America During The Vietnam War
America During The Vietnam War
America During The Vietnam War
The Vietnam war is one of the world’s most famous war and also one of the most
website design 2009) the casualties are estimated to be at least 2million people
around 60.000 of them were american soldiers. It was caused because of different
political views and fear to give up old colonies to people that in the future could be
your enemies.
and they were greeted very well. However as Simkin goes on, after a couple of
changed their soceity drastically, the christians would only marry one wife and
they would send their prayers to God rather than the emperor. This made the
Ever since 19th centurary Vietnam was a colony owned by the Japaneese and the
French. After WW ll Vietnam was under total control by the French who had placed
Front (from hereby known as NLF) mostly consisting of communists and nationalists
was created. NLF started a guerilla war against the government and they were very
successfull and they got control over the northern parts of Vietnam. The NLF chose
Hanoi to be their main base under the management of the communist Ho Chi Minh.
South Vietnam’s leader president Ngo Dinh Diem was positioned in a city called
The Containment was a policy issued by Harry Truman who was the president of
USA 1945-1953. It was a policy that was launched to prevent communism to spread
through out the world. It was enforced with military, economic and diplomatic
actions to prevent what was describe as a the domino effect, If one country fall for
using radio, television and flyers making the americans afraid of everything related
to communism.
This later become known as a part of the Truman Doctrine which was president
This theory was used to justify the ongoing war in Vietnam. Letting the american
people know that you’re not just saving Vietnam but in the end you’re also saving
According to NSC-68 the decleration of United States Objectives and Programs for
NATO was formed as a step to make sure that west Europe was still loyal to the US
and to prevent them from applying communism. Making them allies with america
Public Library and Macmillan Inc. With foundings from Tilden Foundations ISBN 0-
02-861322-8) 1962 the troops in Vietnam were told to fire back if fire upon and a
1964 President Lyndon Johnsson asked the senate to allow him to aid the french in
Vietnam. Alreday at this point there were protests in the US against going to war.
However by the end of the year more than 180 000 troops were deployed to
1966 There was 385 000 troops in Vietnam and the US were consistently launching
were also bombed since the regime allowed NLF’s soliders to walk through their
border to be able to flank the americans. It is by many belived that the American
however needles to say there were many civilians that were seriously injured both
in Vietnam and Cambodia. This makes the NLF more popular and they increase
bombings(allthough not completly) while engaged in peace talks. Since this came
without results they resumed the air strikes. According to the American History
Desk Reference (printed 1997 by The New York Public Library and Macmillan Inc.
With foundings from Tilden Foundations ISBN 0-02-861322-8) the NLF anwsers with
an military offensive operation called the Tet Offensive which was a 3 weeks long
military raid. The US forces were able to maintain most of their military positions
but the psychological losses were servere. More and more people back in America
started questioning the war. How many american lives were the freedom of the
Vietnameese people worth? Most people back in America had expected a swift
outcome but the NLF were more determined and clever than anyone had
anticipated. Shortly after theese events America peaked thier military force with
mission in one of the villages in South Vietnam that resulted in near 500 civilan
casualties most of them were women and children. This leaked to the press who
called it the ’’My Lai massacre’’ . The troops involved are brought to court and
were charged with war crimes and murder. Only one man is convicted. This was
1970 The protests among students are rising and 4 students from the Kent State
University are killed by National Guardsmen during a protest. The protests had now
escalated so much that the white house had no choice but to listen to the people.
The same year almost 200 000 troops are withdrawn from Vietnam, around 300 000
Richard Nixon reveales a new policy, the policy of Vietnamization, meaning that
Vietnam. The Congress repeals the reulution that gave the leagl rights to start the
war but President Nixon ignores this fact and continues to bomb Cambodia and
North Vietnam bu the is still withdrawing american troops from the area.
January 27 1973. United Sates, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and the Vietcong
signed a peacetreaty. This is the end of the American involvement in Vietnam and
all troops are withdrawn. But the NLF had no intentions of honoring this treaty and
1975 they invade Saigon. The North Vietnam had won and the war was over.
It is easy to say that american shouldn’t have gone to war in Vietnam and allthough
I can understand people saying so but things like theese are always very
complicated. America wanted to demonstrate that their military forces were still
intact after WW ll and they wanted to make ceartain that the Soviet Union did not
get more allies. The Theory of Containment brainwashed the american people to
attack anything related to communism even though many probably did not even
know what communism really meant. This is most likely because that is nothing
that you learned in american schools and as they were fed with propaganda from
The Vietnam war with its 11years is the longest lasting war in Americas history and
government over 8.500 000 soldiers served in the war. Many of them today suffers
from psychologial traumas. Many soldiers were also wounded during the war. This
forced America to become more friendly to the handicapped. When you look at the
charts you see that the costs for the war were 140.6 Bil.$ + Veterans payments 130
bil.$=270.6bil.$ this is ofcourse excluding all the factors comming from facts like
how many veterans that couldn’t work when they came back because of traumas or
injuries. The people that were affected by loss of family member, making them
less effective at work. The costs of this are simply not messurable and you would
think that American should have changed the way they look upon war but as we
can see, America is still involved in several wars today, even though many