Hvac Works Section No. Descriptions: Table of Content Technical Specifications
Hvac Works Section No. Descriptions: Table of Content Technical Specifications
Hvac Works Section No. Descriptions: Table of Content Technical Specifications
1 15020
2 15051 PAINTING
13 15860 FANS
A. The requirements of the Contract Documents, including General Conditions and Special Conditions and
Division 1-GeneralRequirements apply to the work of this division.
B. In case of conflict between these General Provisions and the General Conditions and/or Supplementary
General Conditions the more restrictive requirements govern.
C. The drawings are schematic and diagrammatic and are intended to be a graphic representation of the
contract requirements. Due to restrictions of scale, complete details cannot be shown. It is however
assumed to represent a complete installation. The contractor shall be responsible for providing a
complete installation, coordination with other trades, and coordination with field conditions.
D. Riser diagrams and schematic diagrams generally indicate equipment connections to be used for various
systems. Provide all work shown on diagrams whether or not it is duplicated on the plans.
E. Specifications include incomplete sentences. Words or phrases such as "the contractor shall," "shall be,"
"furnish," "provide," "a," "an," "the," and "all" have been omitted for brevity.
F. Except where modified by a specific notation to the contrary, the indication and/or description of any
item, in the Drawings or Specifications or both, carries with it the instruction to furnish and install the
item complete with all appurtenances or accessories necessary to complete any required system,
regardless of whether or not this instruction is explicitly stated as part of the indication or description.
G. Specifications and Drawings are complimentary and are to be taken together for a complete interpretation
of the work. Where conflicts exist between the drawings and specifications, the item(s) of greater
quantity or cost shall be provided for in the contract price.
H. Drawings, of necessity, utilize symbols and schematic diagrams to indicate various items of work.
Neither of these have any dimensional significance nor do they delineate every item required for the
intended installation. Install the work in accordance with the diagrammatic intent expressed on the
electrical and mechanical drawings, and in conformity with the dimensions indicated on final
architectural and structural working drawings and on equipment shop drawings.
I. Certain details appear on the drawings which are specific with regard to the dimensioning and
positioning of the work. These details are intended only for the purpose of establishing general
feasibility. They do not obviate field coordination for the indicated work.
J. Derive information as to the general construction from structural and architectural drawings and specificat
K. The contractor shall be responsible for conforming to all local codes, rules and regulations and
restrictions applicable to the installation, methods and practices of work and equipment.
L. The contractor shall adhere to all local standards and those outlined herein.
A Where used in this document and accompanying drawings, the following words are defined as listed:
1- "Provide" to furnish, install and connect up complete and set to work ready for safe and regular
operation of particular work referred to.
2- "Install " to erect, mount and connect complete with related accessories.
3- "Furnish" or "Supply" to purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related accessories.
4- "Work" labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories and all other items required for
proper and complete installation.
5- "Concealed" embedded in masonry or other construction, installed inferred spaces, within double
partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces or in enclosures.
8- "Similar" or "equal" of base bid manufacturer, equal in materials, weight, size, design and efficiency of
specified product, conforming with "Base Bid Manufacturer's".
10- “Architect”, "Engineer", "Project Manager", "Owner" the party or parties responsible for
interpreting, accepting and otherwise ruling on the performance under "This Contract".
11- "Contract" The agreement covering the work to be performed by "This Contractor".
12- "The Specifications", "The Section Part Division of the Specifications" the documents specifying the
work to be performed by "The Contractor."
13- "Other", "Other Trade" persons, parties, or trades responsible for work of the project other than the
parties who have been awarded the contract for this division of the work.
15- "Operator" The party or organization appointed by the Owner to provide around the clock, 365 day
operation of this facility.
16- "The Contractor" The organization awarded responsibility for delivering a complete, approved and
operable project.
17- "Acceptable Manufacturer" The manufacturer whose product meets the full conditions of the contract
documents in quality, aesthetic appearance, capacities, ratings, applicable codes, space allocation and
warranties to that specified, as approved by the Engineer.
Refer to the Engineer for decisions on any items or requirements noted in the specifications or drawings
which conflict with the standards listed above. Provide all work necessary to comply with these
requirements at no extra cost to the Owner.
C. Maintain a complete file of shop drawings at the Site available for inspection by the Engineer and Project
Manager. Upon installation, initial and date shop drawings.
D. Provide every facility to permit inspection or observation of the work by the Engineer during the course
of construction.
E. Be responsible for work until its issuance of the certificate of practical completion; replace any of the
same which may be damaged, lost or stolen, including work of other trades without additional cost to the
A. Make all workmanship, equipment and materials supplied under these specifications acceptable to the
Engineer, who has the power to reject any items which in their judgment are not in full accordance with
the Drawings and Specifications.
A. Make delivery to the Engineer for transmittal to the Project Manager upon completion of the work and
before final payment. Pay all charges required by the inspection authority and include their cost in the
B. Include the procurement of and payment for all permits, certificates and fees for the performance of the
work in compliance with codes, applicable laws and municipal regulations Including those from local
utilities for services.
A. The Specifications and the accompanying drawings are intended to secure the provisions of all material,
labor, equipment, and services necessary to install complete, tested, ready for operation and set to work
the HVAC Systems in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings. Provide all systems complete
with necessary appurtenances and minor auxiliaries, including offsets to clear interferences and supports
which are not shown but are needed to make each system complete in every respect.
Provide all work described in the Specifications and not shown on the Drawings, or vice versa, in
complete working order. If mention has been omitted of any item of work or material, necessary for
completion of the system, then such items must be and are hereby included.
1- Verify and provide external static pressure calculations for all duct work with all fittings and accessories
based on the approved work shop drawings . This applies for all fans , fan coil units and air handling
units , according to the relevant specifications requirements .
Verify and provide external static pressure calculations for all duct work with all fittings and accessories
based on the approved work shop drawings . This applies for all fans , fan coil units and air handling
units , according to the relevant specifications requirements .
2- Verify and provide pressure drop calculations on the side piping of HVAC system , based on the
approved work shop drawings and according to the relevant technical specifications requirements .
3- Provide analysis of sound level spectrum in different spaces, according to the relevant technical
specifications requirements .
4- Verify and provide calculations of the net positive suction head on all pumps ,based on the approved
work shop drawings and according to the relevant technical specifications requirements .
5- Provide complete design and calculations for the seismic and vibration control system of all mechanical
and electrical equipment , according to the relevant technical specifications requirements .
6- Provide analysis of the water treatment and chemical treatment system concerning raw water, blow down
water , etc , according to the relevant technical specifications requirements .
7- Verify and provide smoke calculation showing smoke flow rate , smoke temperature rise and the fan
flow rate , and provide complete selection of the smoke fans including fire rating and pressure drop
according to the approved shop drawings and according to the relevant technical specifications .
8- Verify and provide calculations for the expansion tanks capacity , based on the approved work shop
drawings and according to the relevant technical specifications requirements .
Provide computer selection , according to the relevant technical specifications requirements , of all
9- mechanical and devices including , but not limited to :
Chillers Cooling towers Boilers and accessories Air handling units Fan coil units
Fans Pressure reducing valves Variable air–volume and constant–air volumes boxes
10- Provide computer software programs , according to the relevant Codes and standards , for all HVAC
Systems including , but not limited to :
Cooling load Analysi Chilled water hydronic calculations Duct routing pressure drop
CFD Analysis for Car parking's using Jet fan
A. Before submitting a proposal, the Contractor is responsible for visiting the site of the work and becoming
thoroughly familiar with all conditions and limitations. The submission of a proposal will be construed as
evidence that such an examination has been made, and later claims for labor, equipment or materials
required for difficulties encountered which could have been foreseen had such an examination been
made will not be recognized.
C. Existing conditions, equipment, material, and sizes are shown for reference only. Verify existing
conditions and bring any discrepancies to the Engineer's attention in writing prior to submission. Do not
proceed with work until deficiencies have been corrected and written notification to proceed is received
from the Engineer.
A. Prior to purchasing equipment or materials, submit a list of proposed manufacturers to the Engineer, for
B. Shop drawings which are submitted out of sequence or without supplemental information necessary for
proper evaluation of the submission may be subject to delay in processing.
2- That the submitted shop drawing is fully coordinated with all interfacing trades and with other trades
where interference may occur.
3- That the submitted shop drawings are in conformance with the contract documents, except for stated
substitutions and/or changes.
D. Prior to assembling or installing the work, submit the following for review:
1- Catalog information and factory assembly drawings, as required for a complete explanation and
description of all items of equipment.
2- Field installation drawings, as required to explain fully all procedures involved in erecting, mounting and
connecting all items of equipment.
Scale composite drawings, showing all duct work, piping, lighting fixtures, main conduit runs, and
drainage piping above the hung ceilings and in the mechanical equipment rooms. The drawings will
indicate pipe and duct sizes and their elevation above the floor. Obtain layout of plumbing, fire
protection and electrical work from the respective trades for inclusion on the composite drawing. The
signature of each trade Contractor on the composite drawing will attest to full coordination of these
5- Materials installed or work performed without approval of materials is done at the risk of the Contractor,
and the cost of removal of such material or work which is judged unsatisfactory for any reason is at the
expense of the Contractor. Including the affects of work by other Trades.
1- Number of copies and type of paper complies with the submittal requirements of the contract documents.
4- Properly marked with service or function identification as related to the project, where they consist of
catalog sheets displaying other items which are not applicable.
5- Properly marked with external connection identification as related to the project where they consist of
standard factory assembly or field installation drawings.
G. Trade Contractor shall provide to installing trade in a timely fashion all information for work of other
trades such as concrete base locations curbs, shaft locations and mark out, supports, etc.
A- Before commencing work, procure complete set of black and white prints of Contract Drawings.
B- Maintain prints in field office and permanently record, in colored pencil, on such prints, at time of
occurrence, deviations from Contract Drawings.
D- Make drawings available for Engineer's periodic inspection and submit for review with As-Built
A- Before commencing work, procure complete set of reproducible transparencies of Contract Drawings
C- Conspicuously indicate major deviations in Mechanical Equipment Rooms by specific reference to shop
drawings of these rooms and provide an accurate and complete record of the work as installed.
D. Upon completion of work, submit an electronic copy and signed and certified reproducible
transparencies as As-Built and referenced Shop Drawings, along with marked up prints of Record
Drawings, to Engineer for acceptance.
Coordinate the work of this division with the work of all other trades and the utility company and so
arrange that there will be no delay in the proper installation and completion of any part or parts of each
respective work where in it may be interrelated with that of these specifications so that generally all
construction work can proceed without delaying the completion of the project.
Examine contract drawings and specifications for all other trades relating to this project, verify all
governing conditions at the site, and become fully informed as to the extent and character of the work
required and its relation to other work in the building. No consideration will be granted for any alleged
misunderstanding of the materials to be furnished for work to be done.
Scaled and figured dimensions with respect to the items are approximate only; sizes of equipment have
been taken from typical equipment items of the class indicated. Before proceeding with work, carefully
check all dimensions and sizes and assume full responsibility for the fitting-in of equipment and
materials to the building and to meet architectural and structural conditions.
Coordinate work with other trades. Confer with other trades whose work might affect this installation;
and arrange all parts of this work and equipment in proper relation to the work and equipment of others,
with the building construction and with architectural finish so that this work will harmonize in service,
appearance, and function.
E. Install exposed piping and duct work to provide the maximum amount of head room coordinated with the
Architectural drawings above the finished floor. Install piping and ductwork concealed in areas where
hung ceilings or other furred spaces are indicated.
F. Refer to the Architectural Drawings for ceiling heights, locations and types of hung ceilings and furred
Furnish to other trades for general coordination, detailed advance information regarding all requirements
related to work under other Divisions and/or Sections. Furnish sizes, accurate data, and locations of any
and all pads, pits, chases, sleeves, and slots through floor slabs, walls, foundations, ceilings, roof, and
other special openings required for work under this Division.
Provide sepia drawings for trade coordination. The sepia of this "coordination "drawing will be
circulated in timely fashion to the other trades for indication of their work to permit coordination. Attend
coordination meetings. When coordination is complete to the satisfaction of the Contractor, "sign off"
A. Owner-furnished equipment will be delivered, crated or otherwise packaged to the site delivery point
selected by the Project Manager. The Contractor is responsible for accepting delivery of all Owner-
PROVISIONS which are under his trade jurisdiction and place them in their final location.
HEATING, Page 9 of 87 SECTION 15020
A. Owner-furnished equipment will be delivered, crated or otherwise packaged to the site delivery point
selected by the Project Manager. The Contractor is responsible for accepting delivery of all Owner-
furnished items which are under his trade jurisdiction and place them in their final location.
Where items cannot be immediately placed in their final position, the Contractor is responsible for
storing and protecting all Owner-furnished items until the time of their final installation. The contractor
is responsible for the care and protection of the items until issuance of the certificate of practical
completion. Coordinate delivery of Utility Company furnished equipment with the delivery policy of that
Deliver and store HVAC equipment at the site, properly packed and crated until finally installed. Store
materials in spaces approved by the Project Manager. Investigate each space through which equipment
must be moved. If necessary, have equipment shipped from manufacturer in crated sections of size
suitable for moving through restricted spaces.
Adequately protect uninstalled and installed equipment and materials against loss or stealing, damage
caused by water, paint, fire, plaster, moisture, acids, fumes, dust or other environmental conditions, or
physical damage, during delivery, storage, installation and shutdown conditions. Replace any damaged
or stolen material without extra cost to the Owner. Provide periodic maintenance for stored equipment.
C. Provide effective protection for all material and equipment against damage that may be caused by
environmental conditions. Do no work when conditions of temperature in area or moisture on materials
or substrates are not in accordance with material manufacturer's recommended conditions for installation.
Maintain all equipment and systems installed until, issuance of the certificate of practical completion.
The operation of the equipment by the Owner does not constitute an acceptance of the work. Work will
be accepted only after the Contractor has adjusted its equipment, demonstrated that it fulfills the
requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, and has furnished all required documentation, and
fulfilled all contract requirements.
E. Provide effective protection against damage for all materials and equipment during shipment, and storage
at the Project Site. Cover all stored equipment to exclude dust and moisture. Place stored equipment on
pallets or racks with appropriate weather cover.
F. After ductwork, piping and equipment are installed, cover openings to prevent entrance of water and
foreign materials. Close openings with temporary metal or plastic caps.
Protect all rough and finished floors and other finished surfaces from damage which may be caused by
construction materials and methods. Protect floors with tarpaulins, drip pans and oil-proof floor covering.
Protect finished surfaces from welding and cutting splatters with baffles and splatter blankets. Protect
finished surfaces from paint droppings, adhesive and other marring agents with drop cloths. Protect
other surfaces with appropriate protective measures.
H. Deliver materials to Project Site in manufacturer's original unopened containers with manufacturer's
name and product identification clearly marked thereon
I. After completion of work, clean the exterior surfaces of equipment furnished in this Division including
concrete residue, to the satisfaction of the Engineer
A. Provide Equipment and Materials required for installation under the Specifications new and without
blemish or defect. Provide equipment and materials which meet with the acceptance of authorities
having jurisdiction over the work. Where such acceptance is contingent upon having the products
certified by a testing laboratory, provide products so listed or labeled. Where no specific indication as to
the type or quality of material or equipment is indicated, furnish a first class standard article.
B. Wherever a manufacturer of a product is specified and the terms "other approved" or "approved equal" or
"equal" or "similar to" are used, the substituted item must conform in all respects to the specified item,
and meet with the Engineer's approval. Consideration will not be given to claims that the substituted
item meets the performance requirements with lesser construction. Performance as delineated in
schedules and in the Specifications indicate minimum performance. In many cases, equipment is
oversized to allow for pick-up loads, de rating and future loads which cannot be delineated under the
minimum performance.
C. Provide all equipment of one type (such as valves, fans, pumps, coils, etc.) produced by one
D. Substituted equipment where permitted and approved must conform to space requirements. Replace at
Contractor's expense any substituted equipment that cannot meet space requirements, whether approved
or not. Make any modifications of related systems as a result of substitutions at Contractor's expense.
E. Note that shop drawings, or other information submitted in accordance with the requirements herein
before specified, do not assure that the Engineer attests to the dimensional suitability of the material or
equipment involved. Engineer's approval of shop drawings for substituted equipment, does not waive
the Contractor's responsibility to assure proper fit with adequate clearances for maintenance.
F. Substitutions of equipment for that listed on the schedules or designated by model number in the
Specifications will not be considered if the item listed or described is not a regular cataloged item shown
in the current catalog of the manufacturer and been successfully used for a period of not less than five
A. Access doors as required for operation and maintenance of concealed equipment, valves, controls, pull
boxes, etc., shall be provided and installed by others, whether shown on the drawings or not.
B. Coordinate and prepare a location, size, and function schedule of access doors required and deliver to the
Engineer for approval.
C. Refer to the pertinent Architectural specification section for the type and quality of access doors to be
furnished for designated areas and ceiling conditions.
D. Access doors in ductwork and HVAC equipment shall be supplied and installed by the HVAC
Contractor as required for operation and maintenance, whether shown on the drawings or not.
1.17 TOOLS
Contractor is responsible to provide tools and equipment necessary to complete his work without use of
any of the project equipment such as flushing pumps , motor control centers .. etc .
Provide direct current welding machines for piping welding and steel welding processes.
Provide drying furnace for keep welding electrodes dry .
Provide testing and commissioning, measuring tools , to get approvals prior to start the work .
A. After completion of all required equipment and system tests and unless specifically noted elsewhere in
these specifications, provide at Owner's/Operator's convenience, knowledgeable personnel and necessary
equipment to reasonably instruct and demonstrate the operation and maintenance of said equipment and
system Arrange for the related manufacturer or authorized representative to assist with this orientation.
The orientation shall be a minimum of five (5) days in addition to start up time.
B. Before requesting acceptance of work, furnish five (5) copies in bound form of a complete instruction
manual, type written or printed.
C. Include the following in the instruction manuals in accordance with Division 1,and the following:
5.0 Maintenance
A. Systems trouble-shooting charts
B. Procedures for checking out functions
C. Recommended list of spare parts and cost
D. Schedule of recommended maintenance
7.0 Manufacturer's data: Where multiple model, type and size listings are included, clearly and
conspicuously indicate those that are pertinent to this installation.
A. Description-literature, drawings, illustrations, certified performance charts, technical data, etc.
B. Operation
C. Parts list
D. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of recommended repair and service companies
E. Guarantee data
A. Guarantee all work to be free from leaks or defects. Replace or repair, as directed by the Engineer,
defective materials or workmanship, as well as damage to the work of the Trades resulting from same for
the duration of stipulated guarantee periods.
B. The duration of guarantee periods following the date of acceptance of the entire work shall be a
minimum of one(1)year or as noted in the Contract general & special conditions However, due to the
nature of the installation, provide additional time as follows:
1- Extension of guarantee to include one continuous heating season, from November 1 to April 1.
2- Extension of guarantee to include one continuous cooling season, from May 1 to October 1.
C. Submit certification attesting to the fact that specified performance and other criteria are met by all items
of equipment.
A. Deliver all equipment with standard factory finish or as specified. Clean all equipment before acceptance
by the Owner.
A. Deliver all equipment with standard factory finish or as specified. Clean all equipment before acceptance
by the Owner.
B. Except as otherwise specified, priming will be done under other Sections of the work.
C. Any Material transported in a piping system will be color coded. Positive Identification of contents of A
piping system shall be by lettered legend giving the name of the material in full or abbreviated form
Arrows will be used to indicate the direction of flow. Color coding shall be applied to the entire exposed
piping system. Identifying color of materials one word in piping systems are as :
Material Color
Blow-off water Yellow
Fire protection water Red
Fuel gas Yellow
Hot water Yellow
Sanitary, water Green
Sprinkler, water Red
Storm sewer Green
Make-up water Green
Waste Water Green
Water Green
All systems and equipment requiring identification and nomenclature shall be provided in Arabic &
A. As the project progresses, the Engineer, at his discretion, will perform site visits to observe the
mechanical and electrical installations. At the conclusion of these site visits, punch lists or non-
compliance notices will be issued to the appropriate Contractor for the deficiencies in the work of his
trade. Complete all work and perform all corrective measures as required by the punch lists. After this
corrective and completion work has been accomplished advise the Engineering writing that every item
on the punch lists has been completed.
A. The Contractor shall instruct and train personnel, designated by the Owner for the purpose, in the
operation and maintenance of every part, device and equipment in the systems with particular emphasis
on proper start-up and shutdown procedures, preventive maintenance and lubrication procedures with the
recommended lubricants overhaul and major maintenance methods, adjustment and calibration of
instruments and controls, the use of special tools and safe practices.
B. The Owner will bear all the expenses of his personnel allocated for this purpose.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General andSupplementary Conditions &
Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to workof this Section.
B. General Requirements for HVAC Work, Section 15020, applies to work of thisSection.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment,accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready foroperation by the Owner.
All exposed and uninsulated pipes, ferrous supports, gantries, brackets and steelwork in the Contract
works shall be painted in accordance with this section of the Specification. The contractor shall obtain
from the supplier of any paint or similar product detailedinstructions for the use of that product, specific
to the conditions found on the contract.These shall include details of storage, preparation of steelwork,
application method andconditions, overcoating and any other relevant points. The contractor shall
comply with the manufacturer's instructions for the use of anyproduct, unless these are in conflict with
the requirements of this specification. Areasof conflict shall be brought to the attention of the Owner's
Authorised Representative.
Severely pittedsteelwork shall not be used. Galvanized steel shall be degreased by scrubbing with a
warm detergent solution (2%Teepol or equivalent) followed by water washing, followed by treatment
with a mordantsolution followed by water washing once the surface has returned black. Any areaswhere
the surface does not turn black shall be recleaned and re-treated.
The quality of surface preparation specified must be obtained at the time of priming.Areas to be welded
shall be masked off prior to priming, and re-prepared and primed tothe same quality after welding.
The criteria in the following clauses shall be used to define which scheme should be used in a given
situation where not specifically given in the paint scheme schedule.
SCHEME P/1 Internal uninsulated steel pipework and internal steel support systems (in a dry
SCHEME P/2 Internal insulated steel pipework (in a dry space away from the buildingperimeter,
where condensation is likely to occur only in exceptionalcircumstances. Includes
pipes which are insulated with an integralvapour barrier.)
SCHEME P/3 External and lightwell insulated steel pipework and all steel supportsystems ( in a
position in which condensation is likely to occur fromtime to time, and in whichthe
paint is unlikely to be maintained).
SCHEME P/4 Internal uninsulated steel pipework and internal steel support systems (ina position
in which condensation is likely to occur from time to time,and in which
maintenance of the paint is possible).
SCHEME P/5 External galvanised steel pipework and external galvanised steelsupports.
If the Contractor has reason to believe that the conditions will in fact be more onerousthan those in the
relevant clause above, he shall draw this to the attention of the Owner'sAuthorised Representative.
The various paint schemes shall be as detailed below (DFT shall mean dry filmthickness):
Surface preparation As above
Primer Zinc phosphate oil/alkyd primer, 40 microns DFT
Finishes Oil/alkyd finish (colour specified elsewhere)
Surface preparation As above
Primer Zinc phosphate oil/alkyd primer, 40 microns DFT.
Surface preparation Type1
Primer Zinc phosphate oil/alkyd primer, 40 microns DFT
Barrier coat (1) High build bituminous coating, chocolate brown, 100 microns DFT
Barrier coat (2) High build bituminous coating,black, 100 microns DFT
Surface preparation Type1
Primer Zinc phosphate oil/alkyd primer, 40 microns DFT
Barrier Oil/alkyd MIO barrier coat, 75 microns DFT
Undercoat Oil/alkyd undercoat, 40 microns DFT
Finish Oil/alkyd finish
Surface preparation Etch prime
Barrier Cold tar epoxy, 125 micronsDFT
Where a Contractor wishes to modify the specified paint scheme he shall demonstratethat the proposed
alternative is at least equivalent to the specified scheme, and that it will not create compatibility problems
with any adjacent scheme.All paints in a single scheme shall be supplied by the same manufacturer.
Primers in which red oxide (red iron oxide) is the primary colouring agent shall not beused.
The Contractor shall demonstrate by means of samples submitted beforecommencement of the work, the
methods he intends to use and the quality of work thatwill be achieved.
All work adjudged by the Owner's Authorised Representative to be worse in quality thanthe samples
shall be rejected.
Each coat of paint shall be applied to a clean and suitable surface to produce acontinuous film of paint of
uniform and even thickness.
As soon as the priming coat has dried, an extra stripe coat of paint shall be applied to alledges, corners,
cervices, bolt heads, welds and any similar areas, using the same paint asfor the primer but in a
contrasting shade.
The dry film thickness shall be measured after each coat has dried. Wet film thickness
measurements shall not be used, other than for control purposes.
The adhesion of the paint scheme shall be measured and carried out on representativeareas chosen to be
non-obtrusive in the final condition. Areas worse than that standardshall be cleaned to bare metal and
The Contractor take all necessary precautions to minimize damage to steal and to paintcoatings during
handling, installationand thereafter.
Where damage or breakdown has occurred, or in any other place where the paintworkdoes not comply
with this Specification the Contractor shall touch-up to an equivalentstandard to the ub\damaged paint,
and in such a way that the areas oftouch-up shall notbe visually apparent.
The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Owner's Authorised Representative that hisproposals for
touching-up shall include details of surface preparation, area of overlap,type and thickness of paint to be
used and any other relevant features, shall producework in accordance with this Specification.
Pipework identification shall be in accordance with the pipework Identification Specification system
should be conformed with hotel identification system necessarycoordination should be done to have the
same shape and quality of work.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and SpecialConditions and Division-1
Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the
A. The work includesthe providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment,accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready foroperation by the Owner, all piping, fittings and jointing
materials in accordancewith Drawings and Specifications.
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of piping, fittings andjointing materials of the
types, materials and sizes required, whose products havebeen in satisfactory use in similar service for not
less than 5 years.
B. Cast, stamp or roll manufacturer's name on each pipe length, and cast, stamp orroll manufacturer's
symbol and pressure rating on each fitting.
C. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes andthe standards as outlined
in section 15020 of this specification.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including point of originprinted technical literature,
installation instructions and catalog cuts for eachtype of pipe and pipe fitting. TheContractor shall
supply samples with hismaterial submission as required by theEngineer.
B. Schedule: Submit a piping schedule showing manufacturer, pipe or tube weight,fitting type and joint
type for each piping system, for approval before orderingthe material.
C. Welder's certificates certifying that welders comply withrequirements specified under Quality Assurance.
E. Welding procedure and method statement and mechanical testing for selected of weld.
1- Standard Weight Pipe (Schedule 40) Standard weight pipe shall be defined as seamless wrought steel
piping rated for continuous service at a pressure of 1035kPa at 110°C, and shall
conform to the criteria below.
Nominal Inside Wall Weight per
PipeSize Diameter Thickness Meter
mm mm mm Kg/m
12 15.8 2.75 0.9 Screwed
20 20.93 2.87 1.68 Malleable
Screwed Iron
25 26.64 3.38 2.5 Malleable Iron
32 35.05 3.56 3.38 Malleable Iron
40 40.89 3.68 4.05 Malleable Iron
50 52.5 3.91 5.44 Malleable Iron
65 62.71 5.16 8.62 Malleable
Welded Iron
Malleable Iron
80 77.93 5.49 11.29 Welded Wrought Steel
100 102.26 6.02 16.07 Welded Wrought Steel
125 128.2 6.6 21.8 Welded Wrought Steel
150 154.05 7.11 28.26 Welded Wrought Steel
200 202.72 8.18 42.53 Welded Wrought Steel
250 254.51 9.27 60.3 Welded Wrought Steel
300 303.23 10.31 79.72 Welded Wrought Steel
350 333.35 11.13 94.5 Welded Wrought Steel
400 381 12.7 123.29 Welded Wrought Steel
1- Heavy weight pipe should be defined as seamless wrought steel pipe rated for continuous service at a
pressure of 2070 kPa at 110°C and shall conform to the criteria below.
Nominal outside
PipeSize diameter
Inside Diameter Weight per Meter Fittings
mm mm mm mm Kg/m Kg/m
6 10 7.9 8 0.2 0.19
10 13 10.2 10.9 0.4 0.29
13 16 13.4 13.8 0.51 0.42
16 19 16.6 16.9 0.62 0.54
20 22 18.9 19.9 0.95 0.68
Wrought copper sweated
25 29 25.3 26 1.25 0.97
socket fittings
32 35 31.6 32.1 1.55 1.31
40 41 37.6 38.2 2.03 1.7
50 54 49.8 50.4 3.07 2.61
65 67 61.8 62.6 4.35 3.69
80 80 73.8 74.8 5.96 4.96
90 92 85.9 87 7.63 6.39
A. Standard Weight Pipe (Schedule 40)
1- Up to 50mm: screwed maleable cast iron, rated for continuous service at 1035 kPa at 110°C.
65mm and larger: wrought steel, welded, rated for continuous service at 1035 kPa at 110°C.
Flanges, all sizes:forged steel either companion type or welding neck type, rated for continuous service at
900 kPa at 110°C.
to 50mm: screwed maleable cast iron, rated for continuous service at 1035 kPa at 110°C.
65mm and larger: wrought steel, welded, rated for continuous service at 1035 kPa at 110°C.
Flanges, all sizes:forged steel either companion type or welding neck type, rated for continuous service at
900 kPa at 110°C.
1- Up to 50mm: screwed malleableforged steel ,rated for continuous service at2070 kPa at 110°C.
Flanges: cast iron, welding neck type only, rated for continuous service at 2070kPa at 110°C.
1- All sizes: wrought copper, socket type, sweated, rated for service at 1035 kPa at 110°C.
D. Gaskets:
Non-asbestos 1.5 mm thick, dimensions per ANSI B16.21
E. Bolts:
Chrome-molybdenum bolt stud, ASTM A 193 Grade B7. Threaded full length threads, ANSI B 1.1.
Length sufficient to project beyond nuts three completethreads when joint is made.
Carbon steel, ASTM A 194 Grade 2H, Hexagon, heavy series. Threads same as for bolts.
1- Provide between flanges where shown on drawings or where necessary toisolate equipment from the
piping system Ring spacers to be replaced bytest blanks during hydrostatic testing and/or during
chemical cleaning for equipment isolation.
A. Examine area and condition under which pipes and pipe fittings are to beinstalled. NotifyEngineer
inwriting of conditions detrimental to propercompletion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until
unsatisfactoryconditions have been corrected.
B. Chilled Water:
1.0 Black steel,standard weight pipe and fittings.
2.0 Coil runouts-Hard drawn Type L copper with wrought copper fittings.
3.0 Coil drain runouts and risers-Hard drawn Type L copper with wrought copper fittings.
C. Condenser Water:
1.0 Black steel,standard weight pipe and fittings.
D. Make-up Water:
1.0 Hard drawn Type L copper with wrought copper fittings
F. Boiler Blow-Off:
1.0 Black steel,standard weight pipe and fittings.
G. Fuel Oil:
1.0 Black steel, standard weight pipe with heavy weight fittings.
I. Refrigerant:
1.0 Hard drawn Type K copper with wrought copper fittings
L. Drains:
1.0 Galvanized steel, standard weight pipe and fittings.
2.0 Type K copper with wrought copper fittings
M. Steam:
1.0 Black steel, heavy weight pipe and fittings.
M. Thermal Oil:
1.0 Black steel, heavy weight pipe and fittings. Flush pipe with high temperature primer rated for service at
275°C. Fittings to be all welded, valves and strainers are to be flanged.
A. Screw Joints:
1.0 Use full cut threads as shown below.
Nominal Pipe Size Threads Bore Size Thread Length Thread Depth
mm cm mm mm mm
20 5.5 23.02 14 14.29
25 4.5 28.97 17 17.46
32 4.5 38.1 18 17.46
40 4.5 43.66 18.5 17.46
50 4.5 55.56 19.5 19.05
65 3.1 68.26 29 23.81
2.0 Seal joints with Teflon tape, Permatex or other approved compound,applied to the male threads only.
The use of cotton wicking, lampwickor caulking is prohibited.
B. Welding Joints.
1.0 Weld piping in accordance with local codes and standard acceptedpractice and the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code. Useonly welders qualified in accordance with these codes.
2.0 Repair or replace any work found to be not in conformance withthese codes.
3.0 Make all welded joints (except pipe welded end-to-end) by theuse of forged one-piece welding flanges,
caps, nozzles, longradius elbows, branch outlets and tees of approved make, exceptas specified to the
contrary herein. Use all such fittings of a typewhich maintains full wall thickness at all points, ample
PIPES AND andfillets,
PIPE FITTINGS and proper bevels at ends of 37½°and has the sameallowable working pressureSECTION
Page 26/87 as pipe 15510
of the same size and schedule."Weld-o-lets" may be used where standard fittings of requiredsizes are not
available. Grind cut pipe to a 37½°bevel. Deburrall ground and cut pipe.
3.0 Make all welded joints (except pipe welded end-to-end) by theuse of forged one-piece welding flanges,
caps, nozzles, longradius elbows, branch outlets and tees of approved make, exceptas specified to the
contrary herein. Use all such fittings of a typewhich maintains full wall thickness at all points, ample
radius andfillets, and proper bevels at ends of 37½°and has the sameallowable working pressure as pipe
of the same size and schedule."Weld-o-lets" may be used where standard fittings of requiredsizes are not
available. Grind cut pipe to a 37½°bevel. Deburrall ground and cut pipe.
C. Copper Tubing Solder Joints: Cut end of tubing square and remove all burrs.Clean inside of fitting and
outside of tubing with steel wool or emery cloth.Make joint with non-corrosive paste flux and 95-5 tin
antimony solder. Coredsolder will not be permitted. Take care to prevent annealing of fitting and
tubing.Use silver solder with a melting point exceeding 595 oC where noted under the specific piping
systems. After joint is soldered, clean off excess flux.
D. Dielectric Fittings:
1.0 Install union with threaded or soldered end connection for the pipe materials in which it is installed.
2.0 Construct union to isolate dissimilar metals, prevent galvanic action and prevent corrosion.
1.0 Mechanical couplings may be used in lieu of threaded, flanged or welded connections in water
circulating systems not exceeding 93PoPC and 1,033 KPa working pressure and must meet the pressure,
temperature support and flexibility requirements of the system in which they are used. Obtain written
authorization from the Engineer for the specific system(s) application.
2.0 Fabricate coupling housings of either malleable iron conforming to ASTM A-47 or ductile iron
conforming to ASTM A-536.
4.0 Grooved couplings are to hold in place the gasket which bridges the pipeends. Thegasket is designed to
be pressure responsive, so that internalpressure serves to increase the seal's water tightness. The
couplingassemblies are held together with heat treated, carbon steel bolts andnuts conforming with a
minimum tensile strength of 757,900 KPa.
5.0 All pipe fittings are to have grooved ends, designed to accept the grooved mechanical couplings and
fabricated of either malleable iron or ductileiron or steel.
F. Flanged Joints:
1.0 Provide gaskets between all flanges of either copper or corrugated steel.
A. The drawings indicate schematically the size and location of piping. Setpiping up and down and offset to
meet field conditions and coordinationbetween trades without additional cost.
B. Install all pipe andpipe groups in straight and parallel lines and oncommon pipe racks, where possible.
C. Make all changes in direction of piping with fittings. Mitered fittings,face or flush bushings, close
nipples or street elbows are not acceptable.
D. Pitch all water lines upward in the direction of flow, 25mm in 30m.
E. Install all circulating water systems to allow air to vent at high points andto drain at low points.
F. Install float operated automatic air vents, with valves, at all high points.Run discharge pipe from air vent
to nearest floor drain or slop sink.
G. Install drains, 15mm globe valve, at all low points with hose connectionand cap chained to valve body.
H. Use eccentric reducing fittings in piping where required for properdraining of the system.
I. Make all piping connections to coils and equipment with offsets providedwith approved screwed or
welded, bolted and gasketed flanges orscrewed unions, so arranged that the equipment can be serviced
orremoved without dismantling the piping.
J. Install piping to coils, pumps and other equipment at full line size,including valves and strainers.
Reduction in line size may be made onlyat the connection to equipment and control valves.
K. Run miscellaneous drains, vents, reliefs and overflowsfrom tanks,equipment, piping, relief valves,
pumps, etc., to the nearest open sightdrain or roof drain. Provide drain valves whenever required for
completedrainage of piping, including the system side of all pumps. Drainagepiping is not to be run
across floors, walkways, work areas etc.Coordinate type of drain required and location with appropriate
L. Support, anchor and guide all piping to compensate for expansion andcontraction and to prevent undue
strains on piping or apparatus. Provide3-elbow swings at all branch riser takeoffs to take up expansion.
Arrangebranches to take up motion of riser.
M. Provide domestic water connections from valved outlets to anyequipment requiring the same.
Coordinate location and routing withothertrades.
N. If, after the plant is in operation, any coils or other apparatus are stratifiedor air bound (by vacuum or
pressure) re-pipe with new, approved andnecessary fittings, air vents or vacuum breakers, at no extra cost
toOwner. If connectionsare concealed in furring, floors or ceilings,Contractor will bear all expenses of
removing and restoring constructionto its original condition.
O. Furnish and install pipe wells and pressure and flow tappings as directedby the systems contractor.
B. Refer to Division 15 Section "Testing and Balancing" for piping systemstesting and balancing.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions, and Division 1 -
Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and made ready and set to work for operation by the Owner, all piping
specialties in accordance with Drawings and Specifications. The piping specialties include but are not
limited to the following:
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes andthe standards outlined in
section 15020.
B. Submit shop drawing details of all piping, before construction. Show thelocations and details of anchors,
guides, expansion loops and joints, hangers, etc.Include the manufacturer's figure numbers.
D. Prepare and submit a typewritten valve schedule for each piping system.Tabulate the valve number,
piping system, system abbreviation, as shown on tag,and location of valve.
E. Submit shop drawings indicating the location of all seismic braces and provide alegend giving load
information and model selection prior to installation. Haveload calculations reviewed and certified by a
Structural or Mechanical Engineer.Submit toEngineerfor approval.
B. Sleeve Sizes:
1.0 Floors and fire rated partitions-15mm maximum clearancebetween outside of pipe (or insulation on
insulated pipes) andinside of sleeve.
2.0 Non-fire rated partitions-40mm maximum clearance betweenoutside of pipe (or insulation on insulated
pipes) and inside ofsleeve.
A Pack space between pipe and sleeve with oakum orhemp and caulk watertight with
B Pack space between pipe or pipe covering andsleeve with mineral wooldetail on
drawing for firerated partitions, walls andfloor requirements.
2 Floors B
F. Contractor is responsible for coordinating openings, sleeves with other contracts and he will perform
core drilling if an opening is required.
A. Escutcheon inside diameter to closely fit pipe outside diameter, oroutside of pipe insulation where pipe is
insulated. Escutcheon outsidediameter to completely cover pipe penetration hole in walls,
floors,partitions or ceilings.
B. Application Schedule:
Finished Spaces Anodized aluminum (color to be selected and approved by Engineer),chrome plated
B. Bellows Type: Conforming to the standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers' Association, pressure
rated for the system in which it is installed. Construct joint of stainless steel corrugated bellows with
contour control rings, carbon steel inner liner and carbon steel shrouds. Provide end connections suitable
for the piping systems in which installed.
A. Construct strainer bodies of cast iron or cast bronze designed to allow blowing out of accumulated dirt
and removal and replacement of strainer screen without disconnection of the main piping. Fabricate
screen of stainless steel and of ample strength to prevent collapsing under shock loading. Reinforce
screens 200mm and above for the operating conditions. Provide strainer perforations as follows:
A. Air vent to have a valve mechanism the position of which iscontrolled by a ball float. The action is to
vent air automatically.
B. Cast iron or brass body and bolted cover with renewable internalparts, all of stainless steel; including
float mechanism and valveassembly. 1,033 KPa psig maximum operating pressure.
C. Manual air vent; compression type, key operated, bronze body withnon-ferrous internal parts, 8mm in
size. 1,033 KPa working pressure,107°C operating temperature.
1.0 Valve tag to be 1.15mm thickness, 50mm diameter polishedbrass with stamp-engraved piping system in
7mm high lettersand sequenced valve numbers in 21mm high numbers. Fillengraving with black
enamel. Numbering system and systemdesignations are to be as approved by theProject Manager
2.0 Securely fasten the tag to the valve with a solid brass "S" hookand a solid brass jack chain.
3.0 For each page of the valve schedule, provide a glazed displayframe fabricated of finished hardwood or
extrudedaluminum,glass covered. Mount the frames where directed by theProject Manager.
4.0 In addition to the framed valve charts, furnish three boundcopies of the valve chart.
1.0 Provide semi-rigid plastic,color coded, pre-printed, snap-onpipe markers, identifying pipe contents and
direction of flow.
2.0 For external pipe diameters, including insulation, of less than150mm, provide pipe markers, extending
360 degrees aroundthe pipe.
3.0 For external pipe diameters, including insulation, 150mm andlarger, provide pipe markers secured with
stainless steel springfasteners.
Color Chart
Background Color Letter Color
Steam Yellow Red
Hot Water Yellow Red
Hot Oil Red White
Fuel Oil Yellow Black
Chilled Water Green White
Condenser Water Green White
Make-Up Water Green White
Feed Water Yellow Black
Gas Yellow Black
Supply/Return Air Blue White
5.0 Furnish 24 additional markers of each type for future use by theOwner/Operator.
B. Valves shall be designed to allow this contractor to pre-set balancepoints for proportional system balance
prior to system start-up inaccordance with balance schedule.
C. All valves 13mm to 75mm pipe size shall be of bronze body/brassball construction with glass and carbon
filled TFE seatings. Valves tohave differential pressure read-out ports across valve seat area. Read-out
portsshall be fitted with internal EPT inserts and check valves.Valve bodies to have 6mm NPT tapped
drain/purge port. Valvesshall have memory stop feature to allow valve to be closed for serviceand then
reopened to set point without disturbing balance position.Valves shall have calibrated name plates to
assure specific valvesettings. Valves shall be designed for positive shut-off.
D. Valves shall come provided with pre-formed insulation to permitaccess for balance and read-out.
E. Valves shall come provided with pre-formed insulation to permitaccess for balance and read-out.Design
A. Pipe welding shall comply with the provisions of the latest revision of the ANSI Code for Pressure
Pipingand AWS standards.
B. The Contractor shall repair or replace any work found to be not inaccordance with these specifications.
A. Examine area and condition under which the piping specialties are tobe installed. NotifyEngineerin
writing of conditions detrimental toproper completion ofthe work. Do not proceed with the work
untilunsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Provide pipe sleeves of types indicated for each pipe passing throughwalls, partitions, floors and roofs.
B. Provide code complying packing and caulking between pipe or pipeinsulation and sleeve as indicated in
the preceding schedule and in thedetails on the drawing. Finish with smooth appearance even withsleeve
A. Provide escutcheons on all exposed piping passing through walls,floors, partitions and ceilings.
B. Provide close fitting metal escutcheons on both sides of pipingthrough fire rated walls, floors, partitions
and ceilings, whetherexposed or not. See detail on drawing.
A. Furnish and install expansion joints and expansion loops whereindicated, as specified and in such a
manner as to allow for thermalexpansion and contractionwithout strain to connections at equipmentor
interconnecting piping.
A. Furnish and install strainers in the inlet connections to each steamtrap, each pump, each vent, each
automatic valve and elsewhere where shown on drawings. Theintention is to protect by strainers, all
apparatus of an automatic character whose proper functioning wouldbe interfered with by dirt.
B. Arrange strainers so as not to "trap" pipes, and to facilitatedisconnection and opening for cleaning.
C. Provide strainers full line size of connecting piping and designed forthe working pressure to which they
will be subjected. At automaticcontrol valves, full line size means the size of the inlet pipe shown onthe
drawings, not the reduced size of the control valve.
D. Install Y-pattern strainers in waterlines (including all pump inlets) setin a horizontal or vertical
downward run of the pipe.
E. Provide approved valved dirt blowout connections for each strainer65mm size and larger. Locate each
such valve at hand-height andpipe to the nearest floor drain. In the case of strainers under waterpressure,
terminate the blowout connection in an approved manner, ata point where there is no risk of flooding or
damage. Use nipples andvalves fullsize of strainer blow-off tapping. Use capped nipples atleast 150mm
long in strainers 50mm and smaller.
A. Provide automatic air vents at the high points of all closed circulatingwater systems, at the water coils as
detailed on the drawings andelsewhere as required for system air venting.
B. Provide all vents with a shut-off cock and strainer and install drainpiping from the air vent outlet to the
nearest floor drain or slop sink.
A. Valve Tags and Charts:
1.0 Install a valve tag on every shut-off valve, balancing valve andcontrol valve.
2.0 On exposed piping, apply markers on 9M centers of straightruns, at valve locations, and at points where
piping enters andleaves a partition, wall floor or ceiling.
3.0 On concealed piping installed above removable ceilingconstruction, apply markers as described for
exposed piping.
4.0 On concealed piping installed above non-removable ceilingconstruction, or in pipe shafts, apply markers
at valves orother devices that are made accessible by means of accessdoors or panels.
5.0 Apply markers at each item of equipment and other points oforigination and termination.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General andSupplementary Conditions &
Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to workof this Section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in thisDivision. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this divisionalso apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
C. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in Division 16.
A. Provide complete engineered design for seismic restraining type support systems for all floor and ceiling
mounted mechanical and electrical equipment, piping,ductwork, electrical conduit, cable trays,
switchgear, transformers, panels, andetc. in accordance with these specifications and the contract.
B. Provide seismic restraining type vibration isolation systems to eliminate transmission of movement from
the equipment to the structure or connectedpiping or conduit systems. All vibration isolation devices to
be of the seismic restraint type.
C. All reference herein to methods and techniques of equipment support apply toMechanical, Plumbing,
Fire Protection, and Electrical systems.
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of products of types andcapacities required and
described herein, whose products have been insatisfactory use in similar service for not less than 10
years. Submit projectlisting to this effect. Provide products produced by a single manufacturer.
B. Standard Compliance: Federal Spec. WW-H1716, ASA Code for PressurePiping, ASTM A 575-73,
MSS SP-58-67, MSS SP-69-66, ANSI Code for pressure piping.
C. All hanging, restraining and isolating methods and techniques to be as indicated on the documents, in
BOCA and SMACNA Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems and Plumbing Systems,
1982 Edition, NFPA 13, 1982UBC, ANSI A58.1, 1981, Title 24 CAC, GSA, and ATC-3. Where
techniques are proposed that deviate from those detailed in the contract documents, they must be clearly
detailed and stamped by a Professional Engineer as indicated under submittals.
A. Contractor shall secure from the approved manufacturer of vibration isolationand seismic control
equipment to have the following responsibilities:
1.0 Determine vibration isolation and seismic restraint sizes and locations.
2.0 Provide piping and equipment isolation systems and seismic restraints as scheduled or specified.
4.0 Provide installation instructions, drawings and field supervision to assure proper installation &
5.0 Purchased and/or fabricated equipment must be designed to safely accept external forces of ½ G load in
any direction for all rigidly and resiliently supported equipment, piping and ductwork without failure and
permanent displacement of the equipment. Life safety equipment such as fire pumps, sprinkler piping,
emergency generator, and machinery,must be capable of safely accepting external forces up to ½ G load
in any direction without permanent displacement. Substitution of "InternallyIsolated" mechanical
equipment in lieu of the specified isolation of this section must be approved for individual equipment
units and is acceptable only if above acceleration ratings are certified in writing by equipment
manufacturer and stamped by a licensed civil or structural engineer and are approved by theEngineer.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literatureand catalog cuts,
indicating maximum loads, dimensions, and recommendedinstallation procedures.
B. Indicate locations of vibration isolation, inserts, anchors, and guides on pipingshop drawings.
C. Submit for review full detailed drawings and calculations indicating all methodsand devices specified in
the contract documents.To restrain the equipmentwithout failure while subject to an external lateral force
of ½ G acceleration.
A. It is the objective of this specification to provide the necessary design for thecontrol of excessive noise
and vibration in the building due to the operation ofmachinery or equipment, and/or due to
interconnected piping, ductwork orconduit. The installation of all vibration isolation units, and
associated hangersand bases, to be in accordance with the details shown in the contract documents.
B. All vibration isolators to have either known non-deflected heights or calibrationmarkings so that, after
adjustment, when carrying their load, the deflection underload can be verified, thus determining that the
load is within the proper range ofthe device and that the correct degree of vibration isolation is being
providedaccording to the design.
C. All isolators to operate in the linear portion of their load versus deflection curve.Load versus deflection
curves to be furnished by the manufacturer and must belinear over a deflection range of not less than
50% above the design deflection.
D. The theoretical vertical natural frequency for each support point, based uponload per isolator and isolator
stiffness, not to differ from the design objectivesfor the equipment as a whole by more than +/-10%.
E. All neoprene mountings to have a Shore hardness of 30 to 60 +/-5, afterminimum aging of 20 days or
corresponding oven-aging.
B. Provide a factory applied galvanized coating on all hanger components includingrods, inserts, clamps,
stanchions, and brackets. Field touch-up damaged paintingwith galvanizing repair paint.
B. Provide a factory applied galvanized coating on all hanger components includingrods, inserts, clamps,
stanchions, and brackets. Field touch-up damaged paintingwith galvanizing repair paint.
C. Provide hangers, rods, clamps and straps with a non-metallic coating, for electrolytic protection,
especially designed for copper tubing.
E. For steam and hot water piping, provide steel saddles welded to pipe.
F. Provide pipe alignment guides of carbon steel having four machined guidingfingers and a guiding
G. The Architect must approve method of hanging before work is started. The contractor must make sure
that all hangers and supports are properly and permanently connected to building structure. All structural
hanging materials,except variable spring units, must have a safety factor of 5 built-in
A. Restrain equipment and components to safely accept a ½G external lateral forcewithout failure while
maintaining all equipment, piping, ducts, and conduit, etc.in a captive position. Seismic restraints not to
short circuit isolation systems ortransmit objectional, non-rotating or reciprocating vibration noise.
Restraintsystems to be Types I, II, III, IV or V as described herein.
B. No cast-iron legs may be used unless indicated on the equipment shop drawingsand approved prior to
1.0 Restraint, Type I: To comply with general characteristics of springisolators having a minimum O.D. to
O.H. of .8 to 1 and minimum runoutof 50% to solid. To incorporate built-in snubbing restraint in all
directions. To be capable of supporting equipment at a fixed elevation during equipment erection. Cast
or aluminum housings, unless ductile iron, are not acceptable. System to be field bolted or welded to
deckwith ½ G acceleration capability.
2.0 Restraint, Type II: Each corner or side to incorporate a seismic restrainthaving a minimum 15 mm thick
resilient pad limit stops working in alldirections. Restraints to be made of plate, structural members or
squaremetal tubing concentric within a welded assembly incorporating resilientpads. Angle bumpers are
not acceptable. System to be field bolted orwelded to deck with ½ G acceleration capability.
3.0 Restraint, Type III: Metal cable type with approved end fasteningdevices to equipment and structure.
See details on drawings. System tobe field bolted to deck or overhead structural members using two
sided beam clamps to steel or appropriately designed insert for concrete. Allparts of system including
cables, clamps, excluding fastenings are to besingle vendor furnished to assure seismic compliance.
When Type IIIsystem is used with isolated equipment slack with 13 mm cabledeflection.
4.0 Restraint, Type IV: Double deflection neoprene isolator encased inductile iron or steel casing minimum
8 mm static deflection. System tobe field bolted or welded to deck with ½ G acceleration capacity.
5.0 Restraint, Type V: Non-Isolated equipment to be field bolted or welded(powder shots not acceptable) to
structure to resist seismic forcesspecified. Bolt diameter and imbedment data must be shown in certified
calculations stamped by a licensed engineer.
A. Isolate all floor or ceiling mounted reciprocating equipment and all rotatingequipment above 1.5 kWfrom
the structure by use of seismic restraint typevibration isolators of a design not requiring separate
directional snubbers exceptwhere indicated. Manufacturer's rail or base mounted packaged equipment
maybe rigidly restrained to concrete housekeeping pads if isolators of the typespecified herein are factory
installed between the equipment and the base.
d. Minimum 6 mm thick neoprene acoustical base pad onunderside, unless designated otherwise.
e. Designed and installed so that ends of springs remain parallel andall springs are installedwith adjustment
a. Provide built-in vertical limit stops with minimum 6 mm clearance under normal operation.
b. Tapped holes in top plate for bolting to equipment when subject to wind load.
c. Capable of supporting equipment at a fixed elevation during equipment erection. Installed and operating
heights shall be identical.
c. Capable of supporting equipment at a fixed elevation during equipment erection. Installed and operating
heights shall be identical.
f. Does not require separate seismicrestraint when bolted orwelded to the structure to meet acceleration
3.0 Isolator Type C: Spring hanger rod isolators to incorporate the following:
a. Spring element seated on a steel washer within a neoprene cupincorporating a rod isolation bushing.
NOTE:This isolator type must be used with seismic restraint Type III.
Double deflection neoprene isolator encased in ductile iron or steelcasing minimum 8mm static
deflection. System to be field bolted or welded to deck with ½ G acceleration capacity.
a. Molded unit type neoprene element with projecting bushinglining rod clearance hole.
c. Steel retainer box encasing neoprene mounting, capable ofsupporting equipment or piping up to four
times the rated load incase of isolator failure.
d. Clearance between mounting hanger rod and neoprene bushingshall be minimum of 3 mm.
NOTE:This isolator type must be used with seismic restraint Type III.
a. Spring and neoprene isolator elements in a steel retainer box.Neoprene element to be double deflection
type with a minimumthickness of 45 mm. Single deflection elements areunacceptable. Springs mustbe
seated in a neoprene cup withextended rod bushing through bottom of box.
NOTE:This isolator type must be used with seismic restraint Type III.
a. 18 mm minimum thickness.
e. 1.5 mm galvanized steel plate betweenmultiple layers or pad thickness is required if multiple layers are
f. A suitable bearing plate to distribute load must be located on toppad layer if equipment support cover 3/4
of the pad area or less.
c. A suitable bearing plate to distribute load must be located on top pad layer if equipment support covers
3/4 of the pad area or less.
d. Minimum thickness to be 12 mm
Vibration isolation manufacturer to provide an isolated clevis hanger forpipe support that combines a
unit clevis or rod roller hanger and a Type(C, E or F) isolation hanger into one assembly. System to
beprecompressed to allow for rod insertion and standard leveling.Deflections and type to be as listed in
"Equipment Installation" in Part 3of this section.
NOTE:This isolator type must be used with seismic restraint Type III.
a. Rail type spring isolators to provide steel members of sufficientstrength to prevent flexure during
equipment operation.
b. Springs to be the same as Type A with seismic restraint Type IIor seismic restraint Type I or IV
11.0 Type K: Pipe Anchors:
Vibration isolator manufacturer to provide an all directional acoustical pipe anchor, consisting of a
telescopic arrangement of two sizes of steel tubing separated by a minimum 12 mm thickness of heavy
duty neoprene and duck or neoprene isolation material. Vertical restraints to be provided by similar
material arranged to prevent vertical travel in eitherdirection. Allowable loads on the isolation material
not to exceed 35 Kg/cm² and thedesign to be balanced for equal resistance in anydirection. Isolation to
be bolted or welded to structure.
1.0 Reinforced as required to prevent base flexure at equipment start-up andmisalignment of driver and
driven units. Centrifugal fan bases completewith motor slide rails drilled for driver and driven unit
1.0 Vibration isolator manufacturer to furnish rectangular structural concreteforms for floating foundation.
Bases for split case pumps to be largeenough to provide support for suction and discharge base elbows.
Thebase depth to be a minimum of 1/10 of the longest span, but not less than
125 mm or greater than 355 mm. Forms shall include minimumconcrete reinforcement consisting of 12
mm bars or angles welded inplace on 150 mm centers running both ways. A layer 38 mm above
thebottom and an additional top layer of reinforcing steel as above for allbases exceeding 3 mm in one
direction. Isolators to be set into pockethousings which are an integral part of the base construction and
set at theproper height to maintain a 25 mm clearance below the base. Bases to befurnished with
templates and anchor bolt sleeves as part of this system.
1.0 Curb mounted rooftop equipment to be mounted on structural springisolation curbs that directly sit on
roof construction and are flashed andwater-proofed into roof's membrane waterproofing
system.Manufacturer's curb shall not be used.
2.0 All spring locations to have removable waterproof covers to allow forspringadjustment and/or removal.
3.0 Curbs to be sound attenuating type which will utilize standard 50 mmroof insulation installed by the
roofer for sound attenuation or will require 50 mm of interior lining if specifically noted on schedules
4.0 All spring mounts to be as Isolator Type A.
5.0 Curbs to be rated for ½ G of acceleration and shall be wind restrained for 180 kmph (110 mph) wind
6.0 Package Options:
a. Curbs to include a means of incorporating a sound barrierpackage,Type SBC-3 consisting of two layers
of waterproofsheetrock. This barrier to be supplied and installed in the field bythe appropriate
7.0 Curbs to be welded or bolted to building steel or bolted to concrete decksto attain acceleration criteria.
Curbs to be Type P-6000 having a minimum of 25 mm rated staticdeflection.
1.0 Rooftop fans, condensing units, exterior ducted air handling units, etc., tobe installed on continuous
equipment support piers which will combine aregular equipment support and an isolation system into one
2.0 The system to be designed with 50 mm or 75 mm static deflection steelsprings which are both adjustable,
removable and interchangeable afterequipment has been installed.
3.0 Rails to use type spring mounts as called out for Type A.
4.0 The system to maintain the same operating and installed height both withand without theequipment load
and to be fully restrained during windload conditions allowing no more than 6 mm motion in any
5.0 The isolation pier to be designed to accept membrane waterproofing.
8.0 Curbs to be welded or bolted to building steel or bolted to concrete decksto attain acceleration criteria.
1.0 Rails to be constructed from structural steel angles as required to preventflexure and misalignment under
2.0 Each rail to be the full length of the supported equipment and be weldedto a series of vertically restrained
spring isolators as Type B describedabove.
3.0 Angles to have bolt together ties at the ends and center to form one rigidbase platform.
4.0 System to be bolted or welded to deck and shall be designed forminimum ½ G of acceleration.
1.0 Non-Isolated curb mounted rooftop equipment to be mounted onstructural curbs that meet 1 G
acceleration criteria.
2.0 Curbs to accept standard 50 mm roof insulation installed in the field bythe roofer and be waterproofed in
accordance with NRCA Standard.
3.0 Curbs to be welded orbolted to building steel or bolted to building steelor bolted to concrete decks to
attain acceleration criteria.
1.0 Computer Room A/C units to be field bolted or welded to structural steelwelded stands having a
minimum 1/2 G, certified lateral accelerationcapabilities.
1.0 Manufactured of nylon tire cord and EPDM, both molded and cured in hydraulic presses.
2.0 Straight connectors to have two spheres reinforced with a molded-in,external ductile iron ring between
4.0 Rated 250 psi at 77°C dropping in a straight line to 170 psi at 121°C forsizes 38 mm to 300 mm, elbows
to be rated no less than 90% of straightconnections.
4.0 Rated 250 psi at 77°C dropping in a straight line to 170 psi at 121°C forsizes 38 mm to 300 mm, elbows
to be rated no less than 90% of straightconnections.
5.0 Sizes 250 mm to 300 mm to employ controlcables with neoprene endfittings isolated from anchor plates
by means of 12 mm bridge bearingneoprene bushings.
7.0 Connectors bolted to victaulic type couplings or gate, butterfly or checkvalves to have a minimum of 1.6
mm flange spacer installed betweenconnector and coupling flange.
4.0 Suitable for operating pressure with 3:1 minimum safety factor.
A. Hangers or clamps installed in contact with copper or brass pipe, to be of copperor provide lead or fiber
shields between iron hangers and clamps to prevent electrolytic corrosion.
B. Furnish and install auxiliary steel required for pipe, conduit, cable tray, trapeze,supports, etc. Chain
straps, perforated bars, wire hangers or expansion shieldsare not permitted.
C. Prime Paint: all black iron hangers to be installed underground, including rods,inserts, clamps,
stanchions, brackets, etc., with zinc chromate, beforeinstallation.
C. Prime Paint: all black iron hangers to be installed underground, including rods,inserts, clamps,
stanchions, brackets, etc., with zinc chromate, beforeinstallation.
D. Anchor points: provide to permit the pipingand raceway systems to expand andcontract freely in
opposite directions from the anchored points. Anchors may bedouble bolt riser clamps and shall be
located halfway between guide points andno less than 1 per 30 meters run.
E. Guide points: Locatein piping system on either side of expansion joints and, orloops, as specified herein
and shown on drawings to permit free axial movementonly in pipe main runs. Elbows at ends of straight
pipe runs flanking expansionjoints or loops are considered expansion joints. Expansion joints shall
beinstalled to limit straight runs of hot water and hot water circulating pipe runs to30 meters maximum.
F. Prime Paint: all black iron hangers to be installed underground, including rods,inserts, clamps,
stanchions, brackets, etc., with zinc chromate, beforeinstallation.
G. Maximum weights on hanger rods assuming a maximum operating temperatureof 232°C to be such that
stress in tension will not exceed 630 Kg/cm² the rootarea of threaded portion.
I. Conventional Hanger Locations Schedule for Horizontal Pipes and conduits:The following schedule is
for conventional, non-seismic type hangers. See plans for seismic restrained hanger location schedule
which may replace theconventional hangers at those locations. All other conventional hangers
1.0 Cast iron pipe: Support a maximum of every 1.5 m with at least one perpipe section located near the
joint. Support "No-Hub" pipes 150 mm andlarger on both sides of the joint. When a concentration of
fittings occur,provide additional support, consistent with good trade practices, and asrecommended in
Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute Pamphlet No. 100.
4.0 Branch piping and conduit 1.5 and longer: Provide separate supports.
J. Conventional Support Locations Schedule for Vertical Pipes conduit and otherraceway systems:
K. Connect pipe conduit and cable tray hangers and anchors to the buildingstructure as follows:
1.0 Support piping only from building structural steel or approved galvanized steel inserts embedded in
poured concrete.
2.0 Where piping and raceway revisions are required and are approved afterslabs arepoured, piping 75 mm
and smaller may be supported atintermediate points by "Phillips," or other approved 20 mm
expansionbolts and shields, provided main supports are not less than 6 m oncenters.
3.0 Attach intermediate supports for piping and raceways 4 inches and largerto concrete beams or columns
by means of 100 mm x 10 mm thick clipknee angles with 20 mm expansion bolt in shear (horizontal)
andsupporting rod at 90 degrees from anchor bolt.
L. Hangers on Underground Piping conduits: Provide hangers on all undergroundpiping and conduits
beneath building when installed in unstable soil or in fill orin all cases where installed beneath reinforced
slabs on grade. Hangers to beclevis type with extra heavy rod and 50 x 50 (2" X 2") fish plate
sandwiched bytwo bolts and washers. Provide complete assembly with zinc chromate primer.
M. Isolation and seismic systems must be installed in accordance withmanufacturer's written instructions.
Vibration isolators must not cause anychange of positionof equipment, piping or conduit resulting in
piping stresses ormisalignment.
N. Mechanical equipment and piping to be isolated from the building structure bymeans of noise and
vibration isolators as scheduled on the drawings, or asdescribed herein.
O. All piping and conduit 50 mm and over located in mechanical equipment roomsfrom connected
equipment for 15 m, to incorporate isolation hangers.
O. All piping and conduit 50 mm and over located in mechanical equipment roomsfrom connected
equipment for 15 m, to incorporate isolation hangers.
P. All mechanical (HVAC and Plumbing) piping and vertical risers to be isolatedfrom the building structure
by means of noise and vibration isolation guides andsupports as described herein.
Q. Each fan and motor assembly to be supported on a single structural steel frame.Flexible duct connections
to be provided at inlet and discharge ducts.
A. All equipment whether isolated or not to be bolted to the structure to allow forminimum 1 G of
acceleration. Bolt points, diameter of inserts, and imbedmentdepth to be submitted as part of the
submission for each piece of equipmentandcertified by a licensed civil or structural engineer.
B. All structurally suspended, overhead equipment, isolated or non-isolated, to befour point independently
braced with Type III seismic restraining system.
C. Install seismic restraining system Type III taught for overhead suspendednon-isolated equipment, piping,
electrical conduit or ductwork and slack with 12mm cable deflection for isolated systems.
D. Seismically restrain all piping and ductwork and electrical conduit with Type IIIrestraining system in
accordance with the following schedule:
2.0 Water, Steam and Condensate Pipe and Electrical Conduit, Schedule 10,20, or 40 Weld or Victaulic and
all other raceway systems except surfacemetal raceway:
4.0 Ductwork::
E. Place floor mounted equipment on 100 m (4") high reinforced concretehousekeeping pads properly
doweled or expansion shielded to deck to meetacceleration criteria. Mount vibration isolating devices
and related inertia blockson concrete pad. Concrete work specified in Division 3.
2.0 Piping and conduit in boiler and MER rooms less than 35 mm (1-1/4")I.D.
4.0 All rectangular ducts less than 0.56 m² in cross sectional area.
6.0 All piping or conduits suspended by individual clevis hangers 300 mm inlength or less from the top of
the pipe support to the bottom of thesupport for the hanger.
7.0 All top supported ducts suspended by hangers 300 mm (12") or less inlength from the top of the duct
support to the bottom of the support forthe hanger.
G. Chimneys and stacks passing through floors are to be bolted at each floor levelor secured above and
below each floor with riser clamps.
H. Chimneys and stacks running horizontally to be braced every 9 m with Type IIIrestraining system.
I. Where base anchoring is insufficient to resist seismic forces, supplementaryrestraints, such as seismic
restraint system Type III, to be located above thesystem's center of gravity to suitably resist "G" force
levels. Provide equipmentwith additional lifting lugs to accommodate this requirement.
1.0 This requirement includes all water softeners, water filter, and verticalwater heaters and other equipment
where required.
J. For overhead supported equipment, overstress of the building structure must notoccur. Bracing may
occur from:
2.0 Upper or lower truss chords in bar joist construction at the panel points.
3.0 Cast in place inserts or drilled and shielded inserts in concrete structures.
K. Pipe risers through cored shafts require no further seismic bracing. (Corediameter to be maximum 50
mm larger than pipe O.D.)
A. All piping, except fire standpipe systems and electrical conduits, are includedunder this section.
B. Installation:
2.0 The isolators to be installed with the isolator hanger box attached to, orhung as close as possible to, the
3.0 The isolators to be suspendedfrom substantial structural members, notfrom slab diaphragm, unless
specifically permitted.
4.0 Hanger rods to be aligned to clear and not short circuit the hanger box.
5.0 Horizontal suspended pipe 50 mm and smaller and all steam piping to besuspended by Type E isolators
with a minimum of 9 mm deflection.Water pipe larger than 50 mm to be supported by Type F isolators
with aminimum of 25 mm (or same static deflection for the first threelocations) as isolated equipment to
which pipe connects, whichever isgreater.
a. Type CIH hanger can substitute for the above.
6.0 Horizontal pipe, floor supported at slab to be supported via Type A, witha minimum static deflection of
25 m or same deflection as isolatedequipment to which pipe connects, whichever is greater.
8.0 Vertical riser guides, if required, to avoid direct contact of piping withbuilding.
9.0 Pipe anchors, or guides where required, to utilize resilientpipe anchors,Mason Industries Type ADA, or
equivalent, to avoid direct contact ofpiping with building.
10.0 Riser sway supports, where required, to utilize two neoprene elements(Type G or H to accommodate
tension and compression forces).
11.0 Pipe Extension and Alignment Connectors: Provide connectors at riser takeoffs, cooling and heating
coils, and elsewhere as required, toaccommodate thermal expansion and misalignment.
C. Isolator Position
5.0 Supportwater piping in shafts and floor supports entering shaft withType G isolators or Type H pad to
prevent direct contact of piping withbuilding structure.
6.0 Guide and anchor piping in shafts, as required, with approved mountingdesigns incorporating Type H
pad to prevent direct contact of pipingwith building structure.
1.0 The minimum operation clearance between the equipment frame or rigidsteel base frame and the
housekeeping pad or floor to be 25 mm.Minimum operating clearance between concrete inertia base
andhousekeeping pad or floor to be 50 mm.
2.0 The equipment structural steel or concrete inertia base to be placed inposition and supported temporarily
by blocks or shims, as appropriate,prior to the installation of the machine and isolators.
3.0 The isolators to be installed without raising the machine and frameassembly.
4.0 After the entire installation is complete and under full operational load,to adjust the isolators so that the
load is transferred from the blocks to theisolators and so that all isolators are barely free, remove shims.
5.0 Isolation mounting deflection to be the minimum specified or as scheduled on the drawings.
7.0 Verify that all installed isolator and mounting systems permit equipmentmotion in all directions. Adjust
or provide additional resilient restraintsto limit equipment start-up lateral motion to 6 mm.
8.0 Prior to start-up, clean out all foreignmatter between bases andequipment. Verify that there are no
isolation short circuits in the base,isolators or seismic restraints.
A. HVAC Equipment
All ceiling suspended piping and ductwork not excluded by diameter or distance requirement from
a. Included are all in-line tanks and air separators.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
2.0 All ceiling mounted equipment including but not limited to fans, AHU's,tanks, stacks, VAVboxes, and
unit heaters.
NOTE:If VAV box is rigidly attached to ductwork (no flex) it isconsidered part of the ductwork.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
3.0 All diffusers mounted in ATC ceilings to be four point independentlycable braced to deck unless ATC
ceiling meets Seismic Zone IIrequirements. If this is met, use earthquake clips to secure fixture toT-Bar
Seismic Restraint Type III.
5.0 ComputerRoom AC Units. Floor mounted computer room A/C unitsmust be stand mounted. Stand to be
bolted to deck and A/C unit to be bolted to stand. Stand must be certified to meet 1 G acceleration
Base Type B-7.
6.0 Roof mounted A/C units. Curb mounted units to incorporate seismicrestraint using a steel curb or frame
B-6000 welded or bolted to buildingsteel or expansion bolted to concrete decks. Curb must be certified
tomeet 1 G acceleration criteria.
B. Plumbing Equipment
1.0 All ceiling suspended piping not excluded by diameter or support length.This includes all sanitary,
domestic and drain lines.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
3.0 All floor mounted equipment,including but not limited to tanks, stacks,boilers, domestic water heaters,
softeners, etc.
Seismic Restraint Type V.
NOTE:Provide additional restraint Type III for water softeners, filtersand vertical water heaters.
C. Electrical Equipment
1.0 All ceiling suspended conduit not excluded by diameter or distance requirement from support.
2.0 All ceiling mounted equipment including trunking, cable tray, conduit,trapeze racks and bus ducts.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
NOTE:If equipment is rigidly fastened to conduit, diameter and distancerequirement from support
3.0 All non-isolated floor and wall mounted equipment includingtransformers, switchgear, dimmer racks
(boards), etc.
Seismic Restraint Type V.
4.0 All ceiling mounted lighting fixtures are to be independently hung andcable braced utilizing S. R. Type
III cables except as noted below.Fixtures, part of lighting grids to meet local codes for suspension and
befour point independently cable braced to deck unless A.T.C. ceilingmeets seismic zone II
requirements. If this is met, use two earthquakeclips per fixture to secure fixture to T-Bar construction.
2- Transformers Isolation Type Bor S.R. Type I/Base Type B-5 25mm
3- Air Comp. Tank Isolation Type B Mtd. To 7.5 kWor S.R. Type I 25mm
4- Air Comp. Tank >7.5 KW Isolation Type Bor S.R. Type I/Base type B-2 50mm
10- Pumps (To 15 HP) Isolation Type B or S.R. Type I/Base type B-5 25mm
11- Pumps (above 15 HP) A-B-2 with S.R.II CR or S.R.Type I/Base B-2 25mm
300 rpm…85mm
Isolation Type Bor S.R. Type I/Base 451-600rpm...65mm
12- Factory Ass.AHU Floor
Type B-2 601-750rpm...50mm
850rpm and above...25mm
300 rpm…85mm
Isolation Type Bor S.R. Type I/Base 451-600rpm...65mm
14- Class 1 Fans Arr 1 &3 Indoor
Type B-1 601-750rpm...50mm
850rpm and above...25mm
300 rpm…85mm
Isolation Type Bor S.R. Type I/Base 451-600rpm...65mm
15- Class II & III Fans
Type B-2 601-750rpm...50mm
850rpm and above...25mm
300 rpm…85mm
Class I Arr. 451-600rpm...65mm
15- Isolation Type B mmor S.R. Type I/
9 Fans 601-750rpm...50mm
850rpm and above...25mm
A. On completion of installation of all vibration isolation devices herein specified,the factory representative
or Professional Engineer retained by the Contractor toinspect the completed system and report in writing
any installation error,improperly erected isolation devices or other faults in the system that couldaffect
the performance of the system. Contractor to submit a report to theProject Director, including the
manufacturer's representatives final report,indicating all isolation reported as properly installed or
requiring correction.Include a report by the Contractor on steps taken to properly complete andcorrect the
isolation work.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and SpecialConditions and Division-1
Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in thisDivision. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this divisionalso apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment,accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete, make ready, and set towork for operation by the Owner, all insulation in
accordance with Drawingsand Specifications.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable Local codesand the standards outlined
in Section 15020.
B. Product Data: Manufacturer's printed data, catalog cuts, test data andrecommendations.
A General Insulation Requirements:
1- Insulation shall be applied on clean dry surfaces, after pressure testinginspection and release for
insulation application.
Insulation shall be continuous through wall, floor, ceiling openings andsleeves. Where insulated piping
or ductwork pierces fire rated partitions,walls and floors, substitute anhydrous calcium silicate insulation
withvapor barrier in lieu of fiberglass for a minimum of 200mm from wall inboth directions, to produce a
hard surface for fire resistive packing.
3- Insulation on cold surfaces where vapor barrier jackets are used shall beapplied with a continuous,
unbroken vapor seal. Hangers, supports,anchors,etc., that are secured directly to cold services shall be
adequatelyinsulated and vapor sealed to prevent condensation.
Insulation pipe hanger shields shall be installed at hangers for insulated piping. At point of support, pipe
shall be protected by a 360 degree insert of high density, 689 kPa water proofed calcium silicate, encased
in a 360 degree galvanized sheet metal shield. Insert shall be of same thickness as adjoining pipe
insulation. Shield length and minimum sheet metal gauge shall conform to the following schedule.
Pipe Size Shield Length Minimum Thickness
mm mm mm
15-40 100 1.1
5- Insulation on indoor work shall have composite (insulation, jacket orfacing, and adhesive used to adhere
the facing or jacket to the insulation.Insulation shall be flame retardant essentially non combustible,
andshall not produce toxic vapors or dense smoke when burned.
Accessories such as adhesives, mastics, coatings, cements, tapes, etc. forfittings shall have the same
component rating as listed above and shall beapplied in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions
including recommended coverages. Treatment of jackets or facings toimpart flame-and-smoke safety
shall be permanent. The use ofwater-soluble treatments is prohibited.
7- The only exception to the above material requirements is where amaterial meeting these requirements is
not available from anymanufacturer, in which case substitute items shall be subject toindividual approval
by the Architect.
8- Where insulation is specified for piping, insulate similarly all connection,vents, drains and any piping
connected to system subject to heat loss orgain.
9- Adhesives and coating shall beapplied according to the manufacturersstandard insulation instructions.
No adhesive or cements shall be appliedto ambient temperatures below those recommended by
A. Piping systems described shall be insulated as follows, including all flanges,fittings, valves, expansion
joints, vents, drains and all other parts of the system.All piping subject to freezing such as in outdoor air
or discharge plenums oroutdoors shall be insulated with twice the insulation thickness specified herein.
1.0 Insulation shall be glass fiber with a maximum K factor of .24 at23P°PC mean temperature with factory
applied vapor barrier jacket.
2.0 Longitudinal lap and 75 mm wide vapor barrier joint seal strips shall beadhered neatly in place with
vapor barrier adhesive. Factory appliedself-sealing laps are acceptable.
3.0 Ends of pipe insulation shall be sealed off with vapor barrier coating atflanges, valves and fittings and at
intervals of not more than 7 meters oncontinuous runs of pipe.
4.0 Fittings and valves shall be insulated with molded fittings, miteredsegmentsof pipe insulation or 0.45 kg
fiberglass blanket, compressed 2to 1. Secure with copper-clad wire. Thickness to be same as
adjoininginsulation (minimum of 25 mm thickness on fiberglass blanket). Flangesshall be insulated with
sectional pipe insulation extending a minimumPage
63 mm
of 87beyond end of bolts. Bolt area shall beSECTION
filled 15549
with insulatingcement. Fittings, etc. shall be vapor-sealed by applying two 1.5 mmthick coats of vapor
barrier coating reinforced with glass fabric (10 x 10).Lap the glassfabric at least 25 mm on itself and 50
4.0 Fittings and valves shall be insulated with molded fittings, miteredsegmentsof pipe insulation or 0.45 kg
fiberglass blanket, compressed 2to 1. Secure with copper-clad wire. Thickness to be same as
adjoininginsulation (minimum of 25 mm thickness on fiberglass blanket). Flangesshall be insulated with
sectional pipe insulation extending a minimum of 25 mm beyond end of bolts. Bolt area shall be filled
with insulatingcement. Fittings, etc. shall be vapor-sealed by applying two 1.5 mmthick coats of vapor
barrier coating reinforced with glass fabric (10 x 10).Lap the glassfabric at least 25 mm on itself and 50
mm on adjoiningpipe insulation. If fiberglass blanket is used, a smoothing coat offinishing cement must
be applied before the vapor barrier is applied.
5.0 Concealed piping shall be banded in place with three aluminum bandsper section, one over each end of
the joint sealing strip, and one in themiddle of the section. Where self-sealing laps are used, bands are
not required.
6.0 All exposed piping shall have a factory attached, pre-sized glass clothcoveredvapor barrier jacket.
Vapor-barrier jacket may be vinyl-coatedembossed laminate.
2.0 Longitudinal lap and 75 mm wide vapor barrier joint seal strips shall beadhered neatly in place with
vapor barrier adhesive. Factory appliedself-sealing laps are acceptable.
3.0 Fittings and valves for pipe sizes smaller than 200 mm shall be insulatedand finished with Insulating and
Finishing Cement. On pipe sizes 200mm and larger, use segments of the molded insulation or
moldedfiberglass fittings wired securely in place. Flanges shall be insulated withsectional pipe
insulation extending a minimum of 25 mm beyond the endof the bolts. Bolt area to be filled with
mineral wool cement. Thicknessof fittings, valve and flange insulation shall be same as adjoining
pipeinsulation. Concealed fittings, etc., may be insulated with 0.45 kgfiberglass blanket wrapped firmly
under compression, 2 to 1 and securedwith copper-clad wire.
Concealed piping shall be banded in place with three aluminum bandspersection, one over each end of
4.0 the joint sealing strip and one in themiddle of the section. Where self-sealing laps are used, bands are
All exposed piping shall have a factory attached, white, all-service jacket(ASJ). Exposed fittings, etc.,
5.0 shall be finished with open weave glassfabric (10 x 10) smoothly adhered and coated with lagging
2.0 Longitudinal lap and 75 mm wide joint seal strips shall be secured withoutward clinch staples on
concealed piping and vaporbarrier adhesive onexposed piping. Factory applied self-sealing laps (SSL)
are acceptable.
3.0 Fittings and valves for pipe sizes smaller than 200 mm shall be insulatedand finished with Insulating and
Finishing Cement. On pipe sizes 200mm and larger, use segments of the molded insulation or
moldedfiberglass fittings wired securely in place. Flanges shall be insulated withsectional pipe
insulation extending a minimum of 25 mm beyond the endof the bolts. Bolt area to be filled with
mineral wool cement. Thicknessof fittings, valve and flange insulation shall be same as adjoining pipe
insulation. Concealed fittings, etc., may be insulated with 0.45 kgfiberglass blanket wrapped firmly
under compression, 2 to 1 and securedwith copper-clad wire.
4.0 All exposed piping shall be finished with a factory attached, all-servicejacket (ASJ). Exposed fittings,
etc., shall be finished with open weaveglass fabric (10 x 20) adhered and coated with lagging adhesive.
2.0 Fittings and valves for pipe sizessmaller than 200 mm shall be insulatedand finished with Insulating and
Finishing Cement to a thickness equal tothe adjoining pipe insulation. Fittings and valves for pipe sizes
200 mmand larger shall be insulated with segments of the molded insulationwired securely in place and
finished with a smoothing coat of finishingcement.
3.0 Flanges shall be insulated with sectional pipe insulation extending aminimum of 25 mm beyond the ends
of the bolt. Bolt area shall be filledwith mineral wool cement.
4.0 Flanges and welded joints shall not be covered until the piping has beenhydrostatically tested per section
15510 of this specification.
3.0 Ends of pipe insulation shall be sealed using a fuse seal gun and glue sticks.
1.0 Air supply system casings and plenums including all equipment from airintake plenum to fan discharge
37 mm type D-2, (exceptions as noted onplans).
3.0 Air conditioning supply and return air ducts in other than equipmentrooms-37 mm type D-1.
4.0 All exhaust air ducts shall be un-insulated except where external orinternal acoustic treatment is required.
5.0 All outside air ducts and plenums and plenums containing a percentageof outside air on inlet side of air
supply systems. 25 mm type D-2.
6.0 All pool supply ducts between walls of double wall ductwork (see Section 15768) 37 mm type D-2.
A. All pipe sleeves and duct openings penetrating floor slabs, partitions, walls, etc.,shall be packed with
fiberglass and sealed with mineral wool.
1.0 Flexible duct insulation shall be37kg per cu. m. density glass fiber withmaximum K factor of 0.29 at
23°C mean temperature, with reinforcedfoil-faced, flame resistant kraft vapor barrier.
2.0 Insulation shall be secured with duct adhesive. All joints shall be sealedby adhering a 50 mm sealing lap
at all joints with vapor barrier adhesiveor 75 mm strips of vapor barrier jacket applied with vapor
barrieradhesive. Insulation shall then be fastened with 1.7 mm copper-clad wire orfiberglass cord on 300
mm centers. On ducts over 600 mm wide, weldedpins and clips shall be used on the underside.
3.0 Exposed round ducts shall have a white vinyl reinforced foil vapor barrier.Application same except wires
shall be omitted and blanket shall besecured by stapling 50 mm longitudinal lap. Staples shall be coated
withvapor barrier coating.
1.0 Rigid duct insulation shall be 96 kg per cu. m. density glass fiber withmaximum K factor of .24 at 23°C
mean temperature with ASJ exposedvapor barrier facing.
2.0 Insulation shall be impaled over welded pins applied to duct surface on
300 to 450 mm centers. Use a minimum of two rows of fasteners oneach side of duct. Secureinsulation
with suitable speed washers or clipsfirmly imbedded into insulation.
3.0 All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled with Mineral WoolCement. All joints, speed washers
and breaks in the vapor barrier shallbe sealed with 75 mm wide strips of the vapor barrier facing
adheredwith vapor barrier adhesive.
4.0 Exposed ductwork shall have a white vinyl reinforced foil vapor barrierfacing. Care shall be taken in
sealing joints speed washers, etc., withmatching 75 mm or 125 mm tapeof vapor barrier to insure
1.0 Flexible duct insulation shall be24kg per cu. m. density glass fiber witha maximum K factor of 0.29 at
23°C mean temperature.
2.0 Insulation shall be secured with an adhesive. But all edges of insulationon exposed ducts and lap all
edges of insulation 50 mm on concealedduct. Insulation shall then be fastened with 1.7 mm copper-clad
wire on
300 mm centers.
3.0 Exposed ducts shall have whitevinyl, reinforced foil facing. Secured bystapling a 50 mm longitudinal
lap and eliminate wire.
A. The following Hot Equipment shall be insulated with semi-rigid insulation usingType E-2 insulation.
B. The following hot equipment and system components shall be insulated withhigh temperature block
insulation using Type E-3 insulation:
C. Type E-1 Glass Fiber Rigid Equipment Insulation with Vapor Barrier.
1.0 Insulation shall be 96 kg per cu. m. density glass fiber with vapor barrierfacing and having a maximum K
factor of 0.24 at 23°C meantemperature.
2.0 Insulation shall be firmly held in place with copper-clad wire or pins andclips on 300 mm centers.
3.0 All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled with mineral woolcement. All joints and breaks in
the vapor barrier shall be sealed withstrips of the vapor barrier facing adhered with vapor barrier
4.0 Finish shall consist of imbedding an open weave glass fabric (20 x 20)into wet coating of lagging
adhesive over-lapping the seams at least 50mm. A finish coat of lagging adhesive shall then be applied.
5.0 Sections of equipment requiring periodic servicing such as heads andpumps shall be insulated with
flanged, sectional, gasketed vaportight aluminum sheet metal covers 1.2mm thick lined with 50mm 67
kgdensity fiberglass board.
D. Type E-2 Glass Fiber Rigid Equipment Insulation for Hot Equipment.
1.0 Insulation shall be 96 kg per cu. m. density glass fiber having amaximum K factor of .24 at 23°C mean
2.0 Insulation shall be firmly held in place with copper clad wire or pins andclips on 300 mm center.
3.0 All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled with mineral woolcement.
4.0 Over the insulation apply 25 mm galvanized wire netting secured to thebands or wires and pulled down
tight. Then apply 1 coat of Insulatingand Finishing Cement troweled to a smooth finish.
5.0 Exposed equipment shall be finishedby embedding open weave glassfabric (20 x 20) into wet coating of
lagging adhesive overlapping seams 50 mm. A finished coat of lagging adhesive shall then be applied.
6.0 Section of equipment requiring periodic servicing such as heads andpumps shallbe insulated with sheet
metal cover lined with 67 kg densityfiberglass board.
1.0 High temperature insulation shall be 192 kg per cu. m. density moldedhydrous calcium silicate with
amaximum K factor of 0.24 at 79°C meantemperature.
2.0 Insulation shall be securely wired in place with copper clad wire orgalvanized steel bands 12 x 0.4 mm
on 300 mm centers.
3.0 All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled and pointed withmineral wool cement.
4.0 Over the insulation apply 25 mm galvanized wire netting secured to thebands or wires and pulled down
tight. Then apply 1 coat of Insulatingand Finishing Cement troweled to a smooth finish.
5.0 Exposed equipment shall be finished by embedding open weave glassfabric (20 x 20) into wet coating of
lagging adhesive, overlapping allseams 50 mm. A finished coat of lagging adhesive shall then be
A. Sections of equipment requiring periodic servicing shall be installed withaluminum covers lined with the
same thickness of material as the adjoininginsulation.
1.0 Finish with a 0.4 mm thick aluminumjacket which has a factory appliedmoisture barrier. For all
applications where it is available, the jacketingshall be factory attached to the insulation and installed per
2.0 Where field applied jacketing must be used,it shall be applied with 50mm overlap facing down from the
weather and shall be secured with analuminum band 12 x .3 mm and seals applied on 300 mm centers
withbands applied directly over but overlaps. As an alternate, the jacketingmay be applied withrivets.
Where jacketing is cut out or abutts anun-insulated surface, the joint shall be sealed with foam sealant.
3.0 Fittings and valves shall be insulated and finished with mitered sectionsof the insulation with factory
attached aluminum jackets installed permanufacturer's recommendation.
1.0 The insulated surfaces shall be weather protected with two coats ofmastic, with open weave glass cloth
membrane imbedded between thecoats. Embed 38mm x 38mm .7mm perforated galvanized steel
angleson all corners in mastic. The total thickness of the coating shall be aminimum of 3 mm.
C. Where exposed indoor pipe and ductwork insulation is subject to physicaldamage or abuse, such as pump
rooms and fan rooms, install aluminumjacketing equivalent to outdoor weatherproofing finishes.
D. Where piping or ductwork insulation is subject to foot traffic or similarconditions provide galvanized
steel stairs with handrails or appropriate bridgesover piping.
A Install insulation in accordance with approved installation drawings andmanufacturer's recommendations.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General andSupplementary Conditions and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to workof this section.
B. General Requirements for HVAC Work, Section 15020, applies to work of thisSection.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment,accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready for operationby the Owner, all fuel oil storage tank work in
accordance with drawings andspecifications.
A. Standards
1.0 DEC
2.0 NFPA
B. Product Data: Manufacturer's printed data, catalog cuts, recommended method ofinstallation.
A. Furnish and install one blacksteel Fuel Storage Tank. locally manufactured. Forsize, capacity and model
type, refer to drawings.
B. The tank shall be constructed, tested and installed in accordance with recommendations The tank
manufacturer's statement that this tank conforms with local codes ofEnvironmental Conservation label
must be permanently displayed.
1.0 External hydrostatic pressure. Buried in ground 7' of overburden over the top of the tank. The hole fully
flooded and a safety factor of 5:1 againstgeneral buckling.
2.0 Surface loads: When installed according to manufacturer's installationinstructions tanks will withstand
surface H-20 axle loads (32,000 lbs/axle).
3.0 Internal load: Primary tank and annular space shall with stand pressure test of 5 psi. Resulting in a 5 to
1 safety factor.
4.0 Tanks shall be designed to support accessory equipment such as ladders,drop tubes, etc. when installed
according to manufacturer's recommendations and limitations.
1.0 Tanks must be vented. Tanks are designed for operation at atmosphericpressure only, except for use
with vapor recovery systems providing thepressure or vacuum does not exceed 1 psi.
2.0 Tanks shall be capable of storing liquids with specific gravity up to 1:1.
3.0 Maximum temperature. Tanks shall be capable ofstoring fuel oil attemperatures not to exceed 65oC at
the tank interior surface.
E. Accessories:
1.0 Anchor straps-provide steel reinforced anchor straps for tank. Number andlocation of strapsshall be as
specified by manufacturer. Straps shall be standard as supplied by the tank manufacturer.
b. The manway will be furnished complete with UL listed gaskets, bolts and covers.
c. The steel manway cover shall have three 100mm NPT fittings weldedin place.
F. The manufacturer's price shall include the cost of all shipping permits andtransportation to deliver the
tankto the jobsite.
G. The tanks shall be set on 300mm of pea gravel and anchored to a concretefoundation with fiberglass
hold-down straps as recommended by themanufacturer. Each strap shall be capable of withstanding the
buoyancy load forthe tank diameter.
H. The manufacturer of the tank shall submit shop drawings of the tank for approval.The shop drawings
shall indicate the size, construction data, tapping connections,location of the tappings and hold-down
I. Performance Warranty:
2.0 Will not fail for a period of thirty (30) years from date of original shipmentdue to external corrosion;
3.0 Will not fail for a period of thirty (30) years from date of original purchasedue to internal corrosion,
provided the tank is used solely with fuel oil attemperatures not to exceed 65oC.
4.0 Will not leak for a period of thirty (30) years from date of original purchasedue to structural failure
(defined as breaking or collapse) provided theinstallation is performed and validated by a qualified
installation contractorand the tank is used as stated above.
1.0 Low level on tank: Flashing display on gauge and sounding of local alarmbell. Alarm silencing
pushbutton silences bell, display continues to flashuntil situation corrected.
2.0 Output shall be 4-20 m adc which shall interface with strip chart recorder.
A. When the system is energized make all required adjustments and test as permanufacturer's
recommendations for leakage.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General andSupplementary Conditions and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to workof this section.
B. General Requirements for HVAC Work, Section 15020, applies to work of thisSection.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment,accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready foroperation by the Owner, all fuel oil specialties work in
accordance with drawingsand specifications.
A. Standards
1.0 ANSI
2.0 ASTM
3.0 U.S. Federal Specifications.
B. Regulatory Agency
B. Do not store exposed to weather, cover with suitable type material to protect fromdamage.
A. Furnish and install a fill cap at oil tank fill pipe terminal. Each fill cap shall havecast iron body, cast
bronze cap, gasket and key. Fill cap terminals shall begalvanized or cadimum plated
B. Vent Heads-Oil tank vent pipe terminal shall be provided with a weatherprooftype vent head
A. Furnish and install fuel oil pump sets of sizes and capacities as shown in the drawings.
B. Each pump set shall consist of the following basic parts completely assembled,piped and wired and ready
for installation.
1.0 Fuel oil pumps: Positivedisplacement types directly connected by flexiblecouplings to explosion proof
type motors. Include coupling guards.
2.0 Duplex suction and discharge strainer of line size, fitted with two brass filtering baskets with 1mm
perforations. The strainer shall have a transfer handle for switch cover of filter baskets, which shall
operate a plug typevalve.
3.0 Relief valves with an adjustable range of 172 to 1034 kPa, set at 861 kPa.
4.0 Gauges: All gauges to be 115mm. (2) oil pressure gauges 760mm/0-414kPa at suction and discharge
side of the suction strainer. (2) oil pressuregauges 0-414 kPa at pump discharge and pump set outlet.
6.0 Oil pressure switches, syphon mounted, installed to operatelead/lag, pumpfailure back-up system.
7.0 Control cabinet: NEMA 12 construction mounted on structural steel frame,completely prewired and
containing the following components:
C. Piping shall be schedule 40 black steel with malleable iron fittings. Providecheck valves at each pump
discharge . Each pump shall be protected by anexternal relief valve. Include gate valves at the suction
and discharge of eachpump.
D. Factory test the unit and provide a certificate attesting to the completion of asuccessful test.
E. Shop drawings shall include complete elementary and connection wiringdiagrams, piping diagrams and
installation instructions.
Each generator shall be provided with a fuel day tank of capacity sufficientfor a 24 hours operation at
The tanksFuel
full load. shallshall
be welded
flow bysteel, withfrom
gravity steelthe
support saddles,tapingsfor
fuel day accessories,threaded connections.
tank to the engine.
The tanks shall be equipped with tank fill, gages, vent, floatswitches, and outlet connections as shown on
drawings. The fuel feed line to the daytank shall be of at least 3 cm internal diameter and shall be fitted
with a ball. Valve witha stopcock. The day tank shall be fitted.
The day tank shall be provided with a breather pipe with replaceable paper type air filteror with breather
caps with air filters. A mechanically operated dial type level indicatorshall be fitted on the day tank .
The tanks shall be factory painted with two coat of suitable rust inhibiting metal primer.The tank shall be
inclined by at least 3 degrees from the horizontal and a drainagestopcock or plug fitted at the bottom of
the end wall of the tank.
The fuel pipe shall be schedule 40 black steel malleable iron fittings.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to workof this Section.
B. General Provisions for HVAC Work, Section 15010, applies to work of thisSection.
C. The requirements of this Section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment,accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready foroperation by the Owner.
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of radiators, units andcabinet heaters of the
types, materials and sizes required, whose products havebeen in satisfactory use in similar service for not
less than 5 years. Provideequipment produced by a manufacturer listed as an Acceptable Manufacturer
inthis section. Furnish all equipment from one manufacturer.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes andthe following:
2.0 The unit must comply with ASI-IRAE standard 15 for safety code formechanical refrigeration and
to be designed, manufactured and tested inaccordance with UL requirements.
3.0 NEC requirements for electrical power and control wiring for constructionand installation NEMA Std.
pub/No.'s MG 1, 2, 3, 10 and 11 for energyefficient motors.
4.0 Refrigerant (Rl34a) must comply with the international environmental requirements.
B. Schedule: Submit a schedule showing manufacturer, models, sizes, andcapacities for approval before
ordering the equipment.
C. The selection of the unit should achieve all the parameters different than thenominal conditions (outdoor
temperature, pipe length, indoor temperature).
A. Condensing Unit shall be factory assembled, refrigerant 134a pre-charged, pre-wired and tested for
capacity ratings accordingto AR1standard 360. Each unitshall consist of compressors, condenser,and
expansionvalve,filter drier, sightglass, interconnecting refrigerant piping to air handling units cooling
coils and allother standard accessories and controls.
B. Condensing units should be selected to be operated normally considering thevertical and horizontal
distances between the air handling units and condensingunits.
C. Unit casing shall be weather proof construction, made of heavy gaugegalvanizedsteel, backedenamel
finish.The unitmust befitted with 2" thermal and acousticinsulation to the whole assembly. Allpanels
shall be easily removable and allcomponents must be easily accessible for servicing. Units shall be
supplied withprotection grill to protect condenser coil from physical damage.
D. Compressor shall be of semi-hermetic type with oil level sight glassandcrankcase heater. Units with
multi-compressor, each compressor shall have itsindependent refrigerant circuit unit shall be equipped
with hot gas bypass.
Condenser coilshall be constructedofseamless coppertubes withaluminiumplate finsmechanically
bonded to the tube. Maximum number of finsper inch shall not exceed 12. The condenser fans shall be
double width double-inlet forward centrifugal type with adjustable belt drive or axial fan with
separatemotor to each fan. Condenser intake and discharge shall be protected with birdscreen.
F. Motors shall be totally enclosed fan cooled, drip proof class F insulation. Thecontrol voltage shall be 24
G. The unit shall be complete with the following minimum control andprotectiondevices:
1.0 Safety interlocking between air handling unit fan motor with compressor operationand mechanical
interlocking through an airflow switch.
2.0 Sequence operation for compressors in accordance with return air temperature
3.0 Manually reset and adjustable high pressure and adjustable low-pressurecutout forcompressor protection
4.0 Manually reset and adjustable oil pressure differential cutout of 90/120 sec.
5.0 Time guard circuit for preventing compressor rapid recycling of adjustable range from 5 minutes to 15
6.0 Time delay relay for sequence starting of multiple compressors system of minimum 15 sec
7.0 Separate single phasing preventor with a response time rating of maximum 2sec
8.0 Inherent thermal protection and three-leg overload with manual reset forcompressor motor winding and
fans motor winding.
A. Examine area and condition under whichcondensingunits are to be installed.Notify Project Director in
writing of conditions detrimental to proper completionof the work. Do not proceed with the work until
unsatisfactory conditions havebeen corrected.
A. Furnish and install factory assembled condensingunits of the types, sizes,capacities, and arrangements
indicated on the drawings and specified herein.
B. The contractor shall level each machine in accordance with manufacturer·srecommendations and
submitlevellingdata to the engineer for review.
C. Inspection and performance tests shall be carried out on contractor expenses tothe satisfaction of the
E. Install vibration isolators to concrete pad with anchor bolts and secure unit to vibration isolators..
B. The HVAC contractor should consider the distance between the condensing unit and air handling unit
while selecting and installing those units according to manufacturer recommendations.
A. This Section includes split-system air-conditioning and heat pump units consisting of separate
evaporator-fan and compressor-condenser components. Units are designed for exposed or concealed
mounting, and may be connected to ducts.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to workof this Section.
B. General Provisions for HVAC Work, Section 15010, applies to work of thisSection.
C. The requirements of this Section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment,accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready foroperation by the Owner.
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of radiators, units and cabinet heaters of the
types, materials and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for
not less than 5 years. Provide equipment produced by a manufacturer listed as an Acceptable
Manufacturer inthis section. Furnish all equipment from one manufacturer.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes andthe following:
1.0 ARI:Certify that the capacities of each model and size are in compliance with industry standard 440-89
for Room Fan Coil Units.
2.0 ARI: Test and rate each model and size for sound in accordance withindustry standard 443-71 for sound
ratings of Fan Coil Air Conditioners.
5.0 Guarantee each unit to operate at the certified sound levels. Replace anyunit which does notfulfilthis
B. Schedule: Submit a schedule showing manufacturer, models, sizes, andcapacities for approval before
ordering the equipment.
C. The selection of the unit should achieve all the parameters different than thenominal conditions (outdoor
temperature, pipe length, indoor temperature).
A. Units of blow-through design complete with fans, motors, insulated drain pan,and insulatedauxiliary
drain pan and cooling and heating section as follows:
1.0 1.2 mm galvanized steel housing fully lined with 15 mm, glass fiber acousticand thermal insulation.
2.0 Fabricate main drain pan, extended type, and auxiliary drain pan of 1.2 mmgalvanized steel and line
them with a closed cell, fire retardant, foaminsulation.
3.0 Fans are to be centrifugal, forward curved, DWDI direct connected type, dynamically and statically
balanced. Construct the blower assembly of galvanized steel.
Motors are to be 3-speed tap wound, permanent split capacitor type with UL listed thermal overload
4.0 protection. Arrange the motor blower assembly for easy removal, including a quick disconnect on the
motor cord. Include sleevetype or ball bearing type motor bearings with oil tubes andoversized oil
5.0 Coil no less than 2-rows deep, fabricated of 15mm O.D. copper tubes and aluminium fins mechanically
bonded to the tubes. Include a manual air vent discharging to the drain pan and a drain cock.
6.0 Provide mounting brackets for ceiling suspension, including approved vibration elimination devices and
discharge duct collar.
7.0 All electric wiring between the fan motor, unit mounted controls and junction box mounted on the unit
will be and factory installed by the manufacturer.Provide suitable terminals for field connections of
power and thermostat and valve control wiring.
7.0 All electric wiring between the fan motor, unit mounted controls and junction box mounted on the unit
will be and factory installed by the manufacturer.Provide suitable terminals for field connections of
power and thermostat and valve control wiring.
8.0 Furnish the following controls to be installed by this contractor and wired bythe Electrical Contractor.
a. Thermostat, with warmer/cooler knob, calibrated with degree reading sand 3-speed/ off fan control
switch. Include 2°C deadbands.
9.0 Filters: 1 inch thick, in fiber board frames with ASHRAE 52.2 MERV rating of 6 or higher.
A. Casing steel, finished with baked enamel, with removable panels for access to controls, weep holes for
water drainage, and mounting holes in base. Provide brass service valves, fittings, and gage ports on
exterior of casing.
B. Compressor: Hermetically sealed reciprocating type with crankcase heater and mounted on vibration
isolation Compressor motor shall have thermal- and current-sensitive overload devices, start capacitor,
relay, and contactor..
1.0 Refrigerant: R-410A.
C. Refrigerant Coil: Copper tube, with mechanically bonded aluminum fins, complying with ARI 210/240,
and with liquid subcooler.
D. Heat Pump Components: Reversing valve and low-temperature air cut-off thermostat.
I. Minimum Energy Efficiency: Comply with ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2004, "Energy Standard for
Buildings except Low-Rise Residential Buildings."
A. Thermostat: Low voltage with subbase to control compressor and evaporator fan.
B. Refrigerant Line Kits: Soft-annealed copper suction and liquid lines factory cleaned, dried,
pressurized, and sealed; factory-insulated suction line with flared fittings at both ends.
A. Control Module: Remote mounted adjustable thermostat with heat anticipator,off-heat-auto-cool switch,
high-low fan switch.
A. Examine area and condition under which fan coil units are to be installed. NotifyProject Director in
writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work.
B. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have beencorrected.
A. Examine area and condition under which fan coil units are to be installed. NotifyProject Director in
writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work.