Mammogram Classification

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Mammogram Classification

Project Report

Submitted To: Mam Mehreen Sirshar

Submitted By: Rida Fatima (2017-BSE-058)
Faiza Mushtaq(2017-BSE-065)
Semester: VI B

Department of Software Engineering

Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
Mammogram Classification........................................................................................................................2
 How to take maximum clinical advantage from a digital mammogram...........................................3
 Breast Cancer in Pakistan................................................................................................................3
Data Set...................................................................................................................................................4
Steps in Implementation..........................................................................................................................5
1. Pre- Processing....................................................................................................................................6
Importance of Pre- Processing for Mammogram Images.........................................................................6
Adaptive Mean Filtering..........................................................................................................................6
2. Segmentation.......................................................................................................................................7
Challenges in Mammogram image segmentation....................................................................................7
A Gaussian based HMRF-EM approach towards Mammogram Images Segmentation...........................8
3. Feature Extraction..............................................................................................................................10
What kind of features helpful in Mammogram Images?........................................................................10
Texture Features....................................................................................................................................10
Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM).............................................................................................11
4. Classification.....................................................................................................................................12
Probabilistic Neural Network................................................................................................................12
Why PNN for Mammogram Classification?..........................................................................................13
Implementation: Training and Testing...................................................................................................13

Mammogram Classification

Mammography is one of the most popular tools for early detection of breast cancer. Early
diagnosis of this illness plays a key role in decreasing its mortality and improves its prognosis.
Currently, mammography is considered as the standard examination for detection of breast
cancer. However, the identification of breast abnormalities and the classification of masses on
mammographic images are not trivial tasks for dense breasts.

A Mammogram is an x-ray of the breast tissue which is designed to identify abnormalities. A
mammogram can often find or detect breast cancer early, when it’s small and even before a lump
can be felt. This is when it’s easiest to treat. Mammograms can be used for two purposes:

 A screening mammogram is used to look for signs of breast cancer in women who don’t
have any breast symptoms or problems. X-ray pictures of each breast are taken, typically
from 2 different angles.
 Mammograms can also be used to look at a woman’s breast if she has breast symptoms or
if a change is seen on a screening mammogram. When used in this way, they are
called diagnostic mammograms. They may include extra views (images) of the breast
that aren’t part of screening mammograms. Sometimes diagnostic mammograms are used
to screen women who were treated for breast cancer in the past.
What Information can be extracted from these mammograms. The radiologist looks for different
types of breast changes, such as small white spots called calcifications, larger abnormal areas
called masses, and other suspicious areas that could be signs of cancer.

 Breasts calcification are small calcium deposits that develop in a woman's breast tissue. They are

very common and are usually benign (noncancerous). In some instances, certain types of breast
calcifications may suggest early breast cancer. There are two types of breast calcifications:
macrocalcifications and microcalcifications.
A mass is an area of dense breast tissue with a shape and edges that make it look different than
the rest of the breast tissue. With or without calcifications, it’s another important change seen on
a mammogram. Masses can be many things, including cysts (non-cancerous, fluid-filled sacs)
and non-cancerous solid tumors (such as fibroadenomas), but they may also be a sign of cancer.

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs. Simple cysts (fluid-filled sacs with thin walls) are not cancer and
don’t need to be checked with a biopsy. If a mass is not a simple cyst, it’s of more concern, so a
biopsy might be needed to be sure it isn’t cancer.

Solid masses can be more concerning, but most breast masses are not cancer.

A cyst and a solid mass can feel the same. They can also look the same on a mammogram. The
size, shape, and margins (edges) of the mass can help to decide how likely it is to be cancer.
 Challenges in finding Cancers on Mammograms
Breast density is based on how fibrous and glandular tissues are distributed in your breast,
compared to how much of your breast is made up of fatty tissue. Dense breasts are not abnormal,
but they are linked to a higher risk of breast cancer. Dense breast tissue can also make it harder
to find cancers on a mammogram.
 Tumor
A tumor is an abnormal lump or growth of cells. When the cells in the tumor are normal, it is
benign. Something just went wrong, and they overgrew and produced a lump. When the cells are
abnormal and can grow uncontrollably, they are cancerous cells, and the tumor is malignant.
When they are harmless it is Benign.

 How to take maximum clinical advantage from a digital mammogram

It would be valuable to develop a computer aided method for mass/tumor classification based on
extracted features from the Region of Interest (ROI) in mammograms. ROI must be segmented
from the digital mammogram using the Segmentation techniques. Pattern recognition in image
processing requires the extraction of features from regions of the image, and the processing of
these features with a pattern recognition algorithm.

 Breast Cancer in Pakistan

Pakistan alone has the highest rate of Breast Cancer than any other Asian country as
approximately 90000 new cases are diagnosed every year out of which 40000 die. According to a
research conducted approximately 1 out of every 9 women are likely to suffer from this disease
at any point in their lives and about 77% of invasive breast cancer occurred in women above 50
years. Mortality in Breast cancer can be prevented in 1/3rd of women if routine mammography is
done in women over 50 years, hence the longer a woman lives the lower is her risk of breast
cancer therefore a 50 year old woman who has not had breast cancer has 11% chance of having
it, whereas a 70 year old woman who has not had breast cancer has 7% chance of having it

The classification of benign and malignant patterns in digital mammograms is one of most
important and significant processes during the diagnosis of breast cancer as it helps detecting the
disease at its early stage which saves many lives. The main aim of this project is to propose a
solution for tumor classification based on developed learning models. The solution can classify
cancerous cells either Normal, Malignant or Benign.

Our proposed design deal with four main sections Preprocessing, Segmentation of ROI,
Features Extraction and Classification. By this classification process it can be found if the
cancer cells will spread or not. For training and testing purpose we took dataset of mammogram
images from MIAS dataset. With our proposed system when an a is given as input, it will go
through the pre-processing, segmentation and then will be classified as its given class. The
mammogram image can be seen and analyzed through every stage. The basic design of our
system shows diagrammatically below:

Image Database





We have implemented the system in MATLAB 2015. All detailed description of every step is given

Data Set
Our dataset consists of distinct mammograms pictures taken from the Mammographic Image
Analysis Society (MIAS) is an association of UK investigation organizations engaged with the
acknowledgment of mammograms additionally has made a database of computerized
mammograms. The database holds 322 digitized mammograms also been decreased to a 200-
micron pixel frame and the images are 1024x1024. A community that consists of a sum of 321
mammographic images, 206 signify normal images, 51 malignant including 62 benign images.
The models in the MIAS database are collected in the Portable Gray Map(.pgm) setup. Each
image is 8-bit grey level range images among 256 various grey levels (0– 255).In this analysis
utilized 40 benign, 40 normal also 40 malignant mammograms which are thick, fat and fatty
glandular moreover have irregularities like surrounded asymmetry, masses,, ill-defined masses
moreover all the mammograms are changed toward .JPG format.

Steps in Implementation
We have implemented the steps shown in design phase. But we implemented them with
following approaches.
 Pre-processing is done with Adaptive Median Filter.
 Segmentation is done with a novel approach as Gaussian based Hidden Markov
Random Filed with Expectation Maximization.
 The difference between normal tissue and cancerous tissue is very small in some cases.
So, the features of the tumor area in the image have key importance for automatic
classification. Using only one feature or using a few features leads to poor classification
results because of the small difference between the textures. So, for Feature extraction is
done with GLCM algorithm.

 In training phase, the extracted features discovered are then passed to Probabilistic
Neural Network Classifier for Classification.
A workflow of approaches used for classification

Adaptive Median Filtering

for Noise Removal

Gaussian based HMRF-EM

for Segmentation

GLCM for texture features


PNN for Classification

1. Pre- Processing
Pre-Processing is very important step to adjust and correct the mammogram image for further study and
analysis. The goal of pre-processing is to enhance the signal to noise ratio between masses and normal
breast tissues in mammograms by using techniques such as filtering. Different filters are available for
image enhancement and noise reduction.

Importance of Pre- Processing for Mammogram Images

We know that mammogram can be classified as malignant or benign after diagnosis but the most
important characteristics that tell whether it benign or malignant is the tumor are its shape
(round, irregular) and margins (circumscribed, ill-defined). The tumor with round and regular
shapes is usually benign or normal and with irregularities shows malignancy. The accuracy of
this step determines the probability of success of the remaining steps such as segmentation,
classification etc. Unknown noise, poor image contrast, inhomogeneity, weak boundaries and
unrelated parts are usual traits of clinical images. The issues arise in this classification and in
features extraction is mammogram images low contrast and noise.
 Noise maybe expressed as any change in the mammogram that do not relate to variations
in the X-ray attenuation of the object being imaged. X-ray quantum noise is the
significant type of noise which is denoted by a Poisson distribution. Such type of noise is
generally introduced during mammograms image acquisition because of a smaller
number of x-ray photons. It reduces the contrast of the mammogram image mainly which
results in the low value of signal-to-noise ratio. Resultantly, the contrast of mammograms
becomes low because of quantum noise whose detection is not only a complicated job but
also challenging for the radiologists.
 Low Contrast Sometimes it becomes quite complicated to distinguish between benign
and malignant masses because of low contrast. So, it is pertinent to apply any automatic
technique to enhance the visual quality of mammographic image in order to fore front the
malignancies, if exists.
Adaptive Mean Filtering
For Mammogram image processing we opted adaptive mean filtering because this filter will
protect the edges of the picture and remove noise. It used to smooth the non-repulsive noise from
two-dimensional signals without blurring edges and preserved images. This makes, it particularly
suitable for enhancing mammogram images.
The Adaptive Median Filtering has been applied wide as an advanced de-noising technique
compared with traditional median filtering. The adaptive Median filter executes spatial
processing to determine which pixels in a Mammogram image have been affected by noise.
 The Adaptive Median Filter classifies pixels as noise by comparison each pixel in the MR
image to its surrounding neighbor pixels. The size of the neighborhood window is
adjustable, as well as the threshold for the comparison. A pixel that is different from most
of its neighbors, as well as being not structurally aligned with those pixels to which it is

similar, is labeled as noisy pixel. These noisy pixels are then exchange by the median
value of the pixels in the neighborhood that have passed the noise labeling test.
 Adaptive median filter changes the size of the neighborhood window through operation.
But, in classic median filter; the neighborhood window is constant through the operation.
For that, the standard median filter does not perform well when the impulse noise density is high,
while the adaptive median filter can better handle these noises. Also, the adaptive median filter
preserves Mammogram image details such as edges and smooth non-impulsive noise, while the
standard median filter does not.

The tumors with regular shape like

round and oval frequently indicate a
benign change whereas
irregular shaped masses normally
tells about malignancy
The tumors with regular shape like
round and oval frequently indicate a
benign change whereas
irregular shaped masses normally
tells about malignancy

We have given an imput image labeled as selected image and applied an adaptive filter through
which we obtained a better de-noised image for furthur processing steps.

2. Segmentation
Image segmentation divides an image into regions such that pixels within a region are
homogeneous with similar properties based on some predefined condition . Mammogram image
segmentation is one of the critical and challenging tasks. Segmentation methods are challenged for
Mammogram images as the tumors area to be segmented have non-rigid anatomical structure,
complex shape which varies in size and position among images.
Challenges in Mammogram image segmentation
A tumor is a pathology occupying a certain area, ranging from medium-grey to white shades in
the mammogram. The smallest tumors visible in mammograms are approx. 0.5 cm in diameter.
The most significant features indicating whether the tumor is malignant or benign are its shape
and the nature of its margins. Digital mammograms frequently contain strong noise that’s why
pre-processing also done in order to enhance the process of segmentation while cancerous
tumors are of varied shapes and appearances. Furthermore, the contrast of suspicious-looking
regions of mammograms is frequently low and heterogeneous, and the margins between masses
are fuzzy and difficult to identify. All of this means that the segmentation of the lesions is an
important and frequently very difficult task.
A Gaussian based HMRF-EM approach towards Mammogram Images
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) has been widely applied in image segmentation. However,
the pixels themselves are considered independent of each other, making the segmentation
result sensitive to noise. To overcome this problem for the segmentation, process a proposed

method where a mixture model using Markov Random Filed (MRF) that aims to incorporate
spatial relationship among neighborhood pixels into the GMM. The proposed model has a
simplified structure that allows the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to be directly
applied to the log-likelihood function to compute the optimum parameters of the mixture
The tumors with regular shape like
round and oval frequently indicate a benign change whereas
irregular shaped masses normally tells about malignancy
The tumors with regular shape like
round and oval frequently indicate a benign change whereas
irregular shaped masses normally tells about malignancy
The tumors with regular shape like
round and oval frequently indicate a benign change whereas
irregular shaped masses normally tells about malignancy
The tumors with regular shape like
round and oval frequently indicate a benign change whereas
irregular shaped masses normally tells about malignanc
In general, algorithms used for the detection and segmentation of masses as well as their further
possible classification can be divided into two approaches: supervised segmentation and
unsupervised segmentation.
 Supervised segmentation mainly includes model-based methods. Model-based methods
use previously acquired (e.g., defined or learned) knowledge of objects and background
regions that are being segmented. Previous knowledge is used to determine whether
specific regions occur in the image or not. Supervised segmentation methods also
include template matching approaches, in which the training set contains templates or
patterns of objects that can be detected. Unfortunately, the main limitation of model or
template-based methods is their reduced effectiveness in case of irregular masses with
speculated margins that are difficult to distinguish.
 Unsupervised segmentation methods work by dividing the image into areas that are
different or uniform about defined features, such as grey levels, their texture or colour.

How it is useful for Mammogram images?

The major goal of the work is to perform segmentation of Mammogram images in order to
delineate tumor region. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) has been widely applied in image
segmentation. However, the pixels themselves are considered independent of each other, making
the segmentation result sensitive to noise. But according to our goal, we must extract the tumor
region and as it has irregular shape, so we need to consider the neighboring pixel. The adjacent
pixels of the same tissue have nearly similar properties and that is why HMRF can segment
similar tissues based on this principle. Also segmented regions are not intermixed with
neighboring segments as HMRF imposes strong spatial constraint based on neighborhood
property which results into smooth segmentation .

The following steps has been followed in segmentation of the ROI from the image

 GMM has been used to model intensity distribution of tissues and tumor in Mammogram
images where its parameters are represented using mean, covariance and Gaussian
 Each Gaussian component represents individual object. Estimated parameters of GMM
are then given to HMRF-EM framework to predict class label.
 Parameters of HMRF model are mean and standard deviation of each GMM. MAP and
EM algorithms have been used to learn HMRF parameters and class labels alternatively
as both are dependent on each other. Parameters are learned by maximizing probability of
class labels and by minimizing total posterior energy
 The basic idea of the EM algorithm is to begin with an initial model, to estimate a new
model. The new model then becomes the initial model for the next iteration and the
process is repeated until some convergence condition is satisfied. In our experiment when
no significant change in total energy observed or maximum EM iterations are reached,
algorithm converges. EM algorithm has been used in our experiment to estimate the
parameter set for HMRF model.
 As our approach is to optimize the initial conditions to be used by the HMRF-EM. When
initial condition is very different than normal, mainly initial segmentation then EM may
not give proper results. Hence, to optimize initial conditions k-means clustering is used to
generate initial clusters and for approximation of intensity distribution in each segment
Gaussian Mixture Model has been used instead of single Gaussian component.

Steps of Gaussian HMRF-EM the above described framework can be simplified as:
 Perform initial intensity-based clustering using k-means depending upon number of
 clusters specified.
 Estimate intensity distribution of Mammogram image using Gaussian Mixer Model with
parameter set
 Estimate the class labels by HMRF-MAP estimation
 Update parameter set using EM algorithm
 Do MAP estimation, such that minimizes the total posterior energy
 Repeat step 4 till maximum EM iterations reached or there is no significant change in the
 Then we binarize the images showing dense tumor area and background.
The values for Gaussian components, Number of iterations, beta and k-clusters are set according
to [1].


3. Feature Extraction
The feature extraction and selection from an image plays a critical role in the performance of any
classifier. Features, characteristics of the objects of interest, if selected carefully are
representative of the maximum relevant information that the image has to offer for a complete
characterization a lesion. Feature extraction methodologies analyze objects and images to extract
the most prominent features that are representative of the various classes of objects. Features are
used as inputs to classifiers that assign them to the class that they represent.
What kind of features helpful in Mammogram Images?
Because digital mammography images are specific, not all visual features can be used to
correctly describe the relevant image patch. All classes of suspected tissue are different by their
shape and tissue composition. Therefore, the most suitable visual feature descriptors for this kind
of images are based on shape and texture. Textural features remain the best type of feature to be
extracted from gray level images such as mammographic images, this is because these variables
constitute texture which are: difference in gray level values; coarseness (scale of gray level
differences); and directionality or regular pattern or lack of it. We can use different feature
extraction methods and test them on variety of classifiers. That’s why we use GLCM features
extractor. It is widely used in much texture analysis application.
Texture Features
Texture is a repeated pattern of information or arrangement of the structure with regular
intervals. In a general sense, texture refers to surface characteristics and appearance of an object
given by the size, shape, density, arrangement, proportion of its elementary parts. Texture
classification produces a classified output of the input image where each texture region is
identified with the texture class it belongs. Texture can be defined as

 Structural texture is a set of primitive texels in some regular or repeated relationship.
 Statistical Texture is a quantitative measure of the arrangement of intensities in a region.
This set of measurements is called a feature vector.
Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM)
The GLCM is a tabulation of how often different combinations of gray levels co-occur in an
image or image section. The GLCM contains a square matrix of size N × N, where N is the
number of different gray levels in an image. An elements p (i, j, d, θ) of an image indicate the
relative frequency, where i is the gray level of pixel p at location (x, y) and j is the gray level of a
pixel located at d distance from p in the orientation θ. The texture information is used to classify
the lump to be either benign or malignant.
The 22 features are extracted from the GLCM as follows:
1. Energy
2. Entropy
3. Dissimilarity
4. Contrast
5. Inverse difference
6. Correlation
7. Homogeneity
8. Autocorrelation
9. Cluster shade
10. Cluster prominence
11. Maximum probability
12. Sum of squares
13. Sum average
14. Sum variance
15. Sum entropy
16. Difference variance
17. Information variance of correlation
18. Difference entropy
19. Information measure of correlation
20. Maximal correlation coefficient
21. Inverse difference normalized
22. Inverse difference moment normalized.

After Applying GLCM, we have got following features:

4. Classification
The basic of our proposed solution is to classify a tumor segmented from mammogram image as
Normal, Malignant or Benign. The extracted features are used as input to the classifier.

Probabilistic Neural Network

A probabilistic neural network (PNN) is a feed forward neural network, which is widely used in
classification and pattern recognition problems. A PNN that is probabilistic neural network is a
feed forward neural network derived from the Bayesian network and a Statistical algorithm
called Kernel Fisher discriminate analysis. The operations in PNN are organized into a
multilayered feed forward network with four layers:
 Input layer
 Hidden layer
 Pattern layer/Summation layer
 Output layer
Probabilistic Neural Network is a network formulation of ‘probability density estimation’. It is a
model based on competitive learning with a winner takes all attitude and the core concept based
on multivariate probability estimation. The development of PNN relies on the Parzen window
concept of multivariate probabilities. The PNN is a classifier version, which combines the
Bayes’ strategy for decision-making with a nonparametric estimator for obtaining the probability
density function. The input layer simply distributes the input to the neurons in the pattern layer
and does not perform any computation.
Why PNN for Mammogram Classification?
A PNN is predominantly a classifier since it can map any input pattern to several classifications.
Among the main advantages that discriminate PNN is: Fast training process, an inherently
parallel structure, guaranteed to converge to an optimal classifier as the size of the representative
training set increases and training samples can be added or removed without extensive retraining.
Accordingly, a PNN learns more quickly than many neural networks model and have had
success on a variety of applications. Based on these facts and advantages, PNN can be viewed as
a supervised neural network that can use it in system classification and pattern recognition.
 The input layer neurons distribute input measurements to all the neurons in the pattern
 The second layer has the Gaussian kernel function formed using the given set of data
 The third layer performs an average operation of the outputs for each review class.
 The fourth layer performs a vote, selecting the largest value and class label is then
The features extracted from GLCM will be stored and first converted to feature vector and then
given to PNN. In this way a new PNN structure is formed in MATLAB.

Figure 1.Architecture of Probabilistic neural network

Implementation: Training and Testing
Classification is further divided into
 Training phase
 Testing phase
In training phase, the database of 120 images including Normal, Malignant and Benign is
loaded and used to train PNN classifier.
In testing phase the PNN is tested with the rest of database and shown a good accuracy, further
input image can be classified into either of the class.



(b) Input image in (a) classified as Malignant
In the above design option Load Database load the database of mammogram images and done
its processing till segmentation.
Then Train Classifier option train the loaded database and train the PNN classifier.
The further options can be use for testing with the left dataset, Image can be given and can
perform all operations filtration, Segmentation and then can be tested as to classify the class as
either Normal, Benign or Malignant.

We have proposed solution for classification of tumor in mammogram images. We done it with
help of image dataset from MIAS dataset. But it has one limitation, the size of images is small.
The chosen classifier PNN was useful for it as has one big advantage over other classifiers it has
faster training and give better results when a new image is given as input. The pre-processing
and segmentation and features extraction techniques came out to be helpful because they are the
input for classifier and classifier has given a better performance.
As it has discussed breast cancer needs to detect early and should treat with state-of-art treatment
for cancer, for early detection mammogram is useful tool. Breast cancer that’s found early, when
it’s small and has not spread, is easier to treat successfully. But more better strategies need to be
designed and work on for preventing deaths from breast cancer.


1. A. Singh. June 2017.”Mass Classification of Mammogram Images using Selected Textural

Features with PNN Classifier”, Volume 5, issue 4.
2. N.Safdarain. October 2019, “Detection and Classification of Breast Cancer in Mammography
Images Using Pattern Recognition Methods “. Volume 3, Issue 4.


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