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Drape Drape 2
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Drape Drape 2 is the follow-up to the cult Japanese draping book Drape Drape and the latest in the
new series from Bunka Fashion College. Includes 14 stylish contemporary designs for tops,
dresses, skirts, vests, and jackets, with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and diagrams that
skilfully guide the reader through the draping process. With two full-scale patterns at the back, this
book provides exciting design ideas and highly practical techniques for readers looking to continue
exploring the art of draping.

Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Laurence King Publishing (September 19, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1780670044
ISBN-13: 978-1780670041
Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 0.6 x 10.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (22 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #279,407 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #19 in Books > Reference >
Writing, Research & Publishing Guides > Publishing & Books > Bibliographies & Indexes > Art &
Photography #731 in Books > Arts & Photography > Graphic Design > Commercial > Fashion
Design #12863 in Books > Parenting & Relationships

I stumbled upon these books by accident while I was looking at sewing blogs; honestly, I don't even
know how I found them but I am so happy I did. I have a lot of sewing experience (was a theatrical
tailor for years in, basically, a couture shop) but was TERRIFIED of knits until just a few years ago
when I took a basic "sewing knits" class. Anyway, I am getting -ahem- older and it seems like there
are two choices with clothing for my demographic: librarian/teacher/soccer mom or cougar/MILF. I
am none of those things, and I am becoming disillusioned and demoralized every time I shop. So I
was looking for cool, interesting drapey things to wear that ISN'T like the crap you see everywhere,
and i feel like this is IT. It was a bit of a learning curve, and I'm glad I did a lot of research and read
reviews but I busted out TWO t-shirts this past weekend already and can't wait to make more. I am
thrilled with this book.
A fabulous book for the slightly advanced pattern making student who enjoys a challenge and wants
to stimulate their Pattern thinking outside the usual. Lovely projects that work well and are fun to
make. Highly reccommended!

This book is awesome! The designs are unusual, but still wearable. The pattern construction is
amazing, and if you love draping like I do, you'll find a lot of inspiration in these patterns. Look for
Drape Drape 1, it also worth the money! :)

The patterns are above average, however trying to trace your own pattern pieces is a nightmare. It
could have been avoided had the publisher sprung for the extra 3 color ink job and had each pattern
in a different color. As it is, they are all the same color and not well labelled. The one top required 3
different pieces that are taped together then cut out of one piece of fabric.I did mange one of the
tops and while super cute it is VERY small. I am a curvy 5'2 and usually a size 6 with an average
bust, and cut the extra large and it was still alittle snug; not the relaxed fit I had hoped. And no way
the arms holes were going to be wide enough. Will look at sizing up if I try again.

Need a little experience with using patterns. However book has good illustrations for each step and
is easy to follow.

I enjoyed looking thru all 3 of the Drape Drape books. I can see my slender daughter in these
clothes, but I wouldn't put the fashions on anyone that is not lean. I probably won't use any of the

really simply to follow and very artsy 1 pattern pieces to some of the designs. Even fully figure they

Nice ideas but patterns very hard to copy. About 5 to a page. Also designs don't fit that well but a
good exercise in thinking about new pattern shapes.

Drape Drape 2

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