1 s2.0 S0950061820328518 Main
1 s2.0 S0950061820328518 Main
1 s2.0 S0950061820328518 Main
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper explored the usage of Processed Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (PSCBA) as various proportions in
Received 18 May 2020 cement mortar. Partial replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement by PSCBA leads to reduction in green-
Received in revised form 9 August 2020 house gas emission, prevention of natural resource utilization and less energy consumption apart from
Accepted 6 September 2020
enhanced cement properties. Mechanical and fracture properties of control cement mortar (1:3, 1:4
Available online 20 September 2020
and 1:5) and PSCBA incorporated cement mortar (1:3, 1:4 and 1:5) with varying amounts of PSCBA have
been evaluated. From experimental results, it is observed that mechanical and fracture properties of
cement mortar with 10% replacement of OPC by PSCBA shows enhanced properties and they are com-
Processed sugar cane bagasse ash
Mechanical and fracture properties
pared with other mixes. Increase in calcium silicate hydrate, decrease in ettringite and calcium hydroxide
Field Emission Scanning Electron have been observed by FESEM and confirmed with XRD studies. Further, it was observed that the RILEM
Microscope and X Ray Diffraction work of fracture with tail correction and boundary effect method resulted in nearly same size-
Tail correction and boundary effect method independent fracture energy irrespective of the notch to depth ratio of same specimen.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abbreviations: OPC, Ordinary Portland Cement; CO2, Carbon di Oxide; SCBA, Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash; PSCBA, Processed Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash; CSH, Calcium Silicate
Hydrate; SCM, Supplementary Cementitious Materials; FESEM, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope; XRD, X Ray Diffraction Spectroscopy; ‘A’ series, blended cement
to sand ratio as 1:3; ‘B’ series, blended cement to sand ratio as 1:4; ‘C’ series, blended cement to sand ratio as 1:5; CTM, Compression Testing Machine; UTM, Universal Testing
Machine; W/B, Water Binder Ratio; fcmk, Cube Compressive Strength (MPa); fsmk, Split Tensile Strength (MPa); Gf, specific fracture energy or size dependent fracture energy
(N/m); GF, true or size independent specific fracture energy (N/m); W, total depth of the beam (mm); P, Ultimate Load (N); D, Overall depth of beam (mm); a, initial notch
depth (mm); a*l, transition ligament length; CH, Calcium Hydroxide; AB, Alite & Belite; E, Ettringite.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jaga.86@gmail.com (P. Jagadesh).
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
to the volume of grounding mill is fixed as 1:5 and the laboratory Mould has top diameter of 70 mm and bottom diameter of
ball mill rotating at a speed of 300 rpm. Then the grounded ash is 100 mm is kept on flow table [48]. PSCBA blended cement, fine
burned in muffle furnace at 400 °C for four hours. The raw SCBA aggregate and water content are mixed without any air entrap-
was grounded and reburned to decrease its particle sizes till 85% ment and combined mix should be placed immediately placed on
of the SCBA particles are passing through sieve size 40 lm to mould kept above the flow table in three layers with adequate
obtain Processed SCBA (PSCBA). Similar process is observed in lit- compaction. Water content is added until to achieve standard
erature with grounding and burning time as high [21]. Physical flowability of 110 ± 5 mm [49]. W/B ratio is determined by average
and chemical properties of OPC and PSCBA are tabulated in Table 1. of ten specimens for every replacement. Similarly, the W/B ratio
Fine aggregate used for mortar is of size between 150 mm and 850 are found for various replacement of PSCBA for OPC and for various
mm having specific gravity of 2.723 [46] with water absorption of fine aggregate content.
2.042% [46] and fineness modulus as 4.508 [47] is used in this
investigation. 2.3.2. Strength test
Water content attained from flow test [48,49] was used to cast
2.2. Mix proportions cube specimen of size 70.7 70.7 70.7 mm. Casted cubes were
tested in Servo Controlled Compression Testing Machine (CTM) at
Three groups of mixes are named as ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ with blended 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days to determine cube compressive
cements: sand ratio as 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 is tabulated in Table 2. In strength (fcmk) in accordance with IS 4031 (Part-6): 2005 [50].
order to study the effect of PSCBA on the mortars, two possible In order to determine the fcmk for each mix, average of ten fcmk
researches are done in the mortar. First, the replacement of OPC tested at respective curing periods are considered. The density
by PSCBA from 5% to 30%. Second, by varying the proportion of of PSCBA blended mortar cubes was determined as average of
PSCBA blended cement to the fine aggregate ratios. ten specimens for fresh, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days. Water content
obtained from flow test [48,49] was used to cast cylinder speci-
2.3. Methods mens (75 mm diameter and 150 mm height). Casted cylinders
were tested in Universal Testing Machine (UTM) at 7, 14, 28, 56
2.3.1. Flow test and 112 days to determine split tensile strength (fsmk) in accor-
Flow test apparatus consists of flow table of 250 mm diameter dance with IS 5816:2004 [51]. In order to determine the fsmk
(markings on centre and in 120 mm diameter) with a mould. for each mix, average of ten fsmk tested at respective periods
are considered.
Gf ða; W Þ ¼ 0
W a : GF 2ð1a=W Þ
; 1 a=W 6 al =W ;
2a =W l
where, Gf is the specific fracture energy or size dependent fracture
energy (RILEM), GF is the true or size independent specific fracture
energy, W is the total depth of the beam, a is the initial notch depth
and a*l is the transition ligament length.
To obtain the values of GF and a*l of a concrete mix, the follow-
ing procedure is to be adopted.
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
were coated with gold using a sputter coater for 30 s and were W/B ratio is increased from 0.670 to 0.738 for 1:3 ratio, for 1:4
placed on the carbon tape held in the sample loading assembly. ratio W/B ratio increased from 0.700 to 0.807 and for 1:5 ratio W/B
The micrographs were obtained from the FESEM, ZEISS EVO18 to ratio increased from 0.731 to 0.870. Water requirement increases
know the surface structure, morphology and size of the precipi- with increase in replacement percentage of OPC and increase in
tates in tested sample. sand content is observed from Fig. 4. Water requirement increases
The tested samples were powdered and grounded in ball mill. with increase in partial replacement percentage of OPC is due to
The particles passing through 90 mm sieves were taken for further existence of unburnt carbon particles in larger quantity
studies. Powder specimens are kept in oven at 110 °C for 24 h to [20,23,60]. Water content required for SCBA blended mortar is
stop the hydration reaction by eliminating water molecules in it higher compared to control mortar is already observed by several
[57]. Then the samples were stored in sealed containers with silica researchers [21,61]. Variety of shapes and sizes of PSCBA particles
gel to prevent rehydration reaction. XRD involves the identification [23] in PSCBA blended mortar can decrease the mortar flow due to
of mortar mineralogical crystal composition in powdered mortar resistance between these particles and with other particles. Due to
samples which was carried out with a Bruker D2-Phaser XRD- hydrophilic nature of PSCBA particles, water first reacts with
diffractometer, Germany that uses monochromatic Cu-Ka1 radia- PSCBA particles before it reacts with OPC particles [61]. Irregular
tion at 30 kV and 10 mA over the specimens. The samples were form with spongy surface is observed in micro structure of PSCBA
scanned in the range of 10–80° (2h) (Braggs angle) at the rate of particles [19,23] which will trap lot of water inside it, result in
1.5°/min. increase in requirement of water. To achieve same workability
for all mixes, increase in water content with increase in PSCBA con-
tent [61] is required due to fine particle size of PSCBA particles
3. Results and discussion
Density drops down to 2176 kg/m3 for B7 mix for 7 days curing
period. Increase in the density for B3 and B6 mix are 2378 and
2268 kg/m3 for curing period of 112 days. For series ‘C’ mortar,
the density decreased than series ‘A’ and ‘B’ mortar. For 1:5 propor-
tion, control mix density is 2245 kg/m3, density increase up-to C3
mix as 2251 kg/m3 and decrease to 2114 kg/m3 for C7 mix for
7 days curing period. For curing period of 112 days, the density
of C3 and C7 mixes increased to 2339 and 2199 kg/m3 respectively.
Increase in density (already increased) with increase in curing per-
iod, is due to PSCBA fine particles [27] existing in the pores react
with water to form secondary CSH [10,20] gradually and seals
the pore, thus increased the density of mortar [63].
With increase in curing period, the decrease in density (already
decreased) is due to the increase in PSCBA quantity will increase
the water need of mix, the surplus water present in the pores
[23] and later on it evaporates producing pores, leads to decrease Fig. 6. cube compressive strength of PSCBA blended mortar.
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
A4 mix exhibits higher strength than the A1 mix but A3 mix exhib-
ited optimum strength [10,20,28,61]. There are two reasons for the
increase of fcmk, similar to that of mortar density. First, it is due to
increase in density due to formation of secondary CSH [28] and cal-
cium aluminum silicate hydrate (CASH) as confirmed by FESEM
(Fig. 9) and finer PSCBA particles fills the finer pores [26] formed
during pozzolanic reaction results in increase in density further
[10,20]. Second, it can be reduction in CH [10,19,66] lead to lesser
porous nature as confirmed by XRD and FESEM image (Figs. 10 and
9). SAI of PSCBA blended mortar for ‘A’ mix is found to high i.e., in
the range of 73.5 to 108.1 for 7 days curing period and it is
increased to the range of 76.4 to 113.0 for 112 days of curing per-
iod. Series ‘B’ and ‘C’ mixes have SAI in the range of 70 to 107.5 and
67.9 to 106.6 for 7 days curing period and it is increased to the
range of 74 to 111.7 and 72.7 to 110.9 for 112 days curing period
respectively. From Fig. 6(a)–(c) it can be noted that the optimum
replacement of OPC by PSCBA is 10% (A3, B3 and C3 mix) and the
results are comparable with the literature [24,67]. In the presence
of CH, the solubility of SiO2 increases [68]. As the cement hydration
progresses, larger quantities of SiO2 are released from PSCBA into
matrix [61] which in turn reacts with CH [10,19] to form secondary
CSH result in denser nature of mortar [10,20] as confirmed by
FESEM image (Fig. 9).
There is gradual increase in denser nature of PSCBA blended
mortar is observed in FESEM image from Fig. 9(a) to (c) due to
increase in SiO2, which is confirmed by XRD (Fig. 10), where the
density difference is noted in difference in peak. Once, the maxi-
mum amount of CH is utilized in pozzolanic reaction [10,16,19],
after that reaction will not take place, results in strength decrease
[67]. This is one of the reasons for decrease in fcmk, for the cases
more than 15% of OPC by PSCBA. Another reason is decrease in for-
mation of CH itself due to less amount of OPC available. The
increase in sand content result in decrease in strength due to
non-availability of enough quantity of lime to react. Increase in
sand quantity, decrease the presence of binder composition is also
a reason for decrease in strength [58].
Trend in fsmk similar to fcmk is observed from Fig. 7(a)–(c) for all
three series. Initially, with irrespective nature of sand quantity, fsmk
increases with partial replacement of OPC by PSCBA up-to 15%
than control mortar and after that fsmk decreases. Based on fsmk,
optimum mix in ‘A’ series is A3 mix, having strength as 1.45,
1.756, 2.073, 2.492 and 3.245 MPa for 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days
curing period respectively. Similarly, the optimum mix in ‘B’ series
is B3 mix, and fsmk is 1.218, 1.504, 1.778, 2.129 and 2.758 MPa for Fig. 7. Split tensile strength for PSCBA blended mortar.
7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days curing period respectively. And, the opti-
mum mix in ‘C’ series is C3 mix and fsmk is 0.929, 1.158,1.388, 1.643 and improves the structural stability of ITZ, results in increased
and 2.070 MPa for 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days curing period respec- in strength [70] than control mortar.
tively. With irrespective of sand replacement, the optimum Decrease in split tensile strength can be justified by following
replacement for OPC by PSCBA is 10% i.e., A3, B3 and C3 mixes statements: (1) Due to non-availability of enough amount CH for
are optimum based on fsmk. formation of secondary CSH gel as a result of pozzolanic reaction
Increase in fsmk is attributed by following reasons. (1) The [10,20]. However, secondary CSH gel formed makes the mortar
increase in fineness of binder will result in increased strength denser than control mortar. (2) Replacement of more amount
[25,27] either due to enhanced filling of pores [24,26] or increased cement content result in lesser formation of hydration products
CSH [63]. The bond of CSH (Fig. 10(c)) contributes to the increase in [61] i.e., lesser amount of CH formation [24,28]. (3) More amount
density when more amount of CSH is formed. (2) In the literature, of PSCBA in binding system result in more availability of unreacted
it is also mentioned that the micro fibres presented in PSCBA par- PSCBA particles leads formation of more weak zones [28]. (4).
ticles are responsible for increase in the strength [23]. Increase in Increasing the content of PSCBA result in increasing in water con-
curing period, result in increase in fsmk, regardless of sand quantity tent [23], which leads to formation of more number of pores. Par-
due to more formation of secondary CSH result in more interlock- tial replacement above 15% of OPC by PSCBA, result in strength
ing network with less amount of CH [69]. The fsmk for A4, B4 and C4 decrease due to fact that the PSCBA amount present in the mix is
mixes is higher than control mortar but it is less than A3, B3 and C3 higher than the amount required to combine with the liberated
mixes. This is due to decrease in CSH formation and filler effect CH during hydration process leading to excess silica leaching out
[26]. The filler effect only fills the pores in cement matrix [24,26] [71] and causing decrease in strength.
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
1400 SB1
1200 1200
Load (N)
Load (N)
800 800
600 600
400 400 SB5
200 200 SB6
0 0
0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 SB7
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
(a) Load displacement curve for notch depth = (b) Load displacement curve for notch depth =
0.1 beam depth for ‘A’ series mortar 0.1 beam depth for ‘B’ series mortar
1600 1000
1400 SC1 900 LA1
1200 800
SC2 700 LA2
Load (N)
Load (N)
SC3 600 LA3
800 500
600 SC4 LA4
400 SC5 300 LA5
200 SC6 LA6
0 SC7 0 LA7
0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 0 0.055 0.11 0.165 0.22
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
(c) Load displacement curve for notch depth = (d) Load displacement curve for notch depth =
0.1 beam depth for ‘C’ series mortar 0.5 beam depth for ‘A’ series mortar
1000 1000
900 LB1 900 LC1
800 800
700 LB2 700 LC2
Load (N)
Load (N)
(e) Load displacement curve for notch depth = (f) Load displacement curve for notch depth =
0.5 beam depth for ‘B’ series mortar 0.5 beam depth for ‘C’ series mortar
Fig. 8. Load displacement for PSCBA blended mortar with notch depth = 0.1 beam depth and 0.5 beam depth.
3.5. Fracture energy shifts left and downwards thereby becoming steeper slope and
reduce the area under load displacement curve result in lesser
Load displacement curve for three series of mortar is shown in GF. Overall, on comparison of two group of specimens, it is
Fig. 8. Load displacement curve for notch depth = 0.1 beam depth observed that the displacement at ultimate load was increased
for three series of mortar is depicted in Fig. 8(a)–(c) having larger than control specimen with increase in partial replacement level
displacement value. With increase in sand content, the ultimate of OPC by PSCBA up-to 15%. This implies that the incorporation
load capacity of specimen also gets reduced. Up-to 10% of partial of PSCBA made the specimen as ductile. Besides it was noticed that
replacement of OPC by PSCBA the load displacement curve shifts partial replacement of OPC by PSCBA up-to 15%, increased the ulti-
right side of control mortar thus making slope of curve as lesser. mate load but decreased the displacement making the specimen as
On further replacement of OPC by PSCBA the load displacement brittle nature.
curve shifts left and become much steeper thereby reducing the GF of control mortar in three mixes, i.e., SA1, SB1 and SC1 is
area under load displacement curve. This result in lesser fracture 178.489 N/m, 144.360 N/m and 112.360 N/m. Similarly, for LA1,
energy for higher replacement level of OPC by PSCBA. Smaller dis- LB1 and LC1, GF value is 117.689 N/m, 100.800 N/m and
placement value with lesser load for the notch depth equal to 0.5 89.780 N/m. Djaknoun & Ouedraogo [72] found that the fracture
beam depth for three series of PSCBA blended mortar from load energy for mortar as 130 N/m for notch to depth ratio as 0.4, tested
is observed displacement curve is shown in Fig. 8(d)–(f). Similar at room temperature. Menou et al. [73], observed that the fracture
results are observed in literatures with addition of SCM’s result energy for the mortar as 110 N/m for notch to depth ratio as 0.2,
in increase in area under load displacement curve up-to certain tested at room temperature. Yu et al. [32], casted mortar specimen
limit [32]. of size 160 40 40 mm with span of support as 100 m, for mor-
Up-to 10% of partial replacement of OPC by PSCBA, the load dis- tar mix of cement to fly ash as 0.5, sand to cement ratio as 2, water
placement curve shifts upwards with slighter change in slope there to binder ratio as 0.4, notch to depth ratio as 0.325 and obtained
by increasing the area under load displacement curve. But on fur- compressive strength as 30 MPa at 28 days curing period, fracture
ther increase in replacement level, the load displacement curve energy as 87.3 N/m at 28 days curing period. Ding et al. [9],
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
reported that fracture energy of mortar as 100.9 N/m for 28 days the fracture load [74]. GF for SA4, SB4 and SC4 as 201.250 N/m,
curing period having compressive strength of 30 MPa for his mix 158.934 N/m and 125.520 N/m. The increase in GF for SA5, SB5
and experimental procedures (sand to cement ratio as 2, water to and SC5 is slightly higher than control mortar is observed. GF for
binder ratio as 0.5, 515 100 100 mm with span to depth ratio 25% and 30% replacement of OPC by PSCBA is found to lower than
as 4, notch to depth ratio as 0.4). control concrete. Cracks propagate through the three ways in mor-
With increase of sand content in mortar, the GF values are found tar viz., (1) Interface of cement paste and aggregate (2) Interparti-
to decrease, due to decrease in strength of mix [49]. Further, cle minor cracks in aggregates [75] (3) cement paste. The interface
increase in replacement of OPC by PSCBA (Mixes SA3, SB3 and between aggregate and cement paste matrix is good for the mix A3,
SC3), the behaviour of the mixes changed to less stiff. The highest B3 and C3 (Fig. 9(c), (e) and (f)) result in better mechanical
GF is observed for SA3, SB3 and SC3 as 223.650 N/m, 174.223 N/m properties.
and 141.870 N/m respectively. Optimum percentage of replace- Increase in PSCBA content up to 10%, stiffness increased which
ment of OPC by PSCBA is observed as 10% for all the three series in turn, GF increased. This is due to formation of CSH results (Con-
of mortar. However, 15% replacement of OPC by PCSBA also shows firmed by XRD results in Fig. 10) in less pores and also pores in sys-
higher GF than control mortar. tem was filled by finer particle [24,26] (Confirmed by FESEM in
On further increase in replacement of OPC by PSCBA, the slope Fig. 9), thereby increase the density and stiffness of material as
of curve becomes less stiffer results in decrease in GF. Accordingly, high. Increase in density with addition of SCM’s result in higher
there is decrease in GF is observed. Similarly, for higher usage of GF is observed by previous researchers [32]. After 10% replacement
SCM’s there is decrease in GF is observed in literatures [74]. Higher level, the stiffness decreases i.e., the slope increases with increase
amount of SCBA which makes mortar as more brittle and reduce in replacement of OPC due to non-availability of lime for further
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
pozzolanic reaction or presence of excess amount of PSCBA. With week links in paste matrix which results in initial crack formation
increase in partial replacement of OPC by PSCBA, increase in water leads to decreases the fracture energy. When W/B ratio exceeds,
content is observed for all three series of mortar (Fig. 4). certain limit there is decrease in GF is observed. Similar to the
Excess water introduced in mortar to keep the flow value con- effect of water content on GF of PSCBA blended mortar, there is
stant; therefore, residual water evaporates and creates pores or effect of water content on GF for SCM’s like fly ash and ground
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
granular blast furnace slag is observed in literature [43]. For SB4, energy for P– d tail correction and BEM method is observed. Per-
SB5, SB6 and SB7 mortars, decrease in GF is observed, i.e., 91.22%, centage of difference between P-d method and boundary effect
81.63%, 71.02% and 62.94% compared to SB3 mortar mix was method with respect to boundary effect method for series ‘A’,
observed. Mortar mixes of SC4, SC5, SC6 and SC7 shows decrease ‘B’ and ‘C’ are in the range of 0.28% to 4.82%, 2.25% to 6.57%
in GF as 88.44%, 76.42%, 63.01% and 51.49% when compared to and 3.56% to 8.68%. Percentage of difference between P-d method
SC3 mortar was observed. and boundary effect method with respect to boundary effect
Higher replacement levels are less resistant to fatigue crack method is found to be less than 10% which is similar to the
growth is observed in both groups of specimens. Presence of more results found by previous researchers [79]. Similar to result in
amount of PSCBA content results in lesser formation of gel. Hence, Table 3, with increase in notch to depth ratio of specimen result
there is less amount of gel is available to bond around PSCBA par- in decrease of size independent fracture energy is observed by
ticles. Bond between gel and PSCBA particles are poor and effi- Sagar & Prasad., 2010 [79,80].
ciently acting as flaws that are now large when compared to From the studies, it was observed that the fracture energy cal-
other flaws in the matrix [76]. Table 3 shows the GF for two groups culated by P– d method was lower than that boundary effect
of PSCBA blended mortar. The stiffness values were also decreased method. Similar results were reported by several investigators
with increase in sand content in system was observed. When [33,40,79]. Higher value of fracture energy calculated by boundary
aggregate content more, cement paste content is reduced result effect method is due to the conversion of size dependent fracture
in lower aggregate interlock forming a week link during crack energy to size independent fracture energy assuming distribution
propagation [75]. And also, the cracks have a tendency to pass which is bilinear stating that the fracture energy varies at the
through the non-hydrated cement particles rather than crossing end due to effect of stress-free back boundary of the components
hydrated particles [77]. This is main reason for decrease in GF with is realized in the FPZ ahead of a real growing crack [81]. However,
increase in sand content in mortar mix, which is confirmed by XRD the size independent fracture value calculated by both methods are
and FESEM as less formation of CSH. near same. Hence, it can be concluded that to find size independent
fracture energy either of method can be employed. Both methods
3.6. Size independent fracture energy by RILEM work-of-fracture with apply some corrections to the final part of the P– d diagram in
P– d tail correction and boundary effect method the work of fracture test [79,81].
Ratio of size dependent fracture energy to size independent
The size independent fracture energy has been obtained by fracture energy depends on the shape of the softening curve
using Eq. (1) is tabulated in Table 3. In the present calculations, and the size of specimen [82]. Ratio of GF to Gf calculated by P-
the tail region of P– d curve was assumed to vary linearly from P’ d tail correction lies in the range of 1.50 to 1.63 for A series mor-
to zero load and d was computed using the know slope of the P– tar, 1.40 to 1.45 for B series mortar and 1.23 to 1.41 for C series
d at du from the recorded reading of load displacement curve. Aver- mortar. Whereas ratio of GF to Gf calculated by boundary effect
age of size independent fracture energy for the 0.1D notch depth method lies in the range of 1.55 to 1.70 for A series mortar,
and 0.5D notch depth specimen of PSCBA blended mortar is tabu- 1.40 to 1.53 for B series mortar and 1.33 to 1.47 for C series mor-
lated in Table 3. Decrease in size independent energy with increase tar. Increase in sand content result in decrease in the ratio is
in sand content is observed from Table 3 due to drop out of aggre- observed. Most of the researchers observed that the ratio is lies
gates [78]. As result of lesser binder content in binding matrix with in the range of 2.25 to 3.5 for concrete with respect to different
increase in sand content result in drop out of aggregates. Increase types of strength [83–88]. However, Rhee et al. [89] calculated
in sand content result in decrease in plastic fracture behaviour of the GF/Gf ratio for mortar as 1.94 which was less than typical
mortar [78]. value for concrete. In present study, average GF/Gf ratio for A
Size independent fracture energy by BEM using Eq. (2) is tab- series mortar is 1.59, B series mortar it is 1.48 and for C series
ulated in Table 3. Similar results in size independent fracture mortar it is 1.33.
Table 3
Fracture energy of PSCBA blended mortar.
Mix ID Fracture Energy (GF) N/m Size independent fracture energy (Gf) (N/m)
Group ‘S’ Group ‘L’ P – d tail correction (Average) Boundary effect
A1 178.489 117.689 240.54 252.12
A2 199.120 131.920 264.54 276.87
A3 223.650 147.920 286.65 287.43
A4 201.250 133.690 268.43 278.76
A5 180.270 120.890 238.97 247.65
A6 162.850 108.270 201.43 209.43
A7 145.430 97.780 181.98 188.44
B1 144.360 100.800 175.23 182.76
B2 158.580 108.090 193.76 203.43
B3 174.223 116.978 238.65 249.43
B4 158.934 111.823 190.32 199.76
B5 142.223 103.467 168.43 172.21
B6 123.734 95.289 154.21 159.23
B7 109.867 87.823 138.25 147.32
C1 112.360 89.780 142.87 148.54
C2 126.760 119.470 157.76 166.43
C3 141.870 150.050 182.65 193.76
C4 125.520 125.160 162.65 168.43
C5 108.450 112.720 139.42 147.32
C6 89.430 97.070 118.54 126.43
C7 73.070 88.000 98.75 107.32
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
3.7. Microscopic studies on PSCBA tested samples A3 mix (Fig. 10(c)) when compared to all other series. The reduc-
tion CH with increase in replacement is also observed and it is con-
To understand the effect of PSCBA as partial replacement and firmed by FESEM. The formation of E as result of hydration reaction
increase in sand quantity on mechanical characteristics, the FESEM is also observed. The intensity of E decreases with increase in
studies were carried out in two steps. First, FESEM analysis was PSCBA content is observed. E values decreases with increase in
carried out for the samples with higher compressive strength in PSCBA content on all three mixes were observed but decrease in
their respective groups (A3, B3 and C3) in order to understand E value is more for Fig. 10(c) is observed than Fig. 10(i) and (f).
the morphological changes with respect to sand quantity. Second, The reason for enhanced mechanical properties is due to morpho-
FESEM analysis was also extended to study the group which has logical and chemical characteristics as discussed above are con-
higher strength characteristics with partial replacement of OPC firmed by FESEM and XRD.
by PSCBA as 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% (A1, A2, A3 and A4) in order to Intensity counts of CSH is increased from A1 to A3 mix is
understand the morphological behavior with respect to PSCBA observed from Fig. 10(a) to (c), the increase in CSH is obtained as
quantity. Fig. 9(a) depict the morphological characteristics of OPC a result of pozzolanic reaction between PSCBA and calcium
mortar without any addition of PSCBA. Propagation of crack in hydroxide from hydration reaction [10,20]. Intensity of alite and
cement paste and aggregate interface is observed. 5% of PSCBA belite (AB) decreases from A1 to A3 mix is observed in Fig. 10
blended mortar shows presence of PSCBA (Fig. 9(b)) as filler [26] (a)–(c) is due to with increase in replacement of OPC by PSCBA,
in cement matrix. alite and belite content are reduced. For A3 mix, complete hydra-
Adequate quantity of PSCBA is responsible for formation of flaky tion reaction of alite and belite, which result in increase of CSH
CSH due to pozzolanic reaction [19,24] in 10% replacement of OPC [91,92] further. Intensity of calcium hydroxide (CH) is decreased
by PSCBA is observed in Fig. 9(c). Even though some micro pores from A1 to A3 mix is observed in Fig. 10(a)–(c) is due to active form
are available on surface morphology, which was filled by PSCBA of alumina or silica present in fine grained PSCBA when introduced
particles (unreacted) are observed. The denser matrixes of CSH into cement mixture can react with CH which is formed during
(Confirmed by XRD in Fig. 10) exhibits fine layer networks is cement hydration [91]. As a result, additional amount of CSH and
observed are contributing to density. PSCBA particles surrounded CASH phases are formed while CH is reduced [93]. Intensity counts
by cement matrix are clearly observed from Fig. 9(d). With increas- of Ettringite (E) is decreased from A1 to A3 mix is observed from
ing PSCBA content in the mortar composition, less amorphous CSH Fig. 10(a)–(c), is due to reduction or even elimination of ettringite
phase is observed and the microstructure becomes more porous is achieved by partial replacement of OPC by finely divided poz-
with more CH crystals (Fig. 9(d)) (confirmed by Fig. 10) are zolan like PSCBA [94]. Pozzolanic reactions leaves very little CH
observed. These two factors are contributing to decrease in to form ettringite has an expansive nature [95] and this process
strength and density with increase in PSCBA content after opti- create micro cracks in the matrix [96].
mum percentage.
Good adhesion between sand particles and cementitious paste 3.8. Comparison of mechanical properties
(Fig. 9(c)) is observed, attributes to higher mechanical properties
of mortar. In case of B3 and C3 mortar, the ITZ becomes week Most of literatures shows the factors like aggregate size, binder
due to presence of large amount of sand particle is observed content, etc., influences the GF. But a limited literature is available
(Fig. 9 (e) & (f)). The needle-shaped particles formation, which is that there is direct relationship exhibit between some of mechan-
mostly crystalline silica, are inevitable since minimum level of ical properties and GF. Compressive strength is a significant param-
crystalline compound is achieved by appropriate processing tech- eter for determining the behavior of structures and many other
niques. Each material will participate in hydration reactions based mechanical properties depend [83]. Hence, it is necessary to estab-
on the particles size [11,25] and microstructure type [23]. lish relationship between basic mechanical property like compres-
It was reported that spherical ash particles were generally alu- sive strength to other mechanical properties for easy evaluation
minosilicates whereas boxed shape particles were silica and during structural design [10]. In ‘A’ group mix, when an increase
fibrous particles were carbon [20,90]. Ettringite (E) exist as long in fcmk about 2.73%, ‘L’ group shows increase in GF as 12.09% and
slender needles, CH is precipitated as hexagonal plates (Fig. 9(e) ‘S’ group shows increase in GF as 11.56% for 5% PSCBA blended
& (f)) as observed for ‘B’ and ‘C’ series of mortar when compared mortar compared to control mortar.
to ‘A’ series (Fig. 9 (c)). The density of particle packing is also found For 10% PSCBA blended mortar compared to control mortar,
to be less for ‘B’ and ‘C’ series which directly reflects in the density increase in fcmk about 6.41%, ‘L’ group shows increase in GF as
of those mortar when compared to ‘A’ series of mortar. To under- 25.61% and ‘S’ group shows increase in GF as 25.31%. Maximum
stand the effect of sand and PSCBA replacement on formation of decrease in fcmk about 15.28%, ‘L’ group shows decrease in GF about
hydration compounds can be studied with help of XRD. In order 16.92% and ‘S’ group shows decrease in GF about 18.52% for 30%
to simplify the XRD studies, PSCBA blended mortar for 0%, 5% PSCBA blended mortar compared to control mortar. With increase
and 10% replacement of OPC by PSCBA for all three series of mortar in sand content decrease in fcmk result in decrease in GF is observed.
were studied. CSH peaks are identified at 21° and 27° (2b), show Increase in fracture energy about 13% and 11% for an increase in
presence of CSH in Fig. 10. The intensity of CSH, alite and belite fcmk about 53% and 29% is observed by Xie et al. [97]. Gettu et al.
(AB) and CH are increased as shown in Fig. 10(a) and (b) and it [98] reported that with an increase in compressive strength about
decreased in Fig. 10(c). Similar trend can be observed for ‘B’ and 160%, fracture energy increases about 12%. Increase in fcmk result in
‘C’ series of mortar in Fig. 10(d) to 10 (i). The reduction in CH con- increase in GF is already observed in literature [75,98,99] and also
tent for 10% replacement of OPC by PSCBA is observed for all three there is an attempt made for developing relationship between frac-
series of mortar. ture energy and fcmk as power relationship [88] and linear relation-
Intensity counts of CSH increase for A2 mix (Fig. 10(b)) com- ship [100]. Hence, the relationship between fracture energy and
pared to A1 mix (Fig. 10(a)). But the maximum intensity for CSH fcmk developed are linear and power relationship. The coefficient
is observed in A3 mix (Fig. 10(c)) and confirmed by FESEM when of determination (R2) value is in the range of 88.78% to 96.98%
compared to all other series (Fig. 10(f) and (i)). Similar trend for for ‘S’ type of specimen and for ‘L’ type of specimen, the R2 value
CSH intensity is observed for ‘B’ and ‘C’ series. The intensity counts is in the range of 52.01% to 89.51% for power relationship.
E decrease for A2 mix (Fig. 10(b)) compared to A1 mix (Fig. 10(a)) is When compared to linear relationship, power relationship
observed. But maximum decrease in intensity counts is observed in holds valid relationship having higher the value of R2 is observed
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
Fig. 11. Relationship between fracture energy and fcmk for PSCBA blended mortar.
in Fig. 11. Similar trend is observed with respect to relationship there is no systematic relationship is established between frac-
between Gf and fcmk for PSCBA blended mortar and also observed ture energy and fcmk is observed by previous literatures
by previous researchers [78,101]. But both relationships are [84,102,103] because the increasing or decreasing in fracture
showing not proper valid relationship with respect to R2 irrespec- energy with increasing or decreasing strength is related to
tive nature of fracture energy. Hence, it can be concluded that aggregate.
P. Jagadesh et al. Construction and Building Materials 262 (2020) 120846
Increase in density results in increase in GF up-to 10% partial CRediT authorship contribution statement
replacement of OPC by PSCBA for three series of mortar is depicted
in Fig. 12. Decrease in density results in decrease in GF on further P. Jagadesh: Methodology, Investigation, Writing - original
increase in partial replacement of OPC by PSCBA for three series draft. A. Ramachandra Murthy: Conceptualization, Validation,
of mortar. Increase in sand quantity, result in decrease in GF and Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing. R. Murugesan:
density. Several authors (Kozlowski et al., 2015 [104], Rahman Supervision.
et al., 2015 [105]) found that the relationship between density
and fracture energy is directly proportion which is confirmed by
Declaration of Competing Interest
present experimental results also.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
4. Conclusion
to influence the work reported in this paper.
PSCBA blended mortar with 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 (blended cement:
sand) enhances the mechanical, fracture and microscopic studies Acknowledgement
compared to control mixes for 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days curing
period. Based on extensive experimental results, following conclu- The help and support provided by the technical staff and non-
sion are drawn technical staff of Structural Engineering Laboratory and Strength
of Materials Laboratory, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coim-
W/B ratio increases with increase in PSCBA content due to batore, Tamil Nadu to carry out the experiments is greatly
microstructural properties of PSCBA particles. W/B ratio acknowledged.
increase with increase in sand content due to sand properties.
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