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Scientific Journal of Informatics

Vol. 5, No. 2, Nov 2018

p-ISSN 2407-7658 http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/sji e-ISSN 2460-0040

Forensic Tool Comparison on Instagram Digital

Evidence Based on Android with The NIST Method

Imam Riadi1, Anton Yudhana2, Muhamad Caesar Febriansyah Putra3

Department of Information System, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Department of Informatics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Email: 1imam.riadi@is.uad.ac.id, 2eyudhana@ee.uad.ac.id, 3muhamadcaesar16@yahoo.co.id


The growth of Android-based smartphone users to access media in communicating

using Instagram social media is very fast. Activities are carried out when using
Instagram social media in communicating to share information such as sending chat
texts and pictures. A large number of Instagram users make this application
vulnerable to abuse of Instagram such as pornography crimes from Instagram users.
This case can be forensic to get digital evidence in the form of chat text and pictures
from Instagram messenger is a feature of Instagram. The investigation in this study
uses the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) method which
provides several stages of collecting, examining, analyzing, reporting while
forensic tools use forensic oxygen and axiom magnets. The results of the recovery
and comparison of data result using Oxygen forensics and Axiom Magnets obtained
digital evidence in the form of data in the form of images and chat. The data
obtained by Magnet Axiom is 100% while forensic oxygen is 84%. These data are
the results of the performance of both forensic applications in obtaining digital
evidence that has been deleted from the Instagram messenger.
Keywords: Digital, Evidance, Instagram, NIST, Smartphone

Smartphone technology is growing rapidly. Smartphones are slowly starting to
replace the role of computers by increasing the number of features and applications
available on mobile devices [1], Android-based smartphones are the most popular
with more and more users every year [2]. Smartphones are equipped with various
applications for chat, email, telephone, social media, and other applications [3].
The number of Instagram users in the world has experienced rapid growth in 2018.
The growth in the number of Instagram social media users in January reached 100
million active users. The United States is the country that has the most active
Instagram users, namely 100 million active users while for Indonesia is ranked third
for the number of active users with a total of 60 million active users [4]. Instagram
growth statistics for active users can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The growth of instagram users in January 2018

Activities carried out by active users to access social media Instagram mostly use
smartphones with Android operating systems. The smartphone was introduced to
the public in 2007, and became the most popular operating system in 2011, judging
by sales in the fourth quarter of 2016 the number of smartphone sales with the
Android operating system was 379.98 million unit [5], as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Smartphone sales statistics with various operating systems

Smartphone devices have the same function as computers [6]. This makes more
and more active social media Instagram users using smartphones as their access
media can provide many benefits in communicating among fellow Instagram users
such as sharing photos or chatting. With various features that Instagram has like
Instagram Messenger. This feature is more personal in sending messages in the

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 236

form of photos or chatting to fellow Instagram users who are sent alone, Instagram
Messenger almost has in common with Instant Messaging like Whatsapp, LINE,
and others. This helps Instagram users to communicate using this feature which is
more personal. But more and more activities in using the Instagram Messenger
feature will potentially be exploited by users who are not responsible for
cybercrime crime. This crime has many types, but the most potential for
pornography crime is a person who uses the Instagram messenger feature by
sending messages in the form of photos-chat that contains pornography so that it
can cause harm to the recipient of the message. This can be a criminal case that can
be a case in court.

Based on the problems described above, the need for forensic handling, especially
forensic mobile in helping to solve Pornography crime cases through social media
Instagram with Smartphone as media access. From the research that will be carried
out is the development of previous studies such as research with the title "Analysis
of Digital Evidence on Android-based Instagram Messenger using the National
Institute of Justice (NIJ) method" In this study retrieving data on Instagram
messenger from cyberbullying cases using OXYGEN Forensic tool with the stages
of the NIJ method [4]. Whereas the author develops the research using a different
method namely NIST and performs testing using two tools namely OXYGEN
Forensic and AXIOM Forensic MAGNET to get a stronger comparison of results
from the data on Instagram messengers that are pornographic in the form of photos
or chat can become digital evidence under the court.

Digital Forensic is the application of computer science and technology for the sake
of legal proof (pro-justice), which in this case is proving high-tech crime or
computer scientifically to be able to obtain digital evidence that can be used against
violators. Digital forensics has many fields, one of which is mobile forensic. Digital
forensics is part of science involves returning to the initial condition and
investigation of items found in digital [7]. Digital forensics is a process that assists
in the disclosure of a specific digital crime event [8]. Mobile Forensic is the science
that performs the process of recovering digital evidence from mobile devices using
methods that are appropriate for forensic conditions [9]. mobile forensics retrieves
data from the Instagram database installed on the smartphone [10]

Instagram is a photo sharing service application that allows users to take pictures
and provide filters and then disseminate them on social networks. Instagram is one
of the social media that is being used by smartphone users today. The features
Instagram has become a factor for many Instagram users that aims to communicate
through social media, one of the newest features is an Instagram messenger, this
feature can help in the process of sending photos or chats of privacy that are done
along with Instagram users [11].

The Smartphone is the device as the most popular product in the form of mobile
phones with an operating system in it that allows users to run various applications,
such as the Android operating system [12]. The open-source Android platform

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 237

gives developers the freedom to contribute to the rapid growth of the Android
market. Android smartphone technology provides an opportunity for application
developers to expand the use of applications, especially social media, Instagram on
the Android operating system [13]. A smartphone has an Instant Messaging (IM)
application, this application can send messages and images quickly to receive
messages, Instagram is one of the instant messaging applications [14].

Cybercrime is against the law that uses computer technology based on the
sophistication of Internet technology development. Cybercrime is a term that refers
to criminal activity with a computer or computer network to become a tool, target,
or crime scene. cybercrime is divided into various types of crimes namely online
auction fraud, counterfeiting checks, credit/card fraud, trust fraud, identity fraud,
pornography [3]. Cybercrime can occur in all electronic devices, such as Android
smartphones [15].

This study refers to the investigation process used by the National Institute of
Standard and Technology (NIST) method. This method recommends a basic stage
in the forensic process, namely collection, examination, analysis, reporting. The
author describes the forensic stages in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Forensic mobile stages from NIST

Explanation from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),

namely collection, examination, analysis, and reporting as follows.
1. The Collection is a stage that collects, identifies, labels, records, and retrieves
data from data sources namely hardware by maintaining the integrity of the
original data, maintaining data integrity by isolating physical evidence and
backing up data by cloning or image files from items physical evidence.
2. Examination Phase processing data collected forensically using a
combination of various scenarios, both automatic and manual, assessing and
releasing data as needed while maintaining data integrity.
3. Analysis Phase Analysis performs an analysis of the results of the
examination using a method that is technically and legally justified by law to
obtain useful information and answer questions that encourage collection and

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 238

4. Reporting The reporting phase is to report the results of an analysis that
includes a description of the actions taken, an explanation of the tools and
procedures selected, the determination of other actions that need to be carried
out (for example forensic checks from additional data sources, security
identified gaps or increased security controls), and provide recommendations
to improve policies, procedures, equipment, and other aspects of the forensic
process [7].

2.1. Case Scenario Process

The research was carried out with a simulated case of Pornography crime. The
simulation process is needed to assist the researcher in determining the chronology
of the process of the occurrence of indicated cases of pornography crime, while the
scenario can be seen as in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Chronology of using a communication activity and user B using A

smartphone with instagram messenger installed

Based on the above case simulation, there are two users using the Instagram
application to communicate, namely user a (Message Sender) and user b (Message
Recipient). Both users have a smartphone, the user has a smartphone with Samsung
Galaxy Star GT-S5282, while the user has a smartphone with Samsung Galaxy GT-
S7580. Both have Instagram social media accounts, from the account owned by the
user is used to communicate with each other ie sending chat and photos via
Instagram messenger feature, user a sends chat and pictures that indicate
pornography to the user b, after sending chat and pictures, the user an immediately
delete everything to remove evidence. User b reports directly to the authorities for
the incident they experienced. Authorities respond directly to user reports b. The
next action the authorities issue a search letter to the user to secure the smartphone
belonging to the user a that is used as Instagram access media to communicate with
the user b. This user a smartphone will be made into electronic evidence. For the
next procedure, inspection of the smartphone belonging to the user a will be carried
out. In order to be able to identify and return digital evidence in the form of chat
and pictures deleted by user b from the smartphone. After that a case that indicates
pornography crime can continue in court. Based on the simulation of the

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 239

chronology of the cases indicated by pornography crimes described above, then the
following stages can be applied to the NIST method, namely Collection,
Examination, Analysis, and Report.

2.2. Comparison Method

Comparison of tools is based on the data expected from each tool. Quantitative
comparison using percentage formula (1).

∑ 𝑃𝑛
𝑃𝑜𝑛 = × 100% (1)
∑ 𝑃𝑜

Information :
ΣPo = The Result of Data Acquisition Tools
ΣPn = Original Data from Smartphone
𝑃𝑜𝑛 = Percentage results are expected [5].


3.1. Collection
The Collection Phase collects physical evidence, ie electronic evidence needed to
assist in conducting research to gather expected digital evidence. The research was
carried out using electronic evidence, namely one smartphone with the Samsung
brand with the type Samsung Galaxy Star GT-S5282 can be seen in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Smartphones that become electronic evidence

Electronic evidence in the form of a smartphone with an Android operating system

that has an Instagram application installed which is a communication tool that is
used to indicate a pornographic crime. Data contained on both Android
smartphones will be taken by cloning to avoid changes in data or data deletion that
will become digital evidence later to do data acquisition using Forensic Oxygen
and Forensic Axiom tools.

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 240

3.2. Examination
This stage checks the physical evidence, namely electronic evidence in the form of
a smartphone. Data - data that is on this smartphone will be checked using the
forensic tool to get the expected digital evidence. The first rare process of this stage
is to back up all data by means of Image Data from a smartphone to protect data
integrity so that there are no changes from the original data when conducting
checks. This process uses the Mobile Edit Express forensic tool can be seen in
Figure 6.

Figure 6. The smartphone is connected to the mobile edit express tool

Image Process Data can be done when electronic evidence in the form of a
smartphone has been connected to a computer using a data cable. The Edit Express
Mobile Tool installed on the computer can be run automatically and will search for
the smartphone device as shown above. Next, to start the imaging process the data
uses these tools to produce format data (.img) as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Data image results using the mobile edit express tool

Image Process This data is used to back up data from a smartphone by cloning data
by per byte so that it can resemble the original data, the results of image data
processing cannot be changed or added and subtracted but can only be opened using
other forensic tools for examination purposes.

The results of the data backup process by means of Image data will be stored in the
form of ISO with the data type (img). This process can also recover data that has
been erased, this depends on the ability of the Car Edit Express tool that is used to
restore all data or part of it. For finding out this need for other forensic tools to be

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 241

used in the process of checking and analyzing the results of the Image data that has
been obtained. Then check the Image data results using Axiom Magnet and Oxygen
Forensic tools like Figure 8 and 9.

Figure 8. Smartphones connected with axiom magnet tools

Oxygen Forensic tools connected to a smartphone can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Smartphone connected with oxygen forensic tool

The process of checking the results made using forensic Axiom Magnetics and
Oxygen forensic tools has in common that the smartphone must be connected with
forensic tools. Image data processing data can be directly generated through the
features that are available both of these tools are Load Evidence that can read the
results of Image data. Inspection of Smartphone GT-S5282 is electronic evidence
belonging to the user b aimed at obtaining digital evidence, namely chat and
pictures from the smartphone. The use of Axiom Magnet and forensic Oxygen
tools. Both of these tools can acquire data - data that is on the smartphone and
check the results of the Image Data which can then be analyzed to become a digital
evidence report. The inspection process is carried out in an offline condition the
smartphone is connected to the computer using a USB cable to be connected to
both of these tools.

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 242

3.3. Analysis
The results of the Image Data examination using Magnet Axiom and Oxygen
forensic tools obtained some data from the Image data that was successfully
recovered using the Mobile Edit Express tool. The results of the examination in the
form of data - data will be analyzed as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Results of data checking in the form of chatting with the
axiom magnet tool

The results of the analysis obtained from the text conversation data in the form of
a chat can be known the message content, message status, message type,
timestamp, and Instagram owner account. This will be digital evidence while the
results of data in the form of images/photos can be seen in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Results of analyzing data in the form of image with axiom magnet

The results of the analysis obtained from the data in the form of images/photos that
get everything from Instagram are known, namely the image content, image type,
timestamp, and Instagram owner account. Data that is successfully analyzed will
be used as digital evidence. Then analyze the results of the Oxygen Forensic in
Figure 12.

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 243

Figure 12. Results of data analysis in the form of chat with
oxygen forensic tools

The results of the analysis obtained from the text conversation data in the form of
chat can know the message content, message status, message type, timestamp, and
Instagram account owner but there are differences in the chat result display from
the Oxygen forensic tool that is the results in the form of metadata analyzed in the
database (DB) Instagram as in the picture above. This will be digital evidence while
the results of data in the form of images/photos can be seen in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Results of data analysis in the form of images with oxygen forensic

3.4. Reporting
The results of the analysis obtained from the data in the form of images/photos that
get everything from Instagram are known, namely image content, type of image,
timestamp, and Instagram owner account. The amount of image data analyzed was
not as much as that obtained by the Axiom Magnet tool but the images were
obtained directly from the Instagram messenger feature. Successful data obtained
from both forensic tools can be seen in the Table 1.

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 244

Table 1. Results of data recovery from 2 forensic tools
Digital Data recovered from Original Data
No Forensic Tools
Evidence forensic tools Smartphone
1 Magnet Axiom Image 5 5
Chat 8 8
2 Oxygen Forensik Image 4 5
Chat 7 8

Data from the table compared above is obtained from the analysis of the amount of
special data from the Instagram Messenger feature which is a place for
communication activities carried out by User B for indications of pornographic
crime, forensic tool data recovery results compared to the original Instagram
messenger data on smartphones. Then the comparison results obtained for the
Axiom Magnet tool are 100% while the Oxygen Forensic tool is 84% of the overall
data available.

Based on the results of digital evidence obtained by using the tools of Axiom
Magnet and Oxygen Forensic namely image and chat. The results of the analysis
of the digital evidence obtained specifications compared to the results obtained
using 2 forensic tools as in Table 2.

Table 2. Comparison of digital evidence results from 2 forensic tools

Digital Tools Forensic
Specification Digital
Evidence Magnet Axiom Oxygen Forensic
1. Image Content ✓ ✓
2. Image Type ✓ ✓
Image 3. Timestamp ✓ X
4. Account Profile ✓ ✓
1. Chat Content ✓ ✓
2. Chat Status ✓ ✓
Chat 3. Chat Type ✓ ✓
4. Timestamp ✓ ✓
5. Account Profile ✓ ✓

The label above is digital evidence in the form of image and chat that is obtained
using 2 forensic tools. From the digital evidence, there are specifications that
become parameters for digital evidence. Each parameter can be compared with the
results of each tool used, namely Axiom and Oxygen Forensic Magnets. Based on
the results of comparisons of digital evidence is known tools Axiom Magnet more
complete the digital proof specifications than Oxygen Forensic. Forensic Oxygen
Tools there are deficiencies in the results of digital evidence, namely the timestamp
image, while for the results of the amount of image and chat data that is
successfully obtained not all are only 84% for the Axiom Magnet tools the overall
results of digital evidence data obtained 100%.

Scientific Journal of Informatics , Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2018 245

This research was conducted to compare the results of the performance of tools to
find digital and chat and pictures from Instagram Messenger installed on Samsung
Galaxy Star GT-S5282 smartphones. The forensic process uses the stages
recommended by NIST, namely Collection, Examination, Analysis, Reporting.
The data obtained is that the Axiom Magnet tool reaches 100% while Forensic
Oxygen is 84%. For development, it is recommended to add a tool to get more valid
data as digital evidence.

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