Definition of Ethics
Ethics is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty
and obligation.
Terms/Points to Understand
Not all value judgements fall under the realm of ethics.
1. aesthetics: good or bad movie, good or bad color combination, good or bad
2. etiquette: not offering a bus seat to the elderly is bad, being the first in line
for the food in a party
3. technical valuations: wrong way to cook, good way to shoot a ball
Ethics & Morals
- Various thinkers and writers posit a distinction between the two, but there is
no consensus as to how to make the distinction.
- Ordinary conversation presents a much less rigid distinction between these
- In our class, we will be using ethical and moral or ethics and morality
MORAL Dilemma/s
A situation when one is faced with many bad choices , and a moral decision
has to be made
Are situations in which there seems to be either no correct action or, from
another perspective, too many correct but conflicting actions.
Can be used to test ethical theories and to develop ethical insights because of
the acute challenges they pose.
In a moral dilemma, at least two mutually exclusive actions have a clear moral
rationale for them or there is simply no moral answer at all.
Example: A kidnap victim is forced (a)to kill another victim, or else his/her
kidnappers will (b)kill three or more victims.
Three Levels
1. Personal
2. Organizational
3. Intercultural