Syllabus On Presentation Skills
Syllabus On Presentation Skills
Syllabus On Presentation Skills
General Objective:
At the end of the activity, the participants are able to enhance their skills in presentation and facilitation.
Specifically, the participants will be able to:
8:30-9:30 To establish familiarity Part 1: Opening Amenities Program Facilitator Metacards, masking tape, Participants are put at ease
among participants Prayer pentel pens, laptop, LCD and are oriented on the
To have common National Anthem projector, and PowerPoint training rationale,
understanding of the presentation. objectives and flow.
Opening Message
flow/processes, Part 2: Training Orientation
mechanics of training Mixer and Getting to
Leveling of Expectations
and agree on some Know Activity
Objective Setting/Rationale
norms to be applied in Course Outline/Schedule of
the training duration. Activities
Norms Setting
Other administrative details
9:30-12:00 AM 1. Define what is Session 1: Facilitation Skills Activity: Role Powerpoint Presentation The participants are able
facilitation; Play to:
2. Identify the roles -What is facilitation?
of a facilitator; -Roles of a Facilitator -define what is facilitation
3. Demonstrate -Do’s and Don’t’s of Facilitation and explain related
basic facilitation -Listening, Body Language, Attending Lecture/Discussi concepts.
skills; Skills on -demonstrate facilitation
Activity SLEs
1200-1:00 LUNCHBREAK
1:00-3:00 4. Explain what a Session 3 Presentation Skills The participants are able
presentation is; Discussion: to:
-Elements of A Good Presentation Basic
5. Demonstrate -Do’s and Don’ts in Presenting -explain what is a good
basic presentation
presentation Skills -demonstrate basic
skills. Workshop-Demo presentation skills