Int Transcript Request Form English and Spanish
Int Transcript Request Form English and Spanish
Int Transcript Request Form English and Spanish
The above named student is applying for admission to CUNY. We require that a copy of their complete academic record be sent directly to the University Application
Processing Center (UAPC). The record should indicate the name of each subject taken, the marks received and how each course has been weighted. Please include a
statement indicating the grading scale used. If the student was not granted any marks/credits or does not have a record on file at your institution, please send us a
statement explaining the reason. Any additional information that is relevant to the student’s academic record should also be sent.
Please fill out the information below, attach it to the academic record, place them in a sealed envelope with your institution’s stamp/seal and send it to CUNY/UAPC at the
addreses below:
Regular Mail Overnight/Express Shipping (DHL, Fedex, etc.)
International Student Admission International Student Admission
P.O. Box 359023 2001 Oriental Blvd., Building T-1, Room 122
Brooklyn, NY 11235-9023 Brooklyn, NY 11235
Formulario de solicitud de certificado analítico internacional
para estudiantes que cursaron estudios fuera de los Estados Unidos
Después de completar la solicitud de admición a CUNY se dispone que todos los solicitantes presenten un certificado analítico oficial completo/planilla de calificaciones
de todos los establecimientos de educación post-secundaria a los que hubiesen concurrido. Complete este formulario y preséntelo en la oficina encargada de emitir los
certificados académicos oficiales de los institutos de educación superior/universidades en los que estudió fuera de Estados Unidos. Los aspirantes que cursaron estudios en
Bangladesh, India o Pakistán deben enviar este formulario a la oficina del Contralor de Exámenes.
Doy mi consentimiento para que se entregue mi expediente académico a The City University of New York.
Correo común Envío por correo certificado/entrega rápida (DHL, Fedex, etc.)
International Student Admission International Student Admission
P.O. Box 359023 2001 Oriental Blvd., Building T-1, Room 122
Brooklyn, NY 11235-9023 Brooklyn, NY 11235
Nombre de la persona autorizada
que completa el formulario Cargo
(En imprenta)