m4 Lesson 1
m4 Lesson 1
m4 Lesson 1
☒ Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is student-
driven. Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and determining the
technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator.
☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Thinking through the Universal Design in Learning, this lesson can help
students learn in various ways ensuring for flexibility with everyone understanding the material. For instance,
the lesson can start with a movie to go over previous material learned that will help aid in this lesson with
using mental math. There will be a game that the teacher explains and then the students will be asked to find
a partner and come up with different addition problems that can be designed by them and presented to show
that they can apply the knowledge that was just gone over in the movie and the game.
BSherman, 2020
Instructional Software
teacher becomes a facilitator. The teacher will show a movie that brings up past knowledge to help aid
the material from this lesson. They will be reminded of mental math with different numbers and then
there will be a game that the teacher explains which helps increase their motivation for quick mental
math. This lesson demonstrates creativity in student directed learning as well as understanding and applying
their skills. This lesson will help students learn because of the repetition and personalized level of creativity
with a partner to keep them accountable. The lesson as a whole will take about 45 minutes.
The teacher will pass out 25-50 index cards and tell everyone to partner up with another
student and tear the index cards into a bunch of little squares and write single digits on them. After the
students write on the cards encourage them to create an addition game that they can present to the class
allowing them to use the mental math just as the movie just showed. The students will be encouraged to play a
game called addition blocks where the students add single digits together to get to a specific chosen number.
Students can choose to create a game like this or make up another one. Throughout the year, students will be
encouraged to play these games again to sharpen their mental math skills. This lesson will use the ISTE
Standard number 3, the Knowledge Constructor due to using the digital resources to start the lesson and to keep
them accountable as well as using low-tech tools to create the addition problems.
Reflective Practice: I feel that this lesson could impact student learning because of the levels of creativity
being used. This lesson can serve as great motivation based on the independence that is given to the student
to take the lead for the majority of the lesson while having fun and playing the games they created. I think
that this could be improved by moving forward into subtraction as well using this lesson.
BSherman, 2020