Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Journal of South American Earth Sciences
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The Madeira River may contribute nearly half of the Amazon River sediment discharge to the Atlantic
Received 11 January 2012 Ocean, showing the highest erosion rates in the Amazon Basin. However, few studies have assessed the
Accepted 15 November 2012 Madeira River sediment budget and the transport processes occurring in the main stem of the river. In
this study, MODIS space-borne sensors were used to analyze the suspended sediment transport
Keywords: processes along the main stem of the Madeira River. Field measurements of suspended sediment
Sediment transport
concentration, spectral radiometry and granulometry were performed during 10 cruises from 2007 to
Madeira river
2011. The relationship between the spectral reflectance and the surface suspended sediment concen-
Remote sensing
tration (SSSC) was analyzed using both field radiometric measurements and satellite data. Ten-day SSSC
Radiometry samples acquired by the HYBAM monitoring network were used to match satellite observations with
Hydrology field measurements performed from 2000 to 2011. Over 900 MODIS images of 6 different locations were
processed to monitor the SSSC dynamics in space and time. Satellite reflectance was found to be
significantly correlated with the SSSC. However, a seasonal dependency was demonstrated, most likely
caused by a variable granulometric distribution along the annual cycle. The ratio between the red and
near-infrared bands was found to be free of the seasonal dependency (r ¼ 0.79, N ¼ 282), and a SSSC
retrieval model was built from the satellite data using a bootstrap resampling technique. The satellite-
retrieved SSSC time series showed excellent accuracy over the 11-year period and at two different
stations located 800 km from each other. The satellite data were averaged to analyze the SSSC pattern
temporally and spatially along the entire Madeira River, which provided evidence of significant sedi-
mentation and resuspension. The backwater effect caused by the two-to-three-month lag between peak
water in the Madeira and Amazon Rivers was used to predict local sedimentation near the Madeira River
mouth. Our results facilitated a precise assessment of such sedimentation, which demonstrated an SSSC
decrease 400 km upstream from the MadeiraeAmazon confluence.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction on different time scales (Meade, 1994). The size of the basin and the
fact that the basin is moderately affected by anthropogenic activities
Sediment transport is of special significance in large tropical make it a valuable case study for understanding erosion and sedi-
basins, which are known to concentrate approximately 50% of the ment transport and their relation with past and present geomor-
world’s solid fluxes from continental lands to the oceans (Latrubesse phology (Baby et al., 2009) and climate (Martinez et al., 2009).
et al., 2005). Among these basins, the Amazon Basin exhibits high Most studies on the sediment budget of the Amazon Basin have
erosion rates in which most of the sediment is derived from the focused on the Amazon River main stem, where the availability of
Andes and from large floodplains that can store and release sediment hydrological data is better than in other areas of the catchment
(Filizola and Guyot, 2004; Gibbs, 1967; Martinez et al., 2009; Meade
et al., 1979). The Madeira River Basin drains approximately 25% of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 5561 3307 2433; fax: þ5561 3272 4286. the Amazon Basin but may account for nearly half of the sediment
E-mail address: (R. Espinoza Villar). fluxes released to the ocean (Guyot et al., 1996). The Madeira
0895-9811/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 R. Espinoza Villar et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 44 (2013) 45e54
drainage basin forms the southwestern boundary of the Amazon were analyzed to assess the sediment transport processes along the
Basin. It is limited to the southwest by the Cordillera Oriental, main stream of the Madeira River. Special attention was paid to the
which supplies a large quantity of sediment to the rest of the basin Madeira River mouth, where backwater effects originating from the
and to the northeast by the Brazilian craton (Baby et al., 2009). confluence with the Amazon River cause sedimentation.
Sediment yield data show that the upper basin hosts the most
elevated erosion rates in the Amazon Basin, which are approxi- 2. The study area
mately 3200 t km2 year1 on average, with large variations
ranging from 50 to 50 000 t km2 year1 (Guyot et al., 1996). With an area of 6.2 106 km2, the Amazon Basin is the
The total mass of suspended sediment exported from the eastern world’s largest catchment, delivering a water discharge of
Andes and sub-Andean drainage basins in Bolivia, excluding the 6600 km3 year1 (Molinier et al., 1996) and a sediment discharge
Peruvian Madre de Dios subcatchment, has been estimated to be of 800 million t year1 based on measurements at the last gauged
approximately 500e600 million t year1 (Guyot et al., 1996). station along the Amazon River that is not disturbed by sea tides
Using a network of sampling stations for river sediment discharge (Martinez et al., 2009). Sediments are transported principally from
assessment in Bolivia, Guyot et al. (1996) estimated that the current the Andes, which surround 12% of the Amazon Basin. One of the
sedimentation in the Madeira foreland basin may be approximately most important tributaries is the Madeira River, which contributes
270 million t year1. 16% of the Amazon River water budget and approximately 50% of
Sediment transport monitoring is critical in the Madeira River the sediment discharge (Filizola, 1999). According to the Sioli
Basin because the monitoring provides valuable information for classification system (1957), the Madeira River is a white-water
economic activity that is dependent on river flows and sediment river that is rich in dissolved material and suspension solids.
discharge, such as ship transport. Interestingly, the construction of The Madeira River drains an area of approximately 1.4 106 km2
two large hydroelectric power-generation dams in the upper reach and has a mean annual discharge of 32 000 m3 s1 (Molinier
of the Madeira River, upstream of Porto Velho, may affect the natural et al., 1993). This river is among the ten largest rivers in the
sediment transport. Concerns about the impact of these dams and world and was classified as a mega river (Latrubesse, 2008). The
the future behavior of sediment discharge as a function of regional Madeira River is formed at the confluence of the Beni and Mamore
climate change (Espinoza Villar et al., 2009) require the develop- Rivers near the border between Brazil and Bolivia. These rivers are
ment of robust and cost-efficient monitoring methods adapted to of Andean origin and present high sediment loads of approximately
large rivers. It has been shown that the optical qualities of water are 690 and 280 mg l1 at the river surface, respectively (Guyot et al.,
closely linked to certain quality parameters, such as turbidity 1996). The lower load of the Mamore River results from low sedi-
(Dekker et al., 2002; Mertes et al., 1993), algal pigment (Gohin et al., ment load tributaries that drain the lowlands (e.g., the Guapore
2002; Schalles et al., 1998) and organic matter (Vodacek et al., 1995). River) and strong sedimentation processes in the Andean Piedmont
Recent studies on the Amazon Basin have shown that space-borne (Guyot et al., 1996). Downstream from the Beni-Mamore conflu-
global monitoring sensors can be used to efficiently monitor river ence, all of the tributaries are characterized by low sediment
sediment discharge along the Amazon River (Martinez et al., 2009) concentrations because they drain the Amazonian lowlands on the
(Espinoza et al., 2012). In this study, we analyzed the optical prop- Brazilian Shield (Fig. 1). In Brazil, most of the tributaries from the
erties of the Madeira River waters to develop a surface suspended Abunã River down to the Aripuanã River confluence flow into the
sediment concentration (SSSC) retrieval algorithm based on MODIS Madeira River from its right bank as the Madeira River nears the
satellite data. The SSSC estimates acquired over an 11-year period Purus River catchment.
Fig. 1. A map of the Madeira River and the major tributaries showing the water-gauge stations along the river main stem maintained by the Brazilian Water Agency. The relief data
were extracted from the SRTM digital elevation model.
R. Espinoza Villar et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 44 (2013) 45e54 47
The Madeira River sediment budget estimates show significant at the ABU, PV, HUM, MAN and FVA stations for the studied period.
variations from one study to another because some studies use We note well-defined monomodal hydrograph with peaks in
sediment discharge-water discharge relationships, whereas others MarcheApril and low water between August and September. At the
are based on a network of stations at which the river water was FVA station, the maximum water discharge recorded over the
sampled for particle concentration assessment but with different period is 60 000 m3 s1, the minimum is 3500 m3 s1, and the
sampling frequencies or sampling methods (i.e., integrated vs. average discharge is approximately 27 000 m3 s1.
surface sampling). Based on a limited set of sampling field The water discharge increase between the ABU and FVA stations
campaigns, Gibbs (1967) reported suspended sediment yields of is 62% on average with the inputs of the tributaries. The increase is
approximately 217 106 t year1 at the mouth of the Madeira relatively larger in May, up to 100%, and smaller between October
River in the Amazon. Subsequent studies reevaluated the previous and December, down to 20%. For the main tributary of the Madeira
estimates and calculated a yield of 550 million t year1 (Ferreira River, the ANA data show that the annual mean water discharge is
et al., 1988; Martinelli et al., 1993). In Bolivia, the results obtained 700, 1400, 1000 and 3300 m3 s1 for the Abunã, Ji-Parana, Mar-
by the Climatological and Hydrological Program of the Bolivian melos and Aripuana Rivers, respectively. These rivers have similar
Amazon basin (PHICAB) for the Upper Madeira Basin from 1983 hydrological cycles with a high water level between February and
to 1990 showed that the Beni and Mamore Rivers contribute a sus- April and a low water level in September, similar to the behavior of
pended sediment yield of 223 million t year1 to the Madeira River the main stem of the Madeira River.
(Guyot et al., 1993; Roche and Fernandez Jauregui, 1988). Using Comparisons of water discharge data from the tributaries and
the quarterly integrated suspended sediment concentration data the river main stem show inconsistencies that may result from
from the Brazilian Water Agency, Guyot et al. (1996) calculated insufficiently accurate water level-river discharge relationships.
the sediment discharge at the Porto Velho station to be 320 The main problem occurs at the MAN station, where the flow is
million t year1, which is significantly higher than the value much higher (i.e., 25% from June to December) than measured at
directly assessed upstream. Finally, using 10 years of sampling the next downstream station on the Madeira River, FVA.
records from the HYBAM network, Guyot et al. (2010) determined The large volume of the Amazon River affects the Madeira River
a sediment discharge of 411 million t year1. However, the authors water level in the lower courses of the tributary, producing what is
suggest that the sediment discharge-water discharge relationships known as the backwater effect. This effect is amplified by the two-
they used for the Brazilian data should be disregarded for the to-three-month lag between peak water in the Madeira and
Madeira Basin because the relationships show strong dispersion. Amazon Rivers, resulting in a hysteresis effect in the stage-
discharge relationship, as shown in Fig. 3 for the FVA station.
3. Data acquisition and method While the backwater effect in the HUM station records is not
measurable, it can be detected downstream at the MAN station
3.1. General Hydrology (Meade et al., 1991) and becomes significant at the FVA station,
where the water level varies between 2 and 3 m for the same
Five water-gauge stations providing river-flow estimates are discharge amount, depending on the hydrological period.
currently maintained by the National Water Agency (ANA) along
the Madeira River in Brazil. Starting from the Bolivia-Brazil border, 3.2. The suspended sediment from the monitoring networks
the stations are Abunã (ABU; upstream of the Abunã River
confluence), Porto Velho (PV), Humaita (HUM), Manicore (MAN) The ANA protocol requires quarterly measurements of the sus-
and Fazenda Vista Alegre (FVA) (see pended sediment concentration at five stations in its network using
Near-real-time data are available at the PV and FVA stations, the depth integration method (using integrating USD-49 samplers).
whereas at the other stations, the river water level is measured However, the data are scarce for the 2000e2010 period. The
twice a day. The water level was calibrated to the water discharge HYBAM network maintained by the ANA and the Institut de
using the mechanical current-meter method at all of the stations Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) at the PV and FVA stations
except for the PV and FVA stations, where acoustic doppler current has been providing 10-day samples from the river surface since
profiler (ADCP) measurements were also used (Filizola and Guyot, 1995. To obtain the HYBAM data (see,
2004). Fig. 2 shows the Madeira River water discharge time series a local operator samples the SSSC every 10 days at a fixed point. The
Fig. 2. The monthly water discharges for the ABU, PV, HUM, MAN, and FVA stations along the main stem of the Madeira River recorded during 2000e2009, which were provided by
the Brazilian water agency.
48 R. Espinoza Villar et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 44 (2013) 45e54
properties of the suspended sediment may vary from one part of the values, with a ¼ 1020 150 (95% confidence interval) and
spectrum to another. Different authors (Doxaran et al., 2002; b ¼ 2.94 0.37 computed using 1000 bootstrap samples.
Froidefond et al., 2002; Topliss et al., 1990) have proposed that the
use of the ratio of the reflectance in at least two different channels 4.5. SSSC time series from satellite data vs. those from conventional
should reduce the overall sensitivity of the remote-sensing reflec- networks
tance to the inorganic particle type. We computed the ratio between
the NIR and the red MODIS bands for the entire dataset. Fig. 8 shows The SSSCs were retrieved from the MODIS 8-day time composite
the matchups between the MODIS NIR/red surface reflectance ratios time series using the model defined in the previous section at the
and the HYBAM samples from the PV and FVA stations. The PV and FVA stations. Fig. 9 compares the satellite-derived and
matchups were selected when the delay between the MODIS network SSSC samples at PV and FVA over the 2000e2011 period.
acquisitions and the field samples was less than 4 days. The SSSC Good agreement was found, which shows that satellite data enable
exhibited a wide range, from 4 to 1832 mg l1 with a mean value of the monitoring of the temporal variability regardless of cloud cover,
300 mg l1, for 282 field samples. There is a significant positive even when the cloud cover is persistent during the rainy period.
relationship (r ¼ 0.79, p < 0.05) between the SSSC and the reflec- Over the common period of analysis between February 2000 and
tance ratio. The determination coefficient shows that 61% of the March 2009, MODIS 8-day composites enabled the calculation of
variation in the reflectance ratio is explained by the variation in the 372 SSSC estimates at the PV station, representing a 90% time
SSSC. Most of the residual dispersion may be attributed to the coverage, which is the same percentage that the HYBAM 10-day
differences in the spatial scale between the remote-sensing data, network achieved with 296 samples. At the FVA station, the
averaged over tens of pixels and representing several square kilo- MODIS coverage outperformed the HYBAM network by more than
meters, and the field samples acquired at the riverside in 250-ml 10%, with an 81% time coverage over the 2000e2009 period. These
bottles. Additional dispersion may be caused by the time delay results demonstrate the potential use of satellite time series to
between the sampling and the closest cloud-free satellite image, study the spatial and temporal variability in sediment transport.
which rarely matches the exact day of sampling. Finally, natural The PV and FVA stations are located 880 km from each other but
SSSC heterogeneity across the river reach is likely to increase the exhibit similar temporal behavior. However, we noted a significant
dispersion in the relationships between the satellite and field SSSC decrease from upstream to downstream, which we will
samples. To provide a better view of the impact of these different analyze in the next section.
dispersion factors, Fig. 8 shows the reflectance ratio-SSSC matchups
based on the field spectroradiometric measurements that should be 4.6. An analysis of the SSSC seasonal pattern along the Madeira
free of most of the scale problems, provided that the spectroradio- River based on MODIS images
metric measurements and water sampling were performed simul-
taneously from a boat. For these field spectroradiometric The sediment concentration at the virtual stations was calcu-
measurements, 40 matchups are available, with an SSSC variation of lated using MODIS 8-day composites. The SSSC estimates were
25e622 mg l1 and a mean value of 198 mg l1. The correlation averaged for each month of the year, enabling study of the sea-
factor is 0.96 and 91% of the variation in the field spectroradiometric sonality of sediment transport along the main stem of the river
measurements are explained by the SSSC variations. during 2000e2011. Fig. 10 shows the variation of the SSSC along the
The best-fit model was assessed using least squares regression. Madeira River from the ABU station downstream to the Madeira
To assess the variability in the model parameters, we used the River mouth at the FOZ station in 3 periods: rising water, flood peak
bootstrap resampling technique (Wehrens et al., 2000). This tech- and decreasing water. The SSSC exhibited a decreasing trend from
nique proves particularly useful in cases where the sample data are upstream to downstream in all of the periods. However, strong
limited. Its main uses are the estimation of accuracy measures and spatial variations were detected from one part of the seasonal cycle
the construction of confidence sets. Least squares regression shows to another. For the rising-water period (October to January), we
that a power law model, SSSC ¼ a. (RNIR/RRed)b, provides the best-fit noted the following: 1) a consistent increase in the SSSC level as the
water level rose and 2) a sharp SSSC decrease from upstream to
downstream. The SSSC decrease was considerable, particularly in
the upper reaches (i.e., between the ABU, PV and HUM stations),
with a mean decrease of approximately 30% between ABU and PV
from October to January. Downstream, the SSSC decrease was weak,
with a diminution of 4% between the FVA and FOZ stations in
December and January.
During the flood peak, from February to May, the overall SSSC
level was lower and the relative decrease was reduced compared
with the rising-water period. The concentration diminished by
approximately 12% between the ABU and PV stations on average
from February to May. The strongest SSSC decrease occurred
between the PV and HUM stations, with a reduction of approxi-
mately 26% on average over the same period. Downstream from the
PV-to-HUM reach, the SSSC decrease was lower, with a reduction of
approximately 22% between the HUM and FVA stations. In the last
Fig. 8. The NIR/red surface reflectance band ratio as a function of SSSC. The black dots reach, between the FVA and FOZ stations, the decrease was on
represent matchups between field spectroradiometric measurements and simulta- average 8%. During the low-water period (i.e., June to September),
neously acquired water samples (N ¼ 40) from 2007 to 2011. The spectroradiometric the SSSC level was much lower along the entire Madeira River, and
measurements were convolved to match the MODIS radiometric bands. The gray dots the SSSC variation along the river main stem was reduced
represent matchups between the MODIS data and the HYBAM SSSC data at the PV and
FVA stations during 2000e2009 with a 4-day acquisition maximum delay criterion
upstream. The SSSC decrease between the ABU and FVA stations
(N ¼ 282). The model was fitted for satellite data using least squares regression with was on average 51% between June and August and 28% in
1000 bootstrap samples. September. However, downstream from the MAN station, the SSSC
52 R. Espinoza Villar et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 44 (2013) 45e54
Fig. 9. SSSC time series retrieved from 8-day composite MODIS images (black dots) and 10-day HYBAM samples during 2000e2011 (white dots) at the PV station (above) and the
FVA station (below). The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the satellite-derived SSSC estimate.
decrease was strong; namely, there was a 50% decrease from the a pronounced SSSC decrease from PV to FVA, followed by stabili-
MAN to FOZ stations from June to August. This decrease was the zation downstream at the FOZ station in January.
strongest for that reach of the river in all of the periods; namely, In the Madeira catchment, previous studies have shown that the
from June to August, the SSSC decrease between the FVA and FOZ SSSC is closely related to the average concentration in a river reach
stations was 22%, whereas the decrease was limited to 5% on (Guyot et al., 1996). Therefore, the SSSC data can be used as a proxy
average from October to May. to detect sedimentation or resuspension along the main stem of
a river. Our satellite-derived SSSC climatology data enable the
5. Discussion definition of three different regions exhibiting distinct sediment
transport processes.
5.1. Hydro-sedimentary processes along the Madeira River
1) Upstream, from the ABU station to the PV station, where the
The Madeira River sediment budget may include different water discharge inputs from the local tributaries are limited,
inputs, such as bed load, suspended sediment load, sediment from there is a sedimentation zone during the rising-water period
tributaries and bank erosion. The suspended sediment load is with a 30% SSSC decrease from October to January (Fig. 9a),
delivered almost entirely by the Andean tributaries, whereas the while the Madeira River discharge exhibits a very low increase
local tributaries drain mostly forested lowlands with reduced (þ1% from the ANA data). For the remainder of the period, the
erosion. From the quarterly suspended sediment concentration SSSC decrease is consistent with the river-water discharge
data acquired in Brazil between 1981 and 1994, Guyot et al. (1996) increase resulting from the inputs of the low sediment-load
estimated that the Ji-Parana and Aripuana sediment discharge tributaries (Abunã, Jaci parana).
masses may not exceed 1.2 million and 2.9 million t year1, 2) Between the PV and FVA stations, dilution and sedimentation
respectively, representing approximately 1% of the Madeira River appear to occur during the rising-water period; the SSSC
sediment discharge that the same authors assessed at the PV decreases by 53%, whereas the water discharge increases by 17%.
station. The measurements performed during our field sampling However, resuspension is likely to occur during the flood peak
trips suggest that this budget may not have changed since then. from February to May; the SSSC decreases by 42%, while the
Few studies have been conducted on riverbed transport in the water discharge increases by 59%. In April, when the Madeira
Amazon. However, studies on the Amazon River main stem suggest River discharge is strongest, approximately 53 000 m3 s1 on
that this transport varies depending on the season but may not average at the FVA station, the SSSC decrease between the PV
exceed more than 5% of the total sediment budget of the river and FVA stations is 34%, whereas the river discharge increases
(Mertes, 1985; Strasser et al., 2004). by 78% with the inputs of the Marmelos and Aripuanã Rivers.
The SSSC decrease assessed by satellite data agrees with our During the period of decreasing water, resuspension continues
field observations and with previous results, such as those obtained but at a slower rate than during other periods.
by Martinelli et al. (1993) during two cruises from PV to FOZ in 3) Downstream, the backwater effect caused by the Amazon River
January 1986 and April 1984. Although these authors used a depth- water (Meade et al., 1991) has been predicted to produce
integrating sampler, which prevents the direct comparison of the temporal sedimentation as the slope of the water line dimin-
SSSC levels, the trends obtained from the satellite data and from ishes near the Madeira-Amazon confluence (Martinelli et al.,
these field measurements exhibit similar behavior. Both datasets 1993). The systematic satellite observations demonstrate the
demonstrate a much higher SSSC level in January than in April and following: 1) the backwater effect is significant from May to
R. Espinoza Villar et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 44 (2013) 45e54 53
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