Item No. Description Unit Derived/ Output (Unit/Mandays) (Unit/Hours) I. Earthworks
Item No. Description Unit Derived/ Output (Unit/Mandays) (Unit/Hours) I. Earthworks
Item No. Description Unit Derived/ Output (Unit/Mandays) (Unit/Hours) I. Earthworks
804 - Embankment
a) Backfilling cu.m. 2.50 m3/MD 0.3125 m3/Hr
b) Spreading, Tamping and Grading cu.m. 2.50 m3/MD 0.3125 m3/Hr
c) Placing Escrombo Fill cu.m. 2.50 m3/MD 0.3125 m3/Hr
d) Gravel Fill
d-1) Hand Placed cu.m. 1.36 m3/MD 0.1700 m3/Hr
d-2) Placing Binder-grael cu.m. 4.00 m3/MD 0.5000 m3/Hr
Time required for erecting and
stripping forms per 100m2 of
Contract Surface
In general, two men can erect 20BD.FT./HR or remove forms at the rate of 44BD.FT./HR
a) Fabrication(cut & bend) kg. 68.00 kg/MD 8.5000 kg/Hr
b) Placing
b.1) Footing and Foundations
Structural kg. 95.74 kg/MD 11.9575 kg/Hr
b.2) Slab on Grade kg. 95.74 kg/MD 11.9575 kg/Hr
b.3) Columns, Beams and R.C. Wall kg. 85.00 kg/MD 10.6250 kg/Hr
b.4) Cast-In-Place Culert and Manholes kg. 61.00 kg/MD 7.6250 kg/Hr
a) Place, Finish & Cure Concrete
a.1) Footing anfd Foundation cu.m. 3.32 m3/MD 0.4150 m2/Hr
a.2) Slab on Grade cu.m. 1.89 m3/MD 0.2363 M2/Hr
a.3) Columns cu.m. 1.02 m3/MD 0.1275 m2/MD
a.4) R.C. Walls cu.m. 0.94 m3/MD 0.1175 m2/Hr
a.5) Structural Slabs cu.m. 0.88 m3/MD 0.1100 M3/Hr
a.6) Cast-InPlace Culverts cu.m. 1.32 m3/MD 0.1650 m3/Hr
a.7) Cast-In-Place Manholes cu.m. 2.65 m3/MD 0.3313 m3/Hr
b)Placing Concrete
b.1) Salb on Fill cu.m. 1.36 m3/MD 0.1700 m3/Hr
b.2) Slip Form cu.m. 0.27 m3/MD 0.0338 m3/Hr
b.3) Chute form Truck cu.m. 0.95 m3/MD 0.1188 m3/Hr
b.4) Crane and Bucket cu.m. 0.48 m3/MD 0.0600 m3/Hr
b.5) Wheeling cu.m. 0.20 m3/MD 0.0250 m3/Hr
b.6) Concrete pour on elevated cu.m. 0.34 m3/MD 0.04250 m3/Hr
and shored slab chute and Fortalift
b.7) Floor Fin, Unhardened cu.m. 6.80 m3/MD 0.8500 m3/Hr
b.8) Concrete Fin, Hardened cu.m. 4.76 m3/MD 0.5950 m3/Hr
c) Concrete Mixing
c.1) Manual Mixing sq.m. 0.41 m3/MD 0.0513 m3/Hr
c2) One-Bagger Mixing sq.m. 3.81 m3/MD 0.4763 m3/Hr
506(1) - Masonry Works
a) CHB Laying
a.1)chb 4" sq.m 5.10 m2/MD 0.6375 m2/Hr
a.2) CHB 6" sq.m 4.25 m2/MD 0.5313 m2/Hr
a.3) CHB 8" sq.m 3.40 m2/MD 0.4250 m2/Hr
b) Brick Works (1.0 x 2.0m) sq.m 13.60 m2/MD 1.7000 m2/Hr
c) Red Bricks (1/4" x 2" x 8") sq.m 1.36 m2/MD 0.1700 m2/Hr
d) Laying of Adobe sq.m 5.98 m2/MD 0.7475 m2/Hr
b) Floor
b.1) T & G Flooring bf 48.55 BF/MD 6.0688 bf/Hr
b.2) Floor Framing bf 14.01 BF/MD 1.7513 bf/Hr
d.) Ceiling
d.1) Ceiling Frame(Joist, Nailers, sq.m. 5.10 m2/MD 0.6375 BF/Hr
and handrails)
d.2) Plywood Installation shts. 6.80 shts/MD 0.8500 shts/Hr
d.3) Finer Cement Board Installation shts. 6.80 shts/MD 0.8500 shts/Hr
d.4) Accoustis Ceiling sq.m. 5.64 m2/MD 0.7050 m2/Hr
d.5) Cealing Eaves Installation sq.m. 5.64 m2/MD 0.7050 m2/Hr
d.6) Fascia Board Installation sq.m. 16.32 m2/MD 2.0400 m2/Hr
e.) Cabinet
e.1) Cabinet Framing bf. 52.29 BF/MD 6.5363 BF/Hr
e.2) Cabinet Boarding 37.61 BF/MD 4.7263 BF/Hr
e.3) Built-In Wood Cabinet 37.81 BF/MD 4.7263 BF/Hr
b) Windows
1. Casement Type m2 1.92 m2/MD 0.2400 m2/Hr
2. Jalousie Type m3 1.92 m2/MD 0.2400 m2/Hr
3. Fixed Wooden m4 1.92 m2/MD 0.2400 m2/Hr
1018 - Ceramic Tiles
a) Ceramic Glazed Tiles sq.m. 2.24 m2/MD 0.28000 m2/Hr
b) Ceramic unglazed Tiles sq.m. 1.56 m2/MD 0.1950 m2/Hr
b) Laying of Asbestos
b.1) 1/2" dia ln.m. 0.41 lm/MD 0.0531 lm/Hr
b.2) 3/4" dia ln.m. 0.41 lm/MD 0.0513 lm/Hr
b.3) 1" - 1 1/4" dia ln.m. 0.47 lm/MD 0.0588 lm/Hr
b.4) 1 1/2 - 2" dia ln.m. 0.52 lm/MD 0.0650 lm/Hr
b.5) 2 1/2" dia ln.m. 0.62 lm/MD 0.0775 lm/Hr
b.6) 3" dia ln.m. 0.68 lm/MD 0.0850 lm/Hr
b.7)4" dia ln.m. 0.83 lm/MD 0.1038 lm/Hr
b) PVC Pipes
b.1) 1/2" dia lin.m 0.42 lm/MD 0.0525 lm/Hr
B2.) 1- 1/2" dia lin.m 1.56 lm/MD 0.1950 lm/Hr
b.3) 1 1/2" - 2" dia lin.m 1.70 lm/MD 0.2125 lm/Hr
b.4) 2 1/2" dia lin.m 2.04 lm/MD 0.2550 lm/Hr
b.5) 3" dia lin.m 0.68 lm/MD 0.0850 lm/Hr
b.6) 4" dia lin.m 0.83 lm/MD 0.1038 lm/Hr
b.7) 5" dia lin.m 1.04 lm/MD 0.1300 lm/Hr
b.8) 6" dia lin.m 1.56 lm/MD 0.1950 lm/Hr