Bungartz Mos Umos - en
Bungartz Mos Umos - en
Bungartz Mos Umos - en
Duesseldor fer Strasse 79 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS
40545 Duesseldor f / Germany
T + 49 211 57 79 05 - 0 MOS / UMOS
F + 49 211 57 79 05 - 12 MOR / UMOR
www.bungar tz.de
pumps@bungar tz.de
MOS_UMOS/ 08_ e
ALWAYS ON THE The hydrodynamic shaft seal is an almost forgotten but PUMP IN IDLE STATE. PUMP ROTATING.
ver y effective principle. It is eminently suitable for opera- – Liquid in contact with the shaft seal – No liquid is in contact with the secondar y sealing
tion with liquids loaded with solid material. (secondar y sealing) – the primar y sealing operates hydrodynamically
The hydrodynamically sealed pump has an impeller – selected secondar y sealing – the back vanes relieve completely with respect to
with back vanes and additionally, depending on the suction (gland packing, mechanical seal) the pumping and conveying pressure
SHAFT SEAL. head, a high per formance seal expeller/ impeller. This ex- provides idle state sealing function – the secondar y sealing can be selected depending
er ts an equal pressure opposing the residual or pumping on the par ticular application
pressure. – the secondar y sealing has optimum protection
The hydrodynamic shaft seal has the advantage of
operating absolutely without any leakage. This advantage
is retained even under severe operating conditions, for
example when the pumping conditions are subject to ex-
treme fluctuations.
for small suction heads
FIT FOR PRACTICE. Pumps with hydrodynamic shaft sealing are the optimum
solution for arduous genuine real practice. They are utili-
THE TYPICAL sed wherever centrifugal pumps with conventional gland
APPLICATIONS. packing or mechanical shaft seals do not operate reliably
or have only a shor t ser vice life.
What are the liquids for which our high per form-
ance pumps are eminently suitable? For example ammo-
nium nitrate, fertiliser suspension, iron oxide, ore slurr y,
gas scrubber liquids, gypsum suspension, molten urea,
milk of lime, pulps, sodium hydroxide solution, phosphor-
ic acid, sulphuric acid, starch milk, TSP slurr y, titanium
tetrachloride, titanium dioxide and zinc sulphate.
for large suction heads
MOS / UMOS 6 7
THEY MASTER ALL The centrifugal pump MOS is a versatile talented device. The centrifugal pump UMOS, like its companion model APPLICATION AREAS.
It is utilised in all industrial fields. It is sealed with the MOS, is an impressive multi-talented device. It, too, has – non-toxic, corrosive, abrasive, adhesive,
frictionless hydrodynamic shaft sealing system. A gland demonstrated its capabilities in all industrial fields. UMOS gas-containing, cr ystallising and gelling liquids
packing is located downstream. is the right choice when greater suction heads and com- – non-toxic media with solid par ts such as
MOS is the specialist for small suction heads. The plicated pumping conditions are involved. For this pump, phosphoric acid, iron oxide and saline solutions
CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS back vanes of the impeller here constitute the seal expel- an additional seal expeller/ impeller separate from the
MOS AND UMOS. ler/ impeller. The diameter of the back vanes is greater impeller was accommodated in a seal expeller casing with ADVANTAGES.
than that of the semi-open impeller to enable the former circulation nozzle. This circulation nozzlecan be connected – no sealing liquids are required
to take up the pumping and conveying pressure. to the suction line. This increases the dynamic sealing – no leakages in operation
capability. Fur thermore, the circulation prevents accumu- – capable of dr y running
lation of solids and heating of the pumping liquid in the – suitable for solids
seal expeller casing. – robust and low wear and tear
The UMOS gives excellent per formance with sever- – reliable and low maintenance requirements
ely contaminated media. – durable
MOR / UMOR 8 9
MORE THAN JUST The centrifugal pumps MOR and UMOR are high per form- ADVANTAGES. DETAIL
FLEXIBLE. ance devices: As variants of the models MOS and UMOS – continuous operation without any leakage CONICAL GLAND PACKING.
they are additionally equipped with a centrifugal governor. – no rubbing seal faces – in operation, there is a gap between the packing
MOR, UMOR They are par ticularly suitable for media which require fric- – no sealing liquids are required and the shaft sleeve
tionless sealing. – capable of dr y running – frictionless
AND THE CONICAL The gland packing and the seal cone constitute – robust stand-still seal – no leakages in operation
GLAND PACKING. the stand-still seal. When the pump runs up to operating – seal governor well protected
speed, the centrifugal governor shifts the shaft to the – low maintenance requirements and cost saving
pump side against the spring force. The seal cone there- – especially suitable for ammonium nitrate and
by lifts off the packing. The shaft then rotates without for liquids containing solids
friction on the packing. When the rotation speed decreas-
es to stand-still, the spring pulls the shaft back to the
motor side. The seal cone is then seated pressed into the
packing. This is per fect flexibility.
MANY THINGS ARE The hydrodynamic shaft seal gives high per formance and MOS / UMOS. M-MOS / M-UMOS.
POSSIBLE. provides impressive versatility. Its basic principle is com- – basic variant with cylindrical gland packing – with additional wear protection
patible with all impeller geometries and material designs. – implementable in all stainless steel casting grades – for high solid concentration
THE The sealing can be combined with various impeller – for low (MOS) and high (UMOS) suction heads
types: open, semi-open as well as closed. That is not yet SK-MOS / SK-UMOS.
CONSTRUCTIONAL all. It works without problems with a wide diversity of seal- F-MOS / F-UMOS. – welded construction made of special materials
VARIANTS. ing variants and numerous materials. – with torque flow impeller such as titanium and zirconium
– utilisable with larger solid grain sizes
– special construction with additional cast iron
armour when using silicon iron castings
1 2 3
DEPENDING ON The horizontal centrifugal pumps with hydrodynamic shaft 2 THE CYLINDRICAL GLAND 3 THE DOUBLE MECHANICAL SEAL
seal are extremely flexible. They have shaft seals (sec- PACKING WITH GRAPHITE INSERT. FOR LIQUIDS CONTAINING SOLIDS.
ondar y seals) which are fully matched for the par ticular This fulfils the secondar y sealing function for centrifugal Ser ves as secondar y sealing for horizontal pumps.
application. This means: A specific kind of seal is recom- pumps in horizontal orientation. The primar y sealing Utilised for toxic media with high solid material content
mended for each particular kind of application. function is implemented hydrodynamically. In contrast or for media which tend to cr ystallise or behave
POSSIBILITIES. to the blocked gland packing, the sealing function is here as adhesive. A hydrodynamic shaft seal is interposed
fulfilled with nearly no leakage, even in the idle state. upstream. This removes the pump feeding pressure
1 THE CONICAL GLAND PACKING Advantages: The gland packing is self-lubricating from the sealing.
WITH CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR. with the graphite insert. The conversion is possible Advantages: The sealing pressure is low.
The stand-still seal consists of the gland packing without dismantling the pump. And the flushing fluid? And: The centrifugal effect of the back vanes
and the seal cone. When the pump is operating, the Not required. rejects solids. It prefers to keep them away from the
centrifugal governor shifts the shaft to the pump mechanical seal.
side against the spring force. The seal cone thereby
lifts off the packing. The shaft then rotates without
friction against the packing. When the rotation speed
decreases to stand-still, the spring pulls the shaft back
to the motor side. The seal cone is thereby pressed
into the packing.
Advantages: The stand-still seal is extremely
robust. There are no friction seal faces or sealing liquids.
The centrifugal governor is protected. Further positive For extreme applications requiring
aspects: can run dry, keeps off solid particles, particularly effective sealing we
maintenance-free, cost saving and eminently suitable refer to our pump types MPCV
for ammonium nitrate. and MPCHDryRun with dry running
magnetic drives.
20 40 100 200 500 1.000 2.000 3.000 5.000 8.000 U.S. GPM
m ft
120 400
80 250
60 200
20 60
10 30
5 15
READY To ensure that our centrifugal pumps per form their ar- MATERIALS. IDENTIFICATION FIELD.
duous and exacting tasks without any problems, it is also – Nearly all high alloyed stainless steels Connecting dimensions DN 32 — 400 mm
necessar y to ensure that the materials of which they are – Proven special alloy steel grades from our Capacities Q 4 — 2.300 m3/h
made are of highest quality. Numerous high quality metal- own development Deliver y Heads H 7 — 130 m
lic materials are available for deliver y. Special materials – Nickel based alloys Speed n 750 — 3.600 rpm
IDENTIFICATION FIELD. are also available on special request. – Grey cast iron, gummed Temperature t - 20 — 280 o
– Stainless steel, titanium, zirconium, Per formance P 1 — 350 kW
tantalum, nickel-based alloys
Horizontal pumps
with hydrodynamical shaft seal
Vertical pumps
– for dr y installations, short design
– for wet installations, without bearing in the liquid
– for wet installations, with slide bearings
– with feeder propeller, space-saving installation
Tank pumps
with in-feed from above
Downstream seals
for pumps with hydrodynamic relief of the shaft
– gland packing
– mechanical seal
– magnetic drive
SPECIALISTS AMONG – par ticular solution for problem cases
Comprehensive information about
AN OVERVIEW OF each type of pump is featured
THE CENTRIFUGAL in individual product brochures.
– all castable and weldable stainless steel qualities
– castable and weldable special alloys
– grey cast iron, gummed
– special materials such as titanium, zirconium, etc.
– Nozzle DN 32 to 400 mm
– Capacities Q 0 to 1.500 m3/ h
– Deliver y Head H 5 to 140 m
– Speed n 750 to 3.600 1/ rpm
– Pressure p - 1 to 40 bar
– Temperature t - 20 to 300 0 C