PTS - 18.03.01 HSE Committee PDF
PTS - 18.03.01 HSE Committee PDF
PTS - 18.03.01 HSE Committee PDF
PTS 18.03.01
November 2017
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owner. PETRONAS Technical Standards are Company’s internal standards and meant for authorized users only.
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PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) has been developed based on the accumulated knowledge,
experience and best practices of the PETRONAS group supplementing National and International
standards where appropriate. The key objective of PTS is to ensure standard technical practice
across the PETRONAS group.
Compliance to PTS is compulsory for PETRONAS-operated facilities and Joint Ventures (JVs) where
PETRONAS has more than fifty percent (50%) shareholding and/or operational control, and
includes all phases of work activities.
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers who use PTS are solely responsible in ensuring the quality
of work, goods and services meet the required design and engineering standards. In the case
where specific requirements are not covered in PTS, it is the responsibility of the
Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers to propose other proven or internationally established
standards or practices of the same level of quality and integrity as reflected in the PTS.
In issuing and making the PTS available, PETRONAS is not making any warranty on the accuracy or
completeness of the information contained in PTS. The Contractors/manufacturers/suppliers shall
ensure accuracy and completeness of the PTS used for the intended design and engineering
requirement and shall inform the Owner for any conflicting requirement with other international
codes and technical standards before start of any work.
PETRONAS is the sole copyright holder of PTS. No part of this document may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
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The PTS shall be used exclusively for the authorised purpose. The users shall arrange for PTS to be
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As part of the recent transformation exercise, the PTS numbering system has been revised to 6-
digit numbers and drawings, forms and requisition to 7-digit numbers. All newly revised PTS will
adopt this new numbering system, and where required make reference to other PTS in its revised
numbering to ensure consistency. Users are requested to refer to PTS 00.01.01 (PTS Index) for
mapping between old and revised PTS numbers for clarity. For further inquiries, contact PTS
administrator at
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1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................6
1.1 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................6
1.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................6
1.3 SUMMARY OF CHANGES ...........................................................................................7
2.0 FUNCTIONS OF HSE COMMITTEE.......................................................................9
3.0 REQUIREMENTS FOR HSE COMMITTEE ............................................................ 10
3.1 COMPOSITION OF HSE COMMITTEE .......................................................................10
3.2 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY ....................................................10
3.3 APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE ...............................................11
3.4 VACANCY .................................................................................................................11
3.5 HSE COMMITTEE MEETING ARRANGEMENT ..........................................................11
3.6 TRAINING AND INFORMATION ...............................................................................12
4.0 DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS ................................................................... 13
5.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 14
6.0 APPENDIX....................................................................................................... 15
6.2 FUNCTIONS OF HSE COMMITTEE IN MALAYSIA OPERATIONS ...............................15
6.4 REMOVAL OF MEMBER OF COMMITTEE ................................................................16
6.5 SAMPLE OF TERM OF REFERENCE...........................................................................16
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This document contains requirements and recommendations for consulting and involving
employees on health, safety & environment (HSE) matters in a way that minimizes HSE
risk and impact on PETRONAS business operations.
Refer to PTS Requirements, General Definition of Terms, Abbreviations & Reading Guide
PTS 00.01.03 for General Definition of Terms & Abbreviations.
No Term Definition
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No Abbreviation Description
1 BU Business Unit
This PTS 18.03.01 replaces PTS 60. 0302 (June, 2006). The following are highlights of
changes made to the documents.
No Changes Description
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No Changes Description
3 Contents from PTS 60.0302 i. Strengths of The Group HSE Committee and Its
(June 2006) removed from Subcommittees
this revision ii. Sample Agenda OPU/HSE Committee Meeting
iii. HSE Meeting Topics
iv. HSE Meeting Evaluation
v. OPU/Plant HSE Committee Minutes – Example
vi. HSE Meeting Guide for Supervisor
vii. Key Question Or Concept
Table 1.3: Summary of Changes
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2.1.2 For Malaysian operations, HSE Committee shall also include functions as governed in
Regulation 11 of Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Committee)
Regulations 1996 (See Appendix 6.2).
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HSE Committee
Management Employee
Representatives Representatives
3.1.2 For Malaysia operations, the composition of HSE Committee shall be in accordance to Part
II, Regulation 5 to 10 of Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Committee)
Regulations 1996.
3.1.3 Formation of additional ‘Management-level’ HSE Committees for the purpose of providing
oversight on HSE matters may be required, especially in a large organisation. Similarly,
formation of a sub-committee to assist the HSE Committee in the performance of its
function may also be required.
3.1.4 In both circumstances above, the hierarchy of HSE meetings and information flows within
the organisation shall be clearly described and documented.
3.2.1 The requirements for appointing the chairman and secretary are as follow:
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a. The Chairman may appoint another person to act as the Secretary of the
committee, or
b. The members may vote for the Secretary of the committee from amongst
3.3.1 The requirements for appointing members of the committee are as follow:
3.4.1 Should there be a vacancy due to resignation or other reasons, the vacancy shall be filled
in the same manner as the previous member of the committee.
3.4.2 A member of the HSE Committee may be removed if he/she is unable to fulfil his/her
duties. For Malaysian operations, members may also be removed from the committee for
reasons as governed in Regulation 10 of Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and
Health Committee) Regulations 1996 (See Appendix 6.4).
Aspect Details
Meeting Frequency Minimum once in every 3 months.
A meeting shall be called immediately if a major
incident, as defined in PTS 18.06.01, occurred at the
Written Notice for the meeting shall be provided
together with the Agenda.
Quorum At minimum the Chairman, the Secretary and no less
than half of the remaining members in every meeting
Non-member attendance of The committee may invite any other person to any of
meeting its meeting to discuss any matter pertaining to HSE.
Minutes of meetings (MOM) All agreed matters shall be recorded in the MOM and
tracked until confirmed closure.
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Aspect Details
3.5.2 PETRONAS BU/HCU/OPU/JV/Projects shall establish a TOR for the HSE Committee
addressing at minimum, requirements in Section 2, 3, and 4 of this document. See
Appendix 6.56 for sample of TOR.
3.6.1 The Management shall ensure HSE Committee members are briefed in the followings:
3.6.2 The Management shall also provide the HSE Committee all necessary documents and
information as stipulated by relevant regulatory requirement, wherever applicable.
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4.1.1 Records (e.g. MOM, Attendance List, Notice for Meeting Agenda) should be kept in a form
and in a suitable manner to enable the Management to demonstrate the establishment
and effective implementation of HSE Committee at PETRONAS/HCU/BU/OPU/HSE.
4.1.2 A custodian shall be assigned to keep and maintain all required documents within this
standard for a designated retention time as specified herein, or in accordance to country
law, or as per PETRONAS Record Management Policy & Guidelines, whichever is longer.
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In this PTS, reference is made to the following Standards/Publications.
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 1994) P.U (A) 616/1996
Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health Committee) Regulations 1996
PETRONAS Record Management Policy & Guidelines
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6.3.1 The minimum number of employer and employees’ representatives required in relation
to the total employees at work place is as follows:
≤ 100 ≥2
> 100 ≥4
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6.4.1 A HSE Committee may remove a member from the committee if said member:
6.5.1 OPU ABC & Division Management Leadership and Legal Compliance Committees
OPU ABC HSE Steering Committee
Name of Committee
Chairman or Facility Head
designated personnel
Secretary Safety & Health Officer (SHO) / if there is no SHO, any person as
appointed by Chairman
Members Employers representative/Executive
Management employees (E3 and above), as nominated by
Department/ Section Heads that report direct to OPU ABC CEO.
Number of member as per specified in Part II Regulation 5(2)
Safety & Health Committee Regulations, 1996.
Employees representative/ Non Executive
OPU ABC Corporate Office employees (from the pool of Non-
Executives, E1s and E2s) as nominated by Department/ Section
Heads that report direct to OPU ABC CEO.
Number of member as per specified in the Part II Regulation 5(2),
Safety & Health Committee Regulations, 1996.
Functions of the To assist management in the development of HSE rules, safe
committee systems of work and promotional/ awareness activities.
To review the effectiveness of HSE programs/ Work Procedures
To review the Company’s HSE Policy and make recommendations
for policy revision, should the need arise.
To inspect the workplace before the meeting and make
recommendations for improvements on findings prejudicial to
employees’ HSE.
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