Mechanical Design, Analysis and Testing of A Large-Range Compliant Microgripper
Mechanical Design, Analysis and Testing of A Large-Range Compliant Microgripper
Mechanical Design, Analysis and Testing of A Large-Range Compliant Microgripper
, 7, 119–126, 2016
© Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Abstract. This paper presents the mechanical design, analysis, fabrication, and testing procedures of a new
large-range microgripper which is based on a flexible hinge structure. The uniqueness of the gripper is that
the gripper arms not only provide large gripping range but also deliver approximately rectilinear movement as
the displacement in nonworking direction is extremely small. The large gripping range is enabled by a mecha-
nism design based on dual-stage flexure amplifier to magnify the stroke of piezoelectric actuator. The first-stage
amplifier is a modified version of the Scott Russell (SR) mechanism and the second-stage amplifier contains
a parallel mechanism. The displacement amplification ratio of the modified SR mechanism in the gripper has
been enlarged to 3.56 times of the conventional design. Analytical static models of the gripper mechanism are
developed and validated through finite-element analysis (FEA) simulation. Results show that the gripping range
is over 720 µm with a resonant frequency of 70.7 Hz and negligible displacement in nonworking direction. The
total amplification ratio of the input displacement is 16.13. Moreover, a prototype of the gripper is developed
by using aluminium 7075 for experimental testing. Experimental results validate the analytical model and FEA
simulation results. The proposed microgripper can be employed in various microassembly applications such as
pick-and-place of optical fibre.
F l2 Ml
0 = − (1)
F l3 Ml 2
δx = − , (2)
where l is the length of the leaf flexure, F denotes the force,
M represents the moment, and E is elastic modulus of the
The moment of inertia can be calculated as follows.
mb l 2
Ib = , (3)
where mb is the mass of the leaf flexure.
The solutions to the above two Eqs. (1) and (2) are shown
below. Figure 3. Schematic of Scott Russell mechanism.
M = (4)
2 2.2 First-stage amplifier design
F l3
δx = (5) The first-stage amplifier is a modified version of the SR
mechanism. At first, the model of the SR mechanism will
From the kinetic energy equation and the kinematic rela- be introduced. As is known, when the lines AB = BC = BD
tionship of the mechanism, the expression of the equivalent = L, the structure will be consider as SR mechanism, which
mass can be derived: is shown in Fig. 3.
2 2 In order to solve the relationship between the input at
1 1 1
M1 = ma + 4mb + 4Ib , (6) point A and the output at point C, assume that the displace-
4 8 (8l)2 ment 1yA is close to zero after input. Then, in the right tri-
where ma is the mass without the leaf flexure, as shown in angle, one has the relationship (11). By solving the trigono-
Fig. 6 later. metric relationship, the results of output displacement and
The potential energy of the guiding flexures mechanism is the amplification ratio can be obtained as shown in Eqs. (12)
obtained as follows. and (13):
2Ks q 2 (1yA + lAD )2 + (1xc + lCD )2 ≈ lAD 2 2
1 + lCD , (11)
V =4 Ks θz2 = , (7)
2 (8l)2 1
2 2
1xC = lDC − 2LAD 1yA − 1yA2 − lDC , (12)
where Ks is the stiffness, θz is the rotational angle, and q
denotes the deformation at the end of each beam. The details 12
− (2L)2 − lAD
can be referred to the previous work (Xu, 2013). R1 ≈ = − tan α, (13)
For the presented structure, the stiffness Ks is obtained be- lAD
low (Xu, 2013): where L = 38.84 mm and lAD = 72.75 mm in this work.
From the above results of the amplification ratio (13), it is
Ks = 2γ Kθ , (8) seen that the output of SR mechanism is decreased when the
l length of segment CD is smaller than that of AD. It means
where γ = 0.85 and Kθ = 2.6686. that tan α is always less than one. Hence, although SR mech-
Hence, the natural frequency of the guiding mechanism is anism can provide a rectilinear output, the amplification ratio
calculated as shown below. is less than one. This is the disadvantage of the conventional
s SR mechanism. The angle α is set as 20.47◦ in this work.
K With this setting, the amplification ratio of the SR mecha-
f= , (9)
M1 nism is calculated as follows.
− (2L)2 − lAD
R1 ≈ = − tan(20.47) = −0.37 (14)
Ks lAD
K= . (10)
(4l)2 The minus sign means the negative direction of the output
Fy lHG
1.32 (22.01 + 55.89) Kr = . (21)
η= ≈ = 3.56, (18) l2
0.37 22.01 4 + FG
2 lIG
which indicates that the amplification ratio has been enlarged The input stiffness can be calculated as:
by 3.56 times with the new SR mechanism.
Kr + 2
2.3 Second-stage amplifier design K= 2
. (22)
The second-stage amplifier is a parallelogram mechanism
with leaf flexures. After the first stage of amplification, the Moreover, the equivalent mass of the gripper is shown be-
ratio is not large enough. So, the main objective of this mod- low:
ule as an essential device is to further enlarge the output twice 9 18 1287 4797
and to resist the nonworking directional displacement. The M = M1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + m5 , (23)
5 125 25 40
Figure 7. FEA simulation results. (a) Maximum output of the gripper, (b) displacement in nonworking direction.
It is observed that when the driving voltage approaches Table 4. Experimental results of output displacement of the com-
to 100 V, the output displacement arrives at the largest value. pliant microgripper.
The results collected by the laser sensor are shown in Table 4.
The open and close states of the gripper tips are illustrated in Item Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Fig. 10. Moreover, for the purpose of comparison, the ana- Output displacement
lytical model result, FEA simulation result, and experimental of one gripper arm (µm) 362 363 360 363
result are listed in Table 5. It is observed from Table 5 that the
experimental result is very close to the analytical and simula-
tion results, which verifies the effectiveness of the developed Table 5. Comparison of the results.
The results of the conducted experimental studies verify Item Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
the design of this new large-range compliant microgripper. A Output displacement
modified version of SR mechanism is proposed to enhance of one gripper arm (µm) 362 363 360
the performance of the original version. The objective is to Error 7.2 % 0.88 % –
enlarge the amplification ratio and to resist the nonworking
directional displacement by using one more parallelogram
module. The FEA simulation shows that the nonworking di- objects (Komati et al., 2013; Xu, 2015). In the future work,
rectional displacement is 61.2 nm. This performance can be the force sensing and control system module will be realized
optimized by an optimum design to be conducted in the fu- to deliver a desired output force of the gripper for executing
ture work. related micromanipulation tasks. Pertinent application study
In order to obtain a larger gripping range in micromanipu- will be carried out as well.
lation, the dual-stage amplifier provides an amplification ra-
tio of 8.066 per arm. Totally, the gripping range is enlarged to
be 16.13 times of the driving displacement, which is enabled 5 Conclusions
by the proposed new gripper design with modified SR ampli-
In this paper, a new design of large-displacement gripper is
fication mechanism. As compared with the existing grippers,
analyzed, fabricated, and tested. Each module of the grip-
in which only one arm is actuated, the two-arm actuation ap-
per is designed in detail. After the analytical model has been
proach with dual-stage amplification mechanism produces a
developed, simulation study has been conducted to verify
much larger output gripping range.
the performance of the design. Finally, a prototype of the
For practical applications, the grasp force exerted on the
gripper has been manufactured for experimental testing. Re-
object should lie in an appropriate range (Liu et al., 2009;
sults show that the gripping range is 0–720 µm along with a
Xu, 2015). Hence, the grasp force regulation is necessary to
large displacement amplification of 16.13. It provides enough
guarantee that an appropriate force is applied to the grasped
output motion for the manipulation of majority of micro-
particles. The amplification ratio of the modified SR mech- force control module will be implemented on the developed
anism has been enlarged by 3.56 times relative to the tra- gripper to produce a desired output force dedicated to related
ditional design. In the future work, a precision motion and micromanipulation tasks.
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