Syllabus On Presentation Skills

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Skills Enhancement for Hospital Committees

General Objective:

At the end of the activity, the participants are able to enhance their skills in presentation and facilitation.
Specifically, the participants will be able to:

1. Define what is facilitation;

2. Identify the roles of a facilitator;
3. Demonstrate basic facilitation skills;
4. Explain what a presentation is;
5. Demonstrate basic presentation skills.

Date/Time Objectives Topic/ Activity Methodology/ Responsible Needed Materials Expected

Learning Process Person Output
8:00-8:30 AM To register and conduct Registration and Billeting Arrival and Check-in Training Attendance sheet, directory, Filled-up directory,
pre-registration process Registration and Team/Secretariat training kit, pre-test and attendance sheet and
other admin concerns freedom wall pre-test and
participants assigned to
their rooms.

8:30-9:30  To establish familiarity Part 1: Opening Amenities Program Facilitator Metacards, masking tape, Participants are put at ease
among participants  Prayer pentel pens, laptop, LCD and are oriented on the
 To have common  National Anthem projector, and PowerPoint training rationale,
understanding of the presentation. objectives and flow.
 Opening Message
flow/processes, Part 2: Training Orientation
mechanics of training Mixer and Getting to
 Leveling of Expectations
and agree on some Know Activity
 Objective Setting/Rationale

norms to be applied in  Course Outline/Schedule of
the training duration. Activities
 Norms Setting
 Other administrative details
9:30-12:00 AM 1. Define what is Session 1: Facilitation Skills  Activity: Role Powerpoint Presentation The participants are able
facilitation; Play to:
2. Identify the roles -What is facilitation?
of a facilitator; -Roles of a Facilitator -define what is facilitation
3. Demonstrate -Do’s and Don’t’s of Facilitation and explain related
basic facilitation -Listening, Body Language, Attending  Lecture/Discussi concepts.
skills; Skills on -demonstrate facilitation
 Activity SLEs

1200-1:00 LUNCHBREAK
1:00-3:00 4. Explain what a Session 3 Presentation Skills The participants are able
presentation is;  Discussion: to:
-Elements of A Good Presentation Basic
5. Demonstrate -Do’s and Don’ts in Presenting -explain what is a good
basic presentation
presentation Skills -demonstrate basic
skills.  Workshop-Demo presentation skills

3:00-4:00 Synthesis and Closing

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