Computational Thinking Is Pervasive

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Journal of Scientific and Practical Computing Noted Reviews

Vol. 1, No. 2 (2007) 67–69


School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, U.K.

1. Introduction
A remarkable intellectual revolution is happening all around us, but few people are
remarking on it. Computational thinking is influencing research in nearly all disciplines,
both in the sciences and the humanities. Researchers are using computational metaphors
to enrich theories as diverse as protoeomics and the mind-body problem. Computing has
enabled researchers to ask new kinds of questions and to accept new kinds of answers, for
instance, questions that require the processing of huge amounts of data.
Of course, we all have computers on our desks nowadays. We all use them for email,
web browsing, word processing, game playing, etc. But the computational thinking
revolution goes much deeper than that; it is changing the way we think. Computational
concepts provide a new language for describing hypotheses and theories. Computers
provide an extension to our cognitive faculties. If you want to understand the 21st Century
then you must first understand computation.
At the University of Edinburgh, we have been exploring these themes in a series of
seminars ( At each seminar,
one or more experts have discussed the influence of computational thinking on their
discipline. We have enjoyed a stellar cast of speakers from a wide range of disciplines.
Speakers have included the Principal of the University and three Vice Principals. The
disciplines have ranged from physics, biology, and medicine to philosophy, architecture,
and education. Often the influences described have been quite subtle. A common story is
that the most direct approach does not work for some interesting reason, but that a less
direct approach is having a more profound effect.

2. New Kinds of Questions New Kinds of Answers

Let's start with perhaps the most obvious influence of computers in research, especially in
the sciences: e-Science. Many scientific questions can only be addressed by collecting
and analyzing vast amounts of data. The resulting data collections are often so large they
are prohibitively expensive to send to the processor; the processor must come to them.
They are often also distributed across multiple sites, meaning that Grid-like organization
of data sources and high-performance processors are required to combine and analyze the
data, extract answers and present them in a digestible form.
Many sciences now present research questions in this form. They include particle
physics, astronomy, genetics and protoeomics, and the earth sciences. In the UK, we have
had, for several years, a multi-million pound, national research program in e-Science that
cuts across many disciplines and funding agencies. Edinburgh was chosen as the host for
68 Bundy / Computational Thinking is Pervasive

the National e-Science Centre, so we are especially aware of the challenges and
opportunities of e-Science. The role of computer science in this story is no longer seen as
the software-engineering hand maiden, but as part of the scientific agenda: producing
new tools for data-mining, visualization, distributed programming, etc that enable new
kinds of research opportunities.
Several of our Computational Thinking seminars took the e-Science theme. For
instance, Geoffrey Boulton explained how computer modeling had enabled geologists to
take a more holistic approach to understanding the Earth. Traditionally, geological
narratives tended to be direct, uncoupled and linear --- underestimating the complexity of
the interactions between different geological processes. High-performance computer
modeling has, for the first time, enabled geologists to do justice to this complexity and
thus obtain a deeper geological understanding. Such in-depth understanding is vital if we
are accurately to understand, predict and influence the mechanisms involved in climate
Andy Lawrence and Bob Mann extended this discussion beyond the Earth to the
stars. The Virtual Observatory is an attempt to federate the data from the current wave of
systematic sky surveys being undertaken across the electromagnetic spectrum, and to
present a unified view to astronomers all over the world. This will enable astronomers to
make sense of this huge and diverse amount of data, and assist them in formulating and
evaluating new hypotheses. Lawrence and Mann especially emphasized the intimate
collaboration between computing and astronomy that was now driving this research. It
was no longer just astronomers using computers to solve isolated problems, but a two-
way collaboration creating a new science of astro-informatics, which was a model for
new disciplines of x-informatics for many new values of x.
But the ability of Computational Thinking to help ask new research questions is not
limited to e-Science. Work on face recognition, by Vicki Bruce and her collaborators,
was made possible only by using image morphing techniques, as illustrated by the well-
known sequence of images changing Tony Blair into Margaret Thatcher in 5 stages.
Bruce's early experiments with photos, scissors and paste were too crude to provide the
fine gradations between images needed to separate rival psychological hypotheses. Bruce
et al's work also showed that one cannot simply adapt the feature-based approaches of
early computer vision work and hope that this will provide a ready-made
psychologically-valid account of human vision. Instead, faces seem to be encoded in
memory by abstracting them into a small collection of archetypes. Face recognition then
consists of matching the current image to the most similar archetype.

3. New Hypotheses; New Theories

Bruce's team's work also illustrates the second major theme in our Computational
Thinking seminars: the infiltration of computational metaphors into hypotheses and
theories. Her psychological theory of face recognition is formulated as a computational
process, employing techniques for abstraction, representing and formulating archetypes,
‘nearest neighbor’ matching, etc.
Systems biology is probably one of the best known examples of such computational
infiltration, particularly the use of computational procedures to represent the interaction
of biological processes. Jane Hillston described her use of probabilistic process algebras
to model the interaction of proteins within and between cells. Peter Ghazal discussed
how computational models could be used to both understand cells and proteins, but also
Bundy / Computational Thinking is Pervasive 69

to understand how and why they went wrong in disease and what interventions might
cure them.
Perhaps the longest standing computational metaphor is that of the brain as a
computer and the mind as the program running on it. Philosophy has now moved on from
using this metaphor as an explanation of the mind-body problem, to considering some
more subtle issues. Andy Clark addressed the apparent paradox between the fast feedback
required for some simple manipulation tasks and the fact that our perceptual system is not
capable of giving such feedback fast enough. He proposed a computational explanation:
that we have an ‘emulator circuit’ that predicts what the feedback ought to be. This
emulator also provides an internal representation of our bodily functions, which can also
be used, for instance, for planning and hypothetical reasoning.

4. New Thinking; New Angles

According to Burkhard Schäfer, Computational Thinking has a long tradition in
influencing the law, especially in the dream of providing a set of logical rules that can
automate the process of reaching a verdict. Arguably, such a computational dream
underpins the Napoleonic Code and its desire to minimize human discretion and
maximize predictability of outcome. Unfortunately, this dream ultimately flounders on
the inherent vagueness of words and the infinite and unpredictable variation of the real
world. Similarly, `expert system' like replacements of the judiciary have a poor record
both of success and of uptake. However, legal reasoning systems have been making
inroads where they merely try to assist those making legal decisions. For instance,
researchers at the Joseph Bell Centre have built a system that constructs a space of
hypotheses to explain the evidence in a crime scene. This has been used to remind
detectives of hypotheses they might otherwise have missed. Such `mind-expanding' aids
avoid the pitfalls inherent in the earlier `mind-narrowing' ones.
An almost identical point was made by David Glasspool in the context of clinical
medicine. Automated decision making is mathematically well understood and
straightforward to implement, but computational aids based on these techniques have
often been ignored by clinicians. The precise probability and utility measures required by
such aids are hard to come by, especially in the time-frames dictated by urgent medical
situations. Much more useful has been `mind-expanding' aids that, for instance, map out
the space of possible treatments and their likely effects, so that doctor and patient can be
better informed before they come to a considered decision. Glasspool demonstrated just
such an aid showing the likely effects of different treatments for breast cancer, and how
these effects will combine and interact over the course of a proposed treatment.

5. Conclusion
These are just a few of the many talks in our Computational Thinking seminars, but they
are enough, I hope, to illustrate the breadth of impact of computational thinking on every
kind of thought. Despite this breadth, the same key themes keep emerging from each
discipline: the ability that computation provides to investigate new kinds of question; the
infiltration of computational concepts into other disciplines' theories; and that
computation's influence is seldom what you might initially predict, but is often both more
subtle and more profound.

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