Factsheet43 PDF
Factsheet43 PDF
Factsheet43 PDF
The genetic constitution of an organism is called the “genotype”. The “phenotype” refers to the
visible properties of an organism that are produced by the interaction of the genotype and the
environment. In this case, the A, B, O allele combination a person has is their genotype, while their
blood type is their phenotype. This table shows the different possibilities:
You can see that the A and B genes are “co-dominant”. In other words, if both an A and B allele are
inherited, both are expressed. O is a recessive allele. If an A or B gene is inherited along with the O
gene, the A or B gene determines the person’s blood type. A person is type O only if he/she inherits
two O genes.
Depending upon parental blood types, a variety of blood type combinations are possible in their
children (that do not necessarily match their own). This table shows the possible combinations:
Parent’s Blood Type & Other Parent’s Blood Type & Possible Blood Types
Possible Alleles Possible Alleles of Children
Type A: alleles are AA or AO Type A: alleles are AA or AO Type A or Type O
Type A: alleles are AA or AO Type B: alleles are BB or BO Type AB, Type A, Type B, or
Type O
Type A: alleles are AA or AO Type AB: alleles are AB Type AB, Type A, or Type B
Type A: alleles are AA or AO Type O: alleles are OO Type A or Type O
Type B: alleles are BB or BO Type B: alleles are BB or BO Type B or Type O
Type B: alleles are BB or BO Type AB: alleles are AB Type AB, Type A, Type B
Type B: alleles are BB or BO Type O: alleles are OO Type B or Type O
Type AB: alleles are AB Type AB: alleles are AB Type AB, Type A, or Type B
Type AB: alleles are AB Type O: alleles are OO Type A or Type B
Type O: alleles are OO Type O: alleles are OO Type O
The “positive” or “negative” part of a person’s blood type is determined by a separate gene, called
the Rh factor. Each of us has two copies of the gene for the Rh factor, on chromosome pair number
1. There are two versions (alleles) of the Rh factor gene: positive and negative. A person’s Rh
status is determined by which allele he/she inherits from each parent. This table shows the different
You can see that the Rh-positive gene is dominant over the Rh-negative gene. A person’s Rh type
is negative only if they inherit two Rh-negative genes.