Covid 19
Covid 19
Covid 19
Vivian Sky
As recently as a few weeks ago, it was officially announced that all businesses,
schools, and airports would be closed. A law was enacted against leaving the
house, even if it meant just going to take a walk and experiencing scenery.
Metaphorically, the world practically shut down. This was all due to one issue: the
emergence of COVID-19 coronavirus.
Coronaviruses are a variety of viruses that may target humans or animals. If so, it
results in illness. Moreover, a common trait of many coronaviruses is their
tendencies to target the lungs. The most recent coronavirus that has developed is
now known as COVID-19, an official pandemic we are currently experiencing.
The virus itself is bacteria consisting of RNA enclosed in protein, spike proteins,
and lipid membranes. Presently, a major concern of the virus is its ability to spread
easily from one person to another. It may spread by direct contact of one who has
it, or by contact of a surface touched by one with the virus. Furthermore, despite its
recent arrival, as much as 465,915 cases around the world have been confirmed. Of
these cases, around 21,031 have died from it, resulting in a mortality rate of 3.4%.
A variety of symptoms are associated with this illness. The main symptoms
include fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Other possible symptoms would be aches,
pains, nasal congestion, a runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. Surprisingly, a
number of people infected have shown to possess no symptoms. On the other hand,
every 1 in 6 infected fall seriously ill.
If suspected to be infected, one has to run a series of tests to confirm their
suspicions. As stated in VTDigger, these tests resemble a flu swab. As in, a nurse
takes a swab of the back of the throat, nose or saliva, and sends the swab to a
department to run further tests. After the possible result is presented, they send it to
another center for confirmation.
As of now, there is no specific way to treat COVID-19. It is advised that those
infected engage in intensive self-care, such as by getting plentiful rest and sleep,
staying hydrated, and keeping warm. However, the use of self-medication,
including antibiotics, is discouraged by health professionals, due to the concern of
being “ineffective” against the illness.
In order to prevent oneself from receiving the infection, they must take a number
of safety precautions. The most important measure to take is to frequently and
thoroughly wash your hands with soup and water. It is also important to be
cautious of touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. The reason for this being, if you
touched an infected surface, these three areas offer a direct pathway to the rest of
your body being infected. Lastly, it is of major significance to physically distance
oneself from others surrounding you, especially if a person tends to show
symptoms or doesn’t follow good respiratory hygiene, such as not covering their
These dire circumstances given to us currently could eventually be resolved. For
now, it is best to raise your own awareness, as well as spread it. Likewise, it is
crucial to understand this current situation we are facing in order to be able to
identify those who are affected, and to take measures to prevent yourself from
being affected as well. Overall, with better understanding we may also prevent the
world from being further affected, and possibly fight against this desperate
situation that’s been presented to us.
-Coronavirus Information: What Should I Do?