ASE Reintro Statement FINAL
ASE Reintro Statement FINAL
ASE Reintro Statement FINAL
Judy Hung, MD, FASE (Chair), Theodore P. Abraham, MD, FASE, Meryl S. Cohen, MD, MS
Ed, FASE, Michael L. Main, MD, FASE, Carol Mitchell, PhD, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT,
FASE, Vera H. Rigolin, MD, FASE, Madhav Swaminathan, MD, FASE, Boston, Massachusetts;
San Francisco, California, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Kansas City, Missouri, Madison,
Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, and Durham, North Carolina
Disclosures: The following authors reported no actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation
to this document: Judy Hung, MD, FASE, Meryl S. Cohen, MD, MS Ed, FASE, Michael L.
Main, MD, FASE, Carol Mitchell, PhD, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, FASE, Madhav
Swaminathan, MD, FASE. The following authors reported relationships with one or more
commercial interests: Theodore P. Abraham, MD, FASE, holds equity in Perceptive Navigation.
Vera H. Rigolin, MD, FASE owns stock in Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck,
Portal Pharmaceuticals, and ICU Medical.
When to reopen
The timing of reintroduction of non-urgent and elective echo procedures should be aligned with
institutional policies and follow recommendations of regional public health authorities.
Important considerations include local COVID-19 disease prevalence and new case trends, as
well as available institutional resources including facilities, staffing, and equipment (including
adequate supply of appropriate PPE). Resumption of echo services should be aligned with the
gradual introduction of a phasic reopening plan, which will vary by institution and region. A
summary of operational considerations is provided in Table 1.
Laboratory efficiency will be necessarily impacted due to the institution of social distancing
protocols in patient registration areas and waiting rooms. Potential solutions include staggered
scheduling, with additional appointments in the early morning, evening, and potentially during
weekends. Patients may be requested to wait in their cars in facility parking areas until contacted
by phone or text just prior to their scheduled appointment. Protocols should be based on
institution and human resource-specific policies while respecting regional guidelines for social
distancing. Labs may consider, at least during the initial response levels, lengthening the
duration between echo appointments (compared to pre-COVID), or to have open appointment
The physical layout of the reception area should also be re-evaluated and altered to provide
sufficient spacing between seated patients. Patients should also arrive without escorts unless
absolutely necessary for their appointment, and should leave the facility immediately following
the examination. Institutional and regional guidelines for universal masking will need to be
followed during the initial phase of reintroduction of services.
Other considerations
As echo laboratories manage the backlog of deferred cases, the impact of schedule changes and
increase in workload on stress and fatigue among lab staff should also be considered. It is
important to recognize that staff have been under stress since the inception of the pandemic. As
social distancing is impractical for the performance of TTE, this adds additional stress to team
members. Effective communication of and strict adherence to safety protocols can help reduce
staff anxiety about returning to the work environment. Attention should be paid to the daily or
weekly staffing schedule to ensure appropriate assignment of workload and rest between cases
for all laboratory staff. Strategies to assist staff in coping with stress and enhancing resilience
should be incorporated. The ASE Wellness Center is an example of a website with helpful
resources for echocardiography providers.[2]
Protocol changes
In general, ASE recommends a comprehensive 2D echo for the evaluation of patient conditions,
particularly if there has been no prior echocardiographic evaluation, if there has been a long
interval since the prior study, or if there are new symptoms or signs. However, focused
protocols for select indications and limited exams for follow-up studies may still be considered,
particularly in patients with higher risk for COVID-19 illness. Focused or limited protocols allow
necessary imaging acquisition while limiting contact between sonographer and patient, and
promoting general safety. This balance between the completeness of data, and provider safety
should be considered for every protocol. A comprehensive discussion of the limited
echocardiographic examination has been published in a previous ASE guideline.[3] Point-of-care
protocols in the COVID-19 setting have also been discussed in a recent guideline.[4]
Sanitization protocols
Common areas such as waiting rooms and door handles should be regularly sanitized by cleaning
staff. If possible, non-cloth based seating material is preferred to facilitate sanitization.
The levels of PPE used for echo examinations should broadly follow the recommendations of the
initial ASE COVID-19 statement.[5] Briefly, the levels or categories of PPE can be grouped as
• Standard precautions: Handwashing or hand sanitization, gloves, and surgical face mask.
• Droplet precautions: Surgical/isolation gown, double gloves, headcover (depending on
location), surgical facemask or N-95 level respirator and eye/face shield.
The levels of PPE used will depend on the phase of the response, local institutional policies, and
COVID-19 testing status. The proposed levels of response for reintroduction of services was
recently published by North American cardiovascular societies.[6] Briefly, Level 2 is the initial
phase of response with the reintroduction of select services. Level 1 reintroduces most services
with appropriate precautions and safeguards in place. Level 0 includes provision of all routine
services with ongoing COVID-19 testing and surveillance with monitoring of PPE supplies.[6]
Appropriate hand hygiene and equipment cleansing remains critical at all times. During the
initial phase of declining COVID-19 case admissions and partial reopening of services (response
level 2), standard precautions should be followed for outpatient TTE exams and require a
surgical mask for both the patient and provider(s).[7] This requirement for wearing surgical
facemasks may be adjusted in subsequent response levels as the pandemic abates from
‘mandatory’ to ‘recommended’ or ‘optional’. Meticulous disinfection of equipment and exam
areas including laboratory office spaces with viricidal agents should remain unchanged through
different response levels and is likely to become a permanent change induced by the pandemic.
Inpatient TTE exams should follow standard precautions for known COVID-19 negative cases,
and escalated to droplet precautions for ICU cases. During response levels 1 and 0, given lower
COVID-19 prevalence in the community, standard precautions may be considered appropriate in
ICU and other inpatient cases for TTE exams.
Transesophageal echocardiography: The level of PPE for TEE examinations deserves special
mention. TEE is considered an aerosol generating procedure, and airborne precautions are
recommended for COVID-19 positive or suspected, symptomatic cases when the TEE exam
cannot wait until test results are known. Droplet precautions should be followed for all other
TEEs performed during response level 2 including TEE exams performed in the surgical
operating room and hybrid operating rooms for structural heart interventions. The requirement
for a face shield is optional in known negative cases and should be judiciously considered in
context of local institutional resources and policies. Standard precautions may be considered
appropriate for TEEs performed during lower response levels when routine services have
resumed across the institution. Conservation of PPE is an important consideration in all
approaches to maintain preparedness for a surge in cases, while minimizing risk to providers
with reasonable certainty.
The sensitivity of different types of tests remains variable. At the time of writing this statement,
there were more than 65 different kinds of COVID-19 molecular or serologic tests available in
the United States tests that received emergency use authorizations by the US Food and Drug
Administration.[8] Since this is a new virus, past experience and recommendations for
standardized testing do not exist, leading to variability in sensitivity and specificity of each test
type.[9] The principal concern is false negative test results in asymptomatic individuals
presenting for an echocardiogram who could pose a transmission risk that could be amplified in a
healthcare setting. It is likely that as the pandemic abates, testing protocols will vary among
institutions to minimize the risk to both patients and providers. Rapid point-of-care tests that are
based on lateral flow technique to detect specific antibodies may be used for emergent inpatient
echocardiograms, while antigen-based tests with a longer turnaround time are recommended for
surveillance testing for electively scheduled cases. Testing and re-testing for SARS-CoV-2, and
procedures for patients to self-quarantine, if required, should follow institutional protocols
guided by local and regional health authorities.
Workflow considerations
Children undergoing echocardiography are often uncooperative, particularly when under the age
of 3 years or when developmentally delayed. In addition, children typically have a caretaker in
the room when the echocardiogram is being completed. Furthermore, a complete pediatric
echocardiogram requires approximately 45-60 minutes to complete because of additional
pediatric views, complexity of disease and long sweeps.[12] These aspects of pediatric
echocardiography pose a higher risk of exposure to sonographers and physicians in the typical
inpatient and outpatient setting. Potential strategies to address these issues include the following:
• Communication between sonographer, echocardiography attending physician and
referring physician is vital, particularly if the echocardiography request/question to be
answered is unclear or to agree upon when to discontinue the study if the patient is
persistently uncooperative.
• Use of focused echocardiography protocols when possible (i.e. follow-up studies, answer
of a focused question) to limit exposure time.
• Routine use of higher level PPE for all pediatric echocardiograms including gloves,
surgical facemask and eye protection with a shield or goggles. The use of specific PPE
would need to be aligned with institutional policies. N-95 respirators may be considered
in high-risk cases.
• Permitting only one caretaker wearing a facemask at all times to accompany the patient in
the echocardiography examination room. Attempts should also be made to have the
patient wear a facemask when possible.
Many laboratories have sedation protocols which are utilized typically for children aged 3 weeks
to 3 years. These may include oral or intranasal medications or even inhaled anesthetics.[13]
Sedated echocardiograms are typically performed prior to a surgical or catheter-directed
intervention in order to assure that all pertinent information regarding structural abnormalities
and ventricular performance are obtained. Conscious sedation may be considered an aerosol
generating procedure in many institutions. Therefore, for the reintroduction of sedated
echocardiography services, SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing within 24 hours of the procedure should
be strongly considered. Many institutions now have turnaround time for PCR testing of 1-3
hours. Thus, testing could be performed on the day of the sedated echocardiogram. If PCR
testing is positive, consideration should be made to defer the sedated echocardiogram. For
conscious sedation in PCR negative patients, standard or droplet precautions may be used as
appropriate for the sonographer, sedation provider, and other health care providers in the room.
A mask could be place on the patient as long as he/she is monitored by a front-line provider with
expertise in monitoring patients undergoing conscious sedation. Centers using inhaled
anesthetics and intubation for sedated echocardiograms should consider conscious sedation
protocols to avoid more significant aerosolized procedures.
Finally, it has been noted that the majority of children who acquire COVID-19 are asymptomatic
or only suffer from mild symptoms. However, a new and troubling pediatric presentation of
COVID-19 has appeared, particularly in Europe and the United States. This “Pediatric Multi-
System Inflammatory Syndrome” includes fever, elevated inflammatory markers, abdominal
pain (sometimes mimicking appendicitis), vomiting, diarrhea and, in extreme cases, multi-organ
failure. SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing can be positive or negative but IgG antibodies are often
positive. The presentation can look similar to Kawasaki disease or toxic-shock syndrome with
some reports of myocarditis, ventricular dysfunction, arrhythmias and coronary artery
aneurysms. [14, 15] Elevated B-natriuretic peptide, troponin, WBC, CRP, and ferritins have been
reported. Pediatric echocardiographers need to be aware of this illness and its echocardiographic
findings. Serial echocardiograms, even daily for those in the critical care setting, may be required
given the rapid evolution and changes in function. Importantly, children who present with these
symptoms should be treated as if they are COVID-19 positive even if testing is negative. Thus,
higher level PPE with N-95 masks or airborne precautions should be used to image the patients
when an echocardiogram is needed. Moreover, a focused echocardiogram should be performed
when possible to limit exposure time and the echocardiography machine should be
decontaminated after the study is completed.
Abbreviations: EMR = electronic medical record; TEE = Transesophageal echocardiography
* = Screening and COVID-19 testing of patients should follow local institutional policies and
recommendations from regional health authorities
Additional issues that are not explicitly listed may also impact the prioritization, including
duration of test deferral, and whether echo test is needed prior to further non-urgent therapy.
Integration of these factors should also be considered when rescheduling patients. Consultation
with referring provider is encouraged if priority of echo study is unclear.
Abbreviations: CIED = cardiac implantable electrical device; LVEF = left ventricular ejection
fraction; VAD = ventricular assist device.