Membrane Potentials

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Membrane Potentials

Faculty of Dentistry
Nervous System

Assoc. Prof. Güvem GÜMÜŞ AKAY

Ankara University School of Medicine

Department of Physiology
Lecture outline
• Resting membrane potential
• Ionic basis of resting membrane potential
• Equilibrium potentials
• Nernst equation
• Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation
• Graded potentials
• Action potentials
• There is an electrical potential difference between the two sides of
the membrane in all body cells: Membrane Potential
• Some cells (excitable cells) such as nerve and muscle cells can rapidly
and transiently change their membrane potential and generate
electrochemical impulses.
Intracellular and extracellular ion
concentrations in a typical mammalian cell
Resting Membrane Potentials
The phospholipid membrane and membrane proteins
The Movement of Ions

Ionic movements through channels are influenced by two factors:

Diffusion and Electricity.

The movement of ions across the membrane by diffusion, therefore, happens when
 The membrane has channels permeable to the ions
 There is a concentration gradient across the membrane.
• The movement of electrical charge is called
electrical current (I)
• Two important factors determine how much
current will flow:
• Electrical potential (voltage, V)
 is the force exerted on a charged particle
 reflects the difference in charge between the anode
and the cathode.
• Electrical conductance (g, Siemens)
 is the relative ability of an electrical charge to
migrate from one point to another
 depends on the number of ions or electrons available
to carry electrical charge, and the ease with which these
charged particles can travel through space
• Electrical resistance is simply
the inverse of conductance
• The relative inability of an
electrical charge to migrate.
• It is represented by the symbol R
and measured in units called
ohms (Ω).

Ohm’s law

I= g.V

Driving an ion across the
membrane electrically requires:
Channel proteins permeable
to that ion (to provide

Electrical potential difference

across the membrane
The Ionic Basis of The Resting Membrane Potential

• Membrane potential (Vm): the

voltage (i.e. electrical charge
difference) across the cell
membrane at any moment.
• Sometimes Vm is «at rest»:
Resting membrane potential
• At other times it is not (e.g. during
graded and action potential)
• Vm = - 65 mV
Equilibrium Potentials
Ionic equilibrium potential , or
simply equilibrium potential is the
electrical potential difference
that exactly balances an ionic
concentration gradient

E ion.
EK = - 80 mV.
If the concentration difference across the membrane is known
for an ion, the equilibrium potential can be calculated for that
Ions are driven across the membrane at a rate
proportional to the difference between the membrane
potential and the equilibrium potential

Ionic driving force = Vm- Eion

Relative ion permeabilities of the membrane at rest

The resting membrane potential can be If the resting permeability to K+ is

calculated using the Goldman-Hodgkin- 40 times greater than its to Na+,
Katz equation, that takes into then solving the Goldman
consideration the relative permeability equation yields:
of the membrane to different ions.
• Membrane potential depends on
the ionic concentrations on both
sides of the membrane.
• How do these concentration
gradients arise?

Ionic concentration gradients are

established by the actions of ion pumps
in the cell membrane
Resting membrane potential
• RMP is generated largely Inside of the cell becomes negative with
respect to the outside.
because of the movement of
K+ out of the cell down its
concentration gradient
through K+ leak channels.
• The plasma membrane is more
permeable to K+ in resting state
than Na+ because the membrane
has more leak channels for K than
for Na+
• Hydrated form of K+ is smaller than
hydrated form of Na+
Resting membrane potential
Inside of the cell becomes negative with
• The Na+–K+ pump contributes respect to the outside.
only indirectly to the resting
membrane potential by
maintaining, across the cell
membrane, the Na+ and K+
concentration gradients that then
produce diffusion potentials.
• The direct electrogenic contribution
of the pump (3 Na+ pumped
out of
the cell for every 2 K pumped into
the cell) is small (˜20%).
• Since the plasma membrane is
imperable to proteins so A- are
inside the membrane
Graded Potentials and Action Potentials
Stimulus change
the membrane
Two types of signals are produced
by a change in membrane potential
The membrane,
for only a moment, Graded potentials (short-distance
becomes more
permeable to Na+ signals)
than to K + Action potentials (long-distance
Cause to brief
reversal of resting
membrane potential.
The inside of the
membrane becomes
positively charged
relative to the
Basic terminology for membrane potential changes
Term Meaning

Polarization Outside and inside of a cell have a different net charge

A decrease in the potential difference between the inside and

Depolarization outside of the cell

Less negative potential

An increase in the potential difference between the inside and

Hyperpolarization outside of the cell

More negative membrane potential

Repolarization Returning of membrane potential to the resting value

Overshoot When the inside of the cell becomes positive due to the reversal
of the membrane potential polarity
What makes a cell excitable?

• Gated ion channels

• Gated channels give a cell the ability to produce electrical signals

(excitability) that can transmit information between different regions
of the membrane(excitable membranes-neuronsandmusclecells)
Voltage-gated channels
• Have sequences of charged amino acids
that make the channels reversibly change
their conformation in response to
changes in membrane potential
• At negative potential (during resting) they
stay closed
• Membrane depolarization tends to them
• Voltage-gated Na+ channels respond
faster and have inactivation gates which
blocks channel shortly after
depolarization and opens at
Graded potentials
• Changes in membrane potential that are
confined to a relatively small region of the
plasma membrane.
• Usually produced when some specific
change in the cell’s environment acts on a
specialized region of the membrane.
• Magnitude of potential varies directly with
the magnitude of the triggering event
• Are given various names related to the
location of the potential or the function
they perform
• Receptor potential
• Synaptic potential
• Pacemaker potential
Can be either depolarizing or

Magnitude is related to the

magnitude of the initiating
event (graded)

Charge is lost with the

distance because of the leak
channels (predominantly K+)
Action Potentials
Large alterations in the
membrane potential (upto100

Very rapid (1-4 msec)

Voltage-gated Na+ and voltage-

gated K+ channels are resposible
for most neuronal action potential
depolarization comes
close to but does not
reach to ENa

About 15 mV less
negative than the
resting membrane
potential(−55 mV)
Action Potential

-55 mV
-70 mV
Action potentials are all-or-none
Action potentials either occur maximally or they do not occur at all.

After passing the threshold, all the stimuli triggers same action potentials at
the same amplitude
Difference between «weak» and «strong» stimuli

• Number and patterns of action

potentials transmitted per unit
of time (frequency) differs

• The frequency of action

potentials (firing rate) depends
on the magnitude of
depolarizing current
Refractory Periods
Absolute refractory period Relative refractory period
• During the action potential a second stimulus • Coincides with the after hyperpolarization
can not produce another action potential
• A stimulus stronger than normal can produce
• Voltage-gated Na+ channels are already open action potential
or in inactive state • Fewer Na+ channels available and some of
the K+ channels are still open
Refractory Periods
Limits the number of action potentials

Helps separation of action potentials from each other

Determines direction of action potential propogation

Propagation of Action Potential

• Sequential opening and closing of

voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels
along the membrane
• An action potential initiated at one
end of an axon propagates only in
one direction; it does not turn back
on itself.
• This is because the membrane just
behind it is refractory, due to
inactivation of the sodium channels.
Velocity of Action Potential
Fiber diameter
0.5 m/sec  100 m/sec
small diameter, unmiyelinated fiber = 0.5 m/sec
Less internal resistance to local •4 sec from toe to brain
large diameter, myelinated fiber = 100 m/sec
current •0.02 sec from toe to brain

Less charge flow between
intracellular and extracellular fluid
Different types of action potentials
• Hall, J. E., & Guyton, A. C. (2016). Guyton and Hall textbook of
medical physiology. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier.
• Widmaier E.P., Raff H., Strang K.T. (2019) Vander’s Human
Physiology. Mc Graw Hill Education.
• Bear M.F., Connors B.W., Paradiso M.A. (2016) Neuroscience:
Exploring the Brain. Wolters Kluwer

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