992), Priest of the Archdiocese of Manila; Founder
of the Sisters of Mary of Banneux and Brothers of Christ (Washington D.C., USA - Manila,
 Declared Venerable: January 22, 2015
 Venerable Alfredo María Obviar (1889–1978), Bishop of Lucena; Founder of Missionary
Catechists of Saint Thérèse of the Infant Jesus (Batangas - Quezon, Philippines)
 Declared Venerable: November 7, 2018
 Venerable Maria Beatriz Del Rosario de Arroyo (Maria Rosario of the Visitation) (1884–
1957), Founder of the Dominican Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary of the Philippines
(Dominican Sisters of Molo) (Iloilo, Philippines)
 Declared Venerable: June 11, 2019
 Venerable Francisca del Espíritu Santo de Fuentes (1647–1711), Founder of the
Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena (Manila, Philippines)
 Declared Venerable: July 5, 2019

Servants of God

Mother Jeronima in her later years

 Servant of God Jerónima Yañez de la Fuente (Jerónima of the Assumption) (1555–1630),

Professed Religious of the Poor Clare Nuns (Toledo, Spain - Manila, Philippines)
 Servant of God Francesco Palliola (1612–1648), Professed Priest of the Jesuits; Martyr
(Naples, Italy - Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines)
 Servant of God Cecilia Rosa de Jesús Talangpaz (1693–1731), Cofounder of the
Augustinian Recollect Sisters (Bulacan - Manila, Philippines)
 Servant of God Dionisia de Santa María Mitas Talangpaz (1691–1732), Cofounder of the
Augustinian Recollect Sisters (Bulacan - Manila, Philippines)
 Servant of God Ines Joaquina Vicenta Barcelo Pages (Rita) (1843–1904), Founder of the
Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation (Barcelona, Spain - Manila, Philippines)
 Servant of God Wilhelm Finnemann (1882–1942), Professed priest of the Society of the
Divine Word; Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan; Martyr (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany -
Batangas, Philippines)
 Servant of God Joseph Verbis Lafleur (1912–1944), Priest of the Military Ordinate of the
United States (Louisiana, USA - Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines)
 Servant of God Alfredo Verzosa (1877–1954), Bishop of Lipa; Founder of the
Missionary Catechists of the Sacred Heart (Ilocos Sur, Philippines)
 Servant of God Florencia Cuesta Valluerca (Trinidad of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
(1904–1967), Professed Religious of the Carmelite Nuns of the Ancient Observance (Madrid,
Spain - Manila, Philippines)
 Servant of God Carlo Braga (1889–1971), Professed Priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco
(Sondrio, Italy - Pampanga, Philippines)
 Servant of God Dalisay Lazaga (1940–1971), Professed Religious of the Canossians
Daughters of Charity (Laguna - Manila, Philippines)
 Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit Sr. (1911–1977), Married Layperson of the
Archdiocese of Jaro (Iloilo, Philippines)
 Servant of God George Willmann (1897–1977), Professed Priest of the Jesuits (New
York, USA - Manila, Philippines)
 Servant of God Teofilo Camomot (1914–1988), Coadjutor Archbishop of Cagayan de
Oro; Titular Archbishop of Marcianopolis; Founder of the Daughters of Saint Teresa (Cebu,
 Servant of God Richard Michael Fernando (1970–1996), Professed Cleric of the Jesuits;
Martyr (Quezon City, Philippines - Angk Snuol, Cambodia)
 Servant of God Rhoel Gallardo (1965–2000), Professed Priest of the Claretians; Martyr
(Zambales - Basilan, Philippines)
 Servant of God Giuseppe Aveni (1918–2010), Professed Priest of the Rogationists of the
Heart of Jesus (Messina, Italy - Parañaque, Philippines)
 Servant of God Darwin Ramos (1994–2012), Young Layperson of the Diocese of Cubao
(Quezon City, Philippines)

Group Martyrs
This sections conclude the list of martyrs pending for the Cause for Sainthood. Majority of them
are underway for canonization proposed by the CCS.

 Jesuit Martyrs in Micronesia, Jesuit and lay missionaries in Guam and the Federated
States of Micronesia who died for the Christian faith and mission. Companion martyrs of
Saint Pedro Calungsod and Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores.

 Luis de Medina
 Hipolito de la Cruz
 Lorenzo
 Diego Bazan
 Damian Bernal
 Nicolas de Figueroa
 Francisco Esquerra
 Pedro Diaz
 Antonio Maria de San Basilio
 Sebasian de Monroy
 Andrés de la Cruz
 Manuel Solorzano
 Juan de los Reyes
 Balthasar Dubois
 Teofilo de Angelis
 Felipe Songsong
 Unnamed companions
 De La Salle Martyrs of 1945, The Companion Martyrs of Bro. William Kelley (Egbert
Xavier). All Professed Religious' of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle
 John Concoran (Flavius Leo)
 Born: June 13, 1876 – Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland
 Wilhelm Hengelbrock (Mutwald William)
 Born: November 10, 1907 – Osnabruck, Germany
 Alois Seipel (Paternus Paul)
 Born: March 21, 1908 – Marborn, Steinau an der Strasse, Main-Kinzig,
 Wilhelm Spieker (Arkadius Maria)
 Born: November 10, 1910 – Kassel, Germany
 Joseph Hastreiter (Gerfreid Joseph)
 Born: August 23, 1912 – Furth im Wald, Cham, Germany
 Lorenz Kreitner (Hartmann Hubert)
 Born: October 23, 1912 – Mannheim, Germany
 Johann Nepomuk Meier (Maximin Maria)
 Born: September 30, 1913 – Frommersbach, Zerf, Trier-Saarburg,
 Hermann Joseph Gelb (Berthwin Philibert)
 Born: October 13, 1913 – Hockenheim, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Germany
 Helmut Jakob Wegner (Romuald Suxtus)
 Born: August 29, 1914 – Ludwigshafen, Germany
 Gyula Miklos (De La Salle Janos Baptista)
 Born: 1918 – Budapest, Hungary
 Johannes Kuntz (Freidebert Johannes)
 Born: July 15, 1915 – Rheinfelden, Lorrach, Germany
 Ernst Kammerling (Lambert Romanus)
 Born: April 28, 1917 – Erkelenz, Heinsburg, Germany
 Alfons Bender (Adolf Gebhard)
 Born: May 12, 1914 – Herdorf, Altenkirchen, Germany
 Joseph Biely (Alemond Lucian)
 Born: 1917 – Slovak Republic
 Konrad Wehle (Viktorinus Heinrich)
 Born: November 21, 1914 – Grunmettstetten, Freudenstadt, Germany
 Died: February 12, 1945 – Malate, Manila, Philippines
 Religious Martyrs of Santo Tomas, professed religious' of the Missionary Sisters
Servants of the Holy Spirit, martyred on March 15, 1945.
 Anna Unterscher (Adelheida)
 Born: July 27, 1898 – Höhenmoos, Rohrdorf, Rosenheim, Germany
 Margareta Nieder (Aloysius)
 Born: March 16, 1903 – Illingen, Neurkirchen, Germany
 Agnes Hoffman (Ansberta)
 Born: December 07, 1903 – Answeiler, Marpingen, Sankt Wendel,
 Paula Diancourt (Benedicta)
 Born: October 6, 1899 – Dortmund, Erzdiözese Paderborn, Germany  [1]

 Maria Weisert (Bernia)
 Born: April 08, 1907 – Sigmaringen, Germany
 Palmaria Molina (Celia)
 Born: December 02, 1908 – Tayum, Abra, Philippines
 Petronilla Arjonilla Coral (Cesaria)
 Born: April 29, 1907 – Mérida, Yucátan, Mexico
 Maria Klara Schnettler (Cleophana)
 Born: July 14, 1898 – Hagen, Germany
 Sophie Hörth (Franciscetta)
 Born: July 15, 1903 – Neusatz, Bühl, Germany
 Maria Piebler (Gumberta)
 Born: August 30, 1911 – Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Austria
 Elisabet Faulstich (Isburga)
 Born: September 20, 1908 – Cologne, Germany
 Elisabeth Maria Anna Hartelt (Passima)
 Born: July 15, 1903 – Niesse, Opole, Poland
 Elisabeth Schofs (Placida)
 Born: July 15, 1884 – Tönisvorst, Viersen, Germany
 Margarete Mzyk (Richarde)
 Born: April 03, 1910 – Königshütte, Poland
 Bernardina Jurcovic (Victimaria)
 Born: October 25, 1913 – Vištuk, Pezinok, Slovakia
 Died: March 15, 1945 – Santo Tomas, Batangas, Philippines
 Vincentian Martyrs of the Philippines, priests and religious' of the Congregation of the
Mission (Vincentians)
 Alfonso Sandaña Díez, priest
 Born: January 06, 1884 – Tardajos, Burgos, Spain
 Died: September 20, 1942 – Mantalongon, Dalaguete, Cebu, Philippines
 Aniano González Moreno, priest
 Born: April 25, 1890 – Isar, Burgos, Spain
 Died: October 21, 1944 – Baguio, Philippines
 Prisciano González Moreno, priest
 Born: October 12, 1885 – Isar, Burgos, Spain
 Crispín Gómez Vallejo, priest
 Born: December 04, 1895 – Hontauas, Burgos, Spain
 Rafael Martínez Rojo, brother
 Born: October 24, 1876 – Ferrero, León, Spain
 Gumersindo Novero, seminarian
 Born: Unknown in Cavite, Philippines
 Died: February 08, 1945 – Mandaluyong, Manila, Philippines
 José Tejada Merino, priest
 Born: March 18, 1892 – Covarrubias, Burgos, Spain
 Luis Ejeda Martínez, priest
 Born: August 18, 1881 – Albarracin, Teruel, Spain
 Adolfo Soto de Celis, priest
 Born: March 17, 1884 – Rebolledo, Burgos, Spain
 Julio Ruiz Sánchez, priest
 Born: May 22, 1890 – Villarodrigo, Palencia, Spain
 José Fernández Fernández, priest
 Born: October 24, 1891 – Madrid, Spain
 José Aguirreche Aguirre, priest
 Born: August 27, 1891 – Régil, Guipúzcoa, Spain
 Antolín Marcos Pardo, brother
 Born: September 01, 1879 – Pedrosa de Río Úrbel, Burgos, Spain
 Valentín Santidrián Bermejo, brother
 Born: February 12, 1901 – Villadiego, Burgos, Spain
 Gregorio Induráin Echarte, brother
 Born: 1870 – Ozcoidi, Urraúl, Alto, Navarra, Spain
 Alejandro García García, brother
 Born: Unknown in Spain
 Died: February 09, 1945 – San Marcelino, Manila, Philippines
 Jerónimo Pampliega Melgosa, priest
 Born: Unknown in Rabé de las Calzadas, Burgos, Spain
 Died: February 19, 1945 – Intramuros, Manila, Philippines
 Anselmo Andrés, priest
 Born: 1875 – Spain
 Died: February 26, 1945 – Santa Cruz, Manila, Philippines

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