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© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


MCA Student, Master of Computer Applications,
D.N.R. College, P.G.Courses & Research Center, Bhimavaram, AP, India.
Head & Assistant Professor, Master of Computer Applications,
D.N.R. College, P.G.Courses & Research Center, Bhimavaram, AP, India.


The aim of Online Crime Report & Maintenance Using Centralized Data is to maintain the proper
customer complaints of different police department. by using this application people who are afraid to go to
police station for complaint about different issues they can give their complaint through online to register
any type of complaint they need to register his personal details along with login details. Once he/she
registers in the application he/she can post their complaints. The complaints will be received by the
administrator and try to verify the appropriate solution and send that back as reply for the posted user.

KEYWORDS : Crime Report, Centralized Data, Complaint Registration, Administrator


The objective of the proposed system is to build that provides the facility to the customer to post
their complaints about the particular crime or criminal. The system should keep track of complaints and
within no time, the customer should get the solution for his problem. The proposed system should provide
the facilities for the following modules.

1. Administrator Module
2. Customer Module
3. Department Module
Only the authorized persons can login to their respective modules using their username and

In administrator module, once an administrator logs on to the system he/she can register the
departments and criminals. The Administrator can update the details of anyone on their demand. He
analyzes the performance of each individual.

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© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

In customer module, once a customer logs on to the system, he can post a complaint to the
department. The customer can view the status to the complaint posted by him. They can edit their
personnel details.

In department module, when department person logs on to the system, he can view the complaints
posted by the customers. The department person can then change the status of the cime.

The crime Reporting system base system to register online Complaint. Online Crime Reporting
System project’s main idea is to implement an automated software application for maintaining the proper
common people complaints of different police departments. ü By using this application people who are
afraid or don’t have enough time to go police station for complaint about their personal legal issues here
they can give their complaint through online to register any type of complaint.

The present system try to use manual method for storing the criminal or any complaints.All
criminal records are stored in a manual file. To add any new record ,record file is used. When other police
station require any criminal information at that time they need to call that police station. There are many
drawbacks like time consuming, require more man power. Citizens can not get the information and the
current status of the criminals of all city's. And the information will be available only certain period of
time till the department staff is present in their department. This cannot be give update round the clock.

In order to avoid the problems in the existing system, the new system should provide a facility to
the citizens not need to go police station to see the criminal’s information. They can directly see
information on site .Visitor can easily get the information about the crime and criminal. Reduce the man
power, and also reduce the time. Member can view the current status of the criminal in online without
spending more time to visit the police station.



Literature survey is the most important step in software development process. Before developing
the tool, it is necessary to determine the time factor, economy and company strength. Once these things are
satisfied, ten next steps are to determine which operating system and language used for developing the tool.
Once the programmers start building the tool, the programmers need lot of external support. This support
obtained from senior programmers, from book or from websites. Before building the system the above
consideration r taken into for developing the proposed system.

Behavioral analysis of crime against women using a graph Based clustering approach. 2017
International Conference on Computer Communication and Information (ICCI): Crime against women is
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© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

increasing at an alarming rate in almost all parts of India and women in the Indian society have been
victims of humiliation, torture and exploitation. It has even existed in the past but only in the recent years
the issues have been brought to the open for concern. According to the latest data released by the National
Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), crimes against women have increased more than doubled over the past ten
years. While a number of analyses have been done in the field of crime pattern detection, none have done
an extensive study on the crime against women in India. The present application describes a behavioral
analysis of crime against women in India from the year 2001 to 2014. The study evaluates the efficacy of
Info map clustering algorithm for detecting communities of states and union territories in India based on
crimes. As it is a graph based clustering approach, all the states of India along with the union territories
have been considered as nodes of the graph and similarity among the nodes have been measured based on
different types of crimes. Each community is a group of states or union territories which are similar based
on crime trends. Initially, the method finds the communities based on current year crime data, subsequently
at the end of a year when new crime data for the next year is available, the graph is modified and new
communities are formed.


Twitter is an online social networking site, where hundreds of millions of tweets are posted every
day by millions of users. It is considered to be one of the fastest and most popular communication medium
and is frequently used to keep track of recent events.Tweets related to a particular event can be found
using keyword matching and many of them contain identical information. If a user wants to keep track of
an event, it is difficult to have all the tweets containing identical or redundant information and it is
desirable to have good techniques to summarize large number of tweets. A graph is been proposed for
summarizing tweets where a graph is first constructed considering the similarity among tweets and
community detection techniques are then used on the graph to cluster similar tweets and finally a
representative tweet is chosen from each cluster to be included in the summary.

The similarity among tweets is measured using features based on Word Net synsets which help to
capture the semantic similarity among tweets. The proposed approach achieves better performance than
Sum basic which is an existing summarization technique. Data mining based crime investigation systems:
The number of crime incidents reported per day in India is increasing dramatically. The criminals use
various advanced technologies and commit crimes in tactful ways and this makes crime investigation more
complicated process and the police officers perform lot of manual tasks to get thread for investigation. The
deals with the study of data mining based systems for analyzing crime information and automates the crime
investigation procedure of the police officers and the majority of these frameworks utilize a blend of data
mining methods such as clustering and classification for the effective investigation of the criminals.

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© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Analysis of crimes through newsapplication articles Crime analysis is one of the most important
activities of the majority of the intelligent and law enforcement organizations all over the world and they
collect domestic and foreign crime related data to prevent future attacks and utilize limited number of law
enforcement resources in an optimum manner.

A major challenge faced by most of the law enforcement and intelligence organizations is analyzing the
growing volumes of crime related data. The vast geographical diversity and the complexity of crime
patterns made the analyzing and recording of crime data more difficult. Data mining is used for analyzing
and deriving analytical results and it presents an intelligent crime analysis system which is designed to
overcome the problems and it is a web-based system which comprises of various techniques and this
proposed system consists of rich and simplified environment that can be used effectively for processes of
crime analysis


The present system try to use manual method for storing the criminal or any complaints.All
criminal records are stored in a manual file. To add any new record, file is used. When other police
station requires any criminal information at that time they need to call that police station. There are
many drawbacks like time consuming, require more man power. Citizens cannot get the
information and the current status of the criminals of all city's. And the information will be
available only certain period of time till the department staff is present in their department. This
cannot be give update round the clock.


The main limitations of the existing system are as follows:

1) There will be no data accuracy

2) There is no Proper control of the higher authority

3) It increases a lot of manual data entry .

4) Less efficiency

5) Poor service

6) It is not User friendliness and interactive

7) More time required

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© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)


In order to avoid the problems in the existing system, the new system should
provide a facility to the citizens not need to go police station to see the criminal’s
information. They can directly see information on site .Visitor can easily get the
information about the crime and criminal. Reduce the man power, and also reduce the
time. Member can view the current status of the criminal in online without spending more
time to visit the police station.


The following are the advantages of the proposed system:

1. Ensure data accuracy
2. Proper control of the higher authority
3. Minimize manual data entry
4. Greater efficiency
5. Better service
6. User friendliness and interactive
7. Minimum time required
Minimum time needed for the various processing


Implementation is a stage where the theoretical design is converted into programmatically manner.
Here we need to divide the application into number of modules. In this application we mainly divide the
total project into 3 modules:

1. Administration Module

2. Department Module

3. Customer Module

Now let us discuss about each and every module in detail as follows:


Administrator is responsible to carry out the whole process of registration of different police
departments, updating the existed police departments, registering the criminal information along with photo

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© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

uploading, updating the criminal information. Displaying all available criminal information and police
department details.


In this module, each department SI will login into this module checks the complaints, which are
posted by the customer of his department area. Updates the criminal information and updates the complaint
status. the status will be Pending, Process, closed, reopen.

In this module, Customer can register in the application. Updates the Personal information. Registration of
new Complaints and checking the posted complaint status. Viewing the all-criminal information category
wise. Changing the login details



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This software presents the part of an organization work as per the requirements, specifications and
conditions mentioned in the user manual. This application s/w has been developed and completed
successfully and also tests successfully by taking “Test Cases”. It is user friendly and has all the needed
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© 2021 JETIR May 2021, Volume 8, Issue 5 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

menu options, which can be utilized by the user to perform the desired operations. Moreover help messages
are provided which will help any authorized user from using the system without trouble


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