Occupational Health and Safety Procedure in Making Plastic Bottles

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Occupational Health and Safety Procedure in Making Plastic Bottles

1. Prepare Raw Materials and Monomer

In manufacturing plastic bottles, first, they must start with various raw materials
that make up the monomers. Ethylene and propylene, for example, come from crude
oil, which contains the hydrocarbons that make up the monomers.

The hydrocarbon raw materials are obtained from the "cracking process" used in
refining oil and natural gas. Once various hydrocarbons are obtained from cracking,
they are chemically processed to make hydrocarbon monomers and other carbon
monomers (like styrene, vinyl chloride, and acrylonitrile) used in plastics.

Next, the monomers carry out polymerization reactions in large polymerization

plants. The reactions produce polymer resins, which are collected and further
processed. Processing can include the addition of plasticizers, dyes and flame-
retardant chemicals. The final polymer resins are usually in the forms of pellets or

The technological road from oil field to finished plastic product has numerous
fascinating side trips. Here’s the route taken in the petroleum-to-plastics process.

1. Petroleum is drilled and transported to a refinery.

2. Crude oil and natural gas are refined into ethane, propane, hundreds of other
petrochemical products and, of course, fuel for your car.
3. Ethane and propane are “cracked” into ethylene and propylene, using high-
temperature furnaces.
4. Catalyst is combined with ethylene or propylene in a reactor, resulting in “fluff,” a
powdered material (polymer) resembling laundry detergent.
5. Fluff is combined with additives in a continuous blender.
6. Polymer is fed to an extruder where it is melted.
7. Melted plastic is cooled then fed to a pelletizer that cuts the product into small
8. Pellets are shipped to molding process.
In dealing with these processes it is very important to secure protection especially
for the workers. Below are the personal protective equipment workers must uses in
the making process of plastic bottles.

PPE Purpose and Uses Picture

Safety Goggles

Eye and Face In dealing with small monomer

particles chemical splash might
happen as well as, flying objects,
and hot substance may affect
your eyes and face. Source: shorturl.at/EJW48


Sometimes simply a net or caul is a

small, often elasticised, fine net
Head worn over long hair to hold it in
place. It is worn to keep hair
contained. A snood is similar but a
looser fit and with a much coarser
mesh and noticeably thicker yarn.
Source: shorturl.at/yJKN3


Protection of hands and arms are

required when workers have to
Hand and Arms handle materials having a hot
and molten metals, chemicals
and corrosives substances. 

Source: shorturl.at/anUV

Full Body Suit

Work clothing in dealing with

Clothing plastics includes leather or wool
clothing, asbestos or aluminized
clothing and flame-retardant or
fireproof work cloths.

Source: shorturl.at/pDNY0
Conductive shoes are used
where floors are non-conductive
Foot and grounded such as in the
manufacture of certain explosive
compounds that have contained
solvent or volatile hydrocarbons.
Source: shorturl.at/rwxTW


Noise level above 90 dBA is

Ear and Hearing hazardous for exposure more
than 8 hrs a day. It may cause
deafness, fatigue, loss of
efficiency, irritation and also the
loss of hearing. 
Source: shorturl.at/gitvJ

N95 or p100 Gas Respiratory


Respiratory The nature of the potential

hazard in making plastic is
inevitable, it is important to have
mask to protect from possible
hazard that may cause
respiratory problems.
Source: shorturl.at/nzI58
Definition Source: Personal Protective Equipment retrieved from shorturl.at/yHTU2


  In making plastic bottle, it needs machine to totally do the work depending on

the job task to be performed, PPE for the electric power industry generally includes
safety glasses, face shields, hard hats, safety shoes, insulating (rubber) gloves with
leather protectors, insulating sleeves, and flame-resistant clothing, such as fall
protection equipment, respirators, chemical-resistant or cut-resistant gloves, and
chaps, may be required, depending on the results of the hazard assessment
required under.
 Electrical Hazards – equipment that uses electricity as a power source is a
potential electrocution hazard. Check power cords, switches and connections
for exposed wires or broken parts.

 Amputation & Caught-in Hazards – machine guards on equipment are

installed to protect our employees from moving parts. Of course if they have
been removed during maintenance or adjustment they will no longer provide
protection. Check equipment every day to ensure that all guards are in place.

 Chemical Hazards – processing equipment that uses chemicals can be

sources of numerous hazards. Leaks can cause slip hazards as well as
possible exposure to harmful chemicals. Hoses that leak could create a
respiratory problem from vapors.

Maintenance workers need to be provided information on up-to-date

machines that have been serviced, and they should maintain a record log of this
information. Moreover they must also know when to lock the machines. This is
extremely critical when repairs are being done on the machine. Maintenance workers
should also be using safe equipment when doing repair work and they should insure
the equipment itself is properly guarded.

PPE Description Picture

EYES AND FACE protection form dust, and
chemical splash, to secure
eyes from hazard.

Source: shorturl.at/ckoLW

Hard Hat

Chances of failure of
HEAD engineering controls,
materials, process,
equipment and safety devices
cannot be denied so it is
important to protect head
from falling debris. Source: shorturl.at/cDt08

Protection from hearing

damage as well as reduce
HEARING the physical and
PROTECTION psychological stress of a
noisy environment.

Source: shorturl.at/aqHIR

PROTECTION Protection against the effects
of harmful dust, gases,
smokes, fumes, mists, fogs,
sprays or vapors.

Source: shorturl.at/nzI58

Chemical Guard Suit

BODY Protection from heat radiation

PROTECTION hazardous materials or
wastes scalding liquids, body
fluids and more.

Source: shorturl.at/iltR9
PROTECTION Protection against cuts, burns
and punctures.

Source: shorturl.at/qt279

Safety Boots S3

Protection injuries, from

sharps objects, falling or
FOOT/LEG rolling, molten metal,
PROTECTION electrical hazardous, hot
surfaces and slippery

Source: shorturl.at/jnPW

Definition Source: shorturl.at/giMQ7


A mold is a hollowed-out block that is filled with a liquid or pliable material

such as plastic, glass, metal, or ceramic raw material. The liquid hardens or sets
inside the mold, adopting its shape. Some examples are extrusion, extracting, and
blowing molding.

In dealing with plastic polymers mold is the counterpart to a cast. Casting is

a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold,
which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify.

The solidified part is also known as a casting, which is ejected or broken out
of the mold to complete the process. Casting is most often used for making complex
shapes that would be otherwise difficult or uneconomical to make by other methods.
PPE Definition Picture

Safety full head piece with total

Head, Eyes, protection for getting scalded burned,
Face and noise, chemical spills, blinded and
hearing. even asphyxiated.

Source: shorturl.at/rxzFY

Gloves or arm covering protection

from potential hazards to hands and
arms include skin absorption of
Hand and Arm harmful substances, chemical or
thermal burns, electrical dangers,
bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures,
fractures or amputations. Source: shorturl.at/vwCS8

Hazard assessment indicates a need

for full body protection against toxic
Clothing substances or harmful physical
agents, the clothing should be thick to
ensure protection.

Source: shorturl.at/ehA68

Safety Boots Sault S3

There are two major categories of

Foot work-related foot injuries. The first
Protection category includes foot injuries from
punctures, crushing, sprains, and
lacerations. The second group of Source: shorturl.at/jnPW3
injuries includes those resulting from
slips, trips and falls. 

Definition Source: shorturl.at/iBDO9


It is a kind of complete testing where it follows strict entry and exit criteria and
also deal with all possible combinations of test cases and test data so that every
possible flaw can be found out from the system and can be removed before the
system goes to the market. It can be also termed as exhaustive testing.

Plastic is very dangerous it is very important to know the properties that

composes it for some of them can cause diseases such as cancer.

PPE Definition Picture


Used to protect wearer's entire

Eyes and Face
face from hazards such as
chemical spills and flying objects.

Source: shorturl.at/dfMV5

Nitrile gloves

Chemical resistant to many

Hand and Arm chemicals consult glove
resistance chart working with
larger volumes of chemicals.
Without the use of the hand or
Source: shorturl.at/nwX58
fingers tje ability to work is greatly
reduced if not almost impossible.

Neoprene apron and sleeves

Clothing Chemical resistant, tear resistant,

splash protection Working with
apparatus under pressure
potential of hazard.

Foot Shoes/ Boots

To avoid from falling in slippery

Foot Protection area. Falling may cause head
injuries, knee injuries, fractures
and broken bones.

Source: shorturl.at/xCQX0
Definiton reference: shorturl.at/ehHMN
Polymers are a large class of materials that have found its place in everyday
products. Besides being used in various commercial applications, one can find
polymer in everyday utility items ranging from plastic bottles, apparels, and cars.
Even the tiniest objects like silicon rubber tips on mobile phone’s ear buds are made
of polymer.

Being important materials in manufacturing processes as they are, polymers

are used in varied processes. Proper testing based on their end use is hence critical
to producing final products with utmost quality and strength to have a long life span.
Modern Polymer testing labs use the latest technology in a controlled environment to
expose the polymer samples to set conditions and their performance. Intelligence
gained from years of experience aids in anticipating the right conditions to which a
material may be exposed to in real life usage.

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