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Modify R34 GTR MFD display for video input

This document will explain how to modify an R34 GTR MFD display so that it
can display an external NTSC video signal. This modification is only for MFD with a ‘TV’button.

Or you can just buy the plug and play lead from Clarion Part NO. 855-5430-00

Pin funtions to ecu

white block brown block

1 2 3 4 5 * * 6 7 8 9 10 11 25 26 27 28 29 * * 30 31 32 33 34 35
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

1 BATT (12V regular power source) 25 Approximately G sensor

2 BATT (12V regular power source) 26 Side G sensor
3 ACC power source 27 Front torque sensor GND
4 TV- (ground of seal) 28 Position of a vessel's helm se
5 TV-SYNC 29 Position of a vessel's helm se
6 SCI sealed ground 30 Speed sensor
7 VP 31 Water temperature sensor
8 HP 32 Oil temperature sensor
9 RGB- (ground of seal)* 2 33 Boost sensor (from 3 connected meters)
10 RGB-SYNC* 2 34 Light/write switch ( ACC )
11 R*2 35 Throttle opening signal
12 IGN signal 36 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
13 GND 37 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
14 GND 38 Front torque ( from 3 connected meters)
15 TV+ 39 Position of a vessel's helm se
16 VTR- (ground of seal) * 1 40 Yaw rate
17 VTR+* 1 41 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
18 N.C. (NO CONNECTION) 42 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
19 DISP-NAVI 43 STOP lamp switch
20 NAVI-DISP 44 The hydraulic sensor
21 YS 45 Exhaust warm Sensor
22 G* 2 46 Inhalation warm sensor
23 B* 2 47 Injector injection signal
24 OP NAVI Presence 48Tachometer Drive signal
Stage 1 – Fit socket
The first stage is to fit an RCA socket as shown below. This can be purchased
from any electronics store as a part.
The I used was threaded so that I was able to use nuts on either side to lock
it in place. This saved any soldering and allowed me to add and remove
Whilst fitting. The one pictured is a solder in unit. Either is OK.

Stage 2 - Solder cable onto socket and board

Once you have fitted the socket to the casing, you must attach some coaxial
cable to the inner and outer connectors of the socket. The other end of the
cable must be attached as shown below.
Outer of the cable to ground, inner of cable to NTSC in

Stage 3 - Disable Japanese display message

Once you have completed stage 2, your display should now be showing the
NTSC signal, however the MFD is unaware of the signal and so displays a
message in Japanese essentially complaining of no signal. Soldering between
the link shown below disables this message, allowing you to display your
video cleanly.
MFD functions

The MFD will not allow you to make changes while road speed is above about 20km/hr, but you
can do so once speed drops below about 5km/hr.

This mode allows you to see the values for all available sensors.
GTR MFD’s show;
• boost,
• throttle,
• injector duty cycle,
• oil temperature
• water temperature,

Vspec and UK cars MFD’s show;

• boost,
• throttle,
• injector duty cycle,
• oil temperature
• water temperature
• exhaust temperature
• intercooler temperature.

Nismo offer an upgrade (MFD 2) which offers a higher max boost reading, some additional
gauges, a longer memory (with downloadable data via RS232), and lap timer.
• The white line on the bar graph during mode 1 is a peak hold that will show the highest value
achieved (reset this by pushing the joystick button in).
• The oil and water temperature values will only register ---C until the temp is up to 70C, then they
show current temp.
takes you into a menu to set brightness, auto-dimming, gauge peak tracking, and to turn the
display off.

has many similar functions to mode button, but only toggles 2 modes

takes you to the options available for that mode

cycles you through the available modes (multiple sensors, dual virtual gauges, single gauge with
Mode 1 - Multiple sensors
Pressing the MENU button when in mode 1 allows you to see the option screen again, with only
the red zone and rev light options available. Use the joystick to navigate left or right to the RED
ZONE option and press the joystick again to bring up the red zone screen. This lets you set
warning points for each monitored sensor.

To set the warning points, use the joystick to navigate up and down the sensors (the current
selected one is highlighted in yellow as on the screen shot), then push the joystick left or right to
change the levels to higher or lower values. Once finished, use the joystick to highlight the END
button and push the joystick again. This setting only has an effect when you exceed the set point
for any sensor as once exceeded the
screen will switch back to Mode 1 from any other screen, and highlight which sensor went over
the limit.
Mode 2 - Dual virtual gauges
This mode lets you monitor any 2 gauges simultaneously (1 is permanently stored in RAM, the
other 3 are use selectable). If you disconnect the battery or pull the fuse, you will find only the
default pair available.

While in this mode, pushing menu will take you to the options available (gauge selection, and
shift light setting).
To change gauges seen, navigate left or right to gauge selection with the joystick, then select it
by pushing the joystick button in.

From the screen you can use the joystick to navigate to a preferred pair of gauges.
If you have reset your MFD (via diagnostics or disconnected battery) twin 2 to 4 will be blank and
To programme you own combination of gauges, use the joystick to navigate to the button on the
lower left of the screen and click the joystick

This takes you to another screen that lets you select the gauges to monitor, which side of the pair
they are on, and what twin number they are.
Use the joystick to scroll to the pair to edit (it is then highlighted with a yellow border as shown),
then click the joystick to enter edit mode.
The screen changes to show the available gauges, and a green block appears in whichever side
has been chosen (left or right). Select the left or right side with the joystick first, and click to edit.
Next select the gauge for that side with the joystick, and click to enter. Repeat this for the other
side, and other twin pairings.

Mode 3 - Gauge plus memory

This mode lets you see 1 gauge and the last 30 secs of data from that sensor, with a peak hold
function and peak value displayed in the blue segment (this does not apply to the throttle position
sensor shown)

Pushing menu while in mode 3 lets you navigate to the gauge select screen, which lets you
nominate which single gauge, should be displayed.
Display button
Pushing the display button lets you change some of the options

Use the joystick to navigate to the option desired, and then push the button in to toggle the

• Auto-dimming means the screen brightness changes when your headlights are on.
• MFD screen when toggled turns the whole unit off (for optimum night vision?)
• Gauge tail when toggled on, shows a green “tail” behind the red gauge pointer.
• Screen brightness lets you increase or decrease the screen brightness

Shift up option

Using the joystick button, you can increase or decrease the revs set point that the MFD shift light
LED flashes at.
Hidden options
The following were all found on the net so apologies for not referencing the appropriate people.
Calibration of throttle position sensor 1) Turn the key to the "OFF" position 2) Press and hold
"RETURN" and "MODE" switches on the MFD at the same time. 3) Turn the key to the "ON"
position while still holding down the "RETURN" and "MODE" switches 4) When the opening
screen with the"GT-R logo" appears, release the "RETURN" and "MODE" switches, and click the
joystick 5 times within the next 3 seconds. 5) Set the throttle gauge calibration on screen as

Diagnostic mode
1) Turn the key to the "OFF" position
2) Push and hold the joystick
3) Turn the key to the "ON" position while still holding down the joystick
4) Release the joystick at least 1 second after the "GT-R logo" appears.
5) Click the joystick 5 times within the next 3 seconds.
This will show which sensors are functioning and have readings.
How to for R34 GTT
ECU pinouts for R34 GTT
ECU pinouts for all R32’s and R33’s

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Terminal Terminal
Description Description
Number Number
1 Ignition signal (power transistor) Cyl. No. 1 11 Ignition signal (power transistor) Cyl. No. 6
2 Ignition signal (power transistor) Cyl. No. 5 12 Ignition signal (power transistor) Cyl. No. 2
3 Ignition signal (power transistor) Cyl. No. 3 13 Ignition signal (power transistor) Cyl. No. 4
4 AAC Valve 14 --
5 -- 15 --

6 Sub electrical fan relay (engine temperature switch) 16 ECCS relay

7 Tachometer speed signal 17 --

8 -- 18 Fuel pump relay
9 Air conditioner relay (air conditioner cut signal) 19 Power steering oil pressure switch
10 Ground (ignition signal system) 20 Ground (ignition signal system)

21 (RX) Receive (control unit data reception) 31 (CLK) Clock (synchronization signal)
22 (TX) Transmit (data sent from control unit) 32 Monitor and check lamp (red)
23 Detonation sensor 1 (cyl 1 to 3) 33 --
24 Detonation sensor 2 (cyl 4 to 6) 34 Air flow meter ground
25 Wastegate valve control solenoid valve 35 Air flow meter intake air quantity signal (front)
26 Air flow meter ground 36 Intake air temperature sensor
27 Air flow meter intake air quantity signal (rear) 37 --
28 Engine temperature sensor 38 Throttle opening output
29 Exhaust gas sensor (front) 39 --
Sensor ground (throttle sensor, engine temperature
30 40 --

41 Crank angle sensor (120 degree signal) 51 Crank angle sensor (120 degree signal)
42 Crank angle sensor (1 degree signal) 52 Crank angle sensor (1 degree signal)
43 Ignition switch START signal 53 Vehicle speed sensor
44 Neutral switch 54 Throttle valve switch (idle connection point)
45 (IGN) Ignition switch (IGN) 55 Exhaust gas sensor (Rear)
46 Air conditioner switch 56 Throttle sensor output signal
47 (CHK) Check (diagnosis activation) 57 --
48 Throttle sensor power supply supply 58 Battery power supply
49 Control unit power supply 59 Control unit power supply
50 Ground (control unit) 60 ( - ) Ground (control unit)

Injector power supply (counter electromotive

Injector No. 1
101 109 reflex circuit)
102 -- 110 Injector No. 5
103 Injector No. 3 111 --
104 Fuel pump terminal voltage control ouput (FPCM) 1 112 Injector No. 6
105 Injector No. 2 113 --
106 Fuel pump terminal voltage control output (FPCM) 2 114 Injectore No. 4
107 Injector ground 115 --
108 Injector ground 116 Injector ground
MFD pin funtions

white block brown block

1 2 3 4 5 * * 6 7 8 9 10 11 25 26 27 28 29 * * 30 31 32 33 34 35
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

1 BATT (12V regular power source) 25 Approximately G sensor

2 BATT (12V regular power source) 26 Side G sensor
3 ACC power source 27 Front torque sensor GND
4 TV- (ground of seal) 28 Position of a vessel's helm se
5 TV-SYNC 29 Position of a vessel's helm se
6 SCI sealed ground 30 Speed sensor
7 VP 31 Water temperature sensor
8 HP 32 Oil temperature sensor
9 RGB- (ground of seal)* 2 33 Boost sensor (from 3 connected meters)
10 RGB-SYNC* 2 34 Light/write switch ( ACC )
11 R*2 35 Throttle opening signal
12 IGN signal 36 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
13 GND 37 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
14 GND 38 Front torque ( from 3 connected meters)
15 TV+ 39 Position of a vessel's helm se
16 VTR- (ground of seal) * 1 40 Yaw rate
17 VTR+* 1 41 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
18 N.C. (NO CONNECTION) 42 Sensor GND (inside MFD N.C.)
19 DISP-NAVI 43 STOP lamp switch
20 NAVI-DISP 44 The hydraulic sensor
21 YS 45 Exhaust warm Sensor
22 G* 2 46 Inhalation warm sensor
23 B* 2 47 Injector injection signal
24 OP NAVI Presence 48Tachometer Drive signa

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