Homework - Mechanics: Free Fall Analysed With Multiflash Photographs
Homework - Mechanics: Free Fall Analysed With Multiflash Photographs
Homework - Mechanics: Free Fall Analysed With Multiflash Photographs
1 12
2 21
3 32
4 45
5 61
6 80
7 100
8 124
9 149
10 178
Table 1
Figure 1
a From the data in Table 1, draw a distance–time table for the free fall, setting distance s = 0
and time t = 0 at image 1. [2]
b Use your distance–time table to plot a distance–time graph for the falling ball. [4]
c By drawing tangents to the curve at the points corresponding to images 3 and 8, find the speed
of the falling golf ball at those two times. [4]
d Use your answer to 1c to calculate the acceleration due to gravity, and account for any
difference between your value and the expected 9.8 m s −2. [3]
2 Figure 2 shows a multiflash picture of a ball thrown upwards at an angle. The ball was thrown in
the direction shown by the arrow in front of a board marked with a grid of lines separated by 5 cm.
As in question 1, the images of the ball were recorded twenty times each second.
Figure 2
a Explain how Figure 2 shows that the horizontal component of velocity ux is constant. [1]
c Apply the equations of motion to information from Figure 2 to find the vertical component uy
of the initial velocity of the ball (position 1). You can assume that g = 9.8 m s−2. [4]