1.2 Automatic Load Frequency Control: Department of Electrical Engineering, S.I.E.T, Dhenkanal

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1 The main objective of power system operation and control is to maintain

continuous supply of power with an acceptable quality, to all the consumers in the
system. The system will be in equilibrium, when there is a balance between the
power demand and the power generated. As the power in AC form has real and
reactive components: the real power balance; as well as the reactive power balance
is to be achieved. There are two basic control mechanisms used to achieve reactive
power balance (acceptable voltage profile) and real power balance (acceptable
frequency values). The former is called the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and
the latter is called the automatic load frequency control (ALFC) or automatic
generation control (AGC).
1.2 Automatic load frequency control
The main purpose of operating the load frequency control is to keep uniform
the frequency changes during the load changes. During the power system operation
rotor angle, frequency and active power are the main parameters to change in multi
area system a change of power in one area is met by the increase in generation in all
areas associated with a change in the tie-line power and a reduction in frequency. In
the normal operating state the power system demands of areas are satisfied at the
nominal frequency. A simple Control strategy for the normal mode is to operate in
such a way that
 Keep frequency approximately at nominal value.
 Maintain the tie-line flow at about schedule.
 Each area should absorb its own load change

Controller must be sensitive against changes in frequency and load. To analyze

the control system mathematical model must be established. There are two models
which are widely used.
1.3 PID controller
PID controllers are the most widely-used type of controller for industrial
applications. They are structurally simple and exhibit robust performance over a wide
range of operating conditions. The block diagram of a PID controller is shown in Fig.
1.1. The three main parameters involved are Proportional constants (Kp), Integral
constants (Ki) and Derivative constants (Kd) [10]. The proportional part is responsible
for maintaining the desired set-point, while the integral and derivative part account for
the accumulation of past errors and the rate of change of error in the process
The output of PID controller in time domain is given by
de( τ )
u(t )=K P e(t )+K i ∫ e(τ ). dτ +K d
0 dτ
In the above equation u(t) is the control signal and e(t) is the error signal.




Fig. 1.1 Basic block diagram of a PID controller

The transfer function of PID controller in the Laplace domain can be
represented by
TF PID=K P + +K d s
A proportional controller effects the rise time by reducing it, but it can never
eliminates the steady-state error. Too high a proportional gain can cause the system to
become unstable on the contrary a small gain produces a small output response for a
large input error, and the controller would become less responsive or less sensitive.
The short comings of the proportional controller i.e. the inability to eliminate the
steady state error can be over came by addition of an integral controller but the
transient response of the system is effected in negative manner. High value of integral
gain can make the system overshoot very high and on contrary low value of this
parameter can make the system slow or sluggish. The derivative controller improves
the stability of the system, reduces the overshoot considerably and improves the


transient response of the system. The tuning of the parameters of PID controller is
done in this project by using Differential Evolution Algorithm.
1.4 Integral Control
The integral control composed of a frequency sensor and an integrator. The

frequency sensor measures the frequency error Δf and this error signal is fed into
the integrator. The input to the integrator is called the Area Control Error (ACE). The
ACE is the change in area frequency, which when used in an integral-control loop,
forces the s steady-state frequency error to zero. The integrator produces a real-power
command signal and is u(t) given by

u(t )= K i∫ e( τ )dτ

The fig. 1.2 shows a comparison of working of a simple automatic load

frequency control (ALFC) with and without different controller i.e. PI, PD and PID.

Fig. 1.2 Comparison of terminal voltage with different type of proportional controller

1.5Cuckoo’s search

Cuckoo search (CS) is an optimization algorithm developed by Xing-she Yang

and Susah Deb in 2009. It was inspired by the obligate brood parasitism of some
cuckoo species by laying their eggs in the nests of other host birds (of other species).
Some host birds can engage direct conflict with the intruding cuckoos. For example, if
a host bird discovers the eggs are not their own, it will either throw these alien eggs


away or simply abandon its nest and build a new nest elsewhere. Some cuckoo species
such as the New World brood-parasitic Tapera have evolved in such a way that female
parasitic cuckoos are often very specialized in the mimicry in colours and pattern of
the eggs of a few chosen host species

Cuckoo search idealized such breeding behaviour, and thus can be applied for various
optimization problems. It seems that it can outperform other met heuristic algorithms
in applications.

Cuckoo search (CS) uses the following representations:

Each egg in a nest represents a solution, and a cuckoo egg represents a new solution.
The aim is to use the new and potentially better solutions (cuckoos) to replace a not-
so-good solution in the nests. In the simplest form, each nest has one egg. The
algorithm can be extended to more complicated cases in which each nest has multiple
eggs representing a set of solutions.

CS is based on three idealized rules:

1. Each cuckoo lays one egg at a time, and dumps its egg in a randomly chosen

2. The best nests with high quality of eggs will carry over to the next generation;

3. The number of available host’s nests is fixed, and the egg laid by a cuckoo is

discovered by the host bird with a probability . Discovering

operates on some set of worst nests, and discovered solutions dumped from
farther calculations.

In addition, Yang and Deb discovered that the random-walk style search is better
performed by Levy flights rather than simple random walk.

An important advantage of this algorithm is its simplicity. In fact, comparing with

other population- or agent-based met heuristic algorithms such as particle swarm
optimization and harmony search, there is essentially only a single parameter in CS
(apart from the population size ). Therefore, it is very easy to implement.

1.6Thesis Outline
The outline of this thesis is as follows:

Chapter 2: It is a brief description of Modelling of an Automatic Load Frequency

Control (ALFC) system, its working and application in the power system.

Chapter 3: Detailed layout of the Implementation of a Cuckoo’s Search

Algorithm to analysis the performance of the ALFC system by tuning the controlled
parameters of the PI and I controller.

Chapter 4: It analyses of the results obtained for the ALFC system by tuning the PI and
I controller to determine the performance of the studied system.

Chapter 5: This chapter contains conclusion.

1.7 Summary

In this chapter, the project and the key notes are discussed which will be
described in detail in the later chapters. The Cuckoo search is used in the project thus
its successful tuning is the basic step for the success of the project. Its tuning results
are discussed in chapter 3.

The physics behind the working of an Automatic Load Frequency Control

(ALFC) system is briefly explained which have been discussed in detail in chapter 2.
Proper understanding of the PI, I controller and its parameters is the key to manipulate
its performance. For decades many different intelligent algorithm have been used and
the research in this area reveals new scope and its application capabilities has been
explored further in chapter 3. To properly understand an ALFC we need the
mathematical formulations of the blocks used and new mathematical approaches
should be developed to analyses almost any structure.




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