This document summarizes key concepts in neurophysiology including biological membranes, ion channels, ion pumps, membrane potential, and action potentials. Biological membranes are lipid bilayers that enclose cells and organelles. Embedded in the bilayer are protein channels and pumps that regulate the flow of ions across membranes. Ion channels like voltage-gated sodium channels allow selective ion flow. Ion pumps like the sodium-potassium pump actively transport ions against their gradients. The distribution of ions creates a membrane potential, with the inside negatively charged at rest. Local potentials like synaptic potentials can cause graded depolarization, while an action potential is an all-or-none spike triggered when the threshold is reached.
This document summarizes key concepts in neurophysiology including biological membranes, ion channels, ion pumps, membrane potential, and action potentials. Biological membranes are lipid bilayers that enclose cells and organelles. Embedded in the bilayer are protein channels and pumps that regulate the flow of ions across membranes. Ion channels like voltage-gated sodium channels allow selective ion flow. Ion pumps like the sodium-potassium pump actively transport ions against their gradients. The distribution of ions creates a membrane potential, with the inside negatively charged at rest. Local potentials like synaptic potentials can cause graded depolarization, while an action potential is an all-or-none spike triggered when the threshold is reached.
This document summarizes key concepts in neurophysiology including biological membranes, ion channels, ion pumps, membrane potential, and action potentials. Biological membranes are lipid bilayers that enclose cells and organelles. Embedded in the bilayer are protein channels and pumps that regulate the flow of ions across membranes. Ion channels like voltage-gated sodium channels allow selective ion flow. Ion pumps like the sodium-potassium pump actively transport ions against their gradients. The distribution of ions creates a membrane potential, with the inside negatively charged at rest. Local potentials like synaptic potentials can cause graded depolarization, while an action potential is an all-or-none spike triggered when the threshold is reached.
This document summarizes key concepts in neurophysiology including biological membranes, ion channels, ion pumps, membrane potential, and action potentials. Biological membranes are lipid bilayers that enclose cells and organelles. Embedded in the bilayer are protein channels and pumps that regulate the flow of ions across membranes. Ion channels like voltage-gated sodium channels allow selective ion flow. Ion pumps like the sodium-potassium pump actively transport ions against their gradients. The distribution of ions creates a membrane potential, with the inside negatively charged at rest. Local potentials like synaptic potentials can cause graded depolarization, while an action potential is an all-or-none spike triggered when the threshold is reached.
Biological membranes, synapses, neurotransmitters, electrical and
chemical bases of nerve function Biological Membranes • They are the outer covering of cells which is also called Plasma Membrane. • They enclose all cells in the body as well as the organelles within these cells. • Biological membrane or plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer with the polar (hydrophilic) heads facing outward and the nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails extending to the middle of the bilayer. Embedded in this bilayer are protein macromolecules including ion channels, receptors, and ionic pumps that are in contact with both the extracellular fluid and the cytoplasm. • The lipid bilayer is relatively impermeable to water soluble molecules including ions like Na+, K+, Cl-, and Ca++. • The concentrations of Na+, Cl-, and Ca++ are higher extracellularly, while K+ and anionic proteins are higher intracellularly. Biological Membrane Ion Channels • Ion channels are transmembrane proteins that form hydrophilic pores through the lipid bilayer. • They allow the passive flow of selected ions across the membrane on the basis of electrochemical gradients of the ion and the physical properties of the ion channel. • The amino acid composition of the channel subunits forming the hydrophilic pores determines the ionic selectivity of the channel. Types of ion channels • Most ion channels are gated meaning, they open in response to specific stimuli. Based on this, ion channels can be divided into : 1. Voltage gated ion channels which respond to changes in membrane potential. Ex. Voltage gated Na+ channels, K+, Ca++ which control almost all the signals for rapid communication in the nervous system.
2. Ligand (Neurotransmitter) gated ion channels which respond to the
binding of a neurotransmitter to the channel molecule complex. Ex. Acetylcholine receptor, glutamate receptor. General structure of a voltage gated cation channel • Voltage gated cation channel consists of pore-forming subunits called alpha subunits and a variable number of auxiliary subunits (beta, gamma, epsilon). • The alpha subunits determine ion selectivity, mediate the voltage sensing of the channel and are sufficient for the function of the channel. • Example : voltage gated K+ channels are made up of 4 homologous alpha subunits, each consisting of a polypeptide with 6 helical transmembrane segments (S1-S6) linked by intracellular and extracellular loops; its N and C terminal regions face the cytoplasm. The S4 segment acts as the voltage sensor, and the P loop located between the S5 and S6 helices of each domain forms the mouth of the pore and acts as a selectivity filter, regulating ion permeability. The auxiliary subunits profoundly affect the time course and voltage dependence of channel activation or inactivation and influence the assembly and expression of voltage gated channel subunits. Ion Pumps • Ion pumps are also transmembrane proteins that transport ions across the membrane against their concentration gradient with the consumption of ATP which is provided by oxidative metabolism of glucose (aerobic glycolysis) involving the Kreb’s cycle and respiratory chain in mitochondria. • The ion pump is important for maintenance of transmembrane ion concentration gradient. • Example of ion pump : Na+K+ ATPase pump. As there is continuous leakage of K+ out of the cell and of Na+ into the cell driven by both the concentration gradient and electrical gradient, the transmembrane ion gradient is restored by the Na+K+ATPase pumps which pump 3Na+ out for every 2 K+ in. Membrane Potential • Membrane potential is the electrical potential generated by the electrical activity of a cell. It is the difference in the electrical potential between the inside and outside of a cell. • Determinants of Membrane potential : 1.Transmembrane ion concentration gradient 2.Permeability of the membrane to each ion • It includes resting membrane potential, local potential and action potential Ionic mechanisms of membrane potential • Ions are distributed unequally on the inside and outside of cells and that cell membranes are selectively permeable to different ions. K+ is higher inside than outside so K+ will move from inside to outside making the inside more negatively charge than outside. This movement of K+ outward is called the diffusion pressure. To balance between this difference in charges, the negatively charged ions (Proteins) will try to pull the K+ inward and this voltage produces electrical pressure that opposes the movement of K+. Eventually an equilibrium will be established. This is the equilibrium potential of ions or the Nernst Equilibrium Potential. • Equilibrium potential is the electrical potential that develops across the membrane at equilibrium. It is the voltage difference across the membrane that exactly offsets the tendency of the ion to move down its concentration gradient. • The transmembrane concentration gradient and the charge of each ion (voltage) determine the equilibrium potential of that ion. Ionic mechanisms of membrane potentials • Based on the diffusion pressure and electrical pressure, the Nernst equation is used to define the equilibrium potential inside the cell for any ions in terms of its concentrations on the two sides of a membrane. • Electrical pressure is We = Em x Zi x F where We = electrical pressure (work required to move an ion against a voltage). Em = absolute membrane potential Zi = valence (number of charges on the ion) F = Faraday Ionic mechanisms of membrane potential • Diffusion pressure is Wd = R x T x In(Chi – Clo) where Wd = diffusion pressure (work required to move an ion against a concentration gradient) R = universal gas constant T = absolute temperature In = natural logarithm Chi = ion concentration on higher side Clo = ion concentration of lower side Ionic mechanisms of membrane potential • At equilibrium , We = Wd therefore Em x Zi x F = RT x In (Chi – Clo) By rearrangement, the equilibrium potential is Em = RT/FZi x In (Chi – Clo) By substituting for the constants at RT, converting to a base 10 logarithm and converting to mV, a useful equation is obtained : Nernst Equation Em = 58 log10 Chi/Clo Example E(Na) = 58 log10 140/25 = 43.3 mV (Equilibrium potential of Na+) Ionic mechanisms of membrane potential • Julius Bernstein in 1900 suggested that the resting membrane potential was equal to the equilibrium potential of K+. • An experiment to test Bernstein hypothesis is illustrated. Ionic mechanisms of membrane potential • Goldman-Hodgkin and Katz (GHK) equation : when a membrane is permeable to 2 different ions, the Nernst equation can no longer be used to precisely determine the membrane potential. The GHK equation is recommended.
R ∙T PK ∙ K + O + PNa ∙ Na+ O + PCl ∙ Cl− i
Em = ∙ ln F ∙Z PK ∙ K + i + PNa ∙ Na+ i + PCl ∙ Cl− o Resting membrane potential • The resting membrane potential (RMP) is the absolute difference in electrical potential between the inside and outside of an inactive neuron, axon or muscle cell. It is the transmembrane voltage at which there is no net flow of current across the membrane. The RMP is generally between 60-80 mV with the inside of the cell negative. • A decrease in the value of RMP means less negative inside of the cell and the membrane potential moves toward Zero and cell is more excitable This constitutes depolarization. • When the RMP becomes more negative, the potential moves away from Zero and cell is less excitable. This is hyperpolarization. Resting membrane potential • RMP depends on 2 factors : 1.Presence of leak ion channels open at rest with markedly different permeabilities to K+ making the cell membrane a semi-permeable membrane. 2.Presence of energy dependent pumps eg. Na+K+ pump. At rest, there is a continuous leak of K+ outward and of Na+ inward across the membrane. The Na+K+ pump maintains the intracellular concentrations of Na+ and K+ despite their constant leaking through the cell membrane by transporting 3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ in. This leads to a state in which the net movement of ion across the membrane is zero. This is called steady state and this constitutes the RMP. The cell at rest is also permeable to Cl- ions. In most membranes, Cl- reaches equilibrium simply by adjustment of its internal concentration to maintain electroneutrality without affecting the steady state. Local potentials • A local potential is a transient depolarizing or hyperpolarizing shift of the membrane potential in a localized area of the cell. • Local potentials result from current flow due to localized change in ion channel permeability to one or more ions. • A local potential can be a 1. Synaptic potential : produced by chemical neurotransmitter acting on the synapse. Ex. Ach produces a fast excitatory postsynaptic potential. GABA produces a slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential. 2. Receptor potential : produced by activation of a sensory receptor channel by a stimulus. Ex. Pain, temperature, touch, 3. Electrotonic potential : produced from an externally applied voltage. Local potentials • Local potential is a graded response proportional to the size of the stimulus. The occurrence of a second stimulus before the first one subsides results in a larger local potential. Therefore, local potentials can be summated. It can either be temporal summation or spatial summation. • Temporal summation is the summation of local potentials from repeated inputs at the same site but on a different time. • Spatial summation is the summation of local potentials from multiple sites of inputs but at the same time. Action potential • The excitability of a neuron, axon, or muscle cell is defined as the probability that the neuron or muscle cell will generate or transmit an action potential. Triggering of an action potential depends on the opening of voltage gated Na+ channel. The membrane needs to reach a value that activates the channel. This is called threshold. For a neuron with RMP of - 60-80 mV, the threshold is approximately 10-15 mV from the RMP (-55 mV) • During stimulation, when threshold is reach, the voltage gated Na+ channels open allowing Na+ to enter the cell making the membrane potential toward the equilibrium potential of Na which is +40 mV. This is depolarization. In most cases, this is transient lasting only a few seconds so that the Na+ channel closes rapidly. At the same time, there is opening of slowly activating K+ channels allowing K+ to go out of the cell shifting the membrane potential to the equilibrium potential of K+ which is -100 mV. This is repolarization. Synaptic transmission • A synapse is a specialized contact zone where one neuron communicates with another neuron. • There are 2 types of synapses : chemical and electrical. • Chemical synapses are the more common form of communication in the nervous system. A chemical synapse consists of 1. pre-synaptic component (containing the synaptic vesicles). 2. Postsynaptic component (dendrite, soma or axon). 3. An intervening space called synaptic cleft. They make use of chemical messengers called “neurotransmitters” for communication. Synaptic transmission • Rapid diffusion of a chemical messenger across the synaptic cleft is followed by binding of this substance to receptors spanning the postsynaptic membrane. There is a resultant alteration in the electrical, biochemical or genetic properties of that neuron. • These chemical messengers or neurotransmitters are released in discrete units called “quanta” from pre-synaptic axonic or dendritic terminals in response to depolarization of the terminal. Neurochemical transmitters I. Amino Acids III. Acetycholine VII. Neurotrophc factors 1. L glutamate IV. Nucleosides/nucleotides 1. nerve growth factor or 2. Aspartate 1. adenosine neurotrophins 3. GABA 2. ATP V. Neuropeptides a. brain derived growth factor 4. Glycine V. Neuropeptides b. neurotrophin 3 (NT3) II. Monoamines 1. Neurotensin c. neurotrophin 4/5 (NT4/5) 1. Catecholamines 2. Neurokinin (Substance P) 2. glial derived growth factor a. Dopamine 3. VIP b. Norepinephrine 4. CGRP c. Epinephrine VI. Nitric oxide 2. Serotonin 3. Histamine Criteria necessary to define a substance as a Neurotransmitter • Localization : a neurotransmitter must be localized to the presynaptic elements of an identified synapse and must also be present within the neuron from which the presynaptic terminal arises. • Release : the substance must be shown to be released from the presynaptic element on activation of that terminal and simultaneously with depolarization of the parent neurons. • Identity : application of the putative neurotransmitter to the target cells must be shown to produce the same effects as those produced by stimulation of the neurons in question. Neurotransmitters can be categorized as • Small molecule messengers (having less than 10 carbon atoms) 1.Amino acids : GABA, glycine, aspartate, glutamate 2.Biogenic amines : acetylcholine, catecholamines, serotonin, histamine 3.Nucleotides or nucleosides : adenosine, ATP 4.Others : nitric oxide • Large molecule messengers (having more than 10 carbon atoms) : neuropeptides 1.Methionine enkephalins 4. calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) 2.Leucine enkephalins 5. arginine vasopressin 3.Endorphins 6. cholecystokinin Pre-synaptic events 1. The synthesis and vesicular storage of the neurotransmitter. 2. Mobilizing, docking and priming of the synaptic vesicles in the pre- synaptic terminals. 3. Ca++ dependent neurotransmitter release by exocytosis. 4. Endocytotic recycling of synaptic vesicles. 5. pre-synaptic reuptake and inactivation of the neurotransmitter. Pre-synaptic events - Synthesis of neurotransmitter • Amino aid neurotransmitters (like glutamate, GABA and glycine) and acetylcholine are synthesized from intermediates of the Kreb’s cycle. • The monoamines (dopamine, NE, serotonin and histamines) are all derived from essential amino acid precursors provided by diet. Their synthesis involves a specific rate limiting enzymatic step that is regulated by the state of enzymes phosphorylation and feedback mechanisms. • Amino acid, Ach and monoamine neurotransmitters are incorporated into synaptic vesicles at the level of the presynaptic terminal. • Neuropeptides are synthesized in the cell body as a large precursor that undergoes cleavage and posttranslational modifications as it travels through the secretory granule pathway and they reach the synaptic terminal by fast anterograde transport. Neurotransmitters are stored in 3 types of vesicles 1.Small vesicles called synaptic vesicles : 50 mm in diameter, appear clear and empty in electron microscope. They contain GABA, glutamate and Ach. Another type of small vesicles but electron dense cores contain the catecholamines. 2.Larger dense core vesicles : 75-150 mm in diameter, less numerous, contain neuropeptides. 3.Neurosecretory vesicles : 150-200 mm in diameter, contain in hypothalamic nuclei, contain neurohormones which are especially concentrated in axon terminals of the hypophysis (posterior pituitary). Synaptic vesicles • Synaptic vesicles are formed initially by budding from the Golgi complex. After transport to and release from the presynaptic terminal, the lipoprotein membrane components of the synaptic vesicles are recycled in the terminals. • Synaptic vesicle neurotransmitters are synthesized in the axon terminals hence can be recycled and refilled in the axon terminal. Ex. Ach is synthesized in the cytosol of the axon and axon terminal and then transported into synaptic vesicles. Others are synthesized in the vesicle itself like NE. Its precursor, dopamine is transported into synaptic vesicles by vesicular monoamine transporter. Dopamine is then converted to NE by enzyme dopamine B-hydroxylase which is attached to the luminal border of the vesicular membrane. Vesicular transporters • The storage of neurotransmitters in the synaptic vesicles depends on specific vesicular transporters. There are at least 3 families of intracellular synaptic vesicle transporter 1.SLC8 gene family a. VMAT : Vesicular monoamine transporter (serotonin, NE, DA, histamine) b. VachT : Vesicular Ach transporter 2. SLC32 gene family : VIAAT Vesicular inhibitory AA transporter (GABA, Glycine) 3. SLC17 gene family : VgluT Vesicular glutamate transporter Vesicular storage of neurotransmitter is driven by an electrochemical gradient of H+ across the vesicle membrane. This gradient is generated by the vesicular ATP dependent proton pump. Within the vesicle, neurotransmitter may be co-stored with ATP, synthetic enzymes or ions like Zn++. Pre-synaptic events - Exocytosis • After a synaptic vesicle is loaded with neurotransmitter, it undergoes mobilization and docking at a presynaptic active zone, followed by priming for Ca++ triggered exocytosis. • The synaptic vesicles that are ready for release dock near the presynaptic active zones, which contain clusters of voltage gated Ca++ channels. Exocytosis is triggered by depolarization of the presynaptic terminals which allows a massive and transient Ca++ influx through voltage gated Ca++ channels in response to each action potential. • After the synaptic vesicles fuse with the synaptic membrane and release the neurotransmitter, the vesicular membrane proteins are retrieved by endocytosis and recycled. Pre-synaptic events – Neurotransmitter release, presynaptic membrane proteins All these processes involve complex interactions between synaptic vesicle and presynaptic membrane proteins. The synaptic vesicle synapsin links the vesicle to the cytoskeleton and undergoes phosphorylation to facilitate vesicle mobilization Membrane docking, priming and fusion depend on interactions of synaptobrevin located in the synaptic vesicle and 2 proteins, syntaxin and SNAP-25 located in the presynaptic membrane. These 3 proteins are the targets of cleavage of botulinum toxins which impair neurotransmitter release. Presynaptic events – Neurotransmitter release, presynaptic membrane proteins • Calcium induced exocytosis requires interactions with the synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin. • Vesicle endocytosis and recycling involve vesicle coating by clathrin and fusion by dynamin. These processes are regulated by adaptor proteins such as amphiphysin. • The presynaptic voltage gated Ca++ channels are the N and P/Q type channels which form complexes with these presynaptic proteins that also allow the synaptic vesicles to cluster at the active zones. Termination of action of neurotransmitters • The synaptic effects of a neurotransmitter are terminated by 3 mechanisms : 1. Transporter mediated uptake by presynaptic terminals or astrocytes. 2. Enzymatic metabolism 3. Diffusion out of the synaptic cleft. Termination of action of neurotransmitter • Transporter mediated uptake by presynaptic terminal or astrocytes is the sole mechanism for rapid termination of glutamate, GABA, Glycine and the initial mechanism of inactivation of catecholamines and serotonin. • Uptake involves Na+/ATP dependent uptake transporters which are plasma membrane transporters. These are 1. SLC6 (Solute carrier 6 gene family) or Neurotransmitter-sodium transporter family or Na+/Cl- dependent transporter a. Monoamine transporter : Serotonin (SERT), Norepinephrine (NET), Dopamine (DAT). b. GABA (GAT) c. Glycine 2. High affinity glutamate transporter or SLC1 gene family. Termination of action of neurotransmitter • In the case of DA, NE and serotonin, reuptake is followed by enzymatic degradation to inactive metabolites by action of monoamine oxidases and catechol-O-methyltransferases. • In the case of NE, reuptake into the cytoplasm of the presynaptic terminal (uptake 1) subserved by the NET is primarily responsible for its termination. After uptake, some NE is enzymatically degraded by the mitochondrial enzyme MAO, whereas additional fraction is retained in a cytoplasm. NE can also be removed through the action of a transporter on the postsynaptic membrane and in glia (uptake 2; subserved by the extraneuronal monoamine transporter EMT). NE transported into the postsynaptic neuron is degraded by the enzyme COMT. • Enzymatic degradation is the sole mechanism for termination of the action of Ach (acetylcholinesterase), Histamine (methyltansferase) and Neuropeptides (peptidases) in the synaptic cleft. Receptors and receptor subtypes • Receptors are postsynaptic transmembrane proteins which exhibit affinity for individual chemical messenger. There are 2 general types of receptors : 1. Ligand gated ion channel receptor or Ionotropic receptor : ion channels that open in response to the chemical transmitter and allow the rapid influx of cations (Na+ and Ca++) or anions (Cl-). This results in fast excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic responses respectively. This rapid point to point transfer of information is referred to as Classic Neurotransmission. 2. G protein coupled receptors : mediate slower changes in neuronal excitability through activation or inhibition of K+ or Ca++ channels either directly or through transduction pathways involving second messengers. These effects are called Neuromodulation. Receptors and receptor subtypes • Receptors can also be classified according to the type of native chemical messenger to which they respond. • Example : cholinergic receptors, adrenergic receptors, GABA receptors, Glutamate receptors. Comparison of Classical Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation Feature Classic Neurotransmission Neuromodulation Function Rapid synaptic excitation Regulation of neuronal excitability or inhibition & neurotransmitter release
Receptor Ion channel receptors G protein coupled
Mechanisms (ligand gated) receptors
Ionic opening of Na+ or Ca++ opening or closing of
Mechanisms channel (fast EPSP) or voltage gated K+ or Ca++ Cl- channels (fast IPSP) channels Comparison of Classical Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation Classic Neurotransmission Neuromodulation Cationic channel receptors (Na+, Ca++) Metabotopic 1. Nicotinic Ach glutamate (mGluR1-8) 2. Ionotropic glutamate (AMPA, NMDA, Muscarinic Ach Kainate) Monoamines 3. Serotonin (5HT3) GABAb 4. ATP Neuropeptides Anionic channel receptors (Cl-) 1. GABAa 2. Glycine Specific Neurochemical Systems • The different neurochemical systems vary in distribution, mechanism of action, and function. Amino acids are the most abundant neurotransmitters in the CNS and are useful for fast neurotransmission. Monoamines are less abundant and produced more prolonged effects that are important in modifying neural responses to amino acid neurotransmitters. Neuropeptides are the least abundant but they are potent and produce responses that have a long latency and long duration. Excitatory Amino Acid Systems • L-Glutamate is the primary neurotransmitter of all excitatory neurons in the CNS. This includes all pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex and neurons in the relay nuclei of all sensory and motor pathways. • It is the most abundant amino acid in the brain. Biosynthesis and reuptake of L-glutamate • L-glutamate is derived from alpha ketoglutarate, an intermediate metabolites of the Krebs cycle in neurons, and from glutamine, which is synthesized in astrocytes. Through the action of vesicular glutamate transporter, L-glutamate is stored in small clear vesicles and released by exocytosis. The synaptic effects of L-glutamate are terminated by ATP dependent reuptake by the astrocytes via high affinity glutamate transporters. L-Glutamate Receptor Mechanism • Glutamate acts through 2 main families of receptors : ionotropic receptors and metabotropic receptors. Ionotropic glutamate receptors are cation channels that mediate fast excitatory transmission. These include Alpha amino 3 hydroxy 5 methyl 4 isoxazole proprionate (AMPA) receptor, Kainate receptors, and N methyl D aspartate (NMDA). Metabotropic glutamate receptors are G protein-coupled receptors that are involved in the modulation of excitatory and inhibitory synapses. An important result of the activation of glutamate receptors is increased levels of cytosolic Ca++. Role of Glutamate in Synaptic Plasticity: • In several areas of the CNS, the strength of the excitatory connection between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons exhibits a high degree of use-dependent plasticity. Synaptic transmission may be either enhanced or depressed over time, ranging from milliseconds to days or weeks or longer. The long term increase in the strength of an excitatory synapse is called long term potentiation and the converse phenomenon is called long term depression. Both are critical for the establishment and refinement of connections during brain development, for memory functions, and for adaptive changes after injury of the nervous system. Role of Glutamate in Synaptic Plasticity: • The mechanism of long term potentiation and long term depression vary for different excitatory synapses and may occur at both presynaptic and postsynaptic levels. In most synapses, it involves the activation of glutamate receptors, increase in intracellular Ca++, and activation of protein kinases or phosphatases that affect the state of phosphorylation of AMPA and NMDA receptors, other synaptic proteins, or transcription factors, particularly CREB. Inhibitory Amino Acid Systems • The 2 main inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitters are GABA and Glycine. • GABA occurs in local inhibitory neurons of the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and all sensory and motor relay nuclei. GABA is also the primary neurotransmitter in circuits of the basal ganglia and cerebellum involved in motor control. Glycine mediates inhibitory transmission in the brainstem and spinal cord. Biosynthesis, reuptake and metabolism of GABA • The synthesis and metabolism of GABA are intimately linked with those of L-glutamate and involve interactions between GABAergic neurons and astrocytes. In GABAergic terminals, GABA is synthesized from L-glutamate by the action of glutamic acid decarboxylase. This enzyme requires pyridoxal phosphate, a derivative of Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). GABA is incorporated into the synaptic vesicles by a vesicular GABA transporter and released by exocytosis. Biosynthesis, reuptake and metabolism of GABA • After release, GABA is taken up by astrocytes and presynaptic GABAergic terminals (GAT). Following reuptake, GABA is metabolized by GABA transaminase to an intermediate that is metabolized through the Krebs cycle to reconstitute alpha ketoglutarate (the precursor of glutamate). In GABAergic neurons, glutamate is the source of GABA. In contrast, astrocytes lack glutamic acid decarboxylase and thus cannot reconstitute GABA. Astrocytes contain glutamine synthetase and use glutamate as a substrate for the biosynthesis of glutamine. This is a critical mechanism for ammonia detoxification in the CNS. GABA Receptor Mechanism • The inhibitory actions of GABA are mediated by 2 classes of receptors: GABAa receptors which are ligand gated Cl- channels, and GABAb receptors which are G protein coupled receptors. Activation of GABAa receptors trigger rapid influx of Cl- which in most neurons produces hyperpolarization eliciting a fast inhibition. Benzodiazepines, barbiturates and alcohol act on this GABAa receptors. Activation of postsynaptic GABAb receptors increases the permeability of voltage gated K+ channels which results in slow hyperpolarization and synaptic inhibition. Activation of presynaptic GABAb receptors inhibits the release of neurotransmitters. Role of GABAergic neurons in the CNS 1. It acts as inhibitory interneuron in feed forward and feedback circuits in all motor and sensory pathways. This basic circuit consists of an excitatory axon that synapses on both an excitatory projection (relay) neuron and a local GABAergic neuron. In response to the excitatory afferent input, there is monosynaptic excitation of the projection neuron and disynaptic GABAergic inhibition of the same neuron, which restricts the duration of activation. 2. Local GABAergic neurons inhibit other projection neurons that surround the active neurons. This is called lateral inhibition. This is an important mechanism for sensory discrimination and fine motor control. Role of GABAergic neurons in the CNS 3. In the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, GABAergic neurons prevent the propagation of recurrent excitatory influences among pyramidal neurons. Impairment of this inhibitory activity may result in paroxysmal synchronized discharge of population of cortical pyramidal neurons and cause a seizure. 4. Some GABAergic neurons from interconnected networks in the cerebral cortex, thalamus and brainstem are important for the synchronization of activity across widely distributed but functionally related populations of neurons. During sleep, GABA is also the primary neurotransmitter of neurons in the striatum and basal ganglia and of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. All these neurons are critical in motor control circuits. Inhibitory Amino Acid Systems • Glycine in brainstem and spinal cord, contributes to fast inhibitory postsynaptic transmission by acting on specific glycine receptors. Like GABAa receptor, it allows rapid influx of Cl-. These inhibitory glycine receptors are blocked by strychnine, a toxin that produces severe hyperexcitability. Cholinergic Systems • Acetylcholine (Ach) is an important neurotransmitter in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Cholinergic systems include 1. spinal and brainstem somatic motor neurons innervating skeletal muscles. 2. spinal and brainstem preganglionic neurons innervating autonomic ganglia. 3. parasympathetic ganglion neurons innervating the viscera. 4. neurons in the basal forebrain (septal area and nucleus basali) innervating the cerebral cortex. 5. neurons in the tegmemtum of the pons and midbrain innervating the thalamus and medulla. 6. local neurons in the striatum. Biosynthesis and metabolism of Ach • Ach is synthesized from acetyl-coenzyme A and choline by the action of choline acetyltransferase. Ach is incorporated into synaptic vesicles by a vesicular Ach transporter and released by exocytosis. The synaptic actions of Ach are rapidly terminated through hydrolysis by acetylcholinesterase. Drugs that inhibit this enzyme (anticholinesterase agent) markedly potentiate cholinergic transmission. Ach Receptor Mechanisms • Ach acts through 2 classes of receptors : nicotinic and muscarinic. Nicotinic Ach receptors are ligand gated cation channel receptors that allow the influx of Na or Ca++ (or both) producing fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials in the target cells. Muscarinic Ach receptors are G protein-coupled receptors that mediate the slow excitatory (M1 type receptors) or inhibitory (M2 type receptors) synaptic effects of Ach. Functions of Ach 1. It is the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction that acts through muscle type nicotinic receptors to elicit muscle depolarization that leads to muscle contraction. 2. Preganglionic neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord release Ach in the autonomic ganglia where Ach acts on ganglion-type nicotinic receptors to activate sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons. Ach is the neurotransmitter of parasympathetic ganglia neurons innervating all visceral organs and sympathetic ganglia neurons innervating the sweat glands. It acts on different subtypes of muscarinic receptors to control the function of exocrine glands, visceral smooth muscle and the heart. Functions of Ach 3. In the CNS, Ach has a major role in the mechanism of arousal, attention, and memory. It is a critical neurotransmitter of neurons of the consciousness system. Most of this central effects are mediated by muscarinic receptors. However, the activation of presynaptic nicotinic receptors regulates the release of many neurotransmitters. 4. Ach in the tegmentum of the pons and midbrain project to the thalamus and other regions of the brainstem and are critical for arousal and regulation of sleep-wake cycle. 5. Ach to the cerebral cortex arises from neurons in the basal forebrain is important for attention and memory. These effects are mediated by muscarinic M1 receptors which increase responses of cortical neurons to excitatory inputs containing glutamate, thus facilitating long term potentiation. Dopaminergic Systems • Dopamine is the neurotransmitter of 2 main groups of neurons in the CNS : mesencephalic group and the hypothalamic group. • The mesencephalic group includes the substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventral tegmental area. The substantia nigra pars compacta innervates the striatum, and the ventral tegmental area innervates the frontal lobes and limbic system. • The hypothalamic group controls the function of the anterior pituitary. Dopamine • There are 5 Dopamine receptors • D1 : brain, retina, kidney, and CV system. • D2 : brain • D3 : brain • D4 : brain, retina • D5 : brain Dopamine Receptor Mechanism • Dopamine receptors are G protein coupled receptors. It can be subdivided into 2 main subfamilies : D1 and D2. • D1 type receptors activate adenylate cyclase and trigger cAMP dependent phosphorylation of different types of ion channels and other proteins. • D2 type receptors inhibit adenylate cyclase, activate K+ channels, inhibit Ca++ channels, and mediate the presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibitory effects of dopamine. Biosynthesis, reuptake and metabolism of Dopamine • Dopamine is synthesized from the amino acid L-tyrosine by the action of tyrosine hydroxylase resulting in the production of L- dopa (dihydroxyphenylalanine). L-dopa is metabolized by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase to dopamine. Dopamine is incorporated into synaptic vesicles by a vesicular monoamine transporter coupled to the proton ATPase and released by exocytosis. The synaptic effects are terminated by its reuptake by a dopamine transporter located in the presynaptic dopaminergic terminal. Once inside the terminal, dopamine is metabolized by COMT and MAO to its final metabolite, homovanillic acid. Functions of dopamine 1. Dopamine is important for motor control. Dopaminergic inputs from the substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmentum area to the striatum provide a reward signal to the basal ganglia that initiate a specific motor act at the expense of all other motor acts. 2. Its input from ventral tegmental area to the frontal lobe is important for attention. 3. It is also important for endocrine function. The hypothalamic dopamine influence on the anterior pituitary inhibits the secretion of prolactin. 4. Dopaminergic neurons in the medulla are involved in the mechanism of vomiting. Noradrenergic, Serotonergic and Histaminergic Systems • Norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine are the neurotransmitters of the diffuse projection systems in the brain. Diffuse projection system consists of neurons located in the restricted regions of the brainstem or hypothalamus whose axons provide collaterals to widespread regions of the CNS. Serotonin (5HT) • 5HT is found in high concentrations in enterochromaffin cells throughout the GI tract, platelets, and broadly throughout the CNS. • There are 14 5-HT receptors. All of these receptors are G-protein coupled receptors except 5-HT3 which is ligand gated receptor. Noradrenergic, Serotonergic and Histaminergic Systems • The main source of noradrenergic innervations in the CNS is the locus ceruleus located in the dorsal portion of the pons. Neurons in this nucleus project to the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, and sensory and motor nuclei. The lateral tegmental system consists of neurons containing norepinephrine or epinephrine that are located mainly in the reticular formation of the ventrolateral medulla and innervate the hypothalamus and autonomic nuclei of the brainstem and spinal cord. In the periphery, norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter of sympathetic ganglia that innervate all effector organs except the sweat gland. Noradrenergic, Serotonergic and Histaminergic Systems • Serotonin (5 hydroxytryptamine HT) is the neurotransmitter of neurons in the raphe nuclei located in the midline along the brainstem. They send ascending and descending projections diffusely throughout the CNS
• Histamine neurons are located in the tuberomammillary
nucleus of the hypothalamus and their axons innervate all areas of the CNS. Biosynthesis, reuptake, and metabolism of NE, E, and histamine • Synthesis of NE is the same as dopamine. In noradrenergic neurons, dopamine is transformed into NE by dopamine B-hydroxylase present in the synaptic vesicle. In some neurons in the lateral tegmental area and adrenal medulla, NE is transformed into epinephrine by phenylalanine N-methyltransferase. • Serotonin is synthesized from L-tryptophan by tryptophan hydroxylase followed by decarboxylation by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase. • Histamine is synthesized from histidine by histidine decarboxylase. Biosynthesis, reuptake, and metabolism of NE, E, and histamine • NE, serotonin and histamine are incorporated into synaptic vesicles by a vesicular monoamine transporter. After release, they undergo presynaptic reuptake by monoamine transporter except histamine.
• NE and serotonin are metabolized by monoamine oxidases and
histamine by methyltransferases. The metabolite of NE in the CNS is 3-methoxy 4-hydroxyphenylglycol, serotonin is 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, and histamine is methylimidazoleacetic acid. NE, E, and Histamine Receptor Mechanism • The synaptic effects of NE, serotonin and histamine are complex and mediated by different types of receptors. • NE acts on alpha1, alpha2 and beta receptors including beta1 and beta2. • Serotonin acts on 5HT1 to 5HT7. • Histamine acts on H1, H2, H3. • Except for 5HT3 receptors which are ligand gated ion channel, all monoaminergic receptors are G protein coupled receptors that have complex presynaptic and postsynaptic effects. • alpha1, 5HT2, H1 receptors increase neuronal excitability. • alpha2, 5HT1, H3 receptors elicit presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibition. • Beta, 5HT4, H2 receptors activate adenyl cyclase and several cAMP dependent phosphorylation cascades. Functions of the Monoaminergic systems • Through widespread projections and complex receptor mechanisms, monoaminergic systems modulate the activity of neuronal groups distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord. They are involved in arousal, attention, and response to stress including control of autonomic, and hypothalamic functions, pain suppression and motor responses. They are active during wakefulness and inactive during sleep. • In the locus ceruleus, NE are activated in response to potentially challenging environmental stimuli. • In the periphery, NE is released from sympathetic terminals and elicits effects like vasoconstriction (alpha1), stimulation of heart (beta1), relaxation of visceral smooth muscle (Beta2). Neuropeptide Systems • Neuropeptides are abundant in the central and peripheral nervous systems. In the CNS, the highest concentration is in the hypothalamus followed by the amygdala, autonomic nuclei, and the pain-modulating circuits of the brainstem and spinal cord. Thus, they are important in the consciousness and internal regulation systems. Examples of neuropeptides include corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP), substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), opioid peptides (including enkephalins, endorphins, dysmorphins) and hypocretins (also called orexins). Neuropeptide Systems • Central peptidergic neurons are organized into 2 main systems : 1. diffuse projection systems arising from the hypothalamus, amygdala, and brainstem 2. local or short projection neurons located throughout the CNS • Neuropeptides frequently coexist with other neurotransmitters including other neuropeptides, Ach, monoamines or GABA. Biosynthesis, release and processing of neuropeptides • Neuropeptides form several families. Members of each family have common gene precursors, structural homologies and functional similarities. Unlike other neurotransmitters, neuropeptides are not synthesized in nerve terminals but in the cell bodies from messenger RNA. They undergo posttranslational modification within ER and Golgi apparatus and are transported in large vesicles to the synaptic terminal by fast anterograde axonal transport. Biosynthesis, release and processing of neuropeptides • The release of neuropeptide is not restricted to presynaptic active zones but occurs at voltage-gated Ca++ channels distributed throughout the presynaptic terminal. In neurons that contain both monoamines and neuropeptides, continuous low frequency firing releases the monoamines and high frequency burst firing releases the neuropeptides. Neuropeptides do not undergo presynaptic reuptake. Their action is terminated by hydrolysis by extracellular peptidases. Neuropeptide Receptor Mechanisms • Neuropeptides act mainly as synaptic modulators and have potent presynaptic and postsynaptic effects of slow onset and long duration. These effects are mediated by G protein-coupled receptors. • CRH, VIP and CGRP activate adenylcyclase. • Substance P and hypocretins inhibit K+ channels and increase neuronal excitability. • Opioids activate K+ channels, reducing neuronal excitability, and inhibit presynaptic Ca++ channels, reducing neurotransmitter release. • These prolonged modulatory effects occur not only at postsynaptic sites but also in paracrine fashion by volume transmission. Neuropeptides may act at a distance from the site of release and thus affect neighboring neurons, glial cells and blood vessels. Some hypothalamic neuropeptides are released into the bloodstream (neuroendocrine effect). Neuropeptides not only have neuromodulatory effect but also trophic and vasomotor effects. Ex. VIP, CGRP, and substance P produce vasodilatation. AVP and NPY cause vasoconstriction. Functions of Neuropeptides • Neuropeptides exert a potent effect on endocrine, autonomic, sensory, motor and behavioral functions in many cases by interacting with other neurotransmitter systems. Many neuropeptides are critical for specific homeostatic functions. Ex. - CRH for stress - AVP for fluid homeostasis - Hypocretin for control of the sleep-cycle and food intake. - Substance P and CGRP are neurotransmitters in nociceptive afferents. - NPY participates in sympathetic neurotransmission and VIP in parasympathetic. Other Neurochemical Messengers • Purines : The purines, ATP and adenosine may act both as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
• ATP acts through P2 – purinoreceptors and has important
functions in the nociceptive and autonomic systems. It is also important in communication between astrocytes.
• Adenosine acts through P1 or adenosine receptors. It inhibits
the presynaptic release of other neurotransmitters and produces vasodilatation. Other Neurochemical Messengers • Nitric Oxide is an important intercellular messenger synthesized from arginine by nitric oxide synthase. Constitutive forms of the enzyme are present in neurons and endothelial cells and are activated by an increase in intracellular Ca++ in response to activation of glutamate and other neurotransmitter receptors. The inducible form is present in macrophages and mononuclear cells and is activated during inflammation. Other Neurochemical Messengers • Nitric oxide rapidly crosses membranes and reacts with the iron contained in the heme molecule and in several key enzymes including those in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Nitric oxide is an important synaptic modulator in the central and autonomic nervous systems. They regulate neuronal excitability and promote vasodilatation. Nitric oxide is also said to be involved as a mediator of retrograde transmission in the regulatory mechanism of presynaptic terminal release of neurotransmission. References • 1. Mayo Clinic Medical Neurosciences by Bernaroch, Daube, Flemming, and Westmoreland, 5th ed. • 2. Fundamental Neurosciences for Basic and Clinical Applications by Duane E. Haines, 4th ed. • 3. Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology, Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Application, 4th ed.