Ra 1425
Ra 1425
Ra 1425
According to Sen. Claro M. Recto, the author “...belong to the past and it would be harmful to
of the original version of Senate Bill No. 438, read them because they presented a false
the study of the great works of our foremost picture of conditions in the country at that time.
national hero is an inherent love for the Noli Me Tangere is an attack on the clergy and
country. its object was to put to ridicule the Catholic
faith. The novel was not really patriotic
He said, “...the reading of Rizal’s novels would because out of 333 pages, only 25 contained
strengthen the Filipinism of the youth and patriotic passages while 120 were devoted to
foster patriotism”. anti-Catholic attack.”
With this purpose, he pushed for the THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, THOUGH,
compulsory study of the life, works and writings HONORED RIZAL WITH THE FOLLOWING
of Dr. Jose Rizal among the students of STATEMENTS:
schools, colleges and universities, public or
private. “Among the many illustrious Filipinos who have
distinguished themselves in the service of their
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ON THE RIZAL country, the highest place of honor belongs to
BILLS Dr. Rizal. And justly so, for Dr. Rizal
possessed to an eminent degree those virtues
The Catholic Church was the major institution which together make up true patriotism.”
to express its vigorous objection on the
passage of a law that would make Rizal’s Noli
and El Fili as compulsory reading matters in all
schools, colleges and universities in the
21, 1956, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PAID Catholic Church
HOMAGE TO RIZAL'S Catholic Action of the Philippines
Catholic Teachers Guild
“He [Rizal] loved his country not in words alone Other Catholic Organizations
but in deed. He devoted his time, his energies
and the resources of his brilliant mind to THE SPONSORSHIP OF SENATE BILL NO.
dispelling [sic] the 438
ignorance and apathy of his people, and On April 17, 1956, Senator Jose P. Laurel
combating [sic] the injustices and inequalities presented S.B. No. 438 with the title “An Act to
under which they labored. When his salutatory Make Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
activities fell under the suspicion of the colonial Compulsory Reading Matters in All Public and
government and he was condemned to death Private Schools, Colleges and Universities and
as a rebel, he generously offered his blood for for Other Purposes”
the welfare of his country.”
He likewise stated, “that Catholics had the right WHAT WAS THE REAL ISSUE IN THE
to refuse to read them as it would ‘endanger ARGUMENTS EXPRESSED ON THE
their salvation’.” PASSAGE OF THE BILLS?
THE DEBATE ON H.B. NO. 5561 WAS SO “...It was the use of “compulsion” in the
INTENSE THAT... attainment of the objectives of bills.
Rep. Emilio Cortez of Pampanga) and Rep.
Ramon Durano of Cebu, both from the Interesting to note, however , that
Nationalista Party engaged in a fistfight on May nobody among those who opposed the
10, 1956 as the debate on House passage of the bills desecrated the
image of Jose Rizal—neither that there
was one who said that he did not people, for nationalism flowers... in the hearts
deserve to be called as our national of the people.... I appeal to you. Let us vote
hero. unanimously... as an example to our people. I
have every reason to believe that the people
listening to us all over the country will unite as
To resolve the issues, amendments of
the bills were respectively proposed in we do when we vote as one in this bill. Let us
both houses of Congress. not think of which side will win; let us just think
The word “compulsory” was deleted and that with this bill, the Filipino people will win
replaced with the phrase “to include”. because they will continue to remain whole
It met strict scrutiny from those who and cohesive. Within these walls, this
opposed the original versions. substitute bill represents the victory of reason
Soon, it was approved and became a and wisdom; outside these halls, it means the
triumph of a united Filipino people.”