Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics Iv
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics Iv
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics Iv
Convert illustrated fraction into number fraction
Identify the different kinds of fractions
Importance of small things
Reference: Math Beyond Time, pp. 168 -171
Materials: newspaper, chocolate bar, powerpoint, speaker, scissors
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Morning Prayer
Everybody stand up and let us pray.
Our Father who art in heaven. Holy be Your Our Father who art in heaven. Holy be Your
name, Thy kingdom come Thy will be done name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we daily bread and forgive us our sins as we
forgive those who sins against us. And do not forgive those who sins against us. And do not
bring us to the test but deliver us from evil, bring us to the test but deliver us from evil,
amen. amen.
2. In one night, a movie theater sells tickets ? × 15 = 6450 where the question mark
for 6450 dollars. Each ticket costs 15 dollars. represents the number of people who
How many people purchased a ticket? purchased a ticket, & 15 is the ticket’s price.
430 x 15 = 6450
5. How many hours are there in 660 minutes? ? x 60 = 660 (where ? represents the number of
660 ÷ 60 = 11, so there are 11 hours in 660
11 x 60 = 660
5. Review of the past lesson
Before we start our lesson, let’s have a review Ma’am it’s about problem solving.
about our lesson yesterday. Can you tell me
what it is?
Yes. Now what are the process you need to First, we need to identify what is being asked.
solve the problem? Second, we need to gather all the information
then choose what strategy we are going to use.
Solve or perform it and check.
B. Motivation
Ok class, today we are going to play the (Children will dance and play)
newspaper dance. For those who don’t know
how to play this game, I’m going to play
music and you’re going to dance around the
paper. When the music stops, you’re going to
step on the paper and make sure that none of
your feet will go beyond the paper, cause if
you do, you will be out of the game. The
remaining players will fold their paper and
repeat the process until we determined who
the winner is. Now find a partner and we will
start the game.
(Plays music)
C. Lesson Proper
Fraction is a part of a whole or something that
shows part of a whole. This paper has two
parts that makes the whole. The part that you
can see while playing, & the other part at the
bottom that you can’t see while playing.
(Flash ½ on the screen) We read this as one One half
half. Will you repeat?
The fraction always has a line that separates
the upper number and the bottom number.
The upper number represents/shows how
many parts we are talking about. It is called
numerator. While the bottom number
represents/shows the total number of parts. It
is called the denominator.
How many parts of the paper you can see? one
Fraction is something that shows part of a Fraction is something that shows part of a
whole. Will you repeat? whole
Now I have here a chocolate. If 1 friend of
mine came, I’m going to share this to her. So
what am I going to do?
Yes I’m going to split/divide it into 2 just like Split it into two.
what we did on the paper. (Split the chocolate
into two and show it to the pupils) Now I have
what part of the chocolate?
is correct. We use fractions all the time.
When you do half of the housework or eat one 3
quarter of a cake. 4
Five. So from this, we can say that of the
circle is the colored green. Let’s go to the part
of the circle that is not shaded or the white 3
ones. How many parts of the circle is the
of the circle is the white.
So from that, what can you say on the white 8
part of the circle?
Into how many parts is this shape divided? 7
How many parts are shaded?
So what can we say that of the shape is
shaded. 5
of the pizza was taken away
Give me the fraction of the part of the pizza
that was taken away.
of the pizza is left
And what fraction is represented by the part of 8
the pizza that is left?
Give the fraction of the shaded part of the
Give what is being asked.
1. At Euclid School, there are 14 female teachers & 11 male teachers. What fraction of the
teachers are male?
2. Ruth has 9 gold rings & 2 silver rings. What fraction of Ruth’s rings are silver?
3.The mother hen has 8 female chicks & 5 male chicks. What fraction of the chicks are female?
4. There are ten green pillows & one purple pillow on the sofa. What fraction of the pillows are
5. Mom has 3 diamond necklaces & nine ruby necklaces in her jewelry box. What fraction of
the necklaces are diamond?