Guideline Lease Lighting Final062012

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Lease Lighting



This document was developed by industry for industry. Enform gratefully acknowledges the many individuals who
Enform gratefully acknowledges the support of the endorsing volunteered their time and effort to complete this document.
organizations in the development of this document.
 CAGC Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors DISCLAIMER
 CAODC Canadian Association of Oil Drilling Contractors This document is intended to be flexible in application
 CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and provide guidance to users rather than act as a
 CEPA Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
prescriptive solution. Recognizing that one solution is
not appropriate for all users and situations, it presents
 PSAC Petroleum Services Association of Canada
generally accepted guidelines that apply to industry
 SEPAC Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada situations, as well as recommended practices that may
suit a company’s particular needs. While we believe that
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safety goals by providing practices, assessment, training, regardless of any fault or negligence of Enform and the
support, metrics and communication. participating industry associations.


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PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Audience ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Scope and Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 1
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................... 2
1 RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Operator Responsibilities .................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Contractor Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Responsibilities during Rig Moves....................................................................................... 3
1.4 Hazard Assessment and Control ......................................................................................... 4
2 DETERMINING MINIMUM LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 5
2.1 Background on Light Measurement .................................................................................... 5
2.2 Existing Lighting Standards ................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Applying Existing Standards to Oil and Gas Lease Sites .................................................... 7
2.4 Measuring Illuminance .......................................................................................................10
3 PRACTICES FOR ENHANCING OVERALL LIGHT QUALITY ..............................................................10
3.1 Enhanced Light Quality Can Improve Worker Safety ........................................................10
3.2 Guidelines for Enhanced Light Quality ..............................................................................11
APPENDIX A: ANSI and CIE Illuminance Standards Transferable to Upstream Petroleum
Lease Sites ....................................................................................................................................13
Appendix B: Suggestions for Enhancing Light Quality on Lease Sites ..............................................17
Appendix C: Suggestions for Enhancing Light Quality During Operations Involving Trucks
or Mobile Equipment ....................................................................................................................20
Appendix D: Suggestions for Enhancing Light Quality During Rig Moves.........................................21
Appendix E: Portable Lighting Options ..................................................................................................23
Appendix F: Computer Modelling to Improve Lease Lighting Design .................................................27
Appendix G: An Illustrated Guide to Operator and Contractor Responsibilities ...............................30
Glossary .....................................................................................................................................................34
References .................................................................................................................................................35

The purpose of this document is to provide the upstream petroleum industry with guidelines on
lighting to enhance the safety of operations on onshore oil and gas lease sites during the hours
of darkness.


The intended audience of this document includes:

 Oil and gas lease site operators

 Drilling and petroleum service contractors who carry out work on lease sites

Scope and Limitations

The Lease Lighting Guideline focuses on outdoor lighting requirements for:

 Mobilization and demobilization of drilling equipment on a lease site

 Ancillary drilling activities

 Any lease site servicing operations (e.g., snubbing, cement pumping, well testing,
stimulation, coiled tubing operations, wireline, etc.)

It is not intended to address the lighting requirements for activities that occur on the rig floor or in
indoor structures or shacks. It also does not include activities related to road and lease
construction or reclamation.

This document assumes that lighting is only required in areas where operational activities and
the movement of people and/or equipment take place during the hours of darkness.

It also assumes that there are environmental benefits and energy efficiencies to be gained.
These gains may result from minimizing or avoiding lighting areas of the lease where there is
never any human activity during hours of darkness, and from lighting operational areas only
when operations are actually under way.

The intent of this guideline is to:

 Clarify roles and responsibilities for lighting on leases

 Assist operators and contractors with determining minimum lighting requirements for
work activities on the lease

 Improve the safety and security of people and property on lease sites by increasing the
attention paid to outdoor lighting

This guideline is not intended to override the requirements relating to operations during hours of
darkness set out in Industry Recommended Practice 4: Well Testing and Fluid Handling and
Industry Recommended Practice 15: Snubbing Operations (see especially The
guidance on lighting for various operations, including the mobilization and demobilization of
drilling or service rigs, assumes that other hazards and the cumulative risk of operating during
hours of darkness have been assessed and accounted for in the decision to proceed with these

The guideline is based on engineering judgment, accepted good practices, and experience. This
guideline is meant to allow flexibility and must be used in conjunction with competent technical
judgment. It remains the responsibility of the user of the document to judge its suitability for a
particular application.

If there is any inconsistency or conflict between any of the guidance contained in the guideline
and the applicable legislative requirement, the legislative requirement shall prevail.


This document is a set of guidelines compiled by knowledgeable and experienced industry and
government personnel.

The document was developed under the auspices of the Drilling and Completions Committee
(DACC) and published by Enform as an industry guideline.

1.1 Operator Responsibilities

The operator on a lease is responsible for overall lease lighting requirements for ongoing lease
operations (in accordance with section 2.3). Lease lighting assessments may be considered
during the job planning stage. Based on that assessment, lighting requirements may then be
fulfilled using a combination of fixed and/or portable lighting to cover operations as they shift and

The operator is responsible for ensuring that general lighting is provided in any common areas
shared by multiple contractors for any required operations during hours of darkness (in
accordance with section 2.3). The immediate vicinity of the wellhead and tank farms are prime
examples of common areas.

In the event that an operator supplies equipment for one or more contractors, the operator is
responsible for ensuring lighting is provided for the operation of this equipment in accordance
with section 2.3. This guideline does not specify how an operator provides the lighting. In
particular operations, the supply of this lighting could potentially be subject to a contractual
arrangement between the operator and contractor(s) using the equipment.

1.2 Contractor Responsibilities

Contractors that bring equipment on site in order to engage in specific tasks are responsible for
ensuring lighting is provided for the safe operation of this equipment (in accordance with section
2.3). This guideline does not specify a supplier for the lighting, as a variety of contractual
arrangements may be used to ensure sufficient lighting. Depending on the nature of the
operation, arrangements may include making portable lighting available to provide task-specific
lighting as operations shift and evolve.

If a contractor's operation involves an area outside of the scope of their equipment-specific

lighting, and/or their operational area overlaps with that of another contractor, the contractor is
responsible for communicating site lighting requirements to the operator. The operator and
affected contractor(s) should conduct an assessment to determine whether any modification to
the lease lighting is required in accordance with section 2.3. All parties involved should reach an
agreement to ensure lighting requirements are met before undertaking these operations.

1.3 Responsibilities during Rig Moves

Ensuring that lighting is sufficient during rig moves conducted during hours of darkness is the
joint responsibility of rig transport contractor(s), lease operator(s), and any other contractors
involved in the operation. All parties involved should reach an agreement to ensure lighting
requirements are met before undertaking these operations. Lighting requirements should be
established based on an agreed-upon assessment of the anticipated conditions on the lease
site(s) and any unique operational demands, and in accordance with section 2.3.

1.4 Hazard Assessment and Control

All operators and contractors engaged in operations during hours of darkness are responsible for
communicating to their workers the importance and necessity of lighting to reduce risk during
these operations. The nature of the operations and safety management system should determine
how best to increase awareness of lighting requirements.

For example, employers may:

 Create a formalized safe work practice for operations during hours of darkness

 Ensure that the availability, location, and training on the use of additional portable
lighting is communicated to all employees

 Ensure employees engaged in activities during hours of darkness are trained on the
specifics of lighting application and maintenance

 Include lighting as part of orientation or training on hazard identification and assessment

 Develop and implement a formalized maintenance plan on all lighting fixtures

 Make lighting an identifiable consideration during incident investigation

Operators and contractors on a lease site engaged in operations during hours of darkness are
responsible for conducting a documented on-site hazard assessment during hours of darkness to
ensure that minimum lighting requirements for safe operations are met. Whenever possible, this
assessment should be conducted during the transition from twilight to hours of darkness or
before commencing operations during hours of darkness.

The hazard assessment may include, but not be limited to, identifying and assessing the
following considerations and risk factors:

 Type of task(s) / active task area(s) (align with Table 2: Light Levels for Oil and Gas
Lease Sites)

 Shadows in areas of high activity

 Excessive glare or reflected glare from a light source

 Required sightlines (e.g., to establish eye contact, hand signals, non-verbal


 Mitigation of excessive light spillage outside the lease site, especially onto public
roadways or environmentally sensitive areas

Operators and/or contractors involved in extended lease site operations should systematically
monitor or conduct periodic field inspections of their operations during hours of darkness to
ensure lighting levels continue to meet the requirements of the operations being carried out.

All employers that provide lighting on a lease site are responsible for ensuring that they are
familiar with and follow electrical codes, regulations, and standards for the classification of lights
and supporting electrical systems and connections, where particular classifications are required.
These include but may not be limited to:

 Canadian Standards Association. 2012. CSA Standard C22.1-12. Canadian Electrical

Code Part I, Safety Standard for Electrical Installations.

 Safety Codes Council. 2006. Code for Electrical Installations at Oil and Gas Facilities,
3rd ed. (An easy-to-use and well-illustrated guide that applies the Canadian Electrical
Code and its classification of locations and zone to typical drilling rigs, service rigs, and
other oil and gas lease site operations.)

 Alberta Municipal Affairs – Safety Services. October 2009. Electrical Safety Information
Bulletin STANDATA for CEC-10 [rev-7]. (See especially “Grounding and Bonding at Oil
and Gas Drilling or Servicing Operations,” pages 6-9.)

Note: Some companies may also be interested in the following publication: Canadian Standards
Association. 2009. CSA Standard C22.4-09. Canadian Electrical Code Part IV, Objective-Based
Industrial Electrical Code. This standard provides an objective-based code that allows companies
with a safety management system and the requisite engineering resources to apply innovative
solutions to the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of electrical equipment in their
industrial applications. As regulations and standards continue to evolve and emerge, it is
important for companies to remain vigilant and ensure that they are familiar with all applicable
regulatory requirements and best practices.


2.1 Background on Light Measurement

Illuminance is the measure of “how bright” a working area is. The metric (SI) measure of
illuminance is the lux (foot-candle in the Imperial System). In basic terms, a lumen is the
measure of the intensity of light, while lux measures that intensity in terms of the area over which
it is spread (1 lux = 1 lumen/m ). By way of analogy, if one litre of water is spread over one
square foot, the water is a certain depth. If that one litre is spread over one square metre, the
depth is much shallower.

The following table provides approximate lux values for various lighting conditions.

Table 1: Examples of lux levels in everyday life


Full moon on a clear night 0.27 lux

Dark limit of civil twilight 3.4 lux

Nighttime on suburban residential street 5 lux

Well-lit main street at night 10 lux

Light level 10 feet from a tall living room lamp with a shaded 60 watt 15 lux
incandescent bulb

Light level available for reading if seated next to the same shaded 60 watt 30 lux

Light range in a 10 foot x 10 foot room lit with a single bare 60 watt 30-45 lux
incandescent bulb

Light range in a 10 foot x 10 foot room lit with a single bare 100 watt 50-80 lux
incandescent bulb

Light range in a 10 foot x 10 foot room lit with a pair of 60 watt incandescent 7090 lux

Very dark overcast day 100 lux

Recommended office lighting 320 lux

Full daylight (not direct sun) 10,00025,000 lux

If it is necessary to convert illuminance to or from metric, use the following conversion factors:

 1 foot-candle = 10.76391 lux

 1 lux = 0.09290304 foot-candle

In existing national and international lighting standards for workplaces, illuminance is usually the
key measure of adequate lighting. However, there are other considerations and measurements,
such as glare rating, illuminance uniformity, and colour rendering.

2.2 Existing Lighting Standards

The internationally recognized workplace lighting standards that provide recommended

illuminance values for industrial and outdoor work sites include:

 Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 2001. ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01.

Recommended Practice for Lighting Industrial Facilities.

 Commission Internationale De L’Eclairage / International Commission on Illumination.

1998. CIE 129–1998. Guide for Lighting Exterior Work Areas.

 Commission Internationale De L’Eclairage / International Commission on Illumination.

2005. CIE S 015/E:2005. Lighting of Outdoor Work Places.

2.3 Applying Existing Standards to Oil and Gas Lease Sites

ANSI and CIE standards do not provide direct guidance on lighting temporary or isolated work
sites that must generate electricity locally (the type of work site common in the upstream
petroleum industry). Such an environment presents unique challenges, especially with respect to
uniformity of lighting.

The ultimate goal is not to meet an arbitrary standard. Rather, the goal is to provide sufficient
lighting to mitigate risks and operate safely at night. The focus of lighting should be the areas of
the lease where the operational tasks and the movement of people, vehicles, or equipment are
actually taking place.

The goal is to accomplish this while:

 Minimizing or avoiding lighting in areas of the lease where there is never any human
 Lighting operational areas only when operations are actually under way

The following guidance on lighting is not a substitute for the critical judgment of supervisors and
workers on the level of light they require to work safely.

The lux values in the guidance on lighting in the following table are based on the ANSI/IESNA
RP-7-01 and CIE S 015/E:2005 recommended illuminance values (see further Appendix A: ANSI
and CIE Illuminance Standards Transferable to Upstream Petroleum Lease Site). Work activities
and environments in these tables that were roughly equivalent to the activities and environments
on an oil and gas lease site were then field tested to arrive at the following table (Table 2: Light
Levels for Oil and Gas Lease Sites).

Employers on a lease site (operators and contractors) should refer to the following table to assist
them in determining, providing, and testing the lighting requirements for the various tasks and
work areas under their responsibility.

Table 2: Light levels for oil and gas lease sites

Average Level of
Activity Type / Work Area / Movement Area*

Level 1
Areas used infrequently, activities requiring minimal visual acuity, and pedestrian
traffic areas
5 lux
 Walking from shacks to task site
 Moving between task sites
 Staging areas accessed infrequently at night

Level 2
Areas accessed semi-regularly during a typical shift, and activities and tasks
requiring minimal to moderate visual acuity

 Walkways, stairs, and ladders used infrequently

 Areas in which piping is laid (e.g., flares lines, steam lines, wellhead plumbing, flow
10 lux
 Tank farms
 Tasks requiring the ability to read larger labels
 Manual loading and unloading
 Single unit unloading and loading a load
 Egress routes

Level 3
Areas accessed multiple times during a typical shift, and activities and tasks
requiring moderate visual acuity

 Walkways and stairs used regularly

 Walkways above mud tanks 20 lux
 Task requiring the ability to read smaller labels
 Task requiring ongoing inspections of pipes or fittings for leakage
 Loading and unloading with front-end loader
 Multiple units loading or unloading simultaneously
 Moving and spotting large equipment

Average Level of
Activity Type / Work Area / Movement Area*

Level 4
High-movement areas, and activities and tasks requiring high levels of visual

 Wellhead (immediate vicinity area)

 Any task requiring the reading of gauges/digital displays
50 lux
 Tasks requiring more detailed inspection of pipes or fittings
 Positioning, assembly, and disassembly of large equipment on location
 Lifting and lowering of loads with crane/boom truck

(Note that provincial OH&S regulations require a lighting level of 54 lux measured
50 cm above the travel surface during swabbing operations [AB OH&S 780(6); BC
OH&S 23.65 (a)])

Level 5
Activities or tasks requiring ability to see fine details
100 lux
 Mechanical repair tasks
 Makeup or teardown of equipment with small parts
 Fixed control panels

Level 6
Activities or tasks requiring ability to see very fine details
200 lux
 Repairing electric motor (i.e., fine coil wiring, etc.)
 Repairing electric circuitry

*Note: This table assumes that lease areas not accessed at night or areas with intermittent
operations where lighting can easily be turned on and off would not normally be lit.

2.4 Measuring Illuminance

The human eye adjusts rapidly to changing lighting conditions, making it difficult to gauge
illuminance variations at night (e.g., the difference between 20 lux and 50 lux, or 50 lux and 100
lux). A lux meter is a reasonably priced tool that is relatively simple to use and that can provide a
more precise reading on illuminance.

Lux meters can be very sensitive to the angle at which they are held. When measuring light
levels at various tasks or in various areas, it is important to be as consistent as possible in
holding the meter at a horizontal or vertical angle, as appropriate. Take multiple readings to get a
sense of the average illuminance of an area.

Lux meters are also a helpful tool in redesigning or adjusting existing light fixtures to achieve
better overall illumination of work sites or areas. Again, a metered lux reading is not a substitute
for experienced critical judgment on the level of light required to carry out tasks safely and

 Employers should use a lux meter in developing, designing, and inspecting their lease
lighting infrastructure.

 Anyone using a lux meter should refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the
maintenance, calibration, and use of the device.

 CIE S 015/E:2005 or ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 should be consulted for detailed lighting

design criteria and precise measurement techniques.


3.1 Enhanced Light Quality Can Improve Worker Safety

Light quality plays a role in workplace health, safety, productivity, and morale. Improving overall
light quality can improve hazard identification, enhance overall mental alertness, reduce eye
strain and fatigue, and improve operational efficiency.

Illuminance is one component of light quality. However, glare and uniformity of lighting are also
factors in overall light quality. A light that provides a great deal of illuminance but also creates a
blinding glare for workers does not enhance safety.

Colour rendering is also a factor to consider in any operations where it is necessary to

differentiate colours (e.g., safety labels, emergency signs, etc.). The colour rendering index is a
quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reproduce the colours of various objects
faithfully in comparison with an ideal or natural light source. An incandescent lamp has a Colour
Rendering Index (CRI) close to 100. Colour rendering is less of a concern on lease sites that
use mostly fluorescent, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium lamp types because these
generally provide acceptable colour rendering qualities (colour rendering index ≥ 20).
3.2 Guidelines for Enhanced Light Quality

The following guidelines are designed to encourage practices that enhance overall light quality
for lease operations during hours of darkness. Appendices B, C, and D provide practical
suggestions on how to enhance lease lighting.

Light fixtures on an operational lease site should be of sufficient number and wattage and be
strategically placed, adjusted, maintained, and cleaned so as to:

 Maximize their overall illuminance

 Minimize glare

 Minimize shadows and uneven lighting

Note: There are multiple ways to achieve these results. For example, higher towers reduce
shadows and glare. Higher-wattage light fixtures can produce higher light levels at greater
distances. Providing additional light from different directions reduces shadows and uneven
lighting. Consult Appendix B for further suggestions on how to enhance overall light quality.

Portable light fixtures should be made available when tasks require more light than is provided by
permanent light fixtures on the lease site. Consider having a number of additional lighting options
available on a lease site that are relatively easy to access and use for tasks that require
additional light.

Lease site operations that require the use of trucks or heavy mobile or static equipment should
be supplied with enough light fixtures of sufficient illuminance. These should be strategically
placed and adjusted so as to:

 Maximize the safety of workers around the vehicles and equipment

 Enhance the safety of the operations conducted with that equipment

Note: For suggestions on how to improve light quality during operations using trucks or mobile
equipment, see Appendix C. Consult provincial and federal motor vehicle or transportation
regulations when adding light fixtures to vehicles that will travel public roads.

Light fixtures mounted on mobile or static equipment should be secured, maintained, and
cleaned to maximize their effectiveness.

When loading, unloading, or moving equipment on a lease site during hours of darkness, all
employers involved in the operation should have a plan to maximize lighting for the duration of
the operation. This plan may include but not be limited to the following considerations:

 Putting up lights as a first step before any operations begin on a lease site and taking
down lights as a last step

 Providing additional temporary lights to compensate for the loss of lighting as generators
and equipment are powered down or dismantled

 Providing additional lighting for areas involving safety-critical tasks identified in the
hazard assessment (e.g., drawworks, pinning derrick, installing top drive, or positioning
equipment over wellhead)

 Providing portable light fixtures or vehicle-mounted lighting to address hazards created

by shadows

 Identifying hazards that may not be seen during hours of darkness and taking steps to
mitigate the risk they present (aside from the hazards presented by equipment, consider
natural hazards on the lease site and its egress routes—e.g., large hidden boulders or
holes on a zero-disturbance lease site)

Note: For additional suggestions on how to enhance lighting during a night time rig move, see
Appendix D. As noted above, provincial and federal motor vehicle or transportation regulations
should be consulted when adding light fixtures to vehicles that will travel public roads. In some
cases, these fixtures may need to be covered once off the lease site.

APPENDIX A: ANSI and CIE Illuminance Standards
Transferable to Upstream Petroleum Lease Sites
The following tables represent activities that are roughly equivalent to those undertaken on
upstream petroleum lease sites in terms of lighting requirements (electric generating station 
exterior), working areas (logging), or risk activities (petroleum, chemical, and petrochemical
industry process facilities).

Table A-1: Recommended illuminance values for industrial areas/activities – outdoor

(examples from Figure A2-2 of ANSI / IESNA RP-7-01)

Area/Activity Illuminance

Electric generating stations – exterior

Boiler areas
Catwalks, general area 20 lux
Stairs, platforms 50 lux
Ground-level areas, including precipitators, FD and ID fans, bottom ash 50 lux
Cooling towers
Fan deck, platforms, stairs, valve areas 50 lux
Pump areas 20 lux
Fuel handling
Barge unloading, car dumping, unloading hoppers, truck unloading, pumps, 50 lux
gas metering
Conveyors 20 lux
Storage tanks 10 lux
Coal storage piles, ash dumps 2 lux
Yarding 30 lux
Log loading and unloading 50 lux
Log stowing (water) 5 lux
Active log storage area (land) 5 lux
Log booming area (water) – foot traffic 10 lux
Active log handing area (water) 20 lux
Log grading (water or land) 50 lux
Log bins (land) 20 lux

Table A-2: Recommended illuminance values (maintained on the task) for specific
industries (examples from Figure A2-3 of ANSI / IESNA RP-7-01)

Petroleum, Chemical, and Petrochemical Industry

I. Process areas Elevation Illuminance

A. General process units
Pump rows, valves, manifolds Ground 50 lux
Heat exchangers Ground 30 lux
Maintenance platforms Floor 10 lux
Operating platforms Floor 50 lux
Cooling towers (equipment areas) Ground 50 lux
Furnaces Ground 30 lux
Ladders and stairs (inactive) Floor 10 lux
Ladders and stairs (active) Floor 50 lux
Gage glasses Eye level 50 lux
Instruments (on process units) Eye level 50 lux
Separators Top of bay 50 lux
General area Ground 10 lux
II. Nonprocess areas
B. Boiler and air compressor plants
Outdoor equipment Ground 50 lux
C. Tank fields (where lighting is required)
Ladders and stairs Floor 5 lux
Gaging area Ground 10 lux
Manifold area Floor 5 lux
D. Loading racks
General area Floor 50 lux
Tank car Point 100 lux
Tank trucks, loading point Point 100 lux
F. Electric substations and switch yards
Outdoor switch yards Ground 20 lux
General substation (outdoor) Ground 20 lux
G. Plant road lighting (where lighting is required)
Frequent use (trucking) Ground 4 lux
Infrequent use Ground 2 lux

Table A-3: Lighting requirements for safety and security (from Annex A of CIE S

Risk Level Illuminance

Very low risk, e.g.: 5 lux

 Storage areas with occasional traffic in industrial yards

 Coal fields in power plants
 Timber storage, sawdust, and wood chip fields in sawmills
 Occasionally used service passages and stairs, waste water cleaning and aeration
tanks, filter and sludge digestion tanks in water and sewage plants

Low risk, e.g.: 10 lux

 General lighting in harbours

 Areas of risk-free process and occasionally used platforms and stairs in
petrochemical and other hazardous industries
 Sawn timber storage areas in sawmills

Medium risk, e.g.: 20 lux

 Vehicle storage areas and container terminals with frequent traffic in harbours,
industrial yards, and storage areas
 Vehicle storage areas and conveyors in petrochemical and other hazardous
 Oil stores in power plants
 General lighting and storage areas for prefabricated goods in shipyards and docks
 Regularly used stairs, basins, and filters of clean water plants in water and sewage

High risk, e.g.: 50 lux

 Building foundation holes and working areas on the sides of the hole at building sites
 Fire, explosion, poison, and radiation risk areas in harbours, industrial yards, and
storage areas
 Oil stores, cooling towers, boilers, compressors, pumping plants, valves, manifolds,
operating platforms, regularly used stairs, crossing points of conveyors, electric
switchyards in petrochemical and other hazardous industries
 Switchyards in power plants
 Crossing points of conveyors, fire risk areas in sawmills

Note: Ensure that any lighting added is suitable for the work environment in which it is to be used.

Table A-4: Petrochemical and other hazardous industries (from Table 5.10 of CIE S

Type of Area, Task, or Activity Illuminance

Handling of servicing tools, utilisation of manually regulated valves, starting and 20 lux
stopping of motors, lighting of burners
Filling and emptying of container trucks and wagons with risk-free substances; 50 lux
inspection of leakage, piping, and packing
Filling and emptying of container trucks and wagons with dangerous substances, 100 lux
replacements of pump packing, general service work, reading of instruments
Fuel loading and unloading sites 100 lux
Repair of machines and electric devices 200 lux
(use local

Appendix B: Suggestions for Enhancing Light Quality
on Lease Sites
The following suggestions on enhancing light quality on lease sites are based on the advice of
lighting experts and experienced oil and gas operational personnel. Operators, in particular, and
larger contractors are encouraged to engage lighting experts in order to optimize their lease
lighting strategies. The goal is to maximize illuminance, minimize shadows and glare, and ensure
tasks are lit in a way that meets the minimum illuminance values set out in Table 2 with the least
amount of overall power consumption.


One tower is typically not enough to provide sufficient illuminance and address shadows. Large
buildings and equipment between the towers create shadows. Multiple towers contribute to each
other’s illuminance levels and reduce shadowing, especially in the operational and high-traffic
areas of the lease. The sufficiency of two, three, or four corner towers or some other perimeter
lighting configuration should be a risk-based decision, backed by a hazard assessment carried
out under conditions of hours of darkness.

Light source
Light rays

Rig buildings

Schematic Legend

Figure B-1: Example of light spread with four towers (Adapted from Dustin Jack, Light
Study, 2009)


Higher towers reduce shadows and glare. Higher-wattage fixtures can produce higher light levels
at greater distances. Systematically ensuring that telescoping stands are fully extended in every
instance can improve lighting in some cases.

The tops of buildings and structures can be used as high points to mount additional lights for
strategic task or movement areas or areas shadowed by main lighting fixtures. The higher lights
can be elevated, the more effective they become at raising and evening out overall illuminance.

Figure B-2: Increased light spread from lights mounted on high towers (Dustin Jack, Light
Study, 2009)


A light meter can provide insight into optimal angles for a light fixture. For example, a light fixture
pointed directly downward may produce 200 lux of light in the immediate vicinity of the fixture.
However, 10 metres away, the illuminance may drop to below 20 lux. Adjusting the angle slightly
upward spreads the light more evenly, improving overall lighting and power consumption.
However, adjusting the angle too far is counterproductive if the light spills beyond operational
areas or becomes a source of glare.



Light fixtures on shacks and buildings offer the advantage of providing light precisely where the
greatest amount of foot traffic and other activities take place. They can also contribute
significantly to overall lease lighting and reducing shadows created by more high-power light
towers. However, as is always the case with optimal lighting, creating more even lighting at
moderate levels is preferable to creating unnecessary light “hot spots,” especially away from
peak operational areas. To increase system efficiency, employers might also wish to explore the
use of motion sensors for areas used only infrequently.

Provide workers with readily available, easy-to-use, and easily portable light standards.

Workers who have easy access to lighting solutions will use these instinctively when tasks
require additional light. To maximize usage of portable lights, employers should:

 Have a variety of portable lighting solutions (from simple battery-operated to plug-in or

even more heavy-duty generator-driven light stands)

 Keep portable lighting solutions in known locations that workers can access

 Regularly encourage workers to use these as required

 Research emerging portable lighting solutions available on the market


Over time, lights degrade and offer a reduced level of illuminance. Even more significant in a field
context, however, is the loss of light due to dirty light fixtures. Systematizing light maintenance
and cleaning can improve light levels without requiring additional power consumption.

Be aware of the loss of performance of light fixtures in cold conditions.

Fluorescent lights are an efficient and effective lighting choice in many circumstances, but their
light output can decrease in cold air temperatures. This tendency may need to be factored into
design considerations.

Appendix C: Suggestions for Enhancing Light Quality
During Operations Involving Trucks or Mobile
The following suggestions on enhancing light quality during operations involving trucks or mobile
equipment are based on the advice of lighting experts and experienced oil and gas operational
personnel. Companies involved in these types of operations are encouraged to engage lighting
experts in order to optimize their lease lighting strategies. The goal is to maximize the safety of
workers operating around these vehicles and equipment and to significantly enhance the safety
of the related operations.


In many cases, operations can be much more adequately lit simply by ensuring that all vehicle-
and equipment-mounted lighting is fully functional. Systematic light inspection, maintenance, and
cleaning can considerably improve the light available from equipment-mounted lighting.



Consider adding LED lighting fixtures to trucks and other equipment. LED lighting is very rugged
and can survive vibration and cold, harsh temperatures. These fixtures are designed to run on 12
volt or 24 volt systems. Remember, however, that provincial and federal motor vehicle and
highway regulations may require that these lights remain covered while on public roadways.


When adding or adjusting light fixtures on trucks or equipment, select the highest point of the
vehicle and aim the light downward to improve the lighting around the vehicle or equipment.
Telescoping mounting products are also available to elevate the fixtures even higher. However,
with any telescoping product on a vehicle, consider the increased risk of contact with overhead
lines. Weigh the advantages of more vertical light and a broader lighting area against the risk of
overhead contact.


Where the lighting requirements for a task or tasks associated with particular equipment are best
known to the companies supplying this equipment and operational support, it is a good idea for
these companies to supply the necessary additional portable lights required to light their
operations. These lights need to be easily accessible, ready to use, and easy to operate.

Appendix D: Suggestions for Enhancing Light Quality
During Rig Moves
The following suggestions on enhancing light quality during rig moves carried out in hours of
darkness are based on the advice of lighting experts and experienced rig-moving personnel.
Factors such as the scale of the move and the number of personnel on site during the move
should be considered in lighting decisions. Companies involved in these types of operations
should engage lighting experts in order to optimize their lease lighting strategies. The goal is to
maximize the safety of workers and minimize equipment damage during these rig moves.

Adequate lighting is only one factor among others in making a decision to proceed with a rig
move during hours of darkness. The following suggestions assume that the decision to proceed
has considered other associated hazards and risk factors.


Shadows are a real challenge for rig moves carried out at night. Having multiple light towers
instead of one can eliminate most of the shadows and greatly enhance overall lighting. Also
consider optimal placement of light towers. Placing towers on the lease sides rather than in the
corners may provide better overall lighting. Operators and contractors involved in night rig moves
may also consider different lighting requirements under fresh snow conditions versus lighting
requirements when snow is not available to enhance light quality.

Mounting all light towers as high as possible also maximizes illuminance and minimizes


Portable lighting that workers can easily hook up and move can make the most difference in
terms of getting light where and when it is needed in the move process. If workers can simply
and strategically place lighting where it adds the most light without getting in the way of the
immediate operations, they will do so. Existing and emerging products on the market fulfill these
criteria (see Appendix E: Portable Lighting Solutions). Mounting additional lights on pickup trucks
may also serve as a portable lighting solution. It is important to remember, however, that
provincial and federal motor vehicle and highway regulations may require that these lights remain
covered while on public roadways.



Wherever possible, to leave lights on as long as possible. For example, if the rig itself is
providing a large portion of the lighting for the lease area, it should be the last building to be
completely de-energized.


If possible, consider moving the rig while powering the existing lights on the rig with a portable
generator. This can enhance safety during transport between lease sites as well.


Rear-facing truck-mounted lighting is critical for loading and unloading operations. Increasing the
number of these lights may enhance operations. However, the lower these lights are mounted,
the greater the likelihood that they will also produce a blinding glare for workers operating behind
the truck. Using a diffuse lens rather than a clear lens can address some of the glare issues.
Mounting these as high as possible can both improve the light they provide to the operation and
reduce horizontal glare for workers behind the vehicle. However, also consider the increased risk
of accidentally striking overhead lines and transportation regulations that may apply once these
trucks move off the lease site.

Appendix E: Portable Lighting Options
Efficient portable lighting options are key to cost-effective lighting. Traditional portable light
towers are among the most common in the oil and gas industry. However, there are constant
innovations in the development of effective portable lighting solutions. This guideline does not
endorse any particular solution or brand, but companies should consider emerging solutions for
lease lighting that is more effective, efficient, easy to use, and safe. Most new lighting solutions
will offer both benefits and offsetting negative factors. Both need to be considered in choosing
how best to address portable lighting needs on lease operations. And always keep in mind
electric code classification on oil and gas lease sites.


A portable generator with a hand-cranked light tower is by far the most common portable lighting
solution for larger operational areas on a lease site.

Figure E-1: Portable light tower


Inflatable light towers are an emerging lightweight temporary lighting solution. Designs may vary,
but a light tower such as the example below can be packed by one person. This particular
example is designed to be plugged into a 110 or 220 volt power supply or generator. The
inflatable tower is made of nylon and has a metal halide light housed at the top. One limitation of
inflatable towers is that they do not work well in high winds.

Figure E-2 and E-3: Inflatable light towers

Self-righting lights are a simple, durable, portable light solution. They are marketed primarily to
construction companies. They are manufactured to use halogen or metal halide bulbs of varying
wattage and may come with a carrying handle, internal ventilation to keep the light cool, and
optional reflector shields for directional light. One limitation is their low height.

Figure E-4: Self-righting light


The offshore oil industry has produced portable lighting that is specially designed to meet the
demands of highly explosive environments. For certain operations, having such a solution on
hand is a best practice.

Figure E-5: Portable fluorescent lights designed for explosive environments

Figure E-6: Rechargeable handheld LED designed for Class 1, Div 1 environments
(adjustable to serve as work light or floodlight)


LED lighting solutions for industrial applications continue to emerge on the market. These can
provide a significant power saving while being more durable and resistant to cold weather than
traditional metal halide bulbs. LED lighting solutions may eventually replace more permanent
floodlight standards as well as provide a variety of portable lighting solutions, given that they can
provide significant light from battery power.

Figure E-7, E-8, E-9: LED floodlights (140 watt floodlight version replaces a traditional
450 watt bulb)

Figure E-10: Class 1, Div II LED designed for petrochemical industrial sites

Figure E-110: Vehicle-mounted 12 or 24 volt LED floodlights with telescoping extension


Appendix F: Computer Modelling to Improve Lease
Lighting Design
Companies committed to improving lease lighting may benefit from innovations in lighting design.

In 2009, Cenovus Energy performed a light engineering analysis on an existing drilling operation.
3-D computer modelling made it possible to experiment with multiple lighting solutions without
having to expend resources on equipment and personnel to field test each of these solutions.
This approach allows field testing to be reserved for optimal solutions that offer the most
improvement at the lowest cost.

The following highlights from the Cenovus Energy analysis show what can be accomplished with
this approach to lighting design. (The 3-D computer modelling was performed by Rudy Ponce.
The final report was authored by Dustin Jack of Cenovus Energy. The images are the property of
Cenovus Energy Inc.)

Draft Screenshot

Figure F-1: Baseline layout with lux level values for all options (Dustin Jack and Rudy
Ponce, Light Study, 2009)

Figure F-2, F-3, F-4, F-5: Overhead views of baseline and three options (Dustin Jack and
Rudy Ponce, Light Study, 2009)

Figure F-6, F-7, F-8, F-9: Side-angle views of baseline and three options (Dustin Jack and
Rudy Ponce, Light Study, 2009)

Appendix G: An Illustrated Guide to Operator and
Contractor Responsibilities
The following diagrams illustrate the guidance on operator and contractor responsibilities outlined
in section 1 of this guideline. (The stylized overhead views of the lease site during hours of
darkness are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be taken as technically accurate or


Baseline average light levels for various movement/task zones on the lease site are set
according to Table 2 in section 2.3. This table is designed to provide an objective third party
standard that both operators and contractors can consult to guide their field practices and
contract negotiations regarding lighting on a given oil and gas lease site.

While the table is subject to interpretation in the field (it is impossible to be fully exhaustive),
when applied with the sound judgment of experienced safety professionals, there may be a
degree of variance. Negotiations over lighting should not have to revisit what counts as
“adequate” for lease site tasks and activities.

Once the amount of required lighting has been determined, operators and contractors can
discuss who provides what (and when) for lighting the lease site.

Note: With a standard in place, contractor demands and practices and operator provisioning of
lighting now have a test of reasonableness—all parties are held accountable.

Illustration showing four

movement/task zones lit as per
section 2.3

Operational areas on the lease site

Buildings on the lease site

Figure G-1 : Schematic of a lease


Carries ultimate responsibility for
tasks being adequately lit during
nighttime operations

Provides lighting for any areas
shared by multiple contractors*

Figure G-2 : Basic Operator Responsibilities

*The Lease Lighting Guideline does not make recommendations on how an operator provides
lighting. It offers guidance for illuminance values and calls for optimization with respect to
shadows and glare; it does not specify means.


Ensures sufficient lighting* is
provided for any equipment it
supplies (e.g., a tank farm for

Figure G3 : Additional operator responsibilities (if supplying equipment on lease site)

*The Lease Lighting Guideline does not make recommendations on how an operator provides
lighting. A variety of contractual arrangements may be used to ensure that sufficient lighting is


If bringing in equipment for a
contracted task, supplies the
appropriate light* to ensure safe
operation of that equipment in
performing tasks

Figure G-4 : Contractor responsibilities

*The Lease Lighting Guideline does not make recommendations on how a contractor provides
lighting. Aside from owning their own lighting equipment, a variety of contractual arrangements
may be used—for example, with equipment rental agencies, with other contractors on site, or
even with the operator.


Contractor’s scope of operation

Requires lighting in areas beyond
the lighting supplied with the
equipment they bring on the lease—
into areas potentially shared with
other contractors

Contractor’s equipment and lighting

(See above)

In this scenario:

Responsible for communicating
requirements for additional lighting
beyond that which they normally
supply with their own equipment

Operator + Contractor(s)
Agree in advance on how these
lighting requirements will be met

Figure G-5 : Operator and contractor(s)

ANSI: American National Standards Institute.

ERCB: Energy Resources Conservation Board.

CIE: International Commission on Illumination.

Common areas: Those portions of the lease site used or traversed by multiple employers, or
shared sites for specific tasks.

Contractor: Any person or employer on a lease site who has been contracted by the operator or
another contractor to carry out a specified task or set of duties on the well site.

Hours of darkness: This guideline follows the standard definition for “hours of darkness” used in
multiple pieces of occupational health and safety legislation in Canada. For example, "'hours of
darkness' means the period from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise, or at any
time when, because of insufficient light or unfavourable atmospheric conditions, persons or
vehicles cannot be seen at a distance of 150 metres" (Alberta OH&S Code 1. Definitions).

IESNA: Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.

Lux (lx): The SI (International System of Units) unit of illuminance. One lux is one lumen per
square metre (lm/m2). One lux is equal to the illuminance provided by an ordinary wax candle or
the amount of visible light per square metre incident on a surface.

1 lux = 1 lumen/square metre = 0.093 foot-candles (1 foot-candle = 10.76 lux).

Operator: Typically the owner of the lease site. When a well has more than one owner, usually
only one owner is designated as the operator—most often the licensee of the well. The term
“operator” has this meaning throughout this document.

Twilight: The point where artificial illumination is required to read outside; it is roughly equivalent
to "civil twilight," which is defined as the time period when the sun is between 0° and 6° below the
horizon at sunrise or sunset.

American Petroleum Institute (API) RP 74, 1 ed. 2001, reaffirmed 2007. Recommended
Practice for Occupational Safety for Onshore Oil and Gas Production Operation (see
especially 7.8.1-2).

Drilling and Completions Committee. Industry Recommended Practice #4 Well Testing and Fluid

Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB). 2008. Directive 056: Energy Development
Applications and Schedules.

Government of Alberta. Human Resources and Employment. Published November 2003,

updated April 2004. Occupational Health and Safety Act Code Explanation Guide. Part
12, Section 186; Part 37, Section 780; Part 19, Section 294.

Government of Alberta. Human Resources and Employment. Occupational Health and Safety
Act, Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, Alberta Regulation 62/2003.

International Commission on Illumination (CIE). 1998. CIE 129-1998. Guide for Lighting Exterior
Work Areas.

International Commission on Illumination (CIE). 2005. Standard CIE S 015/E:2005. Lighting of

Outdoor Work Places.

Jack, Dustin M. October 2009. Light Engineering Analysis. Prepared for EnCana Corporation
[now Cenovus Energy].

Jack, Dustin M. May 2009. Light Study: Drilling Operations/Night Move. Prepared for EnCana
Corporation [now Cenovus Energy].

Ponce, Rudy. October 2009. Lighting Design Study on EnCana Ensign 126. In Light Engineering
Analysis, prepared by Dustin M. Jack for EnCana Corporation [now Cenovus Energy].

Saskatchewan Department of Labour. Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Section

23.65 – BC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations Dealing with Swabbing at Night.

Saskatchewan Department of Labour. 1996. Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

Lighting 69 and Luminaires 455.

Walton, Mick. 2008-2009. Lighting Survey/Evaluation Reports on Cementing Operation, Fracing

Operation, Rig Demobilization, and Drilling Operation. Prepared for EnCana Corporation
and Enform.


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