Stages of Development

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The physical, mental, and emotional stages a child goes through as he or she
grows and matures.

Stages of Human Development

1. Pre-natal Period
2. Infancy (birth-2 years)
3. Early Childhood (3-5 years)
4. Middle and Late Childhood (6-12 years)
5. Adolescence (13-18 years)
6. Early Adulthood (19-29 years)
7. Middle Adulthood (30-60 years)
8. Late Adulthood (61 years and above)

1. Pre-natal Period
The process of growth and development within the womb, in which a single-cell
zygote (the cell formed by the combination of a sperm and an egg) becomes an
embryo, a fetus, and then a baby. The first two weeks of development are concerned
with simple cell multiplication.
Stages of Prenatal Development
a. Germinal Stage – The first 2 weeks of pregnancy. Includes the conception,
implantation, formation of placenta of the body.
b. Embryonic Stage – The period from 3-8 weeks of pregnancy. The most notable
phenomena during this stage is the formation of vital organs and bodily systems.
c. Fetal Stage – The period between the 9 weeks-birth of pregnancy till birth. This
is the stage where bodily growth continues, movement capability begins and
brain cells multiply. Also known to be the “Age of Viability”
2. Infancy (birth-2 years)
The stage of infancy lasts from birth until approximately the age of 2. During
infancy, a great deal of initial learning occurs. This learning is provided through
environmental cues, such as a parents behaviour. Very basic skills are mastered during
this time period, such as crying, nursing, co-ordination and the ability to represent
images and objects with words.
      An important influence in the child's life at this stage is the parents. It is very
common to see a child at the ages of 7-9 months old become upset when they are
separated from their primary caregiver. This phenomenon is known as attachment, and
is important in determining how a child will behave in future relationships as they
Below 1 year

 Extreme dependence on adults

 Language of the new born is to cry
 Usually eats every 2 to 3 hours
 Uncoordinated movements
 Toothless
 Poor vision (focusing range 8 to 12 inches)
 Usually doubles weight by 9 months
 Responds to human voice & touch

1 year old

 Change from plump baby to a more muscular toddler

 Begins to walk & talk
 Develops ability for passive language (better understanding of what’s being said)
 Tentative sense of independence
 Determined explorer

2 years old

 Begins to communicate verbally (name, etc)

 Can usually speak in 3-4 word sentences
 Famous for negative behavior “NO!” to everything! Temperature tantrums
 Will play side by side other children, but does not actively play with them
 Great imitators

3. Early Childhood (3-5 years)

Early Childhood stage is the foundation period of life covering 3 - 5 years of our
life. It is a period of rapid - physical, mental, emotional, social and language
development of a child. Apart from these major developmental aspects such as,
development of - understanding, moral values, some common interests, those are some
common characteristics of Early Childhood stage. It is a period of slow growth and rapid

 Climbs stairs with alternating feet

 Sentences are more complex; speak well enough for strangers to
 Vocabulary and pronounciation continue to expand
 Develops fears (common fears: fear of dark, fear of animals & fear of
5 years old

 Can hop on one foot and skip

 May begin to read
 Socialize with other children their age

4. Middle and Late Childhood (6-12 years)

The child is, by nature, a pragmatist. He is concerned with how things work,
rather than with why they work or how well they work. It is an age at which doing,
making, and building are all-important. Now that young people have good small- as well
as large-muscle control, they are beset by the urge to sew, cook, and bake; they want to
build things, make things, and put things together. Although children still engage in
these activities to some extent, such activities have to compete with less challenging
pastimes, such as computer games, television watching, and organized group activities.
Although some children still engage in craft activities today, children are more often
involved in more adultlike 

 Both large and small muscles well-developed

 Developed complex motor skills
 From independent activities to same sex group activities
 Acceptance by peers very important
 Parental approval still important

5. Adolescence (13-18 years old)

Adolescence typically describes the years between ages 13 and 19 and can be
considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. However, the physical
and psychological changes that occur in adolescence can start earlier, during the
preteen or "tween" years (ages 9 through 12). Adolescence can be a time of both
disorientation and discovery. This transitional period can bring up issues of
independence and self-identity; many adolescents and their peers face tough choices
regarding schoolwork, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, and social life. Peer groups, romantic
interests, and appearance tend to naturally increase in importance for some time during
a teen's journey toward adulthood.

 Traumatic life stage for child & parent

 Puberty occurs
 Extremely concerned with appearance
 Trying to establish self-identity
 Confrontation with authority

6. Early Adulthood/Young Adulthood (19-29 years old)

The life stage called early adulthood defines individuals between the ages of 19
and 29, who are typically vibrant, active and healthy, and are focused on friendships,
romance, child bearing and careers. Yet serious conditions, such as violent events,
depression and eating disorders, can negatively impact young adults

 Physical development complete

 Emotional maturation continues to develop
 Usually learned to accept responsibility for actions and accept criticism
 Usually know to profit from errors
 Socially progress from age-related peer groups to people with similar
7. Middle Adulthood(30-60 years old)
Middle adulthood is a time of both gains and losses. The span of middle
adulthood can be defined chronologically, contextually, or biologically. Most middle-
aged people are in good physical, cognitive, and emotional condition. They have heavy
responsibilities and multiple roles and feel competent to handle them.

 Physical changes begin to occur

o Hair begins to thin and gray
o Wrinkles appear
o Hearing and vision decrease
o Muscles lose tone
 Main concerns: children, health, job security, aging parents, & fear of
 Love and acceptance still take a major role

8. Late Adulthood (61 years and above)

The period of later adulthood, defined here as ages 60 through 75 years, is
characterized by physical, psychological, and social changes, including both gains and

 Fastest growing age bracket of society

 Physical deterioration (brittle bones, poor coordination)
 Some memory problems
 Very concerned with health and finances
 Significant number become depressed, suicide rate is high
The development of human being is a continuous process from conception to death.

Pre-natal period
Close-open (trust vs. mistrust)
Early childhood
Ex. Gusto nila sila magtuman sa gusto
Middle and late childhood
Grabe mag ask (feed ug knowledge)
Start arte
Early childhood
Being ready to face the real word
Know right from wrong
Musukol kung tama ang ginapanindigan
Middle adulthood
Career sa life katas ang abuton
Focus sa anak, sakiton, permanent work,
Late adulthood
Kung unsa ang nahimo sa mga panahong niagi
Fail sa life magsisi
Success parang fulfill
Panghihina ng katawan

REFERENCES / Human Development Stages From Infancy to Late Adulthood. (2016, Apr
29 of publication). Retrieved from
development-stages-from-infancy-to-late-adulthood.html on June 29, 2018

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