Coluzzi2016 Cap 2
Coluzzi2016 Cap 2
Coluzzi2016 Cap 2
Laser Fundamentals
The word laser is an acronym for light amplification by stim- Ordinary light, such as that produced by a table lamp,
ulated emission of radiation. In this chapter, brief descrip- usually is a warm, white color. “White” as seen by the
tions of these five terms, within the context of the unique human eye is really the sum of the many colors of the visible
qualities of a laser instrument, are presented as background spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The
for a subsequent overview of the uses of lasers in dentistry. light usually is diffuse—that is, not focused. Laser light is
distinguished from ordinary light by two properties. Laser
Light light is monochromatic: It is generated as a beam of a single
color, which is invisible if its wavelength is outside of the
Light is a form of electromagnetic energy that exists as a visible part of the spectrum. In addition, the waves of laser
particle and that travels in waves at a constant velocity. The light are coherent, or identical in physical size and shape.
basic unit of this radiant energy is called a photon.1 The Thus the amplitude and frequency of all of the waves of
waves of photons travel at the speed of light and can be photons are identical. This coherence results in the produc-
defined by two basic properties: amplitude and wavelength tion of a specific form of focused electromagnetic energy.
(Figure 2-1). Amplitude is defined as the vertical height of The beams emitted from laser instruments are collimated
the wave from the zero axis to its peak as it moves around (produced with all waves parallel to each other) over a long
that axis. This correlates with the amount of intensity in distance, but once the laser beam enters certain delivery
the wave: The larger the amplitude, the greater the amount systems such as optical fibers or tips (e.g., in neodymium-
of potential work that could be performed. For a sound doped yttrium-aluminum-garnet [Nd:YAG], erbium, and
wave, amplitude correlates with loudness. For a wave emit- diode lasers), it diverges at the fiber tip. This monochro-
ting light, amplitude correlates with brightness. A joule (J) matic, coherent beam of light energy can be used to accom-
is a unit of energy; a useful quantity in laser dentistry is a plish the treatment objective.
millijoule (mJ), or one thousandth (10−3) of a joule (0.001 J). Using a household fixture as an example, a 100-watt (W)
The second property of a wave is wavelength (λ), the hori- lamp will produce a moderate amount of light for a room
zontal distance between any two corresponding points on area, with some heat. On the other hand, 2 W of laser light
the wave. This measurement is important to both how the can be used for precise excision of a fibroma while providing
laser light is delivered to the surgical site and how it reacts adequate hemostasis at the surgical site, without disturbing
with tissue. Wavelength is measured in meters (m). Dental the surrounding tissue.2 The difference between the 100 W
lasers have wavelengths on the order of much smaller units, of an ordinary light bulb able to light up a room and the
using terminology of either nanometer (nm), equal to one 2 W of a laser able to perform a surgical procedure lies in
billionth (10−9) of a meter, or micrometer (μm), one mil- the property of coherence. As an apt analogy, imagine a
lionth (10−6) of a meter (replaces the micron [μ] unit, still crew race on a river. The boat that comes in first is the boat
occasionally seen in laser science). in which all of the members of the crew team are working
As waves travel, they rise and fall about the zero axis a together. At any given moment, they are all at the same stage
certain number of times per second; this is called oscilla- of the stroke cycle, so that all of their energies are working
tion. The number of oscillations per unit time is defined together to propel the boat. All of the members of the crew
as frequency. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz); 1 Hz team place their oars in the water at the same instant. They
equals one oscillation per second. Frequency is inversely all remove their oars from the water at the same instant.
proportional to wavelength: The shorter the wavelength, They are working together in perfect unison. In similar
the higher the frequency, and vice versa. Although the hertz fashion, all of the light waves in a laser work together in
as just defined is a basic unit in physics, it also is used more a beam of coherent energy. By contrast, in the boat that
specifically to describe the number of pulses per second of comes in last, the crew members may be seen to be at dif-
emitted laser energy. ferent stages of the stroke cycle. Some have their oars going
CHAPTER 2 Laser Fundamentals 13
Amplification is the part of this process that occurs inside
the laser. In this section, the components of a laser instru-
ment are identified to show how laser light is produced.
The center of the laser is called the laser cavity. The fol-
lowing three components make up the laser cavity:
• Active medium
• Pumping mechanism • Figure 2-3 An atom of an active medium in excited state.
• Optical resonator
The active medium is composed of chemical elements, mol- Photon
ecules, or compounds. Lasers are generically named for the
material of the active medium, which can be (1) a container
of gas, such as a canister of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas in a
CO2 laser; (2) a solid crystal, such as that in an erbium-
doped YAG (Er:YAG) laser; (3) a solid-state semiconductor,
such as the semiconductors found in diode lasers; or (4) a
liquid, such as that used in some medical laser devices.
Surrounding this active medium is an excitation source,
such as a flash lamp strobe device, electrical circuit, electri-
cal coil, or similar source of energy that pumps energy into
the active medium. When this pumping mechanism drives
energy into the active medium, the electrons in the outer-
most shell of the active medium’s atoms absorb the energy.
These electrons have absorbed a specific amount of energy • Figure 2-4 An atom of an active medium spontaneously emits a
to reach the next shell farther from the nucleus, which is at photon and returns to a stable orbit, giving off the energy that it had
just absorbed, according to the principle of conservation of energy.
a higher energy level. A “population inversion” occurs when
more of the electrons from the active medium are in the
higher energy level shell farther from the nucleus than are in surfaces at each end. These mirrors or polished surfaces act
the ground state (Figure 2-2). The electrons in this excited as optical resonators, reflecting the waves back and forth,
state then return to their resting state and emit that energy and help to collimate and amplify the developing beam.
in a form known as a photon (Figure 2-3). This is called A cooling system, focusing lenses, and other controlling
spontaneous (not stimulated) emission (Figure 2-4). mechanisms complete the mechanical components. Figure
Completing the laser cavity are two mirrors, one at each 2-5 shows a schematic of a gas or solid active-medium laser
end of the optical cavity, placed parallel to each other; or (e.g., CO2, Nd:YAG). Figure 2-6 shows a schematic of a
in the case of a semiconductor diode laser, two polished semiconductor diode device.
14 CHA P T E R 2 Laser Fundamentals
Pumping mechanism:
flashlamp, electricity
Reflective Partially
mirror transmissive
Optical resonator
• Figure 2-5 A gas or solid active-medium laser, such as CO2 or Nd:YAG laser.
Positive wafer
Negative wafer
Reflective Partially
surface transmissive
Optical resonator
• Figure 2-6 Semiconductor diode device.
dental lasers emit either a visible-light wavelength or an invis- The following four dental laser instruments emit visible
ible, infrared-light wavelength in the portion of the nonion- light:
izing spectrum called thermal radiation.7 The word radiation • Argon laser: blue wavelength of 488 nm
in this context does not imply radioactive or carcinogenic but • Argon laser: blue-green wavelength of 514 nm
simply means the emission of electromagnetic energy. • Frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser, also called a potas-
sium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser: green wavelength of
Incident photon 2 photons 532 nm
• Low-level lasers: red nonsurgical wavelengths of 600 to
635 nm (for photobiomodulation) and 655 nm (for caries
Argon lasers are no longer manufactured as dental surgi-
cal instruments, although they are still used for medical
Other dental lasers emit invisible laser light in the near,
middle, and far infrared portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum. These include photobiomodulation devices with
wavelengths between 800 and 900 nm, as well as surgical
instruments, as follows:
• Diode lasers: various wavelengths between 800 and 1064
nm, using a semiconductor active medium of gallium
and arsenide, with the addition of either aluminum or
• Figure 2-7 An atom of an active medium showing stimulated emis- indium in some devices
sion, releasing two identical photons before returning to a stable state. • Nd:YAG laser: 1064 nm
• Erbium-chromium–doped yttrium-scandium-gallium-
1 Photon 2 Photons 4 Photons garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser: 2780 nm
• Er:YAG laser: 2940 nm
• CO2 laser: 9300 nm and 10,600 nm
Diagnodent, 655 nm
980 nm Nd:YAG
Visible LLLT
InGaAs Diode 1064 nm
small, flexible fiberoptic systems with bare glass fibers that All conventional dental instrumentation, either hand
deliver the laser energy to the target tissue (Figure 2-10). or rotary, must physically touch the tissue being treated,
Because the erbium and CO2 laser wavelengths are absorbed which gives the operator instant feedback. As mentioned,
by water, which is a major component of conventional glass dental lasers can be used either in contact or out of con-
fibers, these wavelengths cannot pass through these fibers. tact. The fiber tip can easily be inserted into a periodontal
Erbium and CO2 devices are therefore constructed with pocket to remove small amounts of granulomatous tissue
special fibers capable of transmitting the wavelengths, with or treat an aphthous ulcer (Figures 2-15 to 2-17). In non-
semiflexible hollow waveguides, or with articulated arms contact use, the beam is aimed at the target some distance
(Figure 2-11). Some of these systems employ small quartz away (Figure 2-18). This modality is useful for following
or sapphire tips that attach to the laser device for contact various tissue contours, but with the loss of tactile sensation,
with target tissue; others employ noncontact tips (Figure the surgeon must pay close attention to the tissue interac-
2-12). In addition, the erbium lasers incorporate a water tion with the laser energy. All of the invisible-light dental
spray for cooling hard tissues. Lasers may have different lasers—Nd:YAG, CO2, diode, and erbium—are equipped
fiber diameters, handpieces, and tips (Figure 2-13). Each with a separate aiming beam, which can be either a laser or
of these elements plays a significant role in the delivery of a conventional light. The aiming beam is delivered coaxially
energy (Figure 2-14). along the fiber or waveguide and shows the operator the
exact spot at which the laser energy will strike the tissue.
Spot Size
Lenses focus the active beam. With hollow-waveguide or
articulated-arm delivery systems, there is a precise spot
• Figure 2-10 An assembled fiberoptic delivery system consisting of
the bare fiber, a handpiece, and a disposable tip. at the point where the amount of energy is the greatest.
• Figure 2-11 A, Articulated-arm delivery system, typical of CO2 lasers and some erbium devices.
B, Hollow waveguide delivery system of a CO2 laser.
CHAPTER 2 Laser Fundamentals 17
• Figure 2-12 Typical erbium laser tip. • Figure 2-15 CO2 laser periodontal tip treating periodontal pocket.
• Figure 2-13 A variety of handpieces available with most CO2 laser • Figure 2-16 Nd:YAG laser fiber entering periodontal pocket.
systems offer a variety of spot sizes and focal distances.
This focal point is used for incision and excision surgery. For
fiberoptic contact delivery systems, the focal point is at or
near the tip of the fiber, which again has the greatest amount
of energy. For CO2 lasers, which are used out of contact, the
focal point may be anywhere from 1 to 12 mm from the tis-
sue surface, depending on the handpiece being used (Figure
2-19). When the handpiece is moved away from the tissue
and away from the focal point, the beam is defocused (out
of focus) and becomes more divergent and therefore deliv-
ers less energy to the surgical site (Figure 2-20). At a small • Figure 2-18 Nd:YAG laser fiber out of contact treating aphthous ulcer.
18 CHA P T E R 2 Laser Fundamentals
Relatively small
spot size on
tissue surface
• Figure 2-19 A handpiece at the correct distance from the tissue for
maximal effect is “in focus.”
• Figure 2-22 Diagram of the eye showing the effects of different wavelengths on various tissue types.
In general, CO2 and erbium lasers interact with the cornea and lens, whereas Nd:YAG and diode lasers
penetrate to the retina.
• Figure 2-23 Laser excisional biopsy. A, Traction suture in place immediately preoperatively. B, Begin-
ning laser excision of lesion. C, Immediate postoperative view of excision site. Note the complete absence
of bleeding at the surgical site, one of the many advantages of laser surgery over conventional techniques.
• Figure 2-25 Laser coagulation of an aphthous ulcer on the floor of the mouth. A, Preoperative view.
B, Applying laser energy to lesion. C, Immediate postoperative view of surgical site.
2-1 Temperature Effects on Oral Soft Tissue
Short pulse
Temperature (° C) Observed Effect(s)
37 C normal body temperature Energy
Longer pulse
Conversely, thick, dense, fibrous tissue requires more energy
for removal. For the same reason, dental enamel, with its
higher mineral content, requires more ablation power than
softer, more aqueous carious tissue. In either case, if too
much thermal energy is used, healing can be delayed, and
postoperative discomfort may be greater than normal.
Lasers have wide-ranging variability in pulse parameters
(Figure 2-26). To allow tissue cooling, some lasers permit (J) Time
the surgeon to change the amount of “on” time of the pulse,
called the pulse width. Other lasers allow the surgeon to con- Much longer pulse
trol the amount of “off” time between pulses. By varying
the amount of time the laser pulses on and off, the surgeon
is better able to treat different tissue types. The laser buyer Energy
should evaluate the amount of variability built into the unit.
Some units have fixed pulse widths that cannot be changed.
This limitation curtails the surgeon’s ability to modify set-
tings for optimal treatment of different tissues.
Duty cycle, also called emission cycle, is the term used to (J) Time
describe the amount of on and off time. A duty cycle of 10% • Figure 2-26 Various pulse parameters.
means that the laser is on for 10% and off for 90% of the
time. A duty cycle of 50% means that the laser is on for half
the time and off for half. Thin, friable tissues should be treated pigment, blood constituents, and minerals (Figure 2-27).
with small duty cycles, whereas thicker tissue may be treated Laser energy can therefore be reflected, absorbed, trans-
with larger duty cycles or with continuous-wave emission. mitted, or scattered, depending on the composition of the
target tissue. The primary absorbers of specific laser energy
Absorption of Laser Energy by Dental Tissues are called chromophores.7,17 Water, which is present in all
biologic tissue, maximally absorbs the two erbium wave-
Different laser wavelengths have different absorption coef- lengths, followed by the two CO2 wavelengths. Conversely,
ficients, with the primary oral tissue components of water, water allows the transmission of the shorter-wavelength
22 CHA P T E R 2 Laser Fundamentals
Wavelength (nm)
100 1000 10,000
105 Hb
lasers (e.g., diode, Nd:YAG). Tooth enamel is composed A small extinction length means that the laser energy is maxi-
of carbonated hydroxyapatite and water. The apatite crystal mally absorbed by that tissue with no deep penetration and
readily absorbs the CO2 wavelength and interacts to a lesser thus minimal possibility of deep thermal damage. A large
degree with the erbium wavelengths. It does not interact extinction length means that the laser energy penetrates deep
with the shorter wavelengths. Hemoglobin and other blood into that tissue. Because CO2 and erbium lasers are the two
components and pigments such as melanin absorb diode wavelengths best absorbed by tissue with high water con-
and Nd:YAG laser wavelengths in variable amounts. tent, these wavelengths have the smallest extinction length
Human dental tissues are composed of a combination of in mucosa and are least likely to cause deep thermal dam-
compounds, so the clinician must choose the best laser for age, so long as proper operating parameters are used. The
each treatment.18 For soft tissue treatments, the practitio- extinction length for CO2 lasers in mucosa, for example, is
ner can use any available wavelength, because all dental laser 0.03 mm. Lasers with greater extinction lengths in mucosa,
wavelengths are absorbed by one or more of the soft tissue such as Nd:YAG (1 to 3 mm) and diode lasers, are safe to
components. For hard tissue, however, the erbium lasers and use provided that correct operating parameters are followed.
the 9.3-μm CO2 laser with very short pulse durations easily Conversely, the use of these wavelengths by operators with-
ablate layers of calcified tissue with minimal thermal effects. out adequate training carries the risk of thermal damage to
Of interest, the short-wavelength lasers (e.g., diode, Nd:YAG) the underlying tissue.
are essentially nonreactive with healthy tooth enamel. Recon-
touring gingival tissue close to a tooth can therefore proceed Laser-Tissue Summary
uneventfully with use of these wavelengths. Conversely, if soft
tissue is impinging into a carious lesion, an erbium laser can To determine the tissue interactions associated with a
remove the lesion and the soft tissue very efficiently, so long as particular laser device, the following factors must be
appropriate settings are used for each tissue type. considered20:
In addition to unique absorptive optical properties, all 1. Each laser wavelength will affect the interrelated com-
wavelengths have different penetration depths through tis- ponents of the target tissue: water content, color of the
sue. The erbium and CO2 laser wavelengths are so well tissue, vascularity, and chemical composition.
absorbed by tissue with a high water content (e.g., mucosa) 2. The diameter of the laser spot on the tissue, or spot size,
that they penetrate only a few to several μm deep into the whether delivered in contact or noncontact with the tis-
target tissue, whereas diode and Nd:YAG lasers can reach a sue, will create a certain amount of energy per square
few millimeters deeper. It is important to recognize that in millimeter of tissue. This is called energy density, or flu-
keeping with the differences in penetration of the various ence. An inverse relationship exists between spot size and
wavelengths into mucosa, tissue interaction may continue fluence; the smaller the spot size, the greater the fluence
at levels beyond the desired depth of the surgical field. This (Figure 2-28). For example, a beam diameter of 200 μm,
increased penetration could lead to deep thermal necrosis of compared with a beam diameter of 300 μm at the same
underlying tissue and osteonecrosis of bone. output setting, will have more than twice as much energy
Extinction length is defined as the thickness of a substance density. Use of the smaller spot size thus will result in
in which 98% of the energy from the laser is absorbed.19 greatly increased thermal transfer from the laser to the
CHAPTER 2 Laser Fundamentals 23
5W Same power 5W
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