Mechanical Technical Specifications
Mechanical Technical Specifications
Mechanical Technical Specifications
MAY 2024
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21 05 00 Common Work Results for Fire Suppression
21 05 19 Meters and Gages for Fire-Suppression Systems
21 05 29 Hangers and Supports for Fire Suppression Piping & Equipment
21 12 00 Fire Suppression Standpipes
21 13 13 Wet Pipe Sprinkler System
21 13 39 Foam Water System
21 22 00 Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems
21 22 00 AERSOL System
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SECTION 210500
A. The requirements of the Contract Documents, including the General Conditions and special
Conditions, apply to the work of this division.
B. In case of conflict between these General Provisions and the Special and General Conditions
the more restrictive requirements govern as determined by the Engineer.
C. The drawings are schematic and diagrammatic and are intended to be a graphic representation
of the contract requirements. Due to restrictions of scale, complete details cannot be shown.
It is however assumed to represent a complete installation. The contractor shall be responsible
for providing a complete installation, coordination with other trades, and coordination with
field conditions.
D. Riser diagrams and schematic diagrams generally indicate equipment connections to be used
for various systems. Provide all work shown on diagrams whether or not it is duplicated on
the plans.
E. Specifications include incomplete sentences. Words or phrases such as "the contractor shall,"
"shall be," "furnish," "provide," "a," "an," "the," and "all" have been omitted for brevity.
F. Except where modified by a specific notation to the contrary, the indication and/or description
of any item, in the Drawings or Specifications or both, carries with it the instruction to furnish
and install the item complete with all appurtenances or accessories necessary to complete any
required system, regardless of whether or not this instruction is explicitly stated as part of the
indication or description.
G. Specifications and Drawings are complimentary and are to be taken together for a complete
interpretation of the work. Where conflicts exist between the drawings and specifications, the
item(s) of greater quantity or cost shall be provided for in the contract price.
H. Drawings of necessity utilize symbols and schematic diagrams to indicate various items of
work. Neither of these have any dimensional significance nor do they delineate every item
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required for the intended installation. Install the work in accordance with the diagrammatic
intent expressed on the electrical and mechanical drawings, and in conformity with the
dimensions indicated on final architectural and structural working drawings and on equipment
shop drawings.
I. Certain details appear on the drawings, which are specific with regard to the dimensioning and
positioning of the work. These details are intended only for the purpose of establishing general
feasibility. They do not obviate field coordination for the indicated work.
J. Derive information as to the general construction from structural and architectural drawings
and specifications.
K. Responsibility of contractor is to ensure that all works are in conformity with drawings,
international stated codes and local regulations.
A. Where used in this document and accompanying drawings, the following words are defined as
1. "Provide" to furnish, install and connect up complete and ready for safe and regular
operation of particular work referred to.
2. "Install" to erect, mount and connect complete with related accessories.
3. "Furnish" or "Supply" to purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related
4. "Work" labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories and other items
required for proper and complete installation.
5. "Concealed" embedded in masonry or other construction, installed in furred spaces, within
double partitions or hung ceilings, in trenches, in crawl spaces or in enclosures.
6. "Exposed" not installed underground or "concealed" as defined above.
7. "Indicated," "shown" or "noted" as indicated, shown or noted in the contract documents.
8. "Similar" or "equal" in materials, weight, size, design and efficiency of specified product.
9. "Reviewed," "satisfactory," "accepted," or "directed" as reviewed, satisfactory, accepted or
directed by or to Engineer.
10. "Architect," "Engineer," "Project Manager," "Owner," the party or parties responsible for
interpreting, accepting and otherwise ruling on the performance under "The Contract."
11. "This Contract", "The Contract" the agreement covering the work to be performed by "The
12. "The Specifications," "This Section, Part, Division of the Specifications" the documents
specifying the work to be performed by "The Contractor."
13. "Other," "Other Contractor”, persons, parties, or trades responsible for work of the project
other than "the Contractor".
14. "Project Manager" or "Construction Manager" is defined as the Owner's authorized
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A. Make the complete installation in accordance with all state and local municipal codes, all
applicable codes and authorities having jurisdiction, and the applicable requirements and
standards of the following:
Refer to the Engineer for decisions on any items or requirements noted in the specifications or
drawings which conflict with the standards listed above. Provide all work necessary to comply
with these requirements at no extra cost to the Owner
A. Implement the work called for under this contract simultaneously with the work of other Trades
in a manner such as not to delay the overall progress of the project. Be prepared to furnish
promptly to other Trades involved at the project all information and measurements relating to
the work which they may require. Cooperate with them in order to secure the harmony
necessary in the interest of the project as a whole.
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B. Put work in place as fast as possible to meet all construction schedules.
D. Maintain a complete file of Contract and shop drawings at the Site available for inspection by
the Engineer and Project Manager.
E. Provide every facility to permit inspection or observation of the work by the Engineer during
the course of construction.
F. Be responsible for work until its completion and final acceptance; replace any of the same
which may be damaged, lost or stolen, without additional cost to the Owner.
A. Make all workmanship, equipment and materials supplied under this contract acceptable to the
Engineer, who has the power to reject any items, which in their judgment are not in full
accordance with the Drawings and Specifications.
A. Obtain and deliver a final Certificate of Approval from the applicable inspection authority
having jurisdiction. Make delivery to the Construction Manager for transmittal to the Owner
upon completion of the work and before final payment. Pay all charges made by the inspection
authority and include their cost in the bid.
B. Include the procurement of and payment for all permits, certificates and fees for the
performance of the work in compliance with codes, applicable laws and municipal regulations
including those from local utilities for services.
A. The Specifications and the accompanying drawings are intended to secure the provisions of all
material, labor, equipment, and services necessary to install complete, tested, and ready for
operation the FIRE PROTECTION Systems in accordance with the Specifications and
Drawings. Provide all systems complete with necessary appurtenances and minor auxiliaries,
including offsets to clear interferences and supports, which are not shown but are needed to
make each system complete in every respect.
Provide all work described in the Specifications and not shown on the Drawings, or vice versa,
in complete working order. If mention has been omitted of any item of work or material,
necessary for completion of the system, then such items must be and are hereby included.
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A. Before submitting a proposal, the Contractor is responsible for visiting the site of the work and
becoming thoroughly familiar with all conditions and limitations. The submission of a proposal
will be construed as evidence that such an examination has been made, and later claims for
labor, equipment or materials required for difficulties encountered which could have been
foreseen had such an examination been made will not be recognized.
C. Verify existing conditions and bring any discrepancies to the Engineer’s attention in writing
prior to proposal submission.
B. Shop drawings, which are submitted out of sequence or without supplemental information
necessary for proper evaluation of the submission are subject to delays in processing.
D. Prior to assembling or installing the work, submit the following for review:
1. Catalog information and factory assembly drawings, as required for a complete explanation
and description of all items of equipment.
2. Field installation drawings, as required to explain fully all procedures involved in erecting,
mounting and connecting all items of equipment.
3. Scale drawings indicating insert and sleeve locations.
4. Scale composite drawings, showing all duct work, piping, lighting fixtures, main conduit
runs and drainage piping above the hung ceilings and in the mechanical equipment rooms.
The drawings will indicate pipe and duct sizes and their elevation above the floor. Obtain
layout of plumbing, HVAC and electrical work from the respective contractor for inclusion
on the composite drawing. The signature of each contractor on the composite drawing will
attest to full coordination of these drawings.
E. Materials installed or work performed without acceptance of materials is done at the risk of the
Contractor, and the cost of removal of such material or work, which is judged unsatisfactory
for any reason, is at the expense of the Contractor.
1. Number of copies and type of paper complies with the requirements of contract "General
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2. Complete information pertaining to appurtenances and accessories is included.
3. Submitted as a package where documents pertain to related items.
4. Properly marked with service or function identification as related to the project, where they
consist of catalog sheets displaying other items, which are not applicable.
5. Properly marked with external connection identification as related to the project where they
consist of standard factory assembly or field installation drawings.
G. Shop drawings and other submissions, which are submitted for review, will be returned with a
Shop Drawing stamp indicating actions based on reviews that are made and Contractor's
responses that may be necessary. Actions noted regarding "REVIEW" and "RESPONSE"
portions of the shop drawing stamp are defined as explained in project General Requirements
(Division 1), and Contract General & Special Conditions.
A. Before commencing work, procure complete set of black and white prints of Contract
B. Maintain prints in field office and permanently record, in colored pencil, on such prints, at time
of occurrence, deviations from Contract Drawings, due to:
1. Field Coordination
2. Addenda
3. Bulletins
C. Dimension underground utilities from permanent identifiable structural points.
D. Make drawings available for the Engineer’s periodic inspection and submit for review with
as-Built Drawings.
D. Upon completion of work, submit signed and certified reproducible transparencies as as-Built
and referenced Shop Drawings, along with marked up prints of Record Drawings, to the
Engineer for acceptance.
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A. Coordinate the work of this division with the work of all other Contracts and the utility
company and so arrange that there will be no delay in the proper installation and completion of
any part or parts of each respective work wherein it may be interrelated with that of this
Contract so that generally all construction work can proceed without delaying the completion
of the project.
B. Examine contract drawings and specifications for all other trades relating to this project, verify
all governing conditions at the site, and become fully informed as to the extent and character
of the work required and its relation to other work in the building. No consideration will be
granted for any alleged misunderstanding of the materials to be furnished for work to be done.
C. Scaled and figured dimensions with respect to the items are approximate only; sizes of
equipment have been taken from typical equipment items of the class indicated. Before
proceeding with work, carefully check all dimensions and sizes and assume full responsibility
for the fitting-in of equipment and materials to the building and to meet architectural and
structural conditions.
D. Coordinate work with other disciplines. Confer with other contractors whose work might affect
this installation; and arrange all parts of this work and equipment in proper relation to the work
and equipment of others, with the building construction and with architectural finish so that
this work will harmonize in service, appearance, and function.
E. Install exposed piping to provide the maximum amount of headroom coordinated with the
Architectural drawings above the finished floor. Install piping concealed in areas where hung
ceilings or other furred spaces are indicated.
F. Refer to the Architectural Drawings for ceiling heights, locations and types of hung ceilings
and furred spaces.
G. Furnish to the Trade Contractors for general construction, detailed advance information
regarding all requirements related to work under other Divisions and/or Sections. Furnish
sizes, accurate data, and locations of any and all pads, pits, chases, sleeves, and slots through
floor slabs, walls, foundations, ceilings, roof, and other special openings required for work
under this Division.
A. Owner-furnished equipment will be delivered, crated or otherwise packaged to the site delivery
point selected by the Project Manager. The Contractor is responsible for accepting delivery of
all Owner-furnished items, which are under his trade jurisdiction and place them in their final
B. Where items cannot be immediately placed in their final position, the Contractor is responsible
for storing and protecting all Owner-furnished items until the time of their final installation.
The contractor is responsible for the care and protection of the items until acceptance by the
Owner. Coordinate delivery of Utility Company furnished equipment with the delivery policy
of that company.
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A. Deliver and store FIRE PROTECTION equipment/piping at the site properly packed and crated
until finally installed. Store materials in spaces as designated by the General Contractor.
Investigate each space through which equipment must be moved. If necessary, have equipment
shipped from manufacturer in crated sections of size suitable for moving through restricted
B. Adequately protect uninstalled and installed equipment and materials against loss or stealing,
damage caused by water, paint, fire, plaster, moisture, acids, fumes, dust or other environmental
conditions, or physical damage, during delivery, storage, installation and shutdown conditions.
Replace any damaged or stolen material without extra cost to the Owner Except the equipment
that has been handed over to the owner or tenants.
C. Provide effective protection for all material and equipment against damage that may be caused
by environmental conditions. Do no work when conditions of temperature in area or moisture
on materials or substrates are not in accordance with material manufacturer's recommended
conditions for installation.
D. Maintain all equipment and systems installed, until issuance of the certificate of practical
completion. The operation of the equipment by the Owner does not constitute an acceptance
of the work. Work will be accepted only after the Contractor has adjusted his equipment,
demonstrated that it fulfills the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, and has
furnished all required certificates.
E. Provide effective protection against damage for all materials and equipment during shipment,
and storage at the Project Site. Cover all stored equipment to exclude dust and moisture. Place
stored equipment on pallets or racks with appropriate weather cover.
F. After piping and equipment are installed, cover openings to prevent entrance of water and
foreign materials. Close openings with temporary metal or plastic caps.
G. Protect all rough and finished floors and other finished surfaces from damage, which may be
caused by construction materials and methods. Protect floors with tarpaulins, drip pans and
oil-proof floor covering. Protect finished surfaces from welding and cutting splatters with
baffles and splatter blankets. Protect finished surfaces from paint droppings, adhesive and other
marring agents with drop cloths. Protect other surfaces with appropriate protective measures.
I. After completion of project, clean the exterior surfaces of equipment furnished in this Division
including concrete residue, to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
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A. Provide Equipment and Materials required for installation under the Specifications new and
without blemish or defect. Provide equipment and materials, which will meet with the
acceptance of authorities having jurisdiction over the work. Where such acceptance is
contingent upon having the products listed or labeled by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., or
other test laboratory, provide products so listed or labeled. Where no specific indication as to
the type or quality of material or equipment is indicated, furnish a first class standard article.
B. Wherever a manufacturer of a product is specified and the terms "other approved" or "approved
equal" or "equal" or "similar to" are used, the substituted item must conform in all respects to
the specified item, and meet the Engineer’s approval. Consideration will not be given to claims
that the substituted item meets the performance requirements with lesser construction.
Performance as delineated in schedules and in the Specifications indicates minimum
performance. In many cases, equipment is oversized to allow for pick-up loads, derating and
future loads which cannot be delineated under the minimum performance.
C. Provide all equipment, piping, valves, etc. of one type (such as pumps) produced by one
D. Substituted equipment where permitted and accepted must conform to space requirements.
Replace at Contractor's expense any substituted equipment that cannot meet space
requirements, whether accepted or not. Make any modifications of related systems as a result
of substitutions at Contractor's expense.
E. Note that shop drawings, or other information submitted in accordance with the requirements
hereinbefore specified, do not assure that the Engineer attests to the dimensional suitability of
the material or equipment involved. Engineer's approval of shop drawings for substituted
equipment, does not waive the Contractor's responsibility to assure proper fit with adequate
clearances for maintenance.
F. Substitutions of equipment for that listed on the schedules or designated by model number in
the Specifications will not be considered if the item listed or described is not a regular cataloged
item shown in the current catalog of the manufacturer and been successfully used for a period
of not less than five years.
A. Access doors as required for operation and maintenance of concealed equipment, valves,
controls, pull boxes, etc., shall be provided by the General Contractor under another section of
the specification.
B. Coordinate and prepare a location, size, and function schedule of access doors required and
deliver to a representative of the installing Trade and the Engineer for acceptance.
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A. The commissioning and performance testing shall be carried out by an independent
specialized firm. Full details of the capability and experience of such firm shall be submitted
to the Engineer for review and approval
A. After completion of all required equipment and system tests and unless specifically noted
elsewhere in these specifications, provide at owner's convenience, knowledgeable personnel
and necessary equipment to reasonably instruct and demonstrate the operation and maintenance
of said equipment and system. Arrange for the related manufacturer or authorized
representative to assist with this orientation. The orientation shall be a minimum of five (5)
days in addition to start up time.
B. Before requesting acceptance of work, furnish five (5) copies in bound form of a complete
instruction manual, typewritten or printed.
1. Table of Contents
2. Introduction - Explanation of manual and its use
3. Description of system or equipment
4. Systems operation
a. Operation procedures
b. All posted instruction charts
5. Maintenance
a. Systems trouble-shooting charts
b. Procedures for checking out functions
c. Recommended list of spare parts and cost
d. Schedule of recommended maintenance
6. Listing of manufacturers
7. Manufacturer's data: Where multiple model, type and size listings are included, clearly
and conspicuously indicate those that are pertinent to this installation.
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A. Guarantee all work to be free from leaks or defects. Replace or repair, as directed by Engineer,
defective materials or workmanship, as well as damage to the work of the Trades resulting from
same for the duration of stipulated guarantee periods.
B. The duration of guarantee periods following the date of acceptance of the entire work, shall be
a minimum of one 400 days, or as stated in the Contract General & Special Conditions.
C. Submit certification attesting to the fact that specified performance and other criteria are met
by all items of equipment.
A. As the project progresses, the Architect, at his discretion, will perform site visits to observe
the mechanical and electrical installations. At the conclusion of these site visits, punch lists
or non-compliance notices will be issued to the appropriate Contractor for the deficiencies in
the work of his trade. Complete all work and perform all corrective measures as required by
the punch lists. After this corrective and completion work has been accomplished advice the
Architect in writing that every item on the punch lists has been completed.
A. Valves
1. Mount black lamacoid nameplates on each motor controller identifying primary control
function and individual position indication such as Pump No. 1, etc. Nameplates to be cut
through to white background and have beveled edges. Mounted with chromium plated
acorn head screws.
1. Furnish to Owner's Representative three (3) complete framed plastic laminated valve tag
schedules. Schedule to indicate tag number, valve location by floor and nearest column
number, valve size and service controlled.
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D. Piping Identification and color Coding
1. Apply color coded Polyvinyl Chloride pipe bands identifying pipe contents and direction
of flow.
2. On exposed piping, apply bands on 30 foot centers of straight runs, at valve locations, at
point where piping enters and leaves a partition, wall, floor or ceiling.
3. On concealed piping installed above removable ceiling construction, apply bands in
manner described for exposed piping.
4. On concealed piping installed above non-removable ceiling construction, or in pipe shafts,
apply bands at valve or other devices that are made accessible by means of access doors or
5. Apply bands at exit and entrance points to each vessel, tank or piece of equipment.
6. Band widths to be 8 inch for pipes up to 10 inch diameter and 16 inch wide for larger
diameter piping. Letter heights stating service to be preprinted on band, 3/4 inch high for
8 inch bands and 1-1/4 inch high for 16 inch bands.
7. Colors to conform to ASA Standard A13.1. Provide 24 additional bands of each type for
future use by owner's personnel.
8. Follow manufacturer's instructions for application procedures using non-combustible
materials and contact adhesives.
A. Deliver all equipment with standard factory finish or as specified. Clean all equipment before
acceptance by the Owner.
B. Except as otherwise specified, priming will be done under other Sections of the work.
Material Color
Fire protection water Red
Sprinkler, water Red
Make-up water Green
Sprinkler drain Red
Water Green
A. Examine the drawings, and in cooperation with the Electrical Trade confirm the final location
of all electrical equipment to be installed in the vicinity of piping. Plan and arrange all overhead
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piping no closer than 2'-0" (600 mm) from a vertical line to electric motors and controllers,
switchboards, panel boards, or similar equipment.
B. Where the installation of piping does not comply with the requirements of foregoing paragraph,
where feasible, the piping shall be relocated.
1. Provide and erect a gutter of 18 gauge galvanized steel under every pipe which is within
2'-0" (600 mm) of being vertically over any motor, electrical controllers, switchboards,
panel boards, or the like.
2. Each gutter shall be welded and made watertight, properly suspended and carefully pitched
to a convenient point for draining. Provide a 3/4" drain, with valve as directed, to nearest
floor drain or slop sink, as approved.
3. In lieu of such separate gutters, a continuous protecting sheet in similar construction,
adequately supported and braced, properly rimmed, pitched and drained, may be provided
over any such motor, and extending 2'-0" (600 mm) in all directions beyond the motor, over
which such piping has to run.
A. The Contactor shall instruct and train personnel, designated by the Owner for the purpose, in
the operation and maintenance of every part, device and equipment in the systems with
particular emphasis on proper start-up and shutdown procedures, preventive maintenance and
lubrication procedures with the recommended lubricants overhaul and major maintenance
methods, adjustment and calibration of instruments and controls, the use of special tools and
safe practices.
B. The Owner will bear all the expenses of his personnel allocated for this purpose
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A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions, apply to
work of this section.
B. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Work includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready for operation by the Owner, all basic materials and
methods for fire protection systems in accordance with Drawings and Specifications.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, and performance data.
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B. Sleeve Caulking and Packing Product Schedule:
A. Material: anodized aluminum, chrome plated brass for finished spaces; plain brass, cast iron or
aluminum for unfinished spaces. Set-screw or spring tension design.
A. Examine the drawings, and in cooperation with the Electrical Trade confirm the final location of
all electrical equipment to be installed in the vicinity of piping. Plan and arrange all overhead
piping no closer than 2'-0" (600 mm) from a vertical line to electric motors and controllers, panel
boards, or similar equipment.
Where the installation of piping cannot comply with the requirements of foregoing paragraph,
obtain approval from the Engineer to relocate the piping as far away from the electrical equipment
as possible and provide drip pans as follows:
1. Provide and erect a gutter of 18 gauge galvanized steel under every pipe which is within 2'-0"
(600 mm) of being vertically over any motor, electrical controllers, switchboards, panel
boards, or the like.
2. Each gutter to be welded and made watertight, properly suspended and carefully pitched to
a convenient point for draining. Provide a 3/4" drain, in vicinity of nearest floor drain
terminated in a manner where drip will be noticed or as otherwise approved.
3. In lieu of such separate gutters, a continuous protecting sheet in similar construction,
adequately supported and braced, properly rimmed, pitched and drained, may be provided
over any such motor, and extending 2'-0" (600 mm) in all directions beyond the motor, over
which such piping has to run.
B. In no case will piping be installed in electrical switchgear or electric service rooms. Provide a
secondary, concrete slab vaulted encasement in all cases where such condition cannot be avoided.
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A. Inspection
B. Installation
Install as indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, applicable codes and
regulations and in accordance with recognized industry practices to ensure that installation
complies with requirements and serves intended function.
Coordinate as necessary to interface installation with other work.
A. Provide sleeves for each pipe passing through walls, partitions, floors and roofs except multiple
pipe penetrations may be accommodated in a common boxed opening. Provide code complying
packing, caulking or cement fill between pipes and edges of boxed openings.
B. Pack and/or caulk space between pipe or pipe insulation and sleeve as indicated in sleeve
application schedule below. Finish with smooth appearance even with sleeve surface.
D. Sleeve Sizes:
For Uninsulated Piping: two pipe sizes larger than pipe passing through sleeve or a minimum of
1/2" clearance between inside of sleeve and outside of pipe.
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E. Sleeve Length Schedule:
Floor Slabs Equal to depth of floor construction including finish; in waterproof floor
construction, sleeves to extend minimum of 2" above finished floor level.
Roof Slabs Equal to depth of roof construction including insulation plus 4".
Provide threaded or caulked counter flashing to extend down
over roofing membrane on pipe.
Walls and Equal to depth of construction and
Partitions terminated flush with finished surfaces.
A. Provide escutcheons on all exposed piping through walls, partitions, floors and ceilings.
Escutcheon inside diameter to closely fit pipe outside diameter or insulation outside diameter
where pipe is insulated. Cover penetration hole in construction.
A. CLEAN equipment, material, piping etc. inside and outside by effective and approved methods
to remove loose mill scale, blisters, sand, plaster, paint dropping, debris, dirt, oil, grease, labels,
and all foreign matter. Clean and brush work in stages as directed before painting or concealing.
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B. SURFACES TO THE BE PAINTED: clean with wire brush and cleaning solution. Do not apply
paint to wet or damp surface.
C. BLACK STEEL PIPING including flanges, bolts, nuts, cast iron valves and accessories, valve
wheels and all ferrous parts to be painted with two coats of zinc chromate primer whether or not
they are to be insulated. When bare or exposed to view, they are to be further painted with two
coats of approved oil paint.
D. PIPING run in trenches, shafts, underground or outdoors, including flanges, bolts, nuts, valves
and all ferrous parts to be painted with two coats of zinc chromate primer and two coats of heavy
bituminous solution paint.
E. PIPING when directed by the Engineer piping in machine room is to be painted to conform to
the ASME colour code. Alternatively stencil pipes to show service, size and direction of flow.
Insulated pipes to be colour coded and stencilled over the external jacket.
F. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS including clamps, rods, bolts, nuts etc. are to be painted with two
coats of zinc chromate primer and where exposed to view with two additional coats of approved
oil paint.
SECTION 210519
The pressure gauge range shall be chosen in such a way that the indicator will be situated near a middle position
during normal operating conditions. The gauge shall have an adjustable pointer.
Gauges shall be burden tube type to BS 1780, 100mm diameter, except those installed in platrooms which shall be
150mm diameter. gauges shall have enameled mild steel case with chrome bezel, substantial glass face, and
phosphor bronze bourdon tube. dial face shall be white with black scale graduation and numbering
Gauges shall have overall accuracy of one percent (1%) of scale range.
Gauge shop drawing and gauge shall be approved by the engineer and gauges shall all be of the same manufacture.
UL listed and FM approved Fire pump flow meter to be venturi type with carbon steel body, with rated pressure of for
Minimum range of flow meter shall be at least twice the rated flow rate capacity of the fire pump, with a minimum
Manual air vents shall be provided at all high points in piping systems (including devices connected into piping
systems) or wherever air can be trapped. "High Points in Piping Systems" are defined as any points in the piping
system in which the piping or equipment on either side of that point drops below that point thus forming a pocket.
A globe valve shall be provided on the connection between main and air vent.
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Air vents and globe valves shall have the same pressure rating as specified for the valves for the various piping
A DN 15 drain line shall be run from each air vent to the nearest open drain with discharge arranged so that it is
All air vents shall be numbered and labelled and a schedule shall be prepared and presented showing the vent
Automatic air vents shall only be installed where particularly indicated on the drawings. Vents shall have a float and
integral valve plug with seat to discharge chamber. The discharge chamber shall have a tapped port for drain line
An isolating globe valve shall be installed between the main and the air vent and both shall be pressure rated for the
SECTION 210529
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A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions, apply to work of
this section.
B. Common Work Results for Fire Suppression, Section 210500, applies to work of this Section.
C. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Provide seismic restraining type support systems for all floor and ceiling mounted mechanical and
electrical equipment, piping, panels, and etc. in accordance with these specifications, the contract
B. Provide seismic restraining type vibration isolation systems to eliminate transmission of movement from
the equipment to the structure or connected piping or conduit systems. All vibration isolation devices to
C. All reference herein to methods and techniques of equipment support apply to Mechanical, fire
protection systems.
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of products of types and capacities required
and described herein, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than
10 years.
C. Standard Compliance: Federal Spec. WW-H1716, ASA Code for Pressure Piping, ASTM A 575-73,
D. All hanging, restraining and isolating methods and techniques to be as indicated on the documents, in
NFPA Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems 1994 Edition, NFPA 13, 1994 UBC,
ANSI A58.1, 1981, Title 24 CAC, GSA, and ATC-3. Where techniques are proposed that deviate from
those detailed in the contract documents, they must be clearly detailed and stamped by a Professional
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A. Manufacturer of vibration isolation and seismic control equipment to have the following responsibilities:
scheduled or specified.
external forces of ½ G load in any direction for all rigidly and resiliently
lieu of the specified isolation of this section must be approved for individual
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature and catalog cuts,
B. Indicate locations of vibration isolation, inserts, anchors, and guides on piping shop drawings.
C. Submit for review full detailed drawings and calculations indicating all proposed deviations to the
methods and devices specified in the contract documents. These drawings and calculations to be
stamped by a Structural or Civil Professional Engineer attesting to the adequacy of the device or
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method to restrain the equipment without failure while subject to an external lateral force of ½ G
A. It is the objective of this specification to provide the necessary design for the control of excessive noise
and vibration in the building due to the operation of machinery or equipment, and/or due to
B. The installation of all vibration isolation units, and associated hangers and bases, to be in accordance
C. All vibration isolators to have either known non-deflected heights or calibration markings so that, after
adjustment, when carrying their load, the deflection under load can be verified, thus determining that the
load is within the proper range of the device and that the correct degree of vibration isolation is being
D. All isolators to operate in the linear portion of their load versus deflection curve. Load versus deflection
curves to be furnished by the manufacturer and must be linear over a deflection range of not less than
E. The theoretical vertical natural frequency for each support point, based upon load per isolator and
isolator stiffness, not to differ from the design objectives for the equipment as a whole by more than
F. All neoprene mountings to have a Shore hardness of 30 to 60 +/-5, after minimum aging of 20 days or
corresponding oven-aging
A. Provide pipe supports and components in accordance with the following schedule:
Page 25 of 429
180o Shield 40
Pipe Saddle 39 A or B
Beam Clamp 28
Clevis Hanger 1
U-Bolts 24
B. Provide a factory applied Zinc Chromate coating on all hanger components including rods, inserts,
clamps, stanchions, and brackets. Field touch-up damaged painting with Zinc Chromate repair paint.
C. Provide hangers, rods, clamps and straps with a non-metallic coating, for electrolytic protection,
D. Provide pipe alignment guides of carbon steel having four machined guiding fingers and a guiding
E. The structural engineer must approve method of hanging before work is started. The contractor under
this Section is responsible for materials and workmanship as described in this Section, and must make
sure that all hangers and supports are properly and permanently connected to building structure. All
structural hanging materials, except variable spring units, must have a safety factor of 5 built-in.
A. Restrain equipment and components to safely accept a ½ G external lateral force without failure while
maintaining all equipment, piping, and conduit, etc. in a captive position. Seismic restraints not to short
B. No cast-iron legs may be used unless indicated on the equipment shop drawings and approved prior to
Page 27 of 429
C. Seismic Restraint Types:
acceleration capability.
having a minimum 5/8" thick resilient pad limit stops working in all directions.
3. Restraint, Type III: Metal cable type with approved end fastening devices to
iron or steel casing minimum .30 static deflection. System to be field bolted
the structure by use of seismic restraint type vibration isolators of a design not requiring separate
directional snubbers except where indicated. Manufacturer's rail or base mounted packaged equipment
may be rigidly restrained to concrete housekeeping pads if isolators of the type specified herein are
Type E isolators.
Page 30 of 429
6. Pad type elastomer mountings to incorporate the following:
pad layer if equipment support cover 3/4 of the pad area or less.
pad layer if equipment support covers 3/4 of the pad area or less.
8. Isolated Clevis:
hanger for pipe support that combines a unit clevis or rod roller
standard leveling.
Page 31 of 429
a. Rail type spring isolators to provide steel members of sufficient
misalignment of driver and driven units. Centrifugal fan bases complete with
motor slide rails drilled for driver and driven unit mounting template.
forms for floating foundation. Bases for split case pumps to be large enough
to provide support for suction and discharge base elbows. The base depth
Page 32 of 429
to be a minimum of 1/10 of the longest span, but not less than 5" or greater
1/2" bars or angles welded in place on 6" centers running both ways. A
layer 1-1/2" above the bottom and an additional top layer of reinforcing steel
as above for all bases exceeding 120" in one direction. Isolators to be set
into pocket housings which are an integral part of the base construction and
set at the proper height to maintain a 1" clearance below the base. Bases to
be furnished with templates and anchor bolt sleeves as part of this system.
C. Isolated Curb.
isolation curbs that directly sit on roof construction and are flashed and
2. All spring locations to have removable waterproof covers to allow for spring
3. Curbs to be sound attenuating type which will utilize standard 2" roof
insulation installed by the roofer for sound attenuation or will require 2" of
7. Package Options:
Page 33 of 429
b. An elevation kit, to allow for up to 8" of roof pitch.
2. The system to be designed with 2" (or 3") static deflection steel springs
4. The system to maintain the same operating and installed height both with
and without the equipment load and to be fully restrained during wind load
approved equal.
2. Each rail to be the full length of the supported equipment and be welded to a
base platform.
G of acceleration.
F. Non-Isolated Curb.
2. Curbs to accept standard 2" roof insulation installed in the field by the roofer
A. Elastomer
1. Manufactured of nylon tire cord and EPDM, both molded and cured in
hydraulic presses.
4. Rated 250 psi at 170oF dropping in a straight line to 170 psi at 250oF for
Page 35 of 429
5. Sizes 10" to 12" to employ control cables with neoprene end fittings isolated
Page 36 of 429
A. Hangers or clamps installed in contact with copper or brass pipe, to be of copper or provide lead or fiber
B. Furnish and install auxiliary steel required for pipe supports. Chain straps, perforated bars, wire
C. Prime Paint: all black iron hangers to be installed underground, including rods, inserts, clamps,
D. Anchor points: provide to permit the piping system to expand and contract freely in opposite directions
from the anchored points. Anchors may be double bolt riser clamps and shall be located halfway
E. Guide points: Locate in piping system on either side of expansion joints and, or loops, as specified
herein and shown on drawings to permit free axial movement only in pipe main runs. Elbows at ends of
straight pipe runs flanking expansion joints or loops are considered expansion joints.
F. Trapeze hangers with suspension rods having double nuts and securely attached to the construction in
G. Maximum weights on hanger rods assuming a maximum operating temperature of 450oF to be such
that stress in tension will not exceed 9000 psi the root area of threaded portion.
Page 37 of 429
15.88 mm (5/8 inch) 4 to 5 inches
J. The following schedule is for conventional, non-seismic type hangers. See plans for seismic restrained
hanger location schedule which may replace the conventional hangers at those locations. All other
2. Copper tubing:
1. Threaded pipe:
2. Copper tubing:
2. Where piping revisions are required and are approved after slabs are
beams or columns by means of 4" x 3/8" thick clip knee angles with 3/4 inch
anchor bolt.
M. Isolation and seismic systems must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions.
Vibration isolators must not cause any change of position of equipment or piping resulting in piping
stresses or misalignment.
N. Mechanical equipment to be isolated from the building structure by means of noise and vibration
O. All piping 2" and over located in mechanical equipment rooms and run from connected equipment for 50
P. All mechanical fire protection piping system and vertical risers to be isolated from the building structure
by means of noise and vibration isolation guides and supports as described herein.
Page 39 of 429
A. All equipment whether isolated or not to be bolted to the structure to allow for minimum 1 G of
acceleration. Bolt points, diameter of inserts, and imbedment depth to be submitted as part of the
submission for each piece of equipment and certified by a licensed civil or structural engineer.
B. All structurally suspended, overhead equipment, isolated or non-isolated, to be four point independently
C. Install seismic restraining system for overhead suspended non-isolated equipment, piping, electrical
conduit and slack with 1/2" cable deflection for isolated systems.
D. Seismically restrain all piping and electrical conduit with restraining system in accordance with the
following schedule:
1. Water Pipe and Electrical Conduit, Schedule 10, 20, or 40 Weld or Victaulic:
E. Place floor mounted equipment on 4" high concrete housekeeping pads properly doweled or expansion
shielded to deck to meet acceleration criteria. Mount vibration isolating devices and related inertia
2. Piping and conduit in boiler and MER rooms less than 1-1/4" I.D.
Page 40 of 429
3. Other piping less than 2-1/2" I.D.
6. All piping suspended by individual clevis hangers 12" in length or less from
the top of the pipe support to the bottom of the support for the hanger.
7. All top supported ducts suspended by hangers 12" or less in length from the
top of the duct support to the bottom of the support for the hanger.
G. Chimneys and stacks passing through floors are to be bolted at each floor level or secured above and
H. Chimneys and stacks running horizontally to be braced every 30 feet with an approved restraining
I. For overhead supported equipment, overstress of the building structure must not occur. Bracing may
occur from:
2. Upper or lower truss chords in bar joist construction at the panel points.
J. Pipe risers through cored shafts require no further seismic bracing. (Core diameter to be maximum 2"
A. All piping, except fire standpipe systems and electrical conduits, are included under this section.
B. Installation:
c. Water piping and boiler breaching within 50 feet (or 100 diameters
2. The isolators to be installed with the isolator hanger box attached to, or hung
4. Hanger rods to be aligned to clear and not short circuit the hanger box.
5. Horizontal suspended pipe 2" and smaller and all steam piping to be
than 2" to be supported with a minimum of 1" (or same static deflection for
whichever is greater.
Page 42 of 429
8. Pipe anchors, or guides where required, to utilize resilient pipe anchors,
C. Isolator Position
center span.
5. Support water piping in shafts and floor supports entering shaft with isolator
steel base frame and the housekeeping pad or floor to be 1". Minimum
floor to be 2".
Page 43 of 429
2. The equipment structural steel or concrete inertia base to be placed in
4. After the entire installation is complete and under full operational load, to
adjust the isolators so that the load is transferred from the blocks to the
isolators and so that all isolators are barely free, remove shims.
on the drawings.
7. Verify that all installed isolator and mounting systems permit equipment
8. Prior to start-up, clean out all foreign matter between bases and equipment.
Verify that there are no isolation short circuits in the base, isolators or
seismic restraints.
A. On completion of installation of all vibration isolation devices herein specified, the factory representative
or Professional Engineer retained by the Contractor to inspect the completed system and report in
writing any installation error, improperly erected isolation devices or other faults in the system that could
affect the performance of the system. Contractor to submit a report to the Project Director, including the
manufacturer's representative’s final report, indicating all isolation reported as properly installed or
requiring correction. Include a report by the Contractor on steps taken to properly complete and correct
SECTION 211200
Page 44 of 429
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions, apply to work of
this section.
B. Common Work Results for Fire Suppression, Section 210500, applies to work of this Section.
A. Work Includes: Providing all labor, material, equipment and service necessary to complete and make
ready for operation by the Owner, complete automatic Fire & Jockey packaged pump systems in
2. Concrete - Division 3
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of Fire pump package Systems required,
whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
VDE/DIN, IEC, BS, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), and Factory Mutual (FM), Local Building and
Page 45 of 429
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data and brochures of equipment, and certification by
A. General:
1. Supply and install fire hose cabinets wherever shown and to the details indicated on the Drawings.
2. The fire hose reel shall be supplied with automatic stop valve & the cabinet shall be suitable for
3. The hose reel shall be mounted on a swinging arm with internal waterways which swings 180
4. The swinging arm will have a dual function a) As a swinging & supportive arm, b) as the water
5. The automatic stop valve opens to provide full capacity within just two revolutions of the reel.
6. The hose reel will be with side disc powder coated to RAL 3001 red gloss 15, or stainless steel
brushed or polished finish for doors & frames according to project architectural requirements.
10. The hose shall conform to EN694 standards for hose reels.
13. Cabinet shall be equipped with door catches/release handle grip size.
18. Hose Reel & cabinet shall be CE marked with copy of CE compliance certificate showing
19. Hose material shall be rubber or high strength PVC conforming to EN694 standards for hose reels.
20. Hose reel technical submittal must be accompanied by an illustration chart showing the capacity &
throw lengths.
4. 65 mm fire department hose and nozzle following fire brigade requirements and installed in cabinet.
1. Fire hose landing valve shall be angle type, 300 psi (2070 Kpa) pressure regulating globe valve
complete with polished, chrome-plated brass body and trim, red cast iron wheel handle, bronze
stem, renewable composition disc, threaded 2 1/2" (65mm) psi female inlet and quick coupling
adapter outlet with polished brass chrome plated cap and chain. Landing valve shall be UL/FM with
1. 90º angle body, polished brass floor plate, adapters, plugs and chains. Double clapper, 2-way size
1. 90º- angle body, polished brass floor plate, adapters, plugs and chains. 2-way no clappers; size as
1. For each of the above specified hydrants furnish a square steel extension rod that has a special
coupling for attaching to a standard gate valve stem. Include cap and chain; escutcheon lettered
A. Close against pressure and automatically drain line inside check valves.
A. Dry barrel type street fire hydrants to be connected to the existing and extended pressurized
A. Pressurized Water
Page 48 of 429
1. 6 liters with heavy wall construction, stainless steel discharge lever and fixed carry handle with wall
bracket, chrome plated valve body with replaceable molded valve stem seal, UL rating 2A.
1. Heavy duty steel cylinder with red enamel finish replaceable molded valve stem seals, metal valve
C. Carbon Dioxide
1. Heavy duty aluminum cylinder with red enamel finish with wall bracket, UL rating 5BC.
A. Valve supervisory switches on all control valves throughout mounted not to interfere with the normal
operation of the valve and adjusted to operate within two revolutions of the valve control or when the stem
has moved no more than one-fifth of the distance from its normal position.
B. Switch mechanism in a weatherproof die cast aluminum box with a tapped conduit entrance and
D. Entire installed assembly tamper-proof and arranged to cause a switch operation if the housing cover is
Page 49 of 429
A. Examine conditions under which the fire standpipes are to be installed. Notify Architect in writing of
conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory
A. Install fire standpipe system and accessories as indicated in accordance with manufacturer's written
instructions, requirements of applicable Standards, and with recognized industry practices to ensure that
B. Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of fire standpipe work with other work.
C. Temporary Fire Standpipe (by others, following all items required for temporary fire protection)
1. Concurrent with the erection of the superstructure, install the fire standpipe system at the stair
3. Interconnect the riser bases and provide for plugging or capping when work is not being done on
the system.
1. All fire standpipe risers to have 0.S. & Y riser control valves with tamper switches.
2. For all Siamese connections provided a sign that indicates a combination fire standpipe and
sprinkler system.
E. Fire Extinguishers
Page 50 of 429
1. Provide fire extinguishers in sizes and quantities so as to ensure the required protection throughout
2. Refer to the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet Number 10, Portable Fire Extinguisher,
for design requirements. In general all public spaces and corridors shall be provided with a 6 kg
(13 lbs) dry chemical multi-purpose fire extinguisher. Location a maximum of 25M (82 feet) from
3. Final location of fire extinguishers subject to approval of the local fire department.
1. Provide valved section inside building, and at other locations indicated or requiring same for
complete drainage of systems. Siamese drains to be automatic ball drips. Other drains to be
2. Provide test pipes at top of risers, at ends of main runs inside building, at electrical alarm devices,
and at other indicated or required locations. Test pipes to be valved and piped to discharge
A. During the progress of the work, test the fire standpipe system piping in the presence of the Engineer and all
B. Test the piping in full accordance with local code requirements and NFPA Code requirements, but in no
case test at less than 14 bars (200 psig) hydrostatic pressure for less than 2 hours.
C. Repair or replace with new work defects disclosed by the tests. Tests to be repeated as directed, until all
Page 51 of 429
D. Take due precautions to prevent damage to the building and its contents as a result of this test. Repair and
E. During construction, properly cap all lines and equipment nozzles so as to prevent the entrance of sand, dirt,
etc. Each system of piping to be flushed (for the purpose of removing grit, dirt, sand, etc., from the piping for
SECTION 211313
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions, and Division-1
Page 52 of 429
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified
to the contrary.
A. Work Includes: Providing all labor, material, equipment and services necessary to complete make
ready and set to work for acceptance by the Owner, a complete wet pipe sprinkler system throughout
2. Concrete - Division 3
A. Acceptable manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of Fire Suppression Systems
required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years as
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
VDE/DIN, IEC, BS, Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. (UL), and Factory Mutual (FM), Conrad Corporation
Fire Safety Standards, Local Building and Fire Department rules and regulations.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data and brochures of equipment and certification by
pump and motor manufacturers indicating conformance to specific requirements and tests.
Page 53 of 429
1. Hydraulic calculations for sprinkler systems to be submitted showing uniform water distribution and
2. Density, area of sprinkler operation and water supply requirements to be in accordance with Table
3. For dry pipe systems, increase the areas of sprinkler operation by 30% without revising density.
1. A certified test report showing actual reading taken during a factory-conducted test as a complete
unit by the pump manufacturer in conformance with the requirements of NFPA (1990) Pamphlet
No. 20 including a hydrostatic test to twice working pressure, but in no case to less than 17.5 bars
(250 psig).
2. A certified characteristic curve showing the pump performance based upon the results of the
factory test.
3. A plot of engine speed vs. pump capacity over the entire range from shutoff beyond 150 % of
design capacity.
E. Factory Test: Test the entire controller assembly prior to shipment including, but not restricted to, each
function the controller may be required to perform including remote alarms, remote start, automatic start
with manual shutdown, pressure drop start, manual start-stop; circuit breaker at 300 % full load, 600 %
full load, and short circuit current settings; and a high potential test of the controller power circuits at not
less than two times the rated voltage plus 1000 volts.
All wet pipes 50mm and smaller Seamless black steel schedule 40 Threaded malleable iron 150 LB class
welded fittings.
All wet pipes over 65 mm. Black steel schedule 40 ASTM A 53 Wrought steel butt welding ANSI B
Page 54 of 429
All wet pipes over 65 mm Black steel schedule # 40 roll or cut Optional grooved Fitting
A. General: UL listed and FM approved, with minimum 1200-kPa (175-psig) non-shock working-pressure
rating. Valves for grooved-end piping maybe furnished with grooved ends instead of type of ends
B. Gate Valves, DN50 (NPS 2) and Smaller: UL 262; cast-bronze, threaded ends; solid wedge OS&Y and
rising stem.
C. Gate Valves, DN65 (NPS 2-1/2) and larger: UL 262, iron body, bronze mounted, taper wedge, OS&Y,
and rising stem. Include replaceable, bronze, wedge facing rings, flanged ends, and integral indicating
D. Swing Check Valves, DN50 (NPS 2) and Smaller: UL 312 or MSS SP-80, Class 150;
E. Swing Check Valves, DN65 (NPS 2-1/2) and larger: UL 312, cast-iron body and bolted cap, with bronze
F. Split-Clapper Check Valves, DN100 (NPS 4) and larger: UL 312, cast-iron body with rubber seal,
G. Alarm Check Valves: UL 193, 1200-kPa (175-psig) working pressure, designed for horizontal or vertical
installation, with cast-iron flanged inlet and outlet, bronze grooved seat with O-ring seals, and single-
hinge pin and latch design. Include trim sets for bypass, drain, electric sprinkler alarm switch, pressure
Page 55 of 429
A. Spray type, with 1/2 nominal discharge orifice. Ordinary temperature rating 160o - 175o throughout
B. Spray type, with 3/4 nominal discharge orifice,11.2 k-factor, Ordinary temperature rating 160o - 175o for
C. Types
A. Vane-Type Water Flow Detectors installed on the sprinkler system piping as designated on the
drawings. Detectors designed for mounting on either vertical or horizontal piping, not to be mounted in
a fitting or adjacent to any fitting that changes the direction of water flow.
B. Having a sensitivity setting to signal any flow of water that equals or exceeds the discharge from one
sprinkler head. Detector switch mechanisms to incorporate an instantly recycling pneumatic retard
C. Weatherproof dust tight construction and with a 12.7 mm conduit entrance, finished in red baked
A. Valve supervisory switches installed on all control valves throughout. Switches mounted so not to
interfere with the normal operation of the valve and adjusted to operate within two revolutions of the
valve control or when the stem has moved no more than one fifth of the distance from its normal
Page 56 of 429
B. Switch mechanism contained in weatherproof die cast aluminum with a 25mm tapped conduit entrance
and incorporate the necessary facilities for attachment to the valve. Switch housings finished in red
baked enamel.
C. The entire installed assembly to be tampers proof and arranged to cause a switch operation if the
A. Sprinkler piping and risers to be substantially supported from the building structure. Types of hangers
and installation methods in accordance with the requirements of NFPA #13, Section 4-6.2.
B. Branch lines, not less than one hanger for each length of pipe.
C. Loops or Mains, at least one hanger between each two branch lines.
B. Gauges: 11.5mm dial, cast brass case, shutoff cock, double spring, graduated to twice the working
A. Furnish and install signs and seals as and where required by NFPA #13, and the Local Building and
Fire Authorities.
B. Sprinkler systems designed hydraulically to be provided with a sign adjacent to control valve assembly
B. Provide a piping diagram of the sprinkler system: indicate the location of all control valves by number
and designating the purpose of each valve. Diagram and valve chart (with type of valve and location) to
B. All pressure reducing valves shall be factory set and marked adjustable type and shall be provided with
a pressure gauge up and downstream with a maximum reading 350 kPa above maximum operating
A. Provide 50 spare sprinkler heads of the various types with wrenches neatly packaged in marked, hinged
B. Provide ten spare valves of each type and size up to 100mm and three of each size and type larger
than 100mm.
A. Examine conditions under which the sprinkler systems are to be installed. Notify Architect in writing of
conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until
Page 58 of 429
1. Threads full and clean cut and burrs formed in cutting to be reamed. In screwing up the pipe, care
to be taken that the pipe does not extend into the fitting obstructing the waterway. Joint compound
applied to the threads of the pipe and not to the fittings or sprinklers. Pipe to be straightened
2. The use of threaded light weight, XL, Schedule 5 or 10, steel pipe throughout or in part is not
3. Do not use couplings except where pipe is more than 6M in length between fittings.
4. Utilize a one-piece reducing fitting wherever a change is made in the size. The use of bushings or
5. Where risers are 75mm in size or larger, provide a flange joint at the riser at each floor.
6. Unions: Heavy ground joint type and used only on pipes 50mm and smaller.
7. Grooved type couplings with grooved fittings may be used throughout or in part.
8. Provide unions at connections to each piece of equipment for dismantling. Unions to be of same
strength and manufacture used in the respective piping system and of ground joint type.
B. Valves
1. Control valves, pressure reducing valves, check valves, waterflow switches, pressure switches, to
2. Install valves only in the upright or horizontal position. Manufacturer's name and working pressure
identified on valve.
3. Install gate valves so they can be repacked while open and under pressure.
4. Provide gate valves 150mm and larger with a 50mm by-pass assembly.
C. Sprinkler Heads
1. Where headroom is low or where sprinklers are liable to be damaged in either the pendant or
3. Install sprinkler heads tight to bottom of hung ceilings, with care that the finish is not damaged.
4. Locate sprinkler heads installed in ceiling tiles within a tolerance of + 12.7mm of the centerline of
5. Make concealed type sprinkler head cover plates flush with the ceiling plane to limit shadow effect.
6. Install standard sidewall sprinkler heads a minimum of 100mm and a maximum of 300mm from the
7. Install rapid/quick response sprinkler heads based upon the manufacturer's Underwriter's Listing.
D. Drains
1. Arrange the permanent installation of piping that all or any part of the work can be completely
2. Provide drain assemblies with a globe or angle type valve and spill to an receptacle without
1. Install 25mm diameter test assembly at each floor and system. Connections to terminate in an
2. Assembly to include: Glove or angle valve, sight glass, 12.7mm orifice, union and all other
A. Piping
1. Hydrostatically test sprinkler system under pressure of 13.8 bars for two hours.
2. When the installation of a floor system has been completed, test independent of the rest of the
3. During the test period, the sprinkler system is not connected to the domestic water system.
Page 60 of 429
4. Disconnect devices, equipment and piping which are not designed for the test pressure and install
5. Replace work found defective, after replacement, test work again as specified.
7. After tests are completed, flush all piping at a flow rate using sufficient water to produce a minimum
velocity of 0.8 M/S. Continue until discharge water shows no discoloration, drain at low points.
8. After flushing and cleaning, prepare system for service by immediately filling piping.
A. Manufacturers: firms regularly engaged in manufacture of piping, fittings, and jointing materials of types
and capacities required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less
this section.
B. Cast, stamp or roll manufacturer's name on each pipe length, and cast stamp or roll manufacturer's
C. Standard Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes, ANSI, ASTM, CS, CISPI or
Page 61 of 429
Material Authority Spec. Number
lb. class
iron Fitting
A. Product Data: submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation, instructions,
and catalog cuts for each type of pipe and pipe fitting.
B. Submit piping schedule showing manufacture, pipe or tube weight, fitting type, and joint type for each
piping system.
2. Fittings:
3. Joints:
a. Red or white lead and oil or approved pipe compound or Teflon tape on male threads.
b. Standard weight grooved with enameled malleable iron ribbed flex coupling; ASTM A47 with
c. Standard weight grooved joint with enameled malleable iron ribbed rigid coupling; ASTM A47
2. Fittings:
a. Standard malleable iron steam pattern fittings with flat band; ANSI B16.3 and B16.9.
3. Joints:
a. Red or White lead and oil or other approved compound or Teflon tape on male threads.
b. Fuse welding.
c. Standard weight grooved with enameled malleable iron ribbed flex coupling; ASTM A47 with
d. Standard weight grooved joint with enameled malleable iron ribbed rigid coupling; ASTM A47
Page 63 of 429
A. General
1. Install pipes and pipe fittings as indicated on the plans and elsewhere in the specifications, in
accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leak-proof piping
systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure. Install each run with
minimum joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions for disassembly and
2. Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of piping, fittings, and jointing with other work.
3. Locate piping runs except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally (pitched to drain) and
avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. Orient horizontal runs parallel with walls and column lines.
Locate runs as shown or described by diagrams, details and notations or, if not otherwise indicated,
run piping in shortest route which does not obstruct usable space or block access for servicing
building and its equipment. Hold piping close to walls, overhead construction, columns and other
4. Do not run piping through electric rooms, electric spaces, electric closets, or other electrical or
electronic equipment spaces unless unavoidable, and specifically indicated on the plans, in which
case, install drip pan below and 12" beyond foot print of such piping. Spill drip pan drain on floor of
5. Clean exterior surfaces of installed piping system of superfluous materials and prepare for
application of specified coatings (if any). During construction, properly cap all lines and equipment
nozzles so as to prevent the entrance of sand, dirt, etc. Each system of piping to be flushed prior
to testing for the purpose of removing grit, dirt, sand, etc., from the piping for as long as time as is
6. Except for concrete, corrugated metal, hub-and-spigot, clay, and similar units of pipe, provide
factory-applied plastic end-caps on each length of pipe and tube. Maintain end-caps through
shipping, storage and handling as required to prevent pipe-end damage and eliminate dirt and
moisture from inside of pipe and tube. Where possible, store pipe and tube inside and protected
from weather. Where necessary to store outside, elevate above grade and enclose with durable,
Page 64 of 429
waterproof wrapping. Cap, plug or otherwise close ends of installed piping when not being worked
7. In erecting pipe, friction wrenches and risers shall be used exclusively, any pipe cut, dented or
8. All fittings, unions and connections at pumps, tanks or other major equipment 2 1/2 inches and over
9. Caulking of pipe joints to remedy leaks will not be permitted except on caulked piping.
B. Joints
1. Threaded pipe: In accordance with ANSI B2.1; cut threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream
threaded ends to remove burrs and restore full inside diameter. Apply pipe joint compound, or pipe
joint tape (Teflon) where recommended by pipe/fitting manufacturer, on male threads only at each
joint and tighten joint to leave not more than 3 threads exposed.
2. Nipples: Any piece of pipe 8 inch in length and less shall be considered a nipple. All nipples with
unthreaded portion 1-1/2 inch and less shall be extra heavy. All other nipples shall be of weight
corresponding to fitting connected. Only shoulder nipples shall be used, close nipples will not be
3. Solder: In accordance with recognized industry practice. Cut tube ends squarely, ream to full
inside diameter, and clean outside of tube ends and inside of fittings. Apply solder flux to joint
areas of both tubes and fittings. Insert tube full depth into fitting, and solder in manner which will
draw solder full depth and circumference of joint. Wipe excess solder from joint before it hardens.
4. Weld: pipe joints in accordance with ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31, and in accordance with
a. Weld pipe joints only when ambient temperature is above 0oF (-18oC) where possible.
b. Bevel pipe ends at a 37.5o angle where possible, smooth rough cuts, and clean to remove
c. Use pipe clamps or tack-weld joints with 1" long welds; 4 welds for pipe sizes to 10", 8 welds
d. Build up welds with stringer-bead pass, followed by hot pass, followed by cover or filler pass.
Eliminate valleys at center and edges of each weld. Weld by procedures which will ensure
Page 65 of 429
elimination of unsound or unfused metal, cracks, oxidation, blow-holes and non-metallic
with requirements.
f. At Installer's option, install forged branch-connection fittings wherever branch pipe is indicated;
5. Flanged: Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and equipment.
Clean flange faces and install gaskets. Tighten bolts to provide uniform compression of gaskets.
A. General
1. Examine conditions under which piping is to be installed. Notify Construction Manager and
Architect in writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with
2. After installation, and prior to testing, insulating or painting inspect piping in accordance with
procedures of ASME B31. Inspect each run of each system for completion of joints, supports and
accessory items.
3. Do not put any systems in operation until they have been tested, inspected, and approved by all
authorities having jurisdiction. During the progress of the installation, notify the Owner's
representative and the authorities, at least 48 hours prior to such test or inspection. Set up and
prepare all tests in advance of scheduled test time. Perform all tests in the presence of a plumbing
4. Submit to Owner signed copies of all test reports and approvals and maintain copy of same at site
5. During the progress of the work, pressure test the various piping systems including mains, risers,
branches and fixture roughing as directed or as required to permit insulation, general construction
Page 66 of 429
6. Provide all apparatus and temporary work for tests. Take all due precautions to prevent damage to
the building or its contents as a result of such test. Pay for all such damage to the building or work
of other trades caused by such test. After testing, remove all water to prevent freeze-up.
7. After testing, remove and/or repair joints as required and retest. No caulking of pipe joints to
remedy leaks will be permitted except where lead and oakum joints are used.
8. Sprinkler Drainage Piping: fill with water to produce at least 20 feet head at highest point of section
tested. Let stand with no loss of level for a period of four hours.
9. Fire Standpipe and Sprinkler System: test in full accord with NFPA Code requirements but in no
case less than 200 psig hydrostatic pressure for a period not less than two hours.
Galvanized steel pipe Galvanized malleable iron steam All sprinkler drain piping.
Black steel pipe. Galvanized threaded malleable All fire standpipe and sprinkler
Black steel pipe Grooved plain malleable iron All fire standpipes and sprinkler
HDPE pressure pipes according Socket fusion thermal welded. All underground Fire Protection
Page 67 of 429
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of products of types and capacities required,
whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 3 years. Provide
C. Standard's Compliance:
1. Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions flange and welded end valves comply with ANSI B16.10.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation, instructions,
and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, maintenance manual and performance data where
3. Pressure ratings
Page 68 of 429
4. Schedule of major control valves, check valves and pressure reducing valves.
5. Certificates: Manufacturers certification that valves and accessories meet or exceed specification
6. Maintenance data and spare parts list for each type valve. Include this data in maintenance
A. Furnish valves with IPS, soldered or flanged ends as required by the piping system in which they are
B. WOG pressure rating to be minimum 100 psi above maximum operating pressure of system.
C. All gate valve and globe valve packing gland assemblies to be designed for repacking while open and
under pressure.
D. All valves to have identification plates indicating name of manufacturer and working pressure.
F. All gate type control valves shall be OS & Y with supervisory (tamper) switches.
G. Provide all valves at equipment with flanged ends on equipment side for easy removal.
H. All ball valves to be full port opening blow out proof stem, hard chrome plated forged brass ball.
I. Provide stop plug as renewable stop for disc hanger, construct disc and hanger as one piece and
support hanger by hanger pins with removable side plug for all swing check valves.
Page 69 of 429
A. For each pump discharge line, provide Val-Matic 1800 BN.2 Series iron body stainless steel trim, center
guided disc with replaceable bushing, Buna-N seating for approves equal.
B. For each Siamese connection line, provide Val-Matic 500 Series biased swing-flex check valve for
approves equal...
1 Single seat design, bronze body, 416 stainless steel trim, slotted piston type. Replaceable pressure
reducing insert top and bottom guided with union connections. Similar to JRG Model 1130 for approves
equal. Provide gate valve upstream accessible from access door 10 year guarantee.
A. All valves to be installed only in upright or horizontal positions unless otherwise required by the
B. All valves to be installed in accessible locations to facilitate easy removal for repair or replacement.
Gate Valves Control shut-off valve for all sprinkler fire protection systems.
Check Valves Swing type on Siamese connections except pump discharge lines. Non-slam
Page 70 of 429
A. Install Class 125 valves in portions of system where water pressure does not exceed 100 psig. Install
Class 220 valves in portions of system where water pressure does not exceed 200 psig. Install Class
250 valves in portions of system where water pressure does not exceed 350 psig.
B. Provide valve box and cover on all valves for underground services.
SECTION 211339
A. Drawings and general provisions of contract, including General and special conditions and Division -1,
B. Common Work Results for Fire Suppression, Section 210500, applies to work of this Section.
A. Work includes: Providing all labor, material, equipment and service necessary to complete and make ready
B. One fixed, self-contained, constant flow, induction type, foam system with oscillating monitors shall be
located on the helicopter landing pad. The system shall use film forming fluoroprotein (FFFP) foam
compounds at 3% induction. The specification is based upon the use of a Bell 222 helicopter type with an
overall length of 14.41 meters. The system shall be provided and installed strictly in accordance with local
Page 71 of 429
C. All inter-connecting pipe work and supports shall be heavyweight galvanized mild steel to BS 1387.
D. For helicopter landing pad two oscillating foam monitors shall be provided each capable of delivering 50% of
the minimum foam solution required. The monitors shall be water driven from a connection from the building
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of foam fire suppression systems required,
whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
VDE/DIN, IEC, BS, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), and factory mutual (FM), fire safety standards,
D. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s catalog data and brochures of equipment indicating conformance
F. Calculations: Submit hydraulic calculations for the foam suppression system in accordance with NFPA
Volume 16.
G. Hydraulic calculations for foam systems to be submitted showing uniform foam distribution and to allow
Page 72 of 429
SECTION 212200
C. Section 210548- vibration and seismic controls for fire-suppression piping and equipment.
A. ANSI/ASME B16.3 - Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings Class 150 and 300.
D. ANSI/ASME B16.22 - Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fittings.
Page 73 of 429
E. ANSI/ASME B31.1 - Power Piping.
O. ASTM A53 - Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless.
R. ASTM A234 - Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated
A. Design, fabrication, and installation: In compliance with requirements and recommendations of ANSI / NFPA 2001.
B. Fire Protection System: Total flooding of hazard area with 7 percent concentration by volume of FM200 in
Page 74 of 429
C. System is fixed installation with equipment designed and installed to provide fire-extinguishing capability for
underfloor & occupied area of areas shown and clarified in design drawings.
A. Provide sufficient amount of FM200 liquid to convert into FM200 vapor. Consider the following when
computing volume:
3. Additional quantities of FM200 required to compensate for openings, pipe losses, and nitrogen dilution.
C. Interface system with building fire alarm system, smoke control system & emergency power off system.
A. Provide total flooding of 7 percent FM200 concentration by volume, in maximum 10 seconds discharge time.
A. Shop Drawings: To bear stamp of approval of authority having jurisdiction, Fire Marshall, Owner's fire
insurance underwriter. Indicate detailed layout of system, including piping and location of each component. Include
B. Product Data: To bear stamp of approval of authority having jurisdiction, Fire Marshall, Owner's fire
insurance underwriter. Furnish each piece of equipment comprising the system including cylinders, manifolds,
control panel, nozzles, detectors, alarm bells or horns, switches, and annunciators.
C. Samples: Submit one sample of each detector, manual pull station, and nozzle.
D. Design Data: Submit design calculations bearing stamp of approval of authority having jurisdiction, Fire
G. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that system meets or exceeds specified requirements and ANSI/NFPA
H. Welders Certification: Submit certificate indicating compliance with [ANSI/ASME SEC 9] [ANSI/AWS D1.1].
A. Accurately record exact location of equipment, equipment identification markings, conduit and piping routing
A. Include electrical schematic written description of system design, drawings illustrating control logic and
C. Include checklists and procedures for emergency situations, troubleshooting techniques, abort functions,
A. Perform Work in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ANSI/NFPA 72A, and ANSI/NFPA 72E; applicable UL,
ULC, FM, LPC & ISO standards; and requirements of applicable codes and ordinances.
B. Indicate manufacturer's name and pressure rating on valve body. Indicate manufacturer, type, and size, part
number, orifice code or orifice diameter on discharge nozzles. Markings shall be standard and visible after
A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing of products specified in this Section with minimum
B. Installer: Company specializing in performing the work of this Section with minimum ten years documented
experience approved by manufacturer, who maintains a UL listed FM200 recharging station and is capable of
C. Design system using a UL, ULC, LPC or FM approved calculation method under direct supervision of a
Professional Engineer:
B. Conform to ANSI/NFPA 70 and ANSI/NFPA 72A code for electrical wiring and wiring devices.
C. Provide certification of inspection approval of FM200 fire protection system by authority having jurisdiction.
B. Accept materials and components on site in shipping containers. Inspect for damage.
C. Deliver and store equipment in shipping containers with labelling in place. Deliver FM200 in approved
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A. Provide one-year warranty.
A. Conduct inspections 6 and 12 months from Date of Substantial Completion to verify proper operation of
system and to check agent container weight and pressure. Include a thorough check of controls, detection and alarm
B. Submit documents, certifying satisfactory system conditions Include manufacturer's certificate of acceptance
of Inspector's qualifications.
B. Provide one complete set of special tools required for servicing and maintaining equipment.
1. Fittings: ANSI/ASME B16.3 malleable iron class 300 for sizes 2 inch (50 mm) and smaller, or ASTM A234,
Page 78 of 429
2. Joints: Screwed, ANSI/AWS D1.1 welded, or grooved and shouldered pipe end couplings.
2. Joints: ASTM B32, solder 95-5 Tin Antimony, ANSI/AWS A5.8, B Cup silver braze.
C. Pipe Hangers: ANSI/ASME B31.1, UL or FM approved split clamp up to 2-1/2 inch (60 mm) size, riser
clamps over 2-1/2 inch (60 mm) size, adequate to offset discharge thrust.
D. Escutcheons: Chrome plated pressed or stamped brass, one- piece or split pattern, minimum 2 inches (50
E. Gauges: ASME B40.1, UL 393, UL 404, [FS GG-G-76] [3-1/2 inch (90 mm)] diameter cast aluminum case,
phosphor bronze bourdon tube, rotary brass movement, brass socket, front re- calibration adjustment, black figures
on white background, 1 percent mid-scale accuracy, scale calibrated both psi and kPa.
A. Single action control: Molded surface housing fitted with "pull down" lever which locks in position after
B. Double action control: Molded surface housing fitted with "push in" tab and "pull down" lever which locks in
C. Labeling: Locate engraved label adjacent to each manual pull station, indicating area protected, and that
A. Detector, ANSI/NFPA 72E, UL listed, adjustable sensitivity, operating on ionization principle, activated by
C. Amplifier-Switching Circuit and Indicator Lamp: Solid state, two-wire, operating on detector line voltage. On
D. Adjustment: Manual for normal or high sensitivity, with sensitivity setting visible and requiring no special
A. Detector: ANSI/NFPA 72E, UL listed, adjustable sensitivity, with LED light source and photocell, activated
B. Amplifier-Switching Circuit and Indicator Lamp: Solid state, two-wire operating on detector line voltage. On
C. Adjustment: Manual for normal or high sensitivity, with sensitivity setting visible and requiring no special
A. Discharge: To provide required rates of discharge and coverage and to distribute FM200 uniformly
B. Construction: One-piece chrome plated brass or aluminum nozzle with textured finish with female pipe
A. Cylinders: Standard model and size for ease of replacement and addition. Design, fabricate, certify, and
B. Contents: Fill cylinders with required FM200. Pressurize with dry nitrogen to 360 PSIG (2482 KPa) plus or
Page 80 of 429
C. Identification: Permanent plate, specifying agent, tare and gross weight, pounds of FM200 and
E. Cylinder Valves: Heavy duty forged brass, incorporating safety release pressure operated manual control,
solenoid discharge valve, and pressure gauge. Provide solenoid pilot valves for each cylinder or bank of cylinders.
F. Manifold: Provide for systems with more than one cylinder, with rack to secure each cylinder and check
A. UL, ULC, LPC, ISO or FM approved as alarm and releasing device, with solid state internal circuitry
B. Provide supervision to ANSI/NFPA 72A, Class (A) of following circuits for wire break or ground faults:
11. Relay contactor activated by detector zone board in alarm or trouble mode.
D. Provide sealed led – acid batteries and charger for continuous operation of detection, alarm, actuation and
supervision functions for 48 hours. Provide automatic battery switch-over upon failure of primary power supply.
E. Conceal control switches and indicators, with exception of Power On, Master Trouble, Supervisory Trouble,
Circuit 1 Alarm, Circuit 2 Alarm and Release Indicators. Provide the following annunciation.
1. Power On : Green.
A. Alarm Bells: Low voltage to allow supervision of circuit wiring, of modular design, with minimum sound level
of 88 db at 10 ft (3 meters).
B. Alarm Horns: Low voltage to allow supervision of circuit wiring, with minimum sound level of 90 db at 10 feet
(3 meters)
Page 82 of 429
7. Upon abort switch disengagement release FM200 unless system cleared and reset.
C. Discharge of FM200.
2. Operates strobes.
D. Temperature Detection.
concentration to be built up and maintained for required time to ensure effective fire extinction.
B. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. [Bevel plain end ferrous pipe.] Remove scale and dirt on inside
and outside before assembly. Blow out pipe before nozzles or discharge devices are installed.
C. Route piping in orderly manner, concealed, plumb and parallel to building structure, and maintain gradient.
Install piping to conserve building space, and not interfere with use of space and other work.
D. Securely support piping in accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.1 with allowance for FM200 thrust forces, and
E. Use grooved mechanical couplings and fasteners only in accessible locations. Roll groove piping only.
H. Identify in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 2001 requirements. Place directional arrows and system labels
wherever piping changes direction and minimum 20 feet (6 meters) on straight runs.
I. Secure cylinders as indicated on Drawings. [Where manifolded, mount and support by rack as indicated.
For each system provide same size cylinders containing equal amounts of liquid.]
J. In rooms with suspended ceiling tiles, clip or retain tiles within 4 foot (1.2 m) radius of the nozzles to prevent
L. Make final connections between equipment and system wiring under direct supervision of factory trained
representative of manufacturer.
M. Install engraved plastic instruction plate, detailing emergency procedures, at control panel and at each
manual discharge and abort switch location. At control panel identify control logic units, contacts, and major circuits
N. At hazard area walls pack space between pipe, pipe sleeve or surface penetration with mineral fiber with
elastomer calk to depth of 1/2 inch (13 mm). Provide escutcheons where exposed piping passes through walls,
Page 84 of 429
O. Locate discharge nozzle approximately 6 inches (150 mm) above or below ceiling and 6 inches (150 mm)
below raised floors. Avoid interference with other piping and equipment.
P. Locate remote manual releases at one or more doors to protect area where indicated. Locate deadman
B. Test distribution piping and valving, prior to nozzle installation, to 50 psig (340 kPa) air pressure test.
Inspect joints using soap water solution or halide torch or lamp. Repair leaks and retest. Maintain test pressure for
four hours.
C. Upon completion of installation provide final checkout inspection by factory trained representative of
manufacturer to ascertain proper system operation. Leave system in a fully commissioned and automatic readiness
D. Test circuits including automatic discharge, manual discharge, equipment shut-down, alarm devices, and
E. Check each ionization detector with a sensitivity meter, adjust. Record sensitivity, and include record in test
F. Submit original copies of tests, indicating that factory trained technical representatives of the manufacturer
have inspected and tested systems and are satisfied with methods of installation, connections and operation.
B. Provide experienced manufacturer's field engineer to supervise installation and performance testing of the
Page 85 of 429
B. Demonstrate that components except cylinder discharge assembly, are functioning properly and in
C. Submit integrated step-by-step test procedure for approval 30 days prior to start of demonstration.
1. Arrange meeting prior to demonstration with representatives of the Owner, the Owner's Underwriter, and the
3. Place minimum of three UL listed recording analyzers in space. Provide certification that testing devices
have been checked by recognized testing authority within two weeks of date of demonstration.
D. Discharge system using manual-release switch mounted on control panel. Run discharge test with
compressed nitrogen at 360 psig (2500 kPa) FM200 After discharge, check cylinders for complete pressure release.
E. After satisfactory completion of discharge test, fill cylinders with amount of FM200 specified in design
SECTION 213113
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions and Division-1,
A. Work Includes: Providing all labor, material, equipment and service necessary to complete and make
ready for operation by the Owner, complete automatic Fire & Jockey packaged pump systems in
2. Concrete - Division 3
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of Fire pump package Systems required,
whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
VDE/DIN, IEC, BS, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), and Factory Mutual (FM), Local Building and
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data and brochures of equipment, and certification by
D. Certification
Page 87 of 429
1. Submit a certified test report showing actual reading taken during a factory-conducted test as a complete
unit by the pump manufacturer in conformance with the requirements of NFPA Pamphlet No. 20 including a
2. A certified characteristic curve showing the pump performance based upon the results of the factory test.
3. A plot of engine speed vs. pump capacity over the entire range from shut off beyond 150% of design
E. Factory Test: Test the entire controller assembly prior to shipment including, but not restricted to,
each function the controller may be required to perform including remote alarms, remote start, automatic start with
manual shutdown, pressure drop start, manual start-stop; circuit breaker at 300% full load, 600% full load, and short
circuit current settings; and a high potential test of the controller power circuits at not less than two times the rated
A. Pump: Horizontal, split case, bronze fitted, centrifugal fire pump listed by Underwriters Laboratories and/or
approved by Factory Mutual; meeting all the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet #20,
standard for the installation of centrifugal fire pumps and acceptable to the authorities having jurisdiction; where
Page 88 of 429
installation procedures conflict between NFPA recommendations and the approving authorities, the authority’s
B. Pump rating: Total dynamic head (TDH) and electrical characteristics, refer to schedule on drawings.
C. Suction conditions: 0 pounds per square inch pressure with pump to deliver not less than 150% of rated
capacity at a pressure not less than 65% rated head; shut-off pressure not to exceed 120% of the rated pressure.
2. Discharge tee
4. Test header
8. Coupling guard
E. Mount the pump and driver on a common base plate of either cast iron or fabricated steel and direct connect
G. Electric pump driver: Horizontal foot mounted ball bearing induction motor, 3 phase, 60 hertz with open
drip-proof NEMA enclosure; motor locked rotor current not to exceed the values stated in NFPA #20.
Page 89 of 429
A. Fire pump controller: Factory assembled, wired and tested unit conforming to all requirements of NFPA
Pamphlets #20, Centrifugal Fire Pumps and #70, National Electrical Code with controller Underwriters listed and
B. Controller: Combined manual and automatic type designed for wye-delta starting. (Closed transition type.)
C. All controller components, including circuit breakers and contacts, to be front mounted, front wired, and front
2. Isolation switch
3. Circuit breaker
9. Load shedding
E. Control
1. Starting
2. Stopping
a. Manual
4. Phase Reversal
A. Examine conditions under which the packaged fire pump systems are to be installed. Notify Architect in
writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory
A. Install packaged fire pump systems and accessories as indicated in accordance with manufacturer's
written instructions, requirements of applicable Standards, and with recognized industry practices to
ensure that installation complies with requirements and serves intended function.
B. Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of packaged fire pump systems work with other work.
D. Provide access space around pumps for service. Provide no less than minimum as recommended by
Page 91 of 429
E. Decrease from line size with long radius reducing elbows or reducers. Support piping adjacent to pump
such that no weight is carried on pump casings. For base mounted pumps, provide supports under
F. Provide drains for bases and seals, piped to and discharging into floor drains
H. Provide piping for fuel supply and return connected to motor. Provide piping to and from exhaust
L. Check, align, and certify base mounted pumps by qualified millwright prior to start-up
C. Require test to be witnessed by, fire marshal, authority having jurisdiction, owner's insurance
Page 92 of 429
A. Common work results for firefighting, Section 210500
C. Require test to be witnessed by, fire marshal, authority having jurisdiction, owner's insurance
SECTION 213116
C. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions and Division-1,
D. Common work results for firefighting, Section 210500, applies to work of this Section.
Page 93 of 429
C. Work Includes: Providing all labor, material, equipment and service necessary to complete and make
ready for operation by the Owner, complete automatic Fire & Jockey packaged pump systems in
2. Concrete - Division 3
C. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of Fire pump package Systems required,
whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years.
D. Standards Compliance: Comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
VDE/DIN, IEC, BS, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), and Factory Mutual (FM), Local Building and
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data and brochures of equipment, and certification by
C. Certification
1. Submit a certified test report showing actual reading taken during a factory-conducted test as a complete
unit by the pump manufacturer in conformance with the requirements of NFPA Pamphlet No. 20 including a
2. A certified characteristic curve showing the pump performance based upon the results of the factory test.
Page 94 of 429
3. A plot of engine speed vs. pump capacity over the entire range from shut off beyond 150% of design
E. Factory Test: Test the entire controller assembly prior to shipment including, but not restricted to,
each function the controller may be required to perform including remote alarms, remote start, automatic start with
manual shutdown, pressure drop start, manual start-stop; circuit breaker at 300% full load, 600% full load, and short
circuit current settings; and a high potential test of the controller power circuits at not less than two times the rated
A. Engine: conform to NFPA 1247, arranged for automatic operation and include over speed/ over crank switch
and drive, two contractor switches, low oil pressure and high water temperature warning switches, and fuel
1. Stub shaft
4. Heat exchanger
Page 95 of 429
5. Mechanical speed governor
6. Fuel filter
9. Fuel pump
10. Instrument panel with tachometer, hour meter, oil pressure gauge,
Water temperature gauge, ammeter, hand speed control and start switch.
11. Starting system including generator/alternator, starting motor and voltage regulator
C. Cooling water system: Closed system with cooling water supply to heat exchanger from fire pump
discharge. Include four (4) manual shut-off valves (including by-pass line), two strainers, pressure regulating
D. Storage batteries: Dual lead acid batteries with cables and battery racks.
E. Fuel system: [ 300 gallon (1140 liter) ] above ground storage tank, fill pipe and cap, manual shut-
off valve, flame arrestor, oil level gauge, braided bronze flexible connectors, seamless type L copper tubing with
flared joints.
F. Automatic diesel engine controller: Enclosed in floor mounted 14 gage (1.8mm) steel housing, UL
1. Controller: Function to automatically start fire pump from water pressure control switch or
test switch.
Page 96 of 429
3. Automatic conditions: controller shall alternate batteries automatically on each 15 second
4. Battery charger: Dual, built-in, to recharge batteries within 24-hour period, with automatic
overload protection (current limiting), individual voltmeters and ammeters for each battery.
d. Charger failure
e. Battery 1 Failure
f. Battery 2 Failure
G. Remote alarm and signal panel: provide wall mounted panel in NEMA 3R enclosure with:
d. Charger Failure
e. Battery 1 Failure
f. Battery 2 Failure
3. Power on light
Page 97 of 429
4. Switch off light indicating position of main control switch (off or manual).
A. Fire pump controller: Factory assembled, wired and tested unit conforming to all requirements of
NFPA Pamphlets #20, Centrifugal Fire Pumps and #70, National Electrical Code with controller Underwriters listed
B. Controller: Combined manual and automatic type designed for wye-delta starting. (Closed
transition type.) Housed in a NEMA type 3R rain-tight and weatherproof wall mounted enclosure.
C. All controller components, including circuit breakers and contacts, to be front mounted, front wired,
2. Isolation switch
3. Circuit breaker
9. Load shedding
E. Control
1. Starting
2. Stopping
b. Manual
A. Alarming for pump equipment to be wired to the Fire Alarm Panel furnished and installed under
4. Phase Reversal
A. Examine conditions under which the packaged fire pump systems are to be installed. Notify
Architect in writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until
Page 99 of 429
M. Install packaged fire pump systems and accessories as indicated in accordance with manufacturer's
written instructions, requirements of applicable Standards, and with recognized industry practices to
ensure that installation complies with requirements and serves intended function.
N. Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of packaged fire pump systems work with other work.
P. Provide access space around pumps for service. Provide no less than minimum as recommended by
Q. Decrease from line size with long radius reducing elbows or reducers. Support piping adjacent to pump
such that no weight is carried on pump casings . For base mounted pumps, provide supports under
R. Provide drains for bases and seals, piped to and discharging into floor drains
T. Provide piping for fuel supply and return connected to motor. Provide piping to and from exhaust
X. Check, align, and certify base mounted pumps by qualified millwright prior to start-up
F. Require test to be witnessed by, fire marshal, authority having jurisdiction, owner's insurance
C. Require test to be witnessed by, fire marshal, authority having jurisdiction, owner's insurance
E. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions and Division-1,
F. Common work results for fire fighting, Section 210500, applies to work of this Section.
E. Work Includes: Providing all labor, material, equipment and service necessary to complete and make
ready for operation by the Owner, complete automatic Fire & Jockey packaged pump systems in
2. Concrete - Division 3
E. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacturer of Fire pump package Systems required,
whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years.
F. Standards Compliance: Comply with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
VDE/DIN, IEC, BS, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), and Factory Mutual (FM), Local Building and
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data and brochures of equipment, and certification by
C. Certification
1. Submit a certified test report showing actual reading taken during a factory-conducted test as a complete
unit by the pump manufacturer in conformance with the requirements of NFPA Pamphlet No. 20 including a
2. A certified characteristic curve showing the pump performance based upon the results of the factory test.
3. A plot of engine speed vs. pump capacity over the entire range from shut off beyond 150% of design
E. Factory Test: Test the entire controller assembly prior to shipment including, but not restricted to,
each function the controller may be required to perform including remote alarms, remote start, automatic start with
manual shutdown, pressure drop start, manual start-stop; circuit breaker at 300% full load, 600% full load, and short
circuit current settings; and a high potential test of the controller power circuits at not less than two times the rated
A. Factory assembled, wired and tested jockey pump controller, UL listed and of the same
manufacturer as the main fire pump controller with a full voltage magnetic starter, fusible disconnect switch,
2. Across-the-line starter
6. Overload heaters
A. Alarming for pump equipment to be wired to the Fire Alarm Panel furnished and installed under
4. Phase Reversal
A. Examine conditions under which the packaged fire pump systems are to be installed. Notify
Architect in writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until
Y. Install packaged fire pump systems and accessories as indicated in accordance with manufacturer's
written instructions, requirements of applicable Standards, and with recognized industry practices to
ensure that installation complies with requirements and serves intended function.
Z. Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of packaged fire pump systems work with other work.
BB. Provide access space around pumps for service. Provide no less than minimum as recommended by
CC. Decrease from line size with long radius reducing elbows or reducers. Support piping adjacent to pump
such that no weight is carried on pump casings . For base mounted pumps, provide supports under
DD. Provide drains for bases and seals, piped to and discharging into floor drains
Page 105 of 429
EE. Mount unit on vibration isolators
FF. Provide piping for fuel supply and return connected to motor. Provide piping to and from exhaust
GG. Insulate piping associated with pump, casing and exhaust silencer.
JJ. Check, align, and certify base mounted pumps by qualified millwright prior to start-up
I. Require test to be witnessed by, fire marshal, authority having jurisdiction, owner's insurance
C. Require test to be witnessed by, fire marshall, authority having jurisdiction, owner's insurance
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
A. This Section includes condensed aerosol extinguishing systems and the following:
3. Accessories.
5. Connection devices for power and integration into building's fire alarm system.
A. Condensed aerosol fire-extinguishing system shall be an engineered system for total flooding of the hazard area
Page 107 of 429
including the room cavity below the ceiling and below the raised floor.
B.Provide separate zones above and below the raised floor. If smoke is detected below the raised floor, agent shall
be discharged in the underfloor zone only. If smoke is detected above the raised floor, agent shall be discharged in
A. Design condensed aerosol extinguishing system and obtain approval from authorities having jurisdiction. Design
system for Class A, B, or C fires as appropriate for areas being protected and include safety factor. Use condensed
B. Performance Requirements: Discharge condensed aerosol within maximum 60 seconds and maintain design
concentration density for 10-minute holding time in hazard areas in accordance with NFPA 2010.
C. Cross-Zoned Detection: Devices located in two separate zones. Sound alarm on activating single-detection
device, and discharge extinguishing agent on actuating single-detection device in other zone.
D. Verified Detection: Devices located in single zone. Sound alarm on activating single-detection device, and
1. Actuating First Detector: Visual indication on annunciator panel, energize audible alarm and visual alarms (slow
pulse), shut down air-conditioning and ventilating systems serving protected area, close doors in protected area, and
2. Actuating Second Detector: Visual indication on annunciator panel, energize audible and visual alarms (fast
pulse), shut down power to protected equipment, start time delay for extinguishing-agent discharge for 30 seconds,
and discharge extinguishing agent. On agent discharge, release preaction valve to allow water to fill sprinkler
3. Extinguishing-agent discharge will operate audible alarms and strobe lights inside and outside the protected area.
detectors reporting to a fully programmable microprocessor-based control panel programmed to operate as follows:
1. If one photoelectric detector and Rate of Rise Heat Detectors reaches the third detection level (Fire 1), agent
discharge will be initiated as described for the third detection level (Fire 1) below.
a. First Detection Level (Alert): Mild audible and visual indication on annunciator
c. Third Detection Level (Fire 1): Strong audible and visual indication on
protected area and outside entry doors. Shut down air-conditioning and
ventilating systems serving the protected area, and close doors in the
protected area. Send signal to fire alarm system, initiate 30-second time
H. Operating abort switches will delay extinguishing-agent discharge while being activated,
and switches must be reset to prevent agent discharge. Release of hand pressure on the
switch will cause agent discharge if the time delay has expired.
Page 109 of 429
A. Product Data: For the following:
2. Control panels.
3. Detection devices.
4. Manual stations.
5. Switches.
6. Alarm devices.
B. LEED Submittal:
C. Shop Drawings: Signed and sealed by a qualified professional engineer. Include design
3. Design Calculations: For weight, volume, and application density of extinguishing agent required for each
hazard area.
4. Reflected Ceiling Plans: Show ceiling penetrations, ceiling-mounted items, and the
D. Permit Approved Drawings: Working plans, prepared according to NFPA 2010, that have
A. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in jurisdiction
where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering
services are defined as those performed for installations of condensed aerosol extinguishing systems that are similar
B. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of condensed aerosol
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extinguishing systems and are based on the specific system indicated. Refer to Division 01 Section "Product
C. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a
testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use.
A. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are
packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing
1. Detection Devices: Not less than 20 percent of amount of each type installed.
4. Extinguishing Agent: Not less than 100 percent of amount installed in largest
hazard area.
A. In other Part 2 articles were titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply
to product selection:
offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not
A. Description: Stainless Steel 304 or 12.03 Steel zinc plated and powder coated housing :
2. Brackets: Factory fabricated retaining brackets; suitable for unit support, maintenance, and replacement.
Technical specifications
The fire fighting system shall be based on the condensed aerosol generator principle.
The condensed aerosol generator is a fire fighting system using solid material, which on activation is transformed into
a rapidly expanding fire extinguishing aerosol based on potassium compounds. The extinguishing action is effected
through physical and chemical chain reactions, which do not alter significantly the quantity of oxygen present in the
Physical Action
It is implied in the chemical - physical characteristics of the alkaline metals such as Potassium, which require the
least amount of energy of ionization (lowest ionization potential) and therefore eliminate the electrons from the atoms.
The required amount of energy is supplied from the abundance of energy present in the flame. Potassium is therefore
Chemical Action
During combustion, in the flame, a reaction is produced between atoms and unstable molecular fragments (radicals),
which allow the reaction to continue (chain reaction of radicals). Potassium radicals (P) react, during combustion,
with the free radicals (mainly unstable hydroxyl radicals, OH) forming a very stable compound. Therefore the
The fire fighting system shall satisfy with the following main physical conditions and characteristics:
It is non-toxic
It is non corrosive
The decomposition products are not acidic (they do not contain hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen bromide, hydrogen
Does not contain pyrotechnic material (e.g. nitro guanidine or nitrocellulose or cyano-guanidine (dicyandiamide)
either in the solid aerosol forming compound and/or in the cooling material) therefore there is no risk of
The polymeric resin (binding material, part of the solid aerosol forming compound) does not contain carcinogenic
Fire Extinguishing Aerosol Generators must have a fully automatic and autonomous (independent) system of fire
detection using the thermocord (or a thermal actuator) or can be activated electrically through an fire alarm
extinguishing panel
The thermocord (Thermal actuator) acts as a fail safe mechanism which will activate the generators in the event
that the generators are connected to a conventional detection and activation system which fails to operate.
Generators must be fully autonomous and automatic when using the thermocord (thermal actuator). The system
Dual activation mode (the option of thermocord/thermal actuator activation must always be available as a safety
the generator will still activate when the thermocord detects the fire.
Must not release cyanides in any form and/or ammonia, nitrogen oxides.
System Description
The condensed aerosol generator shall be contained in a metal painted enclosures with a wire connection for the
electrical ignition.
On the underside of the device must be a screen for the even distribution of the extinguishing agent.
Must be a port for the insertion of a temperature sensitive cord/thermal actuator for the thermal ignition of the device.
The screen shall be selected for the even distribution through the space protected.
The system shall be initiated electrically or thermally. The electrical initiation shall be effected through a dedicated
The condensed aerosol generator system shall be compatible and must be connected to operate with an existing Fire
The design of the system must cover total flooding of the area volume and not object protection.
The system must be approved by the local Fire Brigade Authority or any other Fire Brigade of EU countries.
The manufacturer must be certified with ISO 9001:2008 (the scope of the ISO Certification has to specifically
referred to the manufacturing of the full range of products) and possibly with ISO 14001:2004 (this will be
considered an advantage).
The system must have a Product Liability insurance to cover any damage derived by malfunctioning.
The self activation temperature of the solid compound must be above 250oC, and certified by an accredited
Institute.(This value indicates that the solid aerosol forming compound does not contain pyrotechnic
guanidine (dicyandiamide) or nitrocellulose either in the solid aerosol forming compound and/or in the
cooling material) therefore there is no risk of explosion. This should be stated in the MSDS, issued by the
The polymeric resin (binding material) does not contain carcinogenic chemicals, such as Formaldehyde,
Phenol Polymer or similar. This should be stated in the MSDS, issued by the Manufacturer.
ozone depleting substances. The product must be listed in the EPA products’ listing.
Health and Safety assessment by accredited institutes as per Green Policies directives (products have to
Toxicological reports by an European Notified Body / Accredited Authority to be supplied with tender
Product Certification / Listing by any of the following International Accredited Institutes, e.g. UL, ULC, BSI,
KIWA, LPCB, VDS, etc. which certify / list all models and all mechanical components (brackets, etc.)
according to the existing standards on condensed aerosol technology (CEN/TR 15276, BRL-K23001/3,
Test Reports/certificates from accredited laboratory that the aerosol is not harmful to electrical/electronic
Certificate from accredited Institutes certifying the lifetime of the product to be 15 years.
A. Description: FMG approved or NRTL listed, including equipment and features required
B. Power Requirements: 120/240-V ac; with electrical contacts for connection to system
components and fire alarm system, and transformer or rectifier as needed to produce
3. Alarm circuit.
4. Release circuit.
5. Abort circuit.
6. EPO circuit.
1. Electrical contacts for shutting down fans, activating dampers, and operating
3. Service disconnect to interrupt system operation for maintenance with visual status
for 72 hours and alarm for minimum of 15 minutes. Include automatic battery charger,
with varying charging rate between trickle and high depending on battery voltage, that is
A. Description: Comply with NFPA 2001 and NFPA 72, and include the following types:
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1. Ionization Detectors: Comply with UL 268, dual-chamber type, having sampling
2. Photoelectric Detectors: Comply with UL 268, consisting of LED light source and
3. Rate of Rise Heat Detectors: Comply with UL 268, consisting of LED light source.
A. General Description: UL or EN approved low voltage compatible with controls. Include contacts for connection
to control panel.
B. Manual Release: "MANUAL RELEASE" caption, and Yellow finish. Unit can manually
discharge extinguishing agent with operating device that remains engaged until unlocked.
A. Description: FMG approved or NRTL listed, where available, 230-V ac or low voltage
otherwise indicated.
A. Examine areas and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with hazard-area
1. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
power, wiring, and devices are specified in Division 28 Section "Fire Detection and Alarm."
C. Install signs at entry doors to advise persons outside the room the meaning of the horn(s),
1) Before applying power to the extinguishing panel, the Aerosol Generators and any other fire external modules,
must be physically isolated from the system. This will prevent any accidental activation of the Fire Extinguishing
Aerosol Generators.
2) When power is applied, if all connections are correct, only the green Power On and either the Automatic and
Manual or Manual Only indicators should be lit. If any fault indicators are lit the wiring to the appropriate input or
3) Once the panel is fault free, it can be configured with the desired options as described in the Operation and
4) Once the panel has been configured the system should be thoroughly tested to ensure that the control panel
7) After satisfactory testing, all final connections to the fire external modules / Aerosol Generators should be made
and circuit continuity should be verified (no fault on the Extinguishing Line)
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A. Train Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain condensed aerosol
extinguishing systems.
C. The requirements of the Contract Documents, including the General and Special Conditions, and
Division 1 - General Requirements apply to the work of this division.
D. In case of conflict between these General Provisions and the Special and General Conditions the
more restrictive requirements govern as determined by the Engineer.
F. Riser diagrams and schematic diagrams generally indicate equipment connections to be used for
various systems. Provide all work shown on diagrams whether or not it is duplicated on the plans.
G. Specifications include incomplete sentences. Words or phrases such as "the contractor shall,"
"shall be," "furnish," "provide," "a," "an," "the," and "all" have been omitted for brevity.
H. Except where modified by a specific notation to the contrary, the indication and/or description of
any item, in the Drawings or Specifications or both, carries with it the instruction to furnish and
install the item complete with all appurtenances or accessories necessary to complete any
required system, regardless of whether or not this instruction is explicitly stated as part of the
indication or description.
I. Specifications and Drawings are complimentary and are to be taken together for a complete
interpretation of the work. Where conflicts exist between the drawings and specifications, the
item(s) of greater quantity or cost shall be provided for in the contract price.
J. Drawings of necessity utilize symbols and schematic diagrams to indicate various items of work.
Neither of these have any dimensional significance nor do they delineate every item required for
the intended installation. Install the work in accordance with the diagrammatic intent expressed
on the electrical and mechanical Drawings, and in conformity with the dimensions indicated on
final architectural and structural working drawings and on equipment shop drawings.
K. Certain details appear on the drawings, which are specific with regard to the dimensioning and
positioning of the work. These details are intended only for the purpose of establishing general
feasibility. They do not obviate field coordination for the indicated work.
L. Derive information as to the general construction from structural and architectural drawings and
M. Responsibility of contractor is to ensure that all works are in conformity with drawings,
international stated codes and local regulations.
A. Where used in this document and accompanying drawings, the following words are defined as
3. "Furnish" or "Supply" to purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related
4. "Work" labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories and all other items
required for proper and complete installation.
8. "Similar" or "equal" in materials, weight, size, design, capacity and efficiency of specified
10. "Architect", “Engineer”, "Project Manager", "Owner," the party or parties responsible for
interpreting accepting and otherwise ruling on the performance under "The contract."
11. "The Contract", the agreement covering the work to be performed by "The Contractor."
12. "The Specifications", The Section, Part, Division of the Specifications" the documents
specifying the work to be performed by "The Contractor."
13. "Other," persons, parties, or trades responsible for work of the project other than the
A. Make the complete installation in accordance with all state and local municipal codes, all
applicable codes and authorities having jurisdiction, and the applicable requirements and
standards of the following:
BS British Standards
ASA American Standards Association
AGA American Gas Association
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
B. Refer to the Architect for decisions on any items or requirements noted in the specifications or
drawings which conflict with the standards listed above. Provide all work necessary to comply
with these requirements at no extra cost to the Owner.
A. Implement the work called for under these specifications simultaneously with the work of other
Trades in a manner such as not to delay the overall progress of the project. Be prepared to furnish
promptly to other Trades involved at the project all information and measurements relating to the
work which they may require. Cooperate with them in order to secure the harmony necessary in
the interest of the project as a whole.
D. Maintain a complete file of Contract and shop drawings at the Site available for inspection by the
Engineer and Project Manager.
E. Provide every facility to permit inspection or observation of the work by the Engineer during the
course of construction.
F. Be responsible for work until its completion and final acceptance; replace any of the same which
may be damaged, lost or stolen, without additional cost to the Owner.
A. Make all workmanship, equipment and materials supplied under these specifications acceptable
to the Engineer who has the power to reject any items which in its judgment are not in full
accordance with the Drawings and Specifications.
B. Include the procurement of and payment for all permits, certificates and fees for the performance
of the work in compliance with codes, applicable laws and municipal regulations including those
from local utilities for services.
A. The Specifications and the accompanying drawings are intended to secure the provisions of all
material, labor, equipment, and services necessary to install complete, tested, ready for operation
and set to work the Plumbing Systems in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings.
Provide all systems complete with necessary appurtenances and minor auxiliaries, including
offsets to clear interferences and supports, which are not shown but are needed to make each
system complete in every respect. Provide all work described in the Specifications and not shown
on the Drawings, or vice versa, in complete working order. If mention has been omitted of any
item of work or material, necessary for completion of the system, then such items must be and
are hereby included.
A. Before submitting a proposal, the Contractor is responsible for visiting the site of the work and
becoming thoroughly familiar with all conditions and limitations. The submission of a proposal
will be construed as evidence that such an examination has been made, and later claims for labor,
equipment or materials required for difficulties encountered which could have been foreseen had
such an examination been made will not be recognized.
C. Verify existing conditions and bring any discrepancies to the Engineer’s attention in writing prior
to proposal submission.
B. Shop drawings, which are submitted out of sequence or without supplemental information
necessary for proper evaluation of the submission may be subject to delays in processing.
C. Shop drawings must comply with Division I conditions and bear the Contractor's stamp
2. That the submitted shop drawing is fully coordinated with all interfacing trades and with
other trades where interference may occur.
3. That the submitted shop drawings are in conformance with the contract documents, except
for the following substitutions and/or changes.
1 ----
2 ----
3 ----
Etc. Signed ----------------"
D. Prior to assembling or installing the work, submit the following for review:
1. Catalog information and factory assembly drawings, as required for a complete explanation
and description of all items of equipment / piping.
2. Field installation drawings, as required to explain fully all procedures involved in erecting,
mounting and connecting all items of equipment.
4. Scale composite drawings, showing all duct work, piping, lighting fixtures, main conduit
runs and drainage piping above the hung ceilings and in the mechanical equipment rooms.
The drawings will indicate pipe and duct sizes and their elevation above the floor. Obtain
layout of fire protection, HVAC and electrical work from the respective contractor for
inclusion on the composite drawing. The signature of each contractor on the composite
drawing will attest to full coordination of these drawings.
E. Materials installed or work performed without acceptance of materials is done at the risk of the
Contractor, and the cost of removal of such material or work, which is judged unsatisfactory for
any reason, is at the expense of the Contractor plus cost of any other work affected.
1. Number of copies and type of paper complies with the requirements of the general conditions.
4. Properly marked with service or function identification as related to the project, where they
consist of catalog sheets displaying other items, which are not applicable.
5. Properly marked with external connection identification as related to the project where they
consist of standard factory assembly or field installation drawings.
G. Shop drawings and other submissions, which are submitted for review, will be returned with a
Shop Drawing stamp indicating actions based on reviews that are made and Contractor's
responses that may be necessary. Actions noted regarding "REVIEW" and "RESPONSE"
portions of the shop drawing stamp are defined as explained in project General Requirements
(Division 1), and Contract General & Special Conditions.
A. Before commencing work, procure complete set of black and white prints of Contract Drawings.
B. Maintain prints in field office and permanently record, in colored pencil, on such prints, at time
of occurrence, deviations from Contract Drawings, due to:
1. Field Coordination.
2. Addenda.
3. Bulletins
D. Make drawings available for the Engineer's periodic inspection and submit for review with
As-Built Drawings.
C. Conspicuously indicate major deviations by specific reference to shop drawings and provide an
accurate and complete record of the work as installed.
D. Upon completion of work, submit signed and certified reproducible transparencies as As-Built
and referenced Shop Drawings, along with marked up prints of Record Drawings, to the Engineer
for acceptance.
E. Submit complete copy on computer diskette, submit two copies on tape with complete list of
A. Coordinate the work of this division with the work of all other Trade and the utility company and
so arrange that there will be no delay in the proper installation and completion of any part or parts
of each respective work wherein it may be interrelated with that of this Contract so that generally
all construction work can proceed without delaying the completion of the project.
B. Examine contract drawings and specifications for all other trades relating to this project, verify
all governing conditions at the site, and become fully informed as to the extent and character of
the work required and its relation to other work in the building. No consideration will be granted
for any alleged misunderstanding of the materials to be furnished for work to be done.
C. Scaled and figured dimensions with respect to the items are approximate only; sizes of equipment
have been taken from typical equipment items of the class indicated. Before proceeding with
work, carefully check all dimensions and sizes and assume full responsibility for the fitting-in of
equipment and materials to the building and to meet architectural and structural conditions.
D. Coordinate work with other disciplines. Confer with other contractors whose work might affect
this installation; and arrange all parts of this work and equipment in proper relation to the work
and equipment of others, with the building construction and with architectural finish so that this
work will harmonize in service, appearance, and function.
E. Install exposed piping to provide the maximum amount of headroom coordinated with the
Architectural drawings above the finished floor. Install piping concealed in areas where hung
ceilings or other furred spaces are indicated.
F. Refer to the Architectural Drawings for ceiling heights, locations and types of hung ceilings and
furred spaces.
G. Furnish to the Trade Contractors for general construction, detailed advance information regarding
all requirements related to work under other Divisions and/or Sections. Furnish sizes, accurate
data, and locations of any and all pads, pits, chases, sleeves, and slots through floor slabs, walls,
foundations, ceilings, roof, and other special openings required for work under this Division.
A. Owner-furnished equipment will be delivered, crated or otherwise packaged to the site delivery
point selected by the Project Manager. This Contractor is responsible for accepting delivery of
all Owner-furnished items, which are under his trade jurisdiction and place them in their final
B. Where items cannot be immediately placed in their final position, the Contractor is responsible
for storing and protecting all Owner-furnished items until the time of their final installation. The
contractor is responsible for the care and protection of the items until acceptance by the Owner.
Coordinate delivery of Utility Company furnished equipment with the delivery policy of that
B. Adequately protect uninstalled and installed equipment and materials against loss or stealing,
damage caused by water, paint, fire, plaster, moisture, acids, fumes, dust or other environmental
conditions, or physical damage, during delivery, storage, installation and shutdown conditions.
Replace any damaged or stolen material without extra cost to the Owner.
C. Provide effective protection for all material and equipment against damage that may be caused
by environmental conditions. Do no work when conditions of temperature in area or moisture
on materials or substrates are not in accordance with material manufacturer's recommended
conditions for installation.
D. Maintain all equipment and systems installed, until issuance of the certificate of practical
completion. The operation of the equipment by the Owner does not constitute an acceptance of
the work. Work will be accepted only after the Contractor has adjusted its equipment,
demonstrated that it fulfills the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, and has
furnished all required certificates.
E. Provide effective protection against damage for all materials and equipment during shipment,
and storage at the Project Site. Cover all stored equipment to exclude dust and moisture. Place
stored equipment on pallets or racks with appropriate weather cover.
F. After piping and equipment are installed, cover openings to prevent entrance of water and foreign
materials. Close openings with temporary metal or plastic caps.
G. Protect all rough and finished floors and other finished surfaces from damage, which may be
caused by construction materials and methods. Protect floors with tarpaulins, chip pans and
oil-proof floor covering. Protect finished surfaces from welding and cutting splatters with baffles
and splatter blankets. Protect finished surfaces from paint droppings, adhesive and other marring
agents with drop cloths. Protect other surfaces with appropriate protective measures.
I. After completion of project, clean the exterior surfaces of equipment furnished in this Division
including concrete residue, to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
A. Provide Equipment and Materials required for installation under the Specifications new and
without blemish or defect. Provide equipment and materials, which will meet with the acceptance
of authorities having jurisdiction over the work. Where such acceptance is contingent upon
having the products listed or labeled by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., or other test laboratory,
provide products so listed or labeled. Where no specific indication as to the type or quality of
material or equipment is indicated, furnish a first class standard article.
B. Wherever a manufacturer of a product is specified and the terms "other approved" or "approved
equal" or "equal" or "similar to" are used, the substituted item must conform in all respects to the
Page 130 of 429
specified item, and meet the Engineer’s approval. Consideration will not be given to claims that
the substituted item meets the performance requirements with lesser construction. Performance
as delineated in schedules and in the Specifications indicates minimum performance. In many
cases, equipment is oversized to allow for pick-up loads, derating and future loads which cannot
be delineated under the minimum performance.
C. Provide all equipment, piping, valves, etc of one type produced by one manufacturer.
D. Substituted equipment where permitted and accepted must conform to space requirements.
Replace at Contractor's expense any substituted equipment that cannot meet space requirements,
whether accepted or not. Make any modifications of related systems as a result of substitutions
at Contractor's expense.
E. Note that shop drawings, or other information submitted in accordance with the requirements
hereinbefore specified, do not assure that the Engineer attests to the dimensional suitability of the
material or equipment involved. Engineer's approval of shop drawings for substituted equipment,
does not waive the Contractor's responsibility to assure proper fit with adequate clearances for
F. Substitutions of equipment for that listed on the Schedules or designated by model number in the
Specifications will not be considered if the proposed substitution is not a regular cataloged item
shown in the current catalog of the manufacturer and has not been successfully used for a period
of not less than five years or more.
A. Access doors as required for operation and maintenance of concealed equipment, valves,
controls, pull boxes, etc., shall be provided by the General Contractor under another section of
the specification.
B. Coordinate and prepare a location, size, and function schedule of access doors required and
deliver to a representative of the installing Trade and the Engineer for acceptance.
D. The commissioning and performance testing shall be carried out by an independent specialized
firm. Full details of the capability and experience of such firm shall be submitted to the Engineer
for review and approval.
A. After completion of all required equipment and system tests and unless specifically noted
elsewhere in these specifications, provide at owners/operator's convenience, knowledgeable
personnel and necessary equipment to instruct and demonstrate the operation and maintenance
of said equipment and systems. Arrange for the related manufacturer or authorized representative
to assist with this orientation. The orientation shall be a minimum of five (5) days in addition to
start up time.
B. Before requesting acceptance of work, furnish five (5) copies in bound form of a complete
operation and maintenance manual, typewritten or printed.
Page 131 of 429
C. Include the following in the operation and maintenance manuals:
1. Table of Contents
4. Systems operation
a. Operation procedures
5. Maintenance
6. Listing of manufacturers
7. Manufacturer's data: Where multiple model, type and size listings are included, clearly and
conspicuously indicate those that are pertinent to this installation.
b. Operation
d. Parts list
e. Names, addresses and telephone numbers of recommended repair and service companies
f. Guarantee data
A. Guarantee all work to be free from leaks and defects. Replace or repair, as directed by the
Engineer, defective materials or workmanship, as well as damage to the work of the Trades
resulting from same for the duration of stipulated guarantee periods.
B. The duration of guarantee periods following the date of acceptance of the entire work, shall be a
minimum of one (1) year, or as stated in the Contract General & Special Conditions.
A. As the project progresses, the Architect, at his discretion, will perform site visits to observe the
mechanical and electrical installations. At the conclusion of these site visits, punch lists or non-
compliance notices will be issued to the appropriate Contractor for the deficiencies in the work
of his trade. Complete all work and perform all corrective measures as required by the punch
lists. After this corrective and completion work has been accomplished advice the Architect in
writing that every item on the punch lists has been completed.
A. Deliver all equipment with standard factory finish or as specified. Clean all equipment before
acceptance by the Owner.
B. Except as otherwise specified, priming will be done under other Sections of the work.
A. Examine the drawings, and in cooperation with the Electrical Trade confirm the final location of
all electrical equipment to be installed in the vicinity of piping. Plan and arrange all overhead
piping no closer than 2'-0" (600 mm) from a vertical line to electric motors and controllers,
switchboards, panel boards, or similar equipment.
B. Where the installation of piping does not comply with the requirements of foregoing paragraph,
where feasible, the piping shall be relocated.
Page 133 of 429
C. Furnish galvanized steel gutters as follows:
1. Provide and erect a gutter of 18 gauge galvanized steel under every pipe which is within 2'-0"
(600 mm) of being vertically over any motor, electrical controllers, switchboards, panel
boards, or the like.
2. Each gutter shall be welded and made watertight, properly suspended and carefully pitched
to a convenient point for draining. Provide a 3/4" drain, with valve as directed, to nearest
floor drain or slop sink, as approved.
A. The Contractor shall instruct and train personnel, designated by the Owner for the purpose, in the
operation and maintenance of every part, device and equipment in the systems with particular
emphasis on proper start-up and shutdown procedures, preventive maintenance and lubrication
procedures with the recommended lubricants overhaul and major maintenance methods,
adjustment and calibration of instruments and controls, the use of special tools and safe practices.
B. The Owner will bear all the expenses of his personnel allocated for this purpose.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions, and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, and performance data.
3. Standard weight galvanized steel pipe with a continuously welded water stop of 6mm steel
plate extending from outside of sleeve a minimum of 50mm all around; similar to F & S
Manufacturing Corp. Fig. 204.
4. Cast iron pipe sleeve with center flange; similar to James B. Clow and Sons No. F-1430 and
5. Standard weight galvanized steel pipe with flashing clamp device welded to pipe sleeve or
watertight sleeves.
"C" Packed mineral wool sealed with Johns-Manville "Duxseal" or approved equal; install set
screw escutcheons on both sides of wall.
1. Material: anodized aluminum, chrome plated brass for finished spaces; plain brass, cast iron or
aluminum for unfinished spaces. Set-screw or spring tension design.
A. General:
1. Provide all motors, starters and controls including switches, appurtenances and enclosure
panels for plumbing and fire protection equipment except where otherwise specified.
2. If makes and models of equipment other than that specified are accepted, make proper
adjustments of speed sizes and power, and other characteristics. All costs for changes
resulting there from will be borne by the Contractor.
3. All motors, starters and accessories to comply in all respects with the most recent practice of
the A.I.A., NEMA, IEEE, NFPA and the requirements.
4. Furnish and install all wiring integral with equipment, starters and disconnect switches for
packaged equipment such as; domestic water booster system, hot water heaters, sewage
ejector, sump pumps, and drinking water chillers. Furnish all starters and disconnect switches
for all other plumbing equipment (non-packaged equipment) for installation under Division
5. Furnish and install aquastats and other controlling devices. Provide point-to-point wiring
diagram for wiring under Division 26.
B. Motors:
1. Provide electric motors of sizes and capacities as specified for driving plumbing equipment.
Each motor will be of proper power and speed to suit the specified capacities of equipment
and be non-overloading throughout its range of operation.
2. Each motor will be equipped with suitable electric lead wire positioning gasket at the point
where such leads pass through the motor frame into the motor terminal box. Such gasket
3. Minimal motor construction and component materials will be suitable for continuous
operation in a 40oC ambient at nameplate voltage.
4. All motors regardless of type (open, encapsulated or enclosed) will have a service factor of
at least 1.15 for continuous operation within its ambient operating temperature. Provide
certification of this service factor for all motors which are to be operated in ambients above
5. Power Supply
a. Less than .37kW: For operation on 240 volt, 50 Hz, single phase.
b. .37kW and more: For operation on 415 volt, 50 Hz, three phase.
6. All plumbing motors will be provided with HOA selector switches except hot water
circulating pumps may be provided with thermal overload switch type starters. All selector
switches will be of the maintained contact type. All pushbuttons will be of the momentary
contact type.
7. All coils, cores, resistance, insulation, contacts, trippers, etc., will be of the approved type.
All parts subject to wear or arcing will be renewable.
8. All starters and switches will be in full accordance with all local and code requirements.
9. Starters for motors up to and including 5.5 kW will be direct starting, across-the-line type.
Starters for motors larger than 5.5 kW will be reduced voltage type. Motor types will be
designed for Star Delta starting where reduced voltage is required.
10. Starter will be combination fused or unfused as indicated on the motor control sheet and will
be suitable for the motor served.
11. Starters will be provided with thermal overload elements on all three phases sized to match
the motor's nameplate amperage.
13. Provide lamacoid nameplates attached to each starter identifying the system and motor
14. All controls to be factory prewired packages with auxiliary contacts for all required control
wiring connections. Contractor to provide all required control wiring. Where loose starting
control components are substituted and accepted in lieu of specified factory prewired
packages. Contractor will coordinate wiring changes and additions required and will bear all
additional expenses due to the substitutions made.
16. Aqua stats: Liquid filled, immersion type sensor, with adjustable mercury tribe switch as
manufactured by Mercoid Smith Company No. DA-37. Install in oversized tee.
A. Capped Outlets: Provide soldered, flanged or threaded pipe ends for extension and connection
to equipment by supplying trade.
A. Inspection
B. Installation
1. Install as indicated, in accordance with these specifications and the manufacturer's written
instructions, applicable codes and regulations and in accordance with recognized industry
practices to ensure that installation complies with requirements and serves intended function.
All work to be aligned and level.
A. Provide sleeves for each pipe passing through walls, partitions, floors and roofs except multiple
pipe penetrations may be accommodated in a common boxed opening. Provide code complying
packing, caulking as specified or cement fill between pipes and edges of boxed openings.
B. Pack and/or caulk space between pipe or pipe insulation and sleeve as indicated in sleeve
application schedule below. Finish with smooth appearance even with sleeve surface.
D. Sleeve Sizes:
For Uninsulated Piping: two pipe sizes larger than pipe passing through sleeve or a minimum of
12mm clearance between inside of sleeve and outside of pipe.
For Insulated Piping: adequate size to accommodate the full thickness of pipe covering with clearance for packing
and caulking.
A. Provide escutcheons on all exposed piping through walls, partitions, floors and ceilings.
Escutcheon inside diameter to closely fit pipe outside diameter or insulation outside diameter
where pipe is insulated. Cover penetration hole in construction.
Location Type
Finished Spaces Anodized aluminium, chrome
Plated brass
Unfinished Spaces Plain brass, cast iron or
Excluding mechanical aluminium Equipment room
A. Capped Outlets: Provide capped or plugged outlets for irrigation systems and for all HVAC
equipment. Capped or plugged outlet to be provided within five meters of equipment connections
or as indicated, whichever is closer. Coordinate elevation, size and pressure requirements.
C. Contamination Protection: Provide minimum protection for lines connected to all HVAC
equipment and other submerged inlets. Where required by Code or elsewhere herein, provide
approved type reduced pressure back flow preventer or double check backflow preventer. (See
"Domestic Water Systems.")
D. Provide all indirect waste piping as indicated on the plumbing drawings, kitchen or laundry
equipment drawings or as indicated in the equipment schedules. Run indirect waste piping in or
below cabinet work in corners and as required to maximize usefulness of cabinet space. Position
indirect waste piping and receptacles so as not to create a tripping hazard. Obtain approval of
proposed piping arrangement from the Architect prior to installation.
Gauges installed on hot, chilled and cooling water piping shall be provided with a gauge cock of
straight pattern, ground plug type with lever handle.
The pressure gauge range shall be chosen in such a way that the indicator will be situated near a
middle position during normal operating conditions. The gauge shall have an adjustable pointer.
Gauges shall be bourdon tube type to BS 1780, 100mm diameter, except those installed in plant rooms
which shall be 150mm diameter. Gauges shall have enameled mild steel case with chrome bezel,
Page 141 of 429
substantial glass face, and phosphor bronze bourdon tube. Dial face shall be white with black scale
graduation and numbering.
Gauges shall have overall accuracy of one percent (1%) of scale rang.
Gauge shop drawing and gauge shall be approved by the engineer and gauges shall all be of the same
All thermometers shown on the drawings, listed in schedules or specified herein shall be mercury-in-
steel thermometers to BS 5235, 150 mm diameter dial size in main hot water heater and chiller plant
rooms, and 100 mm diameter dial size elsewhere, with black enameled mild steel case with chrome
bezel and substantial glass face. Stem immersion length shall be 100 mm and shall be bottom or back
connection. Thermometers shall match the pressure gauges and both are to align wherever possible.
Thermometers shall be complete with stainless steel well with 50mm lagging extension.
Thermometers shall be installed with dials or scales in vertical positions in the following locations:
Wells for mercury-in-glass stem thermometers shall be installed at water inlet and outlet to each
evaporator of the water chilling units and in any other locations shown on the drawings or called in
the schedules.
All thermometers shall be located so as to be easily read from the usual walking space at floor level
or on platforms.
Manual air vents shall be provided at all high points in piping systems (including devices connected
into piping systems) or wherever air can be trapped. "High Points in Piping Systems" are defined as
any points in the piping system in which the piping or equipment on either side of that point drops
below that point thus forming a pocket.
A globe valve shall be provided on the connection between main and air vent.
Air vents and globe valves shall have the same pressure rating as specified for the valves for the
various piping systems.
A DN 15 drain line shall be run from each air vent to the nearest open drain, with discharge arranged
so that it is readily accessible and visible.
All air vents shall be numbered and labeled and a schedule shall be prepared and presented showing
the vent number and location as for valve schedules.
Automatic air vents shall only be installed where particularly indicated on the drawings. Vents shall
have a float and integral valve plug with seat to discharge chamber. The discharge chamber shall have
a tapped port for drain line extension.
An isolating globe valve shall be installed between the main and the air vent and both shall be pressure
rated for the system. Drain lines shall be extended to the nearest open drain.
Page 143 of 429
In addition to those shown on the drawings and described elsewhere, test points shall be provided as
Test points shall be dual purpose for pressure gauge and thermometer, be mounted on the sides of
pipes, and shall repeatedly reseal.
Two pressure gauges and two thermometers of appropriate ranges shall be supplied for use with the
test points.
A. Drawings and general requirements of Contract, including General and special Conditions, apply
to work of this section.
B. Common Work Results for Fire Suppression, Section 210500, applies to work of this Section.
C. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
Extent of valves required by this section is indicated on drawings and/or specified in other
Division 21, 22 sections.
A. Work includes providing all material, labor, supervision and services for valves of the various
fire protection systems in accordance with Drawings and Specifications.
C. Standard's Compliance:
Page 145 of 429
10. Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions flange and welded end valves comply with ANSI
18. Cast Iron Check Valves: ANSI/ASTM A-126 Grade B/MSS SP-71
C. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, maintenance manual and
performance data where applicable.
12. Schedule of major control valves, check valves and pressure reducing valves.
13. Certificates: Manufacturers certification that valves and accessories meet or exceed
specification requirements.
16. Cast Iron Check Valve: ANSI/ASTM A-126 Grade B/MSS SP-71
A. Furnish valves with IPS, soldered or flanged ends as required by the piping system in which they
are installed.
B. WOG pressure rating to be minimum 7 bars (100 psi) above maximum operating pressure of
C. All gate valve and globe valve packing gland assemblies to be designed for repacking while open
and under pressure.
D. All valves to have identification plates indicating name of manufacturer and working pressure.
G. Provide all valves at equipment with flanged or union ends on equipment side for easy removal.
H. All ball valves to be full port opening blow out proof stem, hard chrome plated forged brass ball.
I. Provide stop plug as renewable stop for disc hanger, construct disc and hanger as one piece and
support hanger by hanger pins with removable side plug for all swing check valves.
The following are of Red and White Corporation's model numbers except where otherwise
Valve Type Pipe Press. Rate Size Bonnet/Stem Assembly Material/ (Class)/ Body
Steam/WOG Model # Style
Gate 65 mm (2-1/2")125#/200# & UB/RS AB/IPS or SE 293
Gate 76 mm (3")125#/200# & Larger OS&Y/RS IBBM/FL 421
Gate 65 mm (2-1/2")150#/300#& UB/RS AB/IPS or SE 299
Gate 76 mm (3") 150#/300#& Larger OS&Y/RS Stockham IBBM/FL D-623
Page 147 of 429
Gate 76 mm (3")250#/500#& Larger OS&Y/RS Stockham IBBM/FL F-667
Ball 51 mm (2")150#/600#& Smaller Chrome Ball AB/IPS or SE
5049F O Rings
Ball 65 mm (2-1/2") 150#/600#& 76 Chrome Ball, AB/IPS or SE Rings
mm (3") Buna-N-3-piece 5050/5051
Gas 20 mm (3/4") & Smaller AB/IPSRW Ball 5200L
A. For each clear water pump discharge line, provide Val-Matic 1800 BN.2 Series iron body
stainless steel trim, center guided disc with replaceable bushing, Buna-N seating or approved
B. For each waste water pump discharge line, provide Val-Matic 500 Series biased swing-flex check
valve or approved equal.
A. All valves to be installed only in upright or horizontal positions unless otherwise required by the
A. Install Class 125 valves in portions of system where water pressure does not exceed 7bars (100
psig). Install Class 150 valves in portions of system where water pressure does not exceed 14
bars (200 psig). Install Class 250 valves in portions of system where water pressure does not
exceed 24 bars (350 psig).
B. Provide valve box and cover on all valves for underground services.
C. All water supply system control valves and check valves 65 mm (2 1/2 inch) and smaller to be
all bronze construction. 65 mm (2-1/2") and smaller control valves to have union bonnets. All
water system control valves 76 mm (3 inch) and larger to be outside screw and yoke.
D. Water supply system control valves and check valves 76 mm (3 inch) and larger to be iron body
flanged, with bronze internal parts.
D. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
E. Common Work Results for Plumbing, Section 220500, applies to work of this Section.
F. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Provide seismic restraining type support systems for all floor and ceiling mounted mechanical
and electrical equipment, piping, ductwork, electrical conduit, panels, and etc. in accordance with
these specifications, the contract drawings and drawing supplements.
C. All reference herein to methods and techniques of equipment support apply to Mechanical,
Plumbing and Electrical systems.
C. Standard Compliance: Federal Spec. WW-H1716, ASA Code for Pressure Piping, ASTM A
575-73, MSS SP-58-67, MSS SP-69-66, ANSI Code for pressure piping.
D. All hanging, restraining and isolating methods and techniques to be as indicated on the
documents, in BOCA and SMACNA Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems
and Plumbing Systems, 1982 Edition, NFPA 13, 1982 UBC, ANSI A58.1, 1981, Title 24 CAC,
Page 150 of 429
GSA, and ATC-3. Where techniques are proposed that deviate from those detailed in the contract
documents, they must be clearly detailed and stamped by a Professional Engineer as indicated
under submittals.
A. Manufacturer of vibration isolation and seismic control equipment to have the following
2. Provide piping and equipment isolation systems and seismic restraints as scheduled or
4. Provide installation instructions, drawings and field supervision to assure proper installation
and performance.
5. Purchased and/or fabricated equipment must be designed to safely accept external forces of
½ G load in any direction for all rigidly and resiliently supported equipment, piping and
ductwork without failure and permanent displacement of the equipment. Life safety
equipment such as fire pumps, sprinkler piping, emergency generators, and machinery, must
be capable of safely accepting external forces up to ½ G load in any direction without
permanent displacement. Substitution of "Internally Isolated" mechanical equipment in lieu
of the specified isolation of this section must be approved for individual equipment units and
is acceptable only if above acceleration ratings are certified in writing by equipment
manufacturer and stamped by a licensed civil or structural engineer.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature and catalog cuts,
indicating maximum loads, dimensions, and recommended installation procedures.
B. Indicate locations of vibration isolation, inserts, anchors, and guides on piping shop drawings.
C. Submit for review full detailed drawings and calculations indicating all proposed deviations to
the methods and devices specified in the contract documents. These drawings and calculations
to be stamped by a Structural or Civil Professional Engineer attesting to the adequacy of the
device or method to restrain the equipment without failure while subject to an external lateral
force of ½ G acceleration.
E. The installation of all vibration isolation units, and associated hangers and bases, to be in
accordance with the details of the vibration isolation manufacturer.
F. All vibration isolators to have either known non-deflected heights or calibration markings so that,
after adjustment, when carrying their load, the deflection under load can be verified, thus
determining that the load is within the proper range of the device and that the correct degree of
vibration isolation is being provided according to the design.
G. All isolators to operate in the linear portion of their load versus deflection curve. Load versus
deflection curves to be furnished by the manufacturer and must be linear over a deflection range
of not less than 50% above the design deflection.
H. The theoretical vertical natural frequency for each support point, based upon load per isolator
and isolator stiffness, not to differ from the design objectives for the equipment as a whole by
more than +/-10%.
I. All neoprene mountings to have a Shore hardness of 30 to 60 +/-5, after minimum aging of 20
days or corresponding oven-aging.
A. Provide pipe supports and components in accordance with the following schedule:
Variable Spring Hanger 51,52,53
(Single & Double Rod and Base) 180o Shield 40
Pipe Saddle 39 A or B
Beam Clamp 28
B. Provide a factory applied Zinc Chromate coating on all hanger components including rods,
inserts, clamps, stanchions, and brackets. Field touch-up damaged painting with Zinc Chromate
repair paint.
C. Provide hangers, rods, clamps and straps with a non-metallic coating, for electrolytic protection,
especially designed for copper tubing.
D. Provide pipe alignment guides of carbon steel having four machined guiding fingers and a
guiding cylinder.
E. The structural engineer must approve method of hanging before work is started. The contractor
under this Section is responsible for materials and workmanship as described in this Section, and
must make sure that all hangers and supports are properly and permanently connected to building
structure. All structural hanging materials, except variable spring units, must have a safety factor
of 5 built-in.
A. Restrain equipment and components to safely accept a ½ G external lateral force without failure
while maintaining all equipment, piping, and conduit, etc. in a captive position. Seismic restraints
not to short circuit isolation systems or transmit objectionable, non-rotating or reciprocating
vibration noise. Restraint systems to be Types I, II, III, IV or V as described herein.
B. No cast-iron legs may be used unless indicated on the equipment shop drawings and approved
prior to purchase.
2. Restraint, Type II: Each corner or side to incorporate a seismic restraint having a minimum
5/8" thick resilient pad limit stops working in all directions. Restraints to be made of plate,
structural members or square metal tubing concentric within a welded assembly
incorporating resilient pads. Angle bumpers are not acceptable. System to be field bolted or
welded to deck with ½ G acceleration capability.
3. Restraint, Type III: Metal cable type with approved end fastening devices to equipment and
structure. See details on drawings. System to be field bolted to deck or overhead structural
members using two sided beam clamps to steel or appropriately designed insert for concrete.
All parts of system including cables, clamps, excluding fastenings are to be single vendor
4. Restraint, Type IV: Double deflection neoprene isolator encased in ductile iron or steel casing
minimum .30 static deflection. System to be field bolted or welded to deck with ½ G
acceleration capacity.
5. Restraint, Type V: Non-Isolated equipment to be field bolted or welded (powder shots not
acceptable) to structure to resist seismic forces specified. Bolt diameter and imbedment data
must be shown in certified calculations stamped by a licensed engineer.
A. Isolate all floor or ceiling mounted reciprocating equipment and all rotating equipment above 2
hp from the structure by use of seismic restraint type vibration isolators of a design not requiring
separate directional snubbers except where indicated. Manufacturer's rail or base mounted
packaged equipment may be rigidly restrained to concrete housekeeping pads if isolators of the
type specified herein are factory installed between the equipment and the base.
a. Spring element seated on a steel washer within a neoprene cup incorporating a rod
isolation bushing.
b. Steel retainer box encasing the spring and neoprene cup.
c. Double deflection neoprene isolator encased in ductile iron or steel casing minimum .30
static deflections. System to be field bolted or welded to deck with ½ G acceleration
a. Spring and neoprene isolator elements in a steel retainer box. Neoprene element to be
double deflection type with a minimum thickness of 1-3/4". Single deflection elements
are unacceptable. Springs must be seated in a neoprene cup with extended rod bushing
through bottom of box.
8. Isolated Clevis:
a. Vibration isolation manufacturer to provide an isolated clevis hanger for pipe support
that combines a unit clevis or rod roller hanger and a Type (C, E or F) isolation hanger
into one assembly. System to be pre-compressed to allow for rod insertion and standard
a. Rail type spring isolators to provide steel members of sufficient strength to prevent
flexure during equipment operation.
Page 155 of 429
b. Springs to be the same as Type A with seismic restraint Type II or seismic restraint Type
I or IV isolation.
1. Vibration isolator manufacturer to furnish rectangular structural concrete forms for floating
foundation. Bases for split case pumps to be large enough to provide support for suction and
discharge base elbows. The base depth to be a minimum of 1/10 of the longest span, but not
less than 5" or greater than 14". Forms shall include minimum concrete reinforcement
consisting of 1/2" bars or angles welded in place on 6" centers running both ways. A layer
1-1/2" above the bottom and an additional top layer of reinforcing steel as above for all bases
exceeding 120" in one direction. Isolators to be set into pocket housings which are an integral
part of the base construction and set at the proper height to maintain a 1" clearance below the
base. Bases to be furnished with templates and anchor bolt sleeves as part of this system.
C. Isolated Curb.
1. Curb mounted rooftop equipment to be mounted on structural spring isolation curbs that
directly sit on roof construction and are flashed and water-proofed into roof's membrane
waterproofing system. Manufacturer's curb shall not be used.
2. All spring locations to have removable waterproof covers to allow for spring adjustment
and/or removal.
3. Curbs to be sound attenuating type which will utilize standard 2" roof insulation installed by
the roofer for sound attenuation or will require 2" of interior lining if specifically noted on
schedules or drawings.
4. All spring mounts to be as Isolator.
Page 156 of 429
5. Curbs to be rated for ½ G of acceleration and shall be wind restrained for 110 mph wind
6. Curbs to have NRCA approval.
7. Package Options:
1. Rooftop fire protection systems to be installed on continuous equipment support piers which
will combine a regular equipment support and an isolation system into one assembly.
2. The system to be designed with 2" (or 3") static deflection steel springs which are both
adjustable, removable and interchangeable after equipment has been installed.
3. Rails to use type spring mounts.
4. The system to maintain the same operating and installed height both with and without the
equipment load and to be fully restrained during wind load conditions allowing no more than
1/4" motion in any direction.
5. The isolation pier to be designed to accept membrane waterproofing.
6. The entire assembly to be dry galvanized or plastic coated.
7. System design must permit a minimum of ½ G of acceleration.
8. Curbs to be welded or bolted to building steel or bolted to concrete decks to attain
acceleration criteria.
9. System to be Model R-7000 as manufactured by Mason Industries or approved equal.
1. Rails to be constructed from structural steel angles as required to prevent flexure and
misalignment under load.
2. Each rail to be the full length of the supported equipment and be welded to a series of
vertically restrained spring isolators described above.
3. Angles to have bolt together ties at the ends and center to form one rigid base platform.
4. System to be bolted or welded to deck and shall be designed for minimum ½ G of
5. Mason Type TRSLR, or approved equal.
F. Non-Isolated Curb.
1. Non-Isolated curb mounted rooftop equipment to be mounted on structural curbs that meet 1
G acceleration criteria.
2. Curbs to accept standard 2" roof insulation installed in the field by the roofer and be
waterproofed in accordance with NRCA Standard.
A. Elastomer
1. Manufactured of nylon tire cord and EPDM, both molded and cured in hydraulic presses.
2. Straight connectors to have two spheres reinforced with a molded-in, external ductile iron
ring between spheres.
3. Flexible elbows to be long radius reducing type.
4. Rated 250 psi at 170oF dropping in a straight line to 170 psi at 250oF for sizes 1-1/2" to 12",
elbows to be rated no less than 90% of straight connections.
5. Sizes 10" to 12" to employ control cables with neoprene end fittings isolated from anchor
plates by means of 1/2" bridge bearing neoprene bushings.
6. Minimum safety factor, 4 to 1 at maximum pressure ratings.
7. Connectors bolted to victaulic type couplings or gate, butterfly or check valves to have a
minimum of 5/8" flange spacer installed between connector and coupling flange.
8. Submittals to include test reports.
9. Connectors are Type MFTNC Superflex, by Mason, or approved equal.
A. Hangers or clamps installed in contact with copper or brass pipe, to be of copper or provide lead
or fiber shields between iron hangers and clamps to prevent electrolytic corrosion.
C. Prime Paint: all black iron hangers to be installed underground, including rods, inserts, clamps,
stanchions, brackets, etc., with zinc chromate, before installation.
D. Anchor points: provide to permit the piping system to expand and contract freely in opposite
directions from the anchored points. Anchors may be double bolt riser clamps and shall be
located halfway between guide points and no less than 1 per 100-foot run.
E. Guide points: Locate in piping system on either side of expansion joints and, or loops, as
specified herein and shown on drawings to permit free axial movement only in pipe main runs.
Elbows at ends of straight pipe runs flanking expansion joints or loops are considered expansion
F. Trapeze hangers with suspension rods having double nuts and securely attached to the
construction in an approved manner may be used in lieu of separate clevis hanger.
J. The following schedule is for conventional, non-seismic type hangers. See plans for seismic
restrained hanger location schedule which may replace the conventional hangers at those
locations. All other conventional hangers are required.
2. Copper tubing:
Page 159 of 429
a. 1-1/4 inch" over: Support a maximum of 10 feet (3.0 m) intervals.
b. Below 1-1/4": Support a maximum of 8 feet (1.5 m) intervals.
1. Threaded pipe:
2. Copper tubing:
1. Support piping only from building structural steel or approved galvanized steel inserts
embedded in poured concrete.
2. Where piping revisions are required and are approved after slabs are poured, piping 3 inches
and smaller may be supported at intermediate points by "Phillips," or other approved 3/4 inch
expansion bolts and shields, provided main supports are not less than 20 ft on centers.
3. Attach intermediate supports for piping 4 inches and larger to concrete beams or columns by
means of 4" x 3/8" thick clip knee angles with 3/4 inch expansion bolt in shear (horizontal)
and supporting rod at 90 degrees from anchor bolt.
M. Isolation and seismic systems must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's written
instructions. Vibration isolators must not cause any change of position of equipment or piping
resulting in piping stresses or misalignment.
N. Mechanical equipment to be isolated from the building structure by means of noise and vibration
isolators as scheduled on the drawings.
O. All piping 2" and over located in mechanical equipment rooms and run from connected
equipment for 50 feet, to incorporate isolation hangers.
P. All mechanical fire protection piping system and vertical risers to be isolated from the building
structure by means of noise and vibration isolation guides and supports as described herein.
A. All equipment whether isolated or not to be bolted to the structure to allow for minimum 1 G of
acceleration. Bolt points, diameter of inserts, and embedment depth to be submitted as part of
the submission for each piece of equipment and certified by a licensed civil or structural engineer.
D. Seismically restrain all piping and electrical conduit with restraining system in accordance with
the following schedule:
1. Water Pipe and Electrical Conduit, Schedule 10, 20, or 40 Weld or Victaulic:
E. Place floor mounted equipment on 4" high concrete housekeeping pads properly doweled or
expansion shielded to deck to meet acceleration criteria. Mount vibration isolating devices and
related inertia blocks on concrete pad. Concrete work specified in Division 3.
G. Chimneys and stacks passing through floors are to be bolted at each floor level or secured above
and below each floor with riser clamps.
H. Chimneys and stacks running horizontally to be braced every 30 feet with an approved restraining
I. For overhead supported equipment, overstress of the building structure must not occur. Bracing
may occur from:
A. All piping, except fire standpipe systems and electrical conduits, are included under this section.
B. Installation:
2. The isolators to be installed with the isolator hanger box attached to, or hung as close as
possible to, the structure.
3. The isolators to be suspended from substantial structural members, not from slab diaphragm,
unless specifically permitted.
4. Hanger rods to be aligned to clear and not short circuit the hanger box.
5. Horizontal suspended pipe 2" and smaller and all steam piping to be suspended by isolators
with a minimum of 3/8" deflection. Water pipe larger than 2" to be supported with a
minimum of 1" (or same static deflection for the first three locations) as isolated equipment
to which pipe connects, whichever is greater.
6. Horizontal pipe, floor supported at slab to be supported with a minimum static deflection of
1" or same deflection as isolated equipment to which pipe connects, whichever is greater.
7. Vertical riser guides, if required, to avoid direct contact of piping with building.
8. Pipe anchors, or guides where required, to utilize resilient pipe anchors, Mason Industries
Type or equivalent, to avoid direct contact of piping with building.
9. Riser sway supports, where required, to utilize two neoprene elements to accommodate
tension and compression forces.
10. Pipe Extension and Alignment Connectors: Provide connectors at riser takeoffs, and
elsewhere as required, accommodating misalignment.
C. Isolator Position
1. The minimum operation clearance between the equipment frame or rigid steel base frame
and the housekeeping pad or floor to be 1". Minimum operating clearance between concrete
inertia base and housekeeping pad or floor to be 2".
2. The equipment structural steel or concrete inertia base to be placed in position and supported
temporarily by blocks or shims, as appropriate, prior to the installation of the machine and
3. The isolators to be installed without raising the machine and frame assembly.
4. After the entire installation is complete and under full operational load, to adjust the isolators
so that the load is transferred from the blocks to the isolators and so that all isolators are
barely free, remove shims.
5. Isolation mounting deflection to be the minimum specified or as scheduled on the drawings.
6. Install equipment with flexibility in wiring connection.
7. Verify that all installed isolator and mounting systems permit equipment motion in all
directions. Adjust or provide additional resilient restraints to limit equipment start-up lateral
motion to 1/4".
8. Prior to start-up, clean out all foreign matter between bases and equipment. Verify that there
are no isolation short circuits in the base, isolators or seismic restraints.
A. On completion of installation of all vibration isolation devices herein specified, the factory
representative or Professional Engineer retained by the Contractor to inspect the completed
system and report in writing any installation error, improperly erected isolation devices or other
faults in the system that could affect the performance of the system. Contractor to submit a report
to the Project Director, including the manufacturer's representative’s final report, indicating all
isolation reported as properly installed or requiring correction. Include a report by the Contractor
on steps taken to properly complete and correct the isolation work.
G. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions.
H. General Requirements for Mechanical systems, Section 220500 & 210500, applies to work of
this section.
I. The requirements of this Section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories,
services and tests necessary to complete and make ready for operation by the Owner.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature.
J. All exposed and uninsulated pipes, ferrous supports, gantries, brackets and steelwork in the
Contract works shall be painted in accordance with this section of the Specification.
K. The contractor shall obtain from the supplier of any paint or similar product detailed instructions
for the use of that product, specific to the conditions found on the contract. These shall include
details of storage, preparation of steelwork, application method and conditions, over coating and
any other relevant points.
L. The contractor shall comply with the manufacturer's instructions for the use of any product,
unless these are in conflict with the requirements of this specification. Areas of conflict shall be
brought to the attention of the Owner's Authorized Representative.
A. Reference shall be made to BS 7079 - preparation of steal before application of paints and related
products, part 0 - introduction.
B. Prior to surface preparation the surfaces shall be cleaned of dirt, grease, loose rust and other
contaminants. No pipe shall be used which has corroded beyond Grade C of BS 7079: Part A1.
D. Prior to application of primer steel surfaces shall be cleaned of dirt, grease and other
contaminants. Any rust present shall be completely removed by blast cleaning or wire brushing
to the standard noted above. Severely pitted steelwork shall not be used.
E. Galvanized steel shall be degreased by scrubbing with a warm detergent solution (2% Teepol or
equivalent) followed by water washing, followed by treatment with a mordant solution (British
Rail 'T-Wash' or equivalent), followed by water washing once the surface has returned black.
Any areas where the surface does not turn black shall be recleaned and re-treated.
F. The quality of surface preparation specified must be obtained at the time of priming.
G. Areas to be welded shall be masked off prior to priming, and re-prepared and primed to the same
quality after welding.
A. The criteria in the following clauses shall be used to define which scheme should be used in a
given situation where not specifically given in the paint scheme schedule.
SCHEME P/1: Internal uninsulated copper pipe work and internal steel support systems
(in a dry place).
SCHEME P/2: Internal uninsulated steel pipe work (in dry spaces and away from the
building perimeter, where condensation is likely to occur only in exceptional circumstances.
Includes pipes which are insulated with an integral vapour barrier).
SCHEME P/3 : External and light well insulated steel pipe work and all steel support
systems (in a position in which condensation is likely to occur from time to time, and which the
paint is unlikely to be maintained).
SCHEME P/4: Internal uninsulated steel pipe work and internal steel support systems (in
a position in which condensation is likely to occur from time to time, and in which maintenance
of the paint is possible).
SCHEME P/5: External galvanized steel pipe work and external galvanized steel
supports. If the Contractor has reason to believe that the conditions will in fact be more onerous
than those in the relevant clause above, he shall draw this to the attention of the Owner's
Authorized Representative.
Page 165 of 429
The various paint schemes shall be as detailed below (DFT shall mean dry film thickness):
Where a Contractor wishes to modify the specified paint scheme he shall demonstrate that
the proposed alternative is at least equivalent to the specified scheme, and that it will not
create compatibility problems with any adjacent scheme.
A. The Contractor shall demonstrate by means of samples submitted before commencement of the
work, the methods he intends to use and the quality of work that will be achieved.
B. All work adjudged by the Owner's Authorized Representative to be worse in quality than the
samples shall be rejected.
C. All painting shall be carried out by skilled painters under competent supervision.
D. Each coat of paint shall be applied to a clean and suitable surface to produce a continuous film
of paint of uniform and even thickness.
E. As soon as the priming coat has dried, an extra stripe coat of paint shall be applied to all edges,
corners, cervices, bolt heads, welds and any similar areas, using the same paint as for the primer
but in a contrasting shade.
F. The dry film thickness shall be measured after each coat has dried using any of the methods of
BS 3900: Part C5 for measuring dry film thickness. Wet film thickness measurements shall not
be used, other than for control purposes.
G. The adhesion of the paint scheme shall be measured and using any of the methods of BS 3900:
Part E6 and carried out on representative areas chosen to be non-obtrusive in the final condition.
Areas worse than classification 2 of that standard shall be cleaned to bare metal and repainted.
A. The Contractor take all necessary precautions to minimize damage to steal and to paint coatings
during handling, installation and thereafter.
B. Where damage or breakdown has occurred, or in any other place where the paintwork does not
comply with this Specification the Contractor shall touch-up to an equivalent standard to the
up\damaged paint, and in such a way that the areas of touch-up shall not be visually apparent.
C. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Owner's Authorized Representative that his proposals for
touching-up shall include details of surface preparation, area of overlap, type and thickness of
paint to be used and any other relevant features, shall produce work in accordance with this
Page 167 of 429
Pipe work identification shall be in accordance with item 1-20 section 220500 & 220553 the pipework
Identification Specification.
K. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories,
services and tests necessary to complete, make ready and set to work for operation by the Owner,
all insulation in accordance with Drawings and Specifications.
B. Standards Compliance: comply with requirements of ASTM C534-70, UL723, NFPA 255, and
A. Product Data: submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for each type of insulation.
B. Fabrication instructions for pipe, pipe fittings, valves and equipment insulation, including butt
joints and longitudinal lap.
A. Pipe Insulation: flame-attenuated glass fiber, bonded with thermosetting resin, maximum K
factor of .25 at 75oC mean temperature.
B. Fittings and Valve Insulation: same type and thickness as adjacent pipes, less jacket.
C. Jackets: factory applied, all-purpose fiberglass reinforced Kraft paper bonded to aluminum foil
and permanently fire treated for a Composite maximum of 25 flame spread and 50 smoke
developed; pressure sensitive tape closure for longitudinal lap and a butt strip for adjoining
E. Fittings Jackets: vapor resistant one-piece premolded polyvinyl chloride fitting cover. Install
over factory precut insulation and secure by taping the ends to the adjacent pipe covering; similar
to Zest on, Inc.
A. Pipe Insulation: Flexible elastomeric insulation equal to Self-Seal Armaflex 2000. Maximum K
Factor of .25 BTU in /hF2 at 75C mean temperature.
B. Fittings: May be fabricated from miter cut tubing or commercially available PVC Fitting covers
with insulation inserts; similar to Zeston, Inc.
C. Joint Seals: Seal adjoining sections of pipe insulation with 520 adhesive or 40 MM (1 1/2 “ )
wide 3M #471 tape or equal.
D. Finish: Provide two coats of WB Armaflex finish on all foam insulation exposed to the weather.
A. Pipe insulation inserts shall have same K-Factor as adjacent insulation to be similar to manville
thermo – 12
A. Examine areas and conditions under which insulation is to be installed. Notify Architect in
writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with work
until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Outdoor Piping
1. Finish with a 0.7 mm thick aluminum jacket which has a factory applied moisture barrier. For
all applications where it is available, above the fiberglass insulation the jacketing shall be factory
attached to the insulation and installed per manufacturer's recommendation.
2. Where field applied jacketing must be used, it shall be applied with 50 mm overlap facing down
from the weather and shall be secured with an aluminum band 12 x .3 mm and seals applied on
300 mm centers with bands applied directly over but overlaps. As an alternate, the jacketing may
be applied with rivets. Where jacketing is cut out or abuts an un-insulated surface, the joint shall
be sealed with foam sealant.
3. Fittings and valves shall be insulated and finished with mitered sections of the insulation with
factory attached aluminum jackets installed per manufacturer's recommendation.
B. Coordinate with other work, as necessary to interface installation of insulation with other work.
Page 171 of 429
C. Install insulation on pipe system subsequent to installation of heat tracing, testing and acceptance
of tests.
D. Clean and dry pipe surfaces prior to insulating. Butt insulation joints firmly together to ensure
complete and tight fit over surfaces to be covered.
E. Cover valves, fittings and similar item in each piping system with equivalent thickness and
composition of insulation as applied to adjoining pipe run. Install factory molded, precut or job
fabricated units except where documents call for insulation to be another type.
F. Install insulation materials with smooth and even surfaces. Install each continuous run of piping
with fall length units of insulation with single cut piece to complete run. Do not use out pieces
or scraps abutting each other. Install pipe hanger insulation insert at all hangers of equal thickness
to adjacent insulation. Install insulation protection shields at each pipe hanger between jacket
and hanger.
G. Install rigid pipe insulation inserts on all pipes passing through floor sleeves and through fire
rated walls and fire rated partition or ceiling openings in order to maintain required fire rated
composite for sleeve caulking. In lieu of this requirement, insulation may be deleted from hot
pipes below 71C at the point where they pass through the building's construction.
H. Install all-purpose insulation jackets over all hot pipe insulation. Install a continuous unbroken
vapor barrier seal over all cold water pipe to prevent condensation on cold pipes and hangers,
supports, anchors, etc., which are secured directly to cold pipes. For hot pipes, apply 76mm wide
vapor barrier type or band over the butt joints.
I. Where insulation is specified for piping, also insulate all connections, vents, drains and piping
connected to the system which are subject to heat loss or gain.
J. Do not use staples on hot pipe insulation jackets if hot water heat maintenance system is used.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
A. Work includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete, make ready and set to work for acceptance by the Owner, all piping,
fittings and jointing materials for plumbing systems in accordance with Drawings and
B. Cast, stamp or roll manufacturer's name on each pipe length, and cast stamp or roll manufacturer's
symbol and pressure rating on each fitting.
C. Standard Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes, ANSI, ASTM, CS,
CISPI and as follows:
Brazing Filler Metal
Poly propylene Pipes DIN 8077/78, DIN EN ISO 15874,
ASTM F 2389 & DIN 16962.
Page 174 of 429
A. Product Data: submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for each type of pipe and pipe fitting.
B. Submit piping schedule showing manufacture, pipe or tube weight, fitting type, and joint type for
each piping system.
1. Pipe: Schedule 40 seamless drawn steel pipe, galvanized inside and out; ASTM A-120 and
2. Fittings:
3. Joints:
a. Red or white lead and oil or approved pipe compound or Teflon tape on male threads.
b. Standard weight grooved with enameled malleable iron ribbed flex coupling; ASTM A47
with Buna-N gasket. Victaulic Style 77 or Tyler #100 Standard.
c. Standard weight grooved joint with enameled malleable iron ribbed rigid coupling;
ASTM A47 with Buna-N gasket. Victaulic Style 07.
B. Copper Tubing
1. Tube: Copper seamless drawn extrusion, hard tempered; Types "K" or "L" ASTM B-88-66A
and ANSI H23.1.
2. Fittings:
C. DWV Copper
1. Pipe: Copper tubing, seamless drawn extrusion, hard temper; ASTM B-306 66a and ANSI
2. Fittings:
D. Copper Pipe
1. Pipe: Seamless red brass, 85% copper; ANSI H27.1 and ASTM, B-43.
2. Fittings: Cast brass, 85% copper, malleable pattern, ANSI B16.16.
3. Joints: Red or white lead and oil or approved pipe compound.
1. Pipe: DIN 8077/78. SDR 7.4, Faser Composite, with UV resistant coating for exposed to sun
2. Fittings: DIN 16952.
3. Joints: Thermal welding to DIN standard.
Note: LDPE (low density) pipes have a certain flexibility while HDPE (high density) Pipes are
A. General
1. Install pipes and pipe fittings as indicated on the plans and elsewhere in the specifications, in
accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leak proof
piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure.
Install each run with minimum joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions
for disassembly and maintenance/replacement of valves and equipment. Align piping
accurately at connections, within 1/400mm misalignment tolerance.
3. Locate piping runs except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally (pitched to
drain) and avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. Orient horizontal runs parallel with walls
and column lines. Locate runs as shown or described by diagrams, details and notations or,
if not otherwise indicated, run piping in shortest route which does not obstruct usable space
or block access for servicing building and its equipment. Hold piping close to walls,
overhead construction, columns and other structural and permanent-enclosure elements of
4. Do not run piping through electric rooms, electric spaces, electric closets, or other electrical
or electronic equipment spaces unless unavoidable, and specifically indicated on the plans,
in which case, install drip pan below and 300mm beyond foot print of such piping. Spill drip
pan drain on floor of adjacent space where flow will be noticed. Do not spill to a receptacle.
5. In erecting pipe, friction wrenches and risers shall be used exclusively; any pipe cut, dented
or otherwise damaged shall be replaced at no cost to Owner.
6. All fittings, unions and connections at pumps, tanks or other major equipment 75mm and
over in size shall be assembled with flanged joints and approved gaskets.
7. Caulking of pipe joints to remedy leaks will not be permitted except on caulked piping.
B. Joints
1. Threaded pipe: In accordance with ANSI B2.1; cut threads full and clean using sharp dies.
Ream threaded ends to remove burrs and restore full inside diameter. Apply pipe joint
compound, or pipe joint tape (Teflon) where recommended by pipe/fitting manufacturer, on
male threads only at each joint and tighten joint to leave not more than 3 threads exposed.
2. Nipples: Any piece of pipe 200mm in length and less shall be considered a nipple. All
nipples with unthreaded portion 40mm and less shall be extra heavy. All other nipples shall
be of weight corresponding to fitting connected. Only shoulder nipples shall be used, close
nipples will not be acceptable.
3. Solder: Cut tube ends squarely, ream to full inside diameter, and clean outside of tube ends
and inside of fittings. Apply solder flux to joint areas of both tubes and fittings. Insert tube
full depth into fitting, and solder in manner which will draw solder full depth and
circumference of joint. Wipe excess solder from joint before it hardens.
5. Flanged: Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and equipment.
Clean flange faces and install gaskets. Tighten bolts to provide uniform compression of
6. Brazing: certify brazing procedures, brazers, and operators in accordance with ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, for shop and job-site brazing of piping work.
a. Tees
Size of wall thickness of both run tube and branch tube are listed by manufacturer of
forming equipment as "Acceptable Application."
Height of drawn collar is not less than 3 times wall thickness of run tubing.
End of branch tube is notched to conform to inner curve of run tube, and dimpled to set
exact penetration depth into collar.
Resulting joint is minimum of 3 times as long as thickness of thinner joint member, and
brazed using B-Cup series filler metal.
b. Couplings
Form couplings by first annealing area at end of tube where expansion will occur. Insert
tube expander to die size required and expand tube end to accept tubing of same size.
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Resulting joint is minimum of 3 times as long as thickness of tube, and brazed using B-CuP
series filler metal.
A. General
3. Do not put any systems in operation until they have been tested, inspected, and approved by
the Architect. During the progress of the installation, notify the Architect, at least 48 hours
prior to such test or inspection. Set up and prepare all tests in advance of scheduled test time.
Perform all tests in the presence of the Architect. Submit to the Architect signed copies of
all test reports and approvals and maintain copy of same at site until acceptance of the work.
4. During the progress of the work, pressure test the various piping systems including mains,
risers, branches and fixture roughing as directed to permit insulation, general construction
and built-in rough work to proceed.
5. Provide all apparatus personnel and temporary work for tests. Take all due precautions to
prevent damage to the building or its contents as a result of such test. Pay for all reinstatement
of work caused by such damage to the building or work of other trades caused by such test.
6. After testing, remove and/or repair joints as required and retest. No caulking of pipe joints
to remedy leaks will be permitted except where lead and oakum joints are used.
B. Domestic water, Steam, Condensate, Fuel oil & Irrigation water Piping: fill with water and test
to 1-1/2 times the system working pressure but not less than 1380 kPa with no loss in pressure
for a period of one hour. Test to include all valves if designed to withstand such pressure.
B PP-R (Poly Electrically welded For all cold and hot water
Propylene) Piping & with pipes using piping.
Fittings PN20 to heating elements.
DIN8078 &
HDPE pressure
pipes according to Socket fusion thermal
PN 16. welde All underground domestic
water supply piping system
internal & exterior networks
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. Common Work Results for Fire Suppression, Section 210500, applies to work of this Section.
E. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Work Includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment and tests necessary to
complete and make ready for operation by the Owner, potable cold water, hot water and hot water
circulating systems to fixtures and equipment.
B. Provide cold water service(s) from street main including required applications and related fees.
Provide water meter(s) and approved piping rig and/or all related applications and fees. If
required, provide meter with remote reader located as directed.
B. Applicable Standards:
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including samples, printed technical literature,
installation, instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, and performance
B. Coordinated piping, inserts and structural drawings, including coordinates and elevations.
C. Indicate proposed changes in pipe sizes and changes in basic system scheme.
A. Brass body and internal trim, full size orifice, spill-loss design silicon disc suitable for
temperatures up to 210oF, meet or exceed the requirements of ASSE Standard 1001.
A. To operate under pressure to allow entrapped air to escape by a float, lever and needle valve
assembly. Needle shall be guided Buna-N seat, float and internal levers to be stainless steel 150
psig WWP.
A. Rough brass angle Bibb, standard hose thread outlet, metal tie handle, renewable seat. Install a
matching finish vacuum breaker at each hose outlet. Rough brass in Mechanical and non-finished
areas and polished brass plate in finish areas. Install a control valve in the supply piping
A. Flush wall box with key operated hinged cover, integral vacuum breaker, 20mm hose thread
nozzle, and female key operated valves with composition washers and renewable seats.
B. Stainless steel hose rack with a heavy duty spray nozzle and 15-meter hose.
A. All stainless steel construction shock absorbers, each with a pre – charged air chamber of nesting
steel bellows, and each sized to suit the connecting pipe size and the equipment at it is provided
A. Drawn steel case with 114.3 mm (4 1/2") diameter dial, white coated with black figures and
gradations. 0-100 psig, 0-160 psig or 0-300 psig pressure range. Ernst Gage Co. Fig. 23 with
Fig. 58 brass cock.
A. Di-electric pipe or flanged union isolating joints, for all connections between ferrous and
non-ferrous pipe.
A. Strainers "Y" type, full pipe size and fitted with blow-off gate valves.
B. Basket screens: brass with perforations suited for the service intended, unless otherwise
A. Poly Ethylene plastic tanks, complete, including but not limited to galvanized steel sleeves,
inserts, frames, pipes & flanges for the two compartments water tank pump suction lines, supply
filling lines, overflow pipes, drain lines, covers, ladders, access doors, also, including filling
Page 185 of 429
modulating float valves & isolating valves, audio visual alarm probe system and all other required
pipe connections with valves and water level alarm system & interconnecting piping system
between tanks and pumps
A. The valve to modulate to maintain a constant liquid level in a suction tank by compensating for
variations in supply or demand and to close on rising level.
B. The valve is to consist of a hytrol main valve, a cover mounted variable orifice proportioning
pilot control and a remote float control. This valve is to be hydraulically operated, diaphragm
actuated, globe pattern. The stem in the main valve to be guided both top and bottom by a bearing
in the valve seat. All necessary repairs in the valve to be possible without removing the valve
from the line. The valve to be all bronze construction. Mount stainless steel float and float rod
in stilling well.
C. The valve to be similar in all respects to the 427G01AKXH150F modulating float valve with
Model No. CFM-2KK float pilot mechanism as manufactured by the CLA-VAL Co., Newport
Beach, CA, and as Greenwich, CT (203) 661-2733 or approved equal.
A. Arrange all water piping to drain to low points and provide for air elimination at all high points.
B. Arrange mains to permit expansion and contraction without strain by means of elbow swings
and/or expansion joints.
D. Provide a control valve in suction and discharge connections to each piece of equipment.
E. All valves, rechargeable shock absorbers, etc., to be easily accessible for maintenance and/or
F. Make all ferrous to non-ferrous pipe connections with approved dielectric pipe or flange union
isolating joints to prevent any electrolytic action between dissimilar metals.
A. After flushing system in accordance with Section 220500, provide chlorine treatment of the
domestic hot and cold water systems:
1. Disinfect these systems, including water service connections, with chlorine in accordance
with AWWA Standard C601-54 before they are placed in service.
3. Following a contact period of not less than 24 hours, flush the chlorinated water from the
system with clean greater than 0.2 parts per million.
4. Open and close valves being disinfected several times during the 24-hour period.
A. Install the following as a minimum to protect against cross contamination. Contact the Governing
Water Authority, Health Department, and Building Department and provide greater protection
where required.
B. Provide a check valve on all hot or cold water connections to mechanical equipment.
C. Provide a check valve on hot and cold water supplies to equipment such as coffee makers, ice
makers, dishwashers and all other similar food service equipment.
D. Provide reduced pressure zone device on service to fire protection systems which have
supplemental water supply from a non-potable source whether manual or automatic.
Page 187 of 429
A. Install in mechanical equipment rooms, laundry rooms, and kitchen and in each toilet room with
a floor drain not provided with an automatic trap primer.
A. Install on cold water inlet pipe to water heaters down stream of shut off valve when located more
than 6 m (20 feet) above fixtures served.
A. Provide in position which can be easily read from standing position on floor.
A. Provide on all connections between ferrous and non-ferrous pipe materials in water systems.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
A. Work includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete, make ready and set to work for acceptance by the Owner, all pumps
for the plumbing systems in accordance with Drawings and Specifications.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, dimensions, detail of valving and
piping arrangements, wiring diagrams of prewired controllers, required control wiring and power
wiring diagrams. Written description of sequence of operation, pump curves indicating service
conditions, written operating instructions including start-up and shut-down. Maintenance data
including written instructions on items requiring periodic maintenance and parts list and
certification that pumps have been hydraulically tested for pressure and flow.
B. Furnish and install factory packaged pump variable speed constant pressure booster system with
all controls, motors, valves, stainless steel 316 for suction and discharge headers etc., mounted
on a common concrete base. The system shall be capable of automatically providing a constant
system pressure with a flow rate range as indicated on the plans. System shall require only bolting
in place to housekeeping pad and installation of the shaft columns. Pump construction shall be of
the stainless steel fitted type with cast-iron casing.
Ship system pre-mounted onto positioning top, rails connected to the base flange and companion
flange, all with required lifting lugs to aid in installation.
D. Provide a spring loaded, non-slam silent check valve PRV combination on each pump discharge
line with feed line piping and isolation valves. Suction and discharge headers shall be same
material as connecting piping. Provide dielectric couplings between dissimilar materials.
Page 190 of 429
E. Power and Control Panel
Furnish a single enclosure power and control panel NEMA 1. Enclosure shall be steel and
furnished with industrial grade enamel. It shall house all control components including frequency
converter unit with logical programmable controller.
3- Circuit breaker disconnects switches through door with door interlock for each pump.
3- Magnetic across-the-line starter with 3 phase overload protection for each pump.
4- Pump running lights (3 active and 1 future) for each pump.
4- H-O-A selector switches (3 active and 1 future) for each pump
1- Automatic pump alternator with manual override selector switch, reading adaptable to 4
pump alternation.
1- 220 volt control transformer.
3- Alarm indicating lights for each pump
1- Audible alarm with silencing button, and remote trouble alarm contacts
1- Set of necessary control relays and other accessory devices required to permit the system to
operate in conformance with specification.
3- Mercoid adjustable dead band pressure switches for each pump.
1- Low suction level cutout circuit to interface with suction tank controls.
All of the above to be factory internally prewired and tested in accordance with the provisions of
the National Electrical Code.
All control wires shall be individually numbered and each component shall be labeled
accordingly. All internal wiring shall be copper stranded, A.W.G. with a minimum insulation of
90 degrees C. The complete assembly shall have a UL listing mark for industrial control panels.
G. Factory Prefabrication
The entire booster system shall be factory prefabricated on a common structural steel stand with
all interconnecting piping and wiring completed and operationally tested prior to shipment. The
complete package shall also include isolation valves on the suction and discharge of each pump.
Suction and discharge pipe manifolds, as well as copper tubing with shutoff cocks for gauges and
pressure switches, will be furnished assembled. The only field connection required will be
system suction and discharge headers, the impellers, the drain tube, and a single power
connection at the control panel.
The factory shall certify in writing that the water pressure booster system and its component parts
have undergone a complete electric and hydraulic test prior to shipment. The test shall include a
system operating flow test from zero to 100% design flow rate under the specified suction and
net system pressure conditions using each pump as lead and lag.
Certification shall include copies of the test data as recorded by Micro Processor Base System
certifying the following:
I. Guarantee
The water pressure booster system shall be guaranteed in writing by the manufacturer for a period
of one year from date of issuance of certificate of practical completion against defects in design,
materials, or construction.
The service of a factory trained representative shall be made available on the job site to check
installation and start-up and instruct operating personnel.
A. Provide remote contacts for alarm connections to alarm panels provided by another trade.
Machined, Polished and Nonferrous Surfaces: Coat with rust preventive compound.
A. Pump Operation
B. Control Operation
C. Alarm Operation
D. Alignment
Page 193 of 429
A. Completely align and level pumps, motors and bases. Where pumps and motors are shipped as a
unit, realign them in the field.
D. Install and align mechanical seals in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
E. Construct all apparatus of materials and pressure ratings suitable for the conditions encountered
during continuous operation.
F. Provide casing connections for vent, drain, suction and discharge pressure gauges.
G. Balance impellers and all other moving components statically and dynamically.
H. Match centrifugal pump impellers and casings so that at specified operating conditions, the impeller
diameter is not more than 90% of the maximum diameter impeller which can satisfactorily operate
in the casing.
K. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of Contract and Division 1
Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Work Includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment and tests necessary to
complete and make ready for operation by the Owner, potable cold water, hot water and
hot water circulating systems to fixtures and equipment.
B. Provide cold water service(s) from street main including required applications and related
fees. Provide water meter(s) and approved piping rig and/or all related applications and
fees. If required, provide meter with remote reader located as directed.
B. Applicable Standards:
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including samples, printed technical literature,
installation, instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, and
performance data.
B. Coordinated piping, inserts and structural drawings, including coordinates and elevations.
C. Indicate proposed changes in pipe sizes and changes in basic system scheme.
A. A two compartment concrete tank will be constructed under another division of the work.
This division (2.11) to provide all required pipe sleeves, covers, access doors, overflows
filling, suction and other required pipe connections.
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B. Provide complete system alarm and control probe system consisting of B & W Control, Inc.
Suspension wire type E-1P probes, E-55 flanged type electrode holder suspension wires of
the required length and number for the functions described on the pump room detailed
drawings, induction relays with 220 volt primary and secondary coils rated at 50 Hz and
alarm panel to be mounted in the pump room.
D. Furnish for installation by electrical trade alarm panel and required relays. Alarm to be of
the audio visual type with lights for one high water level and low water levels and power
and alarm silencing button on exterior of door.
Panel to be provided with contacts to be wired by electrical trade to give general cistern
trouble alarm at a remote central alarm panel and to interface with domestic water pumps
to stop pumps during low water level conditions. Panel to have manual override control for
any and all functions.
A. The valve to modulate to maintain a constant liquid level in a suction tank by compensating
for variations in supply or demand and to close on rising level.
B. The valve is to consist of a hytrol main valve, a cover mounted variable orifice proportioning
pilot control and a remote float control. This valve is to be hydraulically operated,
diaphragm actuated, globe pattern. The stem in the main valve to be guided both top and
bottom by a bearing in the valve seat. All necessary repairs in the valve to be possible
without removing the valve from the line. The valve to be all bronze construction. Mount
stainless steel float and float rod in stilling well.
C. The valve to be similar in all respects to the 427G01AKXH150F modulating float valve with
Model No. CFM-2KK float pilot mechanism as manufactured by the CLA-VAL Co., Newport
Beach, CA, and as Greenwich, CT (203) 661-2733 or approved equal.
A. All pipe connections to concrete tanks shall be galvanized steel to ASTM A53 schedule 40 with
flanged or screwed ends as appropriate.
B. All pipes cast into concrete walls shall be fitted with puddle flanges. Puddle flanges shall be at
least 200mm larger than the diameter of the pipe and a minimum thickness of 6mm. Puddle
flanges shall be permanently fixed to pipe by welding or other equally secure method.
C. Pipes shall be cast into concrete walls so that the puddle flange is central to the wall thickness.
D. Pipes shall be installed square to the wall and true to level.
E. Pipework coatings shall be made good on exposed pipe sections on completion of the work.
F. Exposed ends of pipework shall be capped to protect ends from damage until installation is
A. The Concrete water tanks surface shall be smooth with no lumps or Protrusions and provided
with non-toxic GRP lining as per (ASTM, ASME or ANSI), standards.
A. Arrange all water piping to drain to low points and provide for air elimination at all high
B. Arrange mains to permit expansion and contraction without strain by means of elbow
swings and/or expansion joints.
E. All valves, rechargeable shock absorbers, etc., to be easily accessible for maintenance
and/or removal.
F. Make all ferrous to non-ferrous pipe connections with approved dielectric pipe or flange
union isolating joints to prevent any electrolytic action between dissimilar metals.
G. Provide unions at connections to each piece of equipment for easy dismantling and at such
other points to facilitate installation. Unions shall be of same strength and manufacturer
used in the respective piping systems and of ground joint type.
A. After flushing system in accordance with Section 15010, provide chlorine treatment of the
domestic hot and cold water systems:
3. Following a contact period of not less than 24 hours, flush the chlorinated water
from the system with clean greater than 0.2 parts per million.
4. Open and close valves being disinfected several times during the 24 hour period.
· Take two (2) samples of water from different risers on each floor.
A. Install the following as a minimum to protect against cross contamination. Contact the
Governing Water Authority, Health Department, and Building Department and provide
greater protection where required.
B. Provide a check valve on all hot or cold water connections to mechanical equipment.
C. Provide a check valve on hot and cold water supplies to equipment such as coffee makers,
ice makers, dishwashers and all other similar food service equipment.
D. Provide reduced pressure zone device on service to fire protection systems which have
supplemental water supply from a non potable source whether manual or automatic.
A. Provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions, and Division-1 Specification
sections, apply to work of this section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
A. Work includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete, make ready and set to work for acceptance by the Owner, all piping,
fittings and jointing materials for plumbing systems in accordance with Drawings and
B. Cast, stamp or roll manufacturer's name on each pipe length, and cast stamp or roll manufacturer's
symbol and pressure rating on each fitting.
No Hub and Cast Iron Soil ASTM A-888 & Cast Iron Soil
Pipe and Fittings Pipe Institute Standards No.301
Brazing Filler Metal
A. Product Data: submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for each type of pipe and pipe fitting.
B. Submit piping schedule showing manufacture, pipe or tube weight, fitting type, and joint type for
each piping system.
1. Pipe: Service weight centrifugally spun cast iron soil pipe hub and spigot coated inside and
out; ANSI A1125.1; ASTM A74.
3. Joints:
1. Pipe: No-hub weight, cast iron soil pipe, coated inside and out, to ASTM A 888 labeled with
the CI mark of quality and performance CISPI 301-72.
2. Fittings:
3. Joints:
a. Rubber sealing sleeve and solid, non-corrugated shield with stainless steel ASTM C 564
b. Rubber sealing sleeve and cast iron bolted coupling; CISPI 301-72; MG Coupling Co.
5. Fittings:
g. Red or white lead and oil or approved pipe compound or Teflon tape on male threads.
h. Standard weight grooved with enameled malleable iron ribbed flex coupling; ASTM A47
with Buna-N gasket. Victaulic Style 77 or Tyler #100 Standard.
i. Standard weight grooved joint with enameled malleable iron ribbed rigid coupling;
ASTM A47 with Buna-N gasket. Victaulic Style 07.
4. Pipe: Rigid drain waste and vent unplasticized, normal impact; schedule 40 ASTM D –
1785 & D – 2665
1. Pipe: Rigid drain waste and vent unplasticized, normal impact; schedule 40 ASTM D –
1785 & D – 2665
4. Scrape and hand wire brush piping clean with solvent and apply a primer coat. Wrap pipe
using a 50% overlap.
A. General
8. Install pipes and pipe fittings as indicated on the plans and elsewhere in the specifications, in
accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leak proof
piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure.
Install each run with minimum joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions
for disassembly and maintenance/replacement of valves and equipment. Align piping
accurately at connections, within 1/400mm misalignment tolerance.
9. Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of piping, fittings, and jointing with other
10. Locate piping runs except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally (pitched to
drain) and avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. Orient horizontal runs parallel with walls
and column lines. Locate runs as shown or described by diagrams, details and notations or,
if not otherwise indicated, run piping in shortest route which does not obstruct usable space
or block access for servicing building and its equipment. Hold piping close to walls,
overhead construction, columns and other structural and permanent-enclosure elements of
11. Do not run piping through electric rooms, electric spaces, electric closets, or other electrical
or electronic equipment spaces unless unavoidable, and specifically indicated on the plans,
in which case, install drip pan below and 300mm beyond foot print of such piping. Spill drip
pan drain on floor of adjacent space where flow will be noticed. Do not spill to a receptacle.
12. Clean exterior surfaces of installed piping system of superfluous materials and prepare for
application of specified coatings (if any). During construction, properly cap all lines and
equipment nozzles so as to prevent the entrance of sand, dirt, etc. Each system of piping to
be flushed prior to testing for the purpose of removing grit, dirt, sand, etc., from the piping
for as long as time as is required to thoroughly clean the system.
13. Except for hub-and-spigot, clay, and similar units of pipe, provides factory-applied plastic
end-caps on each length of pipe and tube. Maintain end-caps through shipping, storage and
handling as required preventing pipe-end damage and eliminating dirt and moisture from
inside of pipe and tube. Where possible, store pipe and tube inside and protected from
weather. Where necessary to store outside, elevate above grade and enclose with durable,
waterproof wrapping. Cap, plug or otherwise close ends of installed piping when not being
worked on to prevent the entrance of debris.
15. All fittings, unions and connections at pumps, tanks or other major equipment 75mm and
over in size shall be assembled with flanged joints and approved gaskets.
16. Caulking of pipe joints to remedy leaks will not be permitted except on caulked piping.
B. Joints
8. Nipples: Any piece of pipe 200mm in length and less shall be considered a nipple. All
nipples with unthreaded portion 40mm and less shall be extra heavy. All other nipples shall
be of weight corresponding to fitting connected. Only shoulder nipples shall be used, close
nipples will not be acceptable.
9. Solder: Cut tube ends squarely, ream to full inside diameter, and clean outside of tube ends
and inside of fittings. Apply solder flux to joint areas of both tubes and fittings. Insert tube
full depth into fitting, and solder in manner which will draw solder full depth and
circumference of joint. Wipe excess solder from joint before it hardens.
10. Weld: pipe joints in accordance with ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31, and in
accordance with recognized industry practice and as follows:
11. Flanged: Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and equipment.
Clean flange faces and install gaskets. Tighten bolts to provide uniform compression of
12. Brazing: certify brazing procedures, brazers, and operators in accordance with ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, for shop and job-site brazing of piping work.
13. Mechanically Formed Connections: State amount to be deducted from bid if mechanically
formed tee connection and/or couplings are provided in accordance with the following:
d. Tees
Size of wall thickness of both run tube and branch tube are listed by manufacturer of
forming equipment as "Acceptable Application."
Height of drawn collar is not less than 3 times wall thickness of run tubing.
e. Couplings
Form couplings by first annealing area at end of tube where expansion will occur. Insert
tube expander to die size required and expand tube end to accept tubing of same size.
Resulting joint is minimum of 3 times as long as thickness of tube, and brazed using
B-CuP series filler metal.
A. General
8. After installation, and prior to testing, insulating or painting inspect piping in accordance
with procedures of ASME B31. Inspect each run of each system for completion of joints,
supports and accessory items.
9. Do not put any systems in operation until they have been tested, inspected, and approved by
the Architect. During the progress of the installation, notify the Architect, at least 48 hours
prior to such test or inspection. Set up and prepare all tests in advance of scheduled test time.
Perform all tests in the presence of the Architect. Submit to the Architect signed copies of
all test reports and approvals and maintain copy of same at site until acceptance of the work.
10. During the progress of the work, pressure test the various piping systems including mains,
risers, branches and fixture roughing as directed to permit insulation, general construction
and built-in rough work to proceed.
11. Provide all apparatus personnel and temporary work for tests. Take all due precautions to
prevent damage to the building or its contents as a result of such test. Pay for all reinstatement
of work caused by such damage to the building or work of other trades caused by such test.
12. After testing, remove and/or repair joints as required and retest. No caulking of pipe joints
to remedy leaks will be permitted except where lead and oakum joints are used.
B. Sanitary Drainage and Vent Piping: cap end or plug as required and fill with water to produce at
least 3 meters head at highest point of section tested. Let stand with no loss of level for a period
of four hours. After water pressure test, fill traps with water and conduct smoke test.
C. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
D. Common Work Results for Plumbing, Section 220500 applies to work of this Section.
E. Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping, section 221316 , applies to work of this section
F. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Work Includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, utility services and tests
necessary to complete and make ready for operation by the Owner.
B. Provide house sewers from street utility including required applications and related fees.
Coordinate and include in price all special connection details.
B. Applicable Standards:
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, and performance data.
B. Coordinated piping, inserts and structural drawings, including coordinates and elevations.
C. Indicate proposed changes in pipe sizes and changes in basic system scheme.
A. Roof vent cap flashing fitting: Cast iron, size to cover base flashing roof membrane, caulking or
threaded extension type.
A. Coated steel grease interceptors as per drawing schedule, enzyme type, bearing the P.D.I. Seal
certifying conformance to Standard PDI-G101, complete with removable baffles, flow control
device, deep seal trap with cleanout, bottom debris trapping leg, and gasketed non-skid aluminum
cover with lock and lift ring.
B. Installation accessories shall include a type "E" interceptor body extension of height to suit invert
of underground drainage pipe for buried interceptors.
A. Coated steel grease interceptor enzyme type, with removable baffles, flow control device, deep
seal trap with cleanout, bottom debris trapping leg, gasketed non-skid aluminum cover with lock
and lift ring, combined probe and fail safe solenoid shut-off valve assembly, and a remote, wall
mounting electronic monitoring panel with integral UL certified 220/24 volt transformer.
B. Installation accessories shall include a type "E" interceptor body extension of height to suit invert
of underground drainage pipe for buried interceptors.
3.17.5 DRIP PAN
A. Examine the drawing, and in cooperation with the Electrical Trade confirm the final location of
all electrical equipment to be installed in the vicinity of piping. Plan and arrange all overhead
piping no closer than 2'-0" (600 mm) from a vertical line to electric motors and controllers, panel
boards, or similar equipment.
B. Where the installation of piping cannot comply with the requirements of foregoing paragraph,
obtain approval from the Engineer to relocate the piping as far away from the electrical equipment
as possible and provide drip pans as follows :
1. Provide and erect a gutter of 18 gauge galvanized steel under every pipe which is within 2'-
0" (600 mm) of being vertically over any motor, electrical controllers, switchboards, panel
boards, or the like.
2. Each gutter to be welded and made watertight, properly suspended and carefully pitched to
a convenient point for draining. Provide a 3/4" drain, in vicinity of nearest floor drain
terminated in a manner where drip will be noticed or as otherwise approved.
B. All drainage piping, unless otherwise indicated or required by code, to be pitched at a minimum
rate of 1:100 (1/8 inch per foot) in direction of flow. Branch connections to stacks or main drains
shall not be made in a manner which will permit backflow.
C. All vent piping shall be arranged to drain any condensate back to waste piping.
D. Isolate all fixtures from high pressure zones by connecting branch waste a minimum of 1.2 m (4
feet) downstream or 2.1 m (7 feet) upstream of stack or house drain offset.
A. Install cleanouts above floor at the base of each soil, waste stack where access to clean out at
base of stack is not available.
B. Install cleanouts on horizontal soil & waste lines, minimum 15.2 m (50 feet) on centers and at
each 90 degree change of direction.
C. Install stainless steel cleanout marker at each cleanout location under carpet.
A. Terminate all vent pipes through sleeves at flat roofs at a coordinated elevation. General
Contractor to install base flashing up around exposed pipe. Install cap flashing and extend to
required height above roof.
B. Where possible cast drains into concrete slab. When drains cannot be poured in place provide
drain sump receiver and under deck clamp.
C. Provide a minimum 1 meter horizontal offset on all leaders at ceiling below roof drain. When
piping cannot be positioned for minimum offset provide separate expansion joint vertical position
directly beneath roof drain.
D. Flashing collars to be set even with or lower than water proof membrane and to be clamped in
with clamping device.
E. Provide 100mm wide flange on all drains installed in slabs with liquid membrane.
B. Provide all excavation and backfill in accordance with the following procedures.
1. Excavation, to be in such manner that buried items can be laid to the alignment and depth
indicated; excavate only so far in advance of pipe laying as approved.
2. Width of trenches
a. Hold to a minimum consistent with the type of material encountered and the size of the
pipe being laid.
b. Width at the top of the trench: not more than 600mm plus outside diameter of pipe.
c. Contractor is responsible for fine grading of trench bottom for pipe pitch and for fine
excavation to accommodate bells of pipe and fittings.
C. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
D. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
C. Work includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete, make ready and set to work for acceptance by the Owner, all pumps
for the plumbing systems in accordance with Drawings and Specifications.
B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, dimensions, detail of valving
and piping arrangements, wiring diagrams of prewired controllers, required control wiring and
power wiring diagrams. Written description of sequence of operation, pump curves indicating
service conditions, written operating instructions including start-up and shut-down. Maintenance
data including written instructions on items requiring periodic maintenance and parts list and
certification that pumps have been hydraulically tested for pressure and flow.
1. Furnish and install all factory package prefabricated lifting station. Including the control
panel, level sensor elements. With factory test certificates - pump set should be designed by
manufacture to operate in 120F liquid and with free pass of soiled by 75% from discharge
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2. Pump and motor to be easily removable from pit by means of an automatic metal to metal
faced discharge connection with sliding guide bracket and guide bars. Furnish and install a
mix-flush valve mounted on the pump liquid end to eliminate sludge and grease cake build
up and sedimentation in the pit.
3. The set should be provided with side handles for ease of handling, Pre-installed delivery
pump and unions.
4. Materials
a. Material of construction : PE
b. Casing: Cast Iron Class 30
c. Impeller: vortex, channel impeller type or with grinder device, SS.
a. Shaft: Stainless Steel
b. Wearing Rings: Slotted type grit resistant
c. Foot Elbow: Cast iron, epoxy coated.
d. Base: Cast iron, epoxy coated.
e. Guide Rail Supporting Element: Cast iron, epoxy coated.
f. The Guide Rail and Chain: Cast iron, epoxy coated.
5. Motor
6. Mechanical Seals: Tandum, double seal with tungsten carbide faces running on an
independent oil chamber.
B. Control Panel
C. Level Controls
E. Accessories:
Each set should be equipped with the required number of float switches, gate valve, non
return valve.
D. Provide remote contacts for alarm connections to alarm panels provided by another trade.
2. Submersible Sewage and Waste Water Sump Pumps High Water Alarm & Power Failure.
Machined, Polished and Nonferrous Surfaces: Coat with rust preventive compound
E. Pump Operation
F. Control Operation
G. Alarm Operation
H. Alignment
I. Completely align and level pumps, motors and bases. Where pumps and motors are shipped as
a unit, realign them in the field.
L. Install and align mechanical seals in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
M. Construct all apparatus of materials and pressure ratings suitable for the conditions encountered
during continuous operation.
N. Provide casing connections for vent, drain, suction and discharge pressure gauges.
O. Balance impellers and all other moving components statically and dynamically.
P. Match centrifugal pump impellers and casings so that at specified operating conditions, the
impeller diameter is not more than 90% of the maximum diameter impeller which can
satisfactorily operate in the casing.
C. Provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions, and Division-1 Specification
sections, apply to work of this section.
D. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
B. Work includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete, make ready and set to work for acceptance by the Owner, all piping,
fittings and jointing materials for plumbing systems in accordance with Drawings and
E. Cast, stamp or roll manufacturer's name on each pipe length, and cast stamp or roll manufacturer's
symbol and pressure rating on each fitting.
F. Standard Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes, ANSI, ASTM, CS,
CISPI and as follows:
Brazing Filler Metal
C. Product Data: submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for each type of pipe and pipe fitting.
D. Submit piping schedule showing manufacture, pipe or tube weight, fitting type, and joint type for
each piping system.
4. Pipe: Service weight centrifugally spun cast iron soil pipe hub and spigot coated inside and
out; ANSI A1125.1; ASTM A74.
5. Fittings: Hub and spigot, cast iron drainage fittings.
6. Joints:
Neoprene rubber gasket, compression; CISPI HSN-72; ASTM C-564.
Lead and oakum caulked; Type 1-FS-QQ-C-40
4. Pipe: No-hub weight, cast iron soil pipe, coated inside and out, to ASTM A 888 labeled with
the CI mark of quality and performance CISPI 301-72.
5. Fittings:
6. Joints:
c. Rubber sealing sleeve and solid, non-corrugated shield with stainless steel ASTM C 564
d. Rubber sealing sleeve and cast iron bolted coupling; CISPI 301-72; MG Coupling Co.
7. Pipe: Rigid drain waste and vent unplasticized, normal impact; schedule 40 ASTM D – 1785
& D – 2665
8. Fittings: UPVC socket ASTM standard
9. Joints: Solvent Cement or rubber
1. Pipe: Rigid drain waste and vent unplasticized, normal impact; schedule 40 ASTM D – 1785
& D – 2665
2. Fittings: UPVC socket ASTM standard
3. Joints: Solvent Cement or rubber
C. General
17. Install pipes and pipe fittings as indicated on the plans and elsewhere in the specifications, in
accordance with recognized industry practices which will achieve permanently leak proof
piping systems, capable of performing each indicated service without piping failure.
Install each run with minimum joints and couplings, but with adequate and accessible unions
for disassembly and maintenance/replacement of valves and equipment. Align piping
accurately at connections, within 1/400mm misalignment tolerance.
18. Coordinate as necessary to interface installation of piping, fittings, and jointing with other
19. Locate piping runs except as otherwise indicated, vertically and horizontally (pitched to
drain) and avoid diagonal runs wherever possible. Orient horizontal runs parallel with walls
and column lines. Locate runs as shown or described by diagrams, details and notations or,
if not otherwise indicated, run piping in shortest route which does not obstruct usable space
or block access for servicing building and its equipment. Hold piping close to walls,
overhead construction, columns and other structural and permanent-enclosure elements of
20. Do not run piping through electric rooms, electric spaces, electric closets, or other electrical
or electronic equipment spaces unless unavoidable, and specifically indicated on the plans,
in which case, install drip pan below and 300mm beyond foot print of such piping. Spill drip
pan drain on floor of adjacent space where flow will be noticed. Do not spill to a receptacle.
21. Clean exterior surfaces of installed piping system of superfluous materials and prepare for
application of specified coatings (if any). During construction, properly cap all lines and
equipment nozzles so as to prevent the entrance of sand, dirt, etc. Each system of piping to
be flushed prior to testing for the purpose of removing grit, dirt, sand, etc., from the piping
for as long as time as is required to thoroughly clean the system.
23. In erecting pipe, friction wrenches and risers shall be used exclusively; any pipe cut, dented
or otherwise damaged shall be replaced at no cost to Owner.
24. All fittings, unions and connections at pumps, tanks or other major equipment 75mm and
over in size shall be assembled with flanged joints and approved gaskets.
25. Caulking of pipe joints to remedy leaks will not be permitted except on caulked piping.
D. Joints
14. Nipples: Any piece of pipe 200mm in length and less shall be considered a nipple. All
nipples with unthreaded portion 40mm and less shall be extra heavy. All other nipples shall
be of weight corresponding to fitting connected. Only shoulder nipples shall be used, close
nipples will not be acceptable.
15. Solder: Cut tube ends squarely, ream to full inside diameter, and clean outside of tube ends
and inside of fittings. Apply solder flux to joint areas of both tubes and fittings. Insert tube
full depth into fitting, and solder in manner which will draw solder full depth and
circumference of joint. Wipe excess solder from joint before it hardens.
16. Weld: pipe joints in accordance with ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31, and in
accordance with recognized industry practice and as follows:
17. Flanged: Match flanges within piping system, and at connections with valves and equipment.
Clean flange faces and install gaskets. Tighten bolts to provide uniform compression of
18. Brazing: certify brazing procedures, brazers, and operators in accordance with ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, for shop and job-site brazing of piping work.
19. Mechanically Formed Connections: State amount to be deducted from bid if mechanically
formed tee connection and/or couplings are provided in accordance with the following:
g. Tees
Size of wall thickness of both run tube and branch tube are listed by manufacturer of
forming equipment as "Acceptable Application."
Height of drawn collar is not less than 3 times wall thickness of run tubing.
End of branch tube is notched to conform to inner curve of run tube, and dimpled to set
exact penetration depth into collar.
Resulting joint is minimum of 3 times as long as thickness of thinner joint member, and
brazed using B-Cup series filler metal.
h. Couplings
Form couplings by first annealing area at end of tube where expansion will occur. Insert
tube expander to die size required and expand tube end to accept tubing of same size.
Resulting joint is minimum of 3 times as long as thickness of tube, and brazed using B-CuP
series filler metal.
C. General
13. Examine conditions under which piping is to be installed. Notify Architect in writing of
conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with work until
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
14. After installation, and prior to testing, insulating or painting inspect piping in accordance
with procedures of ASME B31. Inspect each run of each system for completion of joints,
supports and accessory items.
15. Do not put any systems in operation until they have been tested, inspected, and approved by
the Architect. During the progress of the installation, notify the Architect, at least 48 hours
prior to such test or inspection. Set up and prepare all tests in advance of scheduled test time.
Perform all tests in the presence of the Architect. Submit to the Architect signed copies of
all test reports and approvals and maintain copy of same at site until acceptance of the work.
16. During the progress of the work, pressure test the various piping systems including mains,
risers, branches and fixture roughing as directed to permit insulation, general construction
and built-in rough work to proceed.
17. Provide all apparatus personnel and temporary work for tests. Take all due precautions to
prevent damage to the building or its contents as a result of such test. Pay for all reinstatement
of work caused by such damage to the building or work of other trades caused by such test.
18. After testing, remove and/or repair joints as required and retest. No caulking of pipe joints
to remedy leaks will be permitted except where lead and oakum joints are used.
D. Storm Drainage Piping: fill with water to produce at least 6 meters’ head at highest point of
section tested. Let stand with no loss of level for a period of four hours
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
C. Facility Storm Drainage Piping, section 221413, applies to work of this section
D. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Work Includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, utility services and tests
necessary to complete and make ready for operation by the Owner.
B. Provide house sewers from street utility including required applications and related fees.
Coordinate and include in price all special connection details.
B. Applicable Standards:
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, and performance data.
B. Coordinated piping, inserts and structural drawings, including coordinates and elevations.
C. Indicate proposed changes in pipe sizes and changes in basic system scheme.
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A. Provide floor drains, roof drains and floor receptors in locations as indicated on the plumbing,
HVAC drawings, Architectural drawings and as otherwise required to collect discharge from
indirect waste piping.
B. Where possible cast drains into concrete slab. When drains cannot be poured in place provide
drain sump receiver and under deck clamp.
C. Provide a minimum 1-meter horizontal offset on all leaders at ceiling below roof drain. When
piping cannot be positioned for minimum offset provide separate expansion joint vertical position
directly beneath roof drain.
E. Provide 100mm wide flange on all drains installed in slabs with liquid membrane.
C. Provide all excavation and backfill in accordance with the following procedures.
3. Excavation, to be in such manner that buried items can be laid to the alignment and depth
indicated; excavate only so far in advance of pipe laying as approved.
4. Width of trenches
a. Hold to a minimum consistent with the type of material encountered and the size of the
pipe being laid.
b. Width at the top of the trench: not more than 600mm plus outside diameter of pipe.
c. Contractor is responsible for fine grading of trench bottom for pipe pitch and for fine
excavation to accommodate bells of pipe and fittings.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions, and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The
requirements of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless
specified to the contrary.
Page 229 of 429
A. Work includes providing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete, make ready and set to work for operation by the Owner, all domestic
water heaters for the plumbing systems in accordance with Drawings and Specifications and as
approved by the Architect/Engineer.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation
instructions, and catalog cuts for materials, parts, devices, finish, dimensions, detail of valving
and piping arrangements, wiring diagrams of prewired controllers, required control wiring and
power wiring diagrams. Written description of sequence of operation, efficiency data, flue
requirements, storage and recovery and firing capacity, written operating instructions including
start-up and shut-down. Maintenance data including written instructions on items requiring
periodic maintenance and parts list.
A. The electric water heater shall be of the cylindrical, pressure type, comprised of inner tank, outer
jacket, immersion type electric heating elements, thermostat electric control box, pressure and
temperature relief valve, water connections and sturdy floor mounting legs or wall brackets
suitable for the type of heater used.
B. The inner tank shall be constructed of heavy gauge welded steel, designed for a working pressure
of 150 psi, and hydrostatically tested to 300 psi, at the factory. The tank shall be glass lined with
vitreous porcelain enamel tank liner. The tank shall be provided with stainless steel cold water
dip tube to carry the incoming cold water to tank bottom to prevent mixing with heated water,
and with anti-siphoning opening at top to prevent siphoning out of contents the event of water
supply shut-off.
C. The outer jacket shall be of heavy gauge steel, rust proofed with two coats of anti-rust paint inside
and outside and smoothly finished with durable backed-on high gloss enamel.
Page 230 of 429
D. The space between the tank and the other jacket shall be filled with blanket glass fibre insulation
of adequate thickness for minimum heat loss.
E. The heater shall be provided with a magnesium anode rod to protect the heater against electrolytic
F. A 1/2" combination temperature and pressure relief valve shall be fitted to the heater at the factory
directly immersed in the water at the top of the heater. The relief valve shall be of the self-closing,
lever operated type with thermo-bulb extension factory set at 125 psi and 210 deg.
G. Heating element shall be equipped with separate contactor and high limit temperature control to
cut-off the energy in the event of overheating.
H. The heating elements shall be controlled by one thermostat to cut off all heating elements
I. The thermostat shall be the adjustable type with a range of temperature adjustment not less than 90
to 190 deg. F. it shall be of the immersion type with bulb immersion directly into the water.
J. The heater shall be provided with an electric control box mounted on the heater at the factory and
shall contain the contractors, thermostat necessary transformer and junction block. It shall be fully
wired and tested at the factory ready for installation with simple connection to the power supply.
C. Follow manufacturers recommendations for piping arrangement and as indicated on the drawings.
D. Make complete all electrical connections and local high and temperature alarms with extension to
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. Common Work Results for Plumbing, Section 220500 applies to work of this Section.
C. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specifications.
A. Work includes providing all materials, equipment, accessories, services and tests necessary to
complete and make ready for operation by the Owner, all plumbing fixtures and trim in
accordance with Drawings and Specifications.
A. Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of plumbing fixtures and trim of types
and capacities required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not
less than 3 years. Provide plumbing fixtures and trim produced by a manufacturer listed as an
Acceptable Manufacturer in this section. Provide all fixtures of the same manufacturer unless
otherwise noted.
A. Product Data: submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature, installation,
instructions, and catalog cuts for each type of plumbing fixtures and trim.
B. Samples: Submit samples when manufacturers catalog information does not clearly indicate
construction details or aesthetics of fixtures and related equipment, or as directed by Architect.
Refer to architectural specifications, interior designer requirements and the detailed sanitary fixture
plumbing schedules.
A. For models and types refer to architectural specifications and the attached schedules.
C. Sanitary spray hose shall be provided for all water closets 1.00 M long, chrome-plated, flexible
hose with a conical end at its free end and 15 mm (1/2") union to an angle cock, the conical end
shall be equipped with an eye to use with a hook to hang the hose to the wall.
A. For wash basins and faucets type and models refer to architectural specifications and the attached
B. Trap 1 1/4" x 1 1/2" (32 x 40 mm) chromium – plated PP "p" trap with tubing to wall and
escutcheon similar.
A. For bath tubs type & model refer to architectural specifications and the attached schedules
B. Drain POP-UP Drain with overflow fitting and chromium plated wings.
B. Waste: PVC standard "P" trap with drain fitting and stainless steel strainer
A. Vitreous Ware: Fired vitreous chinaware of the best quality, non-absorbent and backed so that
the whole mass is thoroughly fused and vitrified, producing a material while in color, which when
fractured will show a homogeneous mass, close-grained and free from pores; glaze and finish to
be thoroughly fused and united to the body without discoloration, chips or flaws, and free from
craze; warped or otherwise imperfect fixtures will not be accepted.
B. Enameled Cast Iron: Acid resistant cast in one pour of sufficient thickness to form fixtures of the
best quality; after the iron has been rubbed smooth, apply the enamel coating to the surfaces
where it is required and thoroughly fuse without discoloration, chip or flaws, and free from craze;
coat un-enameled exposed surface with one coat of factory applied oil paint.
D. Exposed Trim: all fittings, escutcheons, faucets, traps, exposed piping, brass, chrome plated over
nickel plate with polished finish; visible hangers chrome plated over nickel plate.
E. Provide supply stops with renewable seats for each plumbing fixture.
A. Provide all roughing for fixtures furnished under other division, set fixtures in place and make
all final connections thereto
A. Provide all hangers, supports, brackets, etc., for the proper installation of water closet, urinals,
lavatories, sinks, etc., requiring support. Supports to be in accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations and when built into partition or walls, to be set as the construction progresses.
A. Examine conditions under which plumbing fixtures and trim are to be installed. Notify Architect
in writing of conditions detrimental to proper
B. Completion of the work. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been
A. Install plumbing fixtures and trim as indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written
instructions, applicable codes and regulations, and in accordance with recognized industry
practices to ensure that installation complies with requirements and serves intended function.
B. Coordinate with other work, as necessary to interface installation of plumbing fixtures and trims
with other work.
C. Fasten plumbing fixtures securely to supports on building structure. Secure supplies behind or
within wall construction to provide rapid installation.
E. Provide a stop valve in an accessible location in the water connection to each fixture whether
fixture is provided by this Contractor or not.
F. Install chrome plated escutcheons at each wall, floor and ceiling penetration in exposed finished
location and within cabinets and millwork.
G. Seal (caulk) all fixtures to walls and floors using G.E. silicone sealant. Match sealant color to
fixture color.
H. Adjust water pressure at drinking fountains, faucet and shower valves to provide shape flow and
J. Clean fixtures, trim, and strainers using manufacturers recommended cleaning methods and
K. Provide protective covering for installed fixtures, water coolers and trims.
A. Upon completion of installation of plumbing fixtures and trim, and after fixtures are water
pressurized, test fixture to demonstrate compliance with requirements. Where possible correct
malfunctioning units, retest to demonstrate compliance, otherwise remove and replace with new
equipment and retest at no cost to Owner.
SECTION 23 34 00 FANS.
A. The requirements of the Contract Documents, including the General Conditions and/or Supplementary
General Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements apply to the work of this division. Mechanical
work includes heating, ventilation and air conditioning and plumbing.
B. In case of conflict between these requirements and the general requirements of division (1) refer to issue
for the Project Manager for direction.
D. Riser diagrams and schematic diagrams generally indicate equipment connections to be used for various
systems. Provide all work shown on diagrams whether or not it is duplicated on the plans.
E. Specifications include incomplete sentences. Words or phrases such as "the contractor shall," "shall be,"
"furnish," "provide," "a," "an," "the," and "all" have been omitted for brevity.
F. Except where modified by a specific notation to the contrary, the indication and/or description of any item,
in the Drawings or Specifications or both, carries with it the instruction to furnish and install the item
complete with all appurtenances or accessories necessary to complete any required system, regardless
of whether or not this instruction is explicitly stated as part of the indication or description.
G. Specifications and Drawings are complimentary and are to be taken together for a complete interpretation
of the work.
H. Drawings of necessity utilize symbols and schematic diagrams to indicate various items of work. Neither
of these have any dimensional significance nor do they delineate every item required for the intended
installation. Install the work in accordance with the diagrammatic intent expressed on the electrical and
mechanical drawings, and in conformity with the dimensions indicated on final architectural and structural
working drawings and on equipment shop drawings.
I. Certain details appear on the drawings which are specific with regard to the dimensioning and positioning
of the work. These details are intended only for the purpose of establishing general feasibility. They do
not obviate field coordination for the indicated work.
J. Derive information as to the general construction from structural and architectural drawings and
A. Where used in this document and accompanying drawings, the following words are defined as listed:
1. "Provide" to furnish, install and connect up complete and ready for safe and regular operation of
particular work referred to.
3. "Furnish" or "Supply" to purchase, procure, acquire and deliver complete with related
4. "Work" labour, materials, equipment, apparatus, controls, accessories and other items required
for proper and complete installation.
10. "Architect," "Engineer," "Project Manager," Owner's authorized representative" the party or
parties responsible for interpreting, accepting and otherwise ruling on the performance under
"This Contract."
11. "This Contract", "The Contract" the agreement covering the work to be performed by "The
12. "The Specifications," "The Section, Part, Division of the Specifications" the documents specifying
the work to be performed by "The Contractor."
13. "Other," "Other Contractor," "Other Sub-Contractor," "Other Trade" persons, parties, or trades
responsible for work of the project other than the Contractor.
A. Make the complete installation in accordance with all state and local municipal codes, all applicable codes
and authorities having jurisdiction, and the applicable requirements and standards of the following:
All American standards
ASA - American Standards Association
AGA - American Gas Association
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Code
PDI - Plumbing and Drainage Institute
SBI - Steel Boiler Institute
EN - European Norms
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS - American Welding Society
AWWA - American Water Works Association
IBR - Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers
AMCA - Air Moving and Conditioning Association
MSS - Manufacturer's Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry
NEC - National Electrical Code
UL - Underwriters Laboratories
AHRI - Air-conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute
SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
UBC - Uniform building code
Refer to the Architect for decisions on any items or requirements noted in the specifications or drawings
which conflict with the standards listed above. Provide all work necessary to comply with these
requirements at no extra cost to the Owner.
C. Keep a competent superintendent in charge of the work. Replace such superintendent if unsatisfactory
to the Construction Manager.
D. Maintain a complete file of Contract and shop drawings at the Site available for inspection by the
Construction Manager. Upon installation, initial and date shop drawings.
E. Provide every facility to permit inspection or observation of the work by the Construction Manager during
the course of construction.
F. Be responsible for work until its completion and final acceptance; replace any of the same which may be
damaged, lost or stolen, without additional cost to the Owner.
B. Include the procurement of and payment for all permits, certificates and fees for the performance of the
work in compliance with codes, applicable laws and municipal regulations including those from local
utilities for services.
2. Verify and provide pressure drop calculations on the side piping of HVAC system, based on the
approved workshop drawing and according to the relevant technical specifications requirements.
3. Provide analysis of sound level spectrum in different spaces, according to the relevant technical
specifications requirements.
4. Verify and provide calculations of the net positive suction head on all pumps, based on the
approved workshop drawing and according to the relevant technical specifications requirements.
5. Provide complete design and calculations for the seismic and vibration control system of all
mechanical and electrical equipment, according to the relevant technical specifications
6. Provide analysis of the water treatment and chemical treatment system concerning raw water,
blow down water, etc, according to the relevant technical specifications requirements.
7. Verify and provide smoke calculations showing smoke flow rate, smoke temperature and the fan
flow rate, and provide complete selection of the smoke fans including fire rating and pressure
drop based on the approved workshop drawing and according to the relevant technical
specifications requirements.
8. Verify and provide calculations for the expansion tanks capacity based on the approved
workshop drawing and according to the relevant technical specifications requirements.
9. Provide computer selection, according to the relevant technical specifications requirements, of
all mechanical equipment and devices including, but not limited to:
Cooling towers.
Boilers and accessories.
Air handling units.
Fan coil units.
Pressure reducing valves.
Variable air volume and constant air volume boxes.
D. Examine all work prepared by others to receive the work of this Division and report any defects affecting
installation to the Project Manager for correction. Commencement of work will be construed as complete
acceptance of preparatory work by others.
B. Shop drawings which are submitted out of sequence or without supplemental information necessary for
proper evaluation of the submission are subject to delays in processing.
2. That the submitted shop drawing is fully coordinated with all interfacing trades and with other
trades where interference may occur.
3. That the submitted shop drawings are in conformance with the contract documents, except for
the following substitutions and/or changes.
1 ---
2 ---
3 ---
D. Prior to assembling or installing the work, submit the following for review:
1. Catalogue information and factory assembly drawings, as required for a complete explanation
and description of all items of equipment.
2. Field installation drawings, as required to explain fully all procedures involved in erecting,
mounting and connecting all items of equipment.
4. Scale composite drawings, by the sheet metal subcontractor, showing all duct work, piping,
lighting fixtures, main conduit runs, and drainage piping above the hung ceilings and in the
mechanical equipment rooms. The drawings will indicate pipe and duct sizes and their elevation
above the floor. Obtain layout of plumbing, fire protection and electrical work from the respective
contractor for inclusion on the composite drawing. The signature of each contractor on the
composite drawing will attest to full coordination of these drawings.
E. Materials installed or work performed without acceptance of materials is done at the risk of the Contractor,
and the cost of removal of such material or work which is judged unsatisfactory for any reason is at the
expense of the Contractor.
1. Number of copies and type of paper complies with the requirements of Division (1) "General
4. Properly marked with service or function identification as related to the project, where they
consist of catalogue sheets displaying other items which are not applicable.
5. Properly marked with external connection identification as related to the project where they
consist of standard factory assembly or field installation drawings.
G. Shop drawings and other submissions which are submitted for review will be returned with a Shop
Drawing stamp indicating actions based on reviews that are made and Contractor's responses that may
be necessary. Actions noted regarding "REVIEW" and "RESPONSE" portions of the shop drawing stamp
are defined as follows:
1. Review Portion
a. Incomplete: Item submitted without Contractor's stamp as stated above.
b. No Exceptions Taken: Contractor may install the items submitted in conformance with the
plans and specifications.
d. Comments Attached: Additional sheet has been attached to the shop drawing submittal and
is being returned to the Contractor; additional sheets may include comments which could not
be made on the submittal due to limited space or may request additional information.
a. Confirm: Contractor to confirm that he will comply with comments made under items 1d or 1e
above; if the Contractor agrees with the comments, proceed with the fabrication and
b. Resubmit: Contractor to resubmit shop drawings for review based upon paragraphs 1a and
1c and may also be required to resubmit under paragraphs 1d and 1e.
1. Field Coordination
2. Addenda
3. Bulletins
D. Make drawings available for Engineer periodic inspection and submit for review with As-Built Drawings.
C. Conspicuously indicate major deviations in Mechanical Equipment Rooms by specific reference to shop
drawings of these rooms and provide an accurate and complete record of the work as installed.
D. Submit up-to-date "in progress" prints to Project Manager when requesting payment for work installed.
E. Upon completion of work, submit signed and certified lithotracings as As-Built and referenced Shop
Drawings, along with marked up prints of Record Drawings, to Project Manager for acceptance.
B. Examine contract drawings and specifications for all other trades relating to this project, verify all
governing conditions at the site, and become fully informed as to the extent and character of the work
required and its relation to other work in the building. No consideration will be granted for any alleged
misunderstanding of the materials to be furnished for work to be done.
C. Scaled and figured dimensions with respect to the items are approximate only; sizes of equipment have
been taken from typical equipment items of the class indicated. Before proceeding with work, carefully
check all dimensions and sizes and assume full responsibility for the fitting-in of equipment and materials
to the building and to meet architectural and structural conditions.
D. Coordinate work with other disciplines. Confer with other contractors whose work might affect this
installation; and arrange all parts of this work and equipment in proper relation to the work and equipment
of others, with the building construction and with architectural finish so that this work will harmonize in
service, appearance, and function.
F. Refer to the Architectural Drawings for ceiling heights, locations and types of hung ceilings and furred
G. Furnish to the General Construction, detailed advance information regarding all requirements related to
work under other Divisions and/or Sections. Furnish sizes, accurate data, and locations of any and all
pads, pits, chases, sleeves, and slots through floor slabs, walls, foundations, ceilings, roof, and other
special openings required for work under this Division.
H. The Mechanical Contractor shall provide sepia drawings for trade coordination. The sepia of this
"coordination" drawing will be circulated in timely fashion to the other trades for indication of their work to
permit coordination. Attend coordination meetings held in location and at frequencies in accordance with
the directions of the General Contractor. When coordination is complete to the satisfaction of the General
Contractor, "sign off" the coordination drawings. See "SHOP DRAWINGS AND OTHER INFORMATION
B. Where items cannot be immediately placed in their final position, the Contractor is responsible for storing
and protecting all Owner-furnished items until the time of their final installation. The contractor is
responsible for the care and protection of the items until acceptance by the Owner. Coordinate delivery
of Utility Company furnished equipment with the delivery policy of that company.
B. Adequately protect uninstalled and installed equipment and materials against loss or stealing, damage
caused by water, paint, fire, plaster, moisture, acids, fumes, dust or other environmental conditions, or
physical damage, during delivery, storage, installation and shutdown conditions. Replace any damaged
or stolen material without extra cost to the Owner, except for the equipment that has been handed-over
to the Owner or the Tenants.
C. Provide effective protection for all material and equipment against damage that may be caused by
environmental conditions. Do no work when conditions of temperature in area or moisture on materials
or substrates are not in accordance with material manufacturer's recommended conditions for installation.
D. Maintain all equipment and systems installed, until final acceptance by the Project Manager and the
Owner's consultant. The operation of the equipment by the Owner does not constitute an acceptance of
the work. Work will be accepted only after the Contractor has adjusted his equipment, demonstrated that
it fulfills the requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, and has furnished all required certificates.
F. After duct work, piping and equipment are installed, cover openings to prevent entrance of water and
foreign materials. Close openings with temporary metal or plastic caps.
G. Protect all rough and finished floors and other finished surfaces from damage which may be caused by
construction materials and methods. Protect floors with tarpaulins, drip pans and oil-proof floor covering.
Protect finished surfaces from welding and cutting splatters with baffles and splatter blankets. Protect
finished surfaces from paint droppings, adhesive and other marring agents with drop cloths. Protect other
surfaces with appropriate protective measures.
H. Deliver materials to Project Site in manufacturer's original unopened containers with manufacturer's name
and product identification clearly marked thereon.
I. After completion of project, clean the exterior surfaces of equipment furnished in this Division including
concrete residue.
B. Wherever a manufacturer of a product is specified and the terms "other approved" or "approved equal" or
"equal" or "similar to" are used, the substituted item must conform in all respects to the specified item.
Consideration will not be given to claims that the substituted item meets the performance requirements
with lesser construction. Performance as delineated in schedules and in the Specifications indicate
minimum performance. In many cases, equipment is oversized to allow for pick-up loads, derating and
future loads which cannot be delineated under the minimum performance.
C. Provide all equipment of one type (such as fans, pumps, coils, etc.) produced by one manufacturer.
D. Substituted equipment where permitted and accepted must conform to space requirements. Replace at
Contractor's expense any substituted equipment that cannot meet space requirements, whether accepted
or not. Make any modifications of related systems as a result of substitutions at Contractor's expense.
E. Note that shop drawings, or other information submitted in accordance with the requirements hereinbefore
specified, do not assure that the Engineer, or any other Owner's Representative, attests to the
dimensional suitability of the material or equipment involved. Engineer’s failure to object to shop drawings
does not invalidate the Drawings and Specifications if in conflict; unless a letter requesting such change
is submitted and accepted on the Owner's authorized representative. Letterhead.
F. Substitutions of equipment for that listed on the schedules or designated by model number in the
Specifications will not be considered if the item listed or described is not a regular catalogued item shown
in the current catalogue of the manufacturer and been successfully used for a period of not less than five
Page 247 of 429
A. Access doors as required for operation and maintenance of concealed equipment, valves, controls, pull
boxes, etc., shall be provided by the General Contractor under another section of the specification.
B. Coordinate and prepare a location, size, and function schedule of access doors required and deliver to a
representative of the installing Trade and the Engineer for acceptance.
A. After completion of all required equipment and system tests and unless specifically noted elsewhere in
these specifications, provide at owner's/operator's convenience, knowledgeable personnel and necessary
equipment to reasonably instruct and demonstrate the operation and maintenance of said equipment and
system. Arrange for the related manufacturer or authorized representative to assist with this orientation.
The orientation shall be a minimum of five (5) days in addition to start up time.
B. Before requesting acceptance of work, furnish 5 copies in bound form of a complete instruction manual,
typewritten or printed.
1. Table of Contents
4. Systems operation
a. Operation procedures
5. Maintenance
6. Listing of manufacturers
7. Manufacturer's data: Where multiple model, type and size listings are included, clearly and
conspicuously indicate those that are pertinent to this installation.
b. Operation
d. Parts list
e. Names, addresses telephone, and fax numbers of recommended repair and service
f. Guarantee data
A. Guarantee all work to be free from leaks or defects. Replace or repair, as directed by Engineer, defective
materials or workmanship, as well as damage to the work of the Trades resulting from same for the
duration of stipulated guarantee periods.
B. The duration of guarantee periods following the date of acceptance of the entire work is as follows:
C. Submit certification attesting to the fact that specified performance and other criteria are met by all items
of equipment.
B. The Owner will bear all the expenses of his personnel allocated for this purpose.
- Anodized aluminium.
- Galvanized steel or stainless steel.
- RAL 9006 factory applied powder coating.
- Square.
- Rectangular.
The components shall be selected to have straight lines and square edges with no chamfered or rounded
All screws used for fixing of above items when visible must be fully countersunk. No Philips head (cross),
flat head screws, dome heads, standard hexagon heads, or nails shall be used visible. Only Allen head,
torx head, or pug nose screws are allowed.
Samples of all visible components shall be submitted to hpa for approval before any order is passed.
The contractor shall use the setting out information included in the architect’s drawings, particularly wall
elevations and reflected ceiling plans when preparing the installation drawings.
To protect the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system during construction, control pollutant
sources, and interrupt contamination pathways, the contractor is required to develop and implement an
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) management plan after installation of all finishes and completion of building cleaning
but before occupancy. The plan should include strategies for compliance with the following requirements:-
- During construction, meet or exceed the recommended control measures of the Sheet Metal
and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA) IAQ Guidelines for Occupied
Buildings under Construction, 2nd Edition 2007, ANSI/SMACNA 008-2008 (Chapter 3).
- Protect stored on-site and installed absorptive materials from moisture damage.
- If permanently installed air handlers are used during construction, filtration media with a minimum
efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 8 must be used at each return air grille, as determined by
ASHRAE Standard 52.2 1999 (with errata but without addenda1). Replace all filtration media
A copy of a draft Construction IAQ Management Plan should be issued prior to commencement on site, for
review and approval by CLIENT. The contractor is required to provide a statement at the end of construction
summarizing how the plan was implemented on site. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that both
plan and implementation are sufficient to achieve LEED Core & Shell IEQ credit 3.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section.
B. General Requirements for Plumbing & HVAC Works, Section 15000, apply to work of this Section.
C. The requirements of this Section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature.
A. All exposed and un-insulated pipes, ferrous supports, gantries, brackets and steelwork in the Contract
works shall be painted in accordance with this section of the Specification.
C. The contractor shall comply with the manufacturer's instructions for the use of any product, unless these
are in conflict with the requirements of this specification. Areas of conflict shall be brought to the attention
of the Owner's Authorized Representative.
1. SCHEME P/1: Internal un-insulated steel pipe work and internal steel support systems (in a dry
2. SCHEME P/2: Internal insulated steel pipe work (in a dry space away from the building
perimeter, where condensation is likely to occur only in exceptional cumstances. Includes pipes
which are insulated with an integral vapour barrier.)
3. SCHEME P/3: External and light well insulated steel pipe work and all steel support systems (
in a position in which condensation is likely to occur from time to time, and in which the paint is
unlikely to be maintained).
4. SCHEME P/4: Internal un-insulated steel pipe work and internal steel support systems (in a
position in which condensation is likely to occur from time to time, and in which maintenance of
the paint is possible).
5. SCHEME P/5: External galvanized steel pipe work and external galvanized steel
6. If the Contractor has reason to believe that the conditions will in fact be more onerous than those
in the relevant clause above, he shall draw this to the attention of the Owner's Authorized
Page 253 of 429
B. The various paint schemes shall be as detailed below (DFT shall mean dry film thickness):
1. SCHEME P/1:
Surface preparation : As above
Primer: Zinc phosphate oïl/alkyde primer, 40 microns DFT
Finishes : Oil/alkyd finish (color specified elsewhere)
Surface preparation : As above
Primer: Zinc phosphate oil/alkyd primer, 40 microns DFT.
Surface preparation : Type 1
Primer: Zinc phosphate oil/alkyd primer, 40 microns DFT
Barrier coat (1): High build bituminous coating, chocolate brown, 100 microns DFT
Barrier coat (2): High build bituminous coating, black, 100 microns DFT
Surface preparation : Type 1
Primer : Zinc phosphate oil/alkyd primer, 40 microns DFT
Barrier : Oil/alkyd MIO barrier coat, 75 microns DFT
Undercoat : Oil/alkyd undercoat, 40 microns DFT
Finish : Oil/alkyd finish
Surface preparation : Etch prime
Barrier: Cold tar epoxy, 125 microns DFT
C. Where a Contractor wishes to modify the specified paint scheme he shall demonstrate that the proposed
alternative is at least equivalent to the specified scheme, and that it will not create compatibility problems
with any adjacent scheme.
E. Primers in which red oxide (red iron oxide) is the primary colouring agent shall not be used.
B. All work adjudged by the Owner's Authorized Representative to be worse in quality than the samples
shall be rejected.
C. All painting shall be carried out by skilled painters under competent supervision.
D. Each coat of paint shall be applied to a clean and suitable surface to produce a continuous film of paint
of uniform and even thickness.
E. As soon as the priming coat has dried, an extra stripe coat of paint shall be applied to all edges, corners,
cervices, bolt heads, welds and any similar areas, using the same paint as for the primer but in a
contrasting shade.
Page 254 of 429
F. The dry film thickness shall be measured after each coat has dried. Wet film thickness measurements
shall not be used, other than for control purposes.
G. The adhesion of the paint scheme shall be measured and carried out on representative areas chosen to
be non-obtrusive in the final condition. Areas worse than that standard shall be cleaned to bare metal and
B. Where damage or breakdown has occurred, or in any other place where the paintwork does not comply with
this Specification the Contractor shall touch-up to an equivalent standard to the ub\damaged paint, and in
such a way that the areas of touch-up shall not be visually apparent.
C. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Owner's Authorized Representative that his proposals for touching-
up shall include details of surface preparation, area of overlap, type and thickness of paint to be used and
any other relevant features, shall produce work in accordance with this Specification.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements of
all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of piping specialties, of the types,
materials and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less
than 5 years approved by the Engineer.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes and the standards outlined in
section 15000.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature, installation
instructions and catalog cuts.
B. Submit shop drawing details of all piping, before construction. Show the locations and details of anchors,
guides, expansion loops and joints, hangers, etc. Include the manufacturer's figure numbers.
A. Fabricate hangers, supports and sway braces in accordance with ANSI B31.1 and MSS SP-58 and SP-89.
B. Use components for intended design purpose only. Do not use for rigging or erection purposes.
a. Pipe hangers and supports: galvanized painted with zinc-rich paint after manufacture.
b. Use electro-plating galvanizing process or hot dipped galvanizing process.
c. Ensure steel hangers in contact with copper piping are copper plated or epoxy coated.
B. Upper attachment structural: Suspension from lower flange of I-Beam.
a. Cold piping NPS 2 maximum: malleable iron C-clamp with hardened steel cup point setscrew, locknut
and carbon steel retaining clip.
i. Rod: 9 mm UL listed, 13 mm FM approved.
b. Cold piping NPS 2 1/2 or greater, hot piping: Malleable iron beam clamp, eye rod, jaws and extension
with carbon steel retaining clip, tie rod, nuts and washers, UL listed, FM approved where required to
MSS-SP58 and MSS-SP69.
C. Upper attachment structural: Suspension from upper flange of I-Beam.
a. Cold piping NPS 2 maximum: Ductile iron top-of-beam C-clamp with hardened steel cup point
setscrew, locknut and carbon steel retaining clip, UL listed FM approved where required to MSS
b. Cold piping NPS 2 1/2 or greater, all hot piping: Malleable iron top-of-beam jaw-clamp with hooked
rod, spring washer, plain washer and nut UL listed, FM approved where required.
D. Upper attachment to concrete.
a. Ceiling: Carbon steel welded eye rod, clevis plate, clevis pin and cotters with weldless forged steel
eye nut. Ensure eye 6 mm minimum greater than rod diameter.
b. Concrete inserts: wedge shaped body with knockout protector plate UL listed FM approved where
required to MSS SP-69.
E. Shop and field-fabricated assemblies.
J. U-bolts: carbon steel to MSS SP-69 with 2 nuts at each end to ASTM A563.
B. Copper pipe: carbon steel copper plated to MSS SP-58, type 42.
a. 64 kg/m3 density insulation plus insulation protection shield to: MSS SP-69, galvanized sheet carbon
steel. Length designed for maximum 3 m span.
a. Curved plate 300 mm long, with edges turned up, welded-in centre plate for pipe sizes NPS 12 and
over, carbon steel to comply with MSS SP-69.
E. Total travel to be actual travel + 20%. Difference between total travel and actual travel 25 mm minimum.
F. Individually calibrated scales on each side of support calibrated prior to shipment, complete with
calibration record.
B. Vertical movement greater than 50 mm: use double spring pre-compressed variable spring hanger with 2
springs in series in single casing.
C. Variable spring hanger to be complete with factory calibrated travel stops. Provide certificate of calibration
for each hanger.
D. Steel alloy springs: to ASTM A125, shot peened, magnetic particle inspected, with +/-5 % spring rate
tolerance, tested for free height, spring rate, loaded height and provided with CMTR.
Sleeve Material
1 1.31mm, galvanized steel.
2 Standard weight galvanized steel pipe.
Standard weight galvanized steel pipe with a continuously welded water stop of
8mm steel plate extending 150mm all around.
Coated cast iron sleeve with caulking recess, flashing flange and flashing clamp
B. Sleeve Sizes:
Location Sleeve Caulking
Membrane water- proof floor, roof and wall
4 Note: Another trade will carry membrane
up around sleeve and down inside sleeve
Non-membrane waterproof floor, roof & wall
2 A&B
construction where flashing is required.
1 Interior walls and partitions B
2 Floors B
3 Exterior Walls and Ground Floor Slab A
B. Application Schedule:
A. Examine area and condition under which the piping specialties are to be installed. Notify Engineer in writing
of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.
B. Provide code complying packing and caulking between pipe or pipe insulation and sleeve as indicated in
the preceding schedule and in the details on the drawing. Finish with smooth appearance even with sleeve
B. Provide close fitting metal escutcheons on both sides of piping through fire rated walls, floors, partitions and
ceilings, whether exposed or not. See detail on drawing.
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General Conditions and Special and Division-1
Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
C. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in Division 16.
B. Provide seismic restraining type vibration isolation systems to eliminate transmission of movement from
the equipment to the structure or connected piping or conduit systems. All vibration isolation devices to
be of the seismic restraint type.
C. All reference herein to methods and techniques of equipment support apply to Mechanical, Plumbing,
Fire Protection, and Electrical systems.
B. Standard Compliance: Federal Spec. WW-H1716, ASA Code for Pressure Piping, ASTM A 575-73, MSS
SP-58-67, MSS SP-69-66, ANSI Code for pressure piping.
C. All hanging, restraining and isolating methods and techniques to be as indicated on the documents, in
BOCA and SMACNA Guidelines for Seismic Restraints of Mechanical Systems and Plumbing Systems,
1982 Edition, NFPA 13, 1982 UBC, ANSI A58.1, 1981, Title 24 CAC, GSA, and ATC-3. Where techniques
are proposed that deviate from those detailed in the contract documents, they must be clearly detailed
and stamped by a Professional Engineer as indicated under submittals.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data including printed technical literature and catalogue cuts,
indicating maximum loads, dimensions, and recommended installation procedures.
B. Indicate locations of vibration isolation, inserts, anchors, and guides on piping shop drawings.
C. Submit for review full detailed drawings and calculations indicating all methods and devices specified in
the contract documents. To restrain the equipment without failure while subject to an external lateral force
of ½ G acceleration.
B. All vibration isolators to have either known non-deflected heights or calibration markings so that, after
adjustment, when carrying their load, the deflection under load can be verified, thus determining that the
load is within the proper range of the device and that the correct degree of vibration isolation is being
provided according to the design.
C. All isolators to operate in the linear portion of their load versus deflection curve. Load versus deflection
curves to be furnished by the manufacturer and must be linear over a deflection range of not less than
50% above the design deflection.
E. All neoprene mountings to have a Shore hardness of 30 to 60 +/-5, after minimum aging of 20 days or
corresponding averaging.
B. No cast-iron legs may be used unless indicated on the equipment shop drawings and approved prior to
1. Restraint, Type I: To comply with general characteristics of spring isolators having a minimum
O.D. to O.H. of .8 to 1 and minimum run out of 50% to solid. To incorporate built-in snubbing
restraint in all directions. To be capable of supporting equipment at a fixed elevation during
equipment erection. Cast or aluminum housings, unless ductile iron, are not acceptable. System
to be field bolted or welded to deck with ½ G acceleration capability.
2. Restraint, Type II: Each corner or side to incorporate a seismic restraint having a minimum 15
mm thick resilient pad limit stops working in all directions. Restraints to be made of plate,
structural members or square metal tubing concentric within a welded assembly incorporating
resilient pads. Angle bumpers are not acceptable. System to be field bolted or welded to deck
with ½ G acceleration capability.
3. Restraint, Type III: Metal cable type with approved end fastening devices to equipment and
structure. See details on drawings. System to be field bolted to deck or overhead structural
members using two sided beam clamps to steel or appropriately designed insert for concrete.
All parts of system including cables, clamps, excluding fastenings are to be single vendor
furnished to assure seismic compliance. When Type III system is used with isolated equipment
slack with 13 mm cable deflection.
4. Restraint, Type IV: Double deflection neoprene isolator encased in ductile iron or steel casing
minimum 8 mm static deflection. System to be field bolted or welded to deck with ½ G
acceleration capacity.
5. Restraint, Type V: Non-Isolated equipment to be field bolted or welded (powder shots not
acceptable) to structure to resist seismic forces specified. Bolt diameter and embedment data
must be shown in certified calculations stamped by a licensed engineer.
1. Provide built-in vertical limit stops with minimum 6 mm clearance under normal operation.
2. Tapped holes in top plate for bolting to equipment when subject to wind load.
3. Capable of supporting equipment at a fixed elevation during equipment erection. Installed and
operating heights shall be identical.
4. Adjustable and removable spring pack with separate neoprene pad isolation.
5. Housing to be designed to accept ½ G of acceleration.
6. Does not require separate seismic restraint when bolted or welded to the structure to meet
acceleration criteria.
D. Isolator Type C: Spring hanger rod isolators to incorporate the following:
1. Spring element seated on a steel washer within a neoprene cup incorporating a rod isolation
2. Steel retainer box encasing the spring and neoprene cup.
3. NOTE: This isolator type must be used with seismic restraint Type III.
E. Isolator Type D: (Same as Seismic Restraint, Type IV):
1. Double deflection neoprene isolator encased in ductile iron or steel casing minimum 8mm static
deflection. System to be field bolted or welded to deck with ½ G acceleration capacity.
1. Molded unit type neoprene element with projecting bushing lining rod clearance hole.
2. Neoprene element to be minimum 45 mm thick.
3. Steel retainer box encasing neoprene mounting, capable of supporting equipment or piping up
to four times the rated load in case of isolator failure.
4. Clearance between mounting hanger rod and neoprene bushing shall be minimum of 3 mm.
5. Minimum static deflection of 9 mm.
6. NOTE: This isolator must be used with seismic restraint Type III.
G. Isolator Type F: Combination spring/elastomer hanger rod isolators incorporating the following:
1. Spring and neoprene isolator elements in a steel retainer box. Neoprene element to be double
deflection type with a minimum thickness of 45 mm. Single deflection elements are
unacceptable. Springs must be seated in a neoprene cup with extended rod bushing through
bottom of box.
2. Characteristics of spring and neoprene as described in Type A and Type E isolators.
Page 265 of 429
3. NOTE: This isolator must be used with seismic restraint Type III.
H. Isolator Type G: Pad type elastomer mountings to incorporate the following:
1. 18 mm minimum thickness.
2. 3.5 Kg/cm² maximum loading.
3. Ribbed or waffled design.
4. Minimum 2.5 mm deflection per pad thickness.
5. 1.5 mm galvanized steel plate between multiple layers or pad thickness is required if multiple
layers are used.
6. A suitable bearing plate to distribute load must be located on top pad layer if equipment support
cover 3/4 of the pad area or less.
I. Isolator Type H: Pad type elastomer mountings to incorporate the following:
1. Vibration isolation manufacturer to provide an isolated clevis hanger for pipe support that
combines a unit clevis or rod roller hanger and a Type (C, E or F) isolation hanger into one
2. System to be recompressed to allow for rod insertion and standard leveling.
3. Deflections and type to be as listed in "Equipment Installation" in Part 3 of this section.
K. Isolator Type J: Rail Type Spring Isolators:
1. Rail type spring isolators to provide steel members of sufficient strength to prevent flexure during
equipment operation.
2. Springs to be the same as Type A with seismic restraint Type II or seismic restraint Type I or IV
L. Isolator Type K: Pipe Anchors:
1. Vibration isolator manufacturer to provide an all directional acoustical pipe anchor, consisting of
a telescopic arrangement of two sizes of steel tubing separated by a minimum 12 mm thickness
of heavy duty neoprene and duck or neoprene isolation material. Vertical restraints to be
provided by similar material arranged to prevent vertical travel in either direction. Allowable
loads on the isolation material not to exceed 35 Kg/cm² and the design to be balanced for equal
resistance in any direction. Isolation to be bolted or welded to structure.
1. Reinforced as required to prevent base flexure at equipment start-up and misalignment of driver
and driven units. Centrifugal fan bases complete with motor slide rails drilled for driver and
driven unit mounting template.
Page 266 of 429
2. Must be utilized with seismic restraint Types I, II or IV.
B. Concrete Inertia Base, Type B-2
1. Vibration isolator manufacturer to furnish rectangular structural concrete forms for floating
foundation. Bases for split case pumps to be large enough to provide support for suction and
discharge base elbows. The base depth to be a minimum of 1/10 of the longest span, but not
less than 125 mm or greater than 355 mm. Forms shall include minimum concrete reinforcement
consisting of 12 mm bars or angles welded in place on 150 mm centres running both ways. A
layer 38 mm above the bottom and an additional top layer of reinforcing steel as above for all
bases exceeding 3 mm in one direction. Isolators to be set into pocket housings which are an
integral part of the base construction and set at the proper height to maintain a 25 mm clearance
below the base. Bases to be furnished with templates and anchor bolt sleeves as part of this
2. Must be utilized with seismic restraint Types I, II or IV.
C. Isolated Curb, Type B-3
1. Curb mounted rooftop equipment to be mounted on structural spring isolation curbs that
directly sit on roof construction and are flashed and water-proofed into roof's membrane
waterproofing system. Manufacturer's curb shall not be used.
2. All spring locations to have removable waterproof covers to allow for spring adjustment
and/or removal.
3. Curbs to be sound attenuating type which will utilize standard 50 mm roof insulation installed
by the roofer for sound attenuation or will require 50 mm of interior lining if specifically noted
on schedules or drawings.
4. All spring mounts to be as Isolator Type A.
5. Curbs to be rated for ½ G of acceleration and shall be wind restrained for 180 kmph (110
mph) wind loads.
6. Curbs to have NRCA approval.
7. Package Options:
a. Curbs to include a means of incorporating a sound barrier package, Type SBC-3 consisting
of two layers of waterproof sheetrock. This barrier to be supplied and installed in the field by
the appropriate contractor.
b. An elevation kit, Type EK-1, to allow for up to 200 mm of roof pitch.
8. Curbs to be welded or bolted to building steel or bolted to concrete decks to attain
acceleration criteria.
9. Curbs to be Type P-6000 having a minimum of 25 mm rated static deflection.
D. Roof Isolation Rail System, Type B-4
1. Rooftop fans, condensing units, exterior ducted air handling units, etc., to be installed on
continuous equipment support piers which will combine a regular equipment support and an
isolation system into one assembly.
2. The system to be designed with 50 mm or 75 mm static deflection steel springs which are
adjustable, removable and interchangeable after equipment has been installed.
3. Rails to use type spring mounts as called out for Type A.
4. The system to maintain the same operating and installed height both with and without the
equipment load and to be fully restrained during wind load conditions allowing no more than
6 mm motion in any direction.
5. The isolation pier to be designed to accept membrane waterproofing.
6. The entire assembly to be dry galvanized or plastic coated.
1. Rails to be constructed from structural steel angles as required preventing flexure and
misalignment under load.
2. Each rail to be the full length of the supported equipment and be welded to a series of
vertically restrained spring isolators as Type B described above.
3. Angles to have bolt together ties at the ends and centre to form one rigid base platform.
4. System to be bolted or welded to deck and shall be designed for minimum ½ G of
F. Non-Isolated Curb, Type B-6
1. Non-Isolated curb mounted rooftop equipment to be mounted on structural curbs that meet
1 G acceleration criteria.
2. Curbs to accept standard 50 mm roof insulation installed in the field by the roofer and be
waterproofed in accordance with NRCA Standard.
3. Curbs to be welded or bolted to building steel or bolted to building steel or bolted to concrete
decks to attain acceleration criteria.
4. Curbs to be Type B-6000 by Mason or approved.
1. Manufactured of nylon tire cord and EPDM, both molded and cured in hydraulic presses.
2. Straight connectors to have two spheres reinforced with a moulded-in, external ductile iron
ring between spheres.
3. Flexible elbows to be long radius reducing type.
4. Rated 20 bar at 77C dropping in a straight line to 12 bar at 121C for sizes 40 mm to 300
mm, elbows to be rated no less than 90% of straight connections.
5. Sizes 250 mm to 300 mm to employ control cables with neoprene end fittings isolated from
anchor plates by means of 12 mm bridge bearing neoprene bushings.
6. Minimum safety factor, 4 to 1 at maximum pressure ratings.
7. Connectors bolted to grooved type couplings or gate, butterfly or check valves to have a
minimum of 1.6 mm flange spacer installed between connector and coupling flange.
8. Submittals to include test reports.
B. Flexible Stainless Hose, Type FC-2
Octave Band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B. The fan coil unit manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer's representative guaranteed sound power
levels by octave bands. Sound power level data submitted shall substantiate that the equipment types
and sizes operating in an installed condition as per plans and specifications shall conform to these
C. The fan coil units shall be tested in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 36B-63 with ratings tabulated for
medium speed operation.
D. Should the Owner desire that units be checked for conformance to the above acoustical performance,
the cost of such test will be paid by the Owner provided that the test proves that the unit does conform?
Otherwise, the cost of such test and costs of corrective measures shall be borne by the manufacturer.
In brief, the required sound pressure level resulted from cooling towers will be 57 dBA at 15 meters.
1. Built-up casing walls and ceiling of all plenums except that lining shall be 50 mm thick 50kg/m3
density, and inner liner shall be used for all systems.
2. All supply, return and exhaust rectangular ductwork (except kitchen and laundry exhaust) within
mechanical equipment rooms. If the distance from fan discharge to shaft inlet or mechanical room
wall is less than 10 meters minimum, continue acoustical lining to a distance of 10 meters from fan
inlet and discharge.
3. Return air fan and toilet exhaust fan plenum walls and ceilings, except lining shall be 50mm thick
50kg/m3 density, (for walk-in fan plenums inner liner shall be used).
4. Upstream of toilet exhaust fans a minimum distance of 10 meters.
5. Transfer air ducts.
6. Downstream of fan coil units (full length).
7. Rectangular ductwork downstream of variable volume boxes a minimum of 4.5 meters.
8. Line all linear diffuser plenums with minimum 13mm liner.
9. Where shown on drawings.
B. Shell:
Octave Band 2 3 4 5 6
Type Ms 10 18 30 42 34
Octave Band 2 3 4 5 6
Type Ms 54 52 50 47 48
G. Certified Tests:
1. Submit certified test data from approved laboratory for pressure drop and insertion loss ratings.
a. For square or rectangular attenuators: 610 x 610mm.
b. For round attenuators: 610mm.
2. Certification data for pressure drop and net insertion loss: based on tests of same attenuator.
3. Attenuators and tests: subject to inspection upon request of Engineer.
4. Similar to Industrial Acoustics Company.
B. Furnish and install auxiliary steel required for pipe, conduit, cable tray, trapeze, supports, etc. Chain
straps, perforated bars, wire hangers or expansion shields are not permitted.
C. Prime Paint: all black iron hangers to be installed underground, including rods, inserts, clamps,
stanchions, brackets, etc., with zinc chromate, before installation.
D. Anchor points: provide to permit the piping and raceway systems to expand and contract freely in
opposite directions from the anchored points. Anchors may be double bolt riser clamps and shall be
located halfway between guide points and no less than 1 per 30 meters run.
E. Guide points: Locate in piping system on either side of expansion joints and, or loops, as specified
herein and shown on drawings to permit free axial movement only in pipe main runs. Elbows at ends
of straight pipe runs flanking expansion joints or loops are considered expansion joints. Expansion
joints shall be installed to limit straight runs of hot water and hot water circulating pipe runs to 30
meters maximum.
F. Trapeze hangers with suspension rods having double nuts and securely attached to the construction
in an approved manner may be used in lieu of separate clevis hanger.
G. Maximum weights on hanger rods assuming a maximum operating temperature of 232C to be such
that stress in tension will not exceed 630 Kg/cm² the root area of threaded portion.
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H. Hangers on Underground Piping conduits: Provide hangers on all underground piping and conduits
beneath building when installed in unstable soil or in fill or in all cases where installed beneath
reinforced slabs on grade. Hangers to be clevis type with extra heavy rod and 50 x 50 (2" X 2") fish
plate sandwiched by two bolts and washers. Provide complete assembly with zinc chromate primer.
I. Isolation and seismic systems must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's written
instructions. Vibration isolators must not cause any change of position of equipment, piping or conduit
resulting in piping stresses or misalignment.
J. Mechanical equipment and piping to be isolated from the building structure by means of noise and
vibration isolators as scheduled on the drawings, or as described herein.
K. All piping and conduit 50 mm and over located in mechanical equipment rooms from connected
equipment for 15 m, to incorporate isolation hangers.
L. All mechanical (HVAC and Plumbing) piping and vertical risers to be isolated from the building
structure by means of noise and vibration isolation guides and supports as described herein.
M. Each fan and motor assembly to be supported on a single structural steel frame. Flexible duct
connections to be provided at inlet and discharge ducts.
B. All structurally suspended, overhead equipment, isolated or non-isolated, to be four points independently
braced with Type III seismic restraining system.
C. Install seismic restraining system Type III taught for overhead suspended non-isolated equipment, piping,
electrical conduit or ductwork and slack with 12 mm cable deflection for isolated systems.
D. Seismically restrain all piping and ductwork and electrical conduit with Type III restraining system in
accordance with the following schedule:
G. Where base anchoring is insufficient to resist seismic forces, supplementary restraints, such as seismic
restraint system Type III, to be located above the system's centre of gravity to suitably resist "G" force
levels. Provide equipment with additional lifting lugs to accommodate this requirement. This requirement
includes all water softeners, water filter, and vertical water heaters and other equipment where required.
H. For overhead supported equipment, overstress of the building structure must not occur. Bracing may
occur from:
I. Pipe risers through cored shafts require no further seismic bracing. (Core diameter to be maximum 50
mm larger than pipe O.D.)
B. Installation:
C. Isolator Position
1. The minimum operation clearance between the equipment frame or rigid steel base frame and
the housekeeping pad or floor to be 25 mm. Minimum operating clearance between concrete
inertia base and housekeeping pad or floor to be 50 mm
2. The equipment structural steel or concrete inertia base to be placed in position and supported
temporarily by blocks or shims, as appropriate, prior to the installation of the machine and
3. The isolators to be installed without raising the machine and frame assembly.
4. After the entire installation is complete and under full operational load, to adjust the isolators so
that the load is transferred from the blocks to the isolators and so that all isolators are barely
free, remove shims.
5. Isolation mounting deflection to be the minimum specified or as scheduled on the drawings.
6. Install equipment with flexibility in wiring connection.
7. Verify that all installed isolator and mounting systems permit equipment motion in all directions.
Adjust or provide additional resilient restraints to limit equipment start-up lateral motion to 6 mm.
8. Prior to start-up, clean out all foreign matter between bases and equipment. Verify that there
are no isolation short circuits in the base, isolators or seismic restraints.
1. All ceiling suspended piping and ductwork not excluded by diameter or distance requirement
from support.
a. Included are all in-line tanks and air separators.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
2. All ceiling mounted equipment including but not limited to fans, AHU's, tanks, stacks, VAV & CAV
boxes, and unit heaters.
NOTE: If VAV pr CAV box is rigidly attached to ductwork (no flex) it is considered part of the
Seismic Restraint Type III.
3. All diffusers mounted in ATC ceilings to be four point independently cable braced to deck unless
ATC ceiling meets Seismic Zone II requirements. If this is met, use earthquake clips to secure
fixture to T-Bar structure.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
5. Computer Room AC Units. Floor mounted computer room A/C units must be stand mounted.
Stand to be bolted to deck and A/C unit to be bolted to stand. Stand must be certified to meet 1
G acceleration criteria.
Base Type B-7.
6. Roof mounted A/C units. Curb mounted units to incorporate seismic restraint using a steel curb
or frame B-6000 welded or bolted to building steel or expansion bolted to concrete decks. Curb
must be certified to meet 1 G acceleration criteria.
B. Plumbing Equipment
1. All ceiling suspended piping not excluded by diameter or support length. This includes all
sanitary, domestic and drain lines.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
C. Electrical Equipment
1. All ceiling suspended conduit not excluded by diameter or distance requirement from support.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
2. All ceiling mounted equipment including trunking, cable tray, conduit, trapeze racks and bus
NOTE: If equipment is rigidly fastened to conduit, diameter and distance requirement from
support applies.
Seismic Restraint Type III.
3. All non-isolated floor and wall mounted equipment including transformers, switchgear, dimmer
racks (boards), etc.
Seismic Restraint Type V.
4. All ceiling mounted lighting fixtures are to be independently hung and cable braced utilizing S.
R. Type III cables except as noted below. Fixtures, part of lighting grids to meet local codes for
suspension and be four points independently cable braced to deck unless A.T.C. ceiling meets
seismic zone II requirements. If this is met, use two earthquake clips per fixture to secure fixture
to T-Bar construction.
A. On completion of installation of all vibration isolation and seismic restraint devices herein specified, the
factory representative or Professional Engineer retained by the Contractor to inspect the completed
system and report in writing any installation error, improperly erected isolation devices or other faults in
the system that could affect the performance of the system. Contractor to submit a report to the Project
Director, including the manufacturer's representative's final report, indicating all isolation reported as
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature, installation
instructions and catalogue cuts for mechanical identification.
1. Valve tag to be 1.15mm thickness, 50mm diameter polished brass with stamp - engraved piping
system in 7mm high letters and sequenced valve numbers in 21mm high numbers. Fill engraving with
black enamel. Numbering system and system designations are to be as approved by the Project
Manager and Engineer.
2. Securely fasten the tag to the valve with a solid brass "S" hook and a solid brass jack chain.
3. For each page of the valve schedule, provide a glazed display frame fabricated of finished hardwood
or extruded aluminum, glass covered. Mount the frames where directed by the Project Manager.
4. In addition to the framed valve charts, furnish three bound copies of the valve chart.
B. Piping and duct Identification and Coding:
1. Provide semi-rigid plastic, color coded, pre-printed, snap-on pipe markers, identifying pipe contents
and direction of flow.
2. For external pipe diameters, including insulation, of less than 150mm, provide pipe markers, extending
360 degrees around the pipe.
3. For external pipe diameters, including insulation, 150mm and larger, provide pipe markers secured with
stainless steel spring fasteners.
4. Furnish pipe markers in accordance with the following:
Length of Colored
Overall Pipe O.D. (mm) Size of Letters (mm)
Field (mm)
20-32 200 15
40-50 200 20
65-150 300 32
200-250 600 65
Over 250 800 95
5. Furnish 24 additional markers of each type for future use by the Owner/Operator.
6. Provide identification for all dampers, and for control dampers the position should be shown.
7. Provide identification for all equipment.
C. The requirements of this Section apply to work specified elsewhere in the Division 15 specification.
A. Evaluation Of Mechanical Work Drawings
1. As soon as possible after award of contract , the testing and balancing agency shall carefully examine
a set mechanical drawings with respect to routing of services and location of balancing devices , and
shall report the results of the evaluation in writing to the consultant .
2. The set of drawings examined by the agency shall be returned to the consultant with the evaluation
report , marked –up to indicate locations for duct system test plugs , and any required revision work
such as relocation of balancing devices and locations for additional devices .
1. After careful review of the mechanical work drawings and specifications , the testing and balancing
agency shall visit the site at frequent , regular intervals during construction of the mechanical systems
to observe routing of services , locations of testing and balancing devices , workmanship , and anything
else which will affect testing , adjusting and balancing .
2. After each site visit , the agency shall report results of the site visit to the consultant , in writing ,with a
copy to the owner , indicating the date and time of the visit , and detailed recommendations for any
corrective work required to ensure proper adjusting and balancing.
B. Air Balance and Testing Agency personnel shall have a minimum of 5 years of experience Testing and
Balancing Air and Water Systems in similar facilities.
C. Air Systems:
1. Run supply fan with all dampers in their summer position (minimum outside air). Duplicate normal
conditions as far as possible with clean filters in place, coils in operation, etc. Adjust for proper ratio of
outside and return air.
2. All dampers shall be in the fully open position including dampers in mains, branches and diffusers
(splitter dampers to be in normal position).
3. Take readings of fan RPM, static pressure at inlet plenum of fan, static pressure at discharge of fan,
voltage and ampere readings, cubic meters per hour (by means of duct traverse). Traverse shall be
D. Water Systems
E. Testing of Automatic Controls: In cooperation with the control manufacturer's representative, adjust controls
to operate as specified. Testing personnel shall check all controls for proper calibrations and list all controls
requiring adjustment by control installers refer to BMS related specifications.
1. After controls are operable test for coil performance in both heating and cooling seasons, in hottest and
coldest weather wherever feasible.
2. Record inlet and outlet dry bulb and wet bulb at each coil and heat exchanger. For coil banks with coil
sections under individual control test each coil section. Readjust flow through water coils to obtain
proper readings.
G. Air Leakage Tests for Low and Medium Pressure: Before insulation is applied run fan at design static
pressure and test all joints visually with a smoke trace pen.
1. Complete air balance must have been accomplished before actual water balance begins.
2. Open all valves to full open position. Close coil bypass stop valves. Set mixing valve to full coil flow.
3. Remove all strainers and clean same.
4. Check pump rotation.
5. Check expansion tanks to determine they are not air bound and the system is completely full of water.
6. Check all air vents at high points of water systems and determine all are installed and operating freely.
7. Set all temperatures controls so all coils are calling for full cooling. This should close all automatic
bypass valves at coil and chiller. Same procedure when balancing hot water coils, set on full call for
8. Check operation of automatic bypass valves.
9. Check and set operating conditions of heat exchangers and chillers to design requirements.
C. Test and Balance Procedure - Phase Two:
1. Set chilled water and hot water pumps to proper litres per second delivery by adjusting the balancing
2. Adjust flow of chilled water through chiller.
3. Adjust flow of hot water through exchangers and heaters.
4. Check leaving water temperatures and return water temperatures through chiller and exchangers.
Reset to correct design temperatures.
5. Check water temperatures at inlet side of cooling and heating coils. Note rise or drop of temperatures
from source.
6. Proceed to balance each chilled water coil and hot water coil.
7. Upon completion of flow readings and adjustments at coils, mark all settings and record data.
1. Upon completion of Phase 1 and 2 the Balance Technician shall proceed with Phase 3 as follows:
a. After adjustments to coils are made, recheck settings at the pumps, chillers, and exchangers and
readjust if required.
b. Install pressure gauges on coil, read pressure drop through coil at set flow rate on call for full
cooling and on full heating. Set pressure drop across bypass valve to match coil full flow pressure
drop. This prevents unbalanced flow conditions when coils are on full bypass.
c. Adjust chiller bypass valve to same pressure on chiller.
d. Record and check the following items at each cooling and heating element.
e. Inlet water temperature
f. Leaving water temperature
g. Pressure drop of each coil
E. Cooling Tower Set:
1. Test all medium pressure ductwork and low pressure ductwork in mechanical equipment rooms, shafts,
and major duct runs.
2. All ductwork if necessary shall be repaired and retested to obtain minimum leakage allowed.
3. Tested sections of ductwork shall be visually marked with certification sticker and initials of field test
inspector. Tests and repairs shall be made before duct sections are concealed and/or insulated.
4. Leakage to conform to the following:
a. Low Pressure (0.50mmwg): Maximum 5% leakage
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Special Conditions and Division-1
Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
a. Duct insulation.
b. Pipe insulation.
c. Equipment insulation.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable Local codes and the standards outlined
in Section 15000.
A. Shop Drawings: Shop detail drawings, including method of attachment.
B. Product Data: Manufacturer's printed data, catalogue cuts, test data and recommendations.
B. Do not store exposed to weather, provide suitable material to protect from damage.
2.1.1 General Insulation Requirements:
1. Insulation shall be applied on clean dry surfaces, after pressure testing inspection and release for
insulation application.
2. Insulation shall be continuous through wall, floor, ceiling openings and sleeves. Where insulated
piping or ductwork pierces fire rated partitions, walls and floors, substitute anhydrous calcium silicate
insulation with vapour barrier in lieu of mineral wool for a minimum of 200mm from wall in both
directions, to produce a hard surface for fire resistive packing.
1. Air supply system casings and plenums including all equipment from air intake plenum to fan
discharge 50 mm type D-2, (exceptions as noted on plans).
2. Air conditioning system supply and return ducts in equipment rooms and in exposed areas (outdoor
or no false ceiling) - 50 mm type D-2.
3. Air conditioning supply and return air ducts in other than item.2 - 50 mm type D-1.
4. All outside air ducts and plenums containing a percentage of outside air on inlet side of air supply
systems. 25 mm type D-2.
5. As shown or indicated plans.
2.2.2 Insulation types:
1. Rigid duct insulation shall be mineral fiber blanket thermal insulation with 48 kg/m3 density with
maximum K factor of 0.036 W/m.K at 23C mean temperatures with ASJ exposed vapour barrier
2. Insulation shall be impaled over welded pins applied to duct surface on 300 to 450 mm centers.
Use a minimum of two rows of fasteners on each side of duct. Secure insulation with suitable
speed washers or clips firmly imbedded into insulation.
3. All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled with Mineral Wool Cement. All joints, speed
washers and breaks in the vapour barrier shall be sealed with 75 mm wide strips of the vapour
barrier facing adhered with vapour barrier adhesive.
4. Exposed ductwork shall have a white vinyl reinforced foil vapour barrier facing. Care shall be
taken in sealing joints speed washers, etc., with matching 75 mm or 125 mm tape of vapour
barrier to insure good appearance.
C. elastomeric rubber insulation:
1. Use of closed cell elastomeric rubber flexible insulation as an alternative for the above with
thickness of 16 mm indoor and 32 mm outdoor.
2. Thermal conductivity (K) as indicated above for type D1, water vapor permeability (µ > 7000),
fire rating class 1.
3. Material shall be CFC and HCFC free.
Piping System Insulation Thickness
1- below 50 mm = 40 mm
Primary and secondary Chilled water
2- 50 mm to 200mm = 50mm P-1
supply and return
3- 200 mm & Up = 65 mm
1. Insulation shall be 132 kP per cu. m. density molded a hydrous calcium silicate with a maximum K
factor of 0.063 W/m.K at 93C mean temperature. Insulation shall be fastened in place with 1.7 m
copper-clad wire on 450 mm maximum centers.
i. All insulation shall consist of half-round sections in single-layer thickness.
ii. Multi-layered or multi-segmental insulation is unacceptable.
2. Fittings and valves for pipe sizes smaller than 200 mm shall be insulated and finished with
Insulating and Finishing Cement to a thickness equal to the adjoining pipe insulation. Fittings and
valves for pipe sizes 200 mm and larger shall be insulated with segments of the molded insulation
wired securely in place and finished with a smoothing coat of finishing cement.
3. Flanges shall be insulated with sectional pipe insulation extending a minimum of 25 mm beyond
the ends of the bolt. Bolt area shall be filled with mineral wool cement.
4. Flanges and welded joints shall not be covered until the piping has been hydrostatically tested per
section 15510 of this specification.
B. The following Hot Equipment shall be insulated with semi-rigid insulation using Type E-2 insulation.
C. The following hot equipment and system components shall be insulated with high temperature block
insulation using Type E-3 insulation:
1. Insulation shall be 96 kg per cu. m. density mineral wool with vapour barrier facing and having a
maximum K factor of 0.036 W/m.K at 23C mean temperatures.
2. Insulation shall be firmly held in place with copper-clad wire or pins and clips on 300 mm centres.
3. All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled with mineral wool cement. All joints and breaks
in the vapour barrier shall be sealed with strips of the vapour barrier facing adhered with vapour
barrier adhesive.
4. Finish shall consist of imbedding an open weave glass fabric (20 x 20) into wet coating of lagging
adhesive over-lapping the seams at least 50 mm. A finish coat of lagging adhesive shall then be
5. Sections of equipment requiring periodic servicing such as heads and pumps shall be insulated
with flanged, sectional, gasketed vaportight aluminium sheet metal covers 1.2mm thick lined with
50mm 67 kg density mineral wool board.
B. Type E-2 Mineral wool Rigid Equipment Insulation for Hot Equipment.
1. Insulation shall be 96 kg per cu. m. density mineral wool having a maximum K factor of 0.036
W/m.K at 23C mean temperatures.
2. Insulation shall be firmly held in place with copper clad wire or pins and clips on 300 mm centre.
3. All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled with mineral wool cement.
4. Over the insulation apply 25 mm galvanized wire netting secured to the bands or wires and pulled
down tight. Then apply 1 coat of Insulating and Finishing Cement troweled to a smooth finish.
Page 292 of 429
5. Exposed equipment shall be finished by embedding open weave glass fabric (20 x 20) into wet
coating of lagging adhesive overlapping seams 50 mm. A finished coat of lagging adhesive shall
then be applied.
6. Section of equipment requiring periodic servicing such as heads and pumps shall be insulated
with sheet metal cover lined with 67 kg density mineral wool board.
C. Type E-3 High Temperature Block Insulation for Hot Equipment.
1. High temperature insulation shall be 192 kg per cu. m. density molded hydrous calcium silicate
with a maximum K factor of 0.036 W/m.K at 79C mean temperatures.
2. Insulation shall be securely wired in place with copper clad wire or galvanized steel bands 12 x
0.4 mm on 300 mm centres.
3. All joints and voids in the insulation shall be filled and pointed with mineral wool cement.
4. Over the insulation apply 25 mm galvanized wire netting secured to the bands or wires and pulled
down tight. Then apply 1 coat of Insulating and Finishing Cement troweled to a smooth finish.
5. Exposed equipment shall be finished by embedding open weave glass fabric (20 x 20) into wet
coating of lagging adhesive, overlapping all seams 50 mm. A finished coat of lagging adhesive
shall then be applied.
B. Where indoor insulation is subject to physical damage (below 1.5 m) or abuse install aluminum jacketing
equivalent to outdoor weatherproofing finishes.
C. Where ductwork insulation is subject to foot traffic or similar conditions provide galvanized steel stairs with
handrails or appropriate bridges over piping and to be included in the builders work with no extra cost to
the owner.
B. Where field applied jacketing must be used, it shall be applied with 50 mm overlap facing down from the
weather and shall be secured with an aluminum band 12 x .3 mm and seals applied on 300 mm centers
with bands applied directly over but overlaps. As an alternate, the jacketing may be applied with rivets.
Where jacketing is cut out or abuts an un-insulated surface, the joint shall be sealed with foam sealant.
C. Fittings and valves shall be insulated and finished with metered sections of the insulation with factory
attached aluminum jackets installed per manufacturer's recommendation.
D. All valves and coil hook-up should be cladded with aluminum jacket same as item A.
B. Where indoor insulation is subject to physical damage or abuse install aluminum jacketing equivalent to
outdoor weatherproofing finishes.
A. Install insulation in accordance with approved installation drawings and manufacturer's recommendations.
B. Install insulation as indicated, in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions, and in accordance with
recognized industry practices to ensure that installation complies with requirements and serves intended
C. Coordinate with other work, as necessary to interface installation of insulation with other work.
D. Install insulation on pipe system subsequent to installation of heat tracing, testing and acceptance of tests.
E. Clean and dry pipe surfaces prior to insulating. Butt insulation joints firmly together to ensure complete and
tight fit over surfaces to be covered.
F. Cover valves, fittings and similar item in each piping system with equivalent thickness and composition of
insulation as applied to adjoining pipe run. Install factory molded, precut or job fabricated units except where
documents call for insulation to be another type.
G. Install insulation materials with smooth and even surfaces. Install each continuous run of piping with fall
length units of insulation with single cut piece to complete run. Do not use out pieces or scraps abutting
each other. Install pipe hanger insulation insert at all hangers of equal thickness to adjacent insulation.
Install insulation protection shields at each pipe hanger between jacket and hanger.
H. Install rigid pipe insulation inserts on all pipes passing through floor sleeves and through fire rated walls and
fire rated partition or ceiling openings in order to maintain required fire rated composite for sleeve caulking.
In lieu of this requirement, insulation may be deleted from hot pipes below 160oF at the point where they
pass through the building's construction.
I. Install all-purpose insulation jackets over all hot pipe insulation. Install a continuous unbroken vapour barrier
seal over all cold water pipe to prevent condensation on cold pipes and hangers, supports, anchors, etc.,
which are secured directly to cold pipes. For hot pipes, apply 76 mm wide vapour barrier type or band over
the butt joints.
J. Where insulation is specified for piping, also insulate all connections, vents, drains and piping connected to
the system which is subject to heat loss or gain.
K. Do not use staples on hot pipe insulation jackets if hot water heat maintenance system is used.
SECTION 230900
The vendors shall make sure in their proposal to clearly separate between BMS, DDCs and field devices.
Three different sections will be provided, the first for the BMS and associated cables, BMS server, BMS
Workstation, Web Server, Firewall, etc. The second for the Ethernet field bus network adaptor, DDCs and
associated cables, terminal blocks, enclosures & panels, terminations, etc. and the third will be for field
instruments (valve Actuators, damper Actuators, sensors, transmitters, etc.). The proposal should be
structured in a manner that in case of failure of the BMS system on the Ethernet field bus network adaptor,
DDCs and field instruments stated in second and third sections will be capable of standalone operation and
performing all the requirements stated herein after in this specification.
B. The BMS shall be configured as a reliable local area communication network linked around each defined
control zone, with connecting DDCs and BMS operation workstation and BMS server, which shall be
provided by the IT discipline. The contractor shall have responsibility to coordinate with the IT discipline to
ensure performing specific functions as required. DDC outstations shall be strategically located throughout
the building, primarily inside E&M equipment rooms/BMS room and building services plant rooms. The
outstations shall communicate and report to the BMS server, which shall provide operator workstation the
status overview, historical database and support all user-operating facilities.
C. To allow evaluation of vendors and systems, a detailed technical proposal shall be provided and formatted
strictly in accordance to this outline. Vendor’s standard literature not complying with this format and content
requirement will not be considered or evaluated. Proposal requirements follow:
1. Proposed system complete with location and block diagram including central computer type and
memory, peripherals, communication interfaces, all LAN cards, all active hubs and repeaters,
network layout, distributed primary bus connected control/monitor panels with location, listing of
equipment directly connected to a primary bus controller, and secondary network drivers and
connected systems. Provide copies of required UL listing cards.
2. Compliance Checklist - Provide a specification paragraph-by-paragraph listing of strict word-for-
word compliance or non-compliance. For each item of conditional or non-compliance, spell out the
vendor's substitute response.
b. Short cut penetration schemes for direct graphic, point, and command access.
c. Color graphic system description with sample system displays, color graphic penetration
and command schemes, graphic creation means, library of symbols, and curve plot.
d. Interactive data editing scheme to modify the system database and parameters including,
but not limited to, operators, peripheral assignments, system configuration, text, time
schedules, point monitoring limits, event-initiated control, and control application program
h. Programming facility including language and canned packages of subroutines and intrinsic
a. Functional description.
6. Available services for full system maintenance, software update and modifications, hardware spare
parts, add and changes, system training and training classes.
D. In case of any conflict between any parts of this specification or any other document elsewhere the material
with higher stated specifications must be used. Any conflict or technical misunderstanding should be
discussed during bidding phase. The consultant will be the only technical reference for the intents and
contents of this document and the contractors will have to follow consultant technical interpretation in case
of any conflict arising after bidding stage.
A. Scope
1. Supply and install Building Management System (BMS), Ethernet field bus network adaptor, Direct
Digital Controllers (DDCs) and Field Devices complete in accordance with the requirements of the
contract documents.
2. The BMS shall be of the latest technology having BACnet system and products (allowing for open
protocols), integrated and installed as a complete package with automatic temperature control
system. Manufacturers having BMS and fire control system will be preferred.
3. All BMS points shall have been remote and control via the internet and intranet network. All web
pages, firewall, antivirus software and necessary licenses and equipment shall be provided.
4. The system shall include all BMS computer software and hardware, BMS operator input/output
devices, direct digital controllers, automation sensors and control, wiring and piping.
6. Provide surge transient protection for all BMS and control equipment.
A. Acceptable Manufacturers/Installers
1. Subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents an installer approved by the Engineer and
complying with the following requirements shall carry out the supply and installation of the Building
Automation System:
a. Having a local office staffed with factory trained and certified engineers fully capable of
providing instruction, routine maintenance and emergency maintenance service on all
system components.
B. Regulatory Requirements
A. Submit for the Engineer's review and approval qualifications and experience details of proposed
installer's project manager, project engineer, engineering staff and electronic technicians to be
involved with the supervision, engineering and installation of the BMS.
B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications, for all components of the system including
installation instructions and system generation instructions.
D. Shop Drawings: Submit layout drawings of all installed system components as follows:
1. Provide complete installation details for all devices such as: cable trunks, cables segregations,
conduits, pull boxes, field devices, etc.
2. Provide identification tags for all control equipment on the appropriate
mechanical / electrical sections.
3. All materials used within the drawings have to be clearly identified by part number referring to
the final technically approved materials submittal.
4. Clearly show the actual cable routing, ceiling mounting, spacing of clamps and pull boxes.
5. Provide a legend for all symbols and abbreviations used in drawings / tables.
6. Provide complete “description table” for conduits and cables of each Local Control Panel (LCP),
FCU, detectors, trunk, etc. These tables must state the cable data (code, size, description,
service, type of carried signal, total number used, etc) as well as conduit data (code, size, type,
E. Method statement:
1. BMS Contractor shall provide method statement procedure for BMS system components testing
procedure. Scope of work shall include delivery to site, installation ,testing and commissioning
including but not limited to:
a. Recommissioning checks for field devices locations and positions as per manufacture
recommendations and considering site situations
b. Field device cable for end to end continuity beaks and short-circuits
c. Correct wiring termination and cable tag
d. CPU, power supply, Controllers and IO modules installation details as per manufacturer
e. Panel Internal wiring diagram
f. DDC and Connection with MCC
g. Testing for Network gateways and communication networking
h. Server and Workstations installation
i. Software installations and graphics tests
j. Interfaces with third parties systems
k. Sequence of operation standalone and communicating with BMS.
F. As-built drawings: The BMS contractor shall provide As-built drawings (drawings with complete part
number of installed equipment’s and installation details for cables, conduits, etc.).
G. Operation and maintenance manuals: The BMS contractor shall provide Comprehensive and
complete interoperability documentation and method statement for third party systems. The BMS
Specialist shall provide separate interoperability documentation at the end of execution of the project,
which shall detail integrating BACnet objects, controllers or gateways from any
manufacture, connecting all the hardware of the proposed system to another BACnet system server
or link all the data in the proposed BMS to another system with all their attributes. This document
shall also include the BACnet Object ID of all the objects captured or generated by the system,
Page 301 of 429
database documentation, querying methods and full documentation to read and write BACnet data
with another system.
1. Resource efficient product data: Submit required information concerning project recyclability
(packaging), product recycled content, and product recyclability.
2. Environmental issues certification: Submit written certification stating that the products installed
are essentially the same as those defined by the Project requirements (specifications,
submittals, and/or test data) in terms of recycled content and recyclability.
A. Provide system of modular design and consisting of a Central Processing Unit, Direct Digital Controllers
(DDCs) and Operator Station(s). A multiplexed communications network shall interconnect these basic
system elements.
B. The basic elements of the BMS structure shall be built up of only standard components kept in inventory
by the BMS supplier. The components shall not require custom doing other than setting jumpers and
switches, adding firmware modules or software programming to perform required functions.
2. Automation level :
a. Automation level including all required direct digital controllers DDCs, unitary controllers for
FCUs and VAV box controllers.
b. DDCs enclosures should be IP66 for outdoor mounting and IP55 for indoor mounting.
3. Field devices distributed about the buildings:
a. All field devices, which are part of HVAC system automatic temperature controls, plumbing,
fire fighting, fire alarm or electrical systems.
b. All supplied equipment should be designed and manufactured to operate and function with
no performance degradation under the following operating conditions :
i. Voltage : 220V ± 10% .
ii. Frequency : 50Hz ± 1% .
iii. Temperature: 0 to 50 C .
iv. R.H. : 20% to 90% non-condensation.
4. BS EN 60950.
5. BS 6527 (EN 55022).
6. BS 6667 Part1 and BS EN 60801-2.
7. BS 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations).
8. BS EJN 55014.
9. CE Electromagnetic interference regulations.
A. General
1. The BMS server is to control operator input/output, data transmission to and from the Field
Processing Units and to perform all software functions as specified hereafter.
B. Memory Backup
1. In the event of Central Processing Unit or memory storage failure, the operator shall not be required
to manually re-enter system data. Supply the necessary hardware and software to allow periodic
dumping of operator-entered data onto another storage media. Also, provide necessary hardware
and software to reload this data when changes, additions, or failures cause this data to be lost in the
computer memory.
2. Incorporate a data storage management system in the operator facilities, which warns against
impending on-line storage overflow and allows for data archiving to and retrieval from off-line non-
volatile media. Ensure the system prompts the operator at pre-defined intervals to carry out the data
archiving procedure.
3. Provide a UPS to maintain the CPU's volatile RAM for a minimum of 30 minutes.
1. The BMS, as installed, shall incorporate a minimum of 20 percent additional hardware (field)
points without adding controllers or I/O Point Interface Modules (PIM). The number and type of
the installed spare points shall be uniformly distributed between the installed
controllers. Network architecture shall allow unlimited expandability by the addition of new sub
networks and associated routers, gateways, etc.
2. The BMS as installed shall be expandable, at minimum, to incorporate the following in addition
to the above:
a. A minimum of 200 percent additional hardware (field) points with the addition of
CCP, DGP and UC.
b. A minimum of 200 percent additional system diagrams in addition to those required
to meet these specifications.
c. A minimum of 3 No. additional Operator Interface Workstations.
d. A minimum of 5 No. additional interfaces to low voltage building systems of a
similar nature to those integrated under this contract.
Page 304 of 429
e. The BMS performance shall not be degraded in any manner and shall meet all
performance criteria detailed in these specifications.
A. Provide all operator input/output devices, which utilize ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange) code and interfaced to the BMS with standard EIA (Electronic Industries Association) hardware.
B. The Operation Workstation Station (OWS) Real time operating system shall be true multi-tasking providing
concurrent execution of multiple real time programs and custom program development. "Switching" from
foreground applications to background applications where the background applications are suspended is
NOT acceptable.
C. Provide capability to allow operator I/O devices to communicate by an RS-485, over Ethernet network or
over telephone lines through a modem interface.
D. Group all operator I/O devices into stations which control and monitor building activity. These stations shall
have the capability to be comprised of multiple I/O devices that can all be used simultaneously. The
characteristics of each station shall be on-line definable and totally independent of each other.
E. Each device shall be defined as to what type or types of system feedback it shall receive. This assignment
shall be independent for each device.
a. Minimum print speed of 300 characters/second. Slower speed printers shall not be acceptable
when printing in normal quality.
b. Selectable character sizes
c. Sprocket paper feed.
d. Top-of-page, skip and tab control.
e. The printers shall accept continuous fan-fold paper with a width equivalent to A3 size (297
mm by 420 mm).
f. Constructed for heavy duty-cycle environment.
g. 24 x 24 dot matrix printer
a. Scalable fonts.
b. Single or double bin paper trays, capable of printing A3 size (297mm x 420mm) and A4 size
(210mm x 297mm).
c. Page feed and page discharge controls.
d. Color and black and white printing capability without changing ink or toner cartridges.
e. 1200 dpi black and white and 600 x 300 dpi color.
f. Laser jet technology.
a. The Operation Workstation shall incorporate energy efficiency and power saving measures.
4. Server
a. Software:
(i) Software shall be based on the open BOS platform. The BMS
(ii) Server shall be a genuinely scalable solution, based on modern software
architecture. The software shall be capable of running natively on Windows or
Linux operating systems. No virtualization solutions are allowed. The system shall
utilize industry standard operating systems, networks and protocols. The system
shall support open protocols, including at least LonWorks, BACnet, and Modbus.
No external gateway solutions are applicable.
(iii) The BMS Server Software shall support a true Client-Server architecture,
enabling the server application to be run separately from the client application.
(iv) Whenever required, it shall also be possible to run both applications on the same
computer. Client connections to the server must utilize TCP/IP network (e.g.LAN,
Internet). The server application shall be able to handle many simultaneous client
connections from a number of workstations.
(v) The internal software architecture of the BMS Server Software shall support
service oriented architecture, enabling adding and removing of the services
during the life cycle of the project. It is not allowed to compile server application
code after installation into the target system.
(vi) It shall also be possible to develop new services to the framework according to
the manufacturer’s development API specifications. It shall be possible to support
new field bus protocols by implementing new network interface drivers.
(vii) The BMS Server shall include a SQL database for centralized storage of system
events, trends and logs. The system shall include centralized alarm dispatching
features for all connected systems, using e.g. GMS and email
(viii) The data structure of the BMS Server shall be based on XML data model, which
includes modeling of systems and devices in a standard manner.
(ix) The data model shall describe the structure of the building and the control.
(x) The data model shall define at least the following elements:
i. Structure of building - floors, spaces, etc.
ii. Pump – AHUs, heating system, access control, etc.
iii. Devices – fans, pumps, doors, cameras, etc.
iv. Effect areas of devices
(xi) The data model shall be transferred to BMS Server as XML files, describing the
building structure and the control model. The XML schemas shall define the
structure and elements used in these files.
a. Hardware:
(i) The server shall be rack mountable in standard 19” equipment rack of maximum 4U
height. Manufacturer of IBM, HP, etc.
(ii) Processor: Contractor shall provide an Intel Xeon processor - family E5. Latest available
family’s version at the time of ordering shall be provided; if E5 v4 family is launched,
processors from E5 v3 family are not accepted.
(iii) Minimum memory of 128 GB ECC memory
(iv) Network of 10/100/1000 Ethernet interface.
5. Enclosure:
a. Servers shall be rack mounted in a standard 19” racks complying with EIA/ECA-310-E and
IEC 60297 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical
structures of the 482.6 mm (19 in) series:
b. Enclosure Accessories: Contractor shall be responsible for providing fans, shelves, drawers,
special power wiring, ground connections, cables, connectors, appurtenances, and adapters
of any kind necessary to accommodate the system installation, operation, testing, or
a. The Color LCD shall output system graphic displays. These graphic displays shall detail all
mechanical, electrical, and fire systems.
b. The graphic display shall have a minimum screen diagonal measurement of 32 inches. Full
HD 1080P , minimum resolution of 1920 by 1080 with Hz minimum refresh rate.
c. An operator request for a graphic display shall cause the associated system to be
automatically selected and outputted on the viewing screen. The operator request shall be
entered via the "specific building" and "specific system" level of identification specified
hereinafter under SYSTEM FORMAT.
d. When a point is in alarm on the LCD, the operator shall be able to display associated graphic
with a single keystroke.
e. Each graphic display shall consist of two distinct sections: a static section and a
dynamic section. The static section shall consist of elements that usually do not change with
time or point condition. The dynamic section shall consist of elements that usually do change
with point conditions.
f. Each static section shall be capable of being associated with any number of dynamic sections.
h. The elements of a static section shall include, but not be limited to:
(i) Lines.
(ii) Symbols.
j. A static section does not have to be associated with a dynamic section to be used as chromatic
l. The elements of a dynamic section shall include, but not be limited to:
m. The elements of a dynamic section shall be capable of outputting in any colors; for any one
of the conditions specified hereinbefore under Color LCD Unit.
n. Symbols shall be a pictorial illustration of the point condition. This illustration shall not be
dependent on the type of sensor/device being represented.
o. A chromatic system graphic display shall update the dynamic elements to the current point
condition at least every one seconds.
Central Processing Unit.
Circuit Breaker, Closed.
Circuit Breaker, Open.
Coil, Cooling.
Coil, Heating.
Page 308 of 429
Detector, Fire.
Detector, Flame.
Detector, Smoke.
Detector, Thermal.
Electrical Ground.
Emergency Power, Battery.
Fire, Annunciation.
Fire, Control Panel.
Fire, Hose Station.
Fire, Speaker.
Fire, Sprinkler.
Fire Suppression, Halon.
Fire Suppression, Water.
Flow Arrow.
Panel, Lighting.
Switch, Closed.
Switch, Open.
Valve, Three-Way.
Valve, Two-Way.
r. Character Strings shall include alphanumeric characters and shall be capable of a minimum
of 60 characters length.
s. Any dynamic element shall be capable of being used many times on a single chromatic
graphic display.
u. Penetration within a graphic hierarchy shall display each graphic name, as they are stacked
to facilitate operator understanding. The "backtrack" of names shall permit the operator to
move upward on the hierarchy by mouse click on the stacked backtrack. The backtrack shall
show at least the previous four penetration levels. The operator shall be provided the option
of showing each graphic full screen size with the backtrack as a horizontal header or by
showing a stack of graphics.
Page 309 of 429
v. The operator shall be provided with a means to directly access any graphic or any point
without going through the penetration path. Direct access to graphics shall be by menu
selection wherein the operator may optionally enter the name of the graphic system desired
or select the desired graphic via cursor positioning on a scroll bar listing of all graphics.
Graphics shall also be selected by entering, or selecting via scroll bar of all system points, the
user address of any point within the graphic. Graphics shall also be assigned to any tool bar
icon for single stroke selection at any time.
w. In addition to dynamic graphic system wide multi level data and functional penetration
procedures, each operator shall be provided with a unique button tool bar selector. Upon
operator sign-on, the operator’s unique tool bar shall display on the screen. The system shall
allow each operator to easily assign multi step operator functions to any tool bar button.
Buttons shall be operator-programmable.
x. By partial data entry, a wild card search utility shall be provided. For example, by entering
"Room," all points with the word "Room" in their name shall be listed. The wild card search
utility shall be used for point data access by point name or by point attribute, when searching
alarm history files by date range or for critical alarms only, and by searching the operator
activity files by date range.
y. To enable operators to view graphics in greater detail, a zoom/pan display feature shall be
provided via a diagonal click-and-drag mouse operation.
a. A program shall be provided to allow the operator to create or modify chromatic graphics on-
line as herein before specified under Color LCD Display.
c. When a static or dynamic element is being added or deleted, the element will flash until an
execute or ignore command is entered.
f. All graphics should be agreed in the development stages during the commissioning including
end user approval
g. Any changes of system graphics should be minimal and backup factory setting to be saved.
a. The OWS shall provide complete utilities necessary for management of the network of digital
controllers and devices. Each controller shall be provided with a user definable name. Provide
software to execute and observe diagnostics of any remote device connected to the primary
bus and the ability to deactivate and restart the device.
1. Provide Digital System Controller BACnet Building Controllers (B-BC) and BACnet
Advanced Application Controllers (B-AAC) . All DDCs shall BTL certified (BACnet/IP) that
shall perform its assigned control and energy management functions as a stand-alone unit.
Furthermore, it shall be communicating with the BMS. The digital system controller shall be
peer to peer communicating and shall perform its full control and energy management
functions, regardless of condition of communications network.. BACnet/IP controllers on the
Ethernet Data Link/Physical layer shall be able to act as a Master to allow for the exchange
and sharing of data variables and messages with any other controller connected on the
same communication network. Slave controllers are not acceptable. These stand-alone
capabilities shall include, but not be limited to:
a. Control
i. Provide control algorithms, which shall be resident in the DDC to permit ON /OFF,
Proportional, Integral and Derivative control modes in any combination to meet the
needs of the application. Other control modes such as adaptive, incremental, floating
or two positions must be available to adapt according to job needs.
ii. Perform all control in a digital manner using the digital signal from the
microprocessor-based controller converted through electronic circuitry for
modulation of electric actuators.
iii. Ensure that more than one control loop can be coupled together in a cascade
b. Energy Management
i. Provide the DDC to be capable of performing all the energy management functions
necessary to reduce energy consumption. These programs shall include, but not be
limited to:
– Supply air re-set using space load demand.
– Economizer control.
– Optimal start/stop using an adaptive algorithm to prevent the need for manual
adjustment of parameters.
– User tailored programs. The library of routines available in firmware must be
capable of generating additional programs as may be required for specific user
requirements. These should include, but not be limited to:
Chiller efficiency.
Intermediate season (dead zone) control.
VAV fan matching & supply fan control (airflow control).
Trending of variables.
Historical data storage.
B. Field Programmable
1. The controller shall contain all necessary mathematics including fixed formulas for psychometric
calculations, logic, utility functions and all standard energy calculations and control functions in
ROM to be available in any combination for field programming the unit.
2. The controllers processors shall be 32 bit.
3. Final field programs shall be stored on EEPROMS.
C. Expandability:
1. The DDC shall be expandable by adding additional field interface units that operate through
the processor of the DDC. The processor in the DDC shall be able to manage remote field
interface units thereby expanding its control loop and energy management point capacity.
D. Calibration Compensation:
1. To maintain long term analog accuracy in the controller sensing circuits, the DDC shall
sense the voltage being supplied to the resistance sensing element and through firmware
compensate for power supply changes due to long term drift or drift due to ambient
temperature changes at the power supply.
Page 312 of 429
E. Associated Hardware
1. Use electric actuators and sensors that are compatible with the output of the DDC.
F. Variable Air Volume Box Individual Room Controller (Application Specific Controller ASC)
1. Provide stand-alone Bacnet control and link to BMS. Provide a BTL controller allowing
programming, monitoring and all possible and applicable control applications on the BMS
network. The VAV ASC shall be capable of totally monitoring and controlling all VAV box aspects.
Supply air pressure compensation control is also required. Provide also room thermostat with
Digital LCD Display complete with temperature set point selection, and on/off switch. The room
temperature controller must also be provided with duct temperature sensor to perform automatic
2. Transformer. ASC power supply shall be fused or current limiting and shall be rated at a
minimum of 125% of ASC power consumption.
G. Fan Coil Unit Room Temperature Controller (Application Specific Controller ASC):
1. Provide stand-alone Bacnet room temperature controller BTL certified with all its associated
cables, cable trays, mounting accessories. Provide also room thermostat with Digital LCD
Display complete with temperature set point selection, three-speed fan selection and
automatic fan selection switch, and on/off switch. The room temperature controller must
also be capable to perform automatic changeover based on pipe thermostat decision in
case of two pipes FCU and must be equipped with Heating/Cooling switch in case of 4 pipes
FCU. In 2 pipes FCU, electrical heater will only be used in intermediate season. For Energy
Management purposes, Occupancy switch will shut fan coil unit off in case of un-occupancy
and start it back in case of occupancy detected. For FCU serving corridors, temperature
setpoint should be adjusted by BMS through duct temperature sensors.
2. Transformer. ASC power supply shall be fused or current limiting and shall be rated at a
minimum of 125% of ASC power consumption.
H. Diagnostics:
1. The DDC shall contain in its program a self-test procedure for checking the indication lights
on the digital display, and by means of a nondestructive memory, check the computer.
2. Provide software to check the execution of all required automatic control sequences and
produce a report for Engineer approval.
I. All Controllers should have a minimum of 20% installed spares in Memory, processing units and each
type of input/ output points.
J. Cabinet:
1. Enclose the DDC in a metal cabinet .Construct the cabinet such that it can be mounted and
electrical terminations made during the construction phase of the Project. Remove the DDC
electronics to be added at a later stage, i.e. commissioning of the system. Segregate terminals
into groups carrying different voltages in accordance with BS 7671 (IEE regulations). The cabinet
color finish will be full glass to BS 4800 shad number 18E55
2. Provide the DDC cabinet with a key lock. All cabinets on each installation shall utilize one master
3. The DDC cabinet shall be properly earthed.
4. Electrically terminate all control wiring and system communications inside the DDC cabinet.
5. The cabinet and wiring should be designed in a manner to facilitate future maintenance needs.
6. All electronics should be installed in a NEMA enclosure suitable for the environment in which
they are located. IP65 cabinet shaded for outdoor installations and IP54 for Indoor installations
K. Ensure the DDCs preserve existing software and data for a period of not less than 72 hours while
the electrical power supply is lost. Should the DDC go off any reason, this will be reported to the
L. Ensure the DDCs are suitable to operate normally within the following environmental ranges:
1. Binary inputs - Electrical power for contacts shall be provided by the outstation.
2. Binary outputs - The contact output signals rated at 2A inductive shall be suitable for operating
remote devices with 220 V 50 Hz coils.
3. Binary inputs and outputs - If the BMS Contractor's system requires any form of interfacing other
than those for the systems detailed above he shall provide all necessary interfacing elements
for each remote sensor and device.
4. Where voltage change of state is used, it shall be the BMS Contractor's responsibility to ensure
that the remote sensors and operating devices, including those supplied by others, are
compatible with the system offered.
5. The BMS Contractor shall supply and install all necessary interfacing devices for control panels,
motor starters and packaged equipment being monitored e.g. boiler, chillers, pressurization
units, etc. interfacing devices shall include but not limited to kWH transducers, voltage and
current transducers including CTs and VTs if any.
6. Analogue input - Outstations shall be able to accept standard input ranges (4-20 m Amp, 0-1
volts DC, 0-10 volts DC).
7. It shall be the BMS Contractor's responsibility to check the signal range of any devices supplied
by others. Any transducers required to produce suitable signals shall be provided and installed
as part of this Contract.
8. Conversion to engineering units and alarm levels shall be provided by the system software in
the outstation. Overall resolution between sensors and outstations shall be better than ± 1% of
the input range span of the sensor transducer combination.
9. All analogue temperature sensors shall have a resolution not exceeding 0.25o C, accuracy better
than ± 0.5oC and stability at least equal to platinum resistance thermometers of Class 1 standard
to BS 1904.
10. Analogue outputs - Output signals shall be either (4-20 ma, 0-1 volt DC, 0-10 volts DC).
11. For all AHUs supply a unitary DDC for the control and monitoring of the various aspects of each
AHU separately (one controller for each AHU and one AHU per controller).
12. Every LCP should contain at least one DDC controller C/W all it's input/output modules.
13. All LCPs should be fed from UPS power supply.
A. All electric switching devices shall be selected for the applied load and UL listed and labeled for the
application and environment to which they are applied. Miscellaneous, electric, pneumatic, and
mechanical devices shall include:
1. Control and measuring devices shall have the following limits of accuracy.
Temperature : ± 0.5oC
Pressure : ± 5% of the measured value.
Humidity : ± 2 % RH.
2. Airflow measuring stations required to accomplish the specified control sequence shall be
furnished under this section but installed under the sheet metal section. Airflow measuring
stations shall be of heavy gauge metal construction, and shall be furnished with an air
straightening section with an open face area of not less than 97% , air flow measuring must
be complete with LCD.
a. Each airflow measuring station shall measure airflow by means of a network of static
and total pressure sensors factory positioned and connected in parallel to produce
an averaged velocity pressure. The measured velocity pressure converted to airflow
(CFM) shall have accuracy within 2% of the full scale throughout the velocity range
from 700 to 4,000 fpm when measured under ideal laboratory conditions. The
location of stations shall meet manufacturer's guidelines.
b. The maximum resistance to airflow shall not exceed 0.6 times the velocity head. The
unit shall be suitable to withstand temperatures up to 250F.
3. Averaging Elements:
a. Shall be used on ducts having a cross-sectional area exceeding 0.6 m2 and shall
have a minimum capillary length of 5m.
c. Where the span of the element is less than 1m then it shall be fixed with purpose-
made clips and may be unsupported across the duct.
d. Where the span of the element is above 1m then it shall be supported on Unistrut or
similar rigid support.
Measuring accuracy shall be +/-(0.2 m/s +3% of measured value) at temperature of 20C ,
Humidity of 45% RH , 1013hPa
5. Smoke dampers where indicated on the plans shall conform to the UL555S Leakage Class
specified. Damper actuator shall be UL listed and suitable for the application and following
the same specs. The operating ambient temperature of the actuator shall be suitable for the
intended application.
6. Automatic control valves 50 mm and smaller shall be screwed type, and valves 65 mm and
larger shall be flanged. Valves shall be ANSI-rated to withstand the pressures and
temperatures encountered. Valves shall have stainless-steel stems and spring loaded
Teflon packaging with replaceable discs.
a. All modulating straight-through water valves shall be provided with equal-percentage
contoured throttling plugs. All three-way valves shall be provided with linear throttling plugs
such that the total flow through the valve shall remain constant regardless of the valve's
position. Valves shall be sized for a pressure drop equal to the coil they serve.
b. All modulating steam valves shall have a linear characteristic for 90% of the closing stroke
and equal-percentage for the final 10%
7. Butterfly valve construction shall be ductile iron ASTM A536 body with aluminum bronze
disc, stainless steel type 410 shaft, stainless steel type 316 taper pin, carbon steel key,
carbon steel lever & screw and carbon steel stop plate. Where butterfly valve is installed,
install orifice plate as per HVAC Valves specifications.
8. Chilled water Butterfly valves shall have backup batteries for fail safe operation.
9. All valves shall be minimum 16 bars rated and comply with BS EN-60534.
10. Dynamic, Modulating, Pressure Independent Control Valves (PICV) shall be provided where
indicated in the design drawings complete with integrated membrane based pressure
Pressure independence balancing and control, two pressure/ temperature knobs for differential
pressures verifications . Linear flow control at all valve settings with automatic flow limiter.
Minimum and maximum flow settings with ability to fully close-off function , Authority of 100% ,
valve leakage accuracy must not exceed 0.5%. PICV valve must complete with modulating
actuator for combined Control/PICV valves.
11. All automatically controlled devices, unless specified otherwise elsewhere, shall be provided
with motorized actuators sized to operate their appropriate loads with sufficient reserve
power to provide smooth modulating action or two-position action and tight close off.
12. Safety high limit shall be 135 degrees manual reset type when provided in the exhaust or
return air and 10 degrees above the anticipated high temperature when provided in the
supply air.
13. Safety low limit shall be manual reset six-meter limited fill type responsive to the coolest
section of its length.
14. Duct smoke detectors have to be able to send smoke signal to both Fire Alarm Panel (FAP)
and BMS at the same time.
15. Pressure Switches for Air Systems shall meet the following:
a. An IP54 to IEC 60529 transmitter housing for an indoor application & IP65 to IEC 60529
housing for outdoor application.
b. SPDT switch rated for 10 A min. at 120Vac.
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c. Set point trip adjustment with scale to indicate setting.
d. Switches used for filter differential pressures shall also have a display of the monitored
differential pressure.
e. Dead band adjustment.
f. Select range such that it covers from zero duct static pressure relative to the exterior of the
duct up to a static pressure between 20- 50 % in excess of the maximum static pressure
that could be encountered in the duct relative to the duct exterior. Typically :
g. For low pressure commercial duct use a range of 0-500pa.
h. For medium pressure duct use 0-1500pa.
i. For high pressure duct use a range of 0-2500pa.
j. Temperature range of -18deg. C .to 71 Deg.c.
k. Manual reset.
16. Air Flow Switches
a. Shall be selected for the correct air velocity, duct size and mounting attitude.
b. Where special atmospheric conditions are required or detailed in the Motor Control Panel
drawings the parts of the switches shall be suitably coated or made to withstand such
conditions. Any variations from standard shall be detailed in the Contract and it will be
subject to Engineer approval.
c. Shall be suitable for mounting in any plane.
d. Accuracy should not be less than ± 5% of the measured value.
17. Water Flow Switches
a. Shall be selected for the correct water velocity and pipe size and mounting attitude.
Accuracy should not be less than ± 2% of the measured value.
18. Level Switches
a. Shall be selected for the fluid type, system pressure and have adjustable differentials. They
may be:
i. Conventional float type.
ii. Capacitance type.
iii. Conductivity type.
b. Where conductivity types are offered they shall include all probes (including earth).
c. Float switch shall meet the following:
i. Polypropylene float, PVC cable.
ii. 13A running current @ 120vac,11A current @ 240vac.
iii. SPDT type.
iv. Operating temperature of 0 Deg.C. to 71 Deg.C.
v. Operating pressure of 180 KPa.
19. Room Temperature Detectors
a. Shall have sensitivities such that a change at the detector of 0.2 ⁰C from the stabilized
condition is sufficient to start modulating the corrective element.
b. Shall operate on extra-low voltage and be suitable for mounting on British Standard conduit
c. Should have a range from -10 to 50C.
23. Industrial type Temperature Transmitter (Chilled water and Hot water pipes)
a. Platinum RTD, PT-100 ohm
b. Sensor Measuring ranges shall be from 0 to +50°C, 0-10 V output, active sensor, power
supply 24 Vac/Vdc (3-4 wires) or 4 -20 mA output , passive loop, power supply 18 to 30 Vdc
(2 wires).
c. ABS IP 65 housing, with display.
Page 318 of 429
d. Supplied with stainless teal 316L well and anti condensation grease.
e. Features:
i. Units of measurement : °C, °F
ii. Accuracy * : ±0,5% of reading ±0,4°C
iii. Response time : 1/e (63%) 5 sec. (ambient)
iv. 1/e (63%) 20 sec. (air tight)
v. Resolution : 0,1°C
vi. Type of sensor :Pt 100 class A as per DIN IEC751
vii. Type of fluid : Water
f. Housing Features:
i. Housing : ABS
ii. Fire-proof classification : HB as per UL94
iii. Protection : IP65 (air tight model)
iv. Display : 5-digit LCD.Dimensions 50 x 15 mm
v. Height of the digits : 10 mm
vi. Cable grip : for cables Ø 7 mm max.
g. Technical Specification:
i. 3-4 wires passive Loop 4-20 mA (power supply 18/30Vdc), 2 wires maximum
ii. load : 500 Ohms (4-20 mA) minimum load : 1 K Ohms (0-10 V).
iii. Electro-magnetically compatibility : EN61326
iv. Electrical connection screw terminal block for cables Ø 1.5 mm² max.
v. Working temperature : 0 to + 50°C (ambient model)
vi. Storage temperature : -10 to +70°C
vii. Environment : Water
h. Thermowell mounted temperature sensors shall meet the following:
i. Rigid stainless steel probe of length which is at minimum,20% of the pipe diameter.
ii. 100 or 1000 ohm platinum RTD with a minimum temperature coefficient of resistance
of 0.00375ohm/ohm/deg.C must be used.
iii. Monitored temperature to be reported with an accuracy of ± 0.25 deg.C.
iv. Provide two wire 4-20 mA RTD transmitter where required with a temperature range
that is appropriate for the application.
v. where necessary to meet monitoring accuracy requirements provide a 3-wire or 4-
wire configuration.
vi. Stainless steel 316L thermowell.
vii. Provide thermal grease to aid temperature sensing.
i. Should have a range from:
i. 0 to 50C, for duct Mounted Temperature Detector.
ii. 0 to 70C, for chilled Water Circuit Temperature Detector.
iii. 0 to 120C, for condenser Water Circuit Temperature Detector.
iv. 0 to 120C, for Hot Water Circuit Temperature Detector.
Page 319 of 429
j. Duct mounted averaging element detectors shall have a minimum sensing length of 5m.
k. Multiple thermistor beads will not be acceptable.
24. Industrial type Differential Pressure Transmitter (Chilled water and Hot water pipes):
a. General Features:
i. 4-20mA
ii. 0.25% accuracy class
iii. Ranges 30 psi through 20,000 psi
iv. – 40 to +125°C temperature capability
v. All welded pressure construction
vi. Proven polysilicon thin film sensor
vii. Precision ASIC based electronics
viii. High EMI/RFI immunity rating
ix. Highly configurable
x. Voltage and current outputs
xi. Choice of electrical connections
b. Housing Features:
i. Housing : ABS
ii. Fire-proof classification : HB as per UL94
iii. Protection : IP65 (air tight model)
iv. Display : 5-digit LCD.Dimensions 50 x 15 mm
v. Height of the digits : 10 mm
vi. Cable grip : for cables Ø 7 mm max.
c. Environmental Specifications
i. Temperature:
ii. Compensated –40 to 125°C (–40 to 257°F)
iii. Operating –40 to 125°C (–40 to 257°F)
iv. Storage –40 to 125°C (–40 to 257°F)
v. Humidity: 0 to 100% R.H., no effect
28. Actuators
Carbon monoxide detecting system shall be installed to cover the car park area. Carbon
monoxide gas detecting equipment shall be as manufactured by Sieger Limited or
International Gas Detectors Or Equal Approved. The detector shall provide an output signal
proportional to the CO concentration in the detector vicinity. The output signal shall be 0 – 10
V DC or 4- 20 m Amp. The number of CO detector indicated in the design documents is the
minimum number to be provided, however, the system supplier shall consider the actual
coverage area of the supplied detectors as per manufacturer recommendations.
a. Surface mounted type, sensing temperature remotely far from 6m lengths in area 1m.
b. Scale range shall cove a band of 15o C - 26o C, accuracy of 0.05o C and sensitivity
of 0.1o C.
c. Shall be suitable for mounting on British Standard conduit boxes.
32. Provide linear precision resistance elements and resistance averaging elements for
temperature sensing. Their range shall be -295 o C to 1370.
33. Limited range sensors shall be acceptable provided they are capable of sensing the range
expected for the point at the specified accuracy.
34. Sense filter pressure drop for each filter bank specified on the point list by means of a
differential pressure sensing device which closes and latches an electrical contact when the
filter pressure differential exceeds an adjustable pressure range setting.
35. Provide differential pressure sensing devices for all fans, specified in the point list.
36. This point shall be used as start/stop feedback for points specified as status on the point list.
37. Water flow for each pump shall be indicated by means of a differential pressure switch that
opens an electrical contact as the differential pressure falls below a pre-adjusted pressure
range setting.
38. For all close-coupled pumps use auxiliary contacts provided with motor controls for start/stop
feedback indication.
39. Water flow analog sensors shall be provided complete with flow element and shall be an all
solid state precision industrial type with stainless steel meter body, maximum error of not more
than.5% of span, and 4 to 2O ma output. Sensor shall be rated for 16-bar minimum and
installed in strict accordance to the manufacturer's instructions complete with three-valve
manifold for calibration and maintenance.
40. Kilowatt transducers shall be of the integrated electronic type with accuracy of .2% of scale.
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For balanced (such as motors) three phase loads, two current transformers (CT's) shall be
provided and for unbalanced loads, three CT's shall be provided. Two or three potential
transformers (PT's) shall be provided as recommended by the manufacturer for the
application. Output shall be 4 to 20 ma. Suitable CT's and PT's shall be provided and installed
unless specifically specified with other equipment.
41. Use voltage and current transformers provided with motor starters to provide signals to the
CPU for KW monitoring.
42. Provide all control points requiring remote control point adjustment with the control devices
that will hold the last requested output regardless of CPU malfunction or power failure to the
control panel.
43. All two position-switching devices shall have concealed adjustment unless detailed otherwise
and approved by the Engineer. If hand-reset feature is required, it will be detailed in the Motor
Control Panel Drawings. All two position-switching devices shall operate on 220 V a.c. and all
accessible live parts shall be shrouded. An earth terminal shall be provided.
The detector shall be of the semiconductor type with a measuring range of 0 - 3000 ppm. The
detector shall have a maximum concentration of not less that 10000 ppm. The detector shall
have a quick response for both reaction and recovery. The detector shall have long service
life not less than 3 years. The temperature and RH sensitivity of the detector shall not exceed
0.02 %. The degree protection of the detector shall be suitable for the area of use i.e. not less
than IP65. The output of the detector shall be 0 – 10 V DC or 4- 20 m Amp to be connected to
the DDC.
A. Water leak detection system shall be installed for continuous protection from the risk of water within
critical areas of the building where there is a route for water pipe (data center, IT rooms, electrical rooms
...and where indicated in design documents) .
B. The water leak detection system shall identify any abnormal presence of water on any point of its
connected sense cables, to the nearest meter
C. In the event of a leak, an audible alarm is triggered and the dry contact is activated. The panel’s touch
screen display shows the time and date of the alarm, the type of fault and the location of the leak to the
nearest metre. Dynamic zone maps highlighting faults shall be indicated on the water leakage panel’s
D. The sense cable shall perform the following functions continuously
i- Detection of the presence of water at any point along its length
ii- Location of the leak to the nearest meter
iii- Detection of a cut or break at any point
iv- Digital communication of the nature and location of the fault to the digital unit
E. The sense cables shall be connected via male and female connectors. A microcontroller shall be
embedded in the sense cable to ensure digital and independent leak detection and communication
between each sense cable and the digital monitoring unit.
F. The sense cable shall be made of an abrasive-resistant material. The sense cable shall be made of light
and flexible material in an easily identifiable colour.
G. The digital touch screen monitoring unit shall be a microprocessor based complete leak locating system.
It shall receive data processed and transmitted by each sense cable as well as raising the alarm. It shall
be supplied from the same supplier as the sense cables.
The air quality sensor shall be suitable for operation in rooms or ducts as intended in the
design. The sensor shall be microprocessor-based with the capability to sense CO2 and
volatile organic compounds with accuracy of 0.03% . The sensor shall have an output signal
of 0 – 10 V DC or 4 – 20 m Amp. The sensor shall be complete with any processor to produce
an output signal ready for the associated ventilation DDC.
- Main workstation
- Ethernet controller
- BTU meters
- Domestic water meters
- KWH meters
- Gas meters
1. Main workstation
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is to control operator input/output, data transmission to and
from the metering calculators and to perform all software functions as specified hereafter.
Provide a computer (PC) based CPU, with the latest state-of-art technology; the following is the
minimum configuration of an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), such as DELL, LENOVO,
HP, etc. with one of the latest Intel processors available in the market. In addition to Report Printer
2. Billing software
System must be supplied with billing software complete with all necessary hardware & software
General Features:
4. BTU metering station (comprising Heat calculator, flow meter and two paired temperature
a. Heat Calculator:
Heat calculators must be easily accessible for reading, and protected against heat and
electromagnetic interference. Heat calculators must be clearly marked together with their flow
meter and temperature sensor pair. This is extremely important at multiple metering points
where confusion can arise. Energy meters should be complete with all software and LCD
screen communicating with M-Bus.
i. Measuring principle
Thermal energy is calculated from the flow rate of the heat carrier, taking into account its
physical characteristics (specific heat and density), and the difference between the forward
and return flow temperatures.
iii. Installation
b. Flow meter
The point of installation is of crucial importance since the volume-to mass conversion is
performed at the temperature specified under "installation location". Because flow/return
definitions can lead to misunderstandings, above all in refrigeration systems, the terms "hot
side" and "cold side" are used for greater clarity. In heating systems, for example, the return
flow loop is the cold side of the heat circuit. Flow meters should preferably be installed in
piping sections near room temperature. This makes for greater accuracy and extends service
c. Temperature measurement
For temperature measurements, the Heat calculator uses paired platinum temperature
sensors (Pt100 to DIN IEC 751). When pairing sensors, the two most similar ones from a large
number are chosen to form one pair; the maximum divergence within the pair must not exceed
0.05°C. In conformity with EN 1434-2, sensors can only be paired if they have the same type
of installation and the same length. Careful attention must also be paid to sensor installation
and wiring. These are considered in the heat meter standard EN 1434 Parts 2 and 6.
All sensors must be calibrated in factory and supplied with its calibrated certificate.
5. Refer To electrical and mechanical specifications for KWHR meters, Water meters and Gas meters
A. The DDC communications network shall support true peer-to-peer protocol allowing sensor sharing,
inter DDC event programs and global application programs without the presence of a host processor.
Each DDC shall have equal rights for data transfer and shall be designated as the communications
master but each device on the bus shall be capable of taking over the function of bus monitor to
assure that loss of any single device will not cause total bus failure. Where the proposed DDC system
does not allow for true peer-to-peer communication/data sharing between DDC and where the
system relies on a single master building controller/coordinator with distributed equipment, the BMS
Contractor shall provide a redundant master building controller for each building to take over the
functions of the failed building controller automatically.
1. Every DDC must be capable of transmitting/receiving messages to/from another DDC as well as
to all DDCs on the bus. Additionally, every DDC must be capable of transmitting/receiving
message to/from other DDCs located on another bus.
2. All messages transmitted must be positively acknowledged as received or negatively
acknowledged as not received. Negative acknowledgements shall immediately force a
retransmission of the message.
C. Communications between the central system and fire and security panels shall be via a U.L. 864
listed and approved supervised redundant transmission network.
D. Networking
1. IP Network: All devices that connect to the WAN shall be capable of operating at 10/ 100
megabits per second.
2. IP To Field Bus Routing Devices:
a. A Network Controller shall be used to provide this functionality.
b. These devices shall be configurable locally with IP crossover cable and configurable via
the IP network.
c. The routing configuration shall be such that only data packets from the field bus devices
that need to travel over the IP level of the architecture are forwarded.
E. Field Bus Wiring and Termination
1. The wiring of components shall use a bus or daisy chain concept with no tees, stubs, or
free topology.
2. Each field bus shall have a termination resistor at both ends of each segment.
A. Enterprise Network:
The system shall be capable of communicating over a Ethernet LAN. When connected to the LAN each
OWS shall be able to access data residing in any primary communications bus that is connected.
The adaptor shall be operated over the Ethernet network standard 10/100 Base-T connections. The
units shall include supporting for IP configuration protocols and telnet remote management.Standard
advanced technologies shall be supported including:
1. Client/server architecture with industry standard LAN operating systems, including Windows
2. Standard LAN protocols for TCP/IP communications over Ethernet and Token Ring.
3. Variety of industry standard wiring configurations including unshielded twisted pair Thin-net,
token ring, and fiber optics.
C. Telecommunications:
OWS shall be capable of auto dial / auto answer from the host system to a remote system and or
remote standalone DDC panels via Ethernet network. The OWS when connected to a remote site
shall be capable of complete control and monitoring of all the points at the remote site as described
for OWS connected to the network. Points on the remote site that change state from normal to alarm
or other significant event shall also initiate an AutoDial sequence to establish a connection and
transmit it’s alarm condition to the host location.
D. Third Party Interface System. The successful bid vendor will supply all necessary hardware and
software, to create a communications interface between the proposed HVAC and electrical subsystems
(e.g. chillers, fire alarm system, lighting control systems, etc.) and that vendor’s proposed BMS. The
physical data link between the proposed BMS and the HVAC subsystem must be twisted pair wiring
via an RS485 or RS232C protocol. The following functionality must be supported by the proposed
1. Read status and analog value point information from the subsystem at the proposed BMS
central station.
2. Command subsystem points to a digital state or to an analog value from the proposed BMS
central station.
3. Incorporate all subsystem points within the proposed BMS schedule, trend, energy
management routine, or graphic display functionalities.
4. Supporting the configuration of subsystem devices on the proposed BMS central station will be
an asset
A. Interface with Chillers: The BMS shall interface with the Chillers microprocessor controller to read at
1. Start /Stop
2. Speed Control
3. Speed feedback
4. fault
5. General alarm
6. Running hours
7. Current, voltage, Power factor ,KWR
8. Frequency
9. Any available data requested by the operator
C. Interface with Soft starters: The BMS shall interface with the Soft starter to read and write at minimum:
1. Start /Stop
2. Speed Control
3. Speed feedback
4. fault
5. General alarm
6. Running hours
1. Oil pressure
2. Low fuel pressure alarm
3. Hi Oil temperature alarm
4. Hi Water temperature alarm
5. Frequency
6. Current, voltage, Power factor ,KWR
7. fault
8. General alarm
9. Fail to start alarm
10. Battery alarm
11. Running hours
12. Load
13. Demand
14. Any available data requested by the operator
G. Interface with UPS through Mod-Bus : The BMS shall interface with the UPS to read at minimum:
1. Frequency
2. Current, voltage, Power factor ,KWR
3. fault
4. General alarm
5. Running hours
1. Current
2. Phase Current
3. Voltage
4. Phase Voltage
6. Power factor
7. KVA
8. Any available data requested by the operator.
I. Interface with Transformer : The BMS shall interface with the Transformer to read at minimum:
1. Current
2. Phase Current
3. Voltage
4. Phase Voltage
6. Power factor
7. KVA
8. Hi temperature alarm
9. General alarm
10. Any available data requested by the operator
J. Integration With Elevator Management System:
1. The BMS shall interface with Elevator Management System for monitoring all parameters and
K. Integration With Lighting Management System :
1. The BMS shall interface with Lighting Management System for monitoring all alarms,
parameters and actions including lights damages and On/Off status
1. The BMS shall monitor the Life Safety Systems including fire alarm and smoke control
a. Fire Alarm & Voice Evacuation system, BACnet-based
b. BACnet-based fire detection systems supporting BACnet BIBB AE-LS-B as well as objects
Life Safety Point and Life Safety Zone as per the PICS (Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement) document must be able to be integrated for best deployment of a
building automation and control system. The following functions must be supported:
i. Alarms and events from the fire detection system must be identified clearly and
ii. Signaling device states must be displayed as per the BACnet standard.
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iii. Instruction texts must be able to be added to detectors and zones
iv. Situational and floor plans as well as dynamic symbols must be used for visualization.
v. A technical hierarchy, e.g. building, building part, zone, detector, must be provided to
the operator
M. Security Systems Software Interface
The BMS shall monitor the security systems (CCTV and access Control) subpanels and devices for
alarms, events and actions through IP interface considering operator requirements
1. The BMS shall interface with the Refrigerators to read write at minimum:
a. Temperature set point.
b. Temperature reading
c. Hi & low Temperature alarms
d. On/Off status
e. Door Status
f. Power Failure
g. General alarms
h. Any other available signals as per operator requirements
1. The BMS shall interface with the Air Pressure Monitor to read:
a. Temperature set point.
b. Temperature reading
c. Humidity
d. Air flow
e. Air quality
f. Pressure /Differential Pressure
g. Communication loss or failure
h. General alarm
1. The BMS shall monitor the Car Parking Control system subpanels and devices for alarms
,events and actions through IP interface considering operator requirements
A. Provide the following furniture to highly quality standards complying with BS EN 1335-1 and BS EN 527-1 and
per Architectural Specifications approved by the Engineer.
A. System Format
1. Divide points in the BMS into four systems, which are: 1) Fire; 2) HVAC, 3) Plumbing & Drainage,
4) Electrical Energy System Operation.
2. The BMS shall locate a point to be monitored or controlled with a unique 3 level structural point
identifier. The first level (or "specific building") of the point identifier shall contain and identically
label a subset of BMS points. The second level (or "specific system") shall contain and identically
label a subset of points contained in the first level. The third level (or "specific point") shall contain
and label a point contained in the second level. The grouping of these points into their respective
levels shall not be dependent upon their hardware locations.
3. Character String labels for each of the three levels shall be used to form the point identifier. A
character string label shall consist of up to four alphanumeric characters for the first level and up to
three alphanumeric characters for the second and third levels. Level 2 and Level 3 IDs shall not be
determined by the point's electronic hardware address.
4. A minimum of 12 alphanumeric characters shall also be used on all output devices to further identify
or label each level of the point identifier for system output.
B. Input Process
1. Provide the operator with the ability to select one of four general types of commands based upon
his password clearance. The total selection shall include 1) Command points, 2) Information points,
3) Build Parameters, 4) Modify parameters. Those commands not available to the operator (by his
password clearance) shall be deleted from the LCD display. The LCD shall respond to a command
type selection with a menu of specific commands available to that operator.
2. The operator shall have the ability to enter memory changes as specified hereafter through the on-
line standard, alphanumeric keyboard.
3. The operator shall have the ability to select one of three entry modes based on his degree of
capability and familiarity with the system. These modes shall include the HELP MODE, DIRECT
4. The Help Mode (prompting) shall prompt the operator through each step showing his available
options. At the end of the Help Mode input command, the system shall show the operator the
5. The Direct Mode shall allow the experienced operator to input the alphanumeric command string
directly; thereby executing the command with a minimum of keystrokes.
6. The Direct and Help Mode inputs shall be checked for accuracy by the CPU and expanded for
operator review prior to execution.
7. The Edit Mode shall be used for Database Generation and update. Database modification and
generation shall be done while the system is on-line.
9. Where the command requires data such as limits, set point, and time, the value shall be entered in
the same engineering units as the controlled variable.
10. The operator shall be capable of editing any number of incorrect characters without having to retype
the entire line.
11. An operator input shall not inhibit Change of State (COS) reporting.
12. An operator input shall be echoed back on the associated output device. The operator shall then
be able to either execute the input.
13. The BMS shall supervise all operator inputs to ensure that all inputs are correctly and properly
executed. Operator input assistance shall be provided (On-Line Interactive Help) whenever a
command cannot be executed because of operator input errors. The BMS shall explain to the
operator in words and phrases why the command cannot be executed. The system shall point to
the incorrect field as well as state at the bottom of the screen what type of error it is. The provided
(On-Line Interactive Help facilitates also operator training and enhance his understanding of the
system operation.
14. The BMS shall automatically cancel the operator input when the operator input is not executed
within 30 seconds.
15. The system shall be capable of dumping and loading selected or all database parameters (such as
seasonal limits, programmed start/stop, etc.).
C. Prompting
1. A prompting program shall be provided which will allow the operator to query the system as to the
required command format.
2. The operator shall query the system by entering the command mnemonic followed by a "?".
D. Database Generation
1. Provide the system with the ability to enable future Users to custom program their system software
on-line. Modifications, additions, and deletions can be made to the system software. Access to
this function will be password restricted.
2. Capabilities shall be provided to size and resize the database, define all interface hardware and
communication trunks, define all point parameter characteristics, and to order system level IDs to
customize report format outputs.
3. All field hardware, including communication trunks, DDCs, and point modules shall be modified on-
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line to accommodate hardware changes.
a. Level 1, Level 2. and Level 3 identifiers along with their associated expansions.
b. System timers including heavy equipment delays, change-of-state feedback delay timers, and
adjust point delay timers.
c. Point type characteristics including limits and differentials, engineering units, mode units, filter
tolerance, and status pairs.
d. Change-of-state output parameters including COS type, COS priority level, definition of critical
and latchable alarms, and printout and acknowledgement requirements.
6. Hardware and software interlock sequences shall be changed on-line which includes adding,
deleting, or replacing slave points in existing sequences, the replacement of master points or the
addition and/or deletion of sequences.
7. Totalization, energy systems optimization and fire applications shall be modified on-line where
applicable due to previous changes made utilizing this feature.
8. Interactive prompting shall be used to direct the operator throughout the program. Interactive
prompting shall use a fill-in-the-blank, walk-through method to queue and edit operator entered
9. Following program access at each step by addition, deletion, or modification process, parameters
required will be individually requested of the operator and error checking will take place at each
step. All entered parameters shall be kept in temporary storage throughout the entry process to
allow parameter changes at any time.
10. The System shall provide a Point Involvement Summary to identify a point's involvement in various
system applications. This summary shall identify feature involvement such as in Interlocking,
Computations and Energy Systems. A summary may be requested on any level basis.
11. Diagnostic software shall be available in the operator workstation, BMS server, portable
maintenance computer and each distributed intelligent controller and shall be independently
executed. The diagnostic software shall be stored in non-volatile memory. The software shall assure
that the board within the system is operating and communicating with others properly. If the software
detects a fault, a message shall be directed to the Operator Workstation and/or other designated
peripherals. In addition, the software shall also initiate the LED indicator associated with that board
to indicate the fault.
13. The following software shall be included, regardless of whether specifically required to perform
functions described in this Specification.
(i) Plant start/stop program.
(ii) Interlocking.
(vii) Standard Energy Management software including optimum start and/or stop, night
purges, enthalpy control (economy cycle), power peak demand forecasting and
load shedding, load cycling, and load reset.
(xiii) Operation schedule (time clock) control based on time of day and calendar date
(including holiday override). Each item of plant shall have an independently
adjustable start and stop time. Each controller shall store up to 20 time schedules.
(xvi) Power failure and fire restart control to avoid simultaneous starting of items of
(xvii) Optimization
14. The ability to develop control strategies using standard operators which include arithmetic
operations (add, divide, multiply, subtract, square root, etc.) timers, logic comparisons (less than,
greater than, high select, low select, etc), logic sequences (if.then) boolean operators (or, and, nor,
and, etc.) and other similar functions.
15. Plant Start/Stop Program
(i) The software shall permit each item of plant, or plant system where applicable, to
be assigned individual start/stop times, as a result of time or interlock sequences.
(ii) At the request of the operator a system summary of all programmed points shall
be obtainable, with status conditions. It shall be possible to obtain summaries for
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individual systems, or all systems, displayed on either the operation workstation or
the printer.
16. Interlocking
(i) All plant interlocking with the exception of safety interlocks shall be achieved
through software. In the case of safety interlocks these shall be carried out via
hard wiring by other and also through software to prevent 'mismatch' alarms. It
shall be possible to change the interlocking scheme via the operator workstation
at any time, via password access. The interlock chain for each device shall be
displayed in a simple and easily understood format so that the method of control
of that device may be understood by reading the operation workstation.
(ii) The program shall be capable of accepting signal data from analogue sensors and
pulsed inputs to provide energy calculations by totalization of single signals or by
integration of multiple signals. The visual output, in whatever form, shall be in the
relevant energy units (with options for conversion e.g. therms to kWh) for net
usable energy, delivered energy and primary energy.
(iii) The program shall, where required, provide information regarding chiller
efficiencies with alarm points for any calculated figure which falls below a specified
setting. Such calculations shall be automatically carried out once per day, or on
demand, with the result recorded on the printer. Operators shall be able to call up
such information at any time, for display on the operation workstation or printed
out, in terms of the previous days figures or an immediate review of the figures for
the day in hand up to the time of the request.
18. In terms of the various forms of metering the program shall be capable of providing the following:
Electrical Energy
(i) Weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual records of electrical consumption in kWh.
The monthly figures shall be available to choice by calendar month or by four-
weekly periods. The quarterly figures shall be available to choice by three calendar
months or thirteen-week periods. The annual figures shall be selected by the
calendar year, or twelve month periods or any 365 consecutive days.
(ii) The operator shall have the option of storing the data for specified periods and
requesting a printout at specified times. If the operator does not specify these
criteria the following programmer shall be initiated:
2. Daily and weekly totals printed at 00.01 a.m. every Monday and the daily
figures may then be dumped.
3. Weekly and monthly totals printed at 00.01 a.m. on the first day of each
month and the weekly figures may then be dumped
4. Monthly and quarterly totals printed at 12.00 noon on the first day of January,
April, July and October and the monthly figures may then be dumped.
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5. Quarterly and annual figures shall be printed at 12.00 noon on January 1st
each year.
6. Monthly, quarterly and an annual figures printed out complete with energy
Maximum Demand
(i) Half-hourly records of maximum demand shall be printed each day at 00.01 a.m.
and all but the highest figure (and its time of occurrence) shall be dumped.
(ii) At the start of each calendar month the daily maximum figures for the previous
calendar month shall be printed out and all but the highest figure (and its time of
occurrence) shall be dumped.
(iii) At the end of each year the highest values of each calendar month for the previous
year shall be printed out at 12.00 noon on January 1st.
(i) Flow rates shall be summated to provide a daily flow total. If lesser periods of
integration are requested they shall be available (to a minimum of one hour).
(ii) The daily figures shall be printed out each day at 00.01 a.m. The weekly figures
shall be printed out at 00.01 a.m. each Monday and the daily figures dumped.
(iii) The previous month's figures shall be printed out at 12.00 noon on the first of each
month and the weekly figures dumped.
(iv) The previous year's figures shall be printed out at 12.00 noon on January 1st and
the monthly figures dumped.
(ii) The run time total shall be accessible by command from the operator, who shall
also be able to reset the limits or zero the count for each item, using suitable
password access.
21. Any point, physical or calculated, may be designated for trending. Three methods of collection shall
be allowed:
(i) Defined time interval.
22. Each controller shall have a dedicated RAM-based buffer for trend data, and shall store 96 samples
for each physical point and software variable, including an individual sample time/date stamp.
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Points may be assigned to multiple history trends with different collection parameters.
23. Point history is a proactive system tool shall be built in each controller for records/ samples all
system points including physical, calculated, hardware, and software points. The point history
feature automatically records the last ten change of states for every binary point (DI/DO) and
samples every analogue point (AI/AO) every half hour for 24 hours. Point history samples are stored
in the controller and can be also archived at operator workstations (OWS). At operator workstation,
point history is displayed as part of the point focus display can be accessed from any report. Point
history can be viewed at a portable operation workstation connected to the controller.
24. Trend and change of value data shall be stored within the controller and then uploaded to the trend
database(s). Uploads shall occur based upon one of the following: operator-defined interval,
manual command, or when the trend buffers are full.
25. The system shall provide a configurable data storage subsystem for the collection of historical data.
Data can be stored in either Microsoft Access or SQL database format.
26. To enable operators to easily access stored data, the system shall provide the capability to store
historical data in more than one file system (i.e., removable media, separate hard drives, or a
remote network file system).
27. Provide the capability to perform statistical functions on the historical database without having to
design special queries. On a specified data interval, provide functions for calculating of the
(i) Average.
28. Provide a trend viewing utility that shall have access to all database points.
29. Provide database access through an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface – a standard
Application Programming Interface (API) for accessing data from relational databases.
30. It shall be possible to retrieve any historical database point for use in displays and reports by
specifying the point name.
31. The trend viewing utility shall have the capability to view up to 32 data sources at one time in a
tabular or graphical format.
32. Graphic displays shall be able to be single or stacked graphs with on-line selectable display
characteristics, such as ranging, colour, and plot style.
34. Display magnitude and units shall both be selectable by the operator at any time without
reconfiguring the processing or collection of data. This is a zoom capability.
35. Display magnitude shall automatically be scaled to show full graphic resolution of the data being
displayed. This function shall also be operator selectable.
36. The display range shall consist of magnitude and units fields. The units are seconds, minutes,
hours, days, and months.
37. Provide a wild card capability when specifying a display range for data retrieval within the historical
database. Wild carding will allow the operator to easily specify relative time based date ranges for
the retrieval of data. The following wild cards will be used:
38. A time offset capability shall be available to assist in a operator’s analysis. The offset visually shifts
the data being displayed to allow a operator to concurrently view information without having to scroll
the display.
39. The system shall be capable of printing a hard copy record of the trends as they are displayed on
the workstation.
4. Monthly calendars.
(ii) Weekly schedules shall be provided for each piece of equipment with a specific
time use schedule. Each schedule shall include columns for each day of the week,
as well as holiday and special day columns for alternate scheduling on operator-
defined days. Equipment scheduling shall be accomplished by simply inserting use
and non-use times into appropriate information blocks on the spreadsheet.
(iii) It shall be possible to define one or more master holiday schedules to allow the
operator to define in one location the holidays for all associated schedules.
Systems requiring the operator to change holiday definitions on a schedule by
schedule basis shall not be accepted.
(iv) Standard weekly schedules shall be inactive on a holiday. The system shall allow
the operator to include in a schedule group a schedule that will only be active if
today is a holiday.
(v) In addition, temporary override schedules may be inserted into schedule groups
for modifying operating schedules. After overrides have been executed, the
original schedule will automatically be restored.
(vi) Schedules shall be provided for each system or sub-system in the facility. Each
schedule shall include all commandable points residing within the system. Each
point may have a unique schedule of operation relative to the system use
schedule, allowing for sequential starting and control of equipment within the
system. Scheduling and rescheduling of points shall be accomplished easily via
the system schedule spreadsheets.
(vii) Monthly calendars for a 12-month period shall be provided that allows for simplified
scheduling of holidays and special days in advance. Holidays and special days
shall be operator-selected with the pointing device or keyboard, and shall
automatically reschedule equipment operation as previously defined on the weekly
(viii) The changes of schedules made from the operator workstation shall directly modify
the controller schedule database. Systems that require permanent schedule
changes to be made with a program editor shall not be acceptable.
(ix) Formatted schedule displays shall be provided for each system. These shall
include all schedule data and associated parameters.
(x) Selection of a single menu item or tool bar button shall print any displayed schedule
on the system printer for use as a building management and diagnostics tool.
(ii) The restart program shall control all, or essential, plant under generator start-up
conditions or restart after mains power failure.
(iv) When normal power is restored, either after a power failure or after the use of the
stand-by generator, the program shall have the option of being initiated either by
operator command or automatically and shall sequentially start all plant on a
suitable time basis to prevent high starting current on the mains distribution. The
program shall also provide for similar sequential starting for the normal plant start-
up conditions.
(ii) Any changes carried out shall be displayed on the operator workstation and
(iii) Where the set point has associated limit conditions and is reset then the alarms
shall be inhibited for a period of time set in the BMS.
(iv) All parameters associated with the DDC loops shall be adjustable with suitable
password access from the keyboard.
(ii) The software shall be suitable for at least four sequential stages of control, the
provision of dead zones between stages, control point reset, compensated stages
and hardware and software override functions.
(iii) The Contractor shall be responsible for setting up the software parameters for each
process loop, including the setting of the proportional bands, integral times and
derivative rates, which shall all be site adjustable and recorded in engineering
units. All settings shall be such that each process loop performs within the required
tolerances and that there is no hunting (cycling) of final control elements.
(ii) The rotational point program shall be re-enabled when the failed duty drive is
cleared by an operator command at the keyboard.
48. Optimization
(i) Optimization programs shall be provided for energy conservation and shall
calculate the optimal morning start and evening stop times for the HVAC plant,
based on occupancy time, building thermal mass, measured internal space and
outside conditions. The programs shall be suitable for both heating and cooling
systems and shall be self adaptive, i.e. they shall make corrections to the
programmed characteristics in accordance with the accuracy of the previous 21
predictions. The program shall start the plant in a boost condition which shall be
terminated by either occupancy time being reached or by occupancy temperature
being achieved whichever is sooner.
(ii) The program shall be written such that the boost period shall only be terminated
once per day. The program shall also incorporate facilities for maintaining the
internal space temperature of the building above a predetermined minimum level,
and the maximum relative humidity below a given level, outside occupancy hours.
These settings shall have differentials set in the BMS. The program shall take
account of the day of the week, occupancy patterns and holidays.
(iii) Different starting and/or stopping times shall be possible for each item, or plant,
which is controlled by this program. If at any time during the defects liability period
the lowest measured space temperature is not within 2oC of set point within 30
minutes of occupancy start time the Contractor shall provide daily attendance until
one week after the error(s) is (are) corrected unless the problem is caused by plant
1. The BMS shall be capable of restricting any operator commands to any point at any specified
2. The BMS shall also be capable of restricting any specified operator command to a specified point
by specified operator at a specified device. Inhibitors shall be removed through the use of a
software password.
3. There shall be a minimum of 50 individual system access requests (passwords), each individually
identifiable and each changeable through keyboard entry while the system is on-line.
4. A properly entered system access request shall cause the BMS to output a message each time an
operator gains system access. This message shall include the operator's initials in alphabetic
characters as well as the time and the date of system access. The hard copy recording device shall
be individually specified for each input device.
5. The user's name, up to 24 characters, shall appear on the LCD when an individual has gained
access to the system.
6. Operator inputs executed under valid system access requests shall be recorded on the hard copy
device. This record shall contain the operator command and the time and date of input execution.
7. An operator command shall be provided to terminate all operator-input capability that was
previously available by valid system access requests.
8. The BMS shall automatically terminate all operator input capability that was previously available by
valid system access after a predetermined time (1 to 10 min) from the execution of the last operator
input requiring a valid system access request.
9. Each individual password shall have an expiration timer associated with it. The length of time for
each password shall be entered into the system when that password is defined.
10. Valid system access requests and associated operator initials shall be added, changed or deleted
on-line via a keyboard entry. All changes shall be made at the strictest level of access.
12. The summary of all passwords shall show: 1) Password Initials; 2) 24Character Name; 3) Time Out
Value; 4) Degree of Capability per Keyword Class. At no time, however, shall the actual password
numbers be printed.
13. Also, a summary of an individual's password shall be available by using the individual's three-
character initials.
F. Information Access
1. The system shall be capable of attaining BMS point status information from any designated output
device with a specified access command. The point status shall consist of a point's three levels of
identification, numerical value (analog points) and associated engineering units, and individual
function labels indicating that the point is Locked Out/unlocked, On-Line/Off-Line, and is in the
Alarm (Off-Normal)/Normal condition.
2. The output following such a command shall contain the status of a single point, all points grouped
under a specified second level, or all points grouped under a specified first level (unless stated
3. The output following such a command shall also contain the date and the time of command
G. Point Display
1. The System shall be capable of displaying the status of a single point or all points grouped under a
specified second level and refreshing this display on the LCD with the current point status at least
every 20 seconds.
2. When displaying the status of a point, its high and low limits (if applicable) shall be displayed. The
display shall also contain the system associated with the point.
H. System Logs/Reports
1. Provide a System Log that contains the point status of all points within a System Type specified by
the operator input.
2. The system shall be capable of automatically initiating a log based on a pre-selected time schedule
as detailed under the WEEKLY SCHEDULING section of this specification.
3. Ensure the total number of logging channels available for each outstation is not less than 20% of
the total physical points on that station.
4. Provide sufficient DDC memory to log the equivalent of five days data at 15 minutes intervals for at
least 25% of the total number of physical points in the DDC.
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5. Ensure each logged value is associated with :
a. Point reference.
b. Unit of measurement.
c. Date and time measured.
d. Initiating status value.
6. Points being displayed on the LCD will be dynamic and if they change condition, will not require the
operator to request a scan of the points.
7. The system shall be capable of generating useful logs such as Alarm history, Operators activities,
Controller alarm history, Controller current alarms, etc.
8. Standard Reports: The pre-defined reports shall include as a minimum All Point, Alarm Summary,
Alarm Suppressed, Manual Mode, Device Status, Alarm Limit, Schedule Download Status,
Command List Definition (all), Command List (selected), Command List Initiators, Command List
Names, Event Definition, Global Data Transfer, and Run Time reports.
9. Custom Reports: An integrated Custom Report Writer capability shall be provided to allow the user
to format reports of any mix of text, points with status, value and descriptors, and perform
calculations, or add graphs. The user shall have the capability to modify the defined reports or
design unique reports that collect and disperse different combinations of data from the system and
modify or add to the BMS Custom Report Writer macro’s which control the data collection process.
A custom report drop down item under the report bar item displays a report dialog box that allows
the user to schedule, run and view these reports. Spreadsheet packages that require off-line
execution or manual translation of date files from one program format to another are not acceptable.
10. Database Reports: Reports shall be provided for time programs (per controller), each time control
schedule command (sorted by time or by point name), time programs overridden (for following 365
days), text descriptors (per controller), parameter files and parameters (per controller), listing of all
operators, listing of all customer PC programs and custom reports, multiple point group display (per
HVAC System), point data record {each point; listing point name, related graphic, point description,
enable/disable, analog alarm limits (4), alarm text, fixed value/status, alarm delay time, fixed mode
status, alarm status, trend status, alarm lockout status, digital run time, last change (date/time), and
alarm delay time}.
11. Trend Reports: OWS shall allow the operator to randomly select point archival. Each system point
(hardware and software) shall be assigned to PC archive files for display at user selected intervals
of 10 seconds to 24 hours. Trend data hysteresis shall be programmable down to .01 of the
engineering unit of the data sampled. Each point trend file shall have a user assigned archive
duration of a day, a week, a month, or a year. For any duration period selected, the file shall retain
one full duration period while it collects another (i.e., after collecting data for May, May is retained
in total as June data is accumulated).
Multipoint, multicolor trend data shall be displayed in curve plot, spread sheet, or columnar format
and can be output to screen, file or to a printer.
12. Dynamic Trend System: Dynamic trends shall be provided with up to eight users selected points
per trend. This information shall be printed and displayed in numeric, bar chart, curve plot, pie
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chart, as selected by the operator. Graphic plots shall allow a unique color for each point.
As new point values are sampled, they shall be processed, scaled, and dynamically attached to
the plot being displayed. Sample interval shall be user selected from five seconds to sixty minutes.
I. Alarm Summary
1. Provide an Alarm Summary, which contains the point status of all points, specified by the operator
input and in the alarm condition.
2. Point alarms shall be classifiable as critical or non-critical. Critical alarms shall include smoke
evacuation and pressurization fans trip alarms, Diesel pump fault, Generator general alarm, Chillers
General Alarms. Critical alarms shall be immediately displayed in a dialog box of the color monitor.
Alarm hysteresis shall be field programmable to reduce nuisance alarms. All alarms shall be
directed to the user selected alarm printer and OWS disk. Display shall include as a minimum time
and date of occurrence, indication of alarm condition, analog value or status, user address, and
alarm message. Symbols for critical points in a graphic display that are in an alarm state shall flash
red for alarm and yellow for warning. Upon alarm acknowledgment, flashing shall cease.
3. Alarm silencing shall be by selecting the "silence" button of the dialog box or by authorized
operator's acknowledgment. In all cases, alarm acknowledgment shall only be allowed by operators
of access level 2 or better.
4. An unacknowledged alarm indicator shall be provided on the color monitor display to alert the
operator how many unacknowledged alarms are in the system.
5. The System shall be capable of automatically initiating an Alarm Summary based on a pre-selected
time schedule as detailed under the WEEKLY SCHEDULING Clause of this Section of the
J. Off-Normal Summary
1. Provide an Off-Normal Summary that contains the point status of all points specified by the operator
input and in the Off-Normal condition.
2. The System shall be capable of automatically initiating an Off-Normal Summary based on a pre-
selected time schedule as detailed under the WEEKLY SCHEDULING Clause of this Section of the
K. Lockout Summary
1. Upon operator request the System shall output a Lockout Summary that shall list only those points
presently in the Locked out condition. In addition, all logs and summaries shall display a locked out
indicator for those points.
2. Logs and summaries shall indicate on a per point basis the lock/unlock status of each point through
the use of special characters or flags.
3. The program shall automatically Lock or Unlock points based on a pre-selected time as detailed
under the WEEYLY SCHEDLTLING Clause of this Section of the Specifications.
L. COS Reporting
2. All COS outputs shall contain a descriptor, system formatted point ID, point data, engineering units
and date and time.
3. The alarm messages shall not be restricted by word lists or any other pre-coding method. These
messages shall be generated by the operator on-line, using his choice of text. Composition of any
one alarm message shall not retract the composition of any subsequent alarm message of text.
4. Change-of-state reporting shall be provided during the output of operator requested logs and
5. Color LCD change-of-state reporting shall be by priority and by predetermined operator color
assignment for operator acknowledgement.
6. When multiple change-of-states are received, they will be output on a hardcopy device
chronologically. That is, in the order of occurrence.
8. The BMS shall output multiple changes-of-state by the three levels of priority designated when the
database was generated.
9. The system shall be capable of enabling future users to specify whether a change-of-state requires
acknowledgement or not.
10. The BMS shall inhibit the reporting of associated analog and binary COS upon HVAC system
shutdown. Upon restart of the HVAC system the analog and binary alarm reporting for associated
points shall remain inhibited for an operator predetermined time. If any of these points are still in
alarm after that time delay, they shall then report as specified in the point chart.
M. Advisories
1. Provide a Lockout Summary which contains the point status of all points specified by the operator
input and in the Locked Out condition.
2. The System shall be capable of automatically initiating a Lockout Summary based on a pre-selected
time as detailed under the WEEKLY SCHEDULING Clause of this Section of the Specifications.
3. The System shall continuously interrogate its hardware for failure and/or tampering and report to
the operator, in English language, all changes in hardware status. Advisories shall include at least
the following:
5. The System shall provide a Hardware Status Summary to allow an operator to review the condition
of all field hardware and communication lines. This summary shall indicate if communications are
normal or not and if a point type is incompatible to what has been defined in the database.
N. Database Save/Restore
1. Provide a program which will allow the saving/restoring/swapping of operating data. This operating
data is that data bank which keeps current with actual building conditions and contains the systems
operator enterable parameters which are time consuming to reenter manually, but which the
operator does not ordinarily change to meet the building’s operator requirements.
2. The same bulk storage unit specified before under CPU loading shall be used as the
Save/Restore/Swap Device to save/restore/swap these system operating parameters.
O. System Initialization
1. The software supplied as part of the BMS shall consist of the Operating system including all feature
programs as specified herein and a complete database to include all hardware address
assignments, English language identifiers, operator station assignments, COS response handling,
point type assignments, event program interaction assignments, and equation assignments for
each point as needed to meet all BMS requirements will be generated on-line.
2. All software, for the entire BMS shall be loaded from the CPU load device to the memory it must
reside in for operation. Where this includes read/write program memory utilized by field, or
input/output processing units, data transmission to these devices shall use the existing multiplexed
communications network herein before identified under system structure.
3. A UPS to restore the operation of the system in case of power failure for a period of at least 30
minutes should also be provided. The UPS status and alarms will also be monitored by the BMS.
4. Should A.C. line power be cycled upon resumption, the Central Processing Unit shall automatically
restart and output a message indicating that a power failure occurred with the time and date of
occurrence. A system restart shall initialize processors and communications, update all time
programs to proper programmed operating times, and compare all BMS conditions, before and after
the power failure, outputting only the changes as a COS.
A. Binary Capabilities
1. The BMS shall be capable of monitoring binary sensors. The present contact condition of the two-state
device shall be continuously stored in memory and represented as a binary engineering unit. Each
binary engineering unit shall consist of a three character alphanumeric descriptor. The BMS shall have
the capability of defining a unique binary engineering unit pair for each binary point in the system.
These units shall be individually assigned to each binary point and not be dependent on hardware
location or hardware condition.
2. The complete operator output for a binary monitoring point shall consist of the English language,
system formatted point descriptors, the correct binary engineering unit, indications that the point is in
an Off-Normal or Alarm condition as herein before specified under COS Reporting and indication.
3. For each individual binary point an Alarm or Off-Normal condition can be assigned to either state of the
field device. This assignment shall be for COS reporting based on a priority interrupt technique herein
before defined.
4. The BMS shall have the capability of providing two-state control of field devices. The operator
commands shall be used to control the field device state using the input process as herein before
defined. Descriptive mnemonics, suggesting each construction which the operator desires to execute,
shall be used as the actual command. These commands shall be grouped in pairs, one per state.
Each binary output point shall be programmed to respond to only one unique command pair. These
command pairs shall include at least: OPN/CLO for Open/Closed, TES/RES for Test/Reset, and
STA/STO for Start/Stop.
5. Feedback shall be employed on all start/stop points to ensure that a monitored device (motor, controller
reset, etc.) received the command instruction(s) and responded as commanded by the operator or by
the system. A feedback delay timer shall be employed to temporarily suppress COS reporting following
command input to allow adequate response time by the controlled equipment. This timer shall be
unique for each point. Any system request not responding as commanded shall cause an operator
advisory message to be output.
6. Any start/stop point shall have the capability of being designated as a "heavy equipment" point as
detailed on the point list. After a Start command is sent to a heavy equipment point, no subsequent
heavy equipment start commands shall be sent to heavy equipment points until a time delay has
elapsed within a particular power system.
8. The BMS shall be capable of automatically initiating Start and Stop commands as detailed in the
WEEKLY SCHEDULING Clause of this Section of the Specifications.
9. Field points shall remain in their present operating condition if a power failure occurs anywhere within
the BMS.
B. Three-Mode Control
1. Three-Mode Control shall provide the capability for an on/off/auto operation, with a start/stop point
(equipment point) placed under either system control ("Manual" mode) or under control of a local
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controller ("Auto" mode).
2. The BMS shall have the capability to define a unique status and mode pair for each point under Three-
Mode Control.
3. The local controller may either directly control the equipment point, or may furnish a binary input to
permit the system to issue starts and stops in response to the controller's demands.
C. Analog Capabilities
1. The System shall measure, transducer transmit and display Analog values for those analog points
detailed in the point list. The Analog Input shall be variable current type (4-20 Ma) or variable voltage
type (0-10V).
2. All displays and logs shall express analog point values in terms of the digital value, proper engineering
units and negative sign of the measured variable. Values shall be displayed with up to 7 digits, (or 6
digits plus decimal place) as required. Analog inputs shall have a resolution of 12 bits or better.
3. The BMS shall have the capability of allowing the designation of a unique three character analog
engineering unit for each analog point in the system. These units shall be provided for both change-
of-state output labeling and data requests.
4. Standard temperature displays shall have end-to-end (sensor to readout) accuracy within ±0.5 F.
Critical temperatures, as indicated on the point list, shall have end-to-end accuracy within ±0.25 F
over the expected range.
5. The System shall use the U.K. customary system of measurement and shall be capable of conversion
to the S.I. (Standard International) metric system of measurement without hardware changes.
6. There shall be 128 individual ranges provided, each of which may be designated by future users as
linear, series of linear approximations, split ranges, or square root extractions of exponential functions.
Each range shall have the capability of being uniquely designated for the system of measurement
herein mentioned above.
7. The System shall compare all analog readings to predetermined high and low limits and annunciate
each time a value enters or returns from an Alarm/Off- Normal condition.
8. Unique high and/or low limits shall be supplied for each analog point in the System.
9. Each high and low limit shall have an associated unique limit differential (sensitivity level) specifying
the amount by which a variable must return into the proper operating range before being annunciated
as a return to normal.
10. All limits and differentials shall be entered on-fine by the operator in units of the measured variable.
12. Upon an analog COS, the BMS shall output the point identifier, the current analog value and associated
engineering units, an indication of whether this value is high (H) or low (L), and the time and date of
the alarm.
14. The System shall be able to respond to analog point value transitions above high limit, below low limit,
and to the normal condition, by starting or stopping selected equipment in a defined sequence.
15. An analog limit and differential summary shall be provided which contain high and low limits and limit
differentials of all analog points specified by the operator input.
16. The System shall be capable of automatically initiating a Limit and Differential Summary based on a
pre-selected time as detailed under the WEEKLY SCHEDULING clause of this section of the
17. Protect all inputs against spurious out of range signals including those caused by contact noise or
18. Ensure errors caused by analog-to-digital conversion do not exceed 0.25% of the operating range of
the field device.
1. Remote adjustment of thermostat, controller set points and/or dampers shall be provided from any
designated input device for reset points specified in the point list. The reset values shall be reported
without loss of COS reporting in terms of analog engineering units which corresponds to the controlled
variable; C, BAR, M3/HR, etc.
2. The operator input data shall be the same as the reset points output data. For example, to adjust the
set point of a space temperature controller from 21o C to 24 o C, the adjustment value of 75 shall be
input by the system operator.
3. The program shall automatically adjust points based upon a pre-selected time and value as detailed
under the WEEKLY SCHEDULING Clause of this Section of the Specifications.
4. Feedback shall be employed so that in the event that the point fails to respond or responds with the
wrong value, or drifts from the set point value by ±2 %, a change-of-state message as herein before
defined shall be output by the system. A feedback delay timer shall be employed to temporarily
suppress COS reporting following command input to allow adequate response time by the controlled
equipment. This timer shall be unique for each point.
5. Loss of an electrical circuit to the Central or Direct Digital Controller shall not affect the set points; they
shall remain at their last commanded value.
E. Auto Shutdown
2. Include a plant protection routine to enable operator to select and automatically run items of plant (such
as pumps, etc) for short period during out of season shutdown. Ensure run periods are adjustable by
the operator.
3. Ensure plant protection routines are overridden by the normal seasonal sequence of plant operation.
A. Energy Manager
1. Provide a supervisory routine, which shall improve the energy efficiency of the building HVAC systems.
This feature shall oversee the execution of all Energy Management features as function as an executive
software system for them. That is, it shall establish priorities and execution times for all of the energy
related features (Load Manager, HVAC Manager, Chiller Manager).
B. Load Manager
1. The Load Manager (LM) feature shall provide a means to reduce electrical energy usage. The control
algorithms shall be designed for use with electrical energy control, but applications to other energy
sources shall be possible without software revisions.
2. The Load Manager feature shall be controlled and serviced by the Energy Manager, the supervisory
program that coordinates the activities of all energy application features. The Load Manager shall be a
supervisory program overseeing the functions of Demand Limiting. The Load Manager shall be
provided to support either Imperial or Metric units of measurement.
3. Each Load Manager system shall be assigned a unique identifier and expanded identifier as specified
herein before under SYSTEM FORMAT. The unique identifier shall be used to request operator relevant
data pertinent to Load status. The expanded identifier shall be used to further identify or label the LM
system. A minimum of 32 LM system shall be able to be defined.
4. Load Manager systems, points and parameters shall be defined on-line by the user. Any additions,
modifications or deletions shall be made on-line.
a. Demand Limiting/Load Shed during emergency power supply
All equipment is connected to power supply mains in a flexible way to run all equipment during
emergency power supply. The BMS will take the necessary action to manage power
consumption during supply failure in the optimum way.
The BMS will shed the equipment’s with lower priorities to give priority for equipment’s with
higher priorities and based on a pre-defined priority assignment. The BMS will continuously
monitor the load on the emergency generator to make sure that no overload occurs.
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1. Fire Mode:
During fire mode, the following equipment shall have the priority to operate:
C. HVAC Manager
1. The HVAC Manager feature shall be controlled and serviced by the Energy Manager, the
supervisory program that coordinates the activities of all energy application features. The HVAC
Manager shall be a supervisory program overseeing the functions of Optimal Run Time, Supply
Air Reset and Enthalpy Switchover.
2. Each HVAC Manager system shall be assigned a unique identifier and expanded identifier as
specified herein before under SYSTEM FORMAT. The unique identifier shall be used to request
operator relevant data pertinent to HVAC status. The expanded identifier shall be used to further
identify or label the HM system. The whole Projects HVAC systems shall be able to be
3. HVAC Manager systems, points and parameters shall be defined on-line by the user. Any
additions, modifications or deletions shall be made on-line.
(i) The Optimal Run Time (ORT) program shall control the start-up and shutdown
times of HVAC equipment during both the heating and cooling seasons to
provide the most efficient operating strategy during potentially energy wasteful
periods of the day. The ORT program shall base its control decisions primarily
upon occupancy schedules, outside air temperature, seasonal requirements,
and interior room mass temperature of the building.
(ii) For start-up, ORT program shall use outside air temperature and room mass
temperatures to "learn" the building's thermal characteristics through an
adaptive modeling technique. The adaptive model shall allow the system to
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predict how long the building shall take to warm-up (heating mode) or cool-down
(cooling mode) under different outside and inside temperature conditions.
(iii) For shutdown, ORT program shall use the outside air temperature and the
building thermal characteristics to determine how early it can shutdown the
system without adversely affecting ventilation requirements.
(iv) The ORT program shall analyze multiple building sensors to automatically
determine the seasonal mode and worst-case condition for every day of the
(v) Analysis shall require only easily obtained occupancy schedule data and
desired mass temperatures for implementation.
b. Duty Cycling
(i) The Duty Cycling (DC) program shall cycle the HVAC equipment On/Off during
both the heating and cooling seasons to provide the most efficient operating
strategy during potentially energy wasteful periods of the day and conserving
electrical energy. The DC program shall base its control decisions primarily
upon interior room mass temperature of the building and configurable Hi and Lo
(ii) The DC program will calculate Off times to provide minimum energy
(iii) The temperature sensor monitors each area affected by the duty cycling. If
feedback from the sensor indicates that the area is within comfort range, duty
cycling takes place.
(iv) If temperature approaches the limits of the comfort range, the OFF cycle is
(v) Each price of equipment assigned to duty cycling will be assigned a minimum
and a maximum OFF times. A Minimum OFF time ensures that the equipment
is protected from damage due to short cycling. Maximum OFF time guarantees
that equipment is brought back into use before space control is jeopardized.
D. Chiller Manager
1. The Chiller Manager (CM) feature shall be controlled and serviced by the Energy Manager, the
supervisory program that coordinates the activities of all energy application features. The Chiller
Manager shall be a supervisory program overseeing the functions of Chilled Water Temperature Reset
Page 356 of 429
and Chiller sequencing. The Chiller Manager shall be provided to support either Imperial or Metric
units of measurement.
2. Each Chiller Manager system shall be assigned a unique identifier and expanded identifier as specified
herein before under SYSTEM FORMAT. The unique identifier shall be used to request operator
relevant data pertinent to Chiller status. The expanded identifier shall be used further identify or label
the CM system. A minimum of 32 CM systems shall be able to be defined.
3. Chiller Manager systems, points and parameters shall be defined on-line by the user. Any additions,
modifications or deletions shall be made on-line.
a. Chilled Water Reset: Chilled Water Reset (CHR) program shall be provided to
automatically reset the chilled water temperature to the highest possible value, which will
still satisfy the cooling coil requiring the greatest cooling.
2. The sequence will use the main return chilled water temperature as a load
indication to calculate chillers requirements. T1 will be the temperature at which
Chiller#1 will have to be started, T2 will be the temperature at which two chillers
must be started and finally, T3 will be the temperature at which the three chillers
must be started. A configurable minimum Start/Stop time period will be used by
the sequence to prevent successive starts and stops in case the load cycles
within the boundaries of on of the limiting temperatures (T1, T2 & T3).
3. The sequence will also make sure to start the standby chillers in case any chiller
fails to start.
4. The sequence will also keep track of the totaled start period for each individual
chiller. The sequence will, and based on these values exchange the chillers
starting order to reach an approximately equal. usage period for all chillers.
1. The Condensed Water Sequence (Cooling Towers Sequence), (CTS) will manage
the operation of the cooling towers, cooling towers fans speeds as well as the
condensed water circuit and associated condensed water circuit pumps. The
sequence will cycle the towers fans speed1/speed2/off based on the condensed
water load to provide minimum energy consumption and increase mechanical
equipment’s (towers, chillers and condensed water pumps) life cycle.
2. The sequence will use the main return condensed water temperature as a load
indication to calculate cooling towers requirements. A condition which must always
be satisfied is if the one chiller is started, at least two CTs must be started, if two
chillers are started, at least three CTs must be started, if the three chillers are
started, all the cooling towers must be started.
3. A second control factor is the two speeds fan motors used to reduce energy usage
in case of part load.
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4. Configurable minimum Start/Stop time period will be used by the sequence to
prevent successive starts and stops in case the load cycles within the boundaries
of the limiting temperatures.
5. The sequence will also keep track of the totaled start period for each individual CT.
The sequence will, and based on these values exchange the CTs starting order to
reach an approximately equal usage period for all CTs.
The condensed water anti-surge protection valve sequence (ASP), will continuously
monitor the temperature of the cooling towers discharge water header, to keep the
temperature of the condensers input above a minimum limit.
If the temperature of the cooling towers discharge water header is detected below the limit,
the ASP sequence will automatically respond and modulate the anti-surge bypass valve
correspondingly to keep the temperature above the limit.
The ASP sequence will mainly be useful in part load where the cooling towers discharge
water temperature will decrease and anti-surge bypass valve will mix a part of the cooling
towers supply water with the cooling towers discharge water to attain the required
1. The secondary pumps lead/lag sequence (SPLL) will manage the operation of the
secondary pumps. The sequence will cycle the pumps start/stop based on the
secondary supply water to provide minimum energy consumption and increase
mechanical life cycle.
2. The sequence will also keep track of the totaled running period for each individual
A. Trend Log
1. A program shall be provided which outputs a log on a time interval basis. This program shall
provide the operator with the ability to place a total of 48 points on four individual Trend Logs and
the ability to assign the trend interval from 1-120 minutes.
2. The operator shall be able to store up to 19 time intervals of each Trend Log before printing.
4. Trend Log report information shall be listed in vertical columns. Staggered columns are not
5. The initiator's name shall appear in the heading of the Trend Log as well as a directory of columnar
6. Application
a. Weather Data
Process signals from the outdoor temperature and relative humidity sensors installed in the
fresh air intake of one AHU. Using the psychometric calculation program, calculate the wet
bulb, dew point temperature and enthalpy. Provide trend log, on one hour interval, for dry
bulb, wet bulb, relative humidity, dew point and enthalpy.
b. Central Equipment Energy Use Provide trend log, on one hour interval, for the following:
Provide the above data for at least one complete year of operation on floppy disks.
B. Alarm Messages
1. The System shall be capable of allowing operator definition on-line of a minimum of 1000 alarm
messages with each individual message having a minimum length of 60 characters. The
characters in each message may be comprised of any standard typewriter keyboard
alphanumeric character.
2. Capability shall be provided to assign alarm messages to system messages including the
following but not be limited to:
3. The System shall output an assigned alarm message with the "Message requiring
4. Alarm messages shall be defined, modified, or deleted on-line by the operator. Any system
keyboard device shall have this capability.
5. The System shall provide an Alarm Message Summary to provide a current list of all alarm
messages and their assignments.
1. The System shall have the capability to allow each Color LCD to automatically display any three
selected system points when an operator has gained access to the system. These points may
be any combination of point type selected by the operator.
2. These points shall be on-line assignable and may be changed at any time as required by operator
interface requirements.
3. Each point will be definable by descriptor field, followed by a data field, followed by an engineering
unit, analogue points only. The descriptor field shall be any alphanumeric character the operator
4. A summary shall be available to review assigned points for any or all devices in the system.
D. Weekly Scheduling
1. The System shall be capable of automatically initiating equipment or system commands based
on a pre-selected time schedule for those points specified as programmable. This time schedule
shall provide program times for each day of the week (Saturday through Friday) on a per point
2. The operator shall be capable of entering, changing or deleting program times having one minute
resolution on-line. COS reporting shall not be inhibited while making on-line changes to program
3. The System shall provide a minimum of 500 unique time schedules for each time programmable
point unless specified otherwise.
4. Any point not responding to a program function command shall automatically generate a change-
of-state output as herein before defined.
5. An additional time program day shall be provided for holidays. The System shall be provided with
the capacity to handle a minimum of 366 consecutive holidays.
1. Interlocking
b. Each interlocking shall be assigned a unique identifier and expanded identifier as specified
herein before under SYSTEM FORMAT.
c. Interlocking shall be defined on-line by the user. Any additions or deletions shall be made
e. An interlocking process shall only be triggered when the designated master(s) undergo a
change-of-state (COS). This COS shall be either a contact state change (e.g., contact change
from Open to Closed) or a logical state change (e.g., state change from Normal to Abnormal).
This trigger condition shall include, but not be limited to:
(i) Contact Stage Change
- Normal condition.
- Trouble condition.
- Not-trouble condition.
f. When a master undergoes a COS, a slave shall respond in one of two ways based on the trigger
condition of master. This slave response shall include, but not be limited to:
g. Any binary contact, hi/low limit of any analog point including a "Computed Point" shall be
capable of being utilized as a master for interlocking. The interlocking shall be capable of using
the same master to monitor or command multiple slaves. Any slave shall be capable of being
a master to multiple slaves.
h. Interlocking as specified herein shall not be restricted to intra building or intra communication
line application. The controlling master(s) may be in a building or communication line while the
controlled slave(s) are in another building or communication line.
(i) When conflicting requests are present at different priority levels, the lower priority
action shall not be performed.
(ii) Whenever a priority level is released by an application feature the next highest
priority request shall be performed.
(iii) Each time a priority Start or Stop request is made, the command shall be issued
only if there is no higher priority request.
(iv) Manual requests shall override any other previous command and shall cause all
other priority levels to be released.
(v) If any of the hardware used by the software point is off-line, the command shall not
be issued. However, the request and its priority shall be saved.
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(vi) If the point is locked for command input, command shall not be issued; however,
the request and its priority shall be saved. When the command input capability is
unlocked, the highest priority request shall be issued to the point.
i. The Interlocking program shall be provided to allow the operator to assign an overall process
priority to each interlock process. This priority shall range form the highest (1) to the lowest
k. Operator output information shall be available from the computations. It shall be output upon
operator request or preselected time as detailed under the WEEYLY SCBEDLTLING Clause of
this Section of the Specifications.
2. Computations
a. The Computations program shall provide the user with a library of user oriented equations.
Input data for these calculations shall be obtained from appropriate system points, operator-
entered constants or the results of prior computations equations. Results of any computations
equation shall be displayed on any operator determined display device and these results shall
be used as a master in an interlocking sequence.
b. The Computation Profile concept shall be provided to use a high-level control strategy for the
execution of predefined computations in their proper sequence. This shall provide for the
organized and controlled activation of the operator-defined computation sequence.
c. Each Computation and Profile shall be assigned a unique identifier and expanded identifier
as specified herein before under SYSTEM FORMAT.
d. Computations and Profiles shall be defined on-line by the user. Any additions or deletions
shall be made on-line.
A. When a fire alarm is initiated the System shall automatically operate any or all, but not be limited to
smoke dampers systems, smoke vent systems and building pressurization systems.
B. After activation of the Control System, the Building Automation System shall printout any smoke damper,
which failed to operate as commanded, the status of each equipment and smoke damper.
C. BMS shall automatically switch the systems operation to smoke control mode. The presence of smoke
at the air supply or return shall cause the air supply and return dampers to close and the fan to shut off.
These intake dampers are to be provided with a manual and automatic override operated from the control
console for re-opening the damper and starting the fan.
A. Final cleaning shall be as described in Section 01350.
B. Remove and recycle excess material as required by the construction waste management program
Section 01565.
The standard of workmanship shall comply with the requirements of the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative
who shall carry out periodic inspections of completed work and work in progress. The Contractor shall include
for accompanying the or his nominated representative, on such inspections over the installation period. Any
work not to the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative satisfaction during such inspections shall be replaced to
a standard satisfactory to the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative , at no cost to the Contract, for the
subsequent inspection.
A. Adequate clearance space shall be left during installation for both removal of all demountable items and for
normal inspection, testing and maintenance access without removal.
B. 'Formica' engraving laminate labels, where required, shall be affixed by an adhesive, suitable for the
ambient conditions in the relative areas, to a flat easily visible surface on each item of equipment. For
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valve bodies where no flat surface is available the labels shall be hung from the valve yoke by means of a
brass chain of suitable gauge.
C. Removable gland plates shall be provided for all incomings and outgoings cables and shall be to the IP
rating of the control panel.
D. Provide identification tags for all control equipments on the appropriate
mechanical / electrical sections.
E. Components such as selectors, timers and relays with extra low voltage contacts must be supplied with
dust proof casings.
F. Conduits
1. All wiring shall be in steel conduits or metallic cable trunk as specified in the electrical section.
2. All conduits shall be installed in a concealed manner where possible and shall be installed parallel to the
lines of building.
3. Metallic flexible conduits shall be used for connecting any element to its conduit.
4. In damp areas, the conduit and related equipment shall be suitable for the application.
5. All conduits and cable trunks shall be identified at every 3 m, all conduits entering or leaving a box shall be
identified before and after passing through. The identification shall be down using a self-adhesive yellow
1. A pull-box shall be located at every 15 m. the contractor shall be responsible for the location and for
obtaining approvals from the owner.
H. In suspended ceilings, all boxes shall be installed on the structure
Wiring terminations to all control equipment supplied by the Contractor shall be checked by him both for
compliance with the control wiring diagrams and interlocks with other equipment shown on plant equipment
Electrical and HVAC wiring diagrams.
All faults shall be rectified as soon as they are discovered unless they concern wiring carried out under a
separate contract, in which case they shall be recorded and the details passed via the Contractor for rectification.
The Contractor shall record all equipment settings and the actual values maintained in the controlled variables
during commissioning and submit these to the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative immediately on
completion of commissioning, prior to the production of operating manuals.
1. Control and Communication cable size & type shall as recommended in writing by system
manufacturer unless otherwise indicated.
2. All input/output field cables shall be at least 18 AWG (0.8sqm) where a multi pair cable shall not
share analog & digital signals or digital outputs and digital inputs , wiring shall follow the following
(i) One multi-pair cable for analog input/output only.
(ii) One multi-pair for digital outputs only.
4. Terminations shall be mechanically and electrically secure. Twist type wire nuts shall not be accepted
Insulated tinned copper lugs shall be provided.
6. All wiring terminations within field panels shall be terminated at terminal strip.
7. Cable run in vertical trunk shall have means of cable support, at minimum every 2m.
A. The Contractor shall provide to the operator training class outline prior to schedule training.
B. System supplier trained control engineer and technicians familiar with the hardware, software, and
accessories shall provide training sessions to the owner’s personnel.
C. The course shall include instruction on specific systems and instructions for operating the installed system
to include as minimum:
1. HVAC and MEP systems overview.
2. Operation of control system
3. Function of each component
4. System operating procedure
5. Programming procedures
6. Maintenance procedures
D. The contractor shall conduct a minimum of five (5) on-site sessions to owner’s personnel on the operation
of the BMS system. Operator orientation shall include, but not limited to, the overall operation program,
equipment functions (both individually and as a part of total integrated system), commands, systems
generation, advisories, and appropriate operator intervention required in responding to the BMs operation.
E. The training sessions shall be as follows:
1. Initial training – one day , after system is started up and at least one week before acceptance test. Manual
shall have been submitted at least two weeks to training so that the owner’s personnel can start to
familiarize themselves with the system before session.
2. First Follow-up – two days , approximately two weeks after initial training . and before formal acceptance .
These sessions will deal with more advanced topics and answer questions.
3. Warranty follow-up- 16 hours to be scheduled at request of the owner during the warranty period to cover
topics requested by the owner.
The contractor is responsible for providing all equipments and materials needed for system testing as
requested by the engineer. This shall include but not limited to calibration equipment for all temperature ad
Before the start of the testing, the contractor shall hand over to the owner representative all operation
manuals and software licenses and any other system documentations and as-built.
Advising the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative nominated representatives on the operation of the
control system and the identification and correct sitting of control equipment, the wiring runs and wiring
Advising the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative nominated representatives on the correct sitting
and installation of controls and the correct wiring of the controls.
Particular attention shall be paid to the mounting of actuators, on valves, dampers, the correct linkages
from actuators to valves and dampers and that all controls and instruments are installed with adequate
clearance for removal. Clearances shall be such that all wiring connections may be visibly inspected
without removing the equipment. The work shall be carried out on the basis of regular visits throughout the
contract period.
Commissioning the complete control system supplied under this section of the Specification to provide the
detailed operation and performance figures.
The contractor is responsible to provide a complete commissioning procedure for consultant approval prior
to system commissioning. Commissioning procedure shall include and not limited to: drawings, complete
sequence of operation and equipment list check tables (with part number as per final approved materials
Providing all normal servicing and maintenance during the Defects Liability Period for all equipments
provided under his contract without extra cost during the project completion and warranty period .
Provide repair or replacement for any defected component without extra cost during the project completion
and warranty period.
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The BMS supplier has to inform the Employer by any software updates after project completion and their
F. Provide 10% spare parts for each item in the list of material.
The complete thermostatic control system inclusive of ancillary equipment and interlocking shall be
commissioned to operate in accordance with the performance requirements of the Specification such that, under
all load conditions, it is stable.
The Engineer or Engineer’s Representative may wish to attend such commissioning and should be given
adequate notice of dates when this is to take place. Commissioning shall take place in the presence of the
Contractor's representative so that plant faults, affecting the putting to work of the system, can be remedied.
The Contractor shall record all equipment settings and the actual values maintained in the controlled variables
during commissioning and submit these to the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative immediately on
completion of commissioning, prior to the production of operating manuals.
The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing, correcting and resetting all faulty equipment in the complete
control system for the full defects liability period after final commissioning except that, where any item of
equipment is normally guaranteed for a period in excess of this, such responsibility shall extend to the full
guarantee period of such items.
If the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative does not attend to witness tests on receipt of written notice as
given by the Contractor, then the tests shall be carried out by the Contractor, who shall sign and submit three
certified copies of such certificates to the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative.
The Contractor shall informally instruct the Client and his Authorized Representatives in the operation of the
complete system during testing and commissioning. In addition he shall include for a period of.... days for
formal instruction, after the completion of commissioning.
The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing, correcting and resetting all faulty equipment in the complete
control system for the full defects liability period after final commissioning except that, where any item of
equipment is normally guaranteed for a period in excess of this, such responsibility shall extend to the full
guarantee period of such items.
The Contractor shall prepare and supply Operating and Maintenance Manuals to the Engineer or Engineer’s
Representative. These manuals shall be provided within weeks of final commissioning and copies of the
manuals shall be provided. A draft copy shall be available at the time of practical completion.
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The Contractor shall demonstrate the operation of the complete control system to the Engineer or Engineer’s
The Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier shall give written notice if the Client is to be requested to enter into a
software licensing agreement. In no circumstances will the Client enter into such an agreement, which excludes
any term as to merchantability or fitness for purpose of the software supplied.
The Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier shall enter into an Escrow Agreement with the Client prior to the
Contract being let in which a copy of the source code for the software shall be deposited with a third party.
Typically the third party will be a bank, solicitor, National Computer Center, or some other mutually agreed party.
If there are any changes to the source code, or software at any time then these changes shall also be made the
third party copy.
The Escrow Agreement shall be for a one-year period commencing after Final Acceptance of the Sub-contract
Works by the Engineer. The cost of the Escrow Agreement, including the costs of storage with the third party
shall be borne by the Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier.
The following clause will be included in the Escrow Agreement: "In the event that the (name of the Sub-
Contractor/Controls Supplier) and its appointed agent cease to be in the business of maintaining the program
product the Client may invoke the Escrow Agreement to obtain access to the source code and supplementary
documentation which is held in Escrow. The Escrow Agent is currently (name and address of the third party
holding software).Escrow AgreementIn Consideration Of
The Client agreeing under the terms of his Agreement with the Management Contractor to the engagement
by the Management Contractor of the Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier.
1. The Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier will deposit a copy of the source code for all of his software related
to the Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier with a third party to be nominated by the Client.
2. If the Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier shall at any time make any change to the source code, he shall
immediately deposit a revised copy with the said third party.
3. The Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier will pay all costs and charges including those of the said third party
incurred in connection with this Escrow Agreement.
4. In the event that the Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier or his appointed agent cease to be in the business of
maintaining the program product the Client may invoke this Escrow Agreement to obtain access to the source
code and supplementary documentation which is held in Escrow.
5. In the event that the Sub-Contractor/Controls Supplier or his appointed agent default or fail to undertake
maintenance of the program product the Client may invoke this Escrow Agreement to obtain access to the
source code and supplementary documentation which is held in Escrow.
A. Provide power wiring to all DDC(S) and to all components controlled by DDC(S).
B. For electrical plumbing and fire protection systems, provide wiring from auxiliary contacts to BMS through
DDCS. Interlock fire alarm panel with BMS through software interface. Co-ordinate with electrical,
plumbing and fire protection systems supplier to supply all necessary auxiliary switches and devices
required for interface and connection with BMS.
E. Allow for input of all required data in Maintenance Management Program. All equipment/material
mentioned here in shall be monitored by Maintenance Management System.
F. The contractor shall approach all other contractors for required data and coordination.
G. The Contractor shall supply all required field devices for proper operation and function of system.
1. Siemens (Switzerland).
2. Honeywell (U.S.A).
3. Johnson (U.S.A).
4. Schneider (France).
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. General Requirements for HVAC Work, Section 15020, applies to work of this Section.
C. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. Standards
3. U.S. Federal Specifications.
B. Regulatory Agency
A. Shop drawings indicating sizes, types of materials, details, attachment and installations.
B. Product Data: Manufacturer's printed data, catalog cuts, recommended connections and installation
B. Do not store exposed to weather, cover with suitable type material to protect from damage.
A. Furnish and install a fill cap at oil tank fill pipe terminal. Each fill cap shall have cast iron body; cast bronze
cap, gasket and key. Fill cap terminals shall be galvanized or cadmium plated
B. Vent Heads - Oil tank vent pipe terminal shall be provided with a weatherproof type vent head
A. Furnish and install fuel oil pump sets of sizes and capacities as shown in the drawings.
B. Each pump set shall consist of the following basic parts completely assembled, piped and wired and ready
for installation.
1. Fuel oil pumps: Comply with UL 343 and HI 3.1-3.5, single-stage,
Internal-gear, positive-displacement, rotary type. Include steel base; footmounted,
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Cast-iron housing; steel gears; bronze bearings; steel shaft; mechanical Seals; and built-in pressure
relief bypass.
2. Motor: explosion proof high effciecy type motor.
3. Duplex suction and discharge strainer of line size, fitted with two filtering baskets. The strainer shall
have a transfer handle for switch cover of filter baskets (refeer to point 2.4.D below).
4. Relief valves with an adjustable range of 172 to 1034 kPa, set at 861 kPa.
5. Gauges
6. Oil pressure regulator, Preferred Utilities type "V".
7. Oil pressure switches, syphon mounted, installed to operate lead/lag, pump failure back-up system.
8. Control cabinet : NEMA 12 construction mounted on structural steel frame, completely prewired and
containing the following components:
C. Piping shall be ASTM53, schedule 40 black steel with malleable iron fittings. Provide check valves at each
pump discharge. Each pump shall be protected by an external relief valve. Include gate valves at the suction
and discharge of each pump.
D. Factory test the unit and provide a certificate attesting to the completion of a successful test.
E. Shop drawings shall include complete elementary and connection wiring diagrams, piping diagrams and
installation instructions.
1. Malleable-Iron Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.3, Class 150, standard pattern, with threaded ends
according to ASME B1.20.1.
2. Unions: ASME B16.39, Class 150, malleable iron with brass-to-iron seat, ground joint, and threaded
ends according to ASME B1.20.1.
4. Steel Welding Fittings: ASME B16.9, wrought steel or ASME B16.11, forged steel.
5. Steel Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.11, forged steel with threaded ends according to ASME B1.20.1.
7. Gasket Material: Thickness, material, and type suitable for fuel oil.
B. All buried fuel pipes should be coated with Synthetic fabric based tape which is impregnated and coated with
organic petroleum based compounds. Resulting anti corrosion highly resistant to mineral acids, alkalis, salts
and micro-organisms and highly impermeable to water, water vapour and gases coating. Coating tape should
be suitable for operation temperature range of 0 °C to + 55 °C.
A. Flexible Hose: Flexible metal hose, corrugated type with braided wire sheath covering, close-pitch annular
corrugations, rated for a working pressure of at least 862 kPa (gage), 200 mm (125 psig, 8 inch) minimum
live length, flanged or screwed end connections as applicable, UL listed for flammable liquid service. Metal
for hose and braided wire sheath shall be stainless- steel, any type of ASTM 300-series.
B. Dielectric Unions: Union comprised of steel female pipe thread end and copper solder-joint end conforming
to dimensional, strength, and pressure requirements of ASME B16.39, Class 1. Steel parts shall be
galvanized or plated. Union shall have a water-impervious insulation barrier capable of limiting galvanic
current to 1 percent of the short-circuit current in a corresponding bimetallic joint. When dry, it shall be able
to withstand a 600 volt breakdown test.
C. Welding Filler Metal: ASME B31.4 and compatible with the materials to be welded.
D. Strainers: FS WW-S-2739 duplex basket type, with inlet and outlet on the same center line. Cast steel or
fabricated steel body, 40 by 40 mesh ASTM 300-series stainless-steel baskets. Open area of 1 basket shall
be 2 ½ times inlet or outlet piping area. Furnish 1 spare basket.
E. Gaskets: Provide 1 piece, factory cut, 1.60 mm thick, gaskets resistant to the effects of fuel oil and
manufactured of fire-resistant materials. Provide full-face gaskets for flat-face flanged joints, and ring gaskets
for raised-face flanged joints. Dimensions for gaskets shall be in accordance with ASME B16.21.
F. Bolting: Material for bolts and studs ASTM A307, Grade-B and for nuts ASTM A 194/A 194M, Grade-2.
Dimensions of bolts, studs and nuts ANSI B18.2.1 and ASME B18.2.2 with threads conforming to ASME B1.1
coarse type, with Class 2A fit for bolts and studs, and Class 2B for nuts.
G. Sleeves in Masonry and Concrete Walls, Floors, Roofs: Provide ASTM A53, Schedule 40 or Standard Weight,
zinc-coated steel pipe sleeves.
H. Sleeves in Other Wall, Floor, and Roof Materials: Provide minimum 26 gage zinc-coated steel sheet sleeves
in partitions and other than masonry and concrete walls, floors, and roof.
I. Floor, Walls, and Ceiling Plates: Plates shall be painted cast-iron, malleable iron, or steel.
J. Miscellaneous Metal: ASTM A 36/A 36M, standard mill finished structural shapes, hot-dip galvanized after
B. Pressure-Reducing Valves: UL listed for fuel oil service. Include bronze body with 1035-kPa (150-psig).
C. Oil Safety Valves: UL listed for fuel oil service. Include metal body; brokenline, oil shutoff feature; and
minimum pressure rating 275-kPa (40-psig) minimum pressure rating.
D. Check valves DN50 and Smaller: Use general-duty valves that comply with MSS SP-80, Class 125, bronze
body, bronze disc, suitable for fuel oil service, with "WOG" indicated on body. DN80 (3 Inches) and Larger:
MSS SP-71, Class 125, 1380- kPa (200-psi) CWP subject to suit system operating pressure, ASTM A 126
castiron body and bolted cap, horizontal-swing, weighted non-slam, bronze disc, flanged or grooved end
1. Backpressure Sustaining Valve shall be suitable for the type of fuel used.
2. Valve shall be balanced design, direct-acting, diaphragm operated and spring loaded, easily field
adjustable from near zero to a minimum of 10% above the factory backpressure setting.
3. Valve shall have ASTM B62 bronze globe style body with threaded ends and have a renewable resilient
4. Diaphragm, seals and resilient seat must be suitable for the type of fuel
Non sparking ratchet assembly stainless steel automatic spring rewind (Declutching arbor to prevent
damage from reverse winding) fuel Hose Reel with automatic nozel and hose swivel for marine ships
and jet-ski (Ø 1") with hose lentgh of 25 m as shown on drawings.
Reel operating temperature range from 0 °C up to 60 °C with appropriate pressure rating suitable for
network pressure.
All reel components (such as hose, valves, nozel…etc) shoule be suitable for fuel (gasoline/diesel)
A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
B. General Requirements for HVAC Work, Section 15020, applies to work of this Section.
C. The requirements of this section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
A. The work includes the providing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, accessories, services and
tests necessary to complete and make ready for operation by the Owner, all fuel oil storage tank work in
accordance with drawings and specifications.
A. Standards
1. DEC
B. Product Data: Manufacturer's printed data, catalog cuts, recommended method of installation.
A. Furnish and install carbon steel, double layer Fuel Storage Tank with primary and secondary containment
walls and interstitial space containing leak detector, with anti-corrosion coating suitable for outdoor installation
at coast climate areas. For size, and capacity refer to drawings & BOQ.
B. The tank shall be constructed, tested and installed in accordance with NFPA & UL-142 recommendations
C. The tank manufacturer's statement that this tank conforms to local codes of Environmental Conservation
label must be permanently displayed.
D. Tank Painting:
1. Apply manufacturer's standard prime coat to exterior steel surface of tanks and supports.
2. Prepare exterior steel surface of tanks and supports.
3. Shop Cleaning: After fabrication, blast clean according to SSPCSP 6/NACE No. 3.
4. After cleaning, remove dust or residue from cleaned surfaces.
5. If surface develops rust before prime coat is applied, repeat surface preparation.
6. Apply manufacturer's standard prime coat to shop-cleaned, dry surface same
Day as surface preparation.
7. Apply manufacturer's standard two-component, epoxy finish coats with minimum coating thickness of
1000 micron.
1. Tanks must be vented. Tanks are designed for operation at atmospheric pressure only, except for use
with vapor recovery systems providing the pressure or vacuum does not exceed 1 psi.
2. Tanks shall be capable of storing liquids with specific gravity up to 1:1.
3. Maximum temperature. Tanks shall be capable of storing fuel oil at temperatures not to exceed 65 C
at the tank interior surface.
4. Tanks shall be chemically inert to petroleum products.
F. Accessories:
1. Anchor straps - provide steel reinforced anchor straps for tank. Number and location of straps shall
be as specified by manufacturer.
Straps shall be standard as supplied by the tank manufacturer.
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2. Certification Plate label shall be permanently affixed to each tank.
3. Threaded pipe connection fittings on top or sides of tank as needed, for fill, supply, return, vent,
sounding, and gaging. Include cast-iron plugs for shipping.
4. Lifting Lugs: For handling and installation.
5. Ladders: Carbon-steel ladder outside tank.
6. Flanged Manways
G. The manufacturer's price shall include the cost of all shipping permits and transportation to deliver the tank
to the jobsite.
H. The tanks shall be set on 300mm of pea gravel and anchored to a concrete foundation with fiberglass
hold-down straps as recommended by the manufacturer. Each strap shall be capable of withstanding the
buoyancy load for the tank diameter.
I. The manufacturer of the tank shall submit shop drawings of the tank for approval. The shop drawings shall
indicate the size, construction data, tapping connections, location of the tapings and hold-down installation.
J. Performance Warranty:
1. Will meet our published specifications and will be free from material defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one year following date of original shipment;
2. Will not fail for a period of thirty (30) years from date of original shipment due to external corrosion;
3. Will not fail for a period of thirty (30) years from date of original purchase due to internal corrosion,
provided the tank is used solely with fuel oil at temperatures not to exceed 65 C.
4. Will not leak for a period of thirty (30) years from date of original purchase due to structural failure
(defined as breaking or collapse) provided the installation is performed and validated by a qualified
installation contractor and the tank is used as stated above.
L. Level monitoring and alarm functions of the tank gauging systems follows:
1. Automatic tank gauging should be considered which illustrate the exact fuel level inside each tank on
monitor as well as any level alarm can be adjusted according to operator desire.
2. Low level on tank: Flashing display on gauge and sounding of local alarm on BMS control system.
Alarm silencing pushbutton silences bell, display continues to flash until situation corrected.
3. Output shall be 4-20 m adc which shall interface with strip chart recorder.
A. When the system is energized make all required adjustments and test as per manufacturer's
recommendations for leakage.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
B. Installers: Firms with at least 5 years of successful installation experience on projects with sheet metal
ductwork systems similar to that required for this project.
C. Standards Compliance: Comply with the requirements of applicable local codes and the standards outlined
in section 15000.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature, installation
instructions and catalogue cuts for sheet metal ductwork materials and products.
B. Manufacturer Certification.
C. Submit for checking and approval shop drawings of all sheet metal work drawn to a minimum scale of
1:50. Obtain approval of these shop drawings from the Architect before any fabrication upon this ductwork
is commenced. In addition to the layout of the ductwork, indicate the type of seams and joints, the method
of applying acoustical lining and noising, details of fire dampers and any other details the Architect may
request in reference to sheet metal work. Submit such details prior to or with the first duct layout drawings.
Indicate the elevation of bottom of ducts above finish floor on the drawings. Refer to "SHOP DRAWINGS
AND OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED, Specification Section 15000."
B. All ductwork indicated on drawings is schematic. Ductwork shall be set up and down, offset, change in duct
size and/or location to meet field conditions and coordination between trades without additional cost to the
C. Dimensions given on drawings of all acoustically lined ducts shall be clear inside dimension.
G. Access doors as specified elsewhere shall be provided in the ducts wherever required for access to fusible
link dampers, controls, and all equipment concealed inside the ducts.
H. Unless otherwise noted, all ductwork shall be substantially built of lock forming quality galvanized steel
having a galvanized coating of 33 grams for both sides of 0.1 sq. m. of sheet. Ducts shall have approved
joints and seams smooth on the inside with a neat finish on the outside. Duct joints shall be as airtight as
possible, with laps made in the direction of air flow and no flanges projecting into the air stream. All angles
shall be galvanized.
J. Where space conditions permit, full radius turns shall be used at offsets in low pressure ducts radius = duct
K. Where space conditions do not permit a short radius, vaned elbow or square elbows shall be used. All
square elbows shall be fitted with double thick turning vanes.
L. When it is impossible to offset a low pressure duct around an obstruction or when it is necessary to make
provisions for vertical hangers of the ceiling construction passing through ducts, the obstruction shall be
encompassed with a "streamliner".
M. Install manual dampers, automatic dampers (provided by control manufacturer) fire dampers, smoke
dampers, grilles, registers, diffusers, register boxes, access doors, etc., as indicated on the drawings
described elsewhere in the specifications and as required for a complete system ready for operation.
Balancing dampers shall be provided in each branch, split or tap connection of low pressure ducts unless
otherwise noted on plans. Quadrant dampers shall be furnished and installed in locations shown on plans.
N. Exact dimensions of register boxes must await approval of grilles, and exact locations shall be submitted for
approval, otherwise any changes directed after installation shall be made without additional cost to the
Owner. All register boxes and other openings must be kept tightly closed during construction to keep out
B. All low pressure ductwork shall be galvanized steel, except where otherwise specified, with gauges as
follows, and constructed and braced so not to deform, break of fail to support its own weight.
C. Total air outlet volume for low pressure duct systems, measured by means of a velometer, shall be at least
95% of actual fan supply (measured by means of duct traverse taken with a pitot tube and water manometer.)
B. All medium pressure ductwork shall be galvanized steel except where otherwise specified, with gauges, as
follows, brace and construction so as to support its own weight and not to break, rattle or deform under
C. Total air outlet volume for medium pressure duct systems, measured by means of a volume meter, shall be
at least 98% of actual fan supply (measured by means of a duct traverse taken with a Pitot tube and water
manometer) i.e., maximum 2% leakage.
B. Ducts shall have welded seams and 50 mm x 50m x 6 mm matched angle iron joint connections. All joints
shall be ground smooth, fitted and welded to make connections grease-proof and airtight. The exterior of
all kitchen cooking equipment ventilation ducts shall have welded 38 mm x 38 mm x 3 mm angles, punched
for securing block insulation. Provide 457 mm x 457 mm access doors on side of horizontal duct at 4.5 m
spacing. Access doors shall be same as duct gauge, and shall be located not less than 50 mm above
bottom of duct to provide a drip lip. All horizontal ducts shall be pitched back to hoods 1mm per 30 mm or
maximum pitch attainable. Provide residue trap and cleanout provisions at base of each vertical risers.
Kitchen exhaust ducts shall contain no dampers, turning vanes or obstructions.
B. Seams of smoke breeching sections shall be riveted with 6 mm diameter rivets at not more than 100 mm
centres for girth seams and 150 mm centres for longitudinal seams, or they shall be continuously welded on
the outside. Steel angles 25 mm x 25 mm x 3 mm shall be riveted to the underside of rectangular breechings
on 1 m centres to support wire mesh for block covering, which shall be securely wired to projecting legs of
angles in holes punched on 200 mm centres. Breechings shall be gas tight. Adequate provision shall be
made for expansion into the chimney openings.
C. Where other than rectangular smoke breeching is specified or indicated on drawings, the joints shall be
telescoped and riveted.
E. Each smoke breeching shall be equipped with hinged cleanout doors not less than 381 mm x 381 mm in
size. One such cleanout door shall be provided at the end of smoke breechings. When the horizontal run
of smoke pipe exceeds 5 meters additional cleanout doors shall be provided and shall be so spaced that
the distance between cleanout doors shall not exceed 5 meters. Unless otherwise specified or approved,
cleanout doors shall be installed in sides of smoke breechings.
B. Chimney is to be factory constructed and delivered to the site ready for final assembly.
C. Chimney shall be constructed in 1.2 meter long sections, flanged on either end and sealed tight.
D. The chimney shall be manufactured of double wall construction with Type 304 insulation between the walls.
G. Chimney shall be properly supported, anchored and guyed as per the manufacturer's installation
I. Provide all necessary components for a complete installation, manufactured by a single manufacturer.
B. All access doors in sheet metal ducts shall be hung on heavy flat hinges and shall be secured in the closed
position by means of cast zinc clinching type latches. Where space conditions preclude hinges, use four
heavy window type latches. Doors into ducts shall in general not be smaller than 300 x 300 except for
access door to fire dampers which will depend on size of fire damper.
D. Each sheet metal chamber shall have access doors for access to all parts of the system. Doors shall be
fitted with cast zinc door latches, two per door. Latches shall be operable from both sides of casing. As per
SMACNA Details Hinges shall be extra heavy, zinc plated hinges, minimum of three per door. The doors
shall be felted or provided with rubber gaskets so as to make them airtight. The doors shall be made with
inner and outer sheets 50 mm apart so that they may be properly insulated and properly operated. Doors
shall be a minimum size of 500 mm x 1200 mm.
C. All dampers requiring modulating or two position controls shall conform to construction and finish as
indicated under Section of “Automatic Controls BMS”. Dampers are to be installed in frames properly
caulked to prevent leakage when closed. All automatic louver dampers for modulating air flow shall be of
the opposed blade type. Leakage not to exceed 17 M3HR at 100 mm w.g.
C. Aluminum blades are fixed to the frame through a galvanized steel rods( axels) for rigid construction.
D. Aluminum blades are fitted with nylon bushes for corrosion resistance rattle free and smooth operation.
E. The blades shall be positioned on 50 mm minimum centers up to 100 mm maximum centers resulting in a
high free area to provide minimum resistance to air flow.
B. Damper should be balanced with weighted flaps and to be fully mechanical operation, construction should
be galvanized steel with epoxy powder coat finish.
C. Bearings should be stainless steel or bronze, shaft should be stainless steel and .
B. Dampers are required wherever ducts enter or leave shafts or pierce fire-rated construction.
C. Fire dampers shall be constructed of 1.6 mm galvanized steel, with fusible links designed to break at 74°C.
1. Type I (2 hr.); with factory standard sleeve in air stream for air velocities up to 10 M/sec. 100% free area
out of air stream for all ducts less than 300 mm in height and air velocities greater than 10 M/sec.
2. Type II (3 hr.); with factory standard sleeve in air stream. For velocities up to 10 M/sec. 100% free area
out of air stream for all ducts less than 300 mm in height and velocities greater than 10 M/sec.
3. Spring loaded damper shall be provided for installation in vertical ducts and shall be same as above.
4. Provide an access door in the duct on the same side as the fusible link to permit ready access for
inspection and maintenance.
5. All fire dampers must be provided with an external device which indicates the position of the damper.
G. All fire dampers and sleeves should be labeled to (UL 555).
B. In general, dampers are required to isolate air handling equipment from the remainder of the system and
wherever ducts penetrate smoke partitions. Where fire partitions are used as smoke partitions, dampers
shall be combination fire/smoke type as specified above.
C. Smoke and fire/smoke dampers shall be constructed 1.6 mm sheet steel with high temperature blade seal
and fusible links designed to break at 82°C.
1. Type I; with factory standard sleeve and electric operator, models MA-418 or MP-2781 (220v/50 Hz).
2. Type II; parallel blade damper with electric operator 220v/50Hz. Use in discharge ductwork at supply
fan and return air where applicable.
3. Type III; Combination fire/smoke damper with factory standard sleeve, electric operation 220v/50Hz.
Damper shall close upon activation of smoke detector or firestat or shall stop upon breakage of fusible
link. Include factory wired damper reset switch on damper housing and end switches for override light
E. All fire/smoke dampers and sleeves should be labeled to (UL 555S).
F. Smoke dampers where indicated on the plans shall conform to the UL555S leakage class specified. Damper
actuator shall be UL listed and suitable for the application.
B. Where the installation of piping does not comply with the requirements of foregoing paragraph, where
feasible, the piping shall be relocated.
1. Provide and erect a gutter of 1 mm cold rolled copper under every pipe which is within 600 mm of being
vertically over any motor, electrical controllers, switchboards, or the like.
2. Each gutter shall be soldered and made watertight, properly suspended and carefully pitched to a
convenient point for draining. Provide a 75 mm drain to nearest floor drain or slop sink, as approved.
3. In lieu of such separate gutters, a continuous protecting sheet of similar construction, adequately
supported and braced, properly rimmed, pitched and drained, may be provided over any such motor,
and extending 600 mm in all directions beyond the motor, over which such piping has to run.
D. Each coil section composing the coil bank of a built up rig shall have an individual drain pan extending 300
mm past the front edge of the coil with a minimum 50 mm vertical lip downstream of the coil. The top edge
of the lip shall be turned backward. The pans shall be connected with galvanized pipe to permit drainage to
the floor drain. Pans shall be minimum 1.7 mm galvanized iron and shall be pitched to the drain.
B. The flexible connections shall be a minimum of 200 mm total length and held in place with flanged
connections or heavy metal bands securely attached, to prevent any leakage at the connection points.
B. For aluminum ductwork provide aluminum support materials except where materials are electrically
separated from ductwork.
C. Bracing and construction must be in accordance with latest SMACNA duct construction standards.
D. Where used for moisture laden air, pitch duct to convenient point to allow for drainage. Provide 24mm plastic
drain pipe and run to nearest drain, or as approved.
E. Hand and automatic dampers shall be stainless steel, of the same type specified for the system.
B. Ducts positioned outside will be bracketed every 2 m and raised from ground using the appropriate wind
braces. Whenever positioned horizontally, they must be inclined at a sufficient angle to encourage water
B. All the openings of the ducts facing outside (external air inlet, internal air expulsion, and so on) will be
equipped with the appropriate screens to prevent the entry of brads.
C. Wherever indicated , the ducts will also be provided with the appropriate test points for the velocity
sensors and inspection doors for cleaning and inspection all along the route The inspection doors can
be built using same sandwich panels used for the ducts in combination with the appropriate section
bars , and will be equipped with liners that ensure sufficient pneumatic seal.
D. The connections between the air handling units and the ducts will be made using the appropriate
vibration damping joints in order to reduce all vibrations .The ducts will be provided with independent
support in drier to prevent the weight of the ducts from being transferred to the flexible couplings. The
connection to the air handling unit will also permit easy uncoupling for normal system maintenance.
Whenever the vibration damping joints positioned outside, they will be rendered waterproof.
B. Non dedicated system ductwork: ductwork used in the non dedicated system smoke evacuation such as
return air, exhaust air and fresh air duct, to be constructed from at least 1 mm galvanized steel sheet
metal or higher thickness according to the temperature of smoke and to stand the smoke temperature for
two hours.
B. Casings shall be supported on floor curbs. The bottom of all air casings at the floor and at any other
connection to masonry shall be riveted to 38 mm x 38 mm x 3 mm galvanized steel angles which have been
secured to masonry with expansion shields and caulked tight with cement.
C. Provide angles above and below access doors and frames for access doors. See "Access Doors in Sheet
Metal Work" for construction of doors.
D. This Contractor shall be responsible for any additional bracing required for stiffness including roof deck of
casings. The roof deck shall be braced and supported from the structure, if required.
A. Install ductwork in accordance with approved shop drawings and conditions at the site. Advise Architect in
writing of any condition which prevents the approved duct installation.
B. Provide opening in sheet metal ductwork for installation of smoke detectors. Securely install air-tight housing
and sampling tubes furnished by the Electrical Contractor.
C. Provide 25 mm test ports with standard weight piping caps at all ideal locations for obtaining air. Test
readings, static pressure, duct traverses temperature etc.
1. Do not put screws, etc. on the inside of any sheet metal duct. Lint will "snowball" if caught by any
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable Local codes and the standards outlined in
section 15000 and equivalent European certifications.
A. Shop Drawings indicating size, type, location, details and installation requirements.
D. Operational and Maintenance Manual: Manufacturer's instruction for operation and maintenance.
E. One set of spare fan belts for each fan after final balancing is complete.
B. Fans shall be rated in accordance with Air Movement and Control Association Inc. AMCA standard
procedures, fans shall be labeled with AMCA seal and shall bear the manufacturers test certification. Fans
shall be Class I, II or III as based on both operating pressures and maximum tip speed. Outlet velocities
shown are maximum. Units shall be of manufacture as noted on plans.
Class I up to 95.25
C. All blades shall be air foil, or backwardly inclined from the direction of rotation for non-overloading power
characteristic. Wheels shall be both statically and dynamically balanced after assembly, and accurately
aligned before shipment. The Contractor shall check for alignment and correct any misalignment occurring
during shipment. Blades shall be continuously welded to hub plate and inlet rim.
D. Shafts shall be of SAE 1040 hot rolled steel, accurately turned ground and polished. Fans shall be sized so
that the maximum speed for any given class is no more than 80% of the first speed.
E. Fan housing shall be of air tight construction with the side sheets fastened to the scroll sheets either by a
lock seam or a continuous weld. Fan outlet shall have a rolled, sloping type cut-off to minimize air pulsation
at the discharge velocity. On double width fans, a double sloping "Vee-type" cut-off shall be provided. Fan
inlet cone shall be of one piece construction, spun and contoured to smoothly match the inlet rim of the fan
wheel inlet, and discharge duct collars shall be drilled or punched at regular intervals or flanged to facilitate
connection of duct work.
F. Bearings shall be precision anti-friction, pillow block, either ball or rolled type, and shall be selected based
on an average minimum life of 100,000 full-load hours. Extended oilers shall be provided where bearings
are inaccessible due to fan arrangement or ductwork.
G. The fans are to be driven with V-belt drive, sized at 1.5 times the motor kw and shall be capable of varying
the fan speed 10% higher or lower than at the rating point. Sheaves shall be adjustable ratio type, they shall
be sized to give the required fan speed with motor sheave at the middle of its range of adjustment. Each
drive over one kw shall have at least two (2) belts. Below one kw, drive may be single belt, sized at 2.0
Page 390 of 429
times the motor power output. Belt guards with opening for RPM readings to be provided for all sheaves
and belts. Submit drive data for approval. Provide additional adjustable sheaves at no extra cost, if required
for balancing.
I. Access doors are required in all fan scrolls of fans over 900 mm wheel diameter. Doors shall be of the
quick-opening type, secured to the frame by hand grip bolts and provided with lift handles. Raised type
access doors shall be provided on all insulated fans (inner surface to be flush with the scroll).
B. Provide AMCA arrangements 1 or 9 as indicated with stiffened flanges, smooth rounded inlets, and stationary
guide vanes.
D. Supports:
F. Direct drive:
1. Fixed or adjustable blade as indicated by externally mounted motors through V-belt drive. Provide
internal belt fairing, external belt guards and adjustable motor mounts.
2. Adjust blades for varying range of volume and pressure. Hubs shall facilitate indexing of blade angle.
Provide automatic adjustment stops to avoid overloading motor.
3. Variable speed drives: to NEMA ICS 7.1.
B. Rooftop centrifugal fans shall be provided with a weather tight motor and fan drive enclosure.
1. Enclosure shall be formed of one piece, 1.4mm galvanized sheet steel securely screwed to the fan
base and scroll.
2. Enclosure shall be gasketed to prevent the infiltration of dirt and water.
3. Enclosure shall be provided with a 50mm diameter tachometer hole in line with the fan shaft. Provide
a rubber grommet to seal the hole.
C. Rooftop mushroom type fans are to be belt driven. The motor and belt drive are to be located beneath a
one (1) piece spun aluminum weather tight shroud.
1. The fan shroud is to be constructed of one (1) piece of heavy gauge spun aluminum securely screwed
to the fan base.
2. The fan wheel shall be backwardly inclined and constructed of heavy gauge aluminum, statically and
dynamically balanced.
F. For supply fans, same as above but should be boxed in sand trap louver with cleanable filter equipped with
the fan as one part.
B. Fan panels are to be one piece heavy gauge galvanized steel with pinched mounting holes and spun tight
fitting fan venture.
C. Fan frame shall be heavy gauge formed galvanized steel mounted securely to the fan panel.
D. Propeller blades are to be constructed of dieformed galvanized steel, securely riveted to the propeller hub,
and statically and dynamically balanced.
E. Provide propeller fans with a heavy gauge factory fabricated combination motor and drive/fan inlet guard.
Provide a similar guard on the undriven side.
F. fans should be equipped with back draft damper and protection guard scream
C. Fans are to be squirrel cage type, heavy duty, mounted on a single shaft and directly driven by a single
F. Provide a washable mesh aluminum air filter 13 mm thick, ASHRAE Standard 52 efficiency of 10%.
B. Direct coupled rated for (2) hour at minimum smoke temperature of (400 Co).
B. The fan impeller shall be radial tip blade type made of die cast aluminium (none sparking) or welded steel
blade primed and lacquered.
C. The fan is manufactured in accordance with the following standard:89/392/EEC, 73/23/EEC and
B. The fan must be selected to withstand the hot , greased exhaust air from kitchens and hoods and should be
400 C for 2 hours.
B. Vibration isolators shall be provided as specified on plans and schedules and in accordance with related
specifications section 15070.
C. In case of fans where more than one speed is specified isolators shall be selected for the lowest speed.
D. The motor and fan bases shall be welded or bolted to form a common base to prevent any uncommon
physical motion of the fan and motor.
E. Each fan shall be provided with an electrical motor and motor control, as specified on plans and schedules.
G. Fan sound power levels at the inlet shall comply with AMCA 301 and to be no greater than the following:
Backward 60 84 79 77 74 72 70
75 93 89 82 80 77 71
Propeller 65 82 78 73 71 68 62
Examine area and condition under which fan coil units are to be installed. Notify Engineer in writing of
conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.
Install equipment in accordance with approved shop and installation drawings.
Make adjustments as required for specified operation of equipment.
B. The requirements specified in this section apply to all related sections in this Division. The requirements
of all related sections, elsewhere in this division also apply to this section unless specified to the contrary.
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes and standards as outlined
in section
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature, installation
instructions and catalogue cuts for each type of grille, register and diffuser, accessory furnished, type of
control and finish.
B. Schedule: Submit a schedule of all grilles, registers and diffusers for approval before ordering the
equipment. Include the location, model number, size, capacity performance, noise criteria rating, and
acoustic performance, and accessories for each.
C. Certification.
B. Review the drawings and specifications and assume full responsibility for the proper operation in
reference to the completeness capacity, construction and noise criteria rating of the air devices supplied.
C. Supply Register: Double deflection, with extruded steel adjustable horizontal face and vertical rear
louvers, 20mm spacing, key operated opposed blade damper and 1mm steel frame.
E. Return Grille: Aluminium, with fixed horizontal louvers set at 30 , with 15mm spacing. Grilles connected
to copper or aluminium ductwork to be fabricated from aluminium.
F. Return Grille/Access Door: Aluminium, with fixed 30 louvers with 15mm spacing parallel to hinge.
Construct unit to house a 600 x 600 x 25mm throw away fibreglass filter within ASHRAE Standard 52 76
efficiency of 20%. Include a continuous hinge and fasteners. Install grilles at horizontal ceiling mounted
fan coil units and where shown on drawings.
G. Coordinate access door location and provide final finish as approved by the Architect.
A. Ceiling Diffuser Constant Volume Systems: Aluminium, square or rectangular necks with removable cores
and airflow patterns. Include equalizing grid and opposed blade damper.
B. Ceiling Diffuser, VAV Systems: Aluminium, round neck with removable core and air flow patterns as
indicated on the drawings, include equalizing grid on opposed blade damper.
C. Linear Ceiling supply Diffuser: As indicated on drawings, extruded aluminium, continuous length and
number of slots. Include integral vanes for flow control and air pattern adjustment and blanking sections
where shown. The diffuser should be supplied with the plenum box from the same manufacturer. And the
plenum must be insulated with 12 mm sound acoustic lining insulation meeting ASTM, NFPA
D. Linear Ceiling Return Diffuser: As indicated on drawings, extruded aluminium, continuous length and
number of slots. Include integral vanes for flow control and blanking sections where shown.
E. Linear Sidewall Supply/return Diffuser: As indicated on drawing, extruded aluminium, continuous length
and number of slots. Include opposed blade damper and blanking sections where shown.
F. Adjustable jet nozzle with sizes and mounting styles shown on the plans and air distribution schedule.
Jet nozzle shall have a curved intake featuring superior aerodynamic and acoustical properties, housed
in a hemispheric casing with opposite swivel bearings and swivel range of +/- 30˚. Jet nozzle shall be
aluminum construction with white powder coat finish. Adjustable Discharge (+/- 30˚) with Twist Effect
G. Adjustable jet nozzle with twist element of sizes and mounting styles shown on the plans and air
distribution schedule. Jet nozzle shall have a curved intake featuring superior aerodynamic and acoustical
properties, housed in a hemispheric casing with opposite swivel bearings and swivel range of +/- 30˚. The
jet nozzle has wider spread and shorter throws for air distribution in narrow spaces. Jet nozzle with twist
element shall be aluminum construction with white powder coat finish.
B. Fixing: The louvers are fixed to the wall by means of screws. The WA – series has factory punched screw
holes in the margin. For fixing with a mounting frame (GR001), the frame and the louver have to be drilled
together on site.
D. Sand Filter: All external louvers for air intake use shall be complete with sand trap louver mounted directly
to rear of weatherproof fixed blade louver.
B. The frame and blades shall be constructed of high quality extruded aluminium profiles.snd they shall be
general wall thickness 1.5-1.8 mm and 1.2-1.5 mm respectively.
C. Blades width will be 100 mm flush mounted sand trap louver should be also provided.
D. The lower part of the louver frame should contain of 20 mm drain holes arranged in two parallel row for
empting the captured sand or dust.
E. The sand trap louver should be complete with aluminium filter, opposed blade damper and both the filter
and the damper.
A. Examine area and condition under which grilles, registers and diffusers are to be installed. Notify
Engineer in writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the
work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Furnish and install all grilles, registers and diffusers where shown on the drawings of sizes, types and
capacities indicated.
C. Coordinate all design and margin construction with architectural requirements. Provide plaster fames for
all grilles, registers and diffusers installed in plaster ceiling and walls.
D. Provide 7mm sponge rubber gasket around the frame of the registers and grilles.
E. Furnish all registers and diffusers with an opposed blade damper. In addition, furnish ceiling diffusers
with an equalizing grid. Operate volume control dampers in branch ducts supplying linear diffusers
through the face by means of flexible cable connectors.
F. Where airflow pattern indicated on the drawings is other than 4-way, provide 4-way diffusers with
triangular 0.6mm sheet metal blank-off sections.
G. Adjust neck size to maintain proper face velocity. Install blank-off plate with sponge rubber edging to
prevent rattling.
I. Where air devices require duct connections of a different size than that shown on the drawings, provide
those duct connections at no additional cost to the Owner.
J. Should the air distribution or sound level in any space prove unsatisfactory, in the opinion of the Engineer,
provide baffles or provide a different size or type of air device in order to make such conditions satisfactory
at no additional cost to the Owner.
K. Provide a shop prime coat finish on all grilles, diffusers, and registers. Finish all extruded aluminium
linear diffusers as determined by the Architect.
L. Provide fire damper in grilles, registers or diffusers installed in fire rated ceilings and walls.
M. Provide fire rated louver as indicated on the drawings on external fire rated walls .
N. In case of conflicting with the specifications of the architect exterior louvers notify the architect in writing
to obscene the final approval
O. Obtain architect approval for all air outlets and external louvers .
B. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes and the standards outlined
in section 15000.
A. Shop drawings indicating type, size and location of air filters, details of holding frames, installation
requirements, efficiency, initial and final pressure drops, and gross media area.
B. Product Data: Manufacturer's data sheets, plus independent testing lab certification of efficiency, pressure
drop, and dust holding capacity.
B. Each air filter shall consist of a permanent corrosion resistant holding frame and a replaceable factory
assembled filter element incorporating a fine fibered synthetic medium. The permanent holding frame shall
be supplied with a suitable gasket and retaining clips to maintain a positive pressure seal between the frame
and the replaceable filter element. The holding frame shall be provided with matching rivet holes and a
peripheral gasket to facilitate installation and prevent leakage between the frames.
C. The average efficiency of the filter shall not be less than 85% by arrestance .
D. Filter assemblies and media shall comply with NFPA, local codes and any local Fire Department
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E. Filter media shall be essentially non-combustible and shall not produce toxic vapours if burned.
G. During construction, provide 10 mm deep filters in any system in operation. After construction, and prior to
issuance of work all filters are to be replaced with new.
A. The bank of filters shall be erected so that the filter elements can be installed and removed from the side
of the filter bank.
B. Pre-filters shall be disposable, 100mm deep type filters. The permanent holding frame shall be designed
to accommodate these pre-filters and be so constructed that pre-filters can be installed or removed
without disturbing the basic filter element. Initial resistance shall not exceed 0.17" W.G. when operating
at rated capacity. Efficiency shall not be less than 35%.
C. Provide and install a Dwyer Magnehelic Gage, on each filter bank of proper scale.
D. Unit shall be installed complete with pressure fittings for duct and flexible double column plastic tubing.
The range of pressure scale shall be from 0 to 50mm.
E. Where used in conjunction with package unit, provide factory fabricated 16 gauge steel, full housing with
access doors on both sides of the housing, and integral pre-filter section..
I. On built-up banks which are more than 4 frames high and 4 frames wide, provide a 75mm wide by 16
gauge, or heavier, steel stiffener strap vertically every two frames in width.
J. During construction provide 50mm deep pre-filters for any system in operation.
B. Each air filter shall consist of a permanent corrosion resistant holding frame and a replaceable factory-
assembled filter element incorporating a fine-fibered all-glass medium. The permanent holding frame
shall be supplied with a suitable gasket and retaining clips to maintain a positive pressure seal between
the frame and the replaceable filter element.
C. The holding frame shall be provided with matching rivet holes and a peripheral gasket to facilitate
installation and prevent leakage between the frames.
2 3
D. Provide not less than 5 M of media area per 1700 M /HR.
E. The initial resistance shall not exceed pressure drop scheduled at 2.5 m/s. The average efficiency of the
filter shall not be less than 85% using atmospheric dust, per ASHRAE Test Standard 52-76.
F. The complete filter including frame shall not exceed .94m in depth. Filters installed in side access
housings shall not exceed 1.12m in depth.
H. Provide and install a Dwyer Magnehelic Gage, on each filter bank of proper scale.
I. Unit shall be installed complete with pressure fittings for duct and flexible double column plastic tubing.
The range of pressure scale shall be from 0 to 50mm.
J. Where used in conjunction with package unit, provide factory fabricated 16 gauge steel, full housing with
access doors on both sides of the housing.
M. On built-up banks which are more than 4 frames high and 4 frames wide, provide a 75mm wide by 16
gauge, or heavier, steel stiffener strap vertically every two frames in width.
A. Install air filters in accordance with approved drawings and manufacturer's recommendations.
All filters shall be kept in domestic packing until start up
C. Warranty
- Provide two years manufacturer’s warranty
- Warranty : include the whole unit .
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature, materials,
construction, installation instructions, capacity and performance data for each type of air handling unit
B. Shop drawings indicating size, location and details.
C. Operational and maintenance manuals.
D. Certified coil performance data.
E. Prior approval requirements:
- Manufacture name
- Figure number
- Engineering data
- Samples : if requested by owner
A. Units shall be the product of one manufacturer and of the type, size and capacity as set forth in the
schedule. The fan outlet velocities and coil and filter face velocities shall be within 5% of the values
specified in the schedule.
B. The units, as assembled, shall be complete with fans, DX coils, double insulated casing, filters, drives
and accessories. Each unit, including the fan enclosure, shall have essentially constant cross-sectional
dimensions as to width and height. Internal baffles shall be provided as required to prevent air bypassing
coils and filters. Provide factory fabricated mixing boxes where schedule or indicated on plan.
The casing shall consist of an independent structural frame, properly reinforced and braced for maximum
rigidity, having individually removable, flush mounted, insulated panels. The casing shall be of
sectionalized construction, consisting of individual fan section, coil section, mixing section, access
The framework shall be constructed of structural rolled shapes having minimum thickness of 3mm or
die formed sheet steel having the minimum gauges set forth in the following schedules; standard
aluminum may be substituted for steel:
Up to 2.8 sq.m. 2
C. Framework shall be designed with recesses suitable to receive enclosure panels, providing neat
appearance, airtight enclosure, and ease of panel removal.
D. Enclosure panels 1.1M2 in area and larger shall be constructed of not less than 1.5mm die formed sheet
steel., the panels shall be double skin unit sheets to be preprinted/ plasticized 1 mm thick for internal
and external with the individual panels recessed into intermediate structural members. Protection for the
insulation edges shall be provided around the perimeter of each panel. Protection shall be in the form of
a "U" shaped panel edge or in 15mm channels welded to the inside surface of each panel. Enclosure
panels shall be fastened to the framework by means of thread cutting sheet metal screws and shall be
sealed against air leakage by the use of continuous neoprene Casketing of 3mm minimum thickness.
All sections are to be rigid die formed and integrally welded construction of heavy gauge galvanized
E. Inspection and service access doors shall be provided for access to the unit's interior, for filter removal
and for coil inspection. Doors shall be double wall, constructed as specified for enclosure panels. Doors
provided in access and filter sections shall be the full height and width of the section. Doors shall be
removable type provided with hinges and tight sealing latches.
F. The interior of all panels shall be insulated with not less than 68kg density fiberglass insulation having a
minimum thickness of 50mm neoprene coated K factor 0.038 W/m2 C maximum at 24 C.. The exposed
surface of the insulation shall be protected from air erosion and moisture penetration by means of a
minimum 1.6mm coating of a non-flammable fiber compound, sprayed on after the insulation has been
set in place. The insulation shall be fastened to the interior surface of the panel by means of adhesive.
The interior surface of the framework members shall be insulated as specified herein for the panels, or
shall be coated with fire resistant mastic in adequate thickness to prevent sweating. Insulation shall be
flame retardant and non-toxic when combusted.
G. All surfaces of the casing, framework, and panels exterior shall be protected by means of an initial
phosphate coating followed by one coat of zinc chromate primer and then finish painted, or in lieu
thereof, shall be hot dipped galvanized.
H. Structural rolled shaped or die formed sheet steel structural member’s equivalent in gauge to that
herein specified for framework, fastened directly to the structural frame, shall be provided for support
of the bearing housings so that enclosure panels are not required to support bearing housings.
I. Fans shall be double width double inlet, centrifugal type with scroll type housing. Rotating assembly
shall be certified to be statically and dynamically balanced.
J. For units supplying less than 17,000 M3/hr design conditions, the fan wheel shall be of the forward
curved blade type. Airfoil or backward inclined blade
K. Drives for fan motors 11kw and less shall be of the V-belt type, with adjustable cast iron motor sheaves,
capable of permitting a minimum of ±5% percent variation in fan speed. Two sets of fixed pitch drives
shall be supplied for all motors larger than 11kw. The first set is for initial start-up and the second set
will be installed at the field determined speed to facilitate balancing. Drive sheave dimensions and belt
number shall be sufficient to transmit the required power to the driven equipment with an efficiency of
not less than 95 percent. Drives shall have a service rating of 140 percent of the maximum estimated
load. The rpm indicated in the schedule shall be the mid-point setting for the drive. Each external drive
shall be provided with easily removable factory fabricated belt guards constructed of expanded metal
and finished to match the unit finish. Reinforced tachometer access openings shall be provided.
Internally or externally mounted motors shall be fully vibration isolated.
L. Shafts shall be properly sized, one piece, solid polished steel. Fan shafts shall not be operated at their
critical speeds. Fan shaft bearings shall be self aligning, pillow block regreaseable ball or roller type,
with grease fittings piped to and mounted on the exterior of the unit if the bearings are located within
the enclosure. They shall have an average life of 200,000 hours at design operation conditions.
M. Motors shall be NEMA standard 1,500 rpm, having ball bearings with grease lubrication. Motors shall
be mounted on an adjustable base in the locations shown on the contract drawings. to provide adequate
service clearances.
N. All drive components and moving equipment shall be individually vibration isolated.
O. Cooling coil shall be seamless copper tubes with heavy aluminium fins mechanically bonded to the
tubes. Coil shall be complete with male couplers, and factory operating charge of refrigerent and shall
be factory pressure and leak tested at not less than 200 psig (1380 Kpa). Fresh Air Handling Unit’s coil
shall be of seamless copper tubing, having copper fins mechanically bonded to the tubes, electro-tinned
for marine application. Any other coating to improve the coil life span can be evaluated. Capacities
shown in documents should be net capacities after applying the protective coil coating.
P. Coil headers shall be completely enclosed within the insulated coil casing section. The inlet and outlet
connections shall be extended a minimum of 150mm beyond the exterior of the coil casing through pre-
cut openings. Sealing collars shall be provided at the openings for the coil connections. Drain and
vent connections shall be furnished for each water coil and shall be located on the pipe connections,
external to the unit cabinet, for ease of access.
Q. Coils shall be provided in the capacity, quantity and arrangement for each air handling unit as noted in
the schedule on Contract Drawings. Unless otherwise noted in schedule coils shall have aluminum fins
on seamless copper tubes. Fins shall be mechanically bonded to the tubes (fins shall be maximum 10
per 25 mm) or helical type. Soldering or tinning shall not be used for bonding. Working pressure shall
be (1035 KPa) at 94C.
R. Coils shall be completely drainable by gravity through a header. Headers shall be fabricated of
seamless copper tubing. Coils shall be pneumatically tested at 1035 KPa under water. Each coil shall
have a galvanized sheet casing of 1.6mm minimum thickness. Intermediate center supports shall be
provided for all coils exceeding 1,371mm in length.
S. The fan and cooling coil sections shall each be provided with double floor construction, sandwiching a
layer of polystyrene insulation between the two layers of metal. Drain pans shall be provided with outlet
drain connections on both sides. The drain pans shall extend far enough to prevent carryover from the
cooling coil traveling past the tip of the drain pans without the use of eliminators. Drain pan shall be
insulated to match the casing with minimum 32 mm drain and rust resistant interior finish.
T. Interior baffles shall be provided around all sides of each coil to minimize air bypassing. Provision shall
be made to permit free drainage from each section. When two or more cooling coils are used with one
stacked above the other, individual drain troughs, piped to the main drain pan, and shall be provided at
the bottom of each of the upper coils.
U. Filter section and mixing shall be supplied by the air handling unit manufacturer, with the same casing
construction as before specified for other unit sections. The type of filters to be housed within the filter
section shall be of the type and efficiency indicated on the equipment schedule and section 23 41 00.
V. Energy Recovery Exhaust Unit where required: provide construction similar to above described for
AHU. Provide panel filter section, mixing box section with motorized dampers, ERC section, empty
section and fan section. For energy recovery coil (ERC) follow same specification of cooling coil.
A. The UVC Lamp and Parabolic reflector fixture shall be factory assembled and tested. The power source
for the lamp is housed in an aluminum enclosure that will mount separately.
B. The UVC source with high output, low – pressure ( 3.0 Torr.) mercury laden argon- neon type that is
internally coated to reduce the effects of solarization which would typically reduce output and has a
bearing on overall lamp performance and life. The UVC source is a pure fused quartz type 219 shell,
properly doped with titanium oxide in order to filter out 99.999% of the 185 nm wavelength to avoid the
production of ozone.
C. The UVC source net output the lamps will be at least the intensity listed below in microwatts /cm2 at 36
inches in the 245 nm to 266 nm band while operating at nominal temperature in an air stream moving
at 400 fpm:
- 270 microwatts per/cm2 at 36 inches for the 24 inch lamps.
- 290 microwatts per/cm2 at 36 inches for the 30 inch lamps.
- 500 microwatts per/cm2 at 36 inches for the 40 inch lamps.
- 580 microwatts per/cm2 at 36 inches for the 50 inch lamps.
- 640 microwatts per/cm2 at 36 inches for the 60 inch lamps.
D. The UVC source design is based on a 4 – pin type connection, hot cathode, T6 diameter ( 19 mm). The
UV source shall be available in lengths of 12,18,24,30,40 and 60 inches.
E. To effectively irradiate the coil surface and drain pan, the UVC source shall be mounted on a
geometrically adequate, parabolic shape, back- reflector to redirect at least 90% of the total emitted
UVC onto the coil that will continuously clean the coil and drain pan, and kill odor causing mold and
fungus that may develop in an HVAC unit.
F. The reflector shall be built from a heavy duty single piece anodized aluminum extrusion, aluminum has
88% reflectance. Stainless steel reflector shall not be used as it has very low reflectance of 20%
H. In order to guarantee the adequate performance for a given coil, the vendor shall specify in detail, a
manufacture – approved layout of the number of UVC sources required their respective position
(distance from the coil and alignment on the coil). Adequate performance is defined by the IUVA
(International Ultraviolet association) guidelines as the irradiation intensity required so that a bacteria
requiring a lethal UV dose of 100,000 microwatts cm 2 will not survive more than 60 minutes anywhere
on the surface of the coil. In order to validate the performance of the proposed arrangement, the vendor
shall submit a manufacturer approved computers simulation showing the resulting bacteria kill – time
map of the coil.
J. 10 Electrical requirements:
- UVC supplier shall provide power & wattage for each lamp in respected selections.
K. Each UVC source shall be clamp- mounted for easy installation, positioning and maintenance onto a
¾ inch anodized aluminum tube which is support structure. The support structure will field installed and
be adequately fixed with non – corrosive hardware so that the UVC source does not vibrate or loosen.
M. The UVC source (lamp) shall be guaranteed for 17,000 hours of operation and power source ( ballast)
shall be guaranteed for 5 years.
C. Make all required adjustments and place units in perfect operational condition.
D. Install unit as per manufacturer recommendations.
B. General Provisions for HVAC Work, Section 15000, apply to work of this Section.
C. The requirements of this Section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
D. Standards Compliance: Comply with requirements of applicable local codes, codes and standards stated
in section 15000 and the following:
AHRI: Certify that the capacities of each model and size are in compliance with industry standard 440 89
for Room Fan Coil Units.
AHRI: Test and rate each model and size for sound in accordance with industry standard 443 71 for
sound ratings of Fan Coil Air Conditioners.
AHRI 210 - Unitary Air-Conditioning Equipment.
AHRI 270 - Sound Rating of Outdoor Unitary Equipment.
Guarantee each unit to operate at the certified sound levels. Replace any unit which does not fulfill this
Equivalent European certifications.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature, and catalog cuts
for each equipment, indicating connection details, dimensions and required clearances, and installation
B. Schedule: Submit a schedule showing manufacturer, models, sizes, and capacities for approval before
ordering the equipment.
C. List of spare parts and its price to cover the operation of works for 3 years.
B. Cabinet: Galvanized steel with baked enamel finishes, access doors or removable access panels with
quick fasteners [screwdriver operated flush cam type.] [locking door handle type with piano hinges.]
Structural members shall be minimum 18 gage (1.20 mm), with access doors or removable panels of
minimum 20 gage (0.90 mm).
C. Insulation: 50 mm thick neoprene coated glass fiber on surfaces where conditioned air is handled. Protect
edges from erosion.
Provide copper tube aluminum fin coil assembly with galvanized drain pan and connection.
Provide thermostatic expansion valves for units.
The unit should be mounted on frame to install drain tray and then drained to the nearest drain point
(indirect) through UPVC pipe.
B. Refrigerant type shall be non-CFC type (like: R-134a, R-407c, R-410A or any equivalent refrigerant).
Provide copper tube aluminum fin coil assembly with subcooling rows.
Provide thermostat to cycle condenser fans.
1. Provide hermetic compressor, resiliently mounted with positive lubrication, crankcase heater, high
and low pressure safety controls, motor overload protection, suction and discharge service valves
and gage ports, and filter drier.
2. Five minute timed off circuit shall delay compressor start.
3. Outdoor thermostat shall energize compressor above 14̊ C ambient.
4. Provide step capacity control cycling compressors.
5. Condensate Drain pan: Drain pan to direct condensate to condenser coil for re-evaporation.
6. Condenser Fan: Provide direct drive propeller fans, resiliently mounted with fan guard, motor
overload protection, wired to operate with compressor.
B. Include system selector switch off-heat-auto-cool and fan control switch (auto-on).
C. Provide double acting thermostat with minimum two stages heating and 2 stage cooling.
Units to consist of cabinet and frame, supply fan, control, air filter, refrigerant cooling coil, compressor,
condenser coil and fans, motorized outside air damper, return damper, motorized exhaust damper.
Prefabricated roof curb to conform to requirements of related specifications and shall be minimum height
450 mm.
Cabinets: weatherproofing tested and soundproofing tested to ARI 270, dbA at 3 m free field.
Framing and supports: 2 mm thick welded steel, galvanized after manufacture, with lifting lugs at top of unit
and/or fork lift slots at bottom.
Outer casing: weather tight galvanized steel with baked enamel finish.
Access: removable gasketted hinged doors or panels with locking door handle type or screwdriver operated
flush cam type fasteners.
2.2.3 FANS
Centrifugal, forward curved impellers, backward inclined, or airfoil, statically and dynamically balanced. Multi
V-belt drive with adjustable variable pitch motor pulley, rubber spring isolated hinge mounted motor fan,
and motor integrally mounted on isolation base, separated from unit casing with flexible connections and
spring isolators.
B. To meet NFPA 90A, air filter requirements type Class 1 or type Class 2.
B. Controls:
Conform to CSA B52 and ANSI/UL 465 requirements.
Compressor/condenser section:
Semi-hermetic or hermetic compressors, vibration isolated with flexible suction and discharge
connections, oil sight glass, oil pressure switch, crankcase heater, and automatic pump down system
with control to liquid line solenoid valve.
Fans: propeller type with single piece spun venturi outlets and zinc plated guards. Motors shall be
sequenced for head pressure control.
Electrical system shall have operating controls, oil and refrigerant pressure protection, motor overload
protection, weatherproof electrical wiring with weatherproof, rain tight disconnect.
Include refrigerant piping with, sight glass, filter drier and valves.
Condenser: staggered copper tube, aluminum fin coil assembly with sub-cooling rows to provide 6 0C
Capacity reduction: cylinder unloading. Provide flooding for head pressure control for low ambient
operation down to 0 C̊ ambient temperature.
Refrigerant type shall be non-CFC type (like: R-134a, R-407c, R-410A or any equivalent refrigerant).
In addition to safety controls, provide smoke sensors in return to NFPA standards, low limit on supply and
freeze protection on water coils.
Zone sensor or room thermostat to activate cooling relay in control circuit cycling compressor. Provide
safeties and pressure controls. Condenser fans to operate in sequence.
When call for cooling is satisfied, relay is de-energized closing liquid line solenoid valve and pumps down.
On two compressor units provide separate circuits to evaporator and condenser.
Mixed air single zone unit:
Signal lights indicating system status, heating system failure cooling system failure and dirty filters.
Check switches proving signal light operation.
System on-off switch .
Fan on-off switch.
Manual 6 h timer to override night-set back control.
Provide gauges in remote panel indicating outside air, mixed air, return air and discharge air temperatures for
each deck before heat exchangers.
A. Air cooled CRAC units.
B. Refrigerant type shall be non-CFC type (like: R-134a, R-407c, R-410A or any equivalent refrigerant).
C. Ductable close air conditioning units with capacity as per schedule and humidifier and dehumidifier for
precise temperature and humidity control.
D. Particularly suitable for air conditioning technological, servers and IT room and all technological
applications in general.
E. The compressor allows the cooling capacity modulation according to the real internal load, particularly
efficient at the partial loads and optimizing the power absorbed and eliminating the start current.
F. Semi-graphic display 132x64 pixels, programmable software, record storage of 100 alarm, general alarm,
and automatic reset after blackout, integral LAN system, standby management, automatic rotation,
serious alarm.
G. Main accessories:
B. Condensing coil:
a. Provide copper tube aluminum fin coil assembly with subcooling rows.
a. Provide hermetic compressor, resiliently mounted with positive lubrication, crankcase heater, high
and low pressure safety controls, motor overload protection, suction and discharge service valves
and gage ports, and filter drier.
b. Five minute timed off circuit shall delay compressor start.
c. Outdoor thermostat shall energize compressor above 14 C ambient.
d. Provide step capacity control cycling compressors.
D. Condensate Drain pan: Drain pan to direct condensate to condenser coil for re-evaporation.
E. Condenser Fan: Provide direct drive propeller fans, resiliently mounted with fan guard, motor overload
protection, wired to operate with compressor.
A. Examine area and condition under which fan coil units are to be installed. Notify Project Director in writing
of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Furnish and install factory assembled units of the types, sizes, capacities, and arrangements indicated
on the drawings and specified herein.
D. Supply units fully charged with refrigerant and filled with oil.
E. Scheduled performance is based on ARI 210 test conditions. Scheduled sound rating is based on ARI
B. The requirements of this Section apply to equipment specified elsewhere in the specification.
1. ARI: Certify that the capacities of each model and size are in compliance with industry standard
440-89 for Indoor Units or any equal approved certification.
2. ARI: Test and rate each model and size for sound in accordance with industry standard 443-71 for
sound ratings of Indoor Air Conditioners.
3. ARI 210 - Unitary Air-Conditioning Equipment.
4. ARI 270 - Sound Rating of Outdoor Equipment.
5. Guarantee each unit to operate at the certified sound levels. Replace any unit, which does not fulfill
this requirement.
6. A certified VRF installer should install, connect, test, and balance the VRF system complete with its
associated piping and insulation work, and the local VRF agent should commission & startup the
system at cost of installer. Certificate or approval for installer by local agent and a certificate that
installer possess all required tools (list should be submitted) is a must. Technicians should also be
trained and certified for VRF installation by Factory Engineer. None certified installers or technicians
are not allowed or accepted.
A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, including printed technical literature, and catalog cuts
for each type of Indoor Unit and Outdoor Unit or computer selection printout indicating connection details,
dimensions and required clearances, and installation instructions.
B. Schedule: Submit a schedule showing manufacturer, models, sizes, and capacities for approval before
ordering the equipment.
C. Shop drawings including piping, joints and header with complete sizing and dimensions for the VRF
D. Provide method of statement for the installation, connection, testing, balancing and commissioning of the
VRF units.
E. Provide startup recording (graphical and tables) using service checker equipment for a startup of VRF
system (showing date, site name and successfully operating for more than Five years).
F. Provide List of projects in Egypt indicating number of indoor units, outdoor units, special central control,
project name, location and total operational units in Egypt (for same brand provided in offer).
G. Provide a list of Factory Trained engineers on VRF installation and startup showing, name of engineer,
description of courses attended, and experience in installation and service of VRF projects (for same
brand provided in offer). Certificates of Factory Training and Certificates of excellence for VRF engineers.
H. List of tools used for VRF installation and maintenance including specifications and catalogue cut of
equipment and tools. Tools must be submitted or be available for inspection prior to approval of submittal.
I. Maintenance center tools and proof or previous usage and list of factory certified engineers and
technicians to work on tools with relevant maintenance courses.
J. Previous Certificates of excellence in installation and maintenance of VRF system (of same brand
provided in offer)
L. Provide stock available of similar units used in project available at local Agent.
P. Items E to Item O should be presented to engineer or available for inspection at installer and agent
facilities prior of approval of submittal.
B. The VRF indoor & outdoor units should be complete with scroll compressors, fans, condenser, heat
exchanger, electronic expansion valve with 2000 control steps, control cables & all other accessories, as
per manufacture recommendations.
C. The VRF system shall be an Inverter Driven 2 Pipe Heat Pump system, which operates on energy efficient
R410A refrigerant. See attached schedule for details of equipment in project.
D. Each system shall be based on one modular outdoor air cooled condensing unit connected via a single
refrigerant circuit comprising suction and liquid pipe work for up to 64 indoor fan coil units, of different
types and capacities. The total load of which should not exceed the total outdoor unit’s capability index.
E. All Concealed indoor units must be complete with variable speed fan.
F. The system should have an integrated oil recovery system, no oil traps are allowed
G. The system should have Automatic refrigerant charging, Automatic leak detection & Auto addressing
H. Outdoor units with frequency control from 52 HZ to 266 HZ, the outdoor units should not have an
equalizing pipe between the outdoor modules
J. The refrigerant pipe work circuit can be extended up to 165 meters actual (190m equivalent length)
between the outdoor condensing unit and the furthest indoor unit on the circuit and may incorporate a 90
meters level difference without no oil traps., Piping should be extendable to 40metres from the first branch
. The level difference between indoor units on one system can be to 15 meters and total piping network
in single system can be up to 1000 meters.
K. Operation of the system shall permit either cooling or heating of each fan coil or all of the fan coil units
serving a common room. Each fan coil or group of fan coils shall be able to provide set temperature
independently via a local remote controller, an Intelligent Controller, an Intelligent Manager or a BMS
L. The system shall operate with Refrigerant HFC R410A (R32/R125 (50/50)), the installation to be in
accordance with BS EN378: 2000 Parts 1-4 and Manufacture’s design and installation instructions listed
in the VRF Installation Instructions, and Serviced in accordance with service manual.
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M. The units shall be manufactured and designed to standards relating to quality assurance under
O. Also be fully compliant with CE Regulations 1995 with respect to the following areas MSD89/392/EEC –
Machine Safety Directive, LVD73/23/EEC – Low Voltage Directive, and EMC Directive EMV89/336/EEC
– Electro-Magnetic Compatibility, and PED conformity.
B. During the cooling operation the electronic expansion valve (not less than 2000 steps) shall control the
degree of refrigerant superheat at the evaporator outlet. During the heating operation it shall control the
degree of refrigerant sub cooling at the condenser outlet.
C. The indoor unit printed circuit board shall be complete with power input fusing, address switches for a
variety of operation controls, emergency operation switch and fault/operation indication LED's. Fan
motors shall be thermally protected.
D. All Concealed indoor units must be complete with variable speed fan.
E. The indoor unit casing of ceiling concealed and cassette types, shall be fully insulated and sealed to
prevent condensation. The insulation shall conform to BS476 Part 7 fire rating.
F. All indoor units should be have a Multi Tenant option which useful in an apartment building, where multiple
tenants share one outdoor unit.
A. Provide the required units, types and capacities shown in the design schedules, BQ and Drawings
to fulfill designed load at actual capacities.
C. Provide a certificate that the system limitations are not violated or exceded.
D. All units shall be of the cooling/ heating type using the heat pump technique
F. Unrestricted positioning of the indoor units shall be at least 195m pipe run allowance with a height
difference of 90 m from the outdoor unit and up to 15m among the indoor units and up to 90 meters
for a single indoor and up to 1000 meter in single circuit.
G. Units shall be provided with low noise direct drive fan, motor, heat exchanger, electronic expansion
valve, drain pump built in for concealed & cassette models insulated drain pan and refrigerant filters.
C. Fresh-air admixing of 10-15% in relation to the nominal flow rate can be admixed via a punched aperture
(diameter 125mm).
Floating contacts suitable for use in BUS systems (LON-BUS, EIB) are programmable as an
external ON/OFF, emergency stop or window contact.
Malfunction code history for troubleshooting
Forced fan operation with multi model applications
All PID controller thermistors can be polled
CE Declaration of Conformity
Comprising LVD73/23/EEC, EMV89/336/EEC and MSD89/392/EEC
A. The outdoor condensing units shall be completely weather proofed to corrosion resistant type E1. Factory
assembled in a sturdy weatherproofed casing constructed from rust-proofed mild steel panels (Galbarian
Steel) coated with an electro-painted oven baked enamel finish. Also pre-charged, pre-wired and
completed with all necessary electronic and refrigerant controls for ease of installation and factory tested.
B. Units of weather proofed, anti corrosion enclosure, complete with compressors, fans, motors and
condenser coils
C. Hermetically type Scroll inverter compressor with one moving part and oil filter. Rotary or Twin Rotary
compressors with more than one moving part are not allowed.
D. Liquid receiver
E. The system should have an integrated oil recovery system, no oil traps are allowed
G. Maximum size unit shall be designed to work with several indoor units (up to 64 units) connected to the
same refrigerant circuit
H. Automatic control system shall handle the conditions of the operation of any number of indoor units down
to one, the frequency of the inverter control to be determined electronically be sensing ambient
temperature, operational pressures and monitoring the exact requirements of all the connected indoor
I. Ambient temperature should range from -5 C Dry Bulb Temp.(DBT) to 50 C DBT in the cooling operation
and from -5 C Wet Bulb Temp.(WBT) to 15.5C WBT in the heating operation
J. The system should have Automatic refrigerant charging, Automatic leak detection & Auto addressing
K. The units to be equipped with the back-up function, which allow the other outdoor units to operate as
emergency to prevent the total shutdown of the system, even when one of the outdoor unit goes out of
L. Outdoor units with frequency control from 52 HZ to 266 HZ, the outdoor units should not have an
equalizing pipe between the outdoor modules
M. Units shall be capable of controlling running hours of compressors to ensure the same lifetime.
O. Provide control kit (element) in indoor units to enable connection with BMS or fire alarm system.
P. The VRF indoor & outdoor units should be complete with scroll compressors, fans, condenser, heat
exchanger, electronic expansion valve with 2000 control steps, control cables & all other accessories, as
per manufacture recommendations
B. The fins are to be covered with an anti-corrosion Acrylic resin and hydrophilic film type E1. The pipe plates
shall be treated with powdered polyester resin for corrosion and rust prevention.
a. VDA Wechsel test: Where the plate passes 5 cycles of 7 days each containing:
b. Kestrinich test: Where the plate passes 40 cycles of 48 hrs each tested according to DIN 50017.
2.3.3 FAN
A. The outdoor fan impeller shall be of aero spiral type for vertical air discharge, designed for low noise
operation with manipulation on the fan blade edges to reduce turbulence and have a aero fitting discharge
grill. The fan motor shall be DC (Digital Commentator brushless motor) inverter speed control to maintain
constant head pressure control in all ambient conditions and modes of operation. Fan motors shall have
external static pressure of 78Pa.
B. Number of Aero-Spiral-Fans (Two fans only for size 14-18 HP, Three fans for size 26-48 HP and
Maximum of Six Fans in Size 54 HP).
B. The motor should be cooled by pressurized gas not by suction gas or evaporation of the refrigerant in the
motor to prevent overloading of winding and bearings which is cases by sporadic jumps in temperature if
suction gas is used for cooling.
C. Compressor should have no accumulator, rotary or twin rotary compressors with more than one moving
part are not accepted.
E. Capacity control of the outdoor unit shall be inverter controlled with following steps for Single Module: 20
steps for size 5 HP, 25 steps for size 8 HP, 25 steps for size 8 HP, 37 steps for size 10&12 HP, 51 steps
for size 14&16 HP, 55 steps for size 18 HP and Minimum 67 steps for the 54 HP size (with maximum
Three Modules). The frequency of inverter control shall be determined electronically by sensing ambient
temperatures, operational pressures and monitoring the exact requirement of all of the connected indoor
units, frequency should be controlled from 52 HZ to 266 HZ.
F. Modules 5-18 HP each should include an at least an inverter compressor with DC motor (digitally
commutated brushless DC motor), which is frequency controlled. This should be done by converting AC
voltage to DC voltage, using a rectifier and producing an independent controlled frequency. Mains
frequency and unit frequency should be de-coupled in the inverter.
G. There should be no residual frequencies and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) should be complied
without restriction. Adherence to the directive EMV89/336/EEC is a must.
H. To prevent a lack of oil, dynamic oil balancing system should be applied by fitting to the inlet side and a
large surface area oil separator should be installed on the outlet side.
I. To optimise the supply of lubricant for several compressors, an automatic oil return cycle for the whole of
the system network should be periodically activated by the MICRO-PROCESSOR system controller.
K. The compressor, the electrical and thermal motor protection and the oil sump heating should be controlled
by the MICRO-PROCESSOR system controller
M. Sizes 5&8 HP should contain one inverter compressor, Sizes 10&12 should contain One Inverter and
One Fixed speed compressor and Sizes 14-18 HP should have One Inverter compressor and two fixed
speed compressors.
B. And should be optimised for the use of R 410 A refrigerant. Cooling circuit should comprise refrigerant
collector, filter and oil separator.
C. System should optimise level of fill for the evaporator and overheating control for the heating mode by
way of an electronic injection valve (EEXV) with 2000 servo steps, controlled by the Micro-processor
system controller.
D. Dynamic E-Bridge circuit for optimum refrigerant sub-cooling, in addition to circuit for stabilising the liquid
pressure and the head of liquid in refrigerant collector.
low pressure
high pressure
refrigerant suction temperature
oil temperature
heat exchanger temperature
Outside temperature.
B. Safety pressure switches should be for low and high pressure (manual reset should be possible from
remote control).
C. The unit should be equipped with shut-off valves for suction and liquid pipes and service connections with
Schrader valves. The refrigerant circulation is dried, evacuated and charged with the required refrigerant.
D. For selected sizes, subject to variations in site, zoning or application changes, Engineer can require same
capacity unit from manufacturer during constructions (but bigger/smaller footprint and weight or with
higher efficiency) prior to approval of submittal or during construction.
E. Micro-processor System Controller Micro-controller supported control and regulation of the process
sequence for both cooling and heating operating modes. Management functions for all sensors and
actuators, control and safety components and electrical drives.
The system shall employs the Auto check function for connection errors of the unit wiring and piping,
to be shown on the PC board in the outdoor unit.
The system should record the last 5 minutes of operating data continuously to enable the analysis of
the data in case of any malfunction to identify the problem cause.
J. Auto Refrigerant Charge Function:
The system shall have an automatic refrigerant charge function capable of calculating required
additional refrigerant charge due to pipe length and diameter and automatically adjust required
additional charge.
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K. Auto Leak detection Function:
A leak detection feature that automatically calculates the volume of the refrigerant flowing in the cycle
depending on reference values of system's temperatures, pressures & refrigerant density & the types
& number of indoor units.
L. Auto Address function:
The system should be capable of performing Auto address for indoor units without using dip switches
or rotary switches. Manual addressing is not allowed.
M. Anti-recycling timers.
The condensing units shall be capable of sequential start when more than one unit is installed to
minimize circuit breakers size and current.
N. Auto Restart Function:
Unit Should have an auto restart capability after power failure as standard.
O. Back-up Function.
If a compressor failure occurs in system the remaining compressors ensures at least 66% system
capacity for three modules units. This function is activated at the outdoor unit.
If a compressor fails in a module in a two or three module systems (module sizes 20-54 HP), this
module can be de-activated. The remaining module or modules then keep uphold the basic supply.
The operator should be able to use the remote control to activate this function.
P. Oil Recovery Function
The oil recovery cycle shall be automatic, occurring 1 hour after start of operation and then every 8
hours of accumulated operation. Oil separators should be standard with the equipment together with
oil equalization system between compressors and condenser, no oil traps are allowed.
When the system is initially commissioned, it operates in an automatic operating mode and creates
the individual system characteristic curve for optimum partial load operation. The respective
structural conditions (pipe network resistance, differences in height) are acquired during this
operating mode. This dynamic system pressure loss flows into the target pressure calculation as a
variable (evaporation temperature). This ensures a constant pressure and thus constant temperature
level at the heat exchangers, independent of partial load.
R. Electronics
The outdoor electronic PCB’s shall be lead free with emergency operation switches, and service
mode switches, together with LED indications for the number of fan coils connected, the frequency
status and operational/fault indication. The control circuit shall have a pump down facility to enable
collection of the entire refrigerant charge in the system at the outdoor unit.
The units shall have microprocessor control system incorporated to enable oil return, stability of
refrigerant flow and capacity balancing.
The following safety devices shall be part of the outdoor unit;
High and low pressure switches,
Control circuit fuses,
Crank case heaters,
S. CE Declaration of Conformity
Should comply with The Low Voltage Directive LVD73/23/EEC, EMC Directive EMV89/336/EEC and
Machine Directive MSD89/392/EEC.
A. Examine area and condition under which the indoor VRF units are to be installed. Notify the engineer in
writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Furnish and install factory assembled Indoor units of the types, sizes, capacities, and arrangements
indicated on the drawings and specified herein.
B. Install in accordance with the manufacturer instructions using tools approved by manufacturer.
C. Coordinate installations of the units with the architectural and electrical works
D. Supply units fully charged with refrigerant and filled with oil
E. Units shall be delivered along with refnet joints & refnet headers to facilitate installation & increase the system
F. Pipes to be connected using non weld connectors “Lokring” to sizes 1 1/8 and welding above that size. Pipe
Ends should be covered by a Lokring Stopper in case indoor will be installed at later stage.
G. The installation company shall be Approved Manufacture Installers, whose installation engineers
H. shall have attended the relevant VRF Manufacture equipment courses. Proof of compliance may be requested before
approving submittal. Approval is given by a Manufacture Distributor. The
I. tendering contractor must state on his tender return submission the name of the specialist
K. The installation of all internal and external units, refrigerant pipe work, inter-connecting wiring, testing shall be carried
out by the above stated approved Manufacture Installer.
M. Contractor on no extra cost shall receive the following from manufacturer representative, and present to engineer for
Service recordings for at least 2 hours of operation upon start up using service checker
with a certified engineer having an experience of at least Five years in analyzing checker
recordings. And who has attended the relevant training course.
Warranty after inspection and approval of installation works.
N. Should it deemed necessary full access should be afforded to the site during the installation of the VRF to allow a
Manufacture Distributor’s representative/engineer to verify that the installation methods being used comply and are
fully in accordance with the Manufacture VRF Installation Instructions, requirement in order that the equipment
warranties will not be invalidated.
O. Nominated Approved Manufacture Installers should have a certificate from Manufacture Distributor.
Supply, install, test and commission all interconnecting refrigeration pipe work between the outdoor unit
and the connected indoor units with sizing and thickness as recommended by manufacturer. Non
welding Lokring joints should be used in connecting sizes below 1 1/8 in most cases and Lokring
Stopper should be used if Indoor is going to be installed in a later stage..
The pipe work installation, charging, testing and commissioning shall be carried out by registered
refrigeration engineers, who shall be fully trained in the safe handling of refrigerants and trained in
brazing techniques. Technicians should be trained for welding and installing VRF systems by a
factory engineer and should be certified from manufacturer.
The installation shall be fully in accordance with British Standard BS EN378: 2000 Parts2-3 and
Manufacture’s design and installation instructions listed in the VRF Installation Instructions.
All pipe work installations shall be carried out in refrigerant quality soft or half hard drawn pre insulated
copper tubing to BS2871 Part 2: 1972 and complete with the appropriate Refnet headers and Refnet
Longest possible lengths of pre insulated copper pipe shall be utilized to minimize the number of joints
on site; appropriate refrigeration installation tools must be utilized to avoid the use of elbows. In case
specific location requires welding, Oxygen free dry Nitrogen (OFN) must be used and blown during
welding (no cold brazing is allowed) to avoid oxidation inside pipes. In case oxidation is found inside
pipe due to not using Nitrogen replacement without welding, pre insulated copper pipes could be
changes if requested by engineer and manufacturer.
Pipe work shall be properly and neatly fixed and supported at a minimum of 2 meter intervals and where
possible should be run on galvanised cable tray. All pipe work to be tagged with ID number
(Condensing Unit ref) at 3 meter intervals.
Pipe supports shall not restrict expansion or contraction of the pipe and restraint must not be applied to
Refnet joints or Headers. Every 15 meters in risers an expansion loop should be done in accordance
to pre insulated copper piping installation works.
The system shall then be vacuumed/dehydrated to 0.2 torr (-755mmHg) using a 2-stage vacuum pump
with non return valve in less than 2 hours and then held at that setting for 1 hour (minimum) to ensure
successful vacuum. If Vacuum was not reached in above timings, break vacuum with dry nitrogen up
to +0.5 bar and repeat the vacuum process again. All of the above works shall be carried out before
electrical connection is made to the fan coil units.
The additional refrigerant (HFC R410A) charge shall be calculated and weighed to accommodate the
actual installed and measured length of pipe work all in accordance to manufacture
recommendations and instructions listed in the VRF Installation Instructions.
The charging should be carried out with an appropriate charging station in the liquid phase and under
supervision, no charging without a weighting scale is allowed and recorded additional charge should
be recorded on each outdoor unit.
2 2
a. All control wiring is to be carried out in 2 core 0.75mm - 1.25mm PVC non screened CY flexible
control cabling to BS6141 and BS6500 (To comply with CE Regulations 1995) colour coded and
separately marked at 3 meter intervals for ease of identification and maintenance.
b. A cross wiring check function should be present to identify any connection errors in the system &
give an obvious alert for it.
a. The sub-contractor shall supply all the specified equipment complete with one year’s warranty on
both materials and labour commencing on satisfactory hand-over of the complete system.
b. The sub-contractor shall include for a one-year maintenance contract on the complete installation,
with guaranteed maximum 48-hour response time. The sub-contractor shall ensure that the warranty
and maintenance contract he provides is underwritten and approved by Manufacture Distributor, and
shall provide to the employer documentary evidence of the same.
c. The maintenance contract, which must be in place within three months of project completion, shall
include for all works necessary to ensure that the three year equipment warranty given by
Manufacture is not invalidated, and shall provide documentary evidence to this effect.