Effectiveness of Training and Development at RJIL.: A. Sahana & Ankita Mallick

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-2, Issue-7, 2016

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Effectiveness of Training and

Development at RJIL.
A. Sahana1 & Ankita Mallick2
Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
MBA IV Semester, Department of MBA, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India

Abstract: In today’s era of global competition 117th among the world’s top 200 companies and Jio
training and development activities in an is a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Ltd, which
organization plays an important role in helping in holds a pan-India unified license. The organization
upgrading the competencies of employees in order serves in 3 business subdivision: petrochemical,
to enhance their performance. The success or refinery and oil gas. The petrochemical subdivision
failure of an organization is directly associated to comprises production and advertisement of
the performance of their employees. Therefore it is petrochemical products. Training and development
necessary for an organization to conduct training is an attempt to improve current or future employee
programmes to receive an advantage among performance by increasing an employee’s attitude or
competitors. Along with conducting training his or her skills and knowledge.
activities, the effectiveness of the programme has to
be evaluated in order to get higher ROI since 2. Literature Review
employees are considered as the most important
asset of an organization. Under intense competition, Indian telecom sector is emerging as a second
training and development function enables human highest sector after china. There is a remarkable
capital to unleash their agility. A profound training growth in the telecom industry since past decade;
program acts as a vehicle to enhance employee the companies are fighting to win the hearts of
skills and enable them to perform better. Hence, the customers by their own way. The Indian telecom
objective of the study is to study the effectiveness of market has gained recognition as most lucrative
training and development in the organization. A markets globally; every telecom company providing
descriptive research was conducted to collect data its own way, government has taken several
from 100 respondents at RJIL, Mumbai on a initiatives for increasing the connectivity in rural
structured questionnaire. Correlation and areas, in this project the training and development of
regression analysis was used to analyse the data. a new telecom subsidiary of a renowned
The results indicate that there is a signification organization has been studied.
association between training and performance of Training and development
employees. In today’s era of global competition training and
development activities in an organization plays an
1. Introduction important role in helping in upgrading the
competencies of employees in order to enhance their
One of the major thrust in development of any performance. The success or failure of an
nation is the telecom industry and one of the fastest organization is directly associated to the
growing industries in the world is Telecom services. performance of their employees.
They are the major assisting services required for According to Khan (2011), human resources are an
growth and development of various sectors of India. important backbone of all successful organization.
Government leading agenda executed and regulated Therefore, in order to enhance the performance of
by telecomm regulatory authority of India (TRAI) their human resources organization need to invest
has provided a positive environment making the amount and effort because their performance will
sector more competitive for the service provider, have a direct impact on the organization success.
while improving the convenience of There is a need to effectively and efficiently use
telecommunication facilities at reasonable prices to available human resources for the betterment of the
the consumers. Reliance Industries ltd is company. Training is critical for the important of the
conglomerate holding organization headquartered in employees so the training should be as per the
Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is India’s largest private overall requirements.
sector organization to be included in the fortune 500 According to Topno (2012) training and
global list of world’s largest corporations and ranks development enhances knowledge and develops a

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 338

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-7, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

geared up method of achievement duties and size of 100 respondents. Statistical analysis was
allocated tasks. It helps in bridging the gap between done by using correlation and regression analysis
job condition and employee present specification. and data was interpreted using Tables and charts.
It’s an investment in employee’s constructiveness
and preservation by using for career development 6. Results and Discussion
and employees job satisfaction over the long time.
Hence, the organization needs to know whether their Objective 1: To identify the perception of
investment is being spent efficiently or not. employees regarding training methods
According to Dr.Chikati Srinu, no organization ever
gets a candidate who will completely match the job Table: 6.1
Perception of Employees
specifications and requirements. So, training
Sl. No Options Percentage
becomes vital in this case as an effort needs to be
made in helping the employees gain the requisite 1 Excellent 40
skills and learn its correct application for doing the 2 Good 51
job in a better way. Effective training contributes to
the overall development and advancement of 3 Average 06
employee’s competency. For an effective training 4 Poor 03
programme, it has to be well organized, evaluated Total 100
and monitored. Training effectiveness is enhanced
by the attitudes, expectations and commitment of
the trainees and trainers. From the Table (6.1) it can be analyzed that 51%
Devi and Phanindran (2014) revealed that employees’ perceive that the training methods used
effectiveness of training and development are ‘Good’, 40 % of the employees perceive that the
programmes improves productivity of employees training methods used are ‘Excellent’ whereas 6%
thereby helping the organization achieve their of the employees perceive that the training methods
strategic objectives. Talwar and Sharma (2014) in used are ‘Average’ and 3% of the employees
their study on identifying the training and perceive that the training methods used are ‘Poor’.
development practices adopted in BSNL indicated
that training improves the performance of
employees on the present job and prepares them for Objective 2: To analyze the current training
taking up new assignments in the future. methods used in Reliance Jio Infocomm ltd.

3. Objectives of the study Table: 6.2

Current training methods
Sl. No Options Percentage
The objectives of the study are:
1 Classroom 30
 To identify the perception of the employees 2 Learning 15
regarding training methods Management
 To analyze the current training methods used 3 On-the-job 55
in Reliance Jio Infocomm ltd. (RJIL). Total 100
 To study the effectiveness of the training
progress and its resultant in the performance of From the above table (6.2) it can be analyzed that 55
the employee % of the employee say on- the-job method is used
for training, 30% of the employee opine classroom
4. Hypothesis method is used whereas, 15% of the employees say
learning management method is being used.
H01: There is no significant relationship between
training and performance of employees. Objectives 3: To study the effectiveness of the
training progress and its resultant in the performance
of the employee
5. Methodology
Table: 6.3
The research carried out for the purpose of this Is training beneficial
study is descriptive in nature. The sampling unit of Sl. No Options Percentage
this study consists of employees of Reliance Jio 1 Strongly agree 30
located at Reliance Corporate Park (RCP) National 2 Agree 40
Headquarters, Mumbai. The primary data was 3 Disagree 15
4 Strongly 15
collected through survey method using disagree
questionnaire. Non – probability convenience Total 100
sampling was used for data collection from a sample

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 339

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-7, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

From the above table (6.3) we can analyze that 40%

of the employees agreed that training imparted to
them are beneficial; 30% of employees strongly =
agree while 15% of employees disagree and 15% of
the employees strongly disagree that training is =
beneficiary to them.
= 0.988
Table: 6.4
Opportunity to implement skills
Sl. No Options Percentage The calculated correlation coefficient r = 0.988
1 Strongly agree 40 indicates that there is strong positive correlation
2 Agree 52 between training and performance of employees.
3 Disagree 6 Further to this, regression analysis was used to study
4 Strongly 2 the impact of training on performance of employees.
Total 100 Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.98799738
From the above table (6.4) it be can analyzed that R Square 0.97613883
52% employees agree that company provides Adjusted R Square 0.96420824
opportunity to implement skills learnt at training; Standard Error 4.69041576
40% employee strongly agree while 6% employees Observations 4
disagree and 2% of employees strongly disagree that
company provide opportunity for them to implement
the skills learnt. Evaluating the fitness of the model using regression
H01: There is no significant relationship between Multiple R = This is the Pearson’s correlation
training and performance of employees. 0.987 coefficient. The closer the value is to
1 the more linear the data is (i.e)
To observe the impact of training on performance of Training provides opportunity to
employees, correlation and regression analysis was implement skills at job to improve
used to understand the relationship between performance
dependent and independent factors. Coefficient of R square = This is the co-efficient of
correlation (r) is used to measure the statistical 0.0976 determination. It measures the
correlation and its values lie between +1 & -1 variation of x that can be explained by
the linear relationship between training
indicating the strength of the relationship. When
and performance.
r > 0 or r < 0, it indicates positive and negative
relationship respectively. When r = 0, it indicates
that the variables are not at all dependent on each
other. If r = +1.0 it means a perfect positive
df SS MS F Significance
correlation and r = -1.0 means perfect negative F
correlation. The strength of correlation is more Regression 1 1800 1800 81.81818 0.012003
when the coefficients are closer to either +1 or -1. Residual 2 44 22
Total 3 1844
Table: 6.5
Correlation Linear Regression Analysis
Remarks X Y XY X2 Y2 The general Linear regression Formula:
Stroongly 30 40 1200 900 1600
agree y = b0+ b1x
Agree 40 52 2080 1600 2704 (i.e.) Dependent variable = intercept + slope *
Disagree 15 6 90 225 36 independent variable
Strongly 15 2 30 225 4 Therefore, in this analysis y = 25 + 2 x
total 100 100 3400 2950 4344
Evaluating the Fitness of the Model using
Confidence Level
A confident interval for the slope of the regression
line can be used to determine how accurately the
model fits. In the regression output (Table 6.6) with
n-2 degree of freedom the lower end point is given

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 340

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-7, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

as 1.04 and the upper endpoint is 2.95 (i.e.) for development has been found as an effective way of
95% confidence level, an increase in performance is increase in productivity level of employees which
due to point increase in training between 1.04 and facilitate the organization in return of investment.
2.95. In other words 1.04 ≤β1≤2.95 does not contain
0; it is an indication that there is a linear relationship 8. References
between training and performance at
0.05significance level.
1. Khan, Raja Abdul Ghafoor (2011) “Impact of training
Coefficients t P- Lower Upper and development organizational performance”,
Stat value 95% 95% volume 11 issue7, print ISSN: 0975-5853, versions1.0
Intercept 25 -4.1635 0.05313 -50.8358 0.835828 July 2011.
X 2 9.04534 0.01200 1.048648 2.951352 2. Topno Harshit “Evaluation of training and
Variable 1 development, IOSR journal of business and
management (IOSR-JBM) ISSN: 2278-487X. Volume
5, issue 2(sept-oct.2012), PP 16-22.
Evaluating the Fitness of the Model Using 3. Devi, Rama V and Phanindra R. “Employees’
Perception of Effectiveness of Training and
Hypothesis Testing Development in Private Sector Banks”, Advances In
The scheme to test whether there is a linear Management, Vol. 7(4) April (2014), Pp 16- 20.
Talwar, Ekta and Sharma, Neha (2014), A Study of
relationship existing between training and
Training and Development Practices Adopted by
performance of employees. It there is no BSNL, IJSR - International Journal of Scientific
relationship b = 0, if there is a relationship then b ≠ Research, 3 (9), September 2014. Pp 229 – 232.3 | 9 |
0. September 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179
H0: β = 0
H1: β ≠ 0

Using t-test where α = 0.05and with n-2 degree of

freedom the critical value are 2.06 and -2.06
The t-test statistic = 2.95

Since 2.95 > 2.06, H0 is rejected and it is concluded

that there is a linear relationship between training
and performance. The strength of the relationship
can be analyzed using correlation co-efficient and
coefficient of determination.

Another simple method to test hypothesis is by

using the P-value method. It can be observed from
the table (6.6) that P- value = 0.012 < α (0.05).

Therefore H0 is rejected and concluded that there is

a significant linear relationship between training and

7. Conclusion
The research conducted indicated that there is a
positive relationship between training and
performance. The involvement of employees in
finding out training needs can help the organization
set a clear link between employees current skill set
as well required skill set which will bridge this gap.
Organization can have a face to face conversation
with the employees to bridge the gap between what
is performed and what is expected. Making training
and development a part of the organization strategy
with full-fledged competent professionals and
training policy are clear indicators of importance
being given in the work place. Training and

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 341

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