Learning Module: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Working With The Other Organ Systems
Learning Module: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Working With The Other Organ Systems
Learning Module: Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Working With The Other Organ Systems
Science G9| Q1
Respiratory and
Circulatory Systems
Working With The
Other Organ Systems
This learning module (LM) was developed by the Private Education Assistance
Committee under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education. The learning
modules were written by the PEAC Junior High School (JHS) Trainers and were used as
exemplars either as a sample for presentation or for workshop purposes in the JHS In-
Service Training (INSET) program for teachers in private schools.
The LM is designed for online learning and can also be used for blended learning and
remote learning modalities. The year indicated on the cover of this LM refers to the year
when the LM was used as an exemplar in the JHS INSET and the year it was written or
revised. For instance, 2017 means the LM was written in SY 2016-2017 and was used in
the 2017 Summer JHS INSET. The quarter indicated on the cover refers to the quarter of
the current curriculum guide at the time the LM was written. The most recently revised
LMs were in 2018 and 2019.
The LM is also designed such that it encourages independent and self-regulated learning
among the students and develops their 21st century skills. It is written in such a way that
the teacher is communicating directly to the learner. Participants in the JHS INSET are
trained how to unpack the standards and competencies from the K-12 curriculum guides
to identify desired results and design standards-based assessment and instruction.
Hence, the teachers are trained how to write their own standards-based learning plan.
The parts or stages of this LM include Explore, Firm Up, Deepen and Transfer. It is
possible that some links or online resources in some parts of this LM may no longer be
available, thus, teachers are urged to provide alternative learning resources or reading
materials they deem fit for their students which are aligned with the standards and
competencies. Teachers are encouraged to write their own standards-based learning
plan or learning module with respect to attainment of their school’s vision and mission.
The learning modules developed by PEAC are aligned with the K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum of the Department of Education. Public school teachers may also download
and use the learning modules.
Schools, teachers and students may reproduce the LM so long as such reproduction is
limited to (i) non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes; and to (ii) personal use or
a limited audience under the doctrine of fair use (Section 185, IP Code). They may also
share copies of the LM and customize the learning activities as they see fit so long as
these are done for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes and limited to
personal use or to a limited audience and fall within the limits of fair use. This document
is password-protected to prevent unauthorized processing such as copying and pasting.
Romi Garduce is the first and only Filipino to have scaled the famous
Seven Summits or the seven highest peaks in each of the seven continents.
Of course, one of these is the world-famous Mount Everest. It took Romi 2
months to finally take a selfie as he waved the Philippine flag on the peak of
Mount Everest, literally, the top of the world.
In many of his photos as he neared the summit, one can see that he
and his group used oxygen masks connected to the oxygen tanks that they
carried. According to experts, the air is so thin at 31,000 feet. This is the
same altitude shared by most commercial flights while on a cruise mode. In
such conditions, breathing becomes difficult because the amount of oxygen
is dramatically low compared to that at sea level. Every cell in the body
requires oxygen to function properly. Have you ever wondered how oxygen
from outside the body finds its way to each one of our cells?
In this module, you will find out how oxygen, just like every other
nutrient, is delivered to each cell in the body. Remember to search for the
answer to the following question: How can nutrients flow well in our
Here is a simple map of the lessons you will cover in this module:
Expected Skills
a) Identify and remember the key terms in each lesson. Take note of the
examples given.
b) Read and study carefully the resources and online links.
c) Answer all questions and exercises as best as you can.
d) Take down notes as you go along.
Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Click on
the letter that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items.
After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items that
you were not able to correctly answer and look for the right answer as you go
through this module.
3. Almost all substances found in our bodies dissolve in water. This is the
reason why _________ is comprised mostly of water.
a. blood
b. cholesterol
c. fat
d. sap
4. A regular intake of fatty foods leads to fat deposition in our blood vessels.
What is the likely effect of such a diet in our circulatory system?
a. Fat allows blood to easily slide on it which facilitates blood flow.
b. Low blood pressure can be expected because of the interaction
between blood and fat.
c. High blood pressure results from the faster movement of blood caused
by fat deposits.
d. The diameter of the blood vessel becomes smaller and makes blood
flow difficult.
5. Your biology teacher said that carbonic acid forms in the blood if present in
excessive amounts. In a classroom activity prepared by your teacher, you
were asked to do deep breathing exercises. As you exhale,
a. accumulated CO2 in the alveoli are moved out of the body.
b. accumulated O2 outside the alveoli are moved out of the body.
8. Your science teacher made you watch a video animation of the circulatory
system of a long-time smoker. The video did not have audio as well as
subtitles. From what you know in other videos of the circulatory system, blood
was represented using red or blue colors depending on where it is found. For
this particular video, blood entering and leaving the lungs was blue. You know
that oxygen turns blood into a bright red color. From this fact, one can infer
a. blood can now be pumped faster around the body.
b. oxygen will be replenished if blood is pumped to the lungs.*
c. there is more oxygen in the right atrium.
d. this will not lead to yawning because of the amount of oxygen still
9. In the past, city dwellers who have visited Benguet province would always talk
about what they consider as “fresh air” in the said mountain province. From
this, one can infer that
a. higher altitudes would have more oxygen.
b. less people compete for air that is beneficial to our blood.
c. the quality of the respiratory system has effects on our own health.
d. there are people who equate cold climate with fresh air.
10. My mother is known in our village for growing very beautiful flowers in our
garden. I would normally see her in the morning “talking” to the flowers as if
she was talking to her friends. Some plant lovers “talk” to their plants and
claim that it makes their plants healthier. If their plants appear healthy, the
most logical reason for this would be that
11. Climbing Mt. Everest is no easy feat, not only is it the highest peak in the
world, but the challenge becomes even greater because of interplay among
factors found in the region. One of these is the high altitude which results to
thinner air. The lack of oxygen in such conditions leads to
a. decreased energy production in the mitochondria.
b. elevated levels of oxygen in the matrix of the mitochondria.
c. increased levels of carbon dioxide produced during respiration.
d. limited diffusion of water is expected in the thylakoid.
12. In the final question of the Inter-school science quiz bee that you were part of,
it focused on the efficient transport of substances in the body. You knew that
it depended on the condition of the respiratory and circulatory systems. The
instruction of the quiz master was to choose among the following statements
the one which was incorrect. Going over the statements again, you should
a. Asthma patients are given O2 in the hospital because narrowed
airways conduct air poorly.
b. Boys who smoke are less prone to lung problems because they are
physiologically stronger than girls.*
c. Doctors would give diuretics to a hypertensive patient because
frequent urination can lower blood pressure.
d. For every instance that a person coughs, this is an assurance that the
respiratory system is still functioning normally.
14. My grandmother would have a purplish color when she’s having a severe
asthma attack. Her normal color would be back once she has been given
proper medical attention that would enlarge her airways. This could mean that
a. doctors can fix skin color and return it to normal.
15. Yosi Kadiri was a mascot created by the Department of Health years ago for
a campaign against cigarette smoking. Your batch has been assigned to raise
awareness on healthy practices for the respiratory system to grade 1 students
in your school for the Science week. Unfortunately, the nearby health office
has run out of Yosi Kadiri materials that you could use for your assigned task.
What could be your best option?
a. draw different versions of Yosi Kadiri for the kids.
b. give flyers that show the parts of the respiratory system.
c. perform a skit where Yosi Kadiri gets kicked out of a community.*
d. show a poster of a cigarette with all the chemicals it contains.
16. Your PE teachers record how many rounds students can do in a 12-minute
run around the soccer field. The following can encourage other students to
perform healthy practices for the respiratory system except
a. post pictures of those with the best records in the school bulletin board
b. present graphs on how each class fared compared to others and have
some healthy competition
c. propose to the PE department head incentives for classes who show
marked improvements after a month
d. record videos of the sickly participants as they run around the field
17. The heart is the major organ of the circulatory system; proper exercise done
regularly will keep it strong and healthy. If you were to do a survey in school,
most of them are likely to tell you the following reasons why they don’t do
exercise except for
a. it would be the muscles that benefit from exercise and not the heart.
b. exercise is required only for athletes.
c. teenagers don’t need to do exercise yet as they are still healthy.
d. they are too busy and don’t have time for exercise.
18. Zamboanga City has tricycles as the main mode of transport within the city.
According to the local health worker, there is still a rise in respiratory cases in
the city specially among children up to age 16 even though a smoking ban
has been implemented the past 2 years. As a student, what can you do to
verify the information from the local health worker?
a. conduct a survey as to how many respondents would cover their nose
when on the road
b. go to every classroom and ask how many are cigarette smokers
c. make and distribute flyers containing information on the harmful
emissions of tricycles
d. prepare a video clip clearly explaining the effects of tricycle emissions
to our respiratory systems
20. Aerobic exercises are those done continuously for at least 30 minutes. These
strengthen the heart and allow it to have stronger and more efficient
contractions. Such exercises also allow the body to obtain more oxygen for
the body. The following statements are false except
a. aerobic exercises can easily tire out the heart muscles and lead to
tissue death.
b. blood stays longer in the lungs to obtain oxygen because of the strong
heart contractions.
c. efficient carbon dioxide disposal can be achieved through short burst
d. the availability of more oxygen will lead to more efficient glucose
breakdown for respiration.
Process Questions:
1. What ideas on CPR did you learn after watching this video?
2. How can CPR help in making nutrients flow well in the body?
Mr. Bean is known for his hilarious antics. In the video that you are about to
watch, pay close attention as he tries to revive the man who just suffered a heart
attack. Click on the link below to view the video:
Process Questions:
1. Every Mr. Bean episode is expected to be comical; in relation to CPR,
what made this particular episode funny?
2. How can CPR ensure nutrients to flow well in the body?
What were your initial answers to the questions posed in the previous activity,
How can nutrients flow well in our body?
Summarize your answers to the question, and your thoughts and ideas in the first
column of the IRF Chart. When you are finished, click on “Submit.”
What you learn in the next sections will also enable you to do the final project
which involves presenting healthful habits that promote care for the heart and
Read the articles below by following the links provided. These articles present in
a student-friendly way how the heart and lungs perform their lead roles for the
circulatory and respiratory systems, respectively.
Process Questions:
1. Why is it important that the heart and lungs are kept healthy?
Be sure to take note of the important terms that you will encounter.
What are the terms that you gathered? Do the terms sound familiar? What can
help you more easily remember these terms? Look back at your notes and try to
cluster related concepts.
You now know that the heart and lungs need to work together to distribute vital
materials to the body. Learn more about the heart and the lungs and the rest of
the system by viewing the videos found in the following links:
http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=256514 – Respiratory
System (starting at 4:50 mark)
http://sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/humanheart.html - Blood
Flow through the Human Heart
Process Questions:
1. What are the two types of circulation? Differentiate the two according to
2. Describe how oxygen gets distributed to the cells of the body.
3. Describe how nutrients get distributed to the cells of the body. Is there any
difference between how oxygen and nutrients are distributed? Explain.
Review the terms and concepts learned in the previous activity by taking the
online quiz found in the link below.
How did you perform in the quiz? Look at the items you missed. Go back to your
notes and review the terms or concepts you missed.
Summarize what you learned so far by tracing the path of blood from the heart to
the lungs to the rest of the body.
Answer Key:
Go back to the question: How can nutrients flow well in the body?
Write your revised answers to this question in the R column of the IRF chart.
When you are finished, click on “Submit.”
End of Firm-Up
In this section, the discussion was all about the processes involved as the
respiratory and circulatory systems perform their functions.
Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which
ideas are different and need revision?
Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.
Using the pictures found below, infer the likely consequences of these sample
circulatory and respiratory conditions.
Click on the following links below to get an idea of the treatment that is carried
out in blood vessels that are partially or fully blocked by plaques or blood clots.
After viewing this video, you will use a graphic organizer to show your
understanding of how certain respiratory conditions caused by smoking may
affect gas exchange.
Using the flow diagrams or sequence charts below, show the sequence of events
involved in gas exchange in conjunction with the flow of blood into and out of the
heart during normal conditions and when there is a respiratory/circulatory
With Atherosclerosis
Obtain the respiratory and pulse rates of your batch mates after jogging around
the football field for 10 minutes, tabulate and make a graph of the data. Give your
observations regarding the relationship of these data.
Exercise 2
Construct a concept map showing the relationship among the following concepts:
blood, air, respiration, heart, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
Learn about how we can control and prevent respiratory diseases. Read the
article by clicking on this link:
about-asthma-no-cure-but-can-be-controlled - Article on Asthma
Process Questions:
1. Can asthma be cured? Why or why not?
2. Can it be controlled? How?
People have the tendency to join the bandwagon, whether it’s cellular phones,
social networking sites, food supplements, or even the choice of a college
program. This does not exclude even joining fun runs or doing exercises. It’s not
unusual to see people - specially the elderly - pushing themselves to do
strenuous exercises, which could unfortunately, do more harm to their bodies
than good. Why is this so? The reason for this is that we have always associated
exercise with healthy living.
Go to the following links to discover how exercise can possibly have adverse
effects on some people.
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/patientinstructions/000094.htm - Being
Active When You Have Heart Disease
Why-exercise-harmful-heart.html - Yes, You Can Be Too Fit For Your Own Good:
Why Exercise May Be Harmful to the Heart
Process Questions:
1. Did the idea of exercise being harmful to your health ever cross your
mind? How did you look at exercise prior to reading this
2. article?
End of Deepen
In this section, the discussion was about the consequences of unhealthy
circulatory and respiratory system, and how these can be cured or prevented.
What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What helped you make these connections?
Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.
Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You
will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.
Go back to the question: How can nutrients flow well in the body?
Write your final answers to this question in the F column of the IRF chart. When
you are finished, click on “Submit.”
This coming February, it will again be the celebration of the global “Heart
Month.” In line with this together with your barangay’s thrust for a better
health program, you have been tasked to encourage members of the
TASK school community to take care of their health, in particular, that of the
heart and organs closely associated to it. With the theme: “The Restless
Heart, No Rest Since Birth,” you will make a PowerPoint presentation
which you will use as you do your room to room visit within the school.
Your presentation will be evaluated based on content, organization,
graphics or animations used, and clarity.
End of Transfer
How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the
real world use of the topic? Write a reflective journal of your experiences
and the things you learned about the task.
You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have
to answer the following post-assessment questions.
It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer
that you think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after
you answer all items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If
your score is not at the expected level, you have to go back and take the
module again.
1. The ________ of red blood cells allows the transport of carbon dioxide and
a. hemoglobin
b. shape
c. size
d. number
2. The very thin walls of the __________ allow gas exchange from the alveoli of
the lungs with the blood.
a. arterioles
b. capillaries
c. veins
d. vena cava
4. Bear Grylls of the tv show Man Vs. Wild used to be a member of the British
Royal Army. In one episode, he took his pulse rate and it registered at 50
beats per minute. When you heard this, you curiously took your own pulse
rate and found it to be at 77 beats per minute. What is probably the best
explanation for this?
a. A bigger heart requires fewer contractions per minute because of
thicker cardiac muscles.
b. An efficiently-working heart does not need to contract as much as
those that are not well-conditioned.
c. The younger a person is, the higher the pulse rate that can be
d. TV show hosts are subjected to a lot of lighting which lowers their
pulse rates.
7. Triathletes could run, swim, and bike for hours during competitions. To
succeed in such athletic events, one has to do the following except
a. abdominal muscle strengthening.
b. breathing exercises.
c. high repetition exercises.
d. low intensity exercises.
9. Glucose is the sugar that is found in the blood when not stored in the liver. It
is the same sugar monitored by those with diabetes because of possible
health consequences. One example would be sluggish blood flow because
blood “thickens” with elevated glucose levels. What can be expected of one’s
blood pressure in such conditions?
a. Blood pressure will be elevated.
b. Blood pressure will become lower.
11. Sometimes blood can have too much acid if there are high concentrations of
carbon dioxide as this could form carbonic acid. Such conditions would
therefore require the following except
a. a mechanism that prevents accumulation of CO2 in the blood.
b. an efficient functioning of obtaining O2.
c. more red blood cells to carry CO2 to the lungs.
d. training in high altitude locations for thinner air.
12. You have heard of metabolism in the past. Your teacher clearly explained that
this complex chemical reaction in the body is what allows you to keep a
healthy body and do your daily routines. If _______ is present, our bodies are
able to make more ________ molecules. An alternative energy-making
pathway - though less efficient – is glycolysis.
a. ADP; O2
b. CO2; glucose
c. glucose; O2
d. O2; ATP
13. Utah is a city that has a very high elevation above the sea compared to other
American cities. Why should it not be surprising to see visiting athletes using
oxygen tanks during NBA games?
a. A lot of them find it hard to breathe in very crowded stadiums.
b. There is lack of O2, therefore, harder to make energy.
c. They are not used to the cold climate in Utah.
d. They train in elevated cities that are not cold.
16. Your track and field teammate told you that he has been asked by the coach
to join the 10K run instead of the 100-meter dash. These are totally different
events even though they both involve running. Because of these differences,
different trainings can also be expected. These differences will not include the
following except
a. deep breathing exercises.
b. short burst running.
c. strengthening of shoulder muscles.
d. taking of medications that narrow the airways.
17. You are the only one in your house who is not into cigarette smoking. After
you were given time to research about second hand smoking, your teacher
asked you to prepare a short report as to why you are also in danger of
having respiratory problems even though you don’t smoke. Your report is
likely to include the following except for
a. age of those who smoke in your family.
b. harmful chemicals found in cigarettes.
c. how the airways react to cigarette smoke.
d. why people cough upon inhaling smoke.
18. My older brother has hypertension. He believes that getting into sports would
improve his condition. From what you have learned from your Biology and PE
classes, you could suggest the following to be helpful activities except for
a. biking.
b. jogging.
c. swimming.
d. table tennis.
19. Many people flock to the hot spring swimming pools of Los Banos especially
during the Christmas break. They believe these waters have therapeutic
effects for those with health issues. From what you have learned in class,
those with hypertension should be careful because
a. blood vessels tend to expand in warm water which abruptly lowers
blood pressure.
b. blood with oxygen cannot diffuse into the lungs when the body is
submerged in warm water.
c. the excitement in swimming pools might overwork the heart.
20. Prolonged exposure to the sun during relief and rescue operations in
Tacloban led to the hospitalization of some volunteer relief workers because
a. it might have elevated one’s temperature and blood pressure.
b. it might have led to skin cancer for those with small amounts of
melanin in the skin.
c. too much heat can cause a person to overhydrate and kill cells
because of hypertonicity.
d. UV radiation is known to affect DNA and cause weakness.
alveoli – air sacs found at the end of bronchioles, site of gas exchange
aortic valve – flap of tissue found in the aorta, prevents blood from returning to
the left ventricle
arteries – blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
atria – upper chambers of the heart that receive blood from the systemic or
pulmonary circulation, divided into right and left halves
bronchi – major airways that branch from the trachea to the left and right lungs
pneumonia – a lung condition wherein the alveoli are filled with fluid which leads
to poor gas exchange
pulmonary valve – prevents blood pumped by the right ventricle from returning
as it moves towards the lungs
semilunar valve – separates the left atrium from the left ventricle, ensures that
blood will not return to the right atrium once in the left ventricle
tricuspid valve – flap of tissue preventing blood from the right ventricle from
going back to the right atrium
ventricles – lower chambers of the heart that receive blood from their
corresponding atria; the left is bigger and thicker compared to the right half
jnyOkcI/AAAAAAAAIdA/PSzPYc31wVk/s1600/RomiGarduce_Everest.jpg -
RomiGarduce in Mt. Everest
f7fb234b6f53.jpeg- CPR demonstration
http://video.about.com/firstaid/How-to-Perform-Hands-Only-CPR.htm- CPR
http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=256514 – Respiratory
labels.jpg - Heart Diagram Without Labels
http://sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/humanheart.html - Blood
Flow through the Human Heart
http://www.pharmafoodsprofessional.com.au/assets/images/Atherosclerosis.jpg -
Atherosclerosis illustration
http://medimoon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Pneumonia1.jpg- Pneumonia
& Chronic Bronchitis
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/patientinstructions/000094.htm - Being
Active When You Have Heart Disease
Why-exercise-harmful-heart.html - Yes, You Can Be Too Fit For Your Own Good:
Why Exercise May Be Harmful to the Heart
Do you think it is possible for life on Earth to continue even without humans?
In this module, you will find out why other living things depend on plants
for their food and energy and how plants are able to manufacture their own food.
Just how are plants able to manufacture their own food? What are the necessary
raw materials involved in the process of manufacturing and utilizing food? These
are some of the important questions that you will seek to answer in this module.
Photosynthesis Respiration
(Food-Making (Energy-Making
Process) Process)
To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Read the instructions carefully before starting anything.
2. Complete all the activities and worksheets. Follow instructions on how to
submit them.
3. Look up the meaning of words that you do not know.
4. You will frequently come across process questions as you go through
different lessons. Keep a notebook (or use the Notepad) where you can write
(and revise) your answers to these questions. Use also the notebook to jot
down short notes, draw diagrams, and summarize what you have just read.
5. For worksheets and reports that need to be submitted, use the provided
checklist and rubric to evaluate your work before submission.
6. Allow time for relaxation and recreation when you are mentally tired. Make a
time table to schedule your study and recreation.
Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Click on the
letter that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items. After
taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items that you
were not able to correctly answer and look for the right answer as you go
(A) 4. Your hobby is to collect different species of aquarium fish. You have
already grown 3 species of fish in your 6-liter capacity aquarium. You
added 5 more species inside. One morning, you notice that three of them
look weak and seem like they are catching their breath towards the upper
portion of the aquarium. What do you think is happening to your pets?
a. there is no more enough space in your aquarium
b. your pets are not compatible to be occupying the same aquarium
c. the oxygen inside the aquarium is not enough to support them
d. your pets are sleeping
(A) 5. Your hobby is to collect different species of aquarium fish. You have
already grown 3 big species of fish in your 8-liter capacity aquarium and
you added 5 more species inside. One morning, you notice that three of
them look weak and seem like they are catching their breath towards the
upper portion of the aquarium. What can you do to prevent your fish from
(A) 7. Study the structure and the process that happen in the given diagram
below. What would be an appropriate statement to be written inside the
a. Plants contain chloroplasts that are necessary to utilize carbon
dioxide from the mitochondria to create oxygen and food.
b. Animals require oxygen to create their own food inside the
mitochondria, and in the process, carbon dioxide is released.
c. Plants utilize the products of a metabolism that happens inside the
mitochondria of animal cells only.
d. Animals contain chloroplasts and mitochondria.
(M) 9. Read the following cases below and answer the question that follows.
I. In 2011, Batangas, Cavite, and Laguna experienced a large-scale
Bangus and Tilapia fish kill that almost paralyzed the industry of fish
agriculture and market. Gov. Vilma Santos of Batangas, said that this
is due to overpopulated fish pens in Laguna de Bay and Taal Lake.
Another factor that she has mentioned is carbon dioxide suffocation
due to the very low supply of oxygen in these bodies of water. This
low supply of oxygen is the culminating effect of sudden increase in
water temperature and the lack of plants that produce this gas.
II. In one experiment, you kept a plant inside a dark room. After two
days you noticed that the plant became dull and withered. You
decided to put back the plant outside the room and allow it to receive
(M) 10. Read the following cases below and answer the questions that follow.
(M) 11. Read the following articles/models below then identify the unifying idea
among the three texts.
a. Animals can indirectly utilize the energy from the sun in making
their own food.
b. Animals are more structurally complex than plants because of the
presence of more structures in their body.
c. Animals are dependent on plants for their food.
d. Plants are solely dependent on animals for their nutrition.
(M) 12. The illustration below tracks a bean plant’s stomata in a 24-hour cycle.
Why do you think it is beneficial for the plant to partially close its stomata
on a hot, dry afternoon?
(M) 13. The rate of photosynthesis of aquatic plants in a test tube is determined
by collecting and measuring the amount of oxygen that goes out from the
water. If bicarbonate, the source of CO2 for aquatic plants, is added to the
water, the rate of oxygen evolution increases. If CO2 is fixed by the Calvin
cycle but oxygen is evolved by the light reactions, how can an increase in
CO2 supply increase the rate of oxygen evolution?
a. The CO2 is broken down into carbon and oxygen during the light-
independent stage.
b. It is the bicarbonate that is reacting with water that causes the
release of oxygen. These oxygen molecules are then goes out of
the water.
c. Increase in CO2 causes the more efficient production of water in the
Calvin cycle. And the more water molecule is present, the more
oxygen gas is produced. The process of photolysis in the light-
dependent stage causes the increase in oxygen gas.
d. Increase in CO2 causes a faster use of ATP and NADPH that are
produced from the light-dependent stage where O2 is being
produced from water. This use of ATP and NADPH produces ADP
+ Pi and NADP. These molecules are then recycled to the light-
dependent stage and then the cycle goes on.
(M) 14. Study the following diagrams. Which of the choices below can be inferred
from these diagrams?
(T) 15. Read the following conclusions based on an explorative experiment about
the importance of water to plants of three biology students. Determine
which of the three students provide/s the most accurate and in depth
investigation about the given hypothesis below.
Precy: After doing an experiment for two weeks, using two plants of
the same species and sizes, it has been found out that Plant A
requires more water than Plant B. This is because of the fact that
there is more excess water draining from the pot of Plant B. The
two plants were planted in the same soil type. They also received
the same amount of sunlight within the entire experiment.
Jackie: After doing an experiment for two weeks, using two plants of
the same species coming from the same garden but with different
sizes, it has been found out that the taller plant requires more water
than the smaller plant. When given the same amount of water for
two weeks, putting all factors that affect the growth of plant constant
(e.g. soil quality, sunlight, location), the smaller plant was able to
stay alive while the taller plant died.
Patrick: After doing an experiment for two weeks, using the same
species of plant coming from two different donors in the community,
it has been found out that the size did not significantly influence the
amount of water required by the plant. This is because both of the
plants were able to survive when given the same amount of water
and sunlight.
a. Precy
b. Jackie
c. Patrick
d. All of them have designed a good experiment that would generate
an accurate proof about the hypothesis.
(T) 17. Manuel has learned from his Biology class that plants only need carbon
dioxide, water, and sunlight to manufacture their own food. As a very
curious student, he tested this new learning by doing an experiment as to
whether oxygen is also necessary for the plant to survive. He placed a
small herbaceous plant inside a jar with enough supply of water. To
remove free oxygen gas inside the jar, he placed inside a lighted candle
and waited until the fire ceased. To incorporate carbon dioxide inside the
jar, he allowed a pack of dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) to sublime inside
the closed container. After the set-up had been completed (considering
that no air from the surrounding environment has entered the jar while
the dry ice is being delivered inside), he placed the jar under the sunlight.
After one week, the plant inside the jar did not die.
Manuel therefore concluded that oxygen is not necessary for the plant
tosurvive. His teacher was not convinced with his conclusion. Instead,
she suggested a way to improve the procedure he has employed in his
experiment. Why do you think Manuel’s teacher was not convinced with
his conclusion?
a. Though the initial free oxygen was removed, the plant was
producing oxygen during the initial process of photosynthesis.
b. Not all plants use oxygen to survive.
c. Plants can adapt to its surrounding. If oxygen is not available, it will
use other gases to be able to utilize its food.
d. none of the above
a. Set-up another aquarium with no aquatic plant and see if the fish
will still survive.
b. Set-up another aquarium with more plant and see the effect on the
health of the fish.
c. Set-up another aquarium with no fish and see the effect on the
amount of oxygen released.
d. Set-up another aquarium with more fish and see if there is a change
with the amount of oxygen released.
(T) 19. Atmospheric levels of CO2 are increasing. We know most of the sources
of atmospheric CO2, such as fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and
the oxidation of organic matter in farm soils. Thus, we can estimate world
CO2 production with some accuracy. However, we do not know where all
this CO2 goes. Some is retained in the atmosphere and some dissolves
in the ocean, but there is a significant amount of CO2 that is not
accounted for. Where do you think this CO2 is going?
a. This is the carbon dioxide inside the body cells of humans. It can be
tested by getting the average amount of carbon dioxide being
exhaled by a normal person and multiplied it to the total population
of the world.
b. This is the carbon dioxide that is being converted into glucose. This
can be tested by isolating a plant inside a jar and supply it with only
carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water.
c. This is the carbon dioxide that is absorbed by the land. Measure the
amount of dissolved carbon dioxide in the soil every week for one
year. Then check for any change with the amount of carbon dioxide.
d. The carbon dioxide is being released into the outer space because
of the ozone layer disruption.
(T) 20. Tropical rain forests cover only about 3% of Earth’s surface, but they are
estimated to be responsible for more than 20% of global photosynthesis.
It seems reasonable to expect that the lush growth of jungle foliage
would produce large amounts of oxygen and reduce global warming by
reducing carbon dioxide. But in fact, many experts now believe that rain
forests make little or no net contribution to global oxygen production or
“In plants, algae and some types of bacteria and fungi, sunlight is converted to
chemical energy in a process we all know as photosynthesis; in that process
water and carbon dioxide are also converted to oxygen.”
“This the authors explain in their paper published in Scientific Reports, suggests
the insects might be able to directly convert sunlight to energy, which would
make it the only animal able to do so.”
Process Questions:
1. In what ways do plant aphids differ from other animals?
2. In what ways are plant aphids similar to plants, algae, and some bacteria?
Plants Animals
What were your initial answers to the questions posed in the previous activity?
What have you learned so far from the article? How are plants able to
manufacture their own food?
To summarize your answers to the questions, and your thoughts and ideas
regarding photosynthesis in the first column (What I Know) of the given K-W-L
chart. Then in the second column (What I Want to Know), write the questions you
have about photosynthesis that you want to find answers to as you go through
this module. Leave the third column (What I Learned) blank for now.
You gave your initial ideas on photosynthesis. You started to explore the
answers to the following questions:
How do plants manufacture their food?
What are the necessary materials needed for plants to manufacture
their food?
Let’s now find out what the answers are by doing the next part.
DESCRIPTION: Let’s start by reading the text entitled “The 8 Life Functions” by
clicking the website below. Using your notepad, answer the questions that follow.
The 8 Life Functions
Now that you learned that Metabolism is a characteristic that is unique to living
organisms, we will now focus on two different metabolic pathways that are
very well related with each other.
B. Cellular Respiration
Description: Now let us compare Photosynthesis to cellular respiration.
Process Questions:
1. Why is Photosynthesis an ANABOLIC process?
2. Why is Respiration a CATABOLIC process?
DESCRIPTION: Go back to the video and pay attention to the different molecules
needed and produced in both photosynthesis and respiration. Fill in the
necessary information inside the chart.
1. Why do you think this process is called PHOTOSYNTHESIS?
2. Aside from the INPUT materials, what are other necessary structures are
involved in this process?
1. Why do you think this process is called RESPIRATION?
2. Aside from the INPUT materials, what are other necessary structures
involved in this process?
3. How are photosynthesis and respiration related in terms of their different
Photosynthesis Quiz:
Photosynthesis Sandwich HINT
Glucose Sandwich Meal The finished food product.
(A sugar subunit)
III. _________________
1. What is being shown in each of the diagram above?
2. Looking at the different structures inside a typical plant cell, what can we
infer about the metabolic processes that can happen inside it? Justify your
3. What would happen if the same processes happen in animals and
humans? Are metabolic processes the same for all organisms? Explain.
You can start the practice exercise by clicking the link below:
How did you fare with this practice exercise? To answer this, let’s go back
and check your K-W-L chart. Fill in the first column. What do you know now
about the process by which plant manufacture its own food?
Are there changes in your K-W-L chart? If so, upload your new learning in the
Discussion Forum in your OHSP account.
Now that you understand the basic requirements about the flow of
energy and matter of living organism, your goal in this section is to
take a closer look at some aspects of the topic. Let us apply these
basic concepts in real-life situations happening around us.
Your goal in this section is to look closer into the process of Photosynthesis
as it happens to different organisms. You will also be investigating why
photosynthesis is evidence of evolutionary relationship of among autotrophs.
1. What is the usual way of algae to manufacture its own food and energy?
Story: Sea Floor – Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis
By Te Ara– The Encyclopedia of New Zealand
Photosynthesis is the
process by which plants use the
sun’s energy to make sugar
(glucose) for food. Plants
absorb energy from sunlight,
take in carbon dioxide from the
air through their leaves, take up
water through their roots, and
produce glucose and oxygen.
Photosynthesis takes place on
land and in shallow water where
sunlight can reach seaweeds.
Chemosynthesis is the
process by which food (glucose)
is made by bacteria using
chemicals as the energy source, rather than sunlight. Chemosynthesis occurs
around hydrothermal vents and methane seeps in the deep sea where sunlight is
absent. During chemosynthesis, bacteria living on the sea floor or within animals,
such as mussels and tubeworms, use energy stored in the chemical bonds of
hydrogen sulfide and methane to make glucose from water and carbon dioxide
(dissolved in sea water). Pure sulfur and sulfur compounds are produced as by-
At right, mussels and tubeworms around a vent are releasing hydrogen sulfide gas.
The chemical equation given here for chemosynthesis is just one of a number of
1. What natural circumstances triggered these hydrothermal vent bacteria to
undergo Chemosynthesis?
2. Why do you think most of these hydrothermal bacteria dwell inside the
body of sea floor animals like mussels? What are the beneficial impacts
brought by these two species to each other?
3. What new thing or things did you learn about metabolic processes?
Process Questions:
1. How are the different organisms adapted to their habitat in terms of their food
making process?
2. How is the plant’s food-making process similar with these organisms’ food-
making process?
Title: Bacteria
Written by: Jim Keener
Published by RedColony.com
There are several types of bacteria. There are aerobic bacteria that require
oxygen to survive, and anaerobic bacteria that can live with or without oxygen.
Obviously on Mars with very little oxygen present, anaerobic bacteria will be the
bacteria of choice. Next are heterotrophic bacteria that use other organisms for
So what would they do on the surface? They could pump water up from
underground aquifers by the same way we drink water upside-down. By releasing
diatomic Oxygen (O2, the kind we breathe) into the atmosphere, they would be
making mars livable. On the other hand, if we would prefer, we could pump
Triatomic Oxygen (O3, ozone) to heat the planet, or even a combination of both.
Bacteria could also pump other Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. They
could also be used in life support to purify water and air.
One of the Surveyors sent to the moon was imperfectly sterilized. When we
landed on the moon the Apollo astronauts brought back pieces of the craft and
found that when fed on Earth, the Bacteria started to grow and thrive. Bacteria are
the most adaptive and hardy organism known to man, and I see no reason why we
could not make them survive on Mars.
Discussions Questions:
1. Go back to the highlighted portion of the article, using the different
descriptions on the different type of bacteria, how would you classify
plants and animals? Explain your answer.
2. Can life be possible without Photosynthesis? What is the importance of
photosynthesis to life?
Nor, scientists think, were chloroplasts the only parts of cells that were once
bacteria: Mitochondria, organelles that produce energy in plant and animal cells,
got their start the same way, and some other organelles may have, as well. Now
researchers have found another useful bacterium that they think is on its way to
becoming a modern organelle of another eukaryotic cell—this time, an alga rather
than a plant or animal. Studying this relationship would allow scientists to witness
endosymbiosis in action, something they had long theorized but never seen.
The alga and the bacterium met in the ocean, and forged a relationship
based on nutrient exchange, researchers report in Science. The alga draws energy
from sunlight and produces sugars, which the bacterium uses as fuel. In return,
the bacterium processes nitrogen gas into ammonium, which the alga needs. This
transfer can occur because the bacterium and the alga live close together, as the
scientists know through microscopy and by the fact that the two cell types stayed
together during a cell sorting experiment.
In the future, scientists predict, the two will be inseparable; the alga will
engulf the bacterium, the bacterium will lose its individual identity and, instead, live
as an organelle within the algal cell. The rest will be history.
Discussions Questions:
Title: Zoologger: The cyanobacteria destined to be organelles
Written by: Andy Coghlan
Published by: New Scientist
Discussions Questions:
1. According to the first highlighted portion of the text, what is unusual about
this cyanobacterium?
2. How does Candidatus Atelocyanobacterium thalassa acquire its food?
3. What theory best describes the phenomenon found on the second
highlighted portion of the text?
Title: Cellular Respiration Virtual Lab- Carbon Transfer Through Snails and
Note: Be sure you go to the specific site for which the experiment title is found.
Strictly follow all audio and test prompt during the virtual laboratory activity. You
may print your answers by clicking on the PRINT button every step of the way as
your guide.
End of DEEPEN:
What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself?
Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.
Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You will be
given practical tasks that will demonstrate your understanding.
About 20% of the land Earth’s Ice-free land surfaces are already
Anthropogenic (habituated by humans). On the other hands, only about 3% of the
land is covered by Tropical Rainforests. Using these data, how would you be able
to prove that there is an imbalance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
Earth’s Atmosphere?
(2) Then, design an experiment procedure that will provide you with data
that will either prove or disprove your hypothesis. You may add more
steps if necessary.
Step 1: Step 2:
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Developed by the Private Education Assistance Committee
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under the GASTPE Program of the Department of Education
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Step 3: Step 4:
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____________________ _____________________
Criteria 4 3 2 1
(40 pts.) (30 pts.) (20 pts.) (10 pts.)
Comprehensiv The The Some Presentation
e presentation is presentation is important was superficial
(25%) extensively adequately facts and and not
supported with supported with evidences comprehensiv
insightful valid were lacking e.
justifications, justifications, or erroneous.
evidence, facts evidences,
and ideas. facts and
Accuracy of Data were The data were Some details The data were
data presented in accurate and from the not accurate
(20%) an interesting free from experiment and have a lot
manner and errors. have some of errors.
are accurately errors.
presented with
no errors.
Depth of The The The The
Investigatio experimental experimental experimental experimental
n design is done design is just design is design lacks
(30%) in great detail enough to limited to substance and
to arrive at arrive at a arrive at a is not align
substantial and substantial substantial with the
solid conclusion. conclusion purpose of the
conclusion. study.
In this section, your task was to design and construct an experiment that will
concretize the evidences that photosynthesis is actually occurring by
investigating the production of oxygen and glucose.
How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the
real world use of the topic?
Now that you have completed the module, let us affirm what you have learned.
Complete the K-W-L chart. How are plants able to manufacture their own
You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have to
answer the following post-assessment.
It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer that
you think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after you
answer all items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If your
score is not at the expected level, you have to go back and take the module
(A) 5. Your hobby is to collect different species of aquarium fish. You have
already grown 3 big species of fish in your 8-liter capacity aquarium and
you added 5 more species inside. One morning, you notice that three of
them look weak and seem like they are catching their breath towards the
upper portion of the aquarium. What can you do to prevent your fish from
a. Transfer some of the fish in a different aquarium.
b. Decorate your aquarium
c. Add more chlorine to the aquarium.
d. Add more water to the aquarium.
(A) 6. Your brother, Kyle Manuel saw your notes about the flow of energy and
matter through Photosynthesis and Respiration. He finds its very similar
to what he has learned from his fourth grade lesson on Oxygen-Carbon
Dioxide cycle. How do you explain to him the relationship between the
flow of gases in the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle and the structures
involved in photosynthesis and respiration?
a. Plants manufacture their own food through anabolism – that is,
converting carbon dioxide to simple sugar. During this process,
oxygen is released that are inhaled by animals.
b. Plants manufacture their own food through catabolism – that is,
converting oxygen to simpler sugars. During the process, excess
oxygen is released for the consumption of animals.
c. Photosynthesis is the breaking down of food and respiration is the
production of food.
d. Animals produce oxygen that plants need for photosynthesis.
(A) 7. Study the structure and the process that happen in the given diagram
below. What would be the best title for this diagram?
a. Flow of Energy and Matter
b. Oxygen and Carbon dioxide Cycle
c. Water, Carbon dioxide, and Oxygen Cycle
d. Animal and Plant Cycle
(M) 9. Read the following cases below and answer the question that follows.
II. In another set-up, you did the same procedure as the first one but
this time, you allowed ten healthy Elodea plants to grow inside the
aquarium for three hours before you place the fish. You noticed that
the fish survived.
III. In one experiment, you kept a terrarium inside a dark room. After two
days you noticed that the plants inside became dull and withered
while the some insects are already dying. You decided to put back
the terrarium outside the room and allow it to receive sunlight. After
another two days, you noticed that the plants have regained their
(M) 10. Read the following cases below and answer the questions that follow.
II. Cyanobacteria are aquatic and photosynthetic, that is, they live in the
water, and can manufacture their own food. Because they are
bacteria, they are quite small and usually unicellular, though they
often grow in colonies large enough to see. The other great
contribution of the cyanobacteria is the origin of plants. The
chloroplast with which plants make food for themselves is actually a
cyanobacterium living within the plant's cells. Because they are
photosynthetic and aquatic, cyanobacteria are often called "blue-
green algae" because of the chlorophyll-like pigment that they
contain. Cyanobacteria are relatives of the bacteria, not eukaryotes,
and it is only the chloroplast in eukaryotic algae to which the
cyanobacteria are related.
(M) 11. Read the following articles/models below then identify the unifying idea
among the three situations.
(M) 13. Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship
between photosynthesis and cell respiration?
a. Photosynthesis happens only in autotrophs while cell respiration
only happens in heterotrophs.
b. Photosynthesis uses solar energy to convert inorganic molecules to
energy-rich organic molecules while cell respiration breaks down
organic molecules to synthesize ATP.
c. The primary function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to
synthesize ATP while cellular respiration functions to break down
ATP and release energy.
d. Photosynthesis and cell respiration happens in separate,
specialized organelles and the two processes cannot occur in the
same cell at the same time. Photosynthesis captures the solar
energy to convert inorganic carbon dioxide to organic sugar
(glucose). Cell respiration, on the other hand, uses this chemical
energy source to synthesize ATP. These two processes may
happen in the same cell at the same time.
(T) 15. Read the following conclusions based from an explorative experiment on
the function of chloroplast of three different biology students. Determine
which of the three students provided the most accurate and in depth
investigation about the given hypothesis below.
Lani : After doing an experiment for two weeks, using two plants of the
same species and sizes, it has been found out that Plant A requires
more water than Plant B. This is for the fact that there is more excess
water draining from the pot of Plant B. The two plants were planted
on the same soil type. They also received the same amount of
sunlight within the entire experiment.
Luz – After doing an experiment for two weeks, using the same species
of plant coming from two different donors in the community, it has
been found out that the size did not significantly influence the amount
of water required by the plant. This is because both of the plants
were able to survive when given the same amount of water and
Kris – After doing an experiment for two weeks, using two plants of the
same species coming from the same garden but with different sizes,
it has been found out that the taller plant requires more water than
the smaller plant. Since when given the same amount of water for
two weeks, putting all factors that affect the growth of plant constant
(e.g. soil quality, sunlight, location), the smaller plant was able to stay
alive while the taller plant died.
a. Lani
b. Kris
c. Luz
d. All of them have designed a good experiment that would generate
an accurate proof about the hypothesis.
(T) 17. When a mouse is placed under a glass jar, it eventually runs out of
oxygen and dies. How could you prevent this from happening?
a. Add another mouse inside the jar.
b. Add a plant inside the jar.
c. Add candle to the jar
d. Fill the jar with smoke before adding the mouse.
(T) 19. Why do you think animals, unlike plants, need to ingest food containing
glucose in order to survive?
a. All organisms require energy to survive. Autotrophs get their stored
energy through photosynthesis. Animals can only acquire glucose
through ingestion.
b. The presence of mitochondrion in both plants and animals signify
the need for glucose as a chemical energy source. However,
between the two, only plants would have chloroplast containing
chlorophyll that would manufacture glucose from carbon dioxide.
c. All organisms have mitochondria that use glucose as an energy
d. Both a and b
(T) 20. A green plant is kept in a brightly lighted area for 48 hours. What will
most likely occur if the light intensity is then reduced slightly during the
next 48 hours?
a. The rate at which nitrogen is used by the plant will increase.
b. Photosynthesis will stop completely
c. The rate at which oxygen is released from the plant will decrease.
d. Glucose production inside each plant cell will increase.
Algae - are a very large and diverse group of simple, typically autotrophic
organisms, ranging from unicellular to multicellular forms, such as the giant kelp,
that may grow up to 50 meters in length.
Chloroplast – A eukaryotic organelle that are usually found in plants and algae.
This organelle enables organisms to manufacture their own food through
Elodea - Elodea is a rooted multi-branched perennial plant but can survive and
grow as floating fragments. The dark green blade-like leaves (3/5 inch long and
1/5 inch wide) are in whorls of three with finely toothed margins. The flowers of
Elodea have three white petals with a waxy coating that makes them float.
Hydrothermal vents - are areas on the sea floor where water heated by volcanic
activity under the seabed gushes out. Unusually, the animal communities down
here don't use the sun to get their energy. Instead, chemicals in the hot waters
"7th Grade Life Science." 7th Grade Life Science. N.p., n.d.
http://www.stephsnature.com/lifescience/cellslivingnotes.html. 4 Feb. 2014.
Olga, Klassen, et al. “Algae Can Take Energy From Other Plants”. Science Daily
20 Nov 2012. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/20 2 2 20 2 3.htm . 5 Feb
Many times you may have heard other people tell you that you have your
mother’s eyes or your father’s height. While you know that these are
characteristics you inherited from your parents, you also know that they did not
literally give you their eyes, height, skin, hair, or any other traits. What, then, is
actually inherited? How are these traits inherited? Do they follow a certain unique
In this module, you will learn more about the “hereditary factors” originally
described by Gregor Mendel. You will also look at different patterns of
inheritance and have a better understanding of variation.
This module will also cover an important concept that is related to genetic
variation – biodiversity. In particular, you will study species extinction, a
persistent threat to our biodiversity. You will explore answers to the following
important questions: Why do species go extinct? How can species be saved from
the threat of extinction?
Preventing Extinction
To do well in this lesson, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Read the instructions carefully before starting anything.
2. Complete all the activities and worksheets. Follow instructions on how to
submit them.
3. Look up the meaning of words that you do not know.
4. You will frequently come across process questions as you go through
different lessons. Keep a notebook (or use the Notepad) where you can write
(and revise) your answers to these questions. Use also the notebook to jot
down short notes, draw diagrams, and summarize what you have just read.
5. For worksheets and reports that need to be submitted, use the provided
checklist and rubric to evaluate your work before submission.
6. Allow time for relaxation and recreation when you are mentally tired. Make a
time table to schedule your study and recreation.
(A) 2. Mario’s thinning hair is like that of his father. This characteristic of
baldness is influenced by
A. crossing-over.
B. linked genes.
C. mutation.
D. sex chromosomes.
(A) 5. It is believed that about 90% of the land area of the Philippines was once
covered with forest. This has now been reduced to less than 20% and, if
the current rate of deforestation is maintained, no forest cover shall
remain within the next decade. Scientists are looking at tropical
deforestation rates as parameters to estimate species extinction rates in
the Philippines. This best illustrates which of the following?
A. An ecosystem cannot survive without producers.
B. Many species are endangered due to habitat loss.
C. Species go extinct even before they are discovered.
D. Tropical forests are great carbon sinks.
(M) 7. Arielle is in urgent need of blood transfusion. Her blood type is A; that of
her sister is AB, and her brother, B. Who among the following can donate
blood to Arielle?
A. Her brother
B. Her sister
C. One of her parents
D. No one from the family
Based from the pattern of inheritance, what kind of gene controls the
A. Codominant
B. Epistatic
C. Recessive
D. Sex-linked
(M) 11. The graph below shows the changes in two populations of carnivores in
a forest ecosystem.
(M) 12. Your friend tells you, “It doesn’t matter so much anymore if species go
extinct, as long as we have already identified the genus of each species
before it goes extinct.” What would you say to convince your friend that
species extinction does matter?
A. Species extinction damages the balance of ecosystem, bringing
harm to humans like us.
B. Species extinction lowers the biological diversity, affecting
ecosystem function and services that humans benefit from.
C. Species extinction lowers the profit that countries gain from tourism.
D. Species extinction may cause dramatic changes in the environment
which will eventually affect us.
(T) 14. Some scientists estimate that the current global extinction rate is about
30,000 species per year. If there are currently 10,000,000 species on
Earth, how long will it take to destroy all of Earth’s biodiversity?
If you are to share the data to a group of students, which of the following
is the best way to present?
A. Through a graph
B. Through a research
C. Through a timeline
D. Through a video
(T) 15. You are a scientist investigating the causes of species extinction. Like
Charles Darwin, you would like to gain a lot of insights from what
happened in Galapagos Island. Refer to the chart found below taken
from Galapagos: A Natural History Guide:
(T) 18. Can we “resurrect” extinct species? If you are a researcher for a Science
journal and you want to investigate on this issue, who among the
following will you interview to get the most plausible answer?
A. Cytologist
B. Geneticist
C. Paleontologist
D. Taxonomist
In the previous grade, you learned how Gregor Mendel described the passing
of traits from one generation to the next. His principles laid the foundation for
the study of inheritance. The potential combinations of offspring from two
parents of known genotype can now be determined. Traits can more easily be
Still, an important question remains. Do all organisms pass on their traits this
way? Learn more about Mendel’s “hereditary factors” and the other inheritance
patterns they may follow.
Let’s start the module by gathering your thoughts about the inheritance of
Discover how this trait is inherited as you go through this module. For your
inquiry, consider this case:
Process Questions:
1. Is there an obvious pattern in the cases of hemophilia presented in the given
2. Is there any irregularity in the inheritance of hemophilia in N.T.’s family? Why
or why not?
In the previous activity, you were asked to think about the factors that influence
the inheritance of traits. How are traits inherited?
You gave your initial ideas on the inheritance of traits by answering the IRF
Let’s find out how others would answer the above and compare their ideas to
our own. As you compare, you will find out if your ideas are in line with the
standard. You will also learn other concepts which will help you complete a
required project found at the end. This project is scientific investigation about
genetic variation and adaptation.
We will start by doing the next activity.
Your goal in this section is to learn and understand key concepts about
inheritance: the chromosomal basis of inheritance and the non-Mendelian
Gregor Mendel explained in the year 1865 that traits are passed from the parent
to the offspring through “hereditary factors.”
lianInheritance.swf - Mendelian Inheritance
1. What are “hereditary factors?”
2. What are the principles that Mendel formulated after his experiments with pea
- Mendel’s Experiments Animation
By following Mendel’s laws and principles, you can predict the traits of the
offspring given the phenotypes and genotypes of their parents.
Test your skill in using Punnett square and solving genetic problems by
answering the following:
1. When Mendel crossed a homozygous tall pea plant (TT) with a homozygous
short pea plant (tt), what offspring was produced?
d Dd Dd
(not deaf) (not deaf)
d Dd Dd
(not deaf) (not deaf)
D d
d Dd dd
(not deaf) (not deaf)
d Dd dd
(not deaf) (not deaf)
Process Question:
What are the important conclusions made by Mendel? Make a list of these
Let us go back to the N.T.’s case presented at the start of the lesson:
2. How do you think is this trait inherited? Explain using the principles of Mendel.
Mendel discovered that the hereditary factors are passed from the parent to the
offspring. However, he did not specify where these factors are found. The work of
cytologists paved the way to the discovery of the physical basis of Mendelian
In 1875, cytologists were able to work out the process of mitosis, and the
process of meiosis in 1890.
Review your knowledge of mitosis and meiosis by exploring the following links:
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/how-cells-divide.html - Interactive
Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/tour/mitosis.swf - Comparison of
Mitosis and Meiosis
Now let us focus on meiosis or the division of reproductive cells. View the
animation found in this link:
orks.html - Animation of Meiosis
Process Questions:
1. Which parts of the cell are involved in cell division?
Exercise 1.
You were given this question in the previous activity: Do you notice any similarity
between the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and the behavior of
Mendel’s hereditary factors?
Look for similarities between your entries under “Mendelian Genetics” and
“Cytology.” Highlight or take note of these similarities.
Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri in 1902 linked genetics and cytology as they
noticed the following:
Chromosomes and hereditary factors are both paired in diploid cells.
Homologous chromosomes separate and allele pairs segregate during
Fertilization restores the paired condition for both chromosomes and
Where are the “hereditary factors” of Mendel located? Where are they found
inside the cell? Are they all over our body, maybe in our blood? Hence the
common remark “Nasa dugo nila ang ganyang katangian” or “Nasa dugo lang
e - Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
variation/chromosome-theory-inheritance.php - Chromosome Theory of
Process Questions:
1. How do we now call Mendel’s hereditary factors?
2. Where are these hereditary factors located?
3. What are the physical carriers of genetic information?
4. What then do we really inherit from our parents?
Process Question: As you learn about chromosomes, can this shed light to this
case? How?
Now that you understand the genes and chromosomes as the physical basis of
inheritance, you will now get to know these structures in more detail.
Part I. Get to know the difference between genes, DNA, and chromosomes by
taking this “tour of the basics.”
http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/chromosomes/intro/ - What is a
1. What is the important role that the DNA plays in determining the traits of
an organism?
http://www bristol k12 ct us/pa
/RC/VL/GG/ h
In the previous activity, you saw the difference between genes, chromosomes
and DNA. Have a better visualization of the actual position of genes in the
different chromosomes of a human body through an interactive feature.
Do you know how many chromosomes are found in the nucleus of human cells?
There are a total of 46 chromosomes in our nucleus – 22 pairs of autosomes
and 1 pair of sex chromosomes.
There are genome researchers who accomplishes the daunting task of analyzing
what genes are controlling certain traits, what genes are found in each of the
chromosomes, and other meaningful things about the genome.
In this interactive feature, you’ll get to see a microscopic view of some of what
they've found on our 24 chromosomes, including the locations of about 200
different genes, especially those that have been associated with disease:
http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/asset/tdc02_int_hglandmarks/ - Chromosome
Process Question:
1. What will happen if an organism inherits a defective or incomplete set of
Genes on chromosomes determine what traits the organism will possess. In the
next activity, learn about the different ways or patterns by which particular genes
are inherited.
Mendel concluded that there are two allelic forms of a gene, or two versions of a
trait. For example, seed color is either yellow or green, flower position is axial or
terminal, plant height is either tall or short, etc.
However, why are there now a lot of colors for roses, orchids, and many other
flowers? Hair color is not limited to black or blonde; there’s white, brown, or red,
and each even comes in different shades. Why are there spotted cats or cows?
Many genetic studies and researches came after Mendel. Because of these, it
was found that there are patterns of inheritance that deviate from some of
Mendel’s laws.
In this activity, find out about these patterns of inheritance as you explore
different websites. Always go back to the focus question: How are traits
Remember N.T.’s case? You may finally piece together the information to explain
her family’s case as you go through this next lesson.
Process Question: What are the patterns that do not follow the simple rules of
Mendelian Inheritance?
http://www.biologycorner.com/bio2/genetics/notes_incomplete_dominance.html -
Incomplete Dominance and Codominance
c – Practice: Codominance and Incomplete Dominance
B. Mendel studied genes for which only two alleles are known. But many
genes have more than two different alleles.
http://evolution.about.com/od/Evolution-Glossary/g/Multiple-Alleles.htm - Multiple
inheritance.html - Polygenic Inheritance
_classification/revision/3/ - Continuous and Discontinuous Variation
Process Questions:
1. What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous variation?
2. Why are polygenic traits following a bell-shaped curve or normal distribution?
D. Nature vs. Nurture: What role does the environment play in the
expression of a trait?
_classification/revision/4/ - Inherited and Environmental
Process Question: Are all the traits we have right now due to genetics? Why or
why not?
Synthesis Question: What are the different ways that a trait may be inherited
and expressed?
How do you think are you doing so far? Feel free to email your questions and
concerns to the teacher.
Exercise 2.
nt.doc – Non-Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems
In the previous activities you learned that the chromosomes may be classified as
autosomes or sex chromosomes (X or Y). Whichever type of chromosome it, it
still carries genes.
Get to know the difference of sex chromosomes with autosomes by exploring the
following tutorials:
Process Questions:
1. How are males and females different in terms of their sex chromosomes?
2. How is sex determined in humans?
Find out if your answer is correct by watching the animation found in this link:
http://www.learnerstv.com/animation/animation.php?ani=9&cat=Biology –
Specialized chromosomes determine gender
Genes that are found in the sex chromosomes give rise to traits that are sex-
Process questions:
1. How is sex-related inheritance different from the other patterns of inheritance
that you’ve studied? Why does this type of inheritance matter?
How do you think are you doing so far? Feel free to email your questions and
concerns to the teacher.
Exercise 3.
After going through the different sites, practice solving problems through this
Summarize your answers to the question, and your thoughts and ideas in the
second column (Revised) of the IRF Chart. Compare your new ideas with your
initial ideas. When you are finished, click on “Submit.”
With all the patterns of inheritance you have learned in the previous activities,
which do you think best applies to N.T.’s case? What makes you say so?
In this section, the discussion was about the chromosomal basis of inheritance
and the different patterns of inheritance.
Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which
ideas are different and need revision? What new learning goal should you now
try to achieve? Go back to your checklist of learning competencies and see
how much you’ve accomplished:
Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.
Now that you have learned about the different patterns of inheritance, it’s time
for you to look more deeply, analyze, and assess some genetic conditions. You
are also going to learn more about variation, which arises largely due to
genetic inheritance.
Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at these aspects of the topic.
Study the information found in the following links. Refer to the information in
order to make an analysis and assessment of the given case:
If you are N.T.’s genetic counsellor and she asked you about the risk of having a
fourth child with hemophilia, what will be your answer? How will you explain your
answer to her?
http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/inheritance/riskassessment - If a genetic
disorder runs in my family, what are the chances that my children will have the
a. If the father has Fragile X syndrome, whom will he pass the disorder – to
his sons or daughters? Explain.
How will the situation change if it’s the mother who has the disorder?
2. Red-green color blindness is the most common form of color blindness. Mark
Zuckerberg, the creator of the social networking site Facebook, is red-green
color blind. That was said to be the reason why the dominant color of
Facebook is blue; this is the color that is easiest for him to see.
Communicate with your classmates and share insights on this activity through
the discussion forum.
Due to variation in characteristics that are inherited from the parents, living
things exhibit individual differences. This variation is further influenced by
environmental factors such as climate, diet, accidents, culture and lifestyle.
Is it okay to be different? What good does it bring when one organism varies with
another? Why is genetic variation important?
Find answers to these questions as you read the following articles found in this
Process Questions:
1. Why do populations need to maintain genetic variation?
2. Why is genetic diversity important?
Which do you think is the factor that led to low genetic diversity in the wolf
population? Explain.
What are the consequences of low genetic diversity?
Communicate with your classmates and share insights on this case through the
discussion forum.
The focus question for this lesson is: How are traits inherited?
What are your final answers to this question? Your answers should reflect your
wider understanding of inheritance and variation.
Summarize your answers to the question, and your thoughts and ideas in the
third column (Final) of the IRF Chart. Compare your new ideas with your previous
ideas. When you are finished, click on “Submit.”
End of DEEPEN:
What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What helped you make these connections?
Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.
Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You will be
given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.
E-mail your chosen topic/problem/issue to your teacher. Wait for her feedback or
Once your topic is approved, start investigating about it. For you and your
partner’s output, you should be able to complete this problem-and-solution
outline and submit to your teacher.
Problem Definition
Final Result:
Criteria YES NO
I have a clear idea of what the problem or case is, who are
involved, and why a problem or irregularity exists.
How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the real
world use of the topic?
You have completed this lesson. You may now proceed to the next lesson.
eagle-killed-falling-branch - Endangered Philippine Eagle Killed by Falling Branch
Process Questions:
1. What problem may be brought by the events reported in the news clip?
2. How can this contribute to the extinction crisis?
3. How do you think can species be saved from the threat of extinction?
As you go through this lesson, always consider these focus questions: Why do
species go extinct? How can species be saved from the threat of
Find out how others would answer the above and compare their ideas to your
own. As yougo through the succeeding activities, you will find out if your ideas
are correct. You will also learn other concepts which will equip you as you
complete the transfer task found at the end of this lesson. The task is to create
a multimedia presentation that shows relevant information and data you
gathered about extinction, as well as some recommendations.
Your goal in this section is to learn and understand the different causes of
species extinction, both natural and anthropogenic.
Complete the first two columns (GOALS Columns) of this learning log to keep
you guided as you accomplish your goals:
Identify the
factors that
affect the
survival of
extinction to
the failure of
to adapt to
changes in
You have just finished studying heredity and variation in the previous lesson.
Find out how genetics can be one of the factors that influence biodiversity by
studying the different levels of biodiversity.
Do you know how rich Philippine biodiversity is? Check out this page to have an
mid=205 – Philippine Biodiversity: Status and Threats
Exercise 5.
Attribute 2:
Attribute 3:
Process Questions:
1. Why is biodiversity important?
2. Why are some species better than others at adapting to environmental
3. What happens if the biodiversity in an area is threatened?
In the previous activity, you learned about the importance of biodiversity at all
three levels and you thought about the possible consequences if the biodiversity
is threatened.
When we lose a species due to extinction, this event will definitely affect the
biodiversity at all levels (genetic, species, and ecosystem). However, it was also
long established that extinction is a natural event, maybe even a routine in
geological perspective. Most species that have ever lived have gone extinct.
What’s alarming is that currently, research says that species are lost at a rate
that is never before observed in Earth’s history. This accelerated rate of
extinction is said to be anthropogenic or caused by humans.
According to the Center for Biological Diversity, extinction as a natural
phenomenon occurs at a natural “background” rate of about 1 to 5 species per
year. Scientists estimate that we’re now losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times
the background rate, with literally dozens going extinct everyday. (Visit
on_crisis/ for more details about the extinction crisis.)
Learn about the natural and anthropogenic causes of extinction by exploring the
following sites:
http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/species_extinction_05_2007.pdf - Species
Extinction - The Facts
Process Questions:
1. What are the natural causes of extinction?
2. What are the anthropogenic causes of extinction?
sity/extinction_crisis/ - The Extinction Crisis
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/03/2/l_032_04.html - The Current
Mass Extinction
http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/biodiversity/biodiversity/ - How many
species are we losing?
Process Question: Describe the rate at which we are currently losing species.
How did we get to such rate?
Process Questions:
1. What are the effects of climate change to the environment? to living things?
2. Why is climate change said to be driving the current mass extinction?
3. Can species easily adapt to climate change? Support your answer with data
from the readings.
environment-animals-science-endangered-species/ - 20,000 Species Are
Near Extinction: Is it Time to Rethink How We Decide Which to Save?
Process Questions:
1. In general, why do species go extinct?
2. Why does extinction matter?
3. Can we prevent extinction? Explain.
How do you think are you doing so far? Feel free to email your questions and
concerns to the teacher.
Upload your chart and your generalization to your OHSP account and compare
with your classmates. Share insights through the discussion forum.
Exercise 6.
Smaller sea ice season means less time for polar bears to hunt
The effects of reductions in sea ice extent and thickness, shorter periods of
maximum ice extent, as well as changes in sea ice dynamics and structure, may
vary in different areas of the Arctic, but all have the potential to negatively
influence the condition and reproductive success of polar bears and their prey.
The time bears have on the ice is their best season – hunting seals and fish is
easy, and they restore their body fat and fitness. But this crucial time for storing
up energy for the warm season is becoming dangerously limited.
As the periods without food lengthen, the overall body condition of polar bears
decline. This is particularly serious for bears that are pregnant, or nursing young,
and for the cubs themselves.
Make an estimate of the polar bears’ chances of survival. Show it graphically by
putting a mark in the given continuum with extinction on the far left and survival
on the far right.
Extinction Survival
Consider again these focus questions: Why do species go extinct? How can
species be saved from the threat of extinction?
In this section, the discussion was about the natural and anthropogenic causes
of extinction.
Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with the
discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion? Which
ideas are different and need revision? What new learning goal should you now
try to achieve? Go back to your learning log and do self-monitoring of your
accomplishment of the listed goals.
Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by
moving on to the next section.
The mass extinctions recorded in history have occurred before the species of
humans existed. It is almost impossible for scientists to observe every species
in every habitat and monitor their extinction rates. Still, we are able to get
accurate information about species extinction all around the world.
Part I:
Read the following article:
For example, many birds were eaten by the Dutch sailors who discovered them.
However, the two most influential factors in terms of the Dodo birds’ extinction
were the destruction of the forest (which cut off the Dodo’s food supply), and the
animals that the sailors brought with them, including cats, rats, and pigs. These
animals destroyed Dodo nests.
Process Question:
1. What are the reasons why the dodo went extinct?
Identify the sequence of events that led to the extinction of the dodo bird.
Summarize your answers through a flow diagram or sequence chart:
Add shapes and levels to the chart if you need to add more information.
When you have finished the diagram, compare it with this sample extracted
1. Something was thriving in a specific environment.
2. This thing changed over time because of changes in its surroundings. Some
of the changes actually limited it in some ways.
3. Yet another influence came along and cut off what it needed to survive and
destroyed where it used to exist. Because of its limitations, there was no way
it could move to a new place.
4. The thing no longer exists.
The following are some articles/webpages that give information about species
that are reported to be extinct:
extinction/ - Dinosaur Extinction
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/08/070831-baiji-dolphin.html -
"Extinct" River Dolphin Spotted in China
Summarize the different factors and events that led to the extinction events given
in the articles. Use this family tree graphic organizer to show how multiple factors
and events contribute to one outcome: extinction.
Then, extract a general pattern. Write this pattern in the box provided:
General Pattern:
Compare this pattern with the pattern that was formulated from the case of the
dodo bird. Did the cases follow the same pattern? Are there slight differences?
How do these patterns help you understand why species go extinct?
How do you think are you doing so far? Feel free to email your questions and
concerns to the teacher.
For easier visualization of the data you have gathered, put them together by
creating a timeline. Click on this link to find a sample geological timeline of
earth’s history: http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/history_of_the_earth - History of Life
on Earth
Exercise 7.
When you’re done, read the given articles. Answer the corresponding questions.
Article 1:
Climate Change Threatens Genetic Diversity, Future of World's Caribou
1. Discuss the major environmental threats to the caribou.
2. How does climate change affect genetic diversity?
Article 2:
Disease, Not Climate Change, Fueling Frog Declines in the Andes
Article 3:
Evidence of Mass Extinction Associated With Climate Change 375 Million Years
Ago Discovered in Central Asia
1. Discuss the impact of climate change on extinction. Support your discussion
with evidences.
Based from all the articles read, write a commentary on the problem of extinction.
Justify and present evidences. E-mail your written output to your teacher.
This is a very important question that everyone should ask, answer, and take part
See how people from all over the world are trying to solve the crisis:
http://www.haribon.org.ph/ - Official website of Haribon Foundation
extinction-or-conservation.html - De-extinction or nature conservation?
http://www.conservation.org/about/pages/about_us.aspx - Conservation
How about you? What can you contribute to saving species from the threat of
extinction? From the websites provided, choose an activity which you think you
can do in your own community.
Wait for your other classmates to upload theirs. Read at least two other stories
and leave a comment for each.
Consider again these focus questions: Why do species go extinct? How can
species be saved from the threat of extinction?
What are your final answers to these questions? Your answers should reflect
your wider understanding of species extinction.
Summarize your answers to the questions, and your thoughts and ideas in the
third column (Final) of the IRF Chart. When you are finished, click on “Submit.”
End of DEEPEN:
What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new connections
have you made for yourself? What helped you make these connections?
Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do
the tasks in the next section.
Your goal in this section is apply your learning to real life situations. You will be
given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
You’re almost done with the module. Try to summarize everything you learned
through a concept integration map. See sample shown below. Make the
relationship between topic 1 (inheritance) and topic 2 (extinction) evident in your
Use this site, http://www.spicynodes.org/, to create your own concept map. Then
upload your work or email to your teacher.
You are one of the biologists invited to share your research/study on the said
issue. You are to present, through multimedia presentation, a timeline of
extinction events. From these data, draw out patterns, conclusions, and
formulate recommendations in relation to biodiversity and species conservation.
How did you find the performance task? How did the task help you see the real
world use of the topic?
Have a final assessment of your accomplishment of the goals for this lesson
(Assessment of Goals, 3rd column). Then, give this form to your teacher so
he/she can give his/her assessment of you. Finally, summarize what you have
accomplished for this unit by filling up the bottom part of the learning log.
(A) 3. Based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red
List, if a species is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity, or as
a naturalized population (or populations) well outside the past range, the
species is said to be
A. Critically Endangered
B. Endangered
C. Extinct
D. Extinct in the Wild
(A) 4. A man is heterozygous for blood group B. If his wife is heterozygous for
blood group A, what is the probability that their first child will have blood
type AB?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 100%
(A) 5. Anne has a brother who has hemophilia. She is concerned about
whether she will pass this trait to her offspring. If Anne’s husband is not
hemophiliac, is there a chance that Anne will have a son or daughter with
A. No
B. Yes, 25% chance
C. Yes, 50% chance
D. Yes, 100% chance
(A) 7. The rarest member of the bear family, giant pandas live mainly in remote
mountainous regions in central China, where they subsist almost entirely
on bamboo. Despite their exalted status and lack of natural predators,
why are there fewer than 1,600 pandas in the wild now (WWF)?
A. It is hard for pandas to adapt due to their large size.
B. They find it hard to adapt to cold and wet conditions.
C. Bamboo forests are being destroyed at a fast rate.
D. Pandas are very shy and solitary creatures.
(A) 8. Researchers from Illinois had observed that the collapse of the greater
prairie chicken population was mirrored in a reduction in fertility. The
population becomes so small that it may be approaching the extinction
vortex. Given this information, which do you think can improve the
condition of the greater prairie chicken population?
A. Develop their habitat
B. Increase the viability of the eggs
C. Introduce other chicken species
D. Provide more resources
(M) 10. A rooster and a hen both have gray feathers. When mated, they produce
15 chicks, 6 are black and 8 are white. What is the explanation for the
inheritance of these colors in chickens?
(M) 11. A single tree, locked into its inherited genotype, has leaves that vary in
size, shape, and greenness. Identical twins, which are genetic equals,
accumulate phenotypic differences.
What do these say about the inheritance and expression of traits?
A. Many factors, both genetic and environmental, collectively influence
B. Not all genes present in the organism’s genome are expressed in
the phenotype.
C. Traits are determined by the combined action of many different
D. Traits are inherited through varied patterns, both Mendelian and
(M) 12. In the Swedish south coast, a population of snakes has been isolated
from other populations for at least a century. About 35 years ago, the
population declined. There was also high incidence of deformed or
stillborn offspring. In the year 1992, 20 adult males from another
population were brought into the population which by then was reduced
to only 10 males. After enough time had passed for outbred offspring to
reproduce, there was a rapid and dramatic increase in the number of
snakes in the population, and the proportion of stillborn offspring fell.
Prior to the addition of the 20 adult males, what had happened to the
snake population that contributed to its decline?
A. The climatic conditions changed.
B. There was absence of prey.
C. There was great habitat destruction.
D. There was low genetic variation.
(M) 13. A researcher discovered that many vertebrate species ranging from
mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians, adapt to different climates at a
rate of only 1 degree Celsius per million years. The problem is that
scientists estimate that global temperatures are going to increase by
about 4 degrees Celsius by 2100.
(M) 14. Few of us have crossed paths with a real, live endangered species
today, one that is teetering on the brink of extinction. So, does it really
matter if an animal goes extinct when we can still watch it on television or
look it up on the internet?
(T) 15. Conservation International, in their article entitled “How do we set our
clock?” presented an estimate of the number of species that will face
extinction between 2000 and 2050.
If you are to share the data to a group of students, which of the following
is the best way to present?
A. Through a graph
B. Through a research
C. Through a timeline
D. Through a video
These are the data you gathered from independent studies about habitat
destruction and climate change (www.conservation.org):
• Some 5% to 50% of species are predicted to face extinction due to
habitat destruction alone between 2000 and 2050
• About 15% to 37% of species may face extinction between 2000
and 2050 due to climate change effects
(T) 17. Refer to the following data about the five worst mass extinctions in
(T) 18. When it comes to preserving biodiversity, we can say that there now
emerges two “schools of thought”: conservation biology and revival
biology. The former focuses on preventing extinction by land
conservation, restoration and enhancement of natural habitats. The latter
gives priority on de-extinction or bringing back extinct organisms by
cloning, selective breeding, or other applicable genetic procedures.
(T) 19. Below is a graph from the Forest Management Bureau that compares the
deforestation and reforestation rates in the Philippines from 1976-2005:
(T) 20. A forum about the current extinction crisis is to be held in the Philippines.
You are one of the biologists invited to share your research/study on the
said issue. You are to present, through multimedia presentation, a
timeline of extinction events. From these data, you will draw out patterns,
conclusions, and formulate recommendations in relation to biodiversity
and species conservation. If the forum will be attended by government
leaders and fellow scientists, you have to make sure that your
presentation has which of the following set of qualities?
A. Accurate data and powerful graphics
B. Accurate data and sound conclusions and recommendations
C. Feasible recommendations and long discussions
D. High quality information and interesting animations
codominance The situation in which the phenotypes of both alleles are exhibited
in the heterozygote because both alleles affect the phenotype in separate,
distinguishable ways
evolution Descent with modification; the idea that living species are descendants
of ancestral species that were different from the present-day ones; change in the
genetic composition of a population from generation to generation
extinction The state or situation that results when a species died out completely
or no longer exists
lianInheritance.swf - Mendelian Inheritance
- Mendel’s Experiments Animation
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/how-cells-divide.html - Interactive
Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
orks.html - Animation of Meiosis
164 - Developing the Chromosome Theory
variation/chromosome-theory-inheritance.php - Chromosome Theory of
http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/chromosomes/intro/ - What is a
http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/asset/tdc02_int_hglandmarks/ - Chromosome
http://www.biologycorner.com/bio2/genetics/notes_incomplete_dominance.html -
Incomplete Dominance and Codominance
c – Practice: Codominance and Incomplete Dominance
http://evolution.about.com/od/Evolution-Glossary/g/Multiple-Alleles.htm - Multiple
_classification/revision/3/ - Continuous and Discontinuous Variation
_classification/revision/4/ - Inherited and Environmental
nt.doc – Non-Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems
ml - the Blood Typing Game
http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/chromosomes/typesx/ - X chromosome
http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/chromosomes/typesy/ - Y chromosome
http://www.learnerstv.com/animation/animation.php?ani=9&cat=Biology –
Specialized chromosomes determine gender
eritance/01Q.html - Practice problems about sex-linked inheritance
http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/inheritance/riskassessment - If a genetic
disorder runs in my family, what are the chances that my children will have the
eagle-killed-falling-branch - Endangered Philippine Eagle Killed by Falling Branch
mid=205 – Philippine Biodiversity: Status and Threats
http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/species_extinction_05_2007.pdf - Species
Extinction - The Facts
extinction_crisis/ - The Extinction Crisis
tween_ancient_mass_extinction_and_climate_change_partner/ - "Shocking
parallels between ancient mass extinction and climate change"
s+May+Not+be+Able+to+Adapt/article31936.htm - Evolution Losing Race with
Climate Change, Species may not be able to adapt
environment-animals-science-endangered-species/ - 20,000 Species Are Near
Extinction: Is it Time to Rethink How We Decide Which to Save?
http://news.discovery.com/earth/videos/global-warming-videos.htm - DNews
Global Warming Videos
study-finds - Disease, Not Climate Change, Fueling Frog Declines in the Andes