BIOS Unit 1-Natural Computing
BIOS Unit 1-Natural Computing
BIOS Unit 1-Natural Computing
the computational approaches natural computing deals with are based on highly simplified
versions of the mechanisms and processes present in the corresponding natural phenomena.
The reasons for such simplifications and abstractions are manifold. First of all, most
simplifications are necessary to make the computation with a large number of entities
tractable. Also, it can be advantageous to highlight the minimal features necessary to enable
some particular aspects of a system to be reproduced and to observe some emergent
properties. A common question that may arise is: “if it is possible to do something using simple
techniques, why use more complicated ones?”
Which level is most appropriate for the investigation and abstraction depends on the scientific
question asked, what type of problem one wants to solve, or the life phenomenon to be
synthesized. As will be further discussed, simple behavioral rules for some insects are sufficient
for the development of computational tools for solving combinatorial problems and coordinate
collective robotic systems. These are also useful for the development of computer simulations
of biological systems in artificial life, and the creation of abstract models of evolution, and the
nervous and immune systems, all aimed at solving complex problems in various domains.
Natural computing usually integrates experimental and theoretical biology, physics and
chemistry, empirical observations from nature and several other sciences, facts and processes
from different levels of investigation into nature so as to design new problem solving
techniques, new forms of mimicking natural phenomena, and new ways of computing, as
summarized in Figure 1.5. (. Please refer the diagram from book)
Natural Computing Approaches:
overview of the three branches of natural computing and their main approaches.
1) Computing Inspired by Nature :
Among all natural computing approaches, computational algorithms and systems inspired by
nature are the oldest and most popular ones. They arose with two main objectives in mind.
First, researchers were interested in the modeling of natural phenomena and their simulation in
computers. The common goal in this direction is to devise theoretical models, which can be
implemented in computers, faithful enough to the natural mechanisms investigated so as to
reproduce qualitatively or quantitatively some of their functioning. Theoretical models are
supposed to provide a deeper insight and better understanding of the natural phenomena
being modeled, to aid in the critical analysis and design of experiments, and to facilitate the
recovery of results from laboratory experimentation or empirical observations. There is a vast
number of theoretical models available in the literature concerning all natural sciences,
including biology, ethology, ecology, pharmacology, nutrition and health care, medicine,
geophysics, and so forth. However, the focus of computing inspired by nature, under the
umbrella of natural computing, is most often on problem solving instead of on theoretical
modeling, and this leads to the second objective of computing based on nature. The second
objective, thus, involves the study of natural phenomena, processes and even theoretical
models for the development of computational systems and algorithms capable of solving
complex problems. The motivation, in this case, is to provide (alternative) solution techniques
to problems that could not be (satisfactorily) resolved by other more traditional techniques,
such as linear, non-linear, and dynamic programming. As computing inspired by nature is
mostly aimed at solving problems, almost all approaches are not concerned with the creation of
accurate or theoretical models of the natural phenomena being modeled. In many situations
highly abstract models, sometimes called metaphors (Paton, 1992), are proposed mimicking
particular features and mechanisms from biology. What usually happens is that a natural
phenomenon, or a theoretical model of it, gives rise to one particular computational tool and
this is then algorithmically or mathematically improved to the extent that, in the end, it bears a
far resemblance with the natural phenomenon that originally motivated the approach. Well-
known examples of these can be found in the fields of artificial neural networks and
evolutionary algorithms.
The Simulation and Emulation of Nature in Computers :
While biologically inspired computing is basically aimed at solving complex problems, the
second branch of natural computing provides new tools for the synthesis and study of natural
phenomena that can be used to test biological theories usually not passive of testing via the
traditional experimental and analytic techniques. It is in most cases a synthetic approach aimed
at synthesizing natural phenomena or known patterns and behaviors. There is also a
complementary relationship between biological theory and the synthetic processes of the
simulation and emulation of nature by computers. Theoretical studies suggest how the
synthesis can be achieved, while the application of the theory in the synthesis may be a test for
the theory. There are basically two main approaches to the simulation and emulation of nature
in computers: by using artificial life techniques or by using tools for studying the fractal
geometry of nature (Figure Please refer diagram from book) Recent advances in computer
graphics have made it possible to visualize mathematical models of natural structures and
processes with unprecedented realism. The resulting images, animations, and interactive
systems are useful as scientific, research, and educational tools in computer science,
engineering, bio-sciences, and many other domains. One major breakthrough in the modeling
and synthesis of natural patterns and structures is the recognition that nature is fractal in the
sense that it can be successfully emulated by fractal geometry.
Computing with Natural Materials:
Computing with natural materials is concerned with new computing methods based on other
natural material than silicon. These methods result in a non-standard computation that
overcomes some of the limitations of standard, sequential John von Neumann computers. As
any mathematical operation can be broken down into bits, and any logical function can be built
using an AND and a NOT gate, any computable ‘thing’ can be worked out by appropriately
wired AND and NOT gates. This independence of a specific representation makes it possible to
use new concepts for the computational process based on natural materials, such as, chemical
reactions, DNA molecules, and quantum mechanical devices. Computing with natural materials
is the approach that promises to bring a major change in the current computing technology in
order to answer the questions above. Motivated by the need to identify alternative media for
computing, researchers are now trying to design new computers based on molecules, such as
membranes, DNA and RNA, or quantum theory. These ideas resulted in what is now known as
molecular computing.
Conceptualization general concept:
a conceptualization is an abstract simplified view of some selected part of the world,
containing the objects, concepts, and other entities that are presumed of interest for
some particular purpose and the relationships between them.[2][3] An explicit
specification of a conceptualization is an ontology, and it may occur that a
conceptualization can be realized by several distinct ontologies.[2] An ontological
commitment in describing ontological comparisons is taken to refer to that subset of
elements of an ontology shared with all the others.[4][5] "An ontology is language-
dependent", its objects and interrelations described within the language it uses, while a
conceptualization is always the same, more general, its concepts existing
"independently of the language used to describe it".[6] The relation between these
terms is shown in the figure to the right.
Not all workers in knowledge engineering use the term ‘conceptualization’, but instead
refer to the conceptualization itself, or to the ontological commitment of all its
realizations, as an overarching ontology.[7]
The community of knowledge engineers usually accepts the importance of the analysis
process of the expert knowledge. This analysis, also known as conceptualization, is
carried out at the knowledge level. The objective of this analysis is to obtain a
conceptual model, from the knowledge acquired from the expert. The conceptual model
collects the relevant parts of the reality for the problem solution, forgetting those
elements that are not meaningful for the system. Furthermore, it permits that the
knowledge engineer (KE) to understand the problem domain and to detect knowledge
gaps or wrong interpretations. There are several proposals to accomplish this analysis
at knowledge level, but they do not offer a detailed process that helps in the elaboration
of the conceptual model. This work proposes a method to guide in the elaboration of
the conceptual model.
If Artificial Intelligence can inform the other sciences about anything, it is about problem solving
and, in particular, how to search for solutions to problems. Much of AI research can be explained
in terms of specifying a problem, defining a search space which should contain a solution to the
problem, choosing a search strategy and getting an agent to use the strategy to find a solution.
If you are hired as an AI researcher/programmer, you will be expected to come armed with a
battery of AI techniques, many of which we cover later in the course. However, perhaps the most
important skill you will bring to the job is to effectively seek out the best way of turning some
vague specifications into concrete problems requiring AI techniques. Specifying those problems
in the most effective way will be vital if you want your AI agent to find the solutions in a
reasonable time. In this lecture, we look at how to specify a search problem.
In our agent terminology, a problem to be solved is a specific task where the agent starts with the
environment in a given state and acts upon the environment until the altered state has some pre-
determined quality. The set of states which are possiblevia some sequence of actions the agent
takes is called the search space. The series of actions that the agent actually performs is
its search path, and the final state is a solution if it has the required property. There may be
many solutions to a particular problem. If you can think of the task you want your agent to
perform in these terms, then you will need to write a problem solving agent which uses search.
It is important to identify the scope of your task in terms of the problems which will need to be
solved. For instance, there are some tasks which are single problems solved by searching, e.g.,
find a route on a map. Alternatively, there are tasks such as winning at chess, which have to be
broken down into sub-problems (searching for the best move at each stage). Other tasks can be
achieved without searching whatsoever e.g., multiplying two large numbers together - you There
are three initial considerations in problem solving (as described in Russell and Norvig):
Initial State
Firstly, the agent needs to be told exactly what the initial state is before it starts its search, so that
it can keep track of the state as it searches.
An operator is a function taking one state to another via an action undertaken by the agent. For
example, in chess, an operator takes one arrangement of pieces on the board to another
arrangement by the action of the agent moving a piece.
Goal Test
It is essential when designing a problem solving agent to know when the problem has been
solved, i.e., to have a well defined goal test. Suppose the problem we had set our agent was to
find a name for a newborn baby, with some properties. In this case, there are lists of "accepted"
names for babies, and any solution must appear in that list, so goal-checking amounts to simply
testing whether the name appears in the list. In chess, on the other hand, the goal is to reach a
checkmate. While there are only a finite number of ways in which the pieces on a board can
represent a checkmate, the number of these is huge, so checking a position against them is a bad
idea. Instead, a more abstract notion of checkmate is used, whereby our agent checks that the
opponent's king cannot move without being captured.
Hill Climbing:
In numerical analysis, hill climbing is a mathematical optimization technique which
belongs to the family of local search. It is an iterative algorithm that starts with an arbitrary
solution to a problem, then attempts to find a better solution by incrementally changing a
single element of the solution. If the change produces a better solution, an incremental
change is made to the new solution, repeating until no further improvements can be
For example, hill climbing can be applied to the travelling salesman problem. It is easy to
find an initial solution that visits all the cities but will be very poor compared to the
optimal solution. The algorithm starts with such a solution and makes small
improvements to it, such as switching the order in which two cities are visited.
Eventually, a much shorter route is likely to be obtained.
Hill climbing achieves optimal solutions in convex problems – otherwise it will find
only local optima (solutions that cannot be improved by considering a neighbouring
configuration), which are not necessarily the best possible solution (the global optimum)
out of all possible solutions (the search space). Examples of algorithms that solve convex
problems by hill-climbing include the simplex algorithm for linear programming and binary
search.[1]:253 To attempt overcoming being stuck in local optima, one could use restarts
(i.e. repeated local search), or more complex schemes based on iterations (like iterated
local search), or on memory (like reactive search optimization and tabu search), or on
memory-less stochastic modifications (like simulated annealing).
Simulated annealing:
Simulated annealing (SA) is a method for solving unconstrained and bound-constrained
optimization problems. The method models the physical process of heating a material
and then slowly lowering the temperature to decrease defects, thus minimizing the
system energy.