5.1 Employability Skills - I: Rationale

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The present day world requires professionals who are not only well qualified and competent but also
possess good communication skills. Our diploma students not only need to possess subject related
knowledge but also soft skills to get good jobs or to rise steadily at their work place. The objective of
this subject is to prepare students for employability in job market and survive in cut throat competition
among professionals.


1. Writing skills (08 hrs)

i) Official and business correspondence

ii) Job application - covering letter and resume
iii) Report writing - key features and kinds

2. Oral Communication Skills (20 hrs)

i) Giving advice
ii) Making comparisons
iii) Agreeing and disagreeing
iv) Taking turns in conversation
v) Fixing and cancelling appointments

3. Generic Skills (04 hrs)

i) Stress management
ii) Time management
iii) Negotiations and conflict resolution
iv) Team work and leadership qualities


4 3
Electrical machines is a subject where a student will deal with various types of electrical machines
which are employed in industries, power stations, domestic and commercial appliances etc. After
studying this subject, an electrical diploma holder must be competent to repair and maintain these
machines and give suggestions to improve their performance. Explanation of practical aspects of the
subject will make the students capable of performing various tests on the machines as per latest BIS

1. Synchronous Machines (24 hrs)

1.1 Main constructional features of synchronous machine including commutator and

brushless excitation system
1.2 Generation of three phase emf
1.3 Production of rotating magnetic field in a three phase winding
1.4 Concept of distribution factor and coil span factor and emf equation
Armature reaction at unity, lag and lead power factor
1.5 Operation of single synchronous machine independently supplying a load - Voltage
regulation by synchronous impedance method
1.6 Need and necessary conditions of parallel operation of alternators
Synchronizing an alternator (Synchroscope method) with the bus bars
1.7 Operation of synchronous machine as a motor –its starting methods
1.8 Effect of change in excitation of a synchronous motor
1.9 Concept and Cause of hunting and its prevention
1.10 Rating and cooling of synchronous machines
1.11 Applications of synchronous machines (as an alternator, as a synchronous condenser)

2. Induction Motors (16 hrs)

2.1 Salient constructional features of squirrel cage and slip ring 3-phase induction
2.2 Principle of operation, slip and its significance

2.3 Locking of rotor and stator fields

2.4 Rotor resistance, inductance, emf and current
2.5 Relationship between copper loss and the motor slip
2.6 Power flow diagram of an induction motor
2.7 Factors determining the torque

2.8 Torque-slip curve, stable and unstable zones

2.9 Effect of rotor resistance upon the torque slip relationship
2.10 Double cage rotor motor and its applications
2.11 Starting of 3-phase induction motors, DOL, star-delta, auto transformer
2.12 Causes of low power factor of induction motors
2.13 Testing of 3-phase motor on no load and blocked rotor test and to find efficiency
2.14 Speed control of induction motor
2.15 Harmonics and its effects, cogging and crawling in Induction Motors.

3. Fractional Kilo Watt (FKW) Motors (16 hrs)

3.1 Single phase induction motors; Construction characteristics and applications
3.2 Nature of field produced in single phase induction motor
3.3 Split phase induction motor
3.3.1 Capacitors start and run motor
3.3.2 Shaded pole motor
3.3.3 Reluctance start motor
3.4 Alternating current series motor and universal motors
3.5 Single phase synchronous motor
3.5.1 Reluctance motor
3.5.2 Hysteresis motor
4. Special Purpose Machines (8 hrs)
Construction and working principle of linear induction motor, stepper motor, servomotor,
submersible motor, introduction to energy efficient motors.
1. Demonstration of revolving field set up by a 3-phase wound stator
2. To plot relationship between no load terminal voltage and excitation current in a synchronous
generator at constant speed

3. Determination of the relationship between the voltage and load current of an alternator,
keeping excitation and speed constant
4. Determination of the regulation and efficiency of alternator from the open circuit and short
circuit test
5. Synchronization of polyphase alternators and load sharing
6. Determination of the effect of variation of excitation on performance of a synchronous motor
7. Study of ISI/BIS code for 3-phase induction motors
8. Perform at least two tests on a 3- phase induction motor as per BIS code

9. Determination of efficiency by (a) no load test and blocked rotor test on an induction motor (b)
direct loading of an induction motor (refer BIS code)
10. Determination of effect of rotor resistance on torque speed curve of an induction motor
11. To study the effect of a capacitor on the starting and running of a single-phase induction motor
by changing value of capacitor and also to reverse the direction of rotation of a single phase
induction motor
Teacher should lay-emphasis on development of understanding amongst students about basic
principles of operation and control of electrical machines. This may be achieved by conducting quiz
tests and by giving home assignments. The teachers should also conduct laboratories classes
themselves encouraging each should to perform with his/her own hands and draw conclusions.

1. Electrical Machines by SK Bhattacharya, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
2. Electrical Machines by SK Sahdev, Uneek Publications, Jalandhar
3. Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
Electrical Engineering by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and sons, New Delhi
4. Electrical Machines by Samarjit Ghosh, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte, Ltd.
482, FIE Patparganj, Delhi 110092
5. Electrical Machines by DR Arora, Ishan Publications, Ambala City.


Sr. Topic Time Allotted Marks Allocation

No (hrs) (%)
1 Synchronous Machines 24 40
2 Induction Motors 16 25
3 Fractional Kilo Watt Motors 16 25
4 Special Purpose Machines 8 10
Total 64 100


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The majority of the polytechnic passouts who get employment in State Electricity Boards have to
perform various activities in the field of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical power.
The range of these activities vary from simple operation and maintenance of equipment, lines, fault
location, planning and designing of simple distribution schemes, executive and supervisory control in
power stations, transmission and distribution networks in addition to administrative jobs including public
relations. They should also be made aware of recent developments, current practices in the electricity
departments, corporations and boards to keep them abreast with modern techniques in Transmission
and Distribution of Electrical Power.


1. Power Generation (10 hrs)

1.1 Main resources of energy, conventional and non-conventional

1.2 Different types of power stations, thermal, hydro, gas, diesel and nuclear power
stations. Flow diagrams and brief details of their operation, comparison of the
generating stations on the basis of running cost, site, starting, maintenance etc.
1.3 Importance of non-conventional sources of energy in the present scenario. Brief
details of solar energy, bio-energy, wind energy

2. Economics of Generation (08 hrs)

2.1 Fixed and running cost, load estimation, load curves, demand factor, load factor,
diversity factor, power factor and their effect on cost of generation, simple problems
there on.
2.2 Base load and peak load power stations, inter-connection of power stations and its
advantages, concept of regional and national grid.

3. Transmission Systems ( 20 hrs)

3.1 Layout of transmission system, selection of voltage for H.T and L.T lines,
advantages of high voltage for Transmission of power in both AC and DC

3.2 Comparison of different systems: AC versus DC for power transmission, conductor

material and sizes from standard tables

3.3 Constructional features of transmission lines: Types of supports, types of insulators,

Types of conductors, Selection of insulators, conductors, earth wire and their
accessories, Transposition of conductors and string efficiency of suspension type
insulators, Bundle Conductors.
3.4 Mechanical features of line: Importance of sag, calculation of sag, effects of wind and
ice related problems; Indian electricity rules pertaining to clearance

3.5 Electrical features of line: Calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance

without derivation in a.c. transmission line, voltage regulation, and concept of corona.
Effects of corona and remedial measures

3.6 Transmission Losses

4. Distribution System (14 hrs)

4.1 Lay out of HT and LT distribution system, constructional feature of distribution lines
and their erection. LT feeders and service mains; Simple problems on AC radial
distribution system, determination of size of conductor

4.2 Preparation of estimates of HT and LT lines (OH and Cables).

4.3 Constructional features of LT (400 V), HT (II kV) underground cables, advantages and
disadvantages of underground system with respect to overhead system.

4.4 Calculation of losses in distribution system

4.5 Faults in underground cables-determine fault location by Murray Loop Test, Varley
Loop Test

5. Substations: (08 hrs)

5.1 Brief idea about substations; out door grid sub-station 220/132 KV, 66/33 KV outdoor
substations, pole mounted substations and indoor substation

5.2 Layout of 33/11 and kV/400V distribution substation and various auxiliaries and
equipment associated with it.

6. Power Factor: (4 hrs)

6.1 Concept of power factor

6.2 Reasons and disadvantages of low power factor
6.3 Methods for improvement of power factor using capacitor banks, VAR Static
Compensator (SVC)


Since this is a descriptive and practice oriented subject, it is suggested that visits to different types of
power generating stations and substations including grid stations be arranged and various equipment,
accessories and components explained to the students before the actual class room teaching and
make them familiar with the equipment and accessories installed over there. There should be at least
3 visits during the semester. The students may be asked to prepare notes while on visit and submit the
report and give seminar. In addition, viva-voce be conducted to evaluate the knowledge gained during
the field visit.


1. Electrical Power System and Analysis by CL Wadhwa, 3rd edition, New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi
2. Substation Design and Equipment by Satnam and PV Gupta, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi
3. Electrical Power –I by SK Sahdev, Uneek Publications, Jalandhar
4. Electrical Power System by VK Mehta, S Chand and Co., New Delhi
5. Electrical Power System by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi
6. Sub-Station Design by Satnam, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi
7. Electrical Power Distribution System by AS Pabla, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
8. Electrical Power System by S Channi Singh, Tata McGraw Publishing Co. New Delhi


Sr. Topic Time Allotted (hrs) Marks Allocation (%)

1 Power Generation 10 15
2 Economics of Generation 8 10
3 Transmission Systems 20 35
4 Distribution System 14 20
5 Substations 8 10
6 Power Factor 4 10
Total 64 100


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Industrial electronics plays a very vital role in the field of control engineering specifically in the modern
industries as they mostly use electronic controls, which are more efficient, effective and precise as
compare to the conventional methods. The old magnetic and electrical control schemes have all
become obsolete. Electrical diploma holder many times has to maintain the panels used in the modern
control process. Therefore, the knowledge of components like thyristors and other semiconductor
devices used in such control panels is must for them in order to supervise the work efficiently and
effectively. Looking in to usefulness and importance of the subject this has been incorporated in the


1. Introduction to SCR (16 hrs)

1.1. Construction and working principles of an SCR, two transistor analogy and
characteristics of SCR
1.2. SCR specifications and rating
1.3. Construction, working principles and V-I characteristics of DIAC, TRIAC and Quadriac
1.4. Basic idea about the selection of heat sinks for SCR and TRIACS
1.5. Methods of triggering a Thyristor. Study of triggering circuits
1.6. UJT, its Construction, working principles and V-I characteristics, UJT relaxation oscillator
1.7. Commutation of Thyristors (Concept)
1.8. Series and parallel operation of Thyristors
1.9. Applications of SCR, TRIACS and Quadriac such as light intensity control, speed control
of DC and universal motor, fan regulator, battery charger etc.
1.10. dv/dt and di/dt protection of SCR.

2. Controlled Rectifiers (10 hrs)

2.1 Single phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive load and inductive load,
concept of free wheeling diode.
2.2 Single phase half controlled full wave rectifier (No mathematical derivation)
2.3 Single phase fully controlled full wave rectifier bridge (Workshops only)
2.4 Single phase full wave centre tapped rectifier (Workshops only)
2.5 Three phase full wave half controlled bridge rectifier (Workshops only)
2.6 Three phase full wave fully controlled bridge rectifier (Workshops only)

3. Inverters, Choppers, Dual Converters and Cyclo Converters (18 hrs)

3.1 Inverter-introduction, working principles, voltage and current driven series and parallel
inverters and applications
3.2 Choppers-introduction, types of choppers and their working principles and applications
3.3 Dual converters-introduction, working principles and applications
3.4 Cyclo-converters- introduction, types, working principles and applications

4. Thyristor Control of Electric Drives (15 hrs)

4.1 DC drives control (Basic Concept)

4.2 Half wave drives
4.3 Full wave drives
4.4 Chopper drives
4.5 AC drives control
4.6 Phase control
4.7 Variable frequency a.c. drives
4.8 Constant V/F application
4.9 Voltage controlled inverter drives
4.10 Constant current inverter drives
4.11 Cyclo convertors controlled AC drives
4.12 Slip control AC drives

5 Uninterrupted Power Supplies (5 hrs)

5.1 UPS, Stabilizers, SMPS

5.2 UPS online, off line
5.3 Storage devices (batteries) and their maintenance


1. To draw V-I characteristics of an SCR

2. To draw V-I characteristics of a TRIAC
3. To draw V-I characteristics of a DIAC
4. To draw uni-junction transistor characteristics
5. Observe the output wave of an UJT relaxation oscillator
6. Observe the wave shape across SCR and load of an illumination control circuit
7. Fan speed regulator using TRIAC Quadriac (fabrication of this circuit)
8. Speed-control of a DC shunt motor or universal motor
9. To observe the output wave shape on CRO of a Single phase half controlled full wave rectifier
10. Single phase controlled rectifier
11. Use of Variable Frequency Drive for running a 3 phase Induction motor

The teachers may encourage students to perform practical simultaneously for better understanding of
the subjects and verification of theoretical concepts. The various components must be shown to the
students for identification and also tested. Practical applications of the various circuits and devices
should be discussed in the class. The available video films on the subject must be shown to the

1. Industrial Control Electronics. John Webb, Kevin Greshock, Maxwell, Macmillan International
2. Fundamentals of Power Electronics by S Rama Reddi, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New
3. Power Electronics, Circuits Devices and Applications by Mohammad H. Rashid
4. Power Electronics by PC Sen
5. Power Electronics by Dr. PS Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
6. Industrial Electronics & Control by SK Bhattacharya & S Chatterji, New Age international
Publications(P) Ltd, New Delhi
7. Industrial Electronics and Control of Drives by SK Sahdev, Uneek Publication, Jalandhar
8. Industrial Power Electronics by JC Karhava, King India Publication,
9. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by Gopal K Dubey, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New
10. Power Electronics and Controls by Samir K Datta, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi


Sr. Topic Time Allotted Marks Allocation

No (hrs) (%)
1 Introduction of SCR 16 25
2 Controlled Rectifiers 10 15
3 Inverters, Choppers, Dual Converters 18 30
and cyclo converters
4 Thyristor Control of Electric Drives 15 20
5 Uninterrupted power supplies 5 10

Total 64 100

4 - 2

The study of microprocessors in terms of architecture, software and interfacing techniques leads to the
understanding of working of CPU in a microcomputer. The development in microprocessors of 32 bit
architecture brings them face-to-face with mainframe, finding employment in R&D, assembly, repair
and maintenance of hardware of microprocessors and computers. Microprocessors find application in
process control industry. They also form a part of the electronic switching system between source and
destination in long distance telecommunications. Thus the microprocessor is an area of specialization.
Students of electronics and related engineering branches often use microprocessors to introduce
programmable control in their projects, in industrial training.


1. Evolution of Microprocessor (4 hrs)

1.1 Typical organization of a microcomputer system and functions of its various blocks
1.2 Microprocessor, its evolution, function and impact on modern society

2. Architecture of a Microprocessor (With reference to 8085 microprocessor)

(12 hrs)
2.1 Concept of Bus, bus organization of 8085
2.2 Functional block diagram of 8085 and function of each block
2.3 Pin details of 8085 and related signals
2.4 Demultiplexing of address/data bus of read/write control signals
2.5 Steps to execute a stored programme

3. Memories and I/O interfacing (10 hrs)

3.1 Memory organization, Concept of memory mapping, partitioning of total memory

space. Address decoding, concept of I/O, mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O.
Interfacing of memory mapped I/O devices.
3.2 Concept of stack and its function
3.3 Basic RAM Cell, N X M bit RAM, Expansion of word length and capacity, static and
dynamic RAM, basic idea of ROM, PROM, EPROM and EEPROM.

4. Programming (with respect to 8085 microprocessor) (16 hrs)

4.1 Brief idea of machine and assembly languages, Machines and Mnemonic codes.
4.2 Instruction format and addressing modes. Identification of instructions as to which
addressing mode they belong.
4.3 Concept of Instruction set. Explanation of the instructions of the following groups of
instruction set
4.4 Data transfer groups, Arithmetic Group, Logic Group, Stack, I/O and Machine Control
4.5 Programming exercises in assembly language. (Examples can be taken from the list
of experiments).

5. Instruction Timing and Cycles (8 hrs)

5.1 Instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-states

5.2 Fetch and execute cycle.

6. Interrupts (4 hrs)

6.1 Concept of interrupt,

6.2 Maskable and non-maskable
6.3 Edge triggered and level triggered interrupts
6.4 Software interrupt
6.5 Restart interrupts and its use
6.6 Various hardware interrupts of 8085
6.7 Servicing interrupts, extending interrupt system.

7. Data transfer techniques (4 hrs)

7.1 Concept of programmed I/O operations, synchronous data transfer (hand shaking),
7.2 Interrupt driven data transfer
7.3 DMA
7.4 Serial output data
7.5 Serial input data.

8. Peripheral devices (6 hrs)

8.1 8255 PPI and 8253 PIT

8.2 8257 DMA controller
8.3 8279 Programmable KB/Display Interface.
8.4 8251 Communication Interface Adapter
8.5 8155/8156

1. Familiarization of different keys of 8085 microprocessor kit and its memory map
2. Steps to enter, modify data/program and to execute a programme on 8085 kit
3. Writing and execution of ALP for addition and subtraction of two 8 bit numbers
4. Writing and execution of ALP for multiplication and division of two 8 bit numbers
5. Writing and execution of ALP for arranging 10 numbers in ascending/descending order
6. Writing and execution of ALP for 0 to 9 BCD counters (up/down counter according to choice
stored in memory)
7. Interfacing exercise on 8255 like LED display control
8. Interfacing exercise on 8279 programmable KB/display interface like to display the hex code of
key pressed on display


The digital systems in microprocessors have significant importance in the area of electronics. Adequate
competency needs to be developed by giving sufficient practical knowledge in microprocessors
(programming as well as interfacing). Help may be taken in the form of charts, simulation packages to
develop clear concepts of the subject. Programming exercises other than the given in the list may be
given to the students.


1. Introduction to Microprocessors by Mathur, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd., New Delhi
2. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8080/8085 by Ramesh S
Gaonker, Willey Eastern Ltd. New Delhi
3. Digital Electronics and Microprocessor by Rajiv Sapra, Ishan Publication, Ambala
4. Microprocessors by VK Sangar, Uneek Publication, Jalandhar
5. Microprocessor and Microcontrollers by Dr BP Singh, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi
6. Advanced Microprocessor and Interfacing by Badri Ram, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.,
New Delhi
7. Microprocessor and Microcomputers by Refiquzzaman, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Digital Logic and Computer Design by Mano, M Morris; Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
9. Digital Electronics and Applications by Malvino Leach; Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd.,
New Delhi
10. Digital Integrated Electronics by Herbert Taub and Donals Sachilling; Prentice Hall of India
Ltd., New Delhi


Sr. Topic Time Allotted Marks Allotted
No. (Hrs) (%)
1 Evolution of Microprocessor 04 05
2 Architecture of a Microprocessor (With reference to 12 20
8085 Microprocessor)
3 Memories and I/O Interfacing 10 15
4 Programming (with respect to 8085 Microprocessor) 16 25
5 Instruction Timing and Cycles 08 10
6 Interrupts 04 5
7 Data Transfer Techniques 04 5
8 Peripheral Devices 06 15

Total 64 100


4 - 2

Digital communication systems are becoming increasingly attractive because of ever growing demand
for data communication. Digital transmission offers data processing option and flexibility not available
with analog transmission. This is technology group subject, which will enable student to comprehend
facts, concepts and working principle of digital communication system. This subject familiarizes the
student with information theory, measurement of information rate and capacity. This subject helps the
student to understand the concept of various pulse modulations, Digital modulation techniques, coding
methods and error control, multiplexing and multiple access techniques and S.S. modulation. The
knowledge acquired by students will help them to apply it in various modern communication systems.


1. Introduction to Digital Communication (06 hrs)

Basic digital communication system, block diagram. Channel capacity-definition, Hartley’s law,
Shannon-Hartley theorem, Channel capacity equation. Advantages and disadvantages of
digital communication.

2. Pulse Communication (10 hrs)

Introduction, comparison with Continuous Wave Modulation, advantages ,Sampling theorem,
Nyquist rate, aliasing, natural and flat top sampling. PAM, PWM, PPM definition, generation,
block diagram, waveform analysis, and their comparison.

3. Pulse code modulation (10 hrs)

Block diagram of PCM transmitter and receiver, sampling quantization, quantization error,
companding, inter symbol interference, Delta modulation- block diagram of DM, slope
overload, granular noise. ADM, DPCM, block diagram and its working.

4. Digital Modulation (12 hrs)

ASK, FSK, PSK definition and waveforms, their transmitter and receiver block diagram and
working, M-ary encoding. QPSK, QAM, DPSK block diagram of transmitter and receiver and
working. Bandwidth for each modulation technique and their comparison.

5. Coding methods and Error control (10 hrs)

Baud rate, Bit rate. Line coding - unipolar, bipolar – NRZ, RZ, Manchester, Source coding,
ASCII, EBCDIC and baudot code. Channel coding, Error, Causes of error and its effects, error
detection and correction using parity, Hamming code and simple numerical.

6. Multiplexing and Multiple Access (08 hrs)

Need of Multiplexing, TDM, FDM, definition, block diagram and their comparison. Introduction
to WDM. Access technique TDMA, FDMA, CDMA (only concepts), advantages of TDMA over

7. Spread spectrum modulation (08 hrs)

Introduction, PN Sequence. Model of spread spectrum modulation system. Direct sequence
spread spectrum signal. Frequency hop spread spectrum, slow frequency hopping, and fast
frequency hopping. Application Spread spectrum modulation.


1. To sample given signal and reconstruct it.

2. Generate PWM wave and observe the change in width of pulse.
3. To obtain an AM wave from reactance tube modulator/voltage controlled oscillator circuit and
measure the frequency deviation for different modulating signals.
4. Generate Delta PCM output and demodulate it.
5. Generate ASK output for a given control signal and demodulate the same.
6. Generate FSK output for a given control signal and demodulate the same.
7. Generate PSK output for a given control signal and demodulate the same.
8. To investigate performance of QPSK and plot the lissojous pattern.
9. To investigate performance of QAM.
10. Generate TDM output of applied four different channel inputs and demultiplex it.
11. Generate FDM and demultiplex it.


The subject requires both theory and practical emphasis simultaneously, so that the student can
understand the practical significance of the various areas. Visits to instrumentation and
communications industries must be carried out, so as to make the students can understand where and
how the various instruments are used in the industry.

1. “Communication System”(Analog and Digital) by Sanjay Sharma, S.K.Kataria & Sons, New Delhi.
2. “Electronic Communication System Fundamentals through Advance”by Wayne Tomasi, Pearson
Education, Noida.
3. “Digital & Analog Communication “ by K. Sam. and Shanmugar, John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi.
4. “Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications” by B. Sklar, Pearson Education,
5. “Communication System II” by Gurvinder Singh and others; India Publication House, Jalandhar.
6. “Communication System II” by Yogesh Chhabra; Eagle Parkashan, Jalandhar.
7. “ Digital Communication” by Amitabha Bhattacharya, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.


Sr. Topic Time Allotted Marks Allotted

No (Hrs) (%)
1 Introduction to Digital Communication 06 5
2 Pulse Communication 10 15
3 Pulse code modulation 10 20
4 Digital Modulation 12 20
5 Coding methods and Error control 10 20
6 Multiplexing and Multiple Access 08 10
7 Spread spectrum modulation 08 10
Total 64 100


3 - -

Education about environment protection is a must for all the citizens. In addition, a diploma holder must
have knowledge of different types of pollution caused by industries and construction activities so that he
may help in balancing the eco system and controlling pollution by adopting pollution control measures.
He should also be aware of environmental laws related to the control of pollution.


1. Definition, Scope and Importance of Environmental Education (02 hrs)

2. Basics of ecology, biodiversity, eco system and sustainable development (03 hrs)

3. Sources of pollution - natural and manmade, causes, effects and control measures of pollution
(air, water, noise, soil, radioactive and nuclear) and their units of measurement (12 hrs)

4. Solid waste management – Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial waste
(06 hrs)
5. Mining and deforestation – Causes, effects and control measures (04 hrs)

6. Environmental Legislation - Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974, Air (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and Environmental Protection Act 1986, Role and Function of
State Pollution Control Board, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (10 hrs)

7. Role of Non-conventional Energy Resources (Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Bio Energy, Hydro
Energy) (04 hrs)

8. Current Issues in Environmental Pollution – Global Warming, Green House Effect, Depletion of
Ozone Layer, Recycling of Material, Environmental Ethics, Rain Water Harvesting, Maintenance
of Groundwater, Acid Rain, Carbon Credits. (07 hrs)


The contents will be covered through lecture cum discussion sessions. In addition, in order to have more
appreciation of need for protection of environment, it is suggested that different activities pertaining to
Environmental Education like video films, seminars, environmental awareness camps and expert lectures
may also be organized.


1. Environmental Engineering and Management by Suresh K Dhameja; SK Kataria and Sons, New
2. Environmental Science by Dr. Suresh K Dhameja; SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi.
3. Environmental and Pollution Awareness by Sharma BR; Satya Prakashan, New Delhi.
4. Environmental Protection Law and Policy in India by Thakur Kailash; Deep and Deep
Publications, New Delhi.
5. Environmental Science by Deswal and Deswal; Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd. Delhi.
6. Engineering Chemistry by Jain and Jain; Dhanpat Rai and Co. (P) Ltd. Delhi.
7. Environmental Studies by Erach Bharucha; UGC University Press.


Topic No. Time Allotted for Marks Allotted (%)

Lectures (Periods)
1 02 04
2 03 06
3 12 24
4 06 12
5 04 10
6 10 20
7 04 10
8 07 14
Total 48 100


This is to be organized at a stretch for two to three days during fifth semester. Extension Lectures by
experts or teachers from the polytechnic will be delivered on the following broad topics. There will be
no examination for this subject.

1. Communication Skills

2. Correspondence and job finding/applying/thanks and follow-up

3. Resume Writing

4. Interview Techniques: In-Person interviews; telephonic interviews, panel interviews; group

interviews and video conferencing etc.

5. Presentation Techniques

6. Group Discussions Techniques

7. Aspects of Personality Development

8. Motivation

9. Leadership

10. Stress Management

11. Time Management

12. Interpersonal Relationship

13. Health and Hygiene

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